Australian journalists disappointed after years of inciting violence against Trump ultimately unsuccessful

Australia’s journalist corp have expressed their disappointment at a failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump last week.

Journalists from across the Australian media spectrum have voiced their disgust that Trump wasn’t killed, after nearly ten years of gaslighting the public and bein insufferable cunts.

“We tried our best to incite violence against Trump and his supporters but even after nearly a decade we weren’t successful, I’m sure they’re will be other opportunities,” Paul Bongiorno said.

“Absolutely heartbreaking, the Mossad really dropped the ball on this one. We were all counting on them to come through and we were prepared to look the other way on Gaza,” Hugh Riminton tweeted.

The ABC, Guardian and Fairfax also stated they would be launching a pro-gun and pro-Israel campaign this week in support of violence against supporting Trump.

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lol, whocouldanode!!!!


Some intel on potential russian tank losses in ukraine.
Not looking real good for them.


another shit house propaganda channel, theres no shortage of these on both sides

the war is vaguely stalemated with russia making modest incremental advances, ukraine has not achieved anything offensively in over 2 years now

only way it ends if both sides agree to a ceasefire and some sort of negotiated settlement (probably with russia getting donbass and landbridge – that’s kind of a victory on both sides or will be presented as such) or russia going all the way until ukraine completely goes manpower kaput then collapses. latter will take much longer. eitherway this can end like iran-iraq did or ww1 did. see very little possibility of a third option with the wild card of trump ending ukraines funding but doubt that will happen. all those on both sides hanging out for a final exhaustion of armaments are just riding the wave of cope.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

…or russia going all the way until ukraine completely goes manpower kaput then collapses

Nothing short of dismemberment or total subservience will make a lasting security risk mitigation for the Big P.. He was flucked in Minsk twice and with BoJo once more, there is no trust any more in “peace ” plans from the outgoing hegemon and its serfs. Lavrov keeps saying that.
Too late now for anything to stay as it was before Willy Wonka’s coup d’etat.


they literally offered a ceasefire agreement a few weeks before contingent upon those territorial concessions


The land isn’t going anywhere, but Ukrainian casualities (wounded+dead) are ~1-2k per day. When enough are dead, either Ukraine will cry uncle or there will be none left to defend the land.

Russia has some 17 million square kilometres of territory compared to Australia’s 10 million. Why would they want more land? As explained in Putin’s original announcement, it’s about

  • demiliterisation of Ukraine
  • denazification (Stepan Bandera types that you’re so fond of)
  • no NATO missile bases

It is the 31 nations of NATO, plus the pawns like Australia/South Korea/Japan, that are running out of supplies, which is why Biden had to send cluster munitions instead of 155mm shells; the cluster munitions aren’t appropriate to this war (as explained by Scott Ritter) but there was nothing left to send. It was 30 year old ammunition too. It’s why Biden talked about the industrial base in the shitty press conference the other day after the NATO ‘celebration’.

The other thing that we talked a lot about is that — and I raised it, and there wa- — I — I didn’t hear any — I can’t swear that everyone agreed, because not everybody got to talk about it. But we haven’t — we need a new industrial policy in the West. For example, we talked about how both the EU, as well as NATO, has to be able to begin to build their own munition capacity, has to be able to generate their own capacity to provide for weapons and the ability to — it came as a surprise to some of us how we had fallen behind in the West in terms of the ability to construct new materiel, new weaponry, and new — new — everything from — from vehicles to weapon systems.

and from

Amid the biggest problems: We don’t have enough people who know how to make things go boom. “In Sweden, we used to have a big explosives sector, both civilian and military—for example [explosives manufacturer] Nitro Nobel and [weapons-maker] Bofors,” Bo Janzon said. “People would graduate from university, and the companies would train people themselves, both at the manual worker level and at the academic level. But these days, the company-led explosives training barely exists anymore, nor do university courses in it.”

