How long can the loss of social cohesion be ignored in the EZFKA?

The protests in favour Hezbollah are just the beginning. Mass immigration has already destroyed the old Australian culture.

It’s destroyed the private sector and productivity:

There is worse to come:

“There are three solvents of social trust: 1) the self-aggrandizement of insiders; 2) decay of competence, and 3) precarity, generated by soaring inequality / cost of living and the decay of social mobility, all of which erode confidence in the social contract, i.e. our confidence that the system isn’t rigged to benefit the few at the expense of the many.”


“We find a statistically significant negative relationship between ethnic diversity and social trust across all studies.”

“A new report by RMIT University has found higher levels of neighbourhood ethnic diversity are associated with poorer mental health outcomes for people living there.”

“There is a wide body of research showing that ethnic diversity can reduce the productivity of teams, firms, and even whole countries.”

To prepare for the fire that is coming, you must take action. Things I am thinking about:

  • If you have sufficient wealth or detailed in demand technical skills, leaving will be easier than if you don’t.
  • Russia may be holding open the door.
  • If you cannot leave the country, leaving the cities may be a good idea. Ideally, find or form a community that will work together to keep the 3rd world out. I’ve seen this happen in the USA.
  • Get active politically. Maybe some of the worst can still be prevented.
  • The welfare state may collapse as more and more people come to resent paying for others they have no bond with. How to retire if the pension becomes worthless if you don’t have enough children?
  • Public healthcare is under massive pressure from migration. Local health insurance may help but with costs rising fast, it might be better to plan to travel overseas for elective surgeries. Is there insurance that will cover this?
  • We’re not there yet. Whatever you’re investing in, it’s going to be hard to time this perfectly. IMO the key to timing this is commodity demand. Will the latest chinese stimulus lead to a sustained rebound in iron ore?
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A fly in your ointment

That scenario was written long time ago and immigration is just the 🍒 on top of the 🎂.

What you see happen in aus would’ve happened with immigration or without. Anyone who participated in voting during approx last 30 yrs actually enabled this. Good onya.

It is a process of destruction of national states (back to feudalism), re-proletariation of masses, etc, all as a natural process of late phase of post-capitalism period (debt-driven economy) and wealthier aspiring to become aristocracy (as in later meaning of the world).

Reference to EmBee does not add credibility to anything, particularly reference to blabber from Llewdo-Smith (i.e. first link).

I wonder if Apartheid v2.0 could work in this pond. First immigrants vs. Later Days Immigration lands.


Without mad immigration, we’d have a falling population. It would be like the aftermath of the black death – a time of opportunity and prosperity for ordinary people.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Without mad immigration, we’d have…

the only thing different would be that Sydney would have 2mil and Melbourne would have 1.5mil of obedient compliant chunts.

the only thing different

You would also have a much lower employment base. Local businesses having to hire and train locals instead of hiring fresh skilled labour, higher education standards, including TAFE, and a retained manufacturing base as a result.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Sounds nice, but it takes absence of globalisation/introduction of isolation as the key ingredient for all that to happen.
Also, lower populace = less work, expensive locally made stuff (except houses) and there’s no guarantee that education standards would be much higher (bc they can’t get any lower than today).

Current decay is baked in as a phase of decay of westworld and capitalism. Immigration is only kick of the can


You enjoy deflecting any conversation away from immigration don’t you

A fly in your ointment

What conversation?
On a blog where 99.999% comments blame even poor weather on immigrants, negroes, slopes, abos, poojeets…. ???
That is physically impossible.

I just spoil their magical ointments for them with overlooked data

I think you are exaggerating here. Australia has economic problems that its political class and banking class (and others, too, no doubt) try to solve by ramping up migration and redistribution of wealth from middle class to lower class. Immigrants, slopes etc. are a symptom, not the cause, but they are very visible symptoms.

Education of the populace is hard especially if majority of the means to educate, the MSM and social media, are controlled by vested interests.

I’d guess that 99.9% of the commenters here understand the cause, but comment on effects as means to blow off steam.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Exaggeration is due when replying to exaggeration.

