I reckon we need merch.

  • Tshirts
  • Mugs
  • Stickers
  • Stubby holders
  • coasters
  • etc.

Such things can be made up on demand so we would not need to carry inventory.

It could be a potential profit centre, but I’d prefer to do it at cost price. Let’s get our message of hopelessness and despair out there!

Maybe we can pool our resources and post some ideas here. Or steal memes from old posts and the EZFKA twitter account.

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i would wear an ezfka t-shirt lol

itd be easy to get a cafe press merch account or whatever i thin theyre free


The biggest merch based rebellion I’ve seen was some wog at the RSL with a rebel news t-shirt on. I should’ve asked him how many ips he had. Oh and some fat faggot millenial with a fuck trump t-shirt on back in those days.


I’d get an EZFKA t-shirt just to wear it to the next MB investor forum.


Have Midjourney generate a calendar of nude Britney Higginses and you’ll have one customer who won’t be able to resist


How about an EZFKA mask?

Wonder what it should say on the front…?


I’d buy a bundle of toilet stickers like this…


Toilet stickers are such a good idea!


lol what’s with the lidia thorpe thing

who is gunna be dumb enough to believe her


I actually think this might be the making of Dutton.


Stunning and brave.

25 properties amongst these women and still they are fighting for average Aussie battlers.

Well okay, so they don’t give a fuck about homeless Australians, and they won’t dare mention the Population Ponzi scheme they support, and they know in their hard little teal hearts they are a root cause of the EZFKA human disaster.

But look at the concern on their faces.


why does allegra spender always talk like she’s about to deliver a stage 4 cancer diagnosis to a patient


The big problem is that the government can’t work out how to deliver cheap housing (at scale) without substantially devaluing existing housing nearby. That is the problem, in local terms, the devaluing of existing housing stock.

In national terms, this is why the government must look to maintain an overall housing shortage. Obviously they do that not all on their own, but with many willing supporters holding vested interests.

so all they will do is financial wizardry and if they do get anywhere near building actual housing units, it will be subscale.

Gruppenführer Mark

Sure they can! Take a bit of Crown land, chuck an apartment block on it with a mix of 2 and 3 bedroom units, rent them out. With cost of land being zero, cost to build is going to be many times less when compared with buying off the plan from developers. Only, these apartments are not for sale, ever, and to qualify to rent one of those one needs to meet fairly strict requirements, say, income threshold no more than $X, no violence, no drug use, so people have an incentive to be nice. Otherwise, strict enforcement of the eviction rules.

No competition with private interests, as the landowners can freely trade their real estate. No hurt feelings from the developers, hell, Triguboff can build these apartments for the government on Crown land and make a buck the honest way. Pay them to manage the apartments as well.

Except our government has no balls and too many vested interests. And our population have blurred the lines between “what I can afford”, “what I need”, and “what I deserve”. Because every cunt must have a 4×2 with a 2 car garage, a swimming pool and some yard space.

I am not sure how the poor in Europe manage to survive and raise a family in a 2 bedroom apartment owned by government.

You know the line of jokes about “In Soviet Russia…”

Well, in Socialist Australia, beggars CAN be choosers.


Mark, yes, with a bit of unconventional thinking the problem can indeed be tackled.

Only, these apartments are not for sale, ever,

you’re on the right sort of track here, in terms of recognising the need of putting in place measures to prevent “leakage” between any cheap houses and expensive houses.

and to qualify to rent one of those one needs to meet fairly strict requirements

but the more of these sorts of (necessary) barriers are designed in, the further away it looks from “market principles” the more it starts looking like welfare, command and control and socialism. No appetite to go there.

although with the sorts of sums being thrown about (multiple billions for that bullshit housing fund) they could actually deliver some pretty ambitious non-market outcomes.

Gruppenführer Mark

Agree, but we already have welfare, command and control, socialism, and are getting pretty dismal outcomes presactly because the value of the land is incorporated into price of housing and it is competing on par with privately held dwellings.

Might as well rip the band-aid off and own up to it.


Might as well rip the band-aid off and own up to it.

maybe one day.

but current trajectory suggest that things will continue to get worse before they might one day get better


The really big problem is that fundamentally the population doesn’t want migration, or density, or any of these policies that require mass housing construction. So property owners will move to fight against those policies, and reap ever bigger rewards from demand that cannot be met.

Anyway there’s a new post so I’ll put even less effort than usual bc no one will see this.

Gruppenführer Mark

I think Peachy was dealing with supply side of the equation. Demand side will certainly need its own approach.


The housing bubble is just modern day enslavement with a few more steps…. funny that.

Didn’t JFK get assassinated a few days after commenting to the effect on a plan to enslave every American?


Ever since I read that VERY LONG and VERY SHIT book that someone here recommended about JFK shooting, I have lost the will to consider any JFK related conspiracies.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy
Gruppenführer Mark


I am not a huge fan of Stephen King, but his book on JFK assassination was a very good listen. I have more time for audiobooks these days, sadly.


I don’t know about Stephen King – doesn’t he do scary ghost/zombie stories and stuff?

still, might consider reading it, given that there have been no other book or movie recommendations recently.

Gruppenführer Mark

There are no scary bits, zombies and such. There is a bit around time travel, and historically correct reconstruction of the timeline leading to the assassination.

Stephen King tends to be a bit wordy, but I guess he gets paid by the page nowadays 😜


Lol ~ there’s a JFK conspiracy for every occasion.

You are correct though, through ‘democracy’ and the eye eternally on the next election and retaining power EVERY Govt will do all they can to keep the bubble from deflating on their watch.


Lol typical modern ezfka units though. Best of both worlds. Being an overt thief, traitor and excellent lefty person at the same time. 👍


Everyone needs 5 propadees.

Woolloongabba, inner city suburb in Brisbane, smart, you never know Brisbane might go bananas.


Men should start accusing women of rape/sex harrassment too.

Gruppenführer Mark

Nah, I just identify as a trans male lesbian, because I like girls, and then LGBTQ+++++


Nice. You deserve to be way more equal then.


Don’t think he has a choice, Van has a track record.


I would not be caught dead in ezfka merch , to be perfectly honest


But for years they had a paid subscription to Macrobusiness…


You should buy one so that when the revolution occurs you can pull it from the bottom draw and say, “See I was one of you!”


So who is going to do some designs, then? We could have voting for the best design.


comment image

imo this (centred) on a white t-shirt bg


Yup – that would do me


Put it on black and red, wear it to a Voice rally, gift it to Lidia Thorpe the possibilities are endless!


Put it on black and red, wear it to a Voice rally, gift it to Lidia Thorpe the possibilities are endless!

Gruppenführer Mark

EZFKA needs to be written in colours of the rainbow flag, too. Then it’ll be purrrfect