International student free to go the fuck home and stop fucking the housing market up for Australians

An international student has exploded in a TikTok rant about being ‘mistreated’ while studying in Australia.

Speaking through an interpreter, 5th year Monash University English student Jamie Wu complained that not enough was being done to support foreign economic parasites.

“I haven’t been to class since I’ve got here and can’t pass level 3 on IELTS but that’s not the point. I was sent here by my parents to play the long game and park their money in a property and eventually gain PR – the Australian government has abandoned us!” Wu said.

Wu lashed out at Home Affairs visa wait times for not expediting her permanent residency.

“We own this country, how hard is it to get access to public services we haven’t paid into? I’ve pushed the median price substantially up in my suburb, so the FIRB can also fuck off.”

“Don’t make me call SBS again and have them write another 10 sob stories about poor international students that were supposed to have enough money to support themselves.”

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles said he was considering personally exercising Ministerial Intervention powers to grant Wu citizenship.

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Do singaporeans desire PR here ?

seems unnecessary they have an infinitely more competent and fair government at home , and better opportunities there


Yeah I thought that was peculiar. I thought Singapore was a chink workers’ paradise.


What’s the difference between an upper middle class Singaporean and a middle class Singaporean? Like another bedroom or two on the apartment, maybe some more Gucci bags? Can’t even own a car there unless you’re rich.


Much lower taxes in Singapore and protected housing for citizens, so would think most would prefer to return there although there are probably a few looking for PR/marriage scams etc.

Still, would rather her than ol Jez.

Someone get his hourly rate and bank account details.


Clearly not a great place to raise a family, as the fertility rate is barely 1.1.


When the women look like that though


Looks like it could bite the head right off a Wombat


Extremely competitive job and education environment. Extremely expensive cost of living. Oppressive one party government. Insane covid lockdowns and mandates. The government used to gift young adults an HDB flat as a coming of age “gift”. Not sure if this is still the case. Other than that, nothing in Singapore is worth aspiring to.
Oh by the way, many Singaporeans study overseas due to being locked out of their course of choice. So if I gained the grades to study law at NUS, the manpower dept will say Nope, there are already too many girls studying law, We need more spaces for men. Maybe that is a good thing ? but this means one more person having to study abroad.



Drake says - Copy.jpg
Agent 47

Basically already is criminalized. Woman in WA years ago did the same thing and had to be dragged through the courts, despite OC spray being legal in WA.


most bafffling laws

A fly in your ointment

coming to australia soon

coming is already here 😉

In my mode of transport i carry a 12″ shifter spanner in the door pocket and a toolbox in the boot. perfectly legal and convenient. luckily in this pond most drivers are emasculated so they resort to only masculinity left in them: the digital part of the hand, the middle digit – which I do not react to.


Yeah I keep the same tool in the pocket behind the passenger seat. (Heavy chung of metal) I use it to take tow ball of for installation of bike carrier. Allegedly.

If someone is at your drivers side window punching down on you , I reckon it would be quite difficult to reach down into door pocket to retrieve.

A fly in your ointment

If someone is at your drivers side window…

It means you failed to react in time.

Luckily, the only near murder experience I had was in Hellbourne about 11yrs ago in a sleazy suburb of Rowville. Sydneyites are detestosteronised but frankly I also learned it’s better to avoid stepping in sheet than to smear myself in it and becoming smelly and unable to wash off.


Boomer/ute driving legacy Australian channel 9 doxing this cop, no wonder they are such “pussies”.

Why would you even give a fuck if you were a cop? They’re barely even bouncers now they are more like teachers in the playground at school.


from what i heard this little shit regularly steals from stores too, all the workers around where it happened were aware of him

Agent 47

Can confirm.

There is a global war on Police via the judicial branch much like Soros is doing in the US via the DA route in each state. Be a good topic for any decent investigative journalist and I’m sure youd uncover something.

Zac Rolfe being thrown under the bus should have been the warning sign.


“Magistrate Rami Attia”

They hate us.

Agent 47


Judges need to experience [redacted] before this reverses course.


After their cowardly attacks on the public during the Covid hysteria, Vic Pol is despised by a hell of a lot of citizens. Being recognised as Dan Andrew’s Gestapo will take a long time to wane.

This was their responses to a homeless man not wearing a mask:



Where does it end for these sponging vermin ?

Literally stealing food from Homeless and disadvantaged EZFKA units.

$1mill of Vic taxpayers money, charities, etc.

When will EZFKA wake up?


When will EZFKA wake up?

When the boomers have all died and their progeny (us) finally realise that they are hated because they are white.

Ironic Boomer

Did you see the dees on the weekend, they totally creamed the pies.


I have no idea what you are referring to by “dees”. I suspect if I knew then I might understand what “creaming the pies” might refer to.

Ironic Boomer

Not sure if this is still going, not that it makes it OK. Didn’t see it at the time.
Someone needs to finish the job of assisting andrews down the stairs

Gruppenführer Mark

Repeat after me:

Homeless are a blight and a drain on the society.

International students greatly contribute to the GDP and bank accounts of the academia

Australia is a fair go country for those who can contribute to the reelection.

Aussie Soy Boy

We always get the ugly Asians over here. The parents see that they are going to struggle to find a husband from a good family so ship them off to Australia to become a breadwinner.

A fly in your ointment

I agree on appearance perception.
After travelling the 3 Chinkstans I can vouch that in my eye the beauty lies in mainland, particularly in comparison to this pond. Strangely, returning to this pond felt like Back to the Future Pt1.
on the “breadwinning”…. if you check this link you’ll see that it is likely that a false perception of a presige is likely what drives studies here, not the breadwin.


Yeh because Asians are so much better back in their own shit holes…

They even make grave robbing a business these savages, at least the Aboriginals have some culture. Not the Chinese etc.


You may want to move to Chengdu, Chongqing or Harbin if good looking Chinese women is what you are after. As an added bonus you will get the neighbours you apparently prefer.

A fly in your ointment

another post about an upside down look at things….
never mind why_whom gave visas to slopes…. squirrel!

mean time in Karenistan:

Agent 47

Post mocking white Australians taking the jab and you’re all for it. Post mocking international students for being entitled economic parasites and you’re in full deflection/don’t blame migrants mode.

The usual anti-white faggotry.


Whataboutism is Mr Ointments shtick

A fly in your ointment

what about if I remind you that making use if fancy words incorrectly or inappropriately makes one appear inverted intelligent?

Whataboutism “the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counter-accusation or raising a different issue.”

This is you to a tee on anything immigration as Agent47 points out.

Go read a dictionary. And maybe a thesaurus so we can decode your posts.

A fly in your ointment

LOL, your cognace deficiency is on par with Agent47.

there are no difficult questions because i agree and also claim myself tht excessive immigration is destroying this pond. I disagree that immigrants themselves are rhe issue here as they could not come uninvited and without a visa path. Someone invited them to come. That someone should be the only direction to point your poison arrows and there will be no more excessive gunga dins slumming houses and delivering your food

the only non-counter accusation I give is that Timbo’s post and xenophobes like your type aid and abet the “difficult question” by diverting attention towards immigrants and away from policy makers whom are *the only culprits* here. See my other response to your mate below.
I said this so many times even the daft ones got it.

whataboutism… inappropriate use.

You’re delusional if you don’t think the people who arrive here game the system at every turn for their benefit.

What does that say about their morals as much as the deficiencies within the system?


