New $2 billion Labor social housing fund to absorb two days’ worth of immigration

Anthony Albanese has announced a new $2 billion housing fund for Australia that, as with bipartisan tradition, will do fuck all for housing affordability.

The new fund is predicted to absorb housing demand for about two days’ worth of immigration, according to recent figures showing Australia was importing an average of 1500 people a day.

“We can’t cut immigration because that’s racist, but we all know more government intervention in the housing market is what makes this country great,” Albanese said.

“I mean good fucking luck trying to find a tradie to build it for you, materials cheap enough or any land within an hour of any Australian CBD.”

“Of course, every cunt who claims they want social housing doesn’t want to live anywhere near it because 99% of it is full of ex-cons, druggies and Somalian families of ten.”

BlackRock have again signalled their support for Albo’s scheme and have urged build-to-rent to be expedited in line with ESG requirements.

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Me first 😂


And I’m back. Busy as hell looking after all you losers but now ready pass my knowledge
isn’t more population outdated?
were 10 years behind the Uk always!!
and they’re now finally getting sick of it


So 10 more years to go


Yes welcome back boss


welcome back, I’m glad you’ve not been hit by a bus or truck – that seems to happen a lot.

i hope BJW also hasn’t been hit by any heavy machinery and comes back soon

Roger Dodger

Have been meaning to ask “where is BigDuke6 these days” – honestly…


Couple of interesting articles from Cameron

he forgets that we are now a floating currency regime
moronic/ironic since one of the examples he cites is the gold rush

muh cycles
muh history repeats

and this one he sort of gets the idea of IOR setting a hurdle rate but can’t quite make the leap to the direction of causation


Cameron’s had a little bit too much to think hmmm

Economists love price controls to deal with inflation. 

As long as it is the price of money. 

Other prices controls are bad. Money price controls are good. 

The more I learn the more I struggle to understand why.


“This is new money, right now, for social housing,” Albanese said.

“Demand for social housing has increased almost three times as fast as the growth in population.”

You’re so close, Albo!!!!

mafsmeme - Copy - Copy.png
Last edited 1 year ago by No1

What does this mean “demand has increased”

wouldnt everyone want social housing except maybe the top 10-20% ?

it’s a free place to live that might be marginally worse than the place you are forced to pay $600/wk for

most average people would take it right ?

thats the problem with this socialist bullshit and competing to be the most oppressed

where is the cut off and when will average punters get pissed off that they are not quite pitiful enough to qualify for free shit


Presumably it’s demand by people who are actually eligible for social housing


So he’s admitting that poverty is increasing at 3 times the rate of the population then lol

income limit is $690/wk for the adult
and $340/wk for the first child

so a single parent with one kid on 53k/yr qualifies

which begs the question

if you were a single parent on say 80k/yr
why wouldn’t you cut back your hours by a third to reach 53k

your rent would otherwise have been at least 27k a year anyway so you get the house for free and only have to work 2/3rds as much

(I’m not even considering tax)

if youre a Muslim and you have say 4 kids it gets even more rorty

can one of the Centrelink scabs here please explain any flaws
so yeah no wonder there’s so much demand


After tax you would only be giving up $17k in order to sneak under the limit

there is nowhere in this country that can be rented for 17k/year or $327/wk not even in the most squalid methhead country town let alone Sydney

you would have to be a moron to lift your income above $53k to anywhere south of $150k


Hopefully they’re not that dumb that you’d be eligible for social housing when you can easily work and earn more

I think Centrelink is pretty strict actually and will make you prove that you really can’t earn more than the income threshold


Dumb if so

But in practice few people will even try it because they will probably never get a social housing unit

Also life in social housing is not really that sweet

I don’t think many people here would have the balls to live next to drug dealers or Sudanese refugees or whatever

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

But the guardian tell me we must build more so more people can be allowed to bludge


This all looks pretty easy. I don’t like the conspiracy theories much but I can see the pre-election meetings for Labor going along the lines of:

  1. Find a palatable pissant who can be easily manipulated. Hey it’s Albo!
  2. Check that off with the Jewish powerbrokers, and assorted Labor heavies. Rope in More-than-useful-idiot Dan.
  3. Make your boy a small target and load him up with bread and circus election promises.
  4. Start a Culture War amongst the plebs.
  5. Once he’s in, ramp up that culture war (The Voice, Trans rights, etc.) while you implement your main strategy of doxing the EZFKA coupon holders with a million Pajeets, and creating a housing crises that will take a generation to recover from, if they ever do.
  6. Meanwhile the small hats have made their motza, and other friendly Goys get their little bit trickled down.
  7. Off to Israel and the sunset for useful idiots and other Goys like Macgowan and Andrews.

