Valiant Reserve Bank slammed for COVID era monetary policy blunders

A survey of economics bloggers has revealed a strong sense of dissatisfaction with the recent performance of the EZFKA Reverse Bank during the recent coronavirus pandemic, which almost proved to be an extinction-level event, mitigated only by the speedy development of safe and effective vaccines. and boosters. and boosters the boosters.

The bloggers agreed that the Reverse Bank had held rates too high for too long, which was proven by recent academic research.

Davo said “the Reverse Bank was truly crazy with their hawkish interest rate policy. In addition to keeping rates at the excessively high record-lows prior to the pandemic, they proceeded to add insult to injury by refusing to push rates below zero during the pandemic.” Davo also credited the Bank’s lascklustre performance with keeping the AUD:USD exchange rate a critical 0.03 cents higher than required, which strangled the nascent export-manufacturing recovery. “In my opinion they contributed significantly to killing grandma”, he concluded

Fellow blogger Jonno echoed Davo’s comments and also added that he strongly supported the mooted shake-up of the RBEZFKA’s board. “We really need to make sure that propadee is represented more prominently on the board”. He argued that such a structural change would ensure that rates would not rise to “loony” levels such as 3% ever again.

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2yr yield getting smashed today


housing crash like all the other ones

knew it wasn’t going to happen


let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks just yet


Agree strongly with this statement.


Or at all.

Gruppenführer Mark

Shhhhhhh. They are trying to reel in Reusa with the intrigue of anticipation.


Ah, lowey has already shat the bed

dovish commentary

Agent 47

Same guy who said no rate rises until 2024. He’s now a reliable contrarian indicator.

Jewish Shemitah is the only thing you need to familiarise yourself with in relation to market conditions IMO at the moment.

Agent 47

Delusional to you and I, reality to them.

Roger Dickings

That’s some pretty delusional stuff

Not sure if your comment was sarcasm, was it?
‘Numbers’ are important to certain ethno-religious groups. Kabbalah/Gematria and the number six million keep appearing.

Roger Dickings

My Dad was a Freemason. Pretty sure Numbers are significant, but you may carry on as you were.


There is literally a book in the bible called the book of Numbers.

Look at how Rabbi’s read their Torah – by numbers. They count letters in words, sentences they ‘study’ it by looking at the numbers.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

I’m listening


Lowe didn’t say no rate rises until 2024, that was MSM click bait. There were conditions around this ie inflation staying subdued. Media ignored this part or was buried deep within the articles.

Now the media is running articles for him to be sacked. I think the RBA board should be sacked or muted along with most economists given their forecasts are no better than reading tea leaves. But the whole rates thing is more the media’s fault than his.


where do you get these sexy af pics from peach

Roger Dodger

Looks Japanese style to me


I’m big in japan


🎵 takes two hands to handle a whopper 🎵

A Fly In Your Ointment

where do you get these sexy af pics from peach

Selfie camera mate, almost every phone has one nowadays, even those bruckies

Gruppenführer Mark

So, RBEZFKA 0.5%

Canucks 0.75%

ECB speculation link below

Although ECB just got out of NIRP, so they can go 2% and still be ok


The ECB has to hike and hike hard given the steep rise in inflation. The other option is to negotiate peace in Ukraine, but that disadvantages the Military Industrial Complex and the elites, so more war, inflation and steep interest rate rises it is then.

Roger Dickings

It’s a Bink Peachy, a Bink.

Gruppenführer Mark

An example of people taking enforcement into their own hands. Not really bank-related, but is it?


Does watching that over and over again, grinning like a Cheshire cat, make me a bad person?

Gruppenführer Mark

I’m sure you were just admiring the acrobatic skills

Agent 47

Carmageddon: Rio

Good, fuck em. If you have ever been there those motorcycle gangs kill and rob thousands each year. I understand the predicament but fuck em, it’s you or them.

Can we do the same for Indian uber eats riders?

Gruppenführer Mark

No, it would not be very progressive. Plus, have you seen prices to repair the bumper?

I say, we all lobby for doubling of a minimum wage, and legislate that Uber and the like must pay it. Then sit back and watch the industry implode.

Now that would be progressive! Screwing over a vast service economy and our own cost of living for the sake of virtue signalling. Sign me up!


