More space needed

Far out, step away for a day and the place goes nuts! A big welcome back to Poochy (Peachy?) and NoMansLand! I can’t say I read the whole last thread, but it seems like mix of interesting and useful contributions and a flame war. I’m especially impressed with Stewie’s ability to recall and locate old posts. Not quite up there with Peachy (Poochy?) Go team! However, with 343 comments, a new thread is needed.

Things I’ve noticed and questions I have:

  1. DJI > 40000 😮
  2. Gold about to break out?
  3. BTC to follow?
  4. Crude going nowhere (thankfully)

I’ll just repost this (linked by Matt Barrie orignally)

Ted Kaczynski was probably right.

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im sure this has an impact at the margin but its hard to envision this stuff is truly decisive, given the birth rate has been below replacement since 1978. was there a housing crisis in 1978? there’s a selection effect here too, in that the kinds of people who are often attracted to densely populated urban areas are bohemian types who don’t have a lot of kids to begin with. i have no doubt making housing cheaper will impact birth rates a bit but by how much is another question, and also whether it really matters. not sure the world needs millions more people, especially in the first world, given we could be colliding with serious resource constraints in the coming century.

Last edited 4 months ago by stagmal

i wish we had been voting less, but unfortunately most people are still fooled into believing that growth is necessary because they dont understand the difference between aggregate and per person. there really is an IQ barrier to grasping this level of abstraction, which is why its so easy for politicians (who may not understand themselves) to fool people into believing that immigration is needed bc w/o absolute growth everybody would be poorer as a result. i have argued with too many normie idiots on twitter now to know that most people simply cannot grasp the idea of per capita, what gdp even is, let alone more complex stuff like money just being an abstract way to quantify resources and labor etc.

you can see from the attached image there are hard cut off points to the ability for people to absorb abstract concepts, not even particularly obscure ones, from their environment.


the difficulty of a culturally loaded question can be increased by either making the item more abstract or making it more obscure. more abstract items tend to load more on general factor intelligence while more more obscure items tend to load on specific or second order verbal factors, though in reality it often doesnt matter since the kinds of people who absorb and learn a lot of information, even concrete but obscure concepts and words, are just smart people anyway.

vocabulary tests are the most g-loaded iq test sub-batteries outside of block design tests (which are relatively culture free), , which involve the subject re-arranging red/white cubes according to a stimulus pattern within a specific alloted time limit . subjects who perform best on block design tests also perform the best on vocabulary tests; other verbally loaded tests (i.e verbal analogy tests) correlate more weakly with performance on vocabulary, than the abstract non-verbal block design.

the reason why vocabulary is such an effective IQ test by itself is because it gets to the essence of what mainly determines the performance differences between subjects on IQ tests, ie the ability to educe relationships between abstract pieces of information, and discern how things are similar/dissimilar. this appears to be the essence of learning behaviour and intelligence, not just in humans but in all species and inorganic forms of intelligence as well. WORDSUM is a quick and dirty IQ test that can give a pretty rough approximate indicator of a normal non-neurologically impaired person’s IQ:

Last edited 4 months ago by stagmal

A good explanation on why abstraction can be used as a proxy for measuring IQ.


Well Jesus, the dim are a lot dimmer, or less educated, than I thought.

A Fly In Your Ointment

…to fool people into believing that immigration is needed bc w/o absolute growth everybody would be poorer as a result.

it has a simple explanation and it plays with basic instincts.
Through immigration real wealth (cash, joy, experiences) is substituted for greater paper wealth (houses). Who can resist?

LIke any windows computer, when BSoD attacks houses the paper wealth is wiped out with a click of a mouse.


Go look at the list of insults you continually use on me. of course I am going to respond. Half the stuff you use I have to google it’s that obscure.

Still simultaneous one of the nicest compliments and biggest self owns I’ve ever received.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

Yet the abstraction of missile to UAV is beyond your comprehension.
What was that you said about abstraction and IQ?


What the fuck are you talking about Dicknose?

When have I been talking about missiles or UAV other than in generalities and commenting quite legitimately that they are changing the face of war?

Are you still obsessing because I rank the opinion of a ex-Infantryman higher than an anonymous central coast know-it-all homosexual with an inferiority complex?

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

and commenting quite legitimately that they are changing the face of war?

Maybe you should go check a little historical context, They changed the face of war 30+ years ago at least. IT just seems you and potentially the russians failed to notice.

That context also reveals that most of the vehicles seem to be hit while stationary so not sure how the higher top speed achieved by the russian golf carts is the actual benefit that their narrative claims it is.

The one revelation that this little conflict has revealed is that US anti tank weapons have orders of magnitude more performance than is required to decimate the russian armoured forces.