Social housing is being completed on Elsternwick Park Brighton in Victoria, where houses on surrounding streets average $2m a pop.

Well they did until the African gangs move in and start robbing anyone and everyone.


Albi was always going to be found out. He’s so ugly it wasn’t going to be interns. I t had to be intelligence and character. And that was always going to be population. The storm of big business and a certain influential rich subgroup wanting to dilute the only other demographic who had tried to sort them out ….pushing more numbers was never going to be resisted by a limpdick like albo


Call life line and say how much of a reddit faggot you are.

Like seriously noone gives a fuck if you kill yourself. They’ll just go awww for a minute or two, and then go on with their life. So you may as well just kill yourself. We need a pro-kill yourself phone line.


pretty useless haha and especially so given the only people who will ever be eligble to recieve public housing are colossal fukups with like 15 kids and on drugs etc, theres no point applying to it otherwise

how do refugees who have just moved here find a place to live if the waiting lists for it are so high



ALP shills like The Kouk don’t have the balls to use their data to quantify the number of homeless.

Notice how silent those Leftards are about their fellow EZFKA ?

The Left is always hated legacy Australians but I never realised they hated the homeless too. The small hats do of course but they hate any Anglo. All the religious charities support the homeless, Christian, Muslim, Indians, but I can’t say I’d name one Jewish charity for the homeless.

How about stopping all immigration until it matches the number of homeless?


Jews look after homeless Jews.


this is my fav q & a question

maybe this is comings wife


Based first/second generation migrant

can’t even comprehend the rank stupidity and laziness of legacy whites

The same idiots who were laughing at her from their religious pilgrimage to abc studios

A fly in your ointment

Damn she sounds like she’s waxcinated


Standard corpo drone

Why do you need an external party to incentivise you to grow your own wealth?

What’s my incentive to not be a fat diabetic fuck, huh Albo?


See my reply above for reasons why


More of the same cringe Boomer rent-seeking, oh I bought 25 houses to pay for my retirement so I wouldn’t be a burden on the taxpayer, what do you mean I need to pay land tax now

The highest aspiration of all classes of Aussie is to bludge off someone else


Um yeah this young migrant is a boomer with 25 houses

good one dickhead


Yeah jeez you’ve probably already cyberstalked her extensively and jacked off to her pics, you’d know her back to front


Blah blah blah povo legacy unit dribble


Hope you get that social housing unit you’re gunning for champ


Wouldn’t want to deny you of your birthright government flat given your bludging heritage



A fly in your ointment

The young migrant is apparently a senior adviser at River Tint mines…. definitely waxxed


No doubt she will be.

Coming hates everyone who makes less than $255,786 a year. Lol. Sick fuck.


You losers hate anyone who makes more than 150k
Especially if they’re not legacy


Sure. Some of the biggest propadee winners are losers who are lucky to make $500 a week.


What ?


A lot of the people that got big capital gains were midwit and pov losers when it comes to income from their job.

Probably most actually.


And I hate them way more than high achievers that get $150k+. In fact fundamentally I admire those people. Faggot.


Is that what she is ?
She’s a high achieving career woman
what the fuck are you talking about


I said fundamentally you retarded faggot. But obviously there’s exceptions. Like you and her.


Christ chuck the vermin out of a helicopter.


She looks and sounds high maintenance. I bet she spends more on manicures and pedicures than the weekly dole. There is no way she would live off welfare even if it was offered.


What’s in it for her is the financial reward and social standing. The same reason I worked to get a good job and not be on the dole and living in social housing.

If she wants to she can quit her job at Rio Tinto and and live off the pittance you get from the government. Her life will suck but it will cure her persecution complex fairly quickly.

The laughter she got was justified.


Twitter outed her as an employee for a certain large Miner, look it up.

WTF you wanna commit career suicide like that for?