Absolutely – the only exceptions may be wealthy immigrants and only through laziness, the stingy amongst them will still maximise their benefits. WTF wouldn’t they?

It is perfectly aligned from and economic and social motivational stance. Net benefits with zero cost to themselves, which is instead worn by a population that it does not yet necessarily identify with and is actively being taught to look down upon, in terms of the crime of being white.

While there are a large number of wealthy immigrants, there are also a huge number of very poor ones, obviously using various visas as a springboard to PR and citizenship.

They are attempting to do so in one of the highest cost of living countries in the world, of course they will have their hand out at every opportunity – they need it to survive, and nounce, captured political class make sure their benefactors tax donkeys get what they need.

A fly in your ointment

You’re delusional if you don’t think the people who arrive here game the system at every turn for their benefit.

wut da fuq,
when did I say so?

I said system is deliberately laxed, made like Swiss cheese so that it can be gamed. I said this was by a design to allow by far greater immigration than officially admitted.
20+ yrs ago and earlier one had to be criminal to perhaps succeed in outwitting the system.

What does that say about their morals as much as the deficiencies within the system?

Does it mean you’d like them better if they had different (better) moral values? If all the rich eaters had similar moral values to yours, qould you welcome them with a shrimp on the barbie?

if rice eaters did not come in planeloads every day, would you care about their values at their home?

Stop the system allowing them to come or making 1000s of loopholes so they can stay, picking the worst of the crop (and let’s be honest, only unsuccessful rice eaters migrate overseas) and none if the problems you mentioned are there.
If you see which one came first, immigration or gameable immi laws, it makes it simple to comprehend where the solution is.
…but then, it is easier to sit in a comfy chair, enjoy own wealth on paper growing by doing sfa – than to go out on the street, rebel, lose all that “wealth” along the way but make Aus great again.


All the migrants have had the jabbadabbadoo though haven’t they

won’t be long before they’re all dead anyway

A fly in your ointment

Sorry, slopes probably got the chinksran made Chinkovac and Chinkopharm types which are benign in comparison to supreme westworld types that come with free lottery ticket …. tick tock…

I’d like them more if they deliberately didn’t arrive to study bullshit degrees, to then backdoor their way into PR all the while suppressing wages growth via working jobs that could otherwise be filled locally at a higher fair market rate.

“if rice eaters did not come in planeloads every day, would you care about their values at their home?”

Nope not my problem then is it.

A fly in your ointment

Full circle back to sq1
Your responses sums up to: I hate them here but I vote parties that facilitate their unrestricted arrival.

Lol…. I give up

You can’t vote against immigration though can you, only the composition of temporary and permanent. And actually not even that was presented as a policy.

And even if you go PHON they still preference back to LNP.

Last edited 1 year ago by The90kwbeast
A fly in your ointment

Egg zactly.
You can’t vote this out and yet you participate in voting – thus facilitating and legalising excessive immigration.

Street is where voting against excessive immigration comes from and it has effect.
Need balls the size of chickpeas for this… obviously that is too big size in this pond.

PHON is only a usefully idiot and a dead end.

Voting is mandatory

Even if it wasn’t the parties would still unilaterally support it but at least you wouldn’t be voting for it by force

jab is mandatory too.
That does not mean one has to comply, at least not in the rest of the thinking world. If you like the existing path the country is going to, then participate in the circus making it a carte Blanche for the duogarchy.

parties of the establishment will protect their safety. I mean, it’s a fish in the barrel for them and why would they let go of it.


voting isnt mandatory, only getting your named signed off at the poll is

you can just walk out after that or throw your ballot in the box without even writing anything on it

you can get out of even having to turn up if you want to by getting a religious exemption, my friend did it

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

Anything other than the last bit (exemption) is confirmed as legitimisation of outcomes. By turning up and not voting you actually accept the results.

I am unsure about exemption, I fear it falls under the same though it looks different

It seems the fine for non voting is a whopping $20 for federal elections and $55 for NSW state.

Not a lot of money but its cheaper to spend that on a sausage sandwich and donkey vote.

The jab was never mandatory

A fly in your ointment

nice post, a good example of your biases and cognitive capabilities.

YOU saw black and white and green and red and whatever colour in these posts, I see accurate and inaccurate, bullseye or off the target, focus or deflection.

Post on jab was indeed accurate because it is on the spot, focusing on root cause and it is not a deflection.White man has nothing to do with it.

This post is about hatred of customers demanding what PM You voted (and all of those before her, for at least 20yrs) sold to them. “Come study in Aus and you will get this and that and…” Like going to Colesworth, buying a 1kg tin of beetroot and when you open it and drain it there is only one tiny little beetroot – they complain on delivery incommensurate with promises.
To sum ot for you, it is your PM whom was selected and legitimised by Your vote that fucks you by creating a biggest human vacuum in the history of mankind which causes sheetloat issues for you and yet you want to justify hate towards those vacuumed whom are also victims of the same scheme and, what you can’t cognate, who’s arrival in thIs country keeps Aus economy clinically alive – making you not lose all that paper wealth at once and as yet.
Borh Immigrants and you are a tool, except immos are a tool in the far greater agenda workshop and you are just a tool.

As I said in the other post which was equally as imbecilic as this one: your cognitive deficiency is far greater than infinite.

on this doll, internet hurt me here —-> ¤

A fly in your ointment

that is:
“biggest human vacuum machine…”


this is a ripper

Teal MP gives award to school boy with “climate anxiety” because his parents holiday home “almost” burned down , and he also had another holiday spoiled by bad weather

‘After that incident, my climate anxiety also got worse and has been wearing me down since. My school has flooded twice, and I couldn’t go to school for three days.

Christopher said ‘almost everyone’ he knows ‘has some degree of mental health struggle relating to climate’. 

He now refers to himself as a ‘climate disaster survivor’ who is in ‘the fight for his future’.

he looks borderline trans too

this idiot will be allowed to vote in the next federal and state elections

(she’s a bit of a cutie though)


Didn’t take even a year before these bored Doctor’s wives turned corrupt.

Simon Two Dads knew from the get go, he had lots of Jews financially backing them, a bunch of dumb bitches fronting the party, etc. He knew this was all about his play things and power.


Winning the race to Net Zero!
‘South Africa Beats Climate Goal as Blackouts Slash Emissions

  • South Africa emissions are falling, ahead of a 2025 target
  • Power plant breakdowns are reducing industrial activity

South Africa is ahead of its target for cutting

emissions of greenhouse gases.

Timbo writes for Bloomberg?

Aussie Soy Boy

damn he was great, i loved rome hbo

rip titus pullo


look at this absolute stacey

threw her life away in the most bogan way imagineable

white people are so tragic


Cherrypicking the odd whites that die like spastics. It’s almost like it’s intentional, to make whitey look like a buffoon.

Shitskins just breed like vermin and starve themselves and make life worth literally 50 cents an hour.

Lol lol


I highly doubt that there are many if any indian or asian girls sniffing glue in this country

its white degeneracy


Whites have always been a bit degenerate. See the gin craze in London.

It’s mostly pretty harmless and makes life less boring.

Don’t forget it’s the shitskins that come here not the other way around.


Don’t forget it’s the shitskins that come here not the other way around.

that’s not my understanding of australian history


Lol you are deliberately mistaking conquest and pioneering with some sort of cowardly running away from a shit country.