At the start of the war it was said:

Russia is not a country that can afford to destroy profitable businesses. Its entire economy is smaller than that of Texas

That’s not being talked about because the West wants to pretend it’s military gear is some sort of wunderwaffe shit that can just vaporize the enemy like a toy and that it’s economy isn’t just ponzi scheme stacked on top of ponzi schemes. It’s what you get from inept and lying political systems.

British historian Correlli Barnett wrote a good book about the British Empire (which collapsed only a few years after Australia was federated so we likely inherited the rot from them) that explains why Britain collapsed – not through conquest or purposeful breakup – but sheer incompetence.

But of course you mob are spending all your time obsessing about genes and worshiping the losers of WW2 rather than thinking about industrial policy.


the war is vaguely stalemated with russia making modest incremental advances, ukraine has not achieved anything offensively in over 2 years now

If your invasion is taking years you have royally fucked up and aren’t achieving a victory. It’s way more than vaguely stalemated. All of europe was taken in months, multiple times.
And then you get to the problem of what happens if/when you win?
The US had such overwhelming superiority they took afghanistan no problem at all and still couldn’t hold it. What chance does russia have of holding ukraine.

another shit house propaganda channel,

No shit, everything you know about the war is propaganda. Doesn’t stop you using it to support your position though does it?
It also doesn’t mean it’s not true. Images of military bases are much easier things to obtain than information about where the frontlines are on an active battlefield yet you love to tell us about how much territory russia is always taking.

Confirmation Bias. It’s a thing. You should look into it.


If your invasion is taking years you have royally fucked up and aren’t achieving a victory. It’s way more than vaguely stalemated. All of europe was taken in months, multiple times.

And then you get to the problem of what happens if/when you win?

I think that the west has already handed Russia a defeat.

They made Russia pay more than those bits of Ukraine are probably worth and much more than Russia was planning to spend.

Ukraine has suffered a defeat also, in those terms, but they’re fighting a defensive war, so different stakes.


Ukraine has suffered a defeat also, in those terms, but they’re fighting a defensive war, so different stakes.

Ukraine didn’t choose to participate, so yes, very different stakes. I’d say keeping russia at bay is more a victory than a defeat for ukraine though because what would the cost of letting the russians invade and take over have been?

Beyond what russia has spent, they have also shown the west that they really aren’t all that much to be fearing.


I’d say keeping russia at bay is more a victory than a defeat for ukraine though because what would the cost of letting the russians invade and take over have been?

Yes, that’s right. In time, the defence that Ukraine managed to put up will likely be viewed in a similar light to the Battle of Britain.


The siege of stalingrad would have been a much more amusing comparison.


I don’t see it.

or maybe I don’t get it?


amusing given the russianness,
perhaps it’s just me.
Nothing beyond that.

A fly in your ointment

Yanks are winning left right and centre. It’s a phyrric victory of the highest order.


Why do you say that?

A Fly In Your Ointment

Ruskies have a nuisance which cannot resolve swiftly if they want long term success and without shooting itself into foot, Ukronazis are dying for someone else’s interests, Yanks are in war without a soldier, EU flucked with sanctions, Europe has a war on its soil, Ruskis are under sanctions…
Seemingly a win-win for Beltway.
Long term, they’re flucked as they triggered an avalanche which will not stop and it’s gaining momentum with every passing day.


Ukronazis are dying for someone else’s interests,

pretty sure the ukranians have some sort of vested interest in the outcome.

A fly in your ointment

pretty sure the ukranians have some sort of vested interest in the outcome.

Prety surr?
Have you visited recently, eh?

(howdyou like your own pseudoargumentation aimed back at you?)


ave you visited recently, eh?(howdyou like your own pseudoargumentation aimed back at you?)

It’s valid. But it seems like a fairly good guess that local peoples have a vested interest in where they live. That seems to be a universal truth amongst all people I have experience with.

Details of specific attacks in a warxzone seem far harder to infer from generalised experience but you do you…

A Fly In Your Ointment

perhaps you can clarify what that vested interest Ukros may have in dehumanising and delegitimising major part of country’s friendly population then poking the bear in the eye?

A fly in your ointment

I think that the west has already handed Russia a defeat

you for real?
Not taking a piss?