The Leftard trolls are coming for her now…


I see this as simply an natural outgrowth of living in the economic zone. This strong female poc is simply reflecting the values of EZFKA – every (wo)man for themself.

She is unlikely to have relatives here other than those that she’s brought with her. The established culture (Legacy Australians) is one she is taught to look down upon.

Most likely she views Legacy Australians as problematic in the same way as Coming views them, outsized in terms of the percentage of them that are useless; old or/and dullwitted (but only because locals haven’t been culled via the visa selection process that applies to imports).


Your last paragraph is something that coming conveniently forgets


for the first time in history the yield on cash, bonds and stocks is equal

not sure what conclusion to draw here

either shares have to crash
or this is what fiscal/monetary hyperinflation looks like ?


It’s what my mate Chris Joye said on the podcast the other day. Strange that shares and commercial property are yielding about the same as cash.

he likes to focus more on the illiquidity of commercial property, but that doesn’t apply to shares (or bonds).

to me it suggests something more along the lines of the market participants still believing that current “higher” rates are very temporary and a 5% (say) yield on assets will soon be attractive again. In which case central banks still have some work to do.


Or they realise that interest rate rises are inflationary and create spending

classic MB disease: I’m not wrong, it’s the whole market that irrational

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

If inflation is rising, people spend more because their money is losing value. If interest rates rise while still being less than inflation, then that might accellerate spending because money will buy less stuff in future, even if its borrowed. But once interest rates are higher than inflation, saving makes sense because money doing nothing in a bank will buy more stuff in the future.

A fly in your ointment

Not so difficult to grasp for everyone except for doctor C oming

the arborist

Only if consumers are rational actors. Which, in the main, they’re not (e.g. panic buying of toilet paper).


Gigi foster is incredible
truly a man’s brain in a woman’s body
whereas DLS is the opposite

great to see the AFR publish this

the state premiers and health ministers of the time need to be jailed


she was right about the economic impact of lockdowns since the beginning, all the inflation and shit we’re having now came directly from that


No! It was the low interest rates !

which did nothing to inflation for decades but it just took a few extra months to suddenly tip us into hyperinflation

Jesus Christ are you stupid don’t you know basic economics ?


Shes one of these psychos who wants to steal peoples super to give to boomers for houses? She might be right on the lockdowns but fundamentally…yeah it’s no wonder you like her. You’re a simp for Karens.


While you’re on the AFR there’s a nice piece on Teal Karen “Dr” Sophie Scamps.

Why are we not surprised to learn this clownish policy is being pushed by a residential property mogul?”

Goes on to list the 5 propodees this Teal Karen owns, including a beach house in Avalon and a farm in Wee Jasper.

no wonder there’s a housing crisis. Dr Scamps is buying them all !


weird relationship

hes almost certainly gay and psychopathic and she is his beard / trophy to help him get preselected for alp nomination


its some serious house of cards shit, i dont think hes gay tbh but i do think theyre both soulless career obsessed creeps using each other for personal gain

this is why politics is fucked bc its full of ppl like this

a sane society would kill these ppl


It’s basically attempted murder. I wonder if the law would allow that charge.


Just like Albo.

No way he’s straight.


I wonder if government officials could ever manipulate and mislead as to the outcomes of scientific studies outside of this specific context


a real slice of the australian dream right here

house looks like a motherfucking coke oven


85sqm south facing crack shack for 1.4m

Second bizarrely inflated sale in Erskineville in the last two weeks

I posted the other one a little cottage that sold at auction for 4.5

so is it Chinese buyers who have fallen in love with inner west grunge ?

A fly in your ointment

courtesy of ZH, a nice video which “would be funny if it was not real life”
The topic of Comingism (aka “compliance is the rooit way”) will keep on giving


Ramjet had a good post the other day. Putting it here because I think it deserves discussion:

comment image

Bloke hit the nail on the head – EZFKA has a tremendously out-sized portion of workforce hitched to the construction wagon (as well as other services-for-migrants and services-predicated-on-a-booming-population).