I think that “shitskins” isn’t a nice term


yes the people here give racism a bad name

racism as I would define it is rational and objective used to describe the differences between races, and heuristics to guide decision making

but this kind of talk just makes it all look deranged and hateful


“racism as I would define it is rational and objective used to describe the differences between races, and heuristics to guide decision making”

I’d define it as abusing an individual on the basis of their race, that can include collectively abusing the race they belong too.

The only exception is sub-Saharan Africans – there is enough behavioural differences between Africans and everyone else on the planet, to warrant following your heuristic short cuts that depending on circumstance involves being additionally wary when first engaging with an unknown African.

People would say that is unequivocally racist, but I would say that it is unequivocally sensible.

Aussie Soy Boy

I think boongs are worse.


You are more closely related to a ‘Boong’ than you are an African.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

It’s the poo train.

Yeah look at all that vibrancy. Is that a train in western Sydney. I saw the head Mr hanky was visiting all his nuggets down there in Sydney. I was confused when the whitecuck tv presenter referred to Mr hanky as the nuggets prime minister or president, like I give a fuck.

Constitution of India does not allow holding Indian citizenship and Citizenship of a foreign country simultaneously.

I remember that one time when I lived abroad and John Howard was pm and visited the local capital. Me and all my economic migrant mates went down to London draped in flags and shit and complained on how chocolate was much better down under.


what’s chroming


Sniffing petrol or solvents.


You need to get your Monkeypox vaxx too, or M Pox as the cool cocksucking kids call it now.


🤣 🤣 🤣

Victorians are a pack of fucking retards. They voted this cunt back in so are getting what they deserved. The rest of us should kick them out of the commonwealth


Haha sucked in. Not that it’s much compared to their covid capital gains.


And yet Milennials and Gen Y’s are dumb cunts like this ugly cow whining about ‘the system’ like it’s some spaceship just arrived out of the blue.

In Sicktoria there will (hopefully) finally be some radical response to Andrews, but I doubt it. Corporations are on the teat, he’s still stacked the public service, blamed ‘muh the economy’ etc.


Haha what the epitome of the disgusting fat scum treasonous redditor now enjoying the fruits of her deserts. Desserts. Just desserts. Something like that. I bet she insists on having dessert.

White as fuck too, like you need sunnies to look at her, and a sick bag.


scenes from bakhmut

ghost town, eerie

seems like itd be cool to explore


Looks like it’s fucked.

how many dead dudes did it cost to make that? About 30,000 (15 each side)? Or more?


putin-cels would be seething at this innocent question because they “know” that ukrainian casualties were far higher


i think the casualty ratio was about 1:1 around the time of the breaking in of soledar, but it would have more likely than not substantially been in russia’s favour for the period afterwards on account of bakhmut becoming a salient surrounded on three sides with fire control over its entrances and exits

A fly in your ointment


nice one, I like it.
better hurry with pearls like this


Putin is really just a run-of-the-mill neoliberal conservative politician, like from the 80s or something, before Western leadership became obsessed with destroying their countries as rapidly as possible. He tried hard to cosy up to the West but Russia was more valuable as a boogieman to America.

I doubt Putin gives a shit whether the average Russian can afford a house or whatever, that kind of stuff that people here wish politicians would do. He just missed the memo to go full maximum retard like Albo, Trudeau, Biden et al.

He can’t even get out of this war because Western countries are incapable of negotiating lol.

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

yeah he’s got his foot in a lot of ideological camps. the second biggest political party in the russian federation today is still the communist party, and i imagine that extreme division of political thought results in a lot of compromises that turn out to be.. pretty decent for the average russian. income inequality is pretty modest in russia all things considered these days. meanwhile we choose between neo lib A and neo lib B.

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
Aussie Soy Boy

Obviously wages are lower in Russia, but utilities are basically nothing like $20 per month for electricity, grabbing something to eat or drink while out costs very little, groceries seem cheap for the most part, low petrol prices, cheap public transport.

They wouldn’t have a standard of living as good as an Aussie with a decent full time job, but compared to an Aussie making $50k it’s probably not far off.


I think you misspelled pawns.

In any case, no price is too great to protect empire.

Gruppenführer Mark

Hard to tell, Peachy, fog of war and all that. However, using some logical thinking and maths, I’d posit that Ukraine losses outnumbered Russian losses 5 to 1. Main points:

  1. This has been mostly an artillery war. That’s why the town is levelled.
  2. Western sources have stated that Russia used anywhere from 8 to 10 times more artillery shells per day, except for the last month, when the head Wagner was getting shitty about shell shortages.
  3. Various reports estimated daily Ukrainian losses at 400 to 500 per day, head Wagner was reporting 80 to 100 KIA. His troops were the only ones on the ground.
  4. Russian airforce were using tens of 500kg bombs per day, collapsing buildings.
  5. Wagners were acting as storm troopers, clearing out areas, while Ukrainians were holed up in buildings that were being shelled.

Since the beginning of the battle of Bakhmut, Ukrainian losses were estimated to be 55K killed. At 5 to 1 ratio, this could mean 10K Wagners bought it. Their advertised strength, from what I recall, was circa 25K at the start.

I’m sure we will not know the true numbers until some time in the future, if at all, but given the above, I would tend to think that 1 to 1 ratio is not realistic.


It’s organised genocide under the cover ‘defending democracy’.

Gruppenführer Mark

Could you unpack that, Stewie?


It has been global elites am to depopulate Easter Europe for some time, Soros blatantly suggested using Eastern Europeans as foot soldiers i.e. cannon fodder against Russia:

This will even further damage the demographic profiles of both nations. Of course once the war is concluded the same elites who have agitated for this conflict will start advocating for replacement levels of immigration to ‘make up’ for the demographic decline.

Interestingly the Ukraine supplies Africa with 80-90% of its grain.


They probably don’t need to depopulate Ukraine in order to mass-migrate it into extinction, the people there have already shown that they’ll accept any government policy however destructive if it can be wrapped in a bow of being pro-Western.

Gruppenführer Mark

This explains the theory that Russia has been trying hard not to hit civilians, unlike carpet bombing by the US in a number of recent wars. It also supports a theory of Russian withdrawals from land they controlled, if not able to defend it with minor losses of manpower.


The other notable factor is that while Ukraine deployed some of its best trained and most battle-ready troops, Wagner was significantly composed of Russian convicts chucking the dice on surviving 6 months service in order to have their sentence commuted.

So the difference in losses is even starker when one considers that Russia wasn’t losing its best, while Ukraine was.


theres a bit of that, but ukraine was throwing in a lot of trash into bakhmut too. territorial battalions comprised of random dudes they yanked off the street and press ganged into service.


Yeah true. Funny af the kinds of things you can get away with when America supports you. They could probably set up death camps with gas chambers and you’d be the bad guy if you criticised it online.


some of my fav clips were of those ukrainian guys getting away from the enrollment officer thugs on motocycles and shit


You guys might like to follow this account. He posts some interesting stuff on Ukraine conflict.

According to the latest figures made public by the head Wagner, in Bakhmut Ukraine lost 50K dead and 70K wounded. Wagner lost 15K dead and 35K wounded. Wagner conscripted 50K from jails during that period.

Grain of salt and all that, but generally reflects my previous theory of an artillery war with cleanup action afterwards.

