Destroy One Nation and the Australian centre-right and replace them with a genuine nationalist movement
Another week, another L for Australia’s centre-right
Another week, another L for Australia’s centre-right
300,000 migrants a year straight onto the public health system. What could go wrong?
Smashing all of the stereotypes at Meriton
Come on in! Everyone can get on Medicare!
How good are the restaurants!
Wiemar Germany here we come
Brace yourselves! Death stares are back!
Way back in 2008 the power of good government was used to rescue the finance industry by effectively buying all their bad debt. Government paper was printed by the trillions and by some miracle it never resulted in inflation, because it never got to the man on the street, only to asset prices. Then came … Read more
Would you like some Angus Myocarditis?
You a millennial trying to get into the housing market and start a family? Fuck you.
The mass immigration train is never late.