Albo attacks EZFKA for singlehandedly sinking the Voice Referendum

By now you’ve probably seen this unhinged rant from the EZFKA PM:

I’ve never actually seen Albo that unhinged, but pretty hilarious seeing him drop red pills about Jewish interference in Australian politics.

Note that Albo didn’t actually refute the meme or anything that it was referring to (because it’s all true and provable). It unfortunately wasn’t even our meme, someone sent it to us and we thought it was a banger and decided to post it, there are several better versions floating around the interwebs.

So there you go, Mark Leibler and co are angry that a shitposting Twitter account of an obscure finance/housing/satire blog that has less than 2000 followers singlehandedly sunk the $400 million Voice Referendum.

A Reusa hat tip to all involved.

Coming back to our senses, the reality is the Voice sunk itself and the Misinformation Bill was introduced months ago at the behest of our illustrious WEF “e-safety commissioner” Julie Inman Grant. Internet censorship is a longtime global agenda and nothing new, this is just the local version of it.

They’re just in the scapegoating/excuse phase of the problem-reaction-solution cycle that’s their standard MO and they’ve chosen a Twitter account to be that excuse, predictable.

TL;DR number of times EZFKA mentioned in federal parliament question time:


MB 0

DLS punching the air right now.

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A Fly In Your Ointment

Who’s DLS?


A good example of someone with a hyphenated surname.


Genuine question: Has DLS completely lost the plot?
These day’s I tend to avoid MB unless I’m following a Twitter or other link ,but I happened to spend some time on MB yesterday and ….well that’s a couple hours of my life I’m never getting back. It’s a complete waste of spece, same old shit repackaged day in day out.
Try to follow DLS’s logic on the Aussie dollar, it’s like watching a yoyo competition, up, down, sideways with spin and then we walk the dog.


Sounds like I remember it


they post for the sake of posting articles every day, the logic isnt relevant they just need to pump out those articles for the revenue and SEO


The thing that drove me away from MB, after subscribing for over a decade, was dennis. That bloke is an aggressive, abusive, unhinged lunatic. And the other fools sucking him off every day aren’t much better.

The fact that I prefer to hang around here, which isnt exactly a haven of peace, love and tranquillity, demonstrates how toxic and stupid the MB comments section has become.


And it’s full of the people they didn’t ban…


Yep I hear what you’re saying about the fanbois
Please F’me, and F’me hard Master. It’s like a cheap BSDM tale, no storyline but lots of pain.


I think DLS lost the plot a long time ago.


how much is Putin paying you

or is it the piss tapes


The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Yeah Voice wasn’t about land and money or nuffin.

>And he said mining royalties should also be on the table.


There is no requirement for the NSW government to “negotiate” a treaty. The people they are talking to have zero authority. There is no evidence that they are able to command enough loyalty or organisation to launch a terrorism campaign, let alone a Guerilla war. The Aboriginals have nothing to offer except forgiveness, but with that being their only card they will never give it. The “treaty” is like every other piece of leftist bullshit – another Potemkin village – a show of strength that is really a show of weakness. In this case it’s a show to anyone who wants our land and our labour. It’s there for the taking


The Aboriginals have nothing to offer except forgiveness, but with that being their only card they will never give it.

wow never thought about it but you’re right


“And he said mining royalties should also be on the table.
“We want royalties of course, if we agree with any type of mining or gas, there’s got to be royalties and they have to go to those nations where they’re getting it from, not to every Aboriginal person.”

So if you’re a poor abo, and the tribe next door is sitting on valuable mineral or gas deposits, well, fuck you.

That’s an absolute cracker, and shows conclusively how united the so-,called first nations fuckheads are. Gibsme de money, and fuck the other blackfellas, eh bro?

I used to work with a pale skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed “proud indigenous woman”. Her “mob” was from Kempsey, and she readily admitted she’d never been there in her life. But if rich Mineral deposits are discovered in Kempsey, well, I’m pretty sure she’ll have her hand out.


> go to those nations
So they call their tribes “nations”. I didn’t understand that bit now I do. Lol.


Is there a reason everything I post disapears?
should I take the hint? sorry but sometimes I’m a little slow


HAs it got a heap of links?

the arborist

Your posts might temporarily be going into moderation because you’re a lowly peasant guest.