Just writing what I think.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Just writing what I think.

how’s Ruskies defeated???
except in western media, the defeat is yet to be delivered but to yanks and it will be a self-defeat. Almost unanimously.


They have been denied what they wanted which is a quick and cheap land grab under cover of a nazi-fighting narrative.

they’ve bogged down in a long expensive war. Any gains won’t be worth the cost and the whole process having murdered a hundred thousand (?) people -none of them being nazis- has trashed their reputation in a way that won’t blow over until Putin dies. Possibly decades.

Gruppenführer Mark

They have been denied what they wanted which is a quick and cheap land grab under cover of a nazi-fighting narrative.

Peachy, please, provide one shred of evidence, official evidence, where this land grab was stated as a goal.

You don’t go into a military entanglement with 100K troops against what was estimated to be a 500K army for a land grab. Putin may be lots of things, but he is not stupid.

He almost got his goals in March 2022, with an agreement initialled in Istanbul, until BoJo showed up and told Zelenskyy to toss it into garbage can. Then shit got real.


provide one shred of evidence, official evidence, where this land grab was stated as a goal

you might want to speak to Putins confessor for that.

Gruppenführer Mark

So it’s a belief, not a fact?



But just in the same way that trusting the official kremlin announcements is belief.

although probably more justified.

Gruppenführer Mark


I have no means to refute that. And I’ve said time and again, watch what they say and what they do. Kremlin has a better record. No trust involved.


No trust involved.


What the russians did is launch an invasion that has killed hundreds of thousands of people. A brilliant move when your goal is to take that territory, a much less genius move when your goal is to save the people living there.

On the balance of probabilities based on actions and outcomes poocht seems far more likely to be correct than you.


In the West, a Nazi is someone who hates Jews, probably because

a) the West wants to believe it fought a war for liberty and won the European front of WW2 when 80% of the Nazis were killed by the Soviets and the war was in fact a standard European imperial war
b) Jews like to play the Holocaust card as if they’re the only people to be victims of genocide
c) the Iron Curtain prevented information being shared post WW2

It’s why I was told by Australian teachers that ‘if our grandfathers didn’t fight, we’d be speaking German’ … when most people east of Germany were worried about dying. English people had oceans to save them from Germany and so they feared speaking another language rather than actual dying.

What isn’t mentioned, is that Slavic people were also targeted for extermination under General Plan Ost.

Look at the section titled “Phases of the plan and its implementation” and look at the amount of people targeted for destruction and from which countries.

During WW2, Ukraine had aligned itself with the Nazis under the command of people like Stepan Bandera (, and were killing women and children by burning them alive, rape, torture and all the other fun things (Poles, Russians, Jews). Estimated 100k people killed. At that point, present day Western Ukraine (Lviv) was actually Polish territory (Lwow) but in the post WW2 settlement, German land was given to Poland and Poland land was given to Ukraine/Belarus. Poland effectively moved westwards after WW2.

Today, there are streets in Kiev named after Bandera, a museum and several monuments. You can see these on Google maps

Stepana Bandery Ave,+Kyiv,+Ukraine,+02000/@50.4889687,30.4961243,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x40d4cdfc18eb058b:0x82c6222b99a5f91c!8m2!3d50.4889687!4d30.4986992!16s%2Fg%2F1229dgd_?entry=ttu


In addition, there are pictures like this which show the combination of Nazi / Nato / Ukrainian flags

(Not a socialist but that site had the picture so whatevs)

In addition, some of Zelensky’s broadcasts from Kiev have included busts of Bandera on the bookshelves behind him (sorry, not going to search through all the youtube videos)

The Polish government (maybe 2012?) condemned when Ukraine awarded Bandera with “Hero of Ukraine’. Russians, Poles and Israel all see him as a war criminal and these are not countries that generally agree.

So all this is evidence of what Russia sees as nazism which makes sense if you look at it from their point of view rather than an American jew.