I’d guess that 99.9% of the commenters here understand the cause, but comment on effects as means to blow off steam.

I beg to differ.
Majority of responses are as if barbarians are invading the lands of a superior culture, like historical invasions by Huns, Mongols, Bulgars or Barbarians, you name it.

See the response above when directing the focus on root cause o the problems: “You enjoy deflecting any conversation…”

You enjoy deflecting any conversation away from immigration don’t you

Full quote. Away from immigration being the key words.

I don’t disagree with your initial statement that population voting for current policy for the last 30 years (more like 20) have to share the blame. Problem is that there were no or almost no means to present an alternative approach. Perpetual growth was sold as a viable option and the only option, really. Boat arrivals were presented as a threat while airplane arrivals were lauded.

Immigration in predominantly immigrant countries (Australia, USA, Canada) worked better when the immigration numbers were much lower and majority came from lands that were relatively aligned culturally, albeit poorer. Once multiculturalism became the flavour of the policy, the fabric of society started to disintegrate. I wish it wasn’t so, but the facts are the facts. Look at Europe. Most countries had a homogeneous population. French started getting fucked in the 70s with immigration from North Africa. Germany after they started allowing a large Turkish population to settle there. UK got a bunch of curry shops and crime. And after ME wars when Europe accepted economic migrants in huge numbers it entered a death spiral.

Introduction of culturally unaligned people is possible by accepting small cohorts and actively integrating those cohorts. Once the critical mass is exceeded, say 10% of Muslim population (London), there are calls for Sharia law, etc. Sweden’s population is 20% migrant, I have written on this in another thread.

So, yes, pollies led the country down this path, valid point, but the level and make up of immigrants is also a valid point to debate.

A Fly In Your Ointment

that there were no or almost no means to present an alternative approach. Perpetual growth was sold as a viable option and the only option, really.

it was a success sale because everyone felt RE growth and felt wealth. Humans are opportunistic inherently. If you can make $120k/yr on RE, why would you work with your hands. No one wanted alternative approach.

[Immigration] worked better when the immigration numbers were much lower and majority came from lands that were relatively aligned culturally, albeit poorer. Once multiculturalism became the flavour of the policy, the fabric of society started to disintegrate.

Local punters had a choice to either lose paper wealth or accept higher immigration. Everyone took paper wealth now vs whatevs excessive immigration brings tomorrow.
Western European immigration post WW2 realistically benefited their citizens. That was the early stage of growth from immigration and there was no multiculturalism there. Krauts still refer to auslanders as “gaestarbeiter”. Fast forward to end phase and you get the Aussie/Canada immigration: more wealth for rich (as always), no wealth for poor.

So, yes, pollies led the country down this path, valid point, but the level and make up of immigrants is also a valid point to debate.

What’s to gain on debate of symptoms whilst neglecting the root cause of the problem?
As I kept saying endless times, everyone actually loves excessive immigration. Ask “original” 80% of population if they would abolish immigration and it is likely that a vast majority would agree. Ask them if they would abolish immigration at the cost of wiping out their wealth from RE (as an inevitable effect, to begin with) and the tune changes. No one really cares for future. No, no one really cares for tomorrow, except their own tomorrow literally.

Short of lamppost decorations and total economic restart from 0, nothing will change.

So, yes, pollies led the country down this path

and they got what they wanted…


Your responses prove my point.

I think you’ve made so many assumptions there I’m not sure where to start.

The vast majority of people would support lower immigration whilst house prices could easily be supported via changes in government policy/interest rates.

And discussing excessive immigration which directly impacts peoples day to day lives is a completely valid discussion. It is significantly easier to change that than some pointless abstract conversation of the the entire political economic system which is the root cause.

A fly in your ointment

The vast majority of people would support lower immigration whilst house prices could easily be supported via changes in government policy/interest rates.

And WHY?
That would be a miracle if it was possible.

