Albanese announces aid package for flood affected Sydney residents of $100 million worth of fridges from Victoria

EZFKA PM Anthony Albanese has announced help is on the way for flood affected Sydney residents, battered by record rainfall this week.

The PM has announced that $100 million worth of fridges from Victoria’s highly successful carbon credit program, will be sent to those affected by floods.

“This will really help them get back on their feet, as shown it’s been a great success in Melbourne and I thank Premier Daniel Andrews for his support,” Albanese said.

“I would be there in person but as you can see I’m on a lovely junket here in the Ukraine, sending Australia’s defence equipment to be destroyed.”

Albanese said he will be returning to the flood affected area next week for a quick photo-op and then on his way out of the country again.

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Agent 47

Albo doesn’t hold a bucket mate.

That fridge debacle was the fucking greatest rort this year.

EZFKA defined.

Shae the Burmese

Any links so I can understand the fridge rort? It escaped my attention.

Gruppenführer Mark

Thanks! The link was busted, but I did find another one.

That is Australian ingenuity!

Last edited 2 years ago by Gruppenführer Mark