These developments were the trigger of the 2015 war between East and West Ukraine (“War in Donbas”) because these Banderites couldn’t handle the fact that Eastern Ukraine, which had been Russian for hundreds of years previously, wanted to speak Russian (and didn’t speak Ukrainian) and weren’t such fans of Bandera. In addition, Western propaganda and George Soros set up a lot of media to help fuel that hatred

If you’re going to get a country to commit suicide in a proxy war, it probably helps if the people hate as it stops their brains from working.

The War in Donbas, and all the other things, resulted in the Minsk agreements, initiated by Russia, which were agreed upon by Russia/Ukraine and had guarantors of France/Germany aimed at resolving the ethnic tensions within Ukraine. Of course, no one actually did anything to make Ukraine do this and instead kept arming Ukraine with weapons. Angela Merkel herself said it was to buy time.

In an interview published in Germany’s Zeit magazine on Wednesday, former German chancellor Angela Merkel said that the Minsk agreements had been an attempt to “give Ukraine time” to build up its defences.

Here’s a fun fact: Zelensky’s party is called Servant of the People, which just happens to match exactly the title of a TV show in Ukraine called…Servant of the People in which Zelensky himself starred as the president of Ukraine.

Per Wikipedia about the political party:

It was formed in late 2017 and was officially registered on 31 March 2018 on the basis of the previously registered Party of Decisive Changes.[9][10][11] The party is named after the Ukrainian TV series Servant of the People.[12][11] In the 2019 parliamentary election the party won 124 seats on the nationwide party list and 130 constituency seats.

A political party, emerging out of nowhere, with a comedic actor and becoming the ruling party of a nation within 2 years has got to be some sort of world record. Imagine if One Nation could do that.

Anyway, in 2021, while we were in lockdowns, (July? August?) NATO announced Ukraine would enter NATO.

Some diplomatic activity occurred in October – December 2021 between Russia and the US to reorganise European security arrangements but the US didn’t agree and by February the invasion occurred. There’s a long record of the US breaking the original verbal agreement of not expanding east of Germany.

The classic invasion path of Russia is through Poland and Ukraine/Belarus – see Hitler / Napoleon.

I’ve not gotten through the book The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzyzinki ( who worked for American presidents Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter but apparently it details the usage of Ukraine to stage an attack against Russia. And he was behind Operation Cyclone which funded the mujahideen in Afghanistan to fight the soviets.


Reposted due to weird linkery:

In the West, a Nazi is someone who hates Jews, probably because

a) the West wants to believe it fought a war for liberty and won the European front of WW2 when 80% of the Nazis were killed by the Soviets and the war was in fact a standard European imperial war
b) Jews like to play the Holocaust card as if they’re the only people to be victims of genocide
c) the Iron Curtain prevented information being shared post WW2

It’s why I was told by Australian teachers that ‘if our grandfathers didn’t fight, we’d be speaking German’ … when most people east of Germany were worried about dying. English people had oceans to save them from Germany and so they feared speaking another language rather than actual dying.

What isn’t mentioned, is that Slavic people were also targeted for extermination under General Plan Ost.

Look at the section titled “Phases of the plan and its implementation” and look at the amount of people targeted for destruction and from which countries.

During WW2, Ukraine had aligned itself with the Nazis under the command of people like Stepan Bandera (, and were killing women and children by burning them alive, rape, torture and all the other fun things (Poles, Russians, Jews). Estimated 100k people killed. At that point, present day Western Ukraine (Lviv) was actually Polish territory (Lwow) but in the post WW2 settlement, German land was given to Poland and Poland land was given to Ukraine/Belarus. Poland effectively moved westwards after WW2.

Today, there are streets in Kiev named after Bandera, a museum and several monuments. You can see these on Google maps

Stepana Bandery Ave,+Kyiv,+Ukraine,+02000/@50.4889687,30.4961243,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x40d4cdfc18eb058b:0x82c6222b99a5f91c!8m2!3d50.4889687!4d30.4986992!16s%2Fg%2F1229dgd_?entry=ttu


In addition, there are pictures like this which show the combination of Nazi / Nato / Ukrainian flags

(Not a socialist but that site had the picture so whatevs)

In addition, some of Zelensky’s broadcasts from Kiev have included busts of Bandera on the bookshelves behind him (sorry, not going to search through all the youtube videos)

The Polish government (maybe 2012?) condemned when Ukraine awarded Bandera with “Hero of Ukraine’. Russians, Poles and Israel all see him as a war criminal and these are not countries that generally agree.