A fly in your ointment

Is there a reason everything I post disapears?

it’s the optimisation of hosting traffic.
if you cashe says you were here recently it will just tell your browser it has nothing new for you.
if you click on the padlock near the address and clear cookies it may update the page.
New VPN address does the trick for me.
Hour browser has become not yours but an extended arm of codes and Java as programmed by the hosting platform


Yep this seems to be the issue


Looks like I have some sort of Cache issue
when I post I see the post appear but it disapears when I reload the page


I get that. So I dont treat it as fast moving forum. I come back every hour or three.

Gruppenführer Mark

And reddit account of ezfka has been banned 😀


Hasn’ t reddit imploded yet


Reddit is legacy shit and only lame-brained dimwits go there. EZFKA is the platform of the future.

A fly in your ointment

to para-quote Stagmal,

reddit is gay

A fly in your ointment

forgot to say, Telegram is for real men, toxic types, masculine, muscular and good fathers at the same time.


imagine paying this much for a dubbo house


It just shows the power of zoning restrictions.


and mass immigration

Ironic Boomer

You just want to live too close to the city. Just bro, bro.


That’s how much it costs to build a house



0 profit industry then i guess


this is what happens when you have a nation full of bludgers

everything costs a lot

here we have a guy, stagmal, who contributes absolutely nothing
but somehow expects to be housed

everybody else needs to pick up the slack

multiply that by all the other LDAR, abos, housos, retired boomers

this is the consequence of a welfare state

Last edited 11 months ago by Coming

are you sure youre not 75 years old yourself

pathological boomer obsession with ‘bludgers’


this is a new one

‘bludgers’ (generally not the kinds of people who are buying houses) are now driving real estate prices

the level of discourse at this site is going in strange and exciting places


logically, why do we need these useless mouths

just think about it

imagine the contempt you have for abos and migrants
now strip muh race muh legacy from it

why are useless whites any more necessary or justified


why are you


I work for every dollar I make
exchange my time and labor for money

am I relatively overpaid? Maybe

I can at least recognise the possibility

you and this website need a reality check on the other hand


Bloke just told you that house prices in Dubbo are less than build costs

yet somehow it’s all because of muh immigration muh zoning muh land prices


and what numbers was be basing that totally not throwaway post on lol

but yes i am sure that these builders are literally selling these houses for $0 profit because the price they are selling it is exactly equal to the price of building it

greatest business minds of our time


Yes this is a failure of capitalism because there is the tradie union preventing competition


macro has cited repeatedly that the land price component of australian housing has been the single biggest factor in real estate appreciation since like 1981

the improvement cost component has not budged very much at all w inflation

i have seen the graph probably like 15 times now

its very obviously mostly land price appreciation as a result of out of whack demand – supply equillibrium

driven by all the things we (including you) know about


And in Dubbo ?


Dubbo has the same supply restrictions on land as everywhere else. Artificial ones created through zoning.

Almost everywhere anyway

Agent 47

Bludgers is a boomer/early gen x phrase.

the arborist

So what phrase do the younger, cooler people use to describe parasitic citizens?



the arborist

So which one are you? Are you a productive member of society or are you a landlord?


im a bludger

who are you?

the arborist

I’m a productive member of society who works and supports other people.


Cheif Executive Officers
Members of Parliament
Real Estate Agents
Social Media Influencers
Fact checkers
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officers
Human Resources, all of the cunts

The list goes on almost forever.


forgot one big one

vice chancellors


So if you can’t beat ‘em join em?

useless legacy bludger unit


dont need to share your life plans here with me


This country is a competition of who can be the biggest rent seekers/bludgers. No doubt one of the main reasons the political discourse is so toxic.


