The EZFKA lens…

EZFKA – or the Economic Zone Formally Known as Australia is a conceptual framework for looking at the post modern economies of Australia and indeed the rest of the West: “Face facts, we no longer live in a society and nation by the name of Australia – we now live in the ‘Economic Zone Formally … Read more

Weekend Links, JunE 18-19, 2021

ohnoes... its the popo's

Welcome to the Weekend Links for June 18-19, 2021!! We are very excited to have you here. How excited? Well, last week was the first time the comment count here at EZFKA exceeded that at MB (from whence we came lol!). Some (much) of the credit here goes to Peachy, so if you see her … Read more

UTXO (and other blockchains)

The other week on the ‘Binance thread post, in the comments section T made a request that I expand on and describe some other blockchains: “Hey mate can you do something on the more interesting tech type coins. So thinking Cardano vs ETH, or Helium, or Theta coin etc. The ones where there is purpotedly … Read more

Stranger Things: The Commodore 64 Version

Warning this is completely unrelated to anything economic, bitcoin or outside the Overton window – this is a self indulgent journey into nerdy 1980’s nostalgia. Anyone who is not GenX would probably not be aware or know of any other age of the personal computer other than the era of the PC. But way back … Read more

Weekend Links, June 12-13, 2021

Bigfoot Flipping You Off

Welcome to the Weekend Links, June 12-13, 2021. We think this week will be kind of quiet. Why? Because lots is happening and everyone is hoping it does not end up biting them in the rear. What is happening? Well – the big ones are: The medical shit show also known as Covid-19 is going … Read more

BTC legal tender in El Salvador

So what does this mean for btc? In the grand scheme of things probably not a huge amount but is a step forward in it’s legitimacy. What it does do is pose some really interesting questions. Firstly, why is El Salvador choosing to add btc to it’s current legal tender, the almighty USD. Presumably they … Read more

Brett Sutton reveals “COVID Strain Name Generator” supercomputer used for determining arbitrary lockdowns

Exclusive: Victorian CMO Brett Sutton has given reporters an exclusive look at the supercomputer responsible for generating superfluous reasoning for ongoing lockdowns in Victoria. The supercomputer, alluded to by Premier Daniel Andrews last year and developed in conjunction with the CCP, generates random names for COVID strains and calculates just how many cases are needed … Read more

The Show Trial of Derek Chauvin

Derek Chauvin has been found guilty by a jury of his ‘peers’ of second degree murder, third degree murder, and manslaughter (!) almost one year after the death of patron saint and didndunuffin exemplar George Floyd within his custody. For those of you unfamiliar, George Floyd was an alleged perp and ex convicted perp of … Read more