So all this is evidence of what Russia sees as nazism which makes sense if you look at it from their point of view rather than an American jew.

These developments were the trigger of the 2015 war between East and West Ukraine (“War in Donbas”) because these Banderites couldn’t handle the fact that Eastern Ukraine, which had been Russian for hundreds of years previously, wanted to speak Russian (and didn’t speak Ukrainian) and weren’t such fans of Bandera. In addition, Western propaganda and George Soros set up a lot of media to help fuel that hatred

If you’re going to get a country to commit suicide in a proxy war, it probably helps if the people hate as it stops their brains from working.

The War in Donbas, and all the other things, resulted in the Minsk agreements, initiated by Russia, which were agreed upon by Russia/Ukraine and had guarantors of France/Germany aimed at resolving the ethnic tensions within Ukraine. Of course, no one actually did anything to make Ukraine do this and instead kept arming Ukraine with weapons. Angela Merkel herself said it was to buy time.

   In an interview published in Germany’s Zeit magazine on Wednesday, former German chancellor Angela Merkel said that the Minsk agreements had been an attempt to “give Ukraine time” to build up its defences.

Here’s a fun fact: Zelensky’s party is called Servant of the People, which just happens to match exactly the title of a TV show in Ukraine called…Servant of the People in which Zelensky himself starred as the president of Ukraine.

Per Wikipedia about the political party:

   It was formed in late 2017 and was officially registered on 31 March 2018 on the basis of the previously registered Party of Decisive Changes.[9][10][11] The party is named after the Ukrainian TV series Servant of the People.[12][11] In the 2019 parliamentary election the party won 124 seats on the nationwide party list and 130 constituency seats.

A political party, emerging out of nowhere, with a comedic actor and becoming the ruling party of a nation within 2 years has got to be some sort of world record. Imagine if One Nation could do that.

Anyway, in 2021, while we were in lockdowns, (July? August?) NATO announced Ukraine would enter NATO.

Some diplomatic activity occurred in October – December 2021 between Russia and the US to reorganise European security arrangements but the US didn’t agree and by February the invasion occurred. There’s a long record of the US breaking the original verbal agreement of not expanding east of Germany.

The classic invasion path of Russia is through Poland and Ukraine/Belarus – see Hitler / Napoleon.

I’ve not gotten through the book The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzyzinki ( who worked for American presidents Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter but apparently it details the usage of Ukraine to stage an attack against Russia. And he was behind Operation Cyclone which funded the mujahideen in Afghanistan to fight the soviets.


Attempt #3

In the West, a Nazi is someone who hates Jews, probably because

a) the West wants to believe it fought a war for liberty and won the European front of WW2 when 80% of the Nazis were killed by the Soviets and the war was in fact a standard European imperial war
b) Jews like to play the Holocaust card as if they’re the only people to be victims of genocide
c) the Iron Curtain prevented information being shared post WW2

It’s why I was told by Australian teachers that ‘if our grandfathers didn’t fight, we’d be speaking German’ … when most people east of Germany were worried about dying. English people had oceans to save them from Germany and so they feared speaking another language rather than actual dying.

What isn’t mentioned, is that Slavic people were also targeted for extermination under General Plan Ost.

Look at the section titled “Phases of the plan and its implementation” and look at the amount of people targeted for destruction and from which countries.

During WW2, Ukraine had aligned itself with the Nazis under the command of people like Stepan Bandera (, and were killing women and children by burning them alive, rape, torture and all the other fun things (Poles, Russians, Jews). Estimated 100k people killed. At that point, present day Western Ukraine (Lviv) was actually Polish territory (Lwow) but in the post WW2 settlement, German land was given to Poland and Poland land was given to Ukraine/Belarus. Poland effectively moved westwards after WW2.