Menulog pays better than minimum wage, and even better than double pre expenses. No idea about uber eats or the others.


p sure the queens cooked

50% odds she’ll be gone by tomorrow


the dailymail is going to be unbearable for weeks


Fucking lol even MB has a pinned article on it

fucking boomers


richest lady in the world, who’s family plundered the world for 200 years, dies!

A Fly In Your Ointment

96 years…. too long.

“The dumbno flappy ears” is finally celebrating that never-coming moment where he gets to try the crown without raising ‘brows.
By the looks if it, he had a chance to be outlived by his momma… betcha he told her to get that 4th buster Emma Renay type


oprah is dead?

Gruppenführer Mark

Nah, Oprah’s family was in chains for 200 years after which she got a license to plunder the world. Similar, but slightly different.

Gruppenführer Mark

And, according to the news, citing “leaked secret plans”, Australia may get a public holiday as a day of mourning. 19 or 20 of September I’d guess.

Ironic thing is, here in WA the 26th of September is celebrated as Queen’s birthday.


1776 days after the first q post 🙂

I told you she was already dead.

Check for yourself: Q (

Gruppenführer Mark

Man, that is the next level conspiracy….


comment image

Its a big club, and you ain’t in it!


Evelyn de Rothschild…

comment image


comment image

Agent 47

Lol qanon is a fucking gay psyop, if that wasn’t clear years ago.


Where is Stewie? Some of the people who agree of his multicult destruction of Australia are now slagging off the queen.


I can’t believe the next Queen is going to be a man. So woke!

Gruppenführer Mark

Well then, it’s been a few hours, we can start with the funnies

Keep’em coming


You should check out #irishtwitter – absolutely savage!


Never been more true, Irish are the niggers of Europe.

Gruppenführer Mark

Irish are fine potato eating folk. Gypsies, on the other hand, are what you refer to as “niggers of Europe”.

Angus Jung

Thought they broke up when Freddie died?


I’ll pay that 👍

In seriousness though Im not royal fanboy but I don’t get the royal family hate.

Ive got a serious boner for Kate.

A fly in your ointment

LOL, I heard that elsewhere and posted on the Queenie post…
you obviously posted first

Agent 47

Hard to argue against

Agent 47

That part is likely embellished but it was still pretty high. Nevertheless they’re further down the cosmopolitan economic zone shithole model than we are.

Maxwell Bradman

The price of diversity is high
My brother in law told me about it 20 years ago wh3n he was a cop in Manchester , and nothing happened……
Anyway nice to be here
Found it by slagging off MB on reddit and someone pointed me here
It’s great to see Peachy, Stewie and Coming , used to back up my fellow medic in the early covid days
Anyway thxfor doing this

Maxwell Bradman

I was bigduke6 on MB



Roger Dodger

Welcome indeed. ContextuL recollection: you’re a medico of some persuasion right?

P.S. not a Dr-worshipper, but enjoyed your thoughtful insights and bluntness on MB.

Maxwell Bradman

Nope , I tried to back coming up a bit but don’t have the time he has! He must do something niche ,,,
I always sawthevirus as a way of getting us to load up on debt
And now we have
Keep up the good works P.


I wouldn’t argue with someone who doesn’t understand that a constitutional monarch does not have executive powers, and that those policies were actually created by those who despise monarchs as part of the multicult plans that Stewie bangs on about.

A fly in your ointment

It is ironic that the word “aristocracy” has become to mean exactly opposite from what it originally meant.

I disagree about the romancing of the aristocratic values. Modern cashed up bogans (aka aristocrats) just do not try to appear noblemen like their ancestors, no other difference.
Nothing substantial changed, all is the same, just the form shifted.


As I said, I don’t have any bone against the Queen or the Royal family in particular, other than by function of their title and role in society they end up having to associate with a lot of despicable people – well people who are extremely wealthy and powerful and hide a lot of their despicability fairly well.

Constitutional monarchies are, in my opinion, more stable forms of Government than Presidential lead Governments – however, that stability is the very thing that enables long term corruption to graft itself into the system.

What many constitutional monarchies, basically UK, Canada, Aust, and NZ suffer from, is perhaps too much stability – as Thomas Jefferson once said “I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and is as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.

We need some radical revolutions in the West to elect some localist nationalist leaders in those nation, and to purge our societies of the Globalists that are determine to turn our societies into equally horrid shit holes in the name of equity and diversity.

Those thinking that severing our ties with the British Monarchy will represent the ultimate triumph of MultiCult and herald of change, might end up being more than dissapointed, while those clinging to the Monarchy should be perhaps a little more open minded.