Besides, the first half is what I said, conditioned with the house prices remaining excessive.
Supporting housing prices at the current level is not in the interest of the society and future generations. It directly defeats the intended purpose of reducinging immigration to preserve future. Who sane can think that in a land-abundant cuntry house bubble can grow indefinitely???

Your point that I somehow deflect the conversation from immigration (symptoms) towards root causes (policies, vote results, general populace wishes) is fine by me.


How doesn’t matter. Look at the evidence for houses. They’ve gone up in places like Broken Hill which has had population decline for years. You don’t always need a growing population per se to stabilise prices. Just need effective interest rates, stifled land releases and elevated building costs as per current settings.

In an inflationary environment houses will always go up over the medium to longer term.

Why – you yourself said no one would ever accept their paper wealth going backwards. Which I tend to agree with.

A Fly In Your Ointment

[House prices] They’ve gone up in places like Broken Hill which has had population decline for years.

Why do you think this is the case? Bcause Straya is different and houses are made of best chocolate here? Or because immigration demand and polies throwing kitchen sink into RE?

If you want your kids to be not able to pay off their home in 2 lives and to live on credit month to month all their lives, then all good for unrealistic house prices.
It’s a catch 22.


The property bubble if it is a bubble is global, we’ve had significant inflation and ZIRP. Also Australias useless land releases and zoning.


Australia is gone. It is gone forever. That wide mouthed breakdancing bird is what australia is .. gone full tard.

When is the gubbermint going to be held to account on imma numbers. It was at least six months ago they were touting the numbers would come down. And yet they have gone up…seriously wtf.

Albo the destroyer.

The ship ain’t changing course.


Not unless extreme violence is used.

Reus's Large MEMBER

So I live north of Sydney on the central coast, and while it may only be 70km from the city it could be 40 years away given the demographic, there are lots of places away from the cities that are very Australian. So get out of the cities if you can is the best bet.

Shitney and Hellbourne are lost.


Yeah, the goldy and sunny coast are like going back to the 90s. But they are pretty exy now. Prob 1.5m.

Wypipo seem to be wanna die off. Even the bogans are pretty woke now well my family is. Festy.

A Fly In Your Ointment

your insights are astonishingly accurate and replies are often spartan.
I doubt many here understand it.


Well I’ve nearly always been around pretty dopey people so maybe I have a better first hand experience of the average legacy citizen tard. Most people here are a fair bit smarter than me and maybe live in a more intellectual bubble.

Feels like fuggin RAMs and Rangers are as common as Corollas around where I live.

Most nerds I’ve been around are of the spineless, round shouldered, hairy handed variety and have a life long bitterness about not getting the prom queen. So they were woke even back in the 90s, difference was we didn’t cancel each other, we just disagreed and that was that.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Observation is a skill.
Insight is a talent.

A fly in your ointment

On this day in history, Nürnberg kangaroo court condemned Krauts whom could not serve US/NATO purpose, Da Big P concluded referendums in malorossiya and, unfolding live and making history: chosen rabid inbreeds attack on foot other special rabid inbreeds. The match is lit and thrown on the fuel can.



A Fly In Your Ointment

Nürnberg was a major post-WW2 court and it delivered convictions on this day, many high profile nazis served as advisors in NATO and under US forces after ending the WW2, Putin in commonly known as “the big P”, mallorosiya is the eastern half of post USSR dissolution Ukraina, rabid inbreeds is a common reference to semitic people, chosen semitic people are the Juice, Juice is an homophone for Choos which is an homophone for “you know who”, special rabid inbreeds are remaining mozie semites, Lighting up the fuel can can produce explosion and attacks that begun in Lebanon can escalate this local war into global.


I am surprised Mr Infinity Immigration is not celebrating Albanese’s mass migration achievement. Numbers too low, I imagine.

Nothing more delicious than seeing a YIMBY not being able to find work.

Ironic Boomer

‘We had the lowest unemployment in 48 years after covid closed our borders. I wonder what happened?’
Short rip from Phillip Brown in response to the second tweet. Maybe the answer is not enough demolishing of low density homes to build defective dog boxes.


Too many finance fags. Seems like pretty much any idiot can do 95% of those jobs.