Today, there are streets in Kiev named after Bandera, a museum and several monuments. You can see these on Google maps

Stepana Bandery Ave,+Kyiv,+Ukraine,+02000/@50.4889687,30.4961243,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x40d4cdfc18eb058b:0x82c6222b99a5f91c!8m2!3d50.4889687!4d30.4986992!16s%2Fg%2F1229dgd_?entry=ttu


In addition, there are pictures like this which show the combination of Nazi / Nato / Ukrainian flags

(Not a socialist but that site had the picture so whatevs)

In addition, some of Zelensky’s broadcasts from Kiev have included busts of Bandera on the bookshelves behind him (sorry, not going to search through all the youtube videos)

The Polish government (maybe 2012?) condemned when Ukraine awarded Bandera with “Hero of Ukraine’. Russians, Poles and Israel all see him as a war criminal and these are not countries that generally agree.

So all this is evidence of what Russia sees as nazism which makes sense if you look at it from their point of view rather than an American jew.

These developments were the trigger of the 2015 war between East and West Ukraine (“War in Donbas”) because these Banderites couldn’t handle the fact that Eastern Ukraine, which had been Russian for hundreds of years previously, wanted to speak Russian (and didn’t speak Ukrainian) and weren’t such fans of Bandera. In addition, Western propaganda and George Soros set up a lot of media to help fuel that hatred

If you’re going to get a country to commit suicide in a proxy war, it probably helps if the people hate as it stops their brains from working.

The War in Donbas, and all the other things, resulted in the Minsk agreements, initiated by Russia, which were agreed upon by Russia/Ukraine and had guarantors of France/Germany aimed at resolving the ethnic tensions within Ukraine. Of course, no one actually did anything to make Ukraine do this and instead kept arming Ukraine with weapons. Angela Merkel herself said it was to buy time.

   In an interview published in Germany’s Zeit magazine on Wednesday, former German chancellor Angela Merkel said that the Minsk agreements had been an attempt to “give Ukraine time” to build up its defences.

Here’s a fun fact: Zelensky’s party is called Servant of the People, which just happens to match exactly the title of a TV show in Ukraine called…Servant of the People in which Zelensky himself starred as the president of Ukraine.

Per Wikipedia about the political party:

   It was formed in late 2017 and was officially registered on 31 March 2018 on the basis of the previously registered Party of Decisive Changes.[9][10][11] The party is named after the Ukrainian TV series Servant of the People.[12][11] In the 2019 parliamentary election the party won 124 seats on the nationwide party list and 130 constituency seats.

A political party, emerging out of nowhere, with a comedic actor and becoming the ruling party of a nation within 2 years has got to be some sort of world record. Imagine if One Nation could do that.

Anyway, in 2021, while we were in lockdowns, (July? August?) NATO announced Ukraine would enter NATO.

Some diplomatic activity occurred in October – December 2021 between Russia and the US to reorganise European security arrangements but the US didn’t agree and by February the invasion occurred. There’s a long record of the US breaking the original verbal agreement of not expanding east of Germany.

The classic invasion path of Russia is through Poland and Ukraine/Belarus – see Hitler / Napoleon.

I’ve not gotten through the book The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzyzinki ( who worked for American presidents Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter but apparently it details the usage of Ukraine to stage an attack against Russia. And he was behind Operation Cyclone which funded the mujahideen in Afghanistan to fight the soviets.

A fly in your ointment

Not sure how to reply to this as it is not even wrong. I doubt even CNN would say this during the peak of the hysteria.