Proof is easy – walk down any street in any middle ring suburb and count the number of houses built in the last 10 years. You will see there are lots. Based on my last ezfka visit, probably a reasonable estimate is 15%. (Plus a construction site or two.)
That’s before you get to newbuild estates, where every dwelling is new.

compare to a decade or two ago, when you’d see the occasional new dwelling.

these new houses didn’t build themselves. I would estimate that Ezfka is running a construction workforce big enough to replace the entire housing stock in 30 years. That’s probably almost 50% bigger than it needs to be.

Its not hard to imagine what would happen if the population tap is turned off.


The highrises are being built for foreign investors and migrants. The only people who would miss them is big business. The only downside is they are probably already eligible for the dole.


i dont think she waas referring to just the high rises


I know that. I am suggesting aussies are not the ones buying the highrise apartments. That is another bunch of jimmies surplus to requirements.

A fly in your ointment

ask any savvy astute convict investor (or pretty much any investor inclusive of 1 wave wogs) would they give up their RE wealth to protect the old ways of life and you may be surprised by the answer.
the common denominator is that no one gives a flying cluck what happens after they cash in and everyone thinks that they will be off the titanic before all others (no one told them there are no life boats)

Gruppenführer Mark

 Based on my last ezfka visit

Are you based off-shore????

A fly in your ointment

I guessed the Peach character has permanent residence in Llewdo/Bleato minds, so technically an expat.😉


How many people really think that their job is dependent on mass immigration and vote accordingly?

Can’t imagine many would think that.

A fly in your ointment

not directly in the form as you put it here.
come (s)election time, sheple vote “status quo” which is for all practical reasons voting for excessive immigration wrapped in the feel-good floscule of skills shortage and “we can’t let the property prices sink like a brick”, and they know it.

the well-being of tomorrow is well and truly connected to excessive immigration, similar to the late stage of any ponzi. The well-being of day after tomorrow is connected to decoupling the gdp from houses and iron ore. It aint happening. My response to original Ramjet post explains why as well as it explains what can stop excessive immigration. Voting options cannot halt excessive immigration.

Gruppenführer Mark

The voting system, as it stands today, is driving the outcomes that we have. Two rules – preferential voting and mandatory voting – pretty much keep us divided up in Lib/Lab camps, with a little dusting of Nat and Greens. I think scraping one of the two rules could change the outcomes significantly.

More parties represented would mean the need for negotiations, as neither major party would, theoretically, be able to form a majority if the preferential voting is scrapped.

If mandatory voting is done away with, the parties would need to become creative to get out the vote.

Or we can just establish the Politburo and vote for the one approved candidate.


Two parties just means that there are only two parties that the elites have to work at in controlling the narrative and not seven or eight parties that had to be negotiated with.

You either go with many or none, two parties is just the illusion of democracy which imho is worse than a dictatorship.


How many people really think that their job is dependent on mass immigration and vote accordingly?

Can’t imagine many would think that.

lols… that doesn’t matter, because it’s not like there is anyone else to vote for


Yeah. I know I’m going against some precious stereotypes and “real” Aussies but fuck tradies. Need army of poos just to start putting a dent in supply. Probably take 10-20 years.

There’s no going back to old Australia. Now the ezfka normies scum have had a taste of getting rich via what is close to slavery. They are such utter cunts they see it as “street smarts” and “common sense” etc. Gotta play their game and skew it in a decent direction.


what do these new houses look like ?


If Australia was allowed to transition, like a more enclosed society and how societies traditionally in the past dealt with these problems, then the following would have already happened by now.

Instead of tradies getting rich, it would have been careers, nursing staff. There would be less wealth inequality between generations, the shortage of labour to do things would mean that young people would be able to earn higher wages – and most probably afford to have more children than they do.

House prices wouldn’t be as high either, as oldies firstly would have had less incentive to horde them and secondly, because they would either be selling them to pay for their retirement, and downsizing in the process, or simply staying in the workforce longer and continuing to work.

The point is that per capita consumption in the economy would be at least no worse off than what we are currently experiencing.

People still need to eat and have places to live, housing stock needs to be continuously maintained and renovated. Indeed with capital deeping you would be likely to see living standards continue to rise, as existing capital doesn’t need to be endlessly expanded just to tread water.

What immigration is about is maintaining the status quo, so that those who currently benefit from the growth and consumption flows, continue to benefit from the growth and consumption flows.

Its not hard to imagine what would happen if the population tap is turned off.

