AFL announces special 3-hour Welcome to Country prior to 2024 Grand Final

AFL fans will be treated to a 3-hour Welcome to Country at the Grand Final this year in lieu of the actual game.

The announcement comes off of overwhelming positive feedback from self-hating fags in Melbourne over the ceremonies this year, with the actual football being reduced to one, 15-minute quarter.

“This will allow us to deliver a diverse, inclusive political lecture about boong history of the dreamtime and how Aboriginals have been on this continent since before the Big Bang,” AFL CEO Andrew Dillon said.

“We’ll tell the story of being here and not having a written language, basic agriculture or inventing the wheel, through to all the modern day traditional boong practices of petrol sniffing, sex assault, trashing your public housing, incarceration and asking for a dollar cunt or I’ll bash ya.”

The local Wurundjeri tribe are believed to have charged the AFL $100 million for the ceremony with most proceeds going straight to the Ernie Dingo foundation and Mark Leibler.

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The fundamental flaw I find in the acknowledgement of country is the utter shit about paying respects to their elders, past, present and emerging.

I don’t know the cunts, whoever they may be, hence I don’t respect them. For all I know, they may be (indeed, are likely to be) a bunch of dimwitted, grifting fucknuckles.

As to the base assumption that the country belongs to them, and they are welcoming me to it, well, they can all get stuffed. This is MY country, not theirs.

Ironic Boomer

If Australia is indeed ‘aboriginal’ land, why are the oligarchs with the aid of their courtesan media and HR politicans giving it away to the rest of the world

Gruppenführer Mark

In the short term, to increase the GDP. In the medium term, to have a wider population base who can pay a special levy for reparations. You know, like the special Brisbane flood levy, only this time it is even more justified, because the recepients couldn’t choose the family they were born into, unlike those who built in a flood plain, but I digress.

Indigenous population doubles every census (5 years). Better than housing! So need to invest for the future.

Gruppenführer Mark

Stop being so obtuse. You don’t need to know the elders personally to respect them. You never knew Newton, Captain Cook, Vivaldi or Shakespeare, yet it doesn’t stop you from respecting the things that they achieved.

Look at it this way: if a cnut makes it past 50 without being murdered, dying from substance abuse or as a result of inbreeding due to child rape, or any number of other causes, they should get, nay, DESERVE your respect.

That doubly goes to the enterprising elders who despise everything that is of invader origin, except, of course, money that buys all the fruits of invader origin.


I’d like to see them all go back to living tribal lifestyles, eating moths and grubs and wildlife they’ve killed with sticks, sleeping on the dirt and going without any modern health care.

Gruppenführer Mark

This movie will be epic!

Gruppenführer Mark

Ranger and Hilux drivers first. RAM drivers will be the ones exploiting employing the new skilled workers.


These cvnts really want to lose the election


They won’t know it’s just an article on a little site most people probably only watch a bit of channel 9. Tradies probably vote Lib anyway because 2gb and cuckservative boomer aussieness.

Gruppenführer Mark

Speaking of channel 9, they posted an article supporting NG cut, to follow up on our conversation yesterday.


I literally just saw a RAM driver and made sure I noticed more specifically who was in it and yep about 60 years old and looked like he had the confidence of being a business owner.


First the CFMEU then the migrants. Then the rest of the workforce. I am now permanently pissed off. How do people manage to appear positive and enthusiastic in a job interview and at work? Once my mortgage is paid (mid next year) I’m seriously thinking of quitting and going on the dole.


I dunno most people are just cowards. Outsource any toughness they might have to the footy.


Boong stuff seems to go down ok with legacy citizens. Good distraction from the fact they are selling their own kids down the river.

Gruppenführer Mark

Just paid 15 AUD for about 750 grams of local cheese and 2 bottles of red wine. If the wine turns out to be swill, I’ll have to go to specialised shops and spend a fortune!

Aussie Soy Boy

Are you in Georgia?

Gruppenführer Mark

Yep. It is an experience for sure.

Aussie Soy Boy

Nice enjoy it.


To be fair travelling to many places overseas reveals just how expensive Australia has become.

I just came back from Japan and it is refreshing to be able to buy dinner for $12 and have a beer for $5, sometimes less.

Although in this case for you Aldi wine and cheese might come close to $15.


It’s crazy how cheap Japan is – those 195 cans for 150yen at 711


9% zero sugar 500ml for $3 or whatever what could go wrong lol


Low inflation will do that. Meanwhile in Australia…

Aussie Soy Boy

Did this Poof Daddy do anything other than give drugs to chicks who wanted drugs, and fucked poofs that wanted to be fucked?


Did he bum nigs so he’d pay for them to have a rap crap career? Other than that yeah he seems like he was just giving people what they wanted.


I struggle to believe that anybody actually *wants* to be fucked up the arse. It seems like it would be agonising and unpleasant to be on the receiving end of that.


Well if its a case of getting bummed or working at maccas for $7 an hour. I dunno. I meant generally his drug and sex fueled parties are what people wanted not the bumming. Any underage girls who were there would probably be 16 year old girls that wanted to grow up too quickly.


“Schrodinger’s girlfriend” states that in any situation the status of a young women remains as an indeterminant state, simultaneously as both a strong empowered female or victim of male oppression, until an event occurs that allows the final status to be determined by which outcome most benefits the young woman’s social status ‘girl boss or victim’.

Last edited 18 days ago by Stewie

Will there be truth telling?

Gruppenführer Mark

I’m your huckleberry

the arborist

LGBTetc are all mental illnesses. It’s no surprise they’re linked to other kinds of brain rot.


theres nothing more important on earth than curing the aging process


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted but I kind of agree 80 years isn’t enough I want 150 and where you don’t get crusty until you’re about 120.

A Fly In Your Ointment

apparently if you crap like pidgeons, every few minutes, 120yrs tender age is achievable. no shitting, no pun intended.


That explains your posting frequency.


So Nasrallah is dead.

I assume this will actually mean the fighting continues, and soon Zelensky can regain some of the lost airwaves.


There a reports of a helicopter crash in Iran.


If I was in any sort of position of power in Iran, I wouldn’t travel by any means more complicated than a camel.

The added benefit of Camel transport being, of course, that you can fuck your vehicle at the end of the the day. “Ships of the desert”…full of Arab semen.


Honestly I’d love to see Iran and Hamas go apeshit and try their best rather than all these loud words and then nothing. The sooner they all shoot each other the better.

I see Netanyahu still has said they won’t stop all with the full blessing of the USA. As per my comment lol

Meanwhile Putin bad because it’s the reverse scenario.

I for one am enjoying the entertainment.

Gruppenführer Mark

Righto. A local joke for youse. I had to adapt it to Aussie flavour.

Healthcare Dept is making an inspection of a regional hospital. Some suit is walking around taking notes.

So the suit walks into a room and there are two girl nurses giving a man a blow job. And the suit is like: “What the hell is going on?” And the head nurse who is showing the suit around says, that’s ok, just a normal procedure, prostate massage. So the suit goes, ah, ok, if it’s a medical thing, must be fine.

So off they go to the next room, where there are two burly male nurses and another man. One is holding the man down while the other nurse is doing the man in the arse. Suit is like: “What the hell is going on?” And the head nurse who is showing the suit around says, that’s ok, just a normal procedure, prostate massage.

The suit goes, but what’s the difference? Same procedure, two different approaches?

The head nurse goes, well, that one was private health, this one is Medicare.

Last edited 15 days ago by Gruppenführer Mark
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