So you are taking a piss…. like down thr comments ladder
👇 👇 👇


“If your invasion is taking years you have royally fucked up and aren’t achieving a victory”

by this logic the allies could never have won ww1 then, just bc a war is taking a long time doesnt mean there cant be a resolution

german soldiers were literally in donbass in 1918 by the time it all started collapsing and germany ran out of effective manpower

its attrition warfare at this point except if it continues, it cant go on indefinitely like iran-iraq could

wtf and i was replying to commentbot not poochy why does it say Reply to Poochy

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

guess that means the allies never won ww1 then

ww1 was a stalemate war of attrition, like ukraine is Machinery always runs out before men.
russia will run out of machinery before the nato allies do.
This is what I;ve been trying to explain to you forever.


this war is also a mostly stalemated war of attrition literally what ive been telling you over and over again. this is very obviously not a war of manouver as anyone looking at the maps on a week to week or month to month basis can tell you. suriyak is the best mapper in the business

machinery cant run out if both sides replenish. its pretty obvious after 2.5 years theyre both effectively managing that. the only thing that will run out over time given that is manpower, and ukraine has waaaay less of it than russia does.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

t if both sides replenish. its pretty obvious after 2 years theyre both effectively managing that.

LOL, stewie should be calling you goldfish.
russia is rapidly running through their tank reserves, and is buying golf carts off china to use as offensive vehicles.


Lmao ok so the shitty video you posted that you yourself called propaganda is actually now the full bedrock truth then, i got it

because these claims have been made millions of times before on both sides




and boneheads like u still be falling for it

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

so the shitty video you posted that you yourself called propaganda is actually now the full bedrock truth then

As much as anything I’ve seen you post.

Gruppenführer Mark

not stalemated. Putin, Lavrov, et al keep repeating the goals that were stated back in Feb 2022: denazification and demilitarization. Control of territory was never a goal, except DPR and LPR. The other two were annexed during the initial success of the very limited in manpower push. 100K were used from memory in 2022. Then NATO stepped in. Mobilisation in Russia of 300K, ramping up of production of all sorts of materiel.

Putin mentioned that there are currently 600K across 5 or 6 war fronts. Mediazona, in collaboration with BBC (not a Russia-friendly bunch) counted 59K casualties and estimated 120K so far. Ukraine is losing ~2,000 men a day. Its losses are estimated 500K to 600K KIA – five times as much. Trend is also down for Russia, up for Ukraine.

So yes, a methodical war of attrition. Once successful, there would be no need to occupy land, it will fall naturally.


Yup – weird though that if Russia is being handed such an enormous defeat why all the NATO countries are scrambling to get military production up and running again, placing huge orders for guns and ammo, and contemplating reintroducing conscription.


Weird that if russia is winning such a massive victory that nothing seems to change for years on end.


1.5k people per day is 547k per year.

Precisely how quickly would you kill the Ukrainians? And can you think of reasons why Russia might prefer to take a slow and steady approach, including not wasting their own soldiers in rash maneuvers, rather than just nuking Ukraine from orbit? Is the Russian army trying to win an army or impress westerners?

Remember the kind of people the West fights – Afghan goat farmers in sandals vs Western funded and armed Ukrainians with air defense, artillery and tanks.


Turns out that russia is about as much of a threat as ukraine militarily then i guess?
Hardly in world superpower leagues.
The loss of that status by itself is a massive L for russia.


I suspect that Western newspapers rely on Ukrainians reporting, with no critical question, which gets relayed as “facts” to Western audiences. Like the Ghost of Kiev story, Russian Warship ‘Go Fuck yourself’ story and missiles fired into Poland being claimed as Russian when they were infact Ukrainian.

As GruppenfuhrerMark pointed out in another post, a BBC/Mediazona count came to much lower figures than reported by Western newspapers and political leaders.

So the ratio, according to Western sources, is closer to 1 Russian:10 Ukrainians

I cannot fathom why everyone’s metric is measured in square kilometres per day rather than Ukraine’s declining fighting capacity, which will reduce further and further as well trained soldiers are replaced with poorly trained soldiers with 30 days training and weaponry is rationed out.

I can only assume you’re used to those wars that the West “won” in Afghanistan/Iraq against poorly supplied enemies, high civilian body count and in the end withdrawing with people hanging onto the sides of aeroplanes?

In the end, when the west gives in, and 31 nations fail to “protect” Ukraine from the evil Russian aggression, who will actually look like losers? Russia which took on and beat the combined West?