We saw it for the brief time after COVID but before the immigration spigot was turned on once more…. a brief glimpse of what could be.

Temporary immigrants go home, Higher wages, flatter house prices. That people were beginning to see it as possible terrified the business community.


Australia was allowed to transition, like a more enclosed society and how societies traditionally in the past dealt with these problems, then the following would have already happened by now.

Instead of tradies getting rich, it would have been careers, nursing staff. There would be less wealth inequality between generations, the shortage of labour to do things would mean that young people would be able to earn higher wages – and most probably afford to have more children than they do

yes, in the absence of migration running hot, in a crude, approximate way – the old would have to trade what they have (assets) for what they need (care from young people) in a roughly zero-sum game which results ina sensible distribution… in exchange for honest hard work, mind you.

in the presence of migration running hot, those who benefit are the folk who happen to be exposed to the migration stream – tradies, fake colleges, asset holders, developers – while everybody else loses out.




Yep. You got that straight.

A fly in your ointment

I get the gist of this meme but technically it ain’t correct.
Not where “whities are at” but “where whities were grown for several generations”
I hope you get the gist of what I am saying.


Only Jews and those who’ve swallowed their lies and propaganda, have the desire to reduce the status of white people to little more than a diaspora in every society and nation they’ve built.

They won’t be happy until every white person is as much a stranger in their own land as they are. Well done Goy for so completely swallowing their shit.

Several? Try 7+ over nearly 250 years. Champ.


Look at this AUWU idiot pining for more migration.



every time


lmfao hes seriously chucking a wobbly


Shame he’s restricted comments, would’ve been a great laugh. He’s even blocked a guy who retweets Adam Bandt.


i had to log out to read it bc i quote tweeted him talking about how his ‘intra-generational holocaust trauma’ prevents him from working with “lmao” and he blocked me for it

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

another panhandler with his cup out

piss off

Aussie Soy Boy

Let’s get EZFKA gaining some traction


Banned in 3…2…1..

Aussie Soy Boy

Why would it?


I don’t and will never use Reddit. Thought it would be a leftie-controlled site.


i need to re-reg a new account i got banned lol

Aussie Soy Boy

For some reason posts need to be approved so might not appear immediately. I’m trying to work it out.


That’s Russia for ya. So weak that their soldiers are fighting using shovels, so strong that once they crush Ukraine, they’ll be invading YOU next.


This is from a job advertised I came across, how much can you say “no white males please…” ?

Our diverse and inclusive workplaces bring out the best in our people. We’re all ages, genders and abilities, and we come from all walks of life. That’s how we deliver for Australia – together. We believe our business should reflect the diverse communities we operate in. See how we’re achieving that here.

We encourage applications from all backgrounds including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, People with Disability and Ex Defence Force.

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we operate, live and gather as employees, and recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. To find out more about our progress with reconciliation, watch this short video.

…, is committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free workplace and encourages the implementation of workplace adjustments for team members with disability at all stages of their career. If you have any questions, please contact our Diversity & Inclusion team on inclusivecareers@…,

One last thing

Research shows that women and people of colour are less likely to apply for roles if they don’t meet every qualification. If after reading this, you’re not sure you tick every single criteria box, but have the passion to get behind our purpose, the determination to face a challenge and a willingness to grow and learn, we think you should click that apply button anyway. We’re passionate about building a diverse and inclusive team, and love hearing from people like you.”


What could possibly go wrong if you give women the vote?


The actual job description was only about half the text as that “diversity is our stwength” bullshit.

That’s a hard no from me, but I guess they’ll recruit the ‘types’ they want.


It’s everywhere now. I don’t know whether it’s more disgusting that businesses actually have the nerve to print this or that Anglo men sit around winging about it on the internet while shopfronts go unbroken and networks go unhacked.

Last edited 1 year ago by robert2013



George Floyd autopsy is interesting.

Gruppenführer Mark

So do you reckon we may see Derek Chauvin back out on the streets? I can’t recall if the autopsy report was a part of the original trial, but he did appeal last month…


soomeone drew a big sw—you know what on a fence near hungry jacks a few nights ago


lmao what the fuck is the voice actually
this is legit fucking sinister

‘And then be able to campaign for that, and punish politicians that ignore our advice. That is where the power comes from.’

