Victoria Police PORT officer exhausted after hard day of firing on unemployed tradies

A Victoria Police PORT officer has come home exhausted from a hard day of putting down a CFMEU protest, after firing pepper ball and rubber bullets at out of work tradies.

Constable Matthew Porkson needed a few beers to unwind after an exhausting day on his secure government income, firing indiscriminately at tradies and into passing traffic while crushing the necks of those who have lost everything.

“Seeing all these fellow Australians being forced to take an experimental jab or starve just really makes you want to squeeze the trigger and cause more hatred of the Police,” Porkson said.

“When John Setka and the bikies called us screaming for help, I was ready to go. I’m really proud of my work today and look forward to spraying some grandmothers on the weekend.”

Porkson will unwind while watching footage of previous protests and wiping his arse on the Australian flag.

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absolutely disgraceful on the behalf of the union leaders and the vicpol

the full footage is bloodboiling, they were lied to and delayed every step of the way, then the police were sicked onto them all

Agent 47

Footage of Police and Bikies working together. What a great look that is for Andrews.

Fuck the cops. They’ve brought this on themselves.


yep, fuck them, zero respect for those cunts, theyre just organised thugs and hs bullies in their next realm


What is the actual story? Can you please suggest some links I don’t know it.


real rukshan recorded it all, itll be on his yt soon

tradies/builders massed out of the union h.q in melbs, demanded to speak to union leader

guy says he’ll come out in one hour to talk to them

doesnt come out

they went nuts and started pelting the door with shit and kicking it in

riot police showed up to disperse them

it went for like 8 hours

its on the “real rukshan” fb feed too


Thanks man!


Construction workers are protesting against mandatory vaccines which are due to come in this week. CFEMU is one of the biggest unions and they want the union head Setka to resign because (I think) the union hasn’t stood up to Vic government to forced vaccines.

Daniel Andrews has said he is going to shut down construction industry for two weeks in response to todays events.


Daniel Andrews has said he is going to shut down construction industry for two weeks in response to todays events.

He’s clearly following the science then…


Can’t see it going well for them. Good way to piss off people even more.


He’s clearly following the science then…

vindictive bully.

with him in charge, little wonder that the riot squad is crash-tackling and bear-macing grannies.


Yeah it’s really bad and I’m not sure how the union officials recovers trust from its workers at this point

or how the ALP does out of this – really not a good look for them

and maybe that was the whole point of this Covid and vaccine nonsense

turn the proletariat against each other similar to feminism and identity politics
Divide and conquer


and maybe that was the whole point of this Covid and vaccine nonsense 

turn the proletariat against each other similar to feminism and identity politics

Divide and conquer

i think that now you are getting warmer…


While arguing with that dickhead bjw I was just thinking that trained pit bulls would be a dangerous protest weapon

if anti vaxxers got say 4-5 Furfrou and trained them to attack anyone in riot gear

they would cut through the cops like a hot knife through butter

can’t really fine or arrest the dogs, best they could do is kill them I suppose but I think they’d have a very hard time doing that without firearms which I doubt even VICPOL would use amongst a large crowd of people and fellow officers

dont think pepper spray probably works that well on dogs either

i wonder how the cops could counter this

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

You’d need dogs that are unchipped (so owner can’t be identified). I don’t know how many unchipped dogs are out there.

that said, it also looks like the blokes wear a lot of padding, so probably not easy to bite through.

of course based on recent form (eg Premier shutting down construction for two weeks because of tradie protest) it looks like the outcome would be escalation – eg next time cops will bring out their dogs as well as horses….

my suggestion for the vic demonstrators would be water guns (super soakers) to squirt the cops with. They won’t do any damage, but blokes on the receiving end are going to have a mighty uncomfortable day standing around in the wind drenched 😉😆😆

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

I really don’t think horses would be a good idea around aggressive dogs they might panic I suspect

yes the cops could bring their own dogs but it could also get way out of hand if they start fighting other dogs

