Woke “capitalism” will destroy capital.

While Australian media tend to portray oil, gas and coal as dinosaur industries destined to go bankrupt, other, more savvy commentators point out that they are more likely to become highly profitable with increased margin, just like tobacco companies since the 1990s. https://www.wsj.com/articles/for-big-oils-future-look-to-big-tobaccos-past-11643298756 https://www.barrons.com/articles/what-oil-companies-can-learn-from-big-tobacco-51577791801 But investors in Woodside seem determined to cripple it by forcing … Read more

Was coming right?

It seems more people, some credible, are arguing that higher interest rates are stimulative right now, to a point. From bloomberg via yahoo: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fed-rate-hikes-actually-sparking-120000966.html Didn’t coming say something like higher interest rates are inflationary? Can anyone remember exactly what coming said about this and where? I haven’t kept any links.