I really don’t care Dicknose. I still don’t know what you are on about with your first paragraph, what semantic point are you arguing over this time? I can’t divine the minutia of your particular grievance or point.

T just seems you and potentially

Honestly – just find what ever the fuck it is you think I said and put it in front of me so I can either defend it, refute it or say you are making it up – which is most likely the case as you listen to all those voices in your head.

That context also reveals that most of the vehicles seem to be hit while stationary so not sure how the higher top speed achieved by the russian golf carts is the actual benefit that their narrative claims it is.

They are used to get soldiers into attack the trenches or combat zones at high speed, just like the use of motorbikes. In comparison to a tank or an APC they are relatively cheap, so to an extent who gives a fuck if a drone blows them up after they’ve served their purpose at least once.

The one revelation that this little conflict has revealed is that US anti tank weapons have orders of magnitude more performance than is required to decimate the russian armoured forces.

I believe they have been quite effective, although apparently their use has fallen. The unanswered question is that through either through scarcity of missiles or targets?

The supply path for replacing them is, or was meant to be pretty slow. But with the rate of onshoring it would be improving.


Crowding definitely decreases fertility – this has been known since the time of Rome. Cities are generally enormous population sinks, the average family size in London in the 18th century was still something like two kids (after the other ones died). All the population growth came from the countryside, where families generally started at 6 and some could field entire rugby teams.

The extreme urbanization of Australia makes it particularly susceptible to demographic decline and replacement, we will be nearly entirely 3rd world long before Europe.


None of the cities mentioned on that first chart are above the 2.1 births per woman need to maintain a stable population.

My parents were both born into utterly povvo peasant farming families on the North Coast of NSW around Ballina, Lismore, Coraki back in the mid 1930s.

In those days there was no social security, and as with most peasant societies, if a man wanted to work his farm and prosper he needed children, particularly sons to help him out. So my Dad was the youngest of 11 children, and Mum was in the middle of 6.

I have around 50 cousins, a few of whom I’ve never met.

I have a daughter and 2 sons, and amongst my peers at work that made me a bit of a rarity, as most of them had only 1 or 2 kids each. Nobody I know has 4 kids.

Overall, I’d be happy to see our population decline. Canberra had a population of about 240K when we came here in 1976. It’s now about 450K, and not one single thing is better because of the increase, while many things are far, far worse.


A stable or slightly declining population would simply change the structure of our economy and how our national income is divided up. Basically services would change from Tradies and Coffee dispensers to care workers – it would be a massive boon for some of our lowest and least appreciated workers in the health care sector, who are overwhelmingly female.

The only people who would lose out are the ticket clippers and the infinite growth crowd, i.e. the Ponziteers that our Finance Industry are composed of.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Imagine Billy-Bob Gates becoming annoyed with people who will not “comply”… a single click and a BSoD

(its hard, i know, for 95% of jabbed Aussies)


And just because making fun of stewie is really fun:
The concept of fitting a UAV with explosives and crashing it into armoured vehicles to destroy them is something that has been experimented with prior to the whole russia ukraine thingo.

In fact the US has been playing with them since 1972

The russians have toyed with the idea on occasion as well

Turns out they are quite effective.
Whocouldanode? Clearly not russia, lol.


ur in nafo


Since it was buried in the last thread and you may not have seen it, I’ll surface my reply to you:

I’m not the one with the collection of cock sucking pics.

Sigh – here you go Captain Slow

It isn’t a collection of cock sucking pics – it is a four pane meme of a Dickhead… a metaphorical representation of you.

Bold and full of cum, being an allegory for your own sense of self importance, the Dickhead (you) makes some inane comment that he thinks fully displays his intelligence and is a giant W for himself.

Overcome with his self imagined cleverness the Dickhead (you) starts sucking his dicknose (which is also a good name for you), which captures how you feed upon your own imagined cleverness.

Thirdly you (the Dickhead) blow into your own mouth and suck all your cum out of your Dicknose. This encapsulates how you sit back smugly in your chair behind your cum clogged keyboards, and gleefully baste in the thoughts of the cleverness of your Zinger, most likely while fondling yourself.

You will note that Dickhead’s ball sack, representing the dual hemispheres of his (your) brain has also begun to deflate – this represents the emptiness in the rest of his (your) life, basically the vacuum that remains after everything else has been squeezed out by your self importance (probably your wife or homosexual partner).

The final frame is the true you. An empty spent scumbag, with cum of self importance dribbling out of your mouth and dicknose, waiting for the next comment to seize upon and correct, in order to once again fill your dual hemispheres with the cum of your own self importance.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

The idea of demanding complete anonymity yet still wanting the approval of the other members of the site strikes me as borderline insane but you really need to approval don’t ya.


Yawn – you had all weekend to think of a reply and that was the best you could do?

