Shorten retires from overseeing NDIS rorts to overseeing international student rorts

Bill Shorten has announced his political retirement from overseeing the NDIS imploding, to getting on the international student gravy train.

Shorten will now take up a position at the University of Canberra doing absolutely fuck all other than increasing the number of Indian Uber Drivers.

“There’s no reason for me to hang around in politics. The CFMEU has been broken up by Triguboff and the developers who want $3/hr Indian tradies and the NDIS will soon be 100% of GDP,” Shorten said.

“May as well get on that international student conga line with the rest of them.”

Shorten is believed to have also been offered a board position at DoorDash.

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A truly heartbreaking story about Pajeets scamming other Pajeets for bogus Australian visas via bogus Australian educational institutions. 

It’s been a long time since I laughed so hard…errmmm…I mean…felt so dad.


…felt so sad. 🙄

A Fly In Your Ointment

LOL, significant difference from your voted mates in Canberra selling them residence with every student visa!

when your grandkids speak poojeet as their father’s tongue, because voted polies vacuumed every poojeet with $5k in their pocket to finance first year of studies, i’m sure it will be funny

A Fly In Your Ointment

met the cnut about 10yrs ago at the Syd airport… his eyes gave the gazing of a cardinal in an orphanage.
I’ve never seen a dud this bad rise so high. I guess his streetwise wisdom is higher, hiding under the cloak of a useless man.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Noice, minuses…. someone here luvs Shorten!

Aussie Soy Boy

They should make Tim Tams $8. If fat cunts will pay $6, they will definitely pay $8.


Price is irrelevant; with drugs like Tirzepatide and what comes after them, obesity will be a thing of the past. The junk peddlers will take a huge hit with the masses’ chemically reduced (corrected) appetites.

Just went to local Coles. Tim tams 8 for 2. Guess the kwetching of the fat cnuts was heard.

A Fly In Your Ointment

One Māori* woman in parliament has more balls than all the “Oi-Oi! polies” combined!
(hint: not Lambie, her balls are hairy and real)

No man has a vagina’: Women’s rally footage played at Moira Deeming defamation trial
* = self declared

I must admit, I’m following the Pavel Durov saga with interest. The dude is a founder of Telegram.

There are many fascinating details surrounding his arrest in France, where he went to have dinner with Macron, per his belief. The arrest warrant that was allegedly signed at the last minute right before his private jet landed, so he wouldn’t be able to be warned. His de facto wife and mother of his 3 children living in Switzerland while he was based in Dubai, claiming that she couldn’t obtain a residency permit in UAE. Her revelations on social media that she was, in fact, his wife and mother of his kids a few days before the arrest.

And now she is after money. Started off with her complaining that he stopped paying her 150,000 euro per month (!) alimony or whatever that arrangement was. Her filing a lawsuit alleging he abused one of the kids. How kids were traumatized having to take a commercial flight recently because they are not accustomed to having other people around.

And now this, which I honestly pilfered from, you guessed it, a Telegram channel.

I’m sure it’s all for the children.

A Fly In Your Ointment

I’m sure it’s all for the children.

that’s the first advice local family lawyers give to every woman which resent father of her children having a better life after divorce. “child care” does the same. So…. quite common.

Durov has a problem in that he is of the wrong ethnicity (can never be sure of his loyalties), has a product which defies all the Ministry of Truth requirements and is excessively wealthy thus can be cocky with authorities.
I am sure he knew all this but he probably thought that some gentlemanship existed in top tiers of power. The granny-phucker obviously is not, probably is encumbered too.

If he was marked for culling, it will come with total character assassination (See-Aye-‘Ai textbook), expect more. Rape, groping, substance abuse, criminal activities…. went through the same.

If I was Durov, I’d probably agree to all the requirements and then drop the product, escape to a free sovereign cuntry (i.e. Cuba or N.Korea or Russia) and remake old Telegram into Telegraph or Morse or whatevs. Thereafter stay dafaq as far as possible from all the “Lands of the free”. Smarties should be alive and un-arreseted – as their first and most important goal. I doubt he thinks of himself as a martyr… so maybe there’s hope for him.


There is an irony in that many of these people collect citizenships of various countries for ‘security’.
But if you think about it, having to chain yourself to the rules of 1 government is bad enough, why voluntarily chain yourself to 3 or 4?
In Durovs case it seems to be the Russians who are advocating for him even though he isn’t exactly flavour of the month given the way he publicly criticised them.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Usual mouth for hire complains Aussies are sitting still whilst fornicated by the government, asking only for extra vaseline to alleviate the pain.

The cnut that wrote this article is just another sand pebble in the syndicated msm propaganda machine but in this case, when personally stung, he squeal and screeches against the system.

“victimless crime”
it probably constitutes 95% of all crimes that are penilised in this pond


In another breath he’ll suck off Transurban.

