What was your woke breaking point?

NOT the Babylon Bee published an amusing list of comments by centrists and liberals about their road to Damascus moment when they woke up to wokeness. All of which was kicked off by this lady: My awakening actually started a while back when I had a bee under my bonnet about Boomers and house prices, … Read more

Weekend Links March 20-21, 2021

Welcome to Weekend Links for March 20-21, 2021! This weekend may be a very auspicious weekend, or maybe the date just looks cool! Either way, we hope you had a good week and we are very happy to have you here. Have fun browsing the links, and we are all about courteous disagreement here at … Read more

Security announcement/poll

I’ve just come out of my weekly briefing with the head of cyber security. Apparently ezfka.com is now so popular that someone has been persistently trying to log into people’s accounts using a fancy technique called “brute force”. Particularly keen on Stewie’s account, apparently. Wonder why?! There are a few things that can be done: … Read more

A Biden boom of immense proportions…. for Migrants

DLS getting all excited in regards to the Biden Boom: An overall spending package worth between $2-4tr will be proposed. It will focus on roads and green infrastructure. It will be funded by tax hikes for corporations from 21% to 28% and higher personal taxes for $4ook+ earners and higher capital gains taxes for $1m+ … Read more

The Woke Army Won’t Save Us

Wokism is the progressive liberal’s scream against nature, it is their anguished cry against parito distributions throughout the universe – if they could they would resize stars so that there would be no such thing as a Blue Giant and no such thing as a Red Dwarf, equity would be reflected everywhere in their Universe. … Read more