Stewies butt hurts so much he deletes posts From article

Maybe you should run back over to MB stewie. Your ego is more fragile than dls’s. Apparently this reposting of stewies actual post gets him so butthurt he has to delete any post containing it. Where did the post go stewie? It’s not like you didn’t say it.

Weekend Links, 10-11 July, 2021

Scientism for the win!

Welcome to the EZFKA Weekend Links for the 10-11 July, 2021! This week we are all about bad propaganda. Why? Because as a viable economic unit within EZFKA, the least the system could provide me a good propaganda. I mean, is that too much to ask? If you are going to steal, lie, kill, maim, … Read more

Study finds ignoring Australian mainstream media permanently cures COVID

A breakthrough study has found that turning off Australian mainstream media outlets permanently solves COVID and has called for the lifting of all restrictions immediately. The study, conducted by the Institute of Non-Globalist Shitcunts, found that turning off Australian TV, radio and not reading corporate newspapers has a 100% efficacy on symptoms of COVID and … Read more

McGowan shuts borders again after new Delta Echo Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Super Mega Purple Monkey Dishwasher variant discovered

WA Premier Mark McGowan has locked down WA again, after evidence the Delta Echo Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Super Mega Purple Monkey Dishwasher has been discovered in a wastewater treatment plant. The discovery was made last night and has resulted in the entire state being locked down, with restrictions happening from tonight. McGowan said the discovery … Read more

Australia facing critical shortage of conspiracy theories as more continue to come true

The Economic Zone Formerly Known As Australia is facing a critical shortage of conspiracy theories, as more and more of them begin to come true. As lockdowns, QR code surveillance, masks and mandatory but not mandatory vaccinations proliferate, the Morrison government was concerned that the gap between conspiracy theory and fact was now down to … Read more


Not the BSV article I was going to post a week or so back (gotten lazy and haven’t finished it off). This is just a link to someone else’s work. A couple weeks back I wrote ‘UTXO and Other Blockchains‘ and mainly expanded on the difference between UTXO and ‘State’ based blockchains, and touched on … Read more

Which type of Australian Branch Covidian Cult Member are you?

EZFKA’s newest non-ATO recognised religious organisation has really come to the fore since March 2020 – the Church of Branch Covidians. Which flavour of COVID Kool-Aid do you most identify with? The Vaccine Worshipper: Trademark catchphrase of “I want the Pfizer vaccine and not the AstraZeneca one” because blood clots. According to her, there’s absolutely … Read more

Weekend Links, July 03-04, 2021

Sir Vaxalot The Invincible

Welcome to the Weekend Links for July 3-4, 2021. So this week there was a problem. The long and short of it is, EZFKA Weekend Links has been trying to add more AusPol. Because AusPol has implications for most of the peeps who frequent this spot. But, this is a problem. There is so much … Read more