Calls for public beatings of Australian corporate journalists intensify as COVID fear porn crisis escalates

Calls for public beatings of Australian mainstream media journalists have intensified this week, after COVID fear porn has reached crisis levels.

Research conducted by the Institute for No-one Intelligent Actually Believes This Shit, has shown overwhelmingly that journalists for mainstream networks have become nothing more than corporate stenographers and need a good beating.

“The research is clear that some of them really just need the shit kicked out of them,” Dr Mark Crowbar said.

“The press conferences have shown exactly that. 100% unabashed, unscientific sycophantry for lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations by a bunch of careerist wankers who don’t want to rock the boat and ask any real questions. There’s only one solution for that.”

Fairfax said they disputed the research findings and will be writing a three-page glowing testimonial to Jerome Weimar in response.

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Agent 47

Can we crowd fund this?


One thing we know for sure is that we can’t crowdfund jack! 😂😂😂

Reus's Large MEMBER

Genius idea, maybe live stream pay per view type thing

Dictator David

I had to laugh at a suggested FriendlyJordies video that came up on YT. Basically it was hanging shit on Avi Yemini getting man handled and arrested by police at one of the earlier protests. Avi had the legitimate media pass and permit to report on the protests yet was still tackled to the ground at the whim of one of the cops.

Funny watching Jordies hang shit on him now we’ve seen what happened to Christoff… Regardless of if you agree with independent media or not they are at least showing a side that MSM “journalists” will not.

Agent 47

I don’t like Avi because he’s a blatant Israel shill.

That being I said, he does show events that wont get aired on normie news and I commend him for that.

As for Jordies, fuck him. Self interested grifter misdirecting millenials political disaffection.

My two cents.


I don’t like Avi because he’s a blatant Israel shill.

As for Jordies, fuck him.

but didn’t Confucius say “the yemini of my yemini is muh friend”?!

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

Lols – they’re all our yeminis.


Avi will always cop it for being a wife beater.

Aside from exposing the CCP flag raising rubbish at Box Hill police station, I can’t recall anything else of note that he’s reported on. His whole reporting from the back of a police van also doesn’t really hold up to scrutiny.

FJ may end up taking down a politician, which I wholeheartedly support just for the carnage it would entail.


He didn’t even do time in jail. He can erase that minor blemish easily. All he has to do is get into the property industry.

like Michael Yardney.


also tells us nothing about what happened, most domestic violence afaik is two-way, doesnt excuse anything but it’s hard for me to give a shit about it when i know for a fact a great amount of it is two psychos laying into each other. the idea that its some guy beating on his wife for not having the roast ready after he gets home after work is a tv myth.


hardly anyone goes to jail for assault in oz, unless youve done it a heap of times or you do it while on some other court order like a corrections or good behaviour bond. generally you have to do something REALLY bad, like stab someone with a fence post in the stomach.

its still a terrible idea to be violent though, not bc of the threat of the jail sentence you wont get but bc of the “punishment” of having to navigate the magistrates court system. constantly having to go to hearings over a period of months and now years due to rona, you’ll wish you WERE in jail.

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

hardly anyone goes to jail for assault in oz, unless youve done it a heap of times or you do it while on some other court order like a corrections or good behaviour bond. generally you have to do something REALLY bad, like stab someone with a fence post in the stomach.

assault of doctor on patient used to carry some jail time.

but they’ve largely done away with that.


oh that’s true, special circumstances like that still apply afaik. hit a cop or an ambo and you’re gonna be in trouble.

they get special treatment, though.

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal
Dictator David

It’s a mandatory 6 month jail sentence for assaulting emergency service workers. Yet I can think of 3 instances they have walked free. “Tough upbringing” “Mental health” “Drug/alcohol use” are get out of jail free cards these days it would seem.


Note to self: always stay a bit drunk.

Dictator David

My point is that it’s funny when it happens to someone the majority don’t like. Yet people don’t heed the warning and get all up in arms when it happened to Christoff. The precedent was set.

FJ won’t take down a politician, this is EZFKA! At best Bruz will do some time in the dark before being moved on to a cushy board job that pays even better.


Sums it up perfectly. Most politicians get board roles no matter how tarnished their name is. Just have the right connections and a future role is assured.

Avi made himself a big target when he made the protesters look like fools at an invasion day rally: basically not knowing what they were protesting. That video went far and wide.


lololol wasnt the other clown berating scomo a couple months ago for having gotten australia AZ instead of pfizer

He’s far more efficient and accurate than the pascometer

The fucking irony of having slagged off pascoe for years, when this bloke is the king of being completely wrong at the very worst time possible

Now that he’s retired, Pascoe should start a website where he just saves up every one of DLS predictions


Already have.


You have? are you Pascoe ?!?!

I do really like DLS though – wish he didn’t hate me so much

He’s done a lot for the country shining a light on the immigration graft

I’m going to keep up my subscription just to support them even if they won’t allow me to comment
Which reminds me – is there a way for the crypto-skeptics to donate to EZFKA


Which reminds me – is there a way for the crypto-skeptics to donate to EZFKA

not that I know of.

But taking the crypto shot is quick and painless and will see you right for a good long time.


If you are retired, why would you want a full time job? DLS makes so many bad predictions, the Pascoemeter would be working full time.