Mayo said the Voice would also be protected from ‘hostile governments’ because of its ‘constitutional underpinning.’ 

its hilarious that fully half the population is going to vote for this literal fascism

govern me harder daddy


How bad is the Cope on these Champage Socialists?

Fucking pathetic Leftards whining about the Pauline cartoons…


Seethe harder Madigan.




Thought better of it

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Fark ! Great spotting

This cat too. Quality.


My weekend RE story. I checked out a nice apartment with Harbour views. I told agent I was concerned about rezoning of adjacent land and blocking the view. Agent let slip development proposal already underway. We both agreed apartment would be worth around $900k (in current overheated market) if the view disappeared. So how much would you expect to pay for an apartment with temporary harbour views? $1.4m-$1.5m. Chinese investors trying to scam other Chinese investors.

I notice the apartment next door is also for sale today.


how do you become an ndis provider this shit sounds incredible


Know a bloke who runs ndis appropriate rental properties

basically just gets a shitty apartment and installs a hand rail next to the toilet and puts a chair in the toilet

then doubles the rent

he’s always posting pictures on Instagram of his watches worth 5 figures plus

wouldn’t be hard for you to start something similar in Dubbo


is he lebo


southern Italian so basically the same thing


how do you become an ndis provider this shit sounds incredible

we discussed this kind of shit a few months ago if I remember correctly.

Of the $40b ndis budget, about $15b-$20b would be effectively stolen/grifted away in this manner (internal estimates).

of that $15b, a solid 80% would end up in propadee. Because, let’s face it, what else do these ezfka grifters know?

so “fixing” NDIS carries a significant risk of blowing up real estate market and the broader economy (all those rangers and boats and shit don’t buy and service themselves, you know, refer also


What happened to the rape accusation against Bill Shorten ?

I’m sure it’s not yet another left wing media hush up, that it’s “different” somehow (not just because he’s a Labor politician).

The media would report on it and ask lots of questions about it, I’m sure.

Surely the only media coverage it got wasn’t soft questions with a clear slant towards Blowout Bill?


here is the Higgins article that crikey published then immediately deleted after “backlash”


ty ty ty


Holy fuck he did not hold back

Pure chad energy

whichever editor clicked publish did not read a single fucking word lol


Being found naked and asleep on your boss’s office sofa is a career killer, obviously. Not only does it show your boss that you’re neither serious nor reliable, but when it gets out, you’d be a laughing stock, and that would stick to your boss as well, especially a woman boss. What’s the one thing, the one thing that turns an episode of absurdity into one of utmost seriousness? When a frivolous and stupid encounter becomes a violent and tragic example of the scourge of our time, and the main figure in it goes from fool to victim-hero.

We are supposed to pretend there is no possibility that this is the case. We are supposed to ignore the fact that this has occurred in a milieu of people who have chosen as their profession that of political adviser, whose prerequisite in our time is a willingness to lie cynically and strategically at every opportunity. And they’re Liberals! People who purport not to believe in structural oppression, but in the power of the autonomous individual.



Oh lawd

we can offer the alternative possibility: that Higgins saw that her case had come apart in an afternoon, and that the only way of getting out of further sessions that would demolish it was to have a health excuse to suspend the cross-examination.

cant even believe this ever appeared on lmao

Would be like if MB accidentally published one of Stewie’s articles on the Jews


Crikey have previously published articles by Katherine Deves (Morrison’s captain pick who compared trans to Nazis) and Adam Schwab who had some questionable takes on lockdown and vaccinations. They’ve done quite well to fool progressives who continue to give them money!


Progressives you say?

Every single time.

Aussie Soy Boy

I bet he reads this site (and the EZFKA reddit)


Media Watch entirely about Higgins. No need to tell you what side he’s on.


Crikey issued not one but TWO grovelling apologies

absolutely pathetic


you should pick up the article from guy Rundle and publish it instead

A fly in your ointment

Apparently wannabe Americans are importing 1mil rice eaters per year, perhaps this is what awaits Karenistan Jabbadabbaland Thia Pond


Copious amounts of copium, what else???


What in the actual…


Jew groomer chasing any kind of attention whines about the attention he then gets.

But still won’t do a similar joke against Muslims.