There’s a lot of hypocrisy here

white grifting is ok because muh Anzac muh british muh legacy

but migrant or abo grifting isn’t


youre the one who is always complaining about grifting

caring about migrants being allegedly on welfare is an old conservative bugbear

i dont think ive ever heard it once here

if anything it would be better if they were bc it would mean they’d be less cashed up


Lol revisionist bullshit now



i even went on the record earlier to tell you i didnt really care whether the voice won or lost

the overall effects of it would have been negligible eitherway regardless of the (mostly partisan driven) wailing from the no camp, even if it was obviously a dumb idea

id trade the voice to parliament for a migration cut of 75% any day, only people who wouldnt are the i’ve got mine 75 year old boomer mushheads who really thought it would “divide the nation”‘ or whatever talking point that got drilled into them by andrew bolt or whoever the fuck


You can’t claim any working class cache without actually working


did i ever


You seem to think you deserve some say in how society is run without ever contributing anything to said society


sounds like politician is the perfect career for me


I probably actually blame white grifters the most. Probably comes from the “do you what you enjoy” we were told. Fuck that, do what needs to be done (and what you enjoy within reason).


Started with Gough Whitlam and the boomers


what if you dont enjoy anything


I think you’ll get some satisfaction out of pretty much anything once you become good at it or good enough to keep a job.

I don’t really have a big interest in anything either, I just like a bit of this and that.


If you don’t enjoy anything , then have a family and provide for them you fucking spastic loser


if anything that would make me even less likely to do the latter lmfao


Rope tbh


would rather pull myself off and play vidya


I can get any curry to do that

at least do the dignified Anglo thing and end it




He’s probably First Fleet Royalty, in which case you can go suck a dick, ching chong


New house will obviously cost more than a median house which includes rotting shitboxes in the dataset


yes, but doesnt change the fact that underlying land (location) is going to be more significant than the improvement cost most of the time


It seems the blown up hospital was not blown up at all.
*Pikachu face*

A fly in your ointment

an “explainer” from no less than NYT?

mate, that’s one step lower than BellingCat.


The video of the actual site shows it was a carpark that got hit, not the hospital. And the embedded footage of the strike, if actually it, has clear noise of rocket motor leading to impact and explosion, so it was clearly not a bomb dropped on the site.. A rocket is most likely from the palestinians.

Unless you have some actual footage to refute with?

A fly in your ointment

To refute NYT?
It’s like refuting the 40 beheaded babies or 2500 killed ravegoers no one have seen dead, as yet.

What I’m trying to say that even the veracity of YoUR claim may or may not be there, juxtaposition of anything to NYT makes that anything false by a default.
It will be long time before we find out the truth, if ever. Experience tells us that not trusting the info from one particular side in this conflict was giving a lesser chance of erring.


It’s like refuting the 40 beheaded babies or 2500 killed ravegoers no one have seen dead

It is because the Palestinians burned the bodies – even though they desperately needed the oil to keep their generators going to power their hospitals and enormous war machine, they diverted what little supply of oil they had available to destroy all the evidence of those dead ravers.


I see what you’ve done there.

A fly in your ointment

here’s Ch4 from UK, where even their usual starting bias was just not enough to swallow the hook, sink and the line of msm reporting

at best, this should serve yo make one not trust any source.
I have seen 1000s of images of children in Gaza being slaughtered but majority does not pass the basic veracity test. Like the conclusion of this video, if any evidence is manipulated it becomes invalidated the same moment.
So far we’ve seen sfa unadulterated evidence coming from one side, plenty of false evidence. Chose your side accordingly in each individual case.

Agent 47

That explains the condition of some of my packages…


are those contractors


Fuck me dead. I make knives, and I ordered a new blade holding jig off ebay. It arrived feom Hellbourne today, completely buggered due to impact damage in transit.. This a gadget made out of 6 mm aluminium plate and steel bolts. 🙄

Ironic Boomer

They’re just paying off their mortgage on a house in Dubbo. Just lifter battlers contributing to ezfka.


Only the first Boomer the Yes campaign has taken out

More will follow from elevated blood pressure


From the sounds of it he was there to clear the self indulgent “Yes” campaign’s graffiti from a local monument and tourist attraction.

Boomer or not the loss of someone whose prepared to sacrifice his time to keep our communities tidy and clean up local eyesores always leaves us diminished:

No man is an island entire of itself; every man 

is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; 

if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe 

is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as 

well as any manner of thy friends or of thine 

own were; any man’s death diminishes me, 

because I am involved in mankind. 

And therefore never send to know for whom 

the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. 