Gruppenführer Mark

Peach it, brother!

I suspect that Western newspapers rely on Ukrainians reporting

Of course they do. To them history started in February 2022. Anything before that is overlooked.

I cannot fathom why everyone’s metric is measured in square kilometres per day 

Because that’s how the colonial empires measure success.

poorly trained soldiers with 30 days training

You are too kind. 3 days is more like it.

Russia which took on and beat the combined West?

Russia lost. Even before they started. BRICS, SCO, Syria, Saudis pulling out of the dollar for oil, all losses.

There is no point of stating the obvious markers if those who you try to point them out to refuse to see.

Glory to Ukraine, glory to heroes!


its somewhat stalemated territory wise

we have no real idea of what the kremlins actual goals are, some people think they want to take the whole thing (may not be able to achieve this, but it can definitely happen if this goes for long enough), and a lot of people think theyre making it up as they go along, which im also somewhat inclined to believe

theres little point in trying to discern the abstruse tea leaves of kreminology, they speak in very bureaucratic and byzantine manner and this has long been a feature of russian politics

Last edited 2 months ago by stagmal
Gruppenführer Mark

The Kremlin’s goals have been stated and restated over and over again, on the highest levels, yet you do not listen to that but believe an opinion stated by someone over the official narrative?

Territory was never stated as the goal.

Just take some time, study Putin’s official speeches beginning with his 2007 Munich speech, and compare that to actions. You’ll find the reality is more aligned with what the man said rather than various opinions on “Kremlin’s real goals” produced by various experts.


but believe an opinion stated by someone over the official narrative?

When has a politician told the masses the truth. EVER.

Look at what they do. Russia has killed a whole lot of people to capture territory. That is undisputed. Killing people is a very funny way to go about saving people.


They are trying to please VP & they are not sure how.

VP must be absolutely fucking livid that his attempt at emulating hitlers blitzkrieg failed and he has bogged down like an absolute mofo and his legacy has permanently shifted from being a modern-day Brezhnev (overstaying at power levers clearly past the due date) much closer to a modern-day Hitler – starting a murderous nationalistically-motivated land war in Western Europe.

there is no coming back from this. No rehabilitation. A military victory that may be ground out will not help. His memory is trashed and his descendants will be shunned unless they publicly disown him.


might be true, might not be. and perception depends upon the observer and their own point in time. time will tell indeed.


The West has expended upwards of $300 billion on this war and all the wonder weapons – the Stinger missiles, the M777 Howitzers, the ATACMS/Storm shadows etc. have not done anything despite the wonderous praise via the media. Those weThat same media that has been telling you for four years that Joe Biden is not senile. Or that the Ghost of Kiev was real.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is now shooting deserters

Russia has taken on 31 NATO countries, plus others, and _won_ by simply being methodical rather than trying to impress. And VP has taken pains to avoid escalating the war into a nuclear war which sounds like a definition of success to me.

The mundane fact is that the West is accustomed to movies about war than the reality of it because we fight countries that generally can’t shoot back. So when an actual war comes up … we can’t understand what’s going on.

BTW: The idea that the Russians were going to take 3 days to take Kiev came from Gen. Mark Milley – an American – and repeated endlessly. Nowhere did the Russian command say that. So the West judges the failure based on the estimation from one American general. It would make no sense for Russians, with an initial force of 190k including support troops, to attempt to take a city of 2 million. It was to force Kiev to the bargaining table, which in fact occurred in late March/April 2022 before Boris Johnson swooped in to undermine peace talks.

Gruppenführer Mark

Good post. I’d add a couple more angles to the MSM point you made.

Since 1991, the public in the west has been shown wars from one angle only. Desert Storm, Shock and Awe, Libya, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia – all were done the same way – bomb everything to smithereens, let God sort them out later. Cue Madeleine Allbright, and the price of killing 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it.

So a slow and methodical progress of Russians does not satisfy your average armchair quarterback. Where are the piles of bodies? Why are Russians not slaughtering more civilians? Where are the nukes the MