EZFKA to lockdown for a month after Hubble space telescope detects coronavirus near Alpha Centauri

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has ordered EZFKA into lockdown for a month, after NASA stated the Hubble space telescope had detected what appeared to be coronavirus on Proxima Centauri. The planet, located within the Alpha Centauri star system, displayed what appeared to be COVID fragments, sparking serious concerns among National Cabinet. Morrison said that Australians … Read more

Rise of The Middle Kingdom: Why China Isn’t Going Ex-Growth

A common prediction repeated in various Australian media organs and elsewhere, is that China will not and indeed cannot become a global “superpower”. While this argument takes many forms, it tends to revolve around the same theme that ‘liberty’, ‘democracy’, and ‘free markets’, however defined, are essential ingredients in achieving a stable, industrialsed power. This … Read more

A Ponzi of Ponzi’s?

I see the word Ponzi bandied about everywhere these days. Real Estate is a ponzi, crypto is a ponzi, fiat is the greatest ponzi of all. The debt ponzi. On and on. This seems to be based on a belief that all these things depend on a greater sucker coming along to pay you more … Read more

Forums now live, comments now betterer

A rudimentary forum has been erected on the former site of the EZFKA Banking Royal Commision. Test it out & provide feedback please. Comments technology has been changed as well because, apparently, according to the IT slaves, the old tech didn’t play well with the forum.

Bumbling Biden and his media excusers

I had a great aunt, let’s call her Eliza, she was a lovely old woman; conservative, kind, incredibly polite and thoughtful, and very civic minded, she use to regularly work for various charities in her retirement years donating her time to worthy causes. But as she got older her ability to guard and separate her … Read more