A fly in your ointment

About 30,000

that will be known the very same time we find out how many people died of “very bad flu” and how many died of “EmmaRenay-itis”

Rome was destroyed so many times…




“They were concerned for the presumption of innocence,” Moller said. “They were worried about putting Mr Lehrmann before the court when they didn’t think there was enough evidence … that was the principle view that they held.”

This pressure culminated in a direct phone call from Ms Higgins’ partner David Sharaz to the senior detective on July 30, threatening to publicly condemn the time taken to bring charges. 

Within an hour of Detective Inspector Marcus Boorman receiving the phone call from Mr Sharaz, Supt Moller was given ­instruct­ions to serve a summons on Mr Lehrmann for one count of sexual intercourse without consent, the inquiry heard. 

Things are not looking good for big Britt and shameful Shane

but its really seeming like sharaz masterminded the whole thing

not just a fat little cuck cleaning the cum out of britt’s pussy
but the kaiser sose of the whole sordid episode


holy fucking shit, smh left out this BOMBSHELL

Detective Superintendent Scott Moller believed there was insufficient evidence to take Mr Lehrmann to court and that the DPP, Shane Drumgold, had ‘lost objectivity.’

He thought Mr Drumgold was determined to prosecute ‘no matter what’, he told the ACT Board of Inquiry into the investigation and prosecution of the rape allegations against Mr Lehrmann which collapsed last year.

‘I thought Mr Drumgold had lost objectivity in this matter,’ he told the inquiry on Tuesday. ‘I thought it was best practice to get supplementary advice.

He admitted he asked his bosses at Australian Federal Police for permission to get the external legal opinion on the case but permission was denied.

‘They were concerned for the presumption of innocence.’

He said he became concerned when Mr Drumgold told him the prosecution would be going ahead before he had even seen the evidence.

He said the DPP was ‘dismissive of the investigation team’.

‘His view was this matter was going to trial and could we send the brief as soon as possible,’ said Supt Moller. 

‘I didn’t agree that Mr Drumgold should be making an assessment of this matter prior to actually reading the brief [of evidence]. 

Why is SMH not mentioning this in their rendition of the testimony?

Drumgold needs to go to jail imo


kermit and piggy can share the same cell


If this was election interference (and why wouldn’t it be, it was a perfect situation to end Scomo once and for all) then where are the connections? Phone calls from Bill Shorten for example. He’s a nasty little short dick who loves to play Machiavelli with vaginas.


to what extent is any of this ‘real’ inflation and what of it is just price gouging


It’s all going to profit margins

that is the natural inflationary effect of raising interest rates – there must always be a profit premium above the risk free rate


mince used to be $7 a kg only like 5 years ago. chili was my fav meal i made it all the time, now i never make it anymore bc there’s no value anymore


Don’t worry mate Phil will jack interest rates to 8% and the price of your mince will come back down again

prices only going up because he hasn’t jacked them high enough


You don’t make a big pot of chili anymore because $4. Get fucked.

You two would have made awesome boomers. Praising house price rises but when broccoli or tomatoes go up a cuppla bucks you shit yourselves.


why are you so aggressive you faggot lmao


you’re not W@F are you


You two constantly shitting on unemployed and getting pissed about low level crim behaviour lol classic boomer talkback radio.


I just imagine you furiously sucking on a fag while you tap away


Yeah everyone hating on someone suckin on a fag contributes to the general consensus for approx 50k per annum immigrants. If they suck of two fags well thats 100k etc etc.


bizarre strawman worthy of the wog skippy guy

“i’m not a disgusting degenerate, because of immigration”


im unemployed mate


Maybe he can help you get your forklift license


im prob leaving aus soon


Fucking lol at you spending the last 10 years whinging about immigrants, and then emigrating to another country yourself


they ruined my country, time to ruin theirs

Gruppenführer Mark

Move to Russia, you’ll get laid, maybe


Hello, Immigration Officer?

Yes, I have skills:

Advanced degree in nocturnal shelf stackology and five years experience in urban prospecting for aluminium canisters.

Hello!?…. HELLO!!!


Yeah and you shit on Jez or whatever the unemployed guy. I don’t blame anyone for being unemployed. The rich get rich as shit and then some so they can remain unemployed.


i dont really care if hes a dole bludger mate but he needs to own up to it rather than hide behind bs/excuses, it makes him look weak

i just outright admit im lazy as all fuk


Wtf it doesn’t matter why when our forefathers created this place for us. It’s ours. Or it should be.


We shouldn’t be answering to anyone. We should be like the Saudi Royal Family.


the government doesn’t agree


The Jews don’t agree.


In Sicktoria everything is going to get real expensive, the Dan Andrews budget really is a massive dildo without lube for the population.


Plz post an explainer

The media can’t analyse anything to do with Dan


can someone explain this latest betoota post?

Indian students and horses?



Probably implying that uni lecturers are just old white wankers that aren’t very smart.


Betoota hasn’t been funny since…it’s never been funny. 5th rate Uni student types banging on with a Faux Socialist schtick, merchandising and ripping the fuck out of their fans like a gypsy on a fat Yank tourist.


It’s really amusing what the Twitter algorithm shows me nowadays

read the comments too

these deranged lefties think Tan Grant is biased towards the LNP


Piss funny those Leftards.

Stan Grant last week: “I’m leaving my job for now mainly because of the lack of support from my media colleagues”

Media last week: “Stan Grant is leaving his job because of racism”

Stan Grant last night: “I’m NOT leaving my job because of racism, I’m leaving because of the media”

A fly in your ointment

zdis da cunt that 10 minutrs later chucked out that audience guy whom in front of live studio audience questioned the approved narrative on denatsiphication of Cocainskyy’s kingdom?


Covid Karen Monique Ryan, that ugly troll “put your masks back on!” seems to have a nice little conflict. Who knew…?!

Sanctimonious cow whining about corruption when she gets voted in.

Crazy thing if all this is she’s married. For sure she’s got a Cuck husband though.


Shit. Gen x are grannies now. Look at Billy Idol, can barely move because he’s so thick and probably needs to take a shit.


A fly in your ointment

he’s probably holding the piss, from prostate enlargement this becomes an every 15 min mission impossible


this guys skull shape suggests a new kind of race

bred for evil in mockery of life by the dark lord


The issue is less the micro cranial capacity than it the insight into the complete lack of empathy.

If only it were the exception rather than the norm – in shame cultures the only marker between right and wrong is the beating you get from your elders and the resulting shame it brings upon you.


the guy is funny af

A fly in your ointment

Ray Stevenson, actor, dies after hospitalisation at age 58.


The cause of death was not known at this stage but we know it was not from Tazer or Spikeproteinitis.

in other news….

some more memes

A fly in your ointment


A fly in your ointment


A fly in your ointment

side your head

A fly in your ointment

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil to announce huge overhaul for ‘cumbersome’ system

“We’ve got some of the best and brightest people around the world who want to come here and make Australia their home, and we’re making them wait for sometimes years at a time to get in the door when countries like Canada are essentially rolling out the red carpet.

(Nov 2022)

it seems its an international competition!

let’s find a squirrel to distract from this information.
Can someone assist?


They should write an epic poem about your battle with this strawman

A fly in your ointment

nah mate, it’s your battle (if you are the class which claims legacy in this pond).
Wogs were second class to convicts anyway so we have little to lose by Rice eaters climbing on top of the ladder.

If this is the strawman…. LOL, so be it.
…it’s easier chasing squirrels


If this is the strawman…. LOL, so be it.