I yabber on about Holocaust denial, hatred of Zionists, suspicions of Judaism, race science and Egregores for ffs – yet I’m seeking approval! lol

If I was after likes or approval I would reply to every one of your comments – I get more likes if that is your thing for mocking your bullying aggression than I ever do for my Zionazi posts.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

chief keith woods on trumps future foreign policy, great post

Gruppenführer Mark

So, Kamala ftw?


I’m just glad that they pushed Biden hard enough that he eventually jumped so we can all move along

It would be a big move by the Dems to bypass a sitting VP who is also female and simultaneously black and Asian.

Kamala is even less popular and more stupid than Biden, so she should be easy for Trump to beat, but the diversity points have to count for something.

It’s going to be an interesting contest, and the fact that the US MSM universally conspired to cover up Bidens cognitive and physical impairment, and the conspiracy by his aides to do the same will go down the memory hole at the speed of light.

And now, let’s boldly consider where we are, and speak with one voice about where we are going as we stand, unburdened by what has gone before. You know.

Gruppenführer Mark

One thing for certain, the next 6 months will be a very interesting time for US politics. Kamala cannot take Trump on her own, so will need a VP to mobilise the women / minority vote. Let’s see if she can get past 81 million.

Reus's Large MEMBER

They gonna put Killary in for a 2016 re-match, and cheat like mofo’s to get her in

No way! She was on her last legs health-wise 8 years ago, I doubt she is in better shape than Biden.

I am sure she will sacrifice a few kids to keep her alive long enough to ruin the USA even more


Hope so. Trump is a jew. The west deserves a nigger poo as leader.


Hillary for the September surprise!

Gruppenführer Mark

Hope not. But Kamala in not looking too certain either. I think by Dems convention rules, the delegates do not automatically go to Kamala. She got endorsed by Biden, and by Alex Soros (who is engaged to Huma, Hillary’s ex-aide). But, Obama did not endorse Kamala and called for an open convention. Let’s see how this plays out, the convention is in August.


I base my comment on the nothing more than hearing some conspiracy theorist say that Biden was going to withdrawal and that we should get ready for a September surprise…. I have no idea if the timing works with any Democrat convention or bi-laws, but I thought September Surprise sounded better.

There was no candidate mentioned, but I really can’t think of any Democrat with sufficient gravitas to run against Kamala on the national stage, at such short notice, other than Hillary.

I wouldn’t put it past the Democrats or elites to try and steal the election again, they have prior form imho in regards to the vote harvesting programs that they ran in the last election (that’s ignoring the rumoured ballot stuffing in certain locations).

It seems as though this time around the focus will be on getting Immigrants who are not entitled to vote to vote, but I haven’t looked into it too muchly.

Personally while I think the Democrats might run Hillary I don’t think it will matter too much for the elites – they achieved their immediate goal that was never going to happen under Trump i.e. the Ukrainian war. Irrespective of whether they’re winning or losing they have bloodied Russia and made it VERY angry.

So in terms of Geostrategy they might take that as a win and the allow Trump to do his thing against their #2 objective/enemy being Iran.

Gruppenführer Mark

Real statement from Jo leaked.

Troll LVL 80

Gruppenführer Mark

Good observations. Although I see it as a toss-up between China and Iran as the next great enemy, if Trump wins. Vance would certainly support a war with Iran on behalf of Israel. Trump is more of an economics man though, so he might resist, however unlikely.

They can’t pull both off, not with the state of US economy and military after feeding everything into Ukraine over last decade, and 2 years especially.

Iran is a serious adversary, though, it won’t be like an Iraqi cakewalk, which still required over a year of positioning resources, operational planning, getting others on board. Yes, I know there are existing US bases in the region that are probably being staffed and some operations revved up. But Iran can close the Straight of Hormuz and that’s it for oil flows.

One thing for certain, we will have some interesting times ahead.


academic agent had a good take on it


I’d largely agree.

As to Vance – he’s already shown he’s a brain dead Zionist.

The Conspiracy bushel says that it wasn’t the Democrats that were trying to take out Trump, but the elites, because they wanted Vance and Vivek (Vance named his son Vivik) to run.

Since I’m running conspiracies there was some sound recordings of the bullets in the Trump shooting – apparently there were 3 shots, then a further 6 shots.

Some sound engineers ran the audios through different filters to clean them up and compare them and cross them with different audios taken from the stage where the mic picked up the sonic boom or crack as the bullet went past.

The analysis suggested that the first three shots, then the first three and 5th of the six shots all came from the same direct, as they all produced an identifiable ‘echo’. The only difference was that the first 3 shots had a more ‘muffled’ profile than the 4 shot in the later sequence of 6 shots. Of the six shots, the 4th bullet is suggested to have come from the police sniper, who missd while the 6th and last came from the SS agent.

