Effects of lending micro powers to every Jake and Jill finally go megabomb. Will it go nuclear?

(or in 150yo EZ-fkers tradition, will it fizzle out soon?)

On a lateral topic, it is noice to see that “blame thy joo/poo/slopoo/aboo/negroo” ran out of steam and only cometh out of its crevices when Dumbo inspires them, then vanish into off-topic. Noice.

What can go wrong when every Jake and Jill is given power over others in some scenarios? Zactly this: https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/retail/cctv-shows-moment-woolworths-worker-is-flykicked-as-warning-is-issued-ahead-of-christmas/news-story/1386f6f2025f45be858112a1837fbcdd
With incidents of retail staff wielding their imaginary python dick on every cnut they eyeball, imposing rules which have no legal basis, at some stage a small resistance will be born. Remember the Bunnings videos? Remember The Age of Covidiots?
I would not go as far to justify the attack on retail or other customer-facing staff, it is enough to estimate that the median blame is floating near 50% mark. For example, each time a Bunnings staff member verbally assaults someone for not allowing them to go without a virtuous ‘unlegal’ scan of their receipt, it is creating this scenario. Spineless double jabbed and boosted are unlikely to create the resistance. Mt. Druitt types perhaps?

EZ-fkers like to be given these micro powers and almost all dream not of rebellion but of participation: have their own dicktatorship space where they get an exoskeleton to a spinless personality. To have their own micro penile colony with its own “Abos”.
Other options are too risky for their mortgage and credit lines. It is easier to be spineless for now or forever.

What none or just a few see is that “divide and conquer”, a long standing english imperial policy, is on every level now being employed not only against poos and natives or whomever is to be colonised or occupied, but against its own punters. Youse are becoming the Abos in chains, chained by your own kind.

Knowing that youse types have voted for this (directly or indirectly, by participating in the circus), I hope you enjoy it.

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Yeah the convicts have become the prison wardens, and they still think they’re convicts. Haha.

Although having worked in retail I can tell you people do need to be told to behave, they even force the retail workers to have manners now I think.

No one will do nothing. Not being able to breed among these people is quite relieving, most of the time.


101 ways to kill your website brand

no 1:

let mosquitogrease have access to the publish article button

A fly in your ointment

Cancel culture have infested pseudo rightards too….

What’s the “your website brand
no 1″?

Oh, silly me again, of course it is “blame it on joos/poos/aboos/slopoos/negroos”.

This cuntry is flucked since it depends on your types to save it. Whilst you focus on distraction, you’re being castrated “slowly slowly catchy monkey” ways


Divide and conquer isn’t sufficient to explain the world. And anyway, divided and conquered … by whom? Is it the j00s?

In any case, Stagmal isn’t a cancel culture type, he just doesn’t mind calling you a cunt to your face, deserved or otherwise.

A fly in your ointment

Nah, and you know he just tries hard to be a ….. deservedly or otherwise


My first thought was “I wish I knew what all that gibberish meant”. My second thought was “I’m glad I don’t know what all that gibberish means”.

A fly in your ointment

Noice… likes to brag about an inability…

Agent 47

Yep, this is gayer than aids.

A fly in your ointment

Haha… this coming from a cop…..


Even worse NDIS is being rorted to shit, apparently you can charge 2-3 times normal rent if you rent to a spaz.


hot today aye


I can’t even remember the last time we had a hot summer must be at least 5 years.


Yeah. Summers have been short and cool since back to the start of Covid.

It’s blindingly obvious that global warming is to blame.


The media have gone nucking futs. Or maybe everybody has.

OMFG, we’re all gonna die of heatstroke. It’s the hottest it’s been since…no fucking joke…2 years ago! Some places will have the hottest days since…2019! Oh the humanity! A cool front is coming across…tomorrow! But still, everybody shelter in place or you’ll probably die.

5 minutes with a bloke from the BOM, and now another interminable session from some medical idiot woman droning on in a Vey Concerned Voice with her head tilted to one side. She just said the current temperatures are particularly lethal! Some people…those happy few… may have safe spaces, and those people should consider their neighbours, who may not be safe. From normal Australian summer weather.

We used to be a nation of fierce warriors. Now the whole country is run by insane women whose only concern is being safe, even from a few sunny days.


yeah if people can permanently live in mt isa somehow i dont get why you can die of heatstroke living in melbourne lol

Aussie Soy Boy

For example, each time a Bunnings staff member verbally assaults someone for not allowing them to go without a virtuous ‘unlegal’ scan of their receipt, it is creating this scenario.”

Just show your receipt wanker.

A fly in your ointment

Did not yet get your latest booster, eh?

the arborist

Another great take from Amy Gallagher of Vox Populi, but again, smallhats get a free pass.


Jatz Cracker

I watched the video that accompanied the news.com.au article. Nearly all the perps attacking shop staff were….how to put this politely….”People of Diversity.”
Restore the high trust White Australia of old by sending these “people” back to whence they came, and the problems complained about in the article will eventually disappear.

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