  • John Donne

Great sent sentiments, but I wonder if it can still truly be said nowadays? Part of what we have lost and in the process of losing what remains is that sense of identity, being part of the main, when in fact we are now increasingly Islands or atomised consumer units.

the arborist

The Sudanese, all named Gok and Dut and Kok etc are all as ugly as their stupid names. They only get modelling gigs because of self hating virtue signalling.


That sudanese fellow has a bit of get up and go doesn’t he? perfect for our post Australian wasteland.


I reckon being anywhere near Alice Springs is punishment enough.

Dr Toast

You need to go to the Sky News comment section not here




He’s a legit spastic

this is our prime minister

a houso retard


Well fuck me. He really is retarded. That’s absurd.


Guess his family couldn’t afford one of those pencil grip things for kids.

Maybe the NDIS will fund one or him now.


I bet he has a cork on his fork at expensive dinning functions too.

Aussie Soy Boy

I said it last week on here, he’s aged 5 years in the last month. He looks like a 65 year old special needs preschooler.


he always looked way older than what he is, in his earlier pics

its his terrible hairline position to a great extent


Reminds me of mr garrison somehow

Ironic Boomer

Can’t stop seeing this in my head and laughing. It explains a lot.


I’m at a gig with Harold’s band. It’s funny to finally meet a bloke you’ve known and conversed with for over decade without actually seeing him.


At least you won’t have to worry about making small talk and can probably safely launch straight away into the big topics like immigration, COVID, the Pansy PM, the ‘Voice’, and the evils of Feminazis & all things progressive, without fear of setting off a landmine.


Nah. We talked about music, guitars and pedals. Sometimes it’s good to get away from reality.


this is pretty amasing house prices have never fallen by more than 7.7% total before rising higher again

Love to see the comments too

Dr Toast

Nothing amusing about that


housing equity bludgers

A fly in your ointment

in Zimbabwe they had houses worh 1000’s of trillion dollars.
not one house price went down, not even 1% let alone 7%.

when everything goes up in price by 20-30%, everything, and yet house prices remain hovering. .. yeah, I thought so….

Aussie Soy Boy

The productive white farmers were murdered or chased out of the country.

Aussie Soy Boy

Why would housing collapse when people get paid $100k minimum to send emails or do basic labouring? Not to mention the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years and negative real interest rates.

For the price of a new car someone can put a deposit on their own property in an affordable area, never rent again, protects your capital against high inflation, if rates are low it’s almost certainly going to explode in value.


Yes I agree

and also when it’s not economic to borrow money to build new stock


Here is one of the epicenters of white hate in Australia, TheGuardian trying to blame the mutual loathing between Palestinians and Jews, the very essence of the diversity they’ve always called for, back on to “Australians”… as though legacy Australians have anything to do with this imported problem and their mutual racism and hatred for each other.

Slurs and insults hurled in the streets and alleged assaults leave Jewish and Arab communities nervous and in fear

Capture - Copy (16).JPG
Agent 47

10/10 meme

Agent 47

Sums it up

Agent 47

The infamous ‘masturbating machine’ Holocaust survivor propaganda came from an EZFKA Jew. Whatever it takes to get on the property ladder.


this is a pretty good sub

its amazing how much of a mirror image canada and australia are

they even have the same demographic makeup nearly to the exact degree


They were similar a year or so ago. Canada has since banned foreign purchases, tightened AML into property, about to cap international student numbers, and considering banning AirBnb.

Australia’s solution is lying to us about how good life is with cheap energy and higher wages, and simultaneously introducing a disinformation bill.


canada is generally cheaper than australia too

therer are big cities there with respectable median multiples like edmonton

no city in aus is remotely “affordable” (though this is a term i hate) anymore


Yeah you’re right why is that

probably built a hundred times better too since they have to withstand winters

Not like they don’t have their fair share of pajeets too


im not sure tbh

maybe no one wants to live there

adelaide > edmonton prob


Lmao banned in 3,2,1 …

What are some good resources to learn indian culture/language as a Canadian?

Looking to get a headstart on adapting to the new Canadian culture and (soon to be) official language. It will also help me attain housing as speaking hindi etc. is required now to get an apartment in my city. Already looking into converting to hinduism and stopped eating meat, anyone have any additional resources?