I see benefits and problems with both forms of Govt – my preferred mode of Govt is of course the benevolent dictatorship.


The problem with a benevolent dictatorship is you are always one death away from potential tyranny.

I favour the role of the governor general being replaced by the citizens, who at any time can contest the signing off of individual policies, and even sack the president, by way of a significant majority vote.

I also like the separation of Federal, State, and Local government as a preventative measure against a Federal dictatorship. This can be extended give citizens the power to overthrow the federal army. I believe this could be done with two measures:
1) Death sentence for any soldier and their leaders who fires upon civilians against the will of majority voters. i.e. executive powers of the citizens trumps any notion of martial law.
2) Large quantities of arms secured in local storages at local government level, with adequately trained individuals. Protocols in place to ensure arms are only released to citizens under certain circumstances.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

True – in that I usually imagine myself as the benevolent dictator… although with my affable way with people I am sure it would be a short rule before I would be deposed by a tyrant (or maybe it would be my split personality emerging? 😉

But if we are in going to imagine imaginary forms of Government than I am actually in favour of turning 40% of our Govt representatives into Plebeians – appointed parliamentarians drawn from the civil population on a random basis, through random selection, subject to few exclusions, much on the basis that Jurists are selected for Jury duty.

If we are accused of a crime than one of our civic freedoms is to put our trust in fellow citizens and trust that when presented with the facts they will come to a reasonable decision – our lives literally depend on our faith in them doing so, if we are in fact innocent.

Likewise I see no reason why we could not have random people drawn from our community, who when presented with the facts on certain Bills and issues that are brought before the House of Representatives – that they could not represent us, the people, and choose accordingly.

This in my mind would actually strengthen our Democracy and the will of the majority of Australians. Neither the LNP or Labor would get away with having inflicted MultiCult on their fellow Australians, if there had been a group of 40% of normal Australians, of which 80% were opposed to it at the time.

Having the remaining 60% of the House of Representatives elected in the current fashion would ensure that there remain enough democratically elected politicians to ensure that the dirty work of politics was still done, and the general mood of the public were able to bring more lazer focus on specific and sometimes necessary issues that need to be addressed, that the public might otherwise choose to ignore.

It would still be imperfect, but do you really think a chamber where 40% of the voters were truly independent Australians, would now standby and allow the immigration lobby to start backing up the trucks again?

We’d always be assured that we’d have a Government that represented ordinary Australians and their interests… of course this model would also require fairly high trust that your fellow man broadly shared the same values as yourself, so they could be trusted to make those decisions in your collective best interest – which the destruction of, is once again, one of the most important objectives of MultiCult and diversity.

If I can’t have that, then give me MY Autocrat.

Agent 47

Absolutely retarded idea. They tried this in 1997 post Port Arthur with gun clubs in some states, all that happened was those clubs got broken into so often they had to abandon the idea.

First thing a tyrannical regime is going to do is seize those locations before you can access them. Weakest part of a lock is the person holding the key. You either have the firearms at home or you dont have them at all.


It is retarded to try and compare the security of vacated privately run gun club vs security of building armed and occupied by militia.

I doubt they could simultaneously seize all those premises, or be willing to with a certain death penalty for all involved.

Either way it is just an idea. You don’t have to agree with it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy
Agent 47

It’s retsarded to argue that centralizing your limited defence assets against a superior force is a winning strategy when aysemmtrical decentralised warfare is historically proven to be the only concept that works. This was the whole point of the 2A, no one knows where it’s coming from or where the gats are. First target Fed government will hit are weapons caches, Israel does this to Hamas all the time among other numerous examples.

By the time soldiers are firing on citizens, it’s way past time to use your own firearms in response so threat of death penalty is moot. But I guess that all sounds good in white collar, armchair land.


I stated the civilians should have the firepower to overthrow the army.

I am sure you have fought in many civil wars and are an expert on the subject.

Gruppenführer Mark

You two are arguing about different things.

A war against an agressor is not the same as the war against your neighbour.

Second amendment was put in place to prevent the former, but does nothing to prevent the latter.


Really think its a non-issue

If the majority of the population is against the government and military, the military and government will collapse

Soldiers are not going to shoot at their own neighbours, if they are all behind the same cause

The issue is really when a minority wants to rebel (eg antivaxxers) – yes they will get smashed by the police and military

Then will that small % of the population be able to access the communal gun cache because they aren’t happy with their treatment?