I can look past a multi ethnic society but multicult can go jump


I think you are thinking of ethnicity as race, but that is not what the word means.

Gruppenführer Mark

Inconceivable (c)


Oops you are correct. Multi race no Multi cult pls.

  • If you have sufficient wealth or detailed in demand technical skills, leaving will be easier than if you don’t.

But where? Russia is about the only option, although Oriana in SA shows that it can be done internally too.

  • Russia may be holding open the door.
  • If you cannot leave the country, leaving the cities may be a good idea. Ideally, find or form a community that will work together to keep the 3rd world out. I’ve seen this happen in the USA.

This is probably the best solution – a small country town situated on along a river, or along the coast. Cooler will probably be better unless you like the heat, as energy an airconditioning is going to become more expense – so maybe Tasmania.

If you are young I would definitely consider a small country town – you need to establish roots and take and active interest in getting your kids involved in the local area too. The Boomer ideal of roaming the world seperate from your wider family and wider support network needs to end.

  • Get active politically. Maybe some of the worst can still be prevented.

Good in theory, but Politics is fully corrupted now – unless you are Gina Rineheart and have deep pockets you can forget about this route no matter how much charisma you may posses. Better off working on your small town support network and contributing to local volunteer groups eg Country Fire association, Lions club, etc

  • The welfare state may collapse as more and more people come to resent paying for others they have no bond with. How to retire if the pension becomes worthless if you don’t have enough children?

Children use to be viewed as an asset – that’s half the reason why people had them, so as soon as they were able to help out, they did.

  • Public healthcare is under massive pressure from migration. Local health insurance may help but with costs rising fast, it might be better to plan to travel overseas for elective surgeries. Is there insurance that will cover this?
  • We’re not there yet. Whatever you’re investing in, it’s going to be hard to time this perfectly. IMO the key to timing this is commodity demand. Will the latest chinese stimulus lead to a sustained rebound in iron ore?

Found this remarkably good thread on the fertility collapse and the coming crisis, which are basically baked in now:

There are a few nested threads within that post that are perhaps even more interesting or on the money

Gruppenführer Mark

robert2013, good thought-provoking post. Reads a bit like zerohedge back in the day when preppers were out in force.

To reflect on some of your thoughts, and Stewie’s response…

  • Russia may be holding the door open, but integrating into that society will be hard. Language, customs, etc.
  • Leaving where? Europe is not good, neither is North America. SE Asia, South America – you’d stand out like a sore thumb. Subcontinent? Just move to Parramatta ) NZ? Maybe.
  • Regional areas could be an option, but are there jobs sufficient to raise a family? I worked in Shepparton, outside of canning plants and abbatours it was pretty much shit for work. Btw, local Yorta Yorta people wanted to work and did well in our line of work. Unlike what I have experienced in Perth.
  • Finding a community of like-minded individuals is hard, you will have to build a trust factor. Building one is even harder. It’s not like joining Facebook.
  • Political involvement, I’m with Stewie here.
  • Welfare state will collapse. It may be maintained as a fig leaf, i.e. enough for instant noodles.
  • Medical elective procedures overseas – gotta fly there, have enough money for the procedure. Private health is still the best option here, way cheaper and accessible in major cities.
  • Investment options? Get dividends. If out for capital gain, roulette table is faster and more transparent with 36:1 odds. Or get gold and stash it. Or silver. If it becomes worthless, which I don’t see happening given its 5000-year history, it makes a nice paper weight.
  • Finally, integrating into any new community requires humility and marketable skill. Unless one has it, it’s a task that requires time to obtain.
A Fly In Your Ointment

Can’t move to a cuntry with some future prospects without abolishing most of the westword’s customs or ways of life. Once that is done, it’s easy to integrate and no standing out as a sore thumb. Ruski lingo is easier than most think. Somehow no lingo is easy for monolingual english speaker.

Welfare state will collapse.

If we redefine welfare as UBI then it is the future. Chicken are fed well and shelter provided for them as long as they lay eggs. Everyone will think that all animals are equal.