Car parks would destroy the village feel. I’ve legit seen a dumb bitch actress refer to Leichardt as her village. It’s a fuggin suburb. Would love to see Triguboff shit up those suburbs.

A Fly In Your Ointment



What village feel? Only in Sydney would you find a place like Leichardt. Multi-million dollar houses while you enjoy the sounds of A380, 777 and screaming 737s on approach and scenic views to the inside of the landing gear wheel-wells.
You could live literally anywhere else on earth for that money.

Gruppenführer Mark

Yeah. Had to visit Sydney for business a few weeks ago. Went for a stroll in the Centennial Park. Wasn’t impressed, no paved footpaths, no bins. Maybe I didn’t get to the good part (was in the northern end of it). The whole city seemed grey, unlike what I remember from before Covid. Maybe I am just bitten by Perth bug.


The suburbs are usually pretty but the old parts of Sydney have always had a dark sinister feel to them imo. When its made by cunce like Bligh I guess it makes sense. Inside those houses are just boomers, wannabe boomers and demented lefties so 95% of the people are just worthless crap.

Back to the economics. The US Fed announced a 50bp cut. Zerohedge has some nice graphs and commentary.

Personal reflection, continuing from the thread a month ago. First move is down, and an out-of-character, too. Usual moves are 25bp, so this looks like a knee jerk reaction to something. Maybe those coupon payments on the existing debt are starting to hurt. Maybe the workforce replacement strategy (yanks out, migrants in) is backfiring because populace is getting poorer and personal debt is spiralling. Credit cards, you know, the lifeblood of the personal economic survival.

I still say that long to medium term rates are going up. Will be interesting to see if the RBA will follow. Banks have already dropped home loan rates, and just the other day I have read ANZ have dropped the interest rate on their savings by 10bp. And after Fed move, the pressure will be on RBA. They might hold off in October, but come Melbourne Cup Day, they might be “convinced” to deliver an early Xmas gift for the punters.



Wages and spending are being crushed by excess population. Isn’t it helping to keep a lid on many items in the CPI, as is the ongoing deflation in manufactured goods thanks to China and others? Rent is appears to be stabilising as more people huddle on one property. But building isn’t happening and immigration isn’t falling, so this could well be a lull before further rent hikes. Fuel is getting cheaper, but for how long? Lowering rates would likely lead to a lower currency and hence imported inflation. I don’t know how much of CPI is imported goods. If high enough, this might matter.


This obsession with birth rates.


South Korea is down to 0.8. Still got 50m people though, and they can churn out KIAs and Hyundais no one wanted just fine.


South Korea is down to 0.8. Still got 50m people though, and they can churn out KIAs and Hyundais no one wanted just fine.

Population collapse happens quickly – as the Western portion of the Roman Empire experienced cultural collapse among the elite portion i.e. the Roman rulers and their immediate culturally indoctrinated proxies, it was literally like they had vanished.

Within the space of three generations Romans in the UK went from inhabiting country villas and estates, to large villages, to large cities, to completely gone or assimilated. In the space of 100 years the Roman vanished from the British Isles, with the majority disappearing within 60 years.

With global travel not a thing at that time, there was no imported labor force to replace them, economic collapse followed hand-in-hand and the commencement of the European Dark Ages began.

I doubt that will be the case with Korea – they are so ethnocentric that I doubt they will be importing a foreign replacement workforce. More likely North Koreans will inherit most of South Korea – I imagine there will eventually be a labor crunch point, where the possibility where the risk of complete economic collapse and societal extinction will be greater than relying on their backward northern cousins – not that their birth rate is much better, although it is still more than double the South’s.

The future belongs to those who show up for it. The Jews have it right in that regard – follow God’s law, have large families and respect the values that encourage those ideals and you and your descendants are likely to inherit the earth.


Have WAP. Control banks, mining. Only import coolies where absolutely necessary, like for farming. Manufacture essentials like cars. Go back about 50 years and start again. Have some sort of intellectual class that keeps an eye on everything. Like what Jews have and their ADL.


Strange how we simultaneously worry about two somewhat contradictory things at the same time.
1) Declining birth rates.
2) Heavy automation, robotics and AI meaning there will be less demand for human work/job creation.

In that context I don’t think an easing off in the birth rate is a huge area of concern. Japan and SKorea which are homogenous, ordered societies have even less to worry about IMO.
It is the countries who have imported an underclass from the third world to perform menial tasks for the here-and-now demands that will have the most problems.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Declining birth rates is not a linear neither predictable business.

Farmer with lesser number of chicken has lesser number of eggs to collect every day….

Gruppenführer Mark

South Koreans just need to eat more grasshoppers, apparently it results in an increased sex drive.

In Utopia of the future, people will be munching on grasshoppers, sleeping, have beautiful hair and breeding like rats. What’s not to love?

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