If the majority of the population is against the government and military, the military and government will collapse

There have been enough military dictatorship to prove that statement incorrect.

Then will that small % of the population be able to access the communal gun cache because they aren’t happy with their treatment?

No. That minority group would be attempting their own military coup. There would be protocols in place to ensure they cannot control the cache of weapons.


I think you will find that the military dictatorships have survived with the support of the majority or close to the majority of the population who welcome a strongman ruler (in place of no better alternative)

The rest of it sounds ridiculous


They start off with the support of the population. Once they become Totalitarian they no longer need the support of the population. There have been many examples in recent history. Just ask the former Russians on here.

Maybe it is ridiculous and we just maintain the status quo. There is no way we will ever allow every household to arm themselves.


from what I understand putin is quite popular in russia

and even the majority of the people who do not support him, do not have any better alternative suggestion (and don’t want to be running the country themselves)
Certainly not enough to collectively organise with the majority of other citizens, who also probably have disparate views and opinions

You would need to provide some better examples


There are plenty of examples. Just about very post-war attempt to convert to Socialism, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela. You can include the fascist countries Italy and Germany. Then move from ideology to religion with all the muslim dictatorships.


Multicultural democracy is an oxymoron. Either the multiple cultures collapse into one or democracy ends.


That sounds intelligent but doesn’t actually address the fact that democracy lead to multicuralism. It certainly wasn’t the Queen’s policies.

I don’t even believe parliament needs to be captured by vested interests for this to occur. I can see it here. The Conservatives want access to cheap foreign labour, and the Progressive are loving seeing slaves come into the country and undermining the former white christian rule.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

You are applying the concept of “Democracy” to a single interpretation of it – that each individual has a right to vote, and that is what brings about the social change that inevitably leads to MultiCult.

But the issue here isn’t democracy, it is who is voting and the system under which they are doing it.

In my opinion “Democracy” only leads to to Multiculturalism when the right to vote is extended to Women and when recent immigrants and their 2nd generation descendants – both AS GROUPS, are allowed to vote.

I will say now there are many fine women and immigrants who I trust to vote in the interests of existing Australians, but as groups I have concerns.

Firstly with migrants there is an easily arguable position about the lack of attachment to the new country and culture. This concern is not so toward the immigrant, who having left a shit hole generally is exceedingly grateful to become a part of the nation they are moving too… but by their children. Who I find as a group, tend to be agnostic about the country’s history, given their own attachment only extends as far back to as their parents first setting foot in the country.

They grow up in a house hold with parents who still observe their cultural traditions, while being immensely grateful for living here, and their jaded offspring, who resent the fact that their familiar household culture isn’t further represented in society, while not possessing the gratitude of not living in an absolute shit hole. These are your Osma Faruk and that dreadful fat black African chick who I can’t even be bothered looking up. The one always wore dresses like a smashed pavlova, and who ran away when she finally provoked enough public outrage that she quit her cushy jobs. But instead of going back to Africa moved to London!!

In regards to my negative opinion on the impact of giving women the vote. Quite simply their higher openness and agreeableness (as a population group) effectively destroys the ability of the Patriarchy to defend itself from invading foreign cultures….. why can’t we let them in – its not fair (and I don’t want to be besmerched as a racist).

I’ve spoken before how I believe the tolerance displayed to degenerate behaviour is a direct outgrowth of increasing the mix of openness and agreeableness, in our collective decision making. Our attitude to immigration and things like MultiCult is another expression of this same phenonium.

Perhaps correlation isn’t causation in this particular example…. but then perhaps it is?

Offensive and Disagreeable to the common acceptable, polite narrative, but what if it is true? Who else would dare say it other than an autistic fuckwit myself?

But the other half of my issue with the arguements I am collectively replying to, is the definition of Democracy. How do we define it? People might say you can’t have true Democracy if only men voted – but do we have true Democracy now?

People’s ability to vote arbitrarily kicks in at 18 with no indication that the individual who is going to vote is capable of apply the critical consideration of the underlying policy and issues, other than on their ‘feelings’.

Then there is the voting system itself, First Past the Post, Proportional voting, Proportional Mixed Voting, Mixed Member Voting, Electoral colleges.

All of them express the notion of ‘Democracy’ in different degrees, and the bureaucratic outcome and administration of those different voting systems, produces very differently composed Governments.