Legacy Canadians are very nice people culturally compared with Australian bogan trash

trusting , gentle, reserved

compared with

suspicious , aggressive, loud

so they are extra susceptible

but Australian disagreeableness didn’t seem to make any difference since both Canadians and Australians happily accepted the great replacement

A fly in your ointment

Australian disagreeableness (of convict class ezfka units) which existed in the times of Ned Kelly (now rolling in his grave), has become like the Yorkshire terrier: noisy as hell but bites like a cat, a loud toothless tiger, an emasculated stallion which only draws wooden carts at the fringes of a local circus event.
To me Cannucks look like Americans that have been combed and cleared of public louse, washed at least bi-weekly and instead of drinking half a gallon of soda at lunch, like yanks, they drink 2 litre of it and have much funnier and better actors.


Australians are like niggers. They hate hard won white collar skill with a passion, no matter who you are you get put in the Simpsons Mr Burns stereotype, but getting ahead with blue collar stuff/property investment/relatively easy white collar stuff is the shiz. Like how niggers love basketball players and rappers but hate education.

Also a very strong “sucked in”/schadenfruede culture.

Maybe not so bad now, because we all have to be polite or get cancelled, but definitely still there.


But it was Australian bogans that tried to fight back, ie Cronulla. But got cucked to the shit house by both boomers and the left.


That’s what you get when you create a Tradieocracy

blue collar workers n this country have far too much money

we should have imported labourers not IT consultants and kept blue collar workers as a perpetual under class like any other civilised country would


Yeah. Well at least none of this $100k Ford Rangers and $200k a year shit.




we should have imported labourers not IT consultants

We do import labourers, it’s the qualified tradies that make big bucks, because in their infinite wisdom successive governments maintained the required training standards ie apprenticeships to become a qualified tradie but removed the most significant path to achieving those qualifications, an apprenticeship in a government entity (railway, electricity, telecom etc) by privatising them all.
The inevitable tradie undersupply has continued ever since.
As a Dr you should be completely familiar with the model…


As a Dr

It’s not a doctor. It’s a weird trolling experiment.
What doctor has time to post on a website multiple times a day?
And yes cumming, if you did get the clot shot you’re done for I’m sorry.
Amen and God Bless.


There’s one Dr at my local that always has appointments available even at short notice even on the day while the rest are booked out at least a week out.
I’ll leave you to work out why that might be and how much free time he would have during the day.


Anecdotally FMD the oz bogan yoof are some of the dreggiest fucks I’ve ever seen. Was in office today in fortitude Valley and office backs onto a bar. Thought fuck it let’s go see what all the noise is.

I used to get defensive, but whatever is left of Australia let em have it. Hory shit these plicks wouldn’t even gauged on stags iq meter.

Aussie Soy Boy

The general poor behaviour and uncouthness, lack of decorum is one thing and always been there, but it’s the level of mental illness in them now and just outright retardness. They’re such pussies as well. If they can’t hack it in Australia were you can work at the supermarket and get $30 ph then were are you going to survive? The baby bonus should be held up as an example of one of the worst dysgenics programs in modern history. It should have been targetted towards middle and high income earners — we’ll drop your highest marginal tax rates from by 10% for each child for each child for 5 years.

Aussie Soy Boy



the inability for anyone to save money is the most baffling thing to me

if i could do it when i was still eligble for centrelink and what is the excuse of someone making 6 figures, ive heard whining from people making that kind of dough about how they cant put a single cent away and im just like what the fuck are you spending you money on.


what the fuck are you spending you money on.

A house.

Ironic Boomer

The wages, $30 at a supermarket, are a function of land prices. It’s not labour, it’s land. The reason wages seem high is because of land prices hollowing out the economy. You have it backwards, it’s not that people are pussies, it’s that the economic structure of this country is retarded. Less complex than Kenya ffs.


correct answer, input costs like energy and land are too high in aus and it distorts everything else including labor and retail costs


muh land costs

just lol at a bloke contributing zero to the labour pool complaining about the costs of land and energy inputs

Last edited 11 months ago by Coming

I suggest we call it Tarric Brooker syndrome


imagine thinking itd make any difference whatsoever lmao

id rather have tarric brooker syndrome than lnpboomerbrain syndrome


I find it interesting that they’ve been left alone while pretty much everyone else has been heavily diluted with shitskins.