It’s not


MB subscribers finally realise what that echoing sound is

Ironic Boomer

Lol at locking that article. And the labor apologists on that site are pathetic.


As usual, the embee comments are more enlightening than the articles.


The MSM propaganda machine is out in force deflecting the foreign Chinese takeover of Australian property. Over the weekend there was an article highlighting the fact that UK is the nationality with the highest number of foreign-owned Australian property. The last couple of days the narrative is those bloody AirBnb.

The RE industry has already been taken over by Chinese agents. It makes sense. If I was selling property right now with rising rates and rising prices then I would also be using a Chinese RE agent knowing full well there is little chance of locals being able to afford to buy.


Is there any actual hard evidence of that ?


No. Chinese nationals not allowed to shift money and purchase in their own name. That is why you see “australian” students buying $5m properties. In any case NSW and other states have joined the conspiracy by refusing to disclose foreign purchases. The stats are all lies.

Do you think there is a chance that locals are pushing up prices nearly everywhere despite their borrowing capacity dropping nearly 40%?

btw, a while ago some Chinese friends were telling me they received a cut for “legally” laundering $50k per year from China. There are entire syndicates dedicated to the cause.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

I dont see any chinese buying near me, or in the high end markets I follow


I have been looking around a few suburbs in Inner West where I grew up, and I see Chinese buyers and agents everywhere. The only exception is the hipster areas where higher paid champagne-sipping Anglos like to gather.

Also considering a purchase for myself along the waterfront west of Drummoyne bridge and it is the same. All Chinese buyers and agents. Some Chinese agents don’t even bother asking for my name or number. The agents assume that locals cannot afford to compete with the Chinese buyers. It is no longer a place to live for locals, it is a visa export market.


The great sell out continues then it seems

I keep saying this but Sydney is morphing into all of London’s worst attributes day by day

The CBD and inner surrounds in another decade will be majority foreign owned at this rate, or per your note above, full of ‘new’ ‘Australians’ with their new apartments


Sydney is becoming more EZFKA. Back in the 90s I recall chatting with locals at a pub in Nelson Bay. They were annoyed at being unable to afford to work and live in Nelson bay because higher wage earners from Sydney were bidding up local house prices. Thanks to KRudd opening up the borders to foreign purchases we are now witnessing the same phenomenon at a national level with wealthier foreigners bidding up prices in the major cities as well, which results in even more Sydney-siders bidding up prices in regional areas.


sounds a little bit histrionic freddy

its whites buying all the most expensive properties in the east and lower north shore


You are extrapolating from a niche market that does not represent the plight of majority Australians. Think about all the new properties and who they are being built for. They are certainly not being built for the family-aspiring working class Australian.


yeah but it isn’t because you’re white or that they don’t think you can afford it

and you’ve just said that the cbd and inner suburbs will be majority foreign owned in a decade, but that’s rubbish

asians buy in asian ghettos like eastwood and chatswood and haymarket

muslims buy in their own ghettos

etc etc

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Probably because they work in real estate or get money from dodgy finance industry.

Most of the people who can afford to buy around me are tradies. Probably getting $10k a week or something.

One dude went halves with his mother in law so he has to live with her.


its mostly inherited money

few dodgy finance/property developer types, and a handful of business owners

but it isn’t chinese – they are mainly buying shitty places in eastwood or chatswood or whatever because they like being near other chinese

there’s only a few in places like vaucluse or whatever being bought by chinese billionaires


Yeah inherited money too. Toorak $5m but household income only $185k.



Brighton in Melbourne is a major target for rich Chinks. My folks’ street is about 50% Chinese, local private schools are bursting with Chinks from seeing them on the surrounding streets.

Neighbour to my folks bought sight unseen from China, via their 18 year old son who had just moved on a student visa. No FIRB issues (but those lazy pricks never check anyway). Selling price $14m so he’s done well working at the local KFC.


Did I say Melbourne ?

I’m talking about Sydney

Melbourne is a unique shit hole


Sydney is the London/NY of Asia. But if you are looking at harbour front properties you must be loaded.

North northern beaches still very white. Was at Warriewood square a few weeks ago it was probably 98 percent white. Saw one paranoid looking wog and chink. But it’s so far from everything and apart from the whiteness it’s overrated as fuck.


Not loaded. Don’t confuse a $1m-$1.5m waterfront apartment with a much more expensive waterfront house.

Northern Beaches a throwback to the 70s. No trainlines so nobody really cares other than retirees, and waxheads who tolerate the long commute into work.


Lol. Shanghai is the London/NY of Asia. Maybe Tokyo.

Sydney is at best the Seattle/Barcelona of Asia.


What is everyone’s take on the India/Australia FTA?

Is it basically just flogging off more of our resources in exchange for importing 200k+ Indians annually into perpetuity?


We have nothing to sell them. Soft commodities are too political and India grows a lot of wheat, so why buy EZFKA wheat? Hard commodities go elsewhere anyway. We only have our visas left to sell.

But what do we really buy from them? I am struggling to understand what benefits there are.

Gruppenführer Mark

We buy permanently low wages.


This was my first thought.

We sell visas and commodities (probably), we ‘buy’ dampened wages growth.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there was political demand from within India to open up visas to the developed world so more Indians can escape India.

So basically we ‘win’ via suppressed wages and GDP growth, India wins by opening the door to more people leaving India. What’s a 200kp.a. exodus of people of varying skill levels in a country of 1.4B to them not much, so I doubt the Indian government really cares about any brain drain risk.

Last edited 1 year ago by The90kwbeast

Anyone see that clip of Indian PM Modhi opening his speech in Sydney to do his own Welcome to Cuntry?



Somehow these bloody wogs came up in my feed.

Another twit muted.

A fly in your ointment

I like it where savvy propadee investors “think” about tenants when IR are budging them but we’re quiet when we had lowest IR in the history.
someone says here that raiding u interesting rates does not tame inflation…. indeed… when IR are lower than the inflation.
bring on 10% IR to follow inflation and trim all the rotm

A fly in your ointment

we’re = were
raiding u = raising


I didn’t listen. But the self pity is unreal. The morality of ezfka units is non-existent. Probably why they like woke so much.


Hollywood Star Ellen Barkin: ‘Every Last Republican, F**k Them One and All — I F**kin Hate These Motherf**king Republicans’

Early life check – tick!


Damn I liked Sea Of Love, another movie ruined.


Was thinking of that movie too.

Stumbled upon some tweets from John Cusack the other day. Turns out to be another insufferable prick, but ‘Grosse Pointe Blank’ was great.

99% of Hollyweird are garbage people that turn out nice product every now and then. Once you start cancelling you will be left with nothing.

Agains all my principles I have decided to stay ignorant and in my safe space regarding this subject, or I won’t be able to watch any movie without feeling vomitous.


I can’t really watch much anymore. I am watching Succession but I will be glad when it’s over. News Corp boomers.

I got a new TV and rewatched The Godfather. But it’s just about a bunch of bloody wogs backstabbing each other. Meh.


It’s pretty cool how 3d everything looks on the new TVs. But there’s nothing to watch.


Heh, stopped watching regular programming 15 years ago.
Best thing I ever did.

A fly in your ointment

I pulled antennae from all my TV’s after I saw that kunt David of the 7 morning bleach your brain show reporting on the plane that fell over Ukraine.

the best thing ever I did, too.



If I remember correctly Malaysia wasn’t even allowed to participate in the crash ‘investigation’.