Here is my suggestion for “Democracy” that would substantially improve the lot of Australians – voting is conducted on the basis of Households, in the same fashion as we hold the census.

If Democracy is believed to extend from the ground roots up, why not the household democratically decide on who it is going to vote for? Can’t decide? No vote. All that is required is that members prove that they reside at that address.

Our society rests and perpetuates its self on the ability of households to maintain themselves and look after the interests of its members, collectively knowing that insurance for misfortune eg unemployment benefits, OAP, public health are available to it.

This wouldn’t mean that renters couldn’t vote, nor could it mean that shared households couldn’t vote – although if they couldn’t come up with a vote, then there is an incentive to change your life and move out.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Been busy – I admire the Queen. Thought she did a good job considering, and bare her no ill will. Not sure if I want Charles as my King, but then I am equally troubled by the prospect of having Penny Wong or Scomo as my President.


Off topic but….

I wonder how long before the same happens here?
The kidlet slab jab has gone awfully quiet of late…


It was always insane

lot of backtracking on most of the Covid hysteria in the last few months

of course nobody is admitting any guilt or responsibility

A Fly In Your Ointment

There will be those that will jump the queue to make their kids a Guinea Pig, my view it will be only hard core cult members of the Emma Renay Jabbadabba. 50-70% of population at best
No one sane is worried about the Big C now, “I’m jabbadabba-do”, said one of my Vaccinazi client, “it will be just like a bad flu” he cuntinued whilst still masking up and burning skin on palms with excess alcohol rubs.


Pre November election in Victoria it is quiet. Once Chairman Dan wins the election, the hysteria will be back.


they’re doing it HK now… 5 you *facepalm*


Quite often this guy has a crack at GG for being a grifter.
Full disclosure though, often I dont understand what he is saying about GG. While I do get there is a bit of a tight IDW crew, CK often spews what I would regard as total word salads as only an academic loser who has never participated in the real world can in some kind of fit of jealousy perhaps. Interested in others thoughts.


drags on a bit … but fk censorship
It’s not melodrama or hyperbole to say: what we have is a war in the West, a war over whether the internet will be free, over whether dissent will be allowed, over whether we will live in the closed propaganda system our elites claim The Bad Countries™ impose. It’s no different.”

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

Part of the issue is that the media is very concentrated and the same goes for Big Tech. When there are many media companies it is hard to control the narrative.

I remember in Seinfeld when Newman boasts “I control the information around here” as he was the mailman. It has ended up being prophetic from what we see from the concentrated media and Big Tech.

Agent 47

EZFKA Twitter account delivering the goods

Reus's Large MEMBER

Get on GETTR, it is better that twatter


Hay Peachy can we have a Queen post?


peachy is queen

A fly in your ointment

Aus to go to Zero in 28 years!

by the looks of it, the Republic of Aus may reach zero much sooner. A different kind of…

Seriously, this is nothing more than CaliFornication of the future Republic of Aus. My Tesla driving neighbour runs an aircon 24/7 and charges his Tesla from the strata power outlet whilst talking of environment preservation and carbon emission… a role model


Most of these green initiatives are nothing but grift. When I see consultancies and investment banks 100% behind these green initiatives, it confirms my grift suspicions. Now that commercial banks are behind it, they know where the money is flowing.

The things that actually would benefit the environment like further investments in public transport, planting trees along street, permanent WFH, light coloured roofing, banning express deliveries, double glazing etc. have far less grift and thus will never be contemplated as a serious option.

Don’t get me started on carbon offsets. The misleading part is the word offsets.


The Green Grift has been turned up to 11 here in EZFKA.

Simon 2 Dads and his Teals showed how easy it is to set it in place.

That model is being rolled out on a State level for each election, starting with Victoria in November.

Meanwhile Albo will be like Oprah doling out the grants to any Grifter who can say “carbon offset”.

BTW how much does profit does Tesla make in actual car sales vs the $ from carbon offsets it sells to the non EV car makers, Bitcoin, etc?


anyone else getting a load of the news lately

i just checked it on multiple platforms and its 24/7 queen coverage



Not me. But it will be nothing but bullshit about the queen for a week or so until she’s planted. My plan is to pay no attention to it.


Super girl in a classic shibari bondage pose complete with a gob stopper… Peachy has some interesting anime collections!

Maxwell Bradman

I came for the chat and stayed for the anime!