Even Albo left them alone, and the left are the biggest white man haters around.

It’s not like they’re gonna be running to the front line if there’s a war, they are generally floozy opportunists, and they are clearly a massive hurdle if one wants to get the population up to 50-100m.


again its tradieocracy

its why we tolerate bogan behaviour like smoking, dogs, loud cars etc

we need a fucking cleansing of bogan legacy units


You should watch “Trailer Park Boys” to gain some exposure to some high brow Canadian culture.


Not yet captured by developers or the BlackRock/McKinsey Century Initiative.

True, they even have their own version of Big Australia. I presume no politician will admit to supporting it but 100% of them support it.


She didn’t stop the boats. Piece of shit bitch.


Based and WEFpilled


Probably on the look out for some Cadburys. The Italian birds love the chocolate or at least that’s the vibe from the interwebs

Ironic Boomer

‘Can I touch my balls while I talk to you?’
That was thoughtfull and considerate for him to ask.
‘Would you like to be part of our working group?’
Lmao. Stop using my lines.

Agent 47

The meme version of albo vs timbo

A fly in your ointment

How do you judge a militia Police of a cuntry?
By how it treats the most vulnerable.
Krauts euthanased their “unwanted”. Now they are tasered.

Man sues NSW Militia Police
At last a faken Convict with some balls.
My take is that Militia men policemen should be professionally and personally liable for crimes they commit. Like doctors, or lawyers, et cie
Silly stupid, this will never happen in this pond


Yep. Someone at work was lamenting on how a billboard was saying 100k starting wage, surely going to attract the best for the role




They wouldn’t do it anyway but now it’s popping off with Hezb so they’ll use that as an excuse


I suggest that is rather high. May be like 450,000%


Surely that would be the end of Netanyahu so yeah nah

the arborist

Did youse shutins see that the Daily Mail published a story about immigration that used MB content?

There are plenty of reasons to shit on MB, but they actually have changed the discussion on immigration.

A fly in your ointment

are you Llewdo or Bleato?

one of them probably had to perform a fellatio on Sarah Liversidge (unless they, the Sarah, swapped its fallus for a uterusless vagine) for this.

the arborist

Stupid post.


we were talking about who the biggest bludgers were in australia earlier and i think a special mention goes out to governor generals and even worse, state governors

does anyone know what state governors even do

rip faggot whoever you were


great to see 15,000 muslims marching through Sydney

how good is the diversity


where are they now lol

wonder if the jewish community will be appalled at this display of diversity unlike all the others they always seem to like

Agent 47


Aussie Soy Boy

Good on em


Can’t believe your stance on this issue tbh

very hypocritical given your usual disdain for primitive cultures

Ironic Boomer

Are you suggesting ASB is from a primitive culture?

Aussie Soy Boy

If Israel don’t end their decades long apartheid then they should be pushed into the sea.


You for open borders ?


u are


23k fine for raising your arm lmfao


What the 90s really felt like:


CFMEU vs housos

The construction mates won’t be denied their god given right to 100% of Victoria’s money


new net wealth figures from US

Net wealth (all figures in USD)

Mean 1.06m
median 192k

Mean 497k
Median 247k

There is a chicken and egg situation here because the US pumps money into the economy through stock bubbles while Australia does it through housing bubbles which is naturally more democratic

but also Tradieocracy is a factor

Australia you need $USD5.5m to be top 1% up from $2.8 in 2021

Ironic Boomer

How is pumping money through housing bubbles ‘naturally more democratic’?


more people own their a house than own a substantial amount of shares

the super changed that a little bit – the housing market is more even/democratic than the shar market

Ironic Boomer

Even the Australian stock market is retarded. Capital being tilted towards dividends instead of expanding business.


Week of silence is up my niggas

are you ready to be scolded again ?

“The truth is that the majority of Australians have committed a shameful act whether knowingly or not, and there is nothing positive to be interpreted from it,” the letter reads.

im assuming these abo leaders are experts in grievance and grifting and know what they’re doing but I worry they are further alienating the average unit


Good. The more honest they are the deeper they dig the hole for themselves.