I rather liked Japan. Stable and high trust Mono ethnic country that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Probably impossible to get permanent residency though.

Gruppenführer Mark

Could be. But being monoethnic I would certainly stand out. Culturally gaidzhin are tolerated but not accepted though. Evidence: Koreans living there for generations. Or one of coworkers married to a Japanese, with kids being of mixed European and Japanese appearance and being mildly discriminated against. Language is hard, I studied it for 6 years.

Gruppenführer Mark

~200 ballistic missiles fired into Israel from Iran. FMD.


Stock markets to soar on this good news.


Good. The sooner one side wipes out the other generating actual peace the better.

Bleak and terrible thing to say but you’ll never have peace so long as either Israel or its most hated supporters still exist and this tit for tat continues for centuries.

You can’t negotiate with religion.

Gruppenführer Mark

Religious wars are economic wars, just like all wars, in my opinion, it’s just the sauce under which it’s sold. Religion though differs, and sometimes it is presented as uber Mensch, or fight for freedom and democracy, or war on terror, or protecting your own.

In this particular case, the current state of Israel is the aggressor, and it started some 50 years before the current state of Israel was established.

British Empire played a big role in drawing lines in the sand (literally) to set current borders in ME.


Semantics. You have both sides heavily engaged and committed ideologically and Israel in particular in an existential fight.

Israel is winning. Consider:

  • Banning the reporting on the losses resulting from Iranian strikes
  • Obscuring satellite images of the military installations by inserting fake cloud cover to hide the extent of damages
  • Insisting that almost all of the ballistic missiles were shot down despite the videos showing multiple hits
  • Declaring UN chief Antonio Guterres as a persona non grata, barring him from entering the country because he didn’t condemn Iranian strikes

I could go on.


I had noted how unbalanced the reporting has become also in favour of Israel. I think the media just isn’t able to penetrate the propaganda curtain to find the real data.

In all likelihood their casualties are at least in the 100s by now also potentially low thousands.


I actually think the easiest solution is simply financially profit from the situation which is inevitably going to happen. It can’t be stopped.

Go all in on housing or at least stocks that benefit the Ponzi then use said profits to move to regional or semi regional Australia and live off passive income in a still safe and desirable part of the world.

Last edited 12 days ago by The90kwbeast

My suggestion is buy the cheapest highest yielding housing you can in the least shit parts of the country and bank the profit in 20 years.

A fly in your ointment

… buy the cheapest highest yielding housing you can…

Thake a number and get in the queue.
Llewdo and Bleato could not figure out how to do that over the last 10-12 years. Nathan Birchie did and he’s retired some place Central Coast methinks.
It’s a proposition every poojeet taxi driver is having a wet dream over it.

The only benefit of buying one or two shitkennels in a shittown is that when bubble bursts, the nominal loss will be smaller.
Long term, the bigger the shittown the lesser the risk. Cuntryside aus is laced with abandoned shittowns that were once a jovial place.


He focuses on outskirt shit suburbs that get taken over by immigrants I think.

Google says he’s worth 100m and is trying to be a billionaire.

Charges 10-20k to browse realestate and do some basic maths. Why not there’s no shortage of cunt mums and dads that don’t know anything.


That’s one strategy which worked last decade but with rates where they are now I’m not as sure.

I’ve repeatedly said regional SA is where it’s at.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Noice, he charges other to browse, picks the best for himself and then offers the next best option to others. Where there’s sheep there ought to be sheep shearers.
Bottom line Lllewdo and Bleato mocked him as Mr. Unintelligent for years. Decade later he’s worth more than both can think of.


Higher yielding property on a cheaper purchase price

A) has a better chance of avoiding being negatively geared
B) has less capital loss risk as it’s cheaper to purchase on the first place
C) enables greater or simply divisibility for property investment which isn’t really possible with capital city properties pending your wealth/income start point.


Hence Port Pirie etc. Quite like that idea.


Port Pirie works very well. Just stay south of Goode road to get the bet parts of town. Already prices have gone up 30% though this year unfortunately.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x