Australia to begin importing iron ore

Australia will commence importing iron ore, in order to shore up it’s GDP growth.

Following on from beginning to import natural gas, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced the decision to import the raw material after fucking up yet another export contract.

“We sold it all to the Chinese who we’re currently picking a fight with as they use it to build up a huge military, so we need to buy it back off them somehow,” Albanese said.

“This will be great for GDP especially as the international student to sex worker/uber eats pipeline has reached capacity.”

Albanese has consulted former Prime Ministers John Howard and Julia Gillard to to oversee the contract.

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So it’s already been a year since babies were being beheaded!


I’m no fan of the Jews, but the Palestinians, and Muslims in general, are worse. Let them have at it.

A Fly In Your Ointment

I’m no fan of the Jews, but the Palestinians, and Muslims in general, are worse.

link (the very first I found from plethora on the www)

When we speak the word “but”, we negate the statement that goes before that “but” and set up an argumentative style. When we write the word “but,” the same holds true. Try to eliminate the “but” from your language. Spoken and written. All the time. It’s more difficult than you think AND it will change the way you think.

Example of “but language” that deflates or negates a true statement:
“This new technique will advance the methods of treating cancer BUT further research will confirm those findings.”
Well, is that the good news or the bad news? Is there a promising new technique or not? If the first statement is true, then don”t disclaim it in the next phrase by following it with a BUT.


An outstanding essay about citizenship and cultural replacement by the great John Carter.

Well worth reading, the comparison maps of US voting pattens by demographics is very, very eye-opening indeed.


Apparently Iran tested a nuke:

Would sort of explain the apparent de-escalation by Israel in terms of retaliating directly against Iran for the missile attack.

The complete silence on the pretty strong rumour is also, imho, a likely signal that there is or was something going on.

After years of demonizing Iran the American public would need to be eased into the idea of a nuclear armed Iran.


The map in the link shows the site of the event as about 100km from Tehran, and Google maps shows the area to be fairly densely populated. I doubt the Iranians would conduct a test there.


I sceptical of any story that could potentially be used to justify a strike against Iran at the moment.

The story that Iran is trying, or had tried, to assassinate Trump smells like bullshit from Mossad, who are trying to provoke the US into attacking Iran. (Trump was way ahead in the polls at the time). Now we have this rumour about Iran testing nukes, and I’m wondering who is actually behind this.

“Data gathered by more than 25 stations in our global monitoring network, known as the International Monitoring System (IMS), was analysed by our team in Vienna. The analysis indicated that the two events were consistent with previous earthquakes in this area in Iran,” said CTBTO Executive Secretary Robert Floyd.

Earthquakes with similar characteristics occurred in the region on 15 January 2018 and 25 August 2015, both of similar magnitude (4.1 mb and 4.2 mb, respectively).

I’m not much of a conspiracy guy, but there is “smell” to this that is reminiscent of previously exposed intelligence frauds e.g. “weapons of mass destruction” used to justify the Iraq fiasco.


Yeah I don’t hold a high conviction rate to the claims, but the Seismic graphs certainly looked more to the explosive type than a rumbling earthquake type, but I’ll defer to the experts.

Personally I think it would probably still be best to cautionarily treat Iran as a Nuclear Armed state – I don’t think Iran would be quite so confident in lobbying missiles at Israel if it ultimately couldn’t back it up with what Israel could potentially lob back.

A Fly In Your Ointment

“I have caught two people in Bondi doing this … yep both were runners,” one person commented.

hmmm… i have rarely seen a poojeet run for fitness.


Yeah jews corp woudnt lie. 60th anniversary of the australian they wouldn’t dare suck themselves off. Every decision they made was brilliant.

A fly in your ointment

Fair point

Gruppenführer Mark

In related news, Anthony Albanese and Narendra Modi held a telephone call during which it was agreed to begin repatriation of Indian nationals back to India from Australia.

Those repatriants will form a new cast प्लंबर (Plumbar) that will be considered the highest cast in Indian democracy, above Brahmin. Repatriation will be mandatory for all Indian nationals, regardless of current status in Australia, who have been exposed to indoor plumbing for a period of at least 3 months.

Narendra Modi strongly believes that this new cast will champion India in their quest to enter 19th century.

Next on Labor government agenda are a number of initiatives aimed at spreading western values and democracy via repatriation to China, Pakistan and Nepal. Anthony Albanese hopes that these measures will help his party secure 2025 election win by increasing its support among lower and middle class workers and unions.

Coalition has strongly opposed this policy as it may threaten the housing market and large businesses. Peter Dutton has pledged to fight for further reduction in corporate tax rates and tripling of negative gearing tax benefits, should the Coalition remain in opposition. Early indications are that Labor may support these changes to the tax code while reversing stage 2 and stage 3 tax cuts after the outcomes of 2025 federal election become known.

Last edited 6 days ago by Gruppenführer Mark

I would cheerfully eject almost every last one of the fuckers. Why do we need a vast crowd of pajeets pushing shopping trolleys and stacking shelves at Woolies?

I passed one of those Dalek Muslim chicks in a full-on niquab at the mall on Tuesday. Nothing visible of her except a slit for her eyes. I hate that shit soooo much. The cunts come here with no intention whatsoever of fitting into our culture, they just want to turn our country into a copy of the squalid shithole they fled from to come here, They get to enjoy the benefits of our society built over generations, while never having contributed anything. Locusts. Parasites. Vermin. Fuck the lot of them.

A Fly In Your Ointment

that much anger and hate is bound to trigger an ulcer and even a stroke/heart attack.
Slow down a bit man….