Fast forward to ABC broadcasting footage of The Voice in action…


Awesome. FBI “catch” White Supremist driving at slow speed at the Whitehouse, with Nazi flag that amazingly falls perfectly on the road. White Supremist is Indian, whoops. Apparently he yelled “this is Maga country!” Too.

oh yeh. Cool story bro skis.

Meanwhile based Boomer is seen taking a Selfie in front of the Hakenkreuz…


Russian embassy celebration of the destruction of Bakhmut.

Based as fuck. Thread is fun too.

Honestly can’t give else than a percentage fuck about UKR.

It means nothing to EZFKA. It’s the nerd Leftard equivalent of Darren Bogan getting upset watching American basketball.

The only thing I do care about on this is that we’re heading into cultural and financial ruin on this island and Albo is throwing our money away.

A fly in your ointment

Drool Pavlova was a poster child of the Llewdo and Bleato duo at EmBee.
I feel my IQ went down by 120 points just by reading his self description…


Wonder if Drew had a problem with the Aussie totalitarianism we saw in 2020-1

Or was that CIA approved?

A fly in your ointment

wut, you don’t see it any more?
in hindsight, it seems as it was always there but covered with layers of fluff.


guy is a fucking legend tbh
Not only riding us of one of these filthy pests, but also easing the cost of living crisis

white people wailing about protected species, the things are worse than fucking rats they stink and make a mess and ruin the ability to enjoy parks in sydney


this is a peak coming post

ive never had problems with ibis birds ever where do you live that they act like totally off the chain ferals

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Lol poor Coming scared of a few Ibis.

Checkout the comments daily mail readers are absolute meat heads lol.

Aussie Soy Boy

Everyone loves working from home because it’s a bludge.


especially smokers like this degenerate

that way they don’t even have to go outside to puff a fag- they can waste their bosses time from the comfort of their seedy lounge room

maybe have a wank too


What a boomer you are. Licking the anus of the commercial office space jew. I kind of feel sorry for you you should’ve been born in 1953.

Aussie Soy Boy

If someone wants to work from home they should be paid half as much.


Yeah sure, we should set up offices in the sewers so they get paid 4 times as much.

Anyone who wants to commute by attaching themselves to a rope behind the bus and having their butthole dragged along the road gets 8 times.


Are you 65 years old and need to micromanage your employees at every turn?

Hybrid is the best option now.

Aussie Soy Boy

I wonder if the chop chop stores do home delivery?

Disgusting habit. Weak, pathetic people beholden to their addiction. The only joy is having the cravings subside for 20 minutes because taking another hit. It should be a schedule 1 drug.


Talk about race realism. Would rather shit on smokers than the commute/office space jew. I bet you have a beard?


Whataboutism ? or straw man ?

you’re disgusting either way


Sounds like you’re pissed that you’re not the jew. Like a 3rd wave feminist. You probably pay for only fans.


Coming pays for onlyfans. He has a gay little crush on onlyfans girls. He thinks hes gonna be king shit one day and spoof on the face of an onlyfans girl.

A fly in your ointment

latest money scam, courtesy of modern technology assisting you in everyday life to live faster and seemingly better.

it would full the most dillignet and the $value is low enough to not warrant action from any side, be it the bank or thyself.

where’s that long forgotten passed away uncle from Nigeria? bring them back and their $10000000000 (one gazillion US dollars) inheritance


As a Labor Premier, the best way to cover up for your years bankrupting the State, is to start a class war.

Best way to fight a war is get someone else do it (UKR the blueprint).

Here we have peasants trying to rebel against the rich in Sicktoria, posting flyers in posh suburbs. Blaming them for being rich, etc.


tbh this is not so bad, would you rather they be attacking people for being white instead

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

The best part is, Dan has already fired off shots with his disastrous budget blaming propadee owners, while banning the Nazi symbol and gaslighting basically anyone who doesn’t fuck children as a Nazi. These flyer posters won’t even be investigated.


But this guy might. His counter solution to the housing crisis is a good one.




the immigration program is the product of rich people so i say fuck them


Yep. Plain old usury gone way too far so immigrants are the finger in the dyke.


pretty racist targetting chinese people in toorak like this


You are a a fucking moron


That domain is registered to some outfit in Iceland…

There’s a couple of businesses around there, one of them is the “The Icelandic Phallological Museum”. Yeah, a penis museum.

WHITE kills elderly woman

guillotine is a french invention?
Should karen Karen comissioner be in the same spot too?


not just any white man, a white KRISTIAN man

im absolutely fking sick of hearing abotu this story though if you are 95 with dementia so bad youre grabbing knives and running around with them to the point the only thing that can stop you is a taser you’re fked anyway and have very little time left to live

this guy will have his life ruined just bc of the public calling for his head on a pike oln account of not wanting to risk getting stabbed at work in order to subdue a clearly demented human


the head on that copper though

pure borreby phenotype


What phenotype is this?

Saw heaps of this face in QLD.


that’s the elderly no hoper kunt you meet at every shitty country town pub and tab phenotype


They do alright it’s a good Aussie face.


He looks like my old boss.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie
Gruppenführer Mark

if you are 95 with dementia so bad youre grabbing knives and running around with them

Running around? with a walking frame? This copper went full retard in his overwhelming use of force. Deserves what he gets.

A fly in your ointment

It’s because you watch the world in slomo…😉

Oh, mate! I remember finding one on the road in Panama, up in the mountains, and trying to push it off the road with a stick. First time ever encountering sloth movements, I have never seen anything like it before, turtles are quick in comparison!


Wouldn’t the bloke have had pepper spray

Tasering someone 95 would be like shooting a 35 year old to subdue them


the tase itself didnt hurt her the fall was what did it

Aussie Soy Boy

She wasn’t running around. She was in a walking frame. They could have slapped it out of her hand with a rolled up newspaper.


As if this guy made an assessment that she ain’t got long to live so tazing her is nbd

He’d use excessive force against anyone, just happened to be on someone so fragile that it’s comedic and everyone can see it, rather than someone who plausibly could have posed a threat

After COVID I have zero sympathy for these robocops, same way they had/have zero empathy for the public.


yeah possibly

but who knows, after brucey im never trusting any trial by media hullabuloo ever again


Technically isn’t he in the right?

If I go at a cop with a knife I’m getting shot lol


What a bunch of weak faggots.

You’re as bad as this coward cop who couldn’t even handle a frail 95 year old with a walking frame.


Not saying I would have done it. But we are definitely a society that follows the rule of law. Well unless you’re a banker or the like.

A fly in your ointment

follows the rule of law?
“…is penalised into obedience”
yeah, that’s more accurate.

convicts don’t follow the rule of the gaol, they are complying with Law rules as per warden’s whiff

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment

Yeah true the wardens have spoken. No judge will allow him to get off and risk the wrath of the wardens and the convicts.

A fly in your ointment

You’re right… policeman “just did his job”.
Who would want to go to work and be assaulted by a decrepit in the walking frame with a weapon no less than a dementia sanatorium safe stake knife?
Remember the case of the spitting abbo minor in gaol?


Maybe he had an anti-boomer rage emergency.

Aussie Soy Boy

comment image

Aussie Soy Boy

comment image

brilliant movie

You just knew when the movie started with “previews” that were comedy gold in their own right!

Stiller, of course. Jack Black! Tom Cruise was brilliant.