The final piece of the conspiracy is that these first 3 shots were muffled because they came from beneath the shooter on the roof – i.e. from within the Police headquarters and that Crooks a notorious poor shot (who was shooting from a 150m with a red scope (apparently)) was the patsy.

Anyhow, that is the most coherent conspiracy theory I’ve come across so far.

But yeah, irrespective of what any NPCs think, the US and Australia is largely run by billionaires loyal to Israel – foreign policy alone should make it undeniable…. that is the #1 reason why Jews were always prevented from any roles of leadership or influence in nations.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

theyve pulled a fast one on all of bidens supporters here, and biden himself apparently. definitely not on that they switched out a guy who everyone voted for for re-nomination like this, shows you what kind of “democracy” this joint really is

if (((they))) want you gone you’re gone

Last edited 4 months ago by stagmal

Potato niggers are now the whitest whites.




Good on Mick. More power to his arm!

Agent 47

Where were the jokes ever?


The main thing is to show how cryptic, quirky and intellectual they are.

I like this one though

>who has typical Sydney features like a massive mouth and wide-set eyes

>“Fuck this place, it’s over. There’s no magic anymore. Just fat Boomers and their cunt children trading property.”


Said it before Betootas political pieces are best avoided. The rest is good.

the arborist

Oh, the humanity!

It was racist of the witness to hold the mother back. White supremacy writ large.


We’re really not bringing in the best and brightest.


>and his wife Poonam

I don’t blame the poo. I blame the hoomer, the jew and the soy crowd.

Seriously want to replace some people with poos. Tradies are top of my list. But finance workers would be a lulz too.

There’s 2 fruiterers near me I favour the poo run one over the wog one.

I want a go using the bioweapon.

Agent 47

On his phone, didn’t apply the brakes and didn’t have his hand through the strap of the pram. His fault.

As usual the GDP/productivity bros will be out saying bringing this guy in was worth it because economy, particularly when offset against the cost of all the emergency services called out to the operation and the money/productivity lost due to public transport disruption.

Fuck em, two less invaders.


Anybody who’s too stupid to drive a pram deserves everything he gets, and it looks like he got the lot.


Its a tragedy – the individual is not the group. The guy jumped in front of a train to save his kids, yeah he made a mistake in momentarily taking his eye off the pram, but he more than made up for it in trying to save them and dying in the process. It doesn’t negate the problem of the group or my willingness to deport them.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie
the arborist

Fair take, but life is cheap where they came from and where they belong. I don’t mind if invaders fall. I get the angle that ‘they-only-wanted-a-better-life’ but in toto, they’re all making our lives worse.

There’s no hope of deporting them or stopping the flow any time soon. For now, the only thing I can see stemming the flow is for conditions to be worse here for them than where they come from – and we’re not there yet.

the arborist

This is what ‘French’ men do.

BTW… your link is paywalled, but I know what you’re talking about.


they dont exactly know who did it yet but described the perpetrators of african appearance


Import niggers, get raped by niggers.

the arborist

She was raped by niggers and then sought refuge in lebanese kebab shop. How very French.


remember that big debate we had about african swimmers a while back

apparently this is the angolan olympic swimming team, real photo

A fly in your ointment

No different than the French football* team. In principle.

(* = football where the ball is actually played with a foot only)


yeah except no one disagrees with the idea that N are better at running

A fly in your ointment

You meant… fleeing?
…not running


Fleeing from their fellow niggers.


So Biden resigned via a memo posted on the internet, and nominated his preferred successor via a tweet. He hasn’t been seen by the public for 5 days. “Address to the nation”? Nope. Even Nixon gave a resignation speech.

Events that are unprecedented in US history are taking place without the legitimising appearance of the principal, to say “yeah, this is genuine”.

I don’t have to go anywhere near my roll of tinfoil to suspect that Biden is currently incapacitated and his resignation from the race (and thence his presidency) was actually orchestrated by his fluffers, perhaps without his knowledge. “Coup” is not too far away from what seems to be going on.

I wouldn’t even be surprised if we soon hear that he’s “gravely ill” or similar, and then that he’s dead.


they wanted him shuffled out, nothing ceremonious, he didnt want to go either himself. it’s not his health thats the issue the people above have just run out of patience with him.

the arborist

It would be a coup – except Biden’s never been in charge. The regime simply chose to switch puppets in their Punch and Judy show.


Cheatle confirms that there were no recordings of SS radio comms at the Trump shooting.

This is….difficult to believe.


As long as the LoNe ShOoTeR narrative continues it’s all moot.



>In 2023, comparison website Finder released a survey that found 13 per cent of Australians – 2.6 million people – had moved back in with their family or have had an adult child move back in the past 12 months.