Not only was DLS berating Scomo over not getting Pfizer, but he was even advocating for the J&J shot. It has been nicknamed the Clot Shot. The “I want Pfizerism” and the governments failure to control the narrative on the effectiveness of AZ is what really stuffed up the vaccine rollout.

EmBee spent a lot of time having a go at anti lockdown journalists, but DLS is just as dangerous to public health.


It makes a good story but I doubt 1 death vs 3 deaths is that statistically significant. Also the Russian version of AZ is worse, and the figures are reversed for ICU admissions.

Microsoft Word – Bahrain Vaccination_Aug 19 AH.docx (

Unvaccinated – 1.32% (857)
Sinopharm – 0.46% (112)
Sputnik – 0.09% (3)
Pfizer – 0.15% (3)
AZ – 0.03% (1)

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

Thanks for that. May have a closer look later if I can be bothered, but on face value the absolute risk reduction looks to be minimal.


This bit is much shitter than I had expected:


Although the same trend holds for hospitalisations that is AZ is the most effective against hospitalisations. However, the variation around estimates is quite large and hence not statistically significant. However, as more data is available, it is showing that AZ is a pretty good vaccine and our boomers are a bunch of spoilt brats.


Nobody under 50 died with Pfizer. Nobody over 50 died with AZ. We can’t conclude anything from that either because the figures are too low and we don’t know the age distribution. Although the summary (median age and suppression of children’s age) implies Pfizer was favoured for the young.


Not sure that a single study from Bahrain is necessarily a good reason for such a grand turn-around, but it’s embee so whatever.


Ordinarily I would agree, but it does give a good insight into the efficacy of Chinese, Russian and Western vaccines. Probably tells us why China is still going for zero Covid as their vaccines are not as good as others on the market.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

A+ stuff Timbo.

Maybe my views are extremely prejudiced since I’ve believed all along that this outbreak was engineered to drive everyone into the vaccines but seriously where is our media on this?

NSW Health can’t provide any cases of outdoor transmission, so WTF is with all these restrictions on being outdoors? And our big carrot is that fully vaxxed households will be allowed to go to a park and have a picnic where they can’t catch Covid anyway! This is so messed up and nobody is calling it out.

4 more deaths today, 2 killed by other medical conditions and the other 2 already sick people who caught it while hospitalised. Over 1000 cases a day but seriously, why does nobody in Sydney know anyone who has caught it? Fake deaths and fake case numbers.

Now one month ago Gladys was telling us that we would see declining case numbers as restrictions kicked in. Now we have even harsher restrictions and she is telling us October will be the worst month! This entire crisis is pure bullshit and our media is compicit in the fraud.

Reus's Large MEMBER

The bit that I don’t get about this is that in the US for example, you don’t count as having immunity if you have caught and recovered from the whuflu, so even if you have had at and are 13 times less likely to get sick from it than the Pfizer vaccine it does not count. Seems odd to me.

Meme’s say it best, the vaccine needs to be forced on people for a virus that you need to be tested to know that you have caught.


See, it’s stuff like this that make my zombie theory a non-zero likelihood.


Far more likely incompetence and need to be seen to be “doing something”
No one was pushing the vax at all in australia until delta got out of control.


I know of a few people who have caught it. A coworker, and multiple coworkers of a relative.

If I was going to be conspiratorial, then it is too coincidental that the virus was released within days (early October 2019) of economists claiming the financial system had just broken again (mid-September 2019).

Reus's Large MEMBER

The only difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is about 12 months …

I would like to believe that it was an accidental leak from the lab, but there are too many things that just don’t add up.

One was the cover up of the lab leak by Fauci, Dazak and the CCP, then there was the WHO letting it get out to the rest of the world then they knew it was transmissible.

Then we have the company that managed to isolate the spike protein so perfectly in record time that they licensed out to big Pharma to use in their new RNA tech, no possibility of help from the lab with the details of that spike protein.

Then of course the money printers going brrr to get everyone on the government teat. As well as the crazy rules around lockdowns, the masks outdoors stupidity. Then of course the above of not counting recovered people as “vaxxed”.

Then the latest study of infections in the US where it is now estimated that 1/3 of all Americans have been infected. The CDC pulling the PCR test’s because they can’t differentiate between the flu and whuflu.

Now the vaccines are non sterilising and you are going to need booster shots every 6 months.

Lots of things not adding up TBH.

Chinese Astroturfer

If you go back to late 2019, Trump was turning the screws on China with his trade war, Chinese economy was teetering, Chinese exports to the US massively down, companies looking to move manufacturing out of China, and Trump was heading towards a landslide victory in 2020.

Now Chinese goods in such a demand that factories can’t keep up, world needs China to stay online right now more than ever otherwise we’ll see massive inflation.

I’m not saying they released it on purpose because they wouldn’t have started in Wuhan unless they were absolutely confident of getting control of it, but the release of the virus into the world could not have come at a better time for the CCP.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chinese Astroturfer

I recall China also included a pandemic out clause in their Jan 2020 US FTA.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yeah true, I also note the “common speak” like

Pandemic of the unvaxed
Build back better

And a few others I can’t remember right now that the leaders and MSM spout on a regular basis.

Echo’s of The Great Reset !