I feel in that situation they would be very difficult for the handlers to control and it’s not really a situation that they would have been trained for

but I’m not an animal expert

Put a couple of young kids and families amongst the protestors and I especially doubt the cops would be willing to use dogs of their own

but the main point is that they need to be constantly changing tactics
most cops have the iq of a wet sponge and rely on training and orders , not really in the business of thinking for themselves

padding isn’t really an issue – furfrou are heavy and aggressive creatures they will knock down a grown adult especially the women and soft fat cunts the police currently employ

I don’t think any of these fuckwits gets paid enough for that type of life and death furfrou combat tbh – they’ll scatter and run

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

Put a couple of young kids and families amongst the protestors and I especially doubt the cops would be willing to use dogs of their own

im sure that in Victoria they woudlnt hesitate for a minute.


sounds like a war tactic the celts would have used on roman soldiers


Who would have guessed a couple years ago that we’d be discussing guerilla warfare tactics


I know, it’s great! Heaps exiting!


in his later life the carthaginian general hannibal (while on the run from the romans) served as a for-hire admiral in some naval battle between greek city states

he cracked onto the idea to gather up a bunch of poisonous snakes and have then stored in clay pots; the pots were catapulted onto enemy ships and would run amok amongst all the oarsmen below causing mayhem and stopping the ships from moving

it worked apparently

coming seems to be taking a leaf out of his book


The police have their own dog squad and handlers, so suspect they’d be equipped with tranquillisers in case their own dogs got out of control.

Otherwise, it would probably be effective. Can remember some years ago they brought them in to control a riot at an adolescent mental health ward which involved lots of broken glass, self harming, security staff being attacked and a massive amount of property damage. The kids thought they could beat up the adults without any retaliation, but if they did that to the dogs they’d just get mauled. Was working an evening shift that night and counted 20 or so dogs and their handlers.


Good plan, especially in this day and age of video of everything. The cops will never work out here the dogs came from. Plenty of people get arrested for letting dangerous dogs attack people.
You say some really retarded stuff, and calling someone a dickhead is not arguing. It’s admitting you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about.


Yeah you fucking loser – it will be real easy to identify the guys in plain nondescript clothing and sunglasses and a mask

have they arrested and named the guy in a black hoodie who took out four cops on the weekend yet ?


Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

How are you transporting dogs?
In a backpack? on a train? helicopter?




im dying

this was the funniest reply I have ever seen


Gold. Can’t wait for the Pokemon Go rioters.




Furfrou are banned in Victoria… and lol you would be so fucked inciting shit like this if anyone ever doxxed you.


How about something along the animal lines but unconventional – like bringing some large hogs or cattle to herd towards the riot police?


Who even needs that when you’ve got a crowd full of this?


Didn’t realise Peta Credlin was at the rally.


I reckon sis would’ve really been the goods 25-30 years ago.

she’s aged pretty well, too, but she’s showing her years


This was the one getting right in the face of setkas goon

also a brilliant alternative weapon/strategy as he couldn’t just start bashing a woman, couldn’t even push her back


Yes please delete if this could be considered incitement

im just bored at home, not a protestor

don’t want to give anybody ideas


Could be Fennekin or some other related type

I’m not inciting I’m just shooting the shit because it’s an interesting topic to think about

I don’t protest and I do not support the protests


how about scattering tens of thousands of glass marbles under the feet of police lines? (Each demonstrator could bring a large bag)

that could be fun!


would mess you up just as much , which I guess dogs could too

Peaceful resistance is I guess maybe the best option

stagmal tell us about Gandhi


So the media has been trying to spin things as hard right extremists and neo-nazis in the crowd that were the instigators. I can’t see any of those in this video?

But what I can see is bikie goons protecting Setka and cfmeu HQ hmmmm…


Fuck me, the media are fucking fuckheads.

its almost like every major institution is in a competition as to who will be able to lose most public trust most quickly.

  • fed gov
  • state govs
  • police forces
  • medical peak bodies
  • media
  • unions

who is left?!


There’s some angry folk in the crowd. Different kettle of fish to the soy boy antifa type and I wouldn’t want to fuck with some of them. Apparently they are back in the streets of Melbourne today protesting again.


Rukshan live stream here, massive crowd heading towards parliament –