Who Radicalized you?

[Stewie: The below is published without permission from some rando on Twitter – I haven’t made any edits other than attempting to re-instate the paragraph spacing that disappeared when I did the alt Copy and Paste]

In my first month of college, I was banned from a debate tournament because I’m white. The club president was an Indian kid who had interned at Goldman Sachs over the summer. He somberly told the entire room that white kids were winning too much and that it was unfair for minorities.

I had two thoughts at the time:
1. How dare you treat white people like this, Devesh. (His name was actually Devesh.) You live in America. The only reason your family left India is because white people made the United States an infinitely better country. Show some respect to them.
2. Is there any group hated more than young, gifted white men?

College debate now requires trigger warnings before each round. If you don’t provide them, you automatically lose. Tournaments now revolve around topics like “queerness in Wuthering Heights” and “how do we eliminate whiteness?” Gay minorities have ruined an activity that once served as an opportunity for intelligent white kids to demonstrate excellence, become recognized, and enter the elite. That last point has stuck with me for the past three years I’ve been in college.

How can young, gifted white men demonstrate greatness these days? The system has completely abandoned them. If they manage to get into an elite university, they quickly realize how unwelcome they are. In my freshman year, I attended an information session for law school.

All I heard for 45 minutes was about “Women in Law” and “Black Students Association.” It dawned on me how everything has become feminized and anti-white, from something as subtle as the cutesy and intentionally unintimidating design of the PowerPoints to the explicit and unapologetic discrimination of white men.

Young white men have subconsciously recognized that originality and risk-taking are strictly frowned upon. They can climb the ladder if they always obey directions, but they will never be great. They’ll merely be another cog in the machine, eternally replaceable and subject to ridicule. This realization has done profound damage to the psyche of white men, and I think it’s one of the greatest crises of our time.

All of this presents a unique opportunity for the Republican Party. Currently, there is a severe shortage of young Republican leaders. You watched the Republican National Convention. How many of the headline speakers were under the age of 40? Compare that to the Democratic National Convention. Say what you want about the Democrats, but they have the future in their grasp. When the boomers are gone, what will the Republicans do? Do they even know? If the Democrats pander to young black people, then the Republicans must pander to young, gifted white males—another minority whose human capital is incalculably more enormous.

[Stewie – while that part was interesting the rest of the tweeted comment descended into a pivot for the Republican to that demographic versus the Democrat party being the party of single women on the pill, feminized men, fags, and POC’s.

If you are interested the rest can be found here:

[Stewie – okay, from here on in it is me again]

But it raises an interesting question – who radicalized you?

In my case it was the attacks on Australia Day. For many years I had avoided twitter like the plague, as I knew how it would be like social media brain cocaine for my personality type – but when I finally did succumb to its allure my campaign and politiking was actually fairly central left, I think I’d even voted labour back with Rudd FFS (well the first time). My main social media crutch was housing inequality and the outsized influence of the Boomers as a polity, rather than examine the source of the radical resorting of their social priorities.

Anyhow that was the first time I had ever experienced the sort of visceral, irrational hatred of a day that I loved and cherished. No matter how politely or rationally I attempted to argue my case or refute their hysterical claims of genocide, I was met with nothing but hatred and vitriol. Even in the ethnic dominated country town I grew up in, and experienced no insignificant amount of bullying for being white at the time, Australia was universally celebrated. Thus began my journey…

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For me it was Gillard’s changes to the family law act to define “causing fear” as family violence with no reasonableness test. Believe all women bullshit. This was compounded by the Liberals failure to fix it when in office. Things kept getting worse. Debate only makes sense when underneath it you all have the same goal. Their goal is our destruction and it always has been. The stronger they get the more apparent it is.


Is radicalised the right term here when you’re actually directionally in step with what many think but is not reflected in the media or political class?


I wonder what Ayatollah will say/do this evening


If you just wanna go back to 1985 or something you’re a ‘radical’. Have been since I was 11. Maybe that’s because that’s when a bit of childhood innocence ends and the modern western social pecking order starts off and I could see a lot of my fellow school kids had a pretty high level of entitlement and a pretty low level of desire to do any skilled work. Fucked if I want them having much if any influence.


Male pale and stale.

Totally acceptable to discriminate and demean white males over 50.

Anywhere. Job market ✅ Movies, TV, Media ✅ Office ✅



The prez of the Victorian Bar Association just did a big “Fuck this welcome to country bullshit” move at a recent meeting. She said rightfully, that it’s ceding sovereignty, it’s divisive and it’s the wrong thing to do.

Mind-boggling courageous in these woke times. Having been attacked by the woke twitter imbeciles as a racist etc, instead of doing a struggle-session apology she’s doubled down and come out swinging!

More power to her arm! Let’s hope for the death of welcomes to country. This is my country, I’m not a guest to be welcomed by the people who actually own it. Those fools can eat shit and die.


For me, it was going to a public school after my Dad had gone bankrupt in the 80’s. Due to his moral and civic code, he chose to pay off all his debts anyway. This caused our family to be beyond poor for a number of years. Watching the “disadvantaged” first nation kids getting dropped to school in thier fancy free cars and getting fed for free with amazing food while I starved was a bit to process. Watching the indoctrination of how they were ‘owed’ everything because of thier disadvantage didn’t sit right with me, still doesn’t.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Bono, the lead singer of U2, when I went on holiday to the UK back in 1990, he was on the idiot box spewing vitriol about South Africa and the how all whites from there were racist, this is in spite of him have never been visited South Africa.

Yes the boomer generation was racist but as gen X, schools and society were mixed from the mid 80’s on. So to hear and see him and the MSM carry on like that which was contrary to my lived experience woke me up to the BS and propaganda from the MSM and celebs.


Love ya work Stewey.
When I was about 8 or 9 I watched a horrible documentary about forced conversions to islam in Africa which scarred me but also enlightened me at that young age.
If the locals did not convert they had a steel cooking pot with a rat placed on their stomach. The pot was heated until the rat ate downward. This stayed with me and I became not a racist but a Culturist as I explained to my friends even as a teenager.
With the GFC I became a known figure on Zerohedge using this very same handle as I wanted to learn who owned my ass.
This is what I have learned.
The world is run by an elite globalist class where bankers and jews are overrepresented.
They have happily got away with perpetual war, making isreal feel safe and multiculti pushing for many years but the internet and independent journalism has enlightened a few of us.
They think nothing of the great replacement and killing millions of caucasians in wars such as Ukraine.
Potentially even Putin is in on the arms and blood on the street money train.

Trump and Brexit are examples of things not following the plan and their iron grip being challenged.
Our only hope is a Trump re-election and him not being killed which is defo on their agenda.

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