A Fly In Your Ointment

I generally don’t like stiller movies and I find him repulsive to watch. This movie is an exception. I’ve seen it again only few weeks ago.


The most underrated actor of the current crop. Just a matter of time before the lefties will label him a blackface racist and cancel him.

A fly in your ointment

Nah, choo choo’s never cancel their own


He was born in 1963 so I doubt he was parading around oz media in the 70s when he was 10. Fuckin get your memes right.

Dodgy As

Is MB toast?
comments are down and content is woeful not even worth the time to read


Mb is certainly toast. They might not know it yet, perhaps, but toast.

Dodgy As

wow censorship is worse here than at …well the other place


I think comments sometimes go into some sort of anti-spam black hole. This seems to happen more to unregistered users.

if you register an account, it should happen less

A fly in your ointment

It is browser interaction methinks.

I post, it disappears, actually it reverts back to old page before the post. Open in different browser and it’s there.

It also don’t allow login without tracking cookies by 3rd parties enabled.


It also don’t allow login without tracking cookies by 3rd parties enabled.

what does this mean? It doesn’t sound good.

A fly in your ointment

default setting in every browser is to be allowed on most nonsuspicious websites. For reduced exposure, this should be rejected but then the login don’t work. Tracking has become main feature of every Web page, not just app.

I use private browsing tab and it deletes all trucking after exit so little to cross track and eavesdropping

check your browser settings under tracking and cookies

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment

Supposedly a sell signal.

Capture - Copy (12).JPG

Look at all the legacy unit warrior class converge on muh heritage burn down.

Gary Blaskovic

While it is true that some international students may face challenges, such as language barriers or this difficulties adapting to a new environment, it is essential to consider the diverse experiences and motivations of each student. Many international students are committed to their studies and contribute positively to their host communities.


lol did we get botted

how did anyone else not notice this comment


lol did we get botted

how did anyone else not notice this comment

looks like some kind of bleeding heart lefty.

is essential to consider the diverse experiences and motivations of each student

mom pretty sure that the motivations and experiences are quite generic:
-motivation: get residency
-experience: shithouse due to having to share bedrooms and work illegally while getting residency

Gruppenführer Mark

Peachy, 💍will you marry me?



Gruppenführer Mark

Lol. Classic.



A fly in your ointment

Ot kade e pa kurenie podobro ot sladka putka?

A fly in your ointment

muh Muhs


> you’re going to get pushed out of the major cities because it’s becoming too expensive.

That’s the whole point. Grow the country.


Nvidia up 25% in a day

Bodes well for price gains in the most advanced Australian technology, the Sydney House

Nobody really gives a shit about all this tech and AI nonsense, it’s just a casino where all the profits go towards continued house acquisition anyway


Realistically, if you had made a lot of money in nvidia stocks what would you do with the profit ?

that’s right – you’d buy a better house

That’s why I decided 10 years ago – why not skip the middle man


Buying a house in Australia, what a brainwave.

You are truly a high IQ EZFKA unit


It’s worked out okay so far

A fly in your ointment

…soo far

Wuts dat?


any day now

Which is gonna get me first: house price crash or the jabbadabbadoo

A fly in your ointment

Well, the messengers are heaving a party right now…

I’m not a gambier, I can’t care less what gets you first.

A fly in your ointment

I just picked up that eerie feeling around “…for now”


When did this happen. I thought the boat was missed for investing in NVIDIA when I looked at it 6 weeks ago.

You AI deniers are fucking retarded.

I wouldn’t hold NVIDIA for too long just as the crypto stuff the AI models will move onto more dedicated chip dev. Likely done by the ai. At the mo. They were in the right place at right time with their parallel processing capability. I don’t think they will hold that monopoly.

I have even thought of submitting a article here on the matter but my posts don’t get through for whatever’s. So I couldn’t really be arsed.

Whilst the Devs are clearly on a capital drive the underlying power of these ‘procedural intelligence ‘ if that makes you feel safer , models is the future. For the life of me I can’t understand the opposite view point, the vast majority of office workers are doing grunt work which could be done by the systems.


Thanks to the legacy unit Boomer up top and his mates for keeping an entire street vacant in Sorrento for them to occasionally visit, in a state with near zero vacancy for people to live.

It must have been so hard buying multiple houses back when they were so cheap that you could leave them empty for most of the year and still be sitting pretty.

Fuck this tax but the Boomers really do Dan’s job for him being so loathesome and entitled. The Fairfax editors must have been thrilled when this letter came in.


AUD down to 65c. My theory is that RBA supported AUD at 63c during GFC, and they are uncomfortable getting close to that level. I believe it was the main reason for the latest unexpected rate hike.

If US keep hiking rates, it will be interesting to see if RBA chooses inflation and AUD over property prices. We are getting close to the point where rates start to break more than just the people who were suckered into buying overpriced property back in 2021/22.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

id be more worried about what further interest rate rises will do to rents

to the moon


Landlord cost push inflation is a fallacy. For it to be true it implies landlords have been offering rents at lower rates than tenants willing to pay.

The reality is supply/demand forces at play. Immigration, and IMO most significantly WFH has increased demand two-fold:
1) Workers want more space and privacy
2) It is a massive cost saving in terms of commuting and food costs. I can afford to pay well over $100 more in rent and still be no worse off than pre-Covid. The hipster who buys breakfast, and has several $7 cups of coffee every day can afford to pay much higher rent.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

nice theories but that wasn’t how it played out in real life

how are you going to get more supply when the risk free rate is 4%+
and rental yields aren’t?
the answer is rental yields have to increase


always wondered what would happen if i stopped paying my rent

my landlord now is putting it up every 3-6 months while also refusing (through the agency) to repair anything that needs fixing

probably going to go ive in my car soon


If you have a 500K share portfolio that’s probably enough to become a slumlord in Dubbo

Looking forward to the #carlife updates though


the average house is 500k in dubbo


You live in an apartment

Are even people on welfare too good to buy an apartment in this country?

Maybe the Neanderthals died out because they were too good to do what they needed to survive, unlike the Homo sapiens.


you said slumlord, not owner occupier of an apartment or house


Buy one and save up for the 2nd, boom, instant slumlord


i know that @

not bad

i dont want to live in dubbo anymore though it sucks


just lmao at living in an apartment in dubbo

that is genuine LDAR

the premium you would pay for a studio in sydney or any other capital over dubbo should be negligible
get a fucking job


It would cost 3x in Sydney, it’s a lot of money to pay so a cunt like Keating won’t think you’re camping out


i think he already pays like $300/wk
and its apparently an absolute hovel

not much more than that in sydney



up from 130 when the brownsters started arriving again

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Nobody is gonna build jack shit to make 4%

Profits must be much higher than that to get people to take the considerable risks associated with building a property

Send rates back to zero and it still won’t be worth it

They’ve cooked it to the max in Victoria, bring on the end times, couldn’t give a shit between Dan and his Danbots and the every vested interest begging for infinite migration

Now they want to cap rents, remove any incentive to invest in new housing, Aussie fucking Venezuela, run by socialist retards

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

You sound like the MSM ignoring demand. Why would the supply need to increase without an increase in demand? and why has demand increased?

The point being, if it wasn’t for WFH and the flood of jimmies, rental yields would rise via falling house prices.


who’s ignoring demand

so what you’re saying is – you agree with me

classic MB disease you want it to be one way, but its the other way


You are cherry-picking your argument. Talk about supply without talking about demand. Talk about investors without talking about PPOR.

You made an assertion that rental yields have to increase, and that it comes via rising rents. Why can’t it come via falling house prices? or rather why isn’t it coming via falling house prices?

And then what about all the home-owners rather than investors? You think they can perpetually cope with deeply negative real wages rises, and service their increasing mortgage repayments?

Are you one of these people who believe house prices can’t fall no matter how high rates go?


yes im talking about supply

obviously demand is also going to push up house pricecs

so i have no idea why you believe that somehow validates your argument that house prices are going to fall

A rise in yields isn’t going to come from falling prices because it costs money to build houses
A lot of money
And the land cost is relatively small for apartment blocks


I didn’t say house price are going to fall. I am saying there are extraordinary demand-side factors preventing them falling. There are (political) limits to rental stress. There are (financial) limits to extend and pretend.


and im saying rising interest rates drive yields up

rents to the moon as I said originally


and why has demand increased?

The point being, if it wasn’t for WFH and the flood of jimmies, rental yields would rise via falling house prices.

but wfh and jimmy flood has happened. Coupled with cost pressure for owners, the extra demand and lower price elasticity can really only mean one thing


You have lost me, Peachy. What are you saying?

The only thing that is happening currently is Australian-owners replaced by cashed-up Chinese owners, and distressed Australian renters replaced by jimmies sleeping in shifts. Politically untenable.


no we’ll take it up the ass forever, therell be no political consquences for this

A fly in your ointment

Go back where you came from, rice eaters will say, repeating the meme of the last 150 yrs



A fly in your ointment


When rice eaters overtake this pond, this is what they will say to other classes, particularly to convicts. A sentence heard from the very first day wogs were brought into this pond.


distressed Australian renters replaced by jimmies sleeping in shifts. Politically untenable.

in theory maybe, but in reality, who are they (distressed/displaced renters) going to vote for?

besides the majority (mortgage holding or property owning) will be happy.


There would be plenty of landlords who’ve been asking for less than they can get who’ll be pushed by a new tax

Same as there are plenty of idiots parking their life savings in a CBA account earning 2% when they could get almost 5% with UBank

Typical economic autism thinking that everyone is a maximally rational actor


I only receive a rental discount because they know I am low risk long-term tenant who looks after their place. It is a risk-based financial decision and not a favour.

Are you are assuming uBank to be government guaranteed? Maybe all those pensioners earning 2% at CBA have a better idea of which group of people will be saved if the SHTF.

I personally choose 3.5% short-term government bonds which are fully guaranteed, and I don’t have to do any monkey dances with frequent deposits and spending to earn that rate.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

UBank is NAB fuckwit


I am well aware they are NAB, RAMS is Westpac, etc. You presume that NAB can’t fall over and if it does the government will guarantee your savings.

Government recently introduced bail-in laws and refused to explicitly exclude deposit accounts from bail-in. Understand that sentence clearly before you go around calling people fuckwit.


I understand MB apocalypse propaganda very well, been reading it long enough and it’s never done me one tiny bit of good

The idea that the government will reneg on its guarantee and let the other big 3 cop it but rescue the precious old ladies using CBA but say GFY to those using NAB is fucking retarded

I could believe the government will only bail out over-65s but then you’d be fine whether you bank with Dubbo Credit Union or Goldman Sachs


We are speculating now. I believe the government will maintain financial order by bailing out the smaller banks that are first to fail. However, if the big banks start failing that is where they will draw the line and use bail-in laws.

As for apocalypse. It is also a probability. Aus govt doing a fantastic job of maintaining house prices via force-fed immigration, and allowing the banks to extend and pretending the increasing number of home-owners who are unable to meet mortgage repayments. These policies have their limits.


Bail-in laws are a dead letter. Governments will print money as always, like they have done in the US with the string of bank failures. Most people are too unintelligent to understand that the government deserves to be blamed for inflation.

Even in Russia or China, the government wouldn’t have the balls to replace peoples’ life savings with worthless bank scrip. In Australia, it would kill Lib/Lab, as well as their precious housing market.

Just not gonna happen. Inflation is so much easier and more politically palatable.

This bail-in shit probably originated from some autistic Basel III requirement or some shit, the same school of thought as MMT advocates imagining that the government will raise taxes when inflation runs hot. Policy wonks who are either oblivious or playing pretend as to what happens in the real world.

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

Is this the same US government that recently caused a bank run by refusing to guarantee failing regional banks?


Other than non-US holders of deposits with the Caymans branch of Silicon Valley Bank, I haven’t heard of anyone losing their deposits in any US bank failure.

No problem letting regional banks die to help the mates at JPM and GS meet their KPIs. But I doubt any US depositors will lose a penny.


I personally choose 3.5% short-term government bonds which are fully guaranteed, and I don’t have to do any monkey dances with frequent deposits and spending to earn that rate.

this is the right approach 👍🏾


the chad housing speculator vs the incel bond investoooor


 My theory is that RBA supported AUD at 63c during GFC, and they are uncomfortable getting close to that level. I believe it was the main reason for the latest unexpected rate hike.

If US keep hiking rates, it will be interesting to see if RBA chooses inflation and AUD over property prices. We are getting close to the point where rates start to break more 

yeah. The RBA operates within a rather narrow band of possibilities, once various constraints are taken into account.

The RBA’s recent approach has been to lag behind the Fed at the maximum possible distance. The deal was that Albanese would smash wages through massive immigration and this mechanism would do the work that otherwise-higher rates would do.

this would also support house prices from two directions, namely increased physical demand and higher borrowing capacity (than what it would be with higher rates).

but this approach has limits. We are tied to the Fed with a rubber band. And it can only be stretched so far before other issues tend to emerge.


this would also support house prices from two directions, namely increased physical demand and higher borrowing capacity (than what it would be with higher rates).

but this approach has limits. We are tied to the Fed with a rubber band. And it can only be stretched so far before other issues tend to emerge.

Now I get you. We are on the same page.


We are on the same page.

as usual!

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

if it was a jobactive cunt who got it i say eat shit



a lot of slave traders are scum


>The average person receives $378 a week in unemployment benefits
Less than america. Such a mean spirited country now.


muh fags!


Here’s another AUWU joker. After getting outed on Fordham’s show, they take to Twitter to defend themselves.

” I will also not be digging through the gory details of my experience of intergenerational Holocaust trauma, and its intersection with my long-term undiagnosed ADHD, in order to justify myself to shock jock scum”

This guy won 180k USD in poker tournament winnings, yet hasn’t seen a psychiatrist for an ADHD assessment…


intergenerational Holocaust trauma


this guy is a lysenkoist


my long-term undiagnosed ADHD

oh man, undiagnosed diseases count for victimhood points now?!

I can make a list as long as my arm!

  • gout
  • cholera
  • bunions
  • hepatitis
  • back pain
  • tendonitis
  • various phobias
  • yeast overgrowth

since when do you have gout

do you eat lobster every night paid for your your rba insider buxxx



Daniel Levy

7) I prefer in general not to talk about my story both because I am still processing

Long stream of dribble, 8+ continuous posts yet says prefers not to talk about it. Releases a “Statement” like anyone gives a fuck about this zero. Is that a new version of Manifesto for retards?

Who the Shylock Fuck is this tard anyway?

3rd generation yet his Jewish family can’t find a job for him or support him hence he’s another dole bludger? Bullshit, Jews don’t operate that way.