Nice! Make this one a post. Put it on X! While it is entertaining, it’s “caste” not “cast”.


Two stories about dog attacks today. Man, stagmal and coming would’ve pumped out over 100 comments over that. If it turns out one of the victims is dogpilled it would’ve borked the ezfka server for a week.


It’s one of the worst things about whites. Not that I think we should have infinity immigration because meathead dogs. Just shoot anything from a bulldog and a staffy and below. Also little shit yappy dogs should be fed into a meat grinder on tv instead of showing MAFs. There needs to be only about 5-10 breeds of approved based dogs.

For instance if you want a little dog get a jack russell instead of a little faggot that has a meltdown just because you’ve gone to the shops for an hour.


Some weirdos bought the house next door a couple of months ago and moved in. They have two and sometimes three German Shepherds in their back yard that bark…not all the time, but enough to piss me off. They never walk the dogs, and in fact, in two months I’ve never laid eyes on the occupants coming, going or in the back yard, though my missus claims to have seen them once.

What really makes my alarm bell go off is that they park their car on the lawn right outside the front door, as though they want to get in and out very quickly with minimal chance of being observed.

I lived next door to a drug dealer for a while, and these people, with the dogs and secretive behaviour, give off the same vibe.


They do sound dodgy.

One of the houses involved in the dog attacks today was raided by police in the morning. That’s probably what put the dogs on edge for the attack.

A Fly In Your Ointment

What Was Gained by the Ukraine War?
Yankee Conservative makes this piece on what is the biggest flop of US power in the history of the empire. They threw in kitchen sink into this war thinking it has to work and were instead hit with a debacle of epic proportions. Half a million dead Ukros is just an unfortunate collateral.
Once again proven, it is a better proportion to be US’ foe rather than a friend as friends always get flucked. Sooner or later.

A Fly In Your Ointment


my own personal psycho minusing every post I do

mission to spoil ointments: success!


A genuine US political ad, trying unsuccessfully to guilt trip men into voting for Kamala Harris. 

Check out, amongst many other things, the really bizarre, (dare I say “gay”) way the dude in jeans sits on the tail gate of his ute.


The buff black dude in the ad who says he’s man enough to braid his daughter’s hair is a gay porn movie actor who, unsurprisingly, doesn’t have a daughter. Some of the other “men” are homos as well. FFS.

A Fly In Your Ointment

AUS father arrested after allegedly killing man found with his missing daughter
That’s how you deal with kiddo rapists

As much as I had lowest possible esteem of the US culture, since The Age of Covidiots and Jabbadabba it has constantly improved. The way they handled jabs was a nice example of a healthy obstinance never to be seen in this pond. Homo-convictus just observes fellow homo-paedophilus and at best hopes someone else will report him abusing children…

A Fly In Your Ointment

oh, the A in AUS was a typo.
A gross neglect on my part


You sayin aussies are dumb cunts or sumfin

I’d like to give dumb cunt of the year to this guy. Albos evicted renter and no doubt rusted on lefty.

Also jordies covers housing and his fans… who would be mostly public school suburban zoomer/millenials and would be on the wrong side of the boom, barely mention immigration.

A Fly In Your Ointment

You sayin aussies are dumb cunts or sumfin

dunno, lets see:

  1. major party “1” wins and brings millions in immigration
  2. plebs get angry at immigrants and say “we will vote you out”
  3. now major party “2” wins and brings millions in immigration
  4. plebs get angry at immigrants and say “we will vote you out”
  5. no other parties can rise to power due to preferential system so major party “1” wins again.
  6. rinse and repeat

what do you think, is that “sumfin” or “dum”?

Jordie is in the same camp as that Choo Rebel and the long forgotten Cossak.
I don’t buy all of the “boomer want NG” shyte. Boomers are retiring/retired and have little to gain. Nor will they be interested in sunset years to amass substantial wealth. Sure, they benefit from greater fish benefiting from NG (and that is Gen X’ers) but more importantly it is the whole RE industry that skims the milk each time someone buys and sells “existing” investment propadee. Where would RE industry be if there are no more home flippers and everyone focused on a new development…


>no other parties can rise to power due to preferential system so major party “1” wins again.

Teals got in. Made a pretty good dent. Probably controlled opposition tho. But it is technically possible to get power.

Yeah most boomers are fine and live in 1982. Some are but most of them aren’t consciously evil. They did the right thing, didn’t muck about, got to 50 and decided to switch off.

A Fly In Your Ointment

But it is technically possible to get [to] power.

it is.
This feature is required to technically re-define the gaolocracy as a democracy. This is where it stops. History of elections is a strong tell tale. It feels like the whole nation is on some Jim Jones induced trans doing the same ole again and again expecting a different outcome.


This seems like satire, but it’s not. 

Iniversity studies have shown that people who make good decisions in life have an “unfair” advantage over those who don’t. What’s more, good decision making (unsurprisingly) often comes from being white! Fancy that, eh?

Clearly, the next step is to offer reparations to those people who have been infairly disadvantaged by their bad decision making.


Hmmm…that might not be satire, but it may just be radical ratbaggery.


A very clear comparison between the corruption of the financial system leading up to the GFC, and the current corruption of academia that is likely to produce a societal vs economic crisis as our institutions become clogged with woke idiots.

Sociology, women’s studies, gender studies etc can spout woke intersectional bullshit because rheir nonsense doesn’t have to be based on reality. Engineers and doctors on the other hand, need to be based in reality otherwise bridges fall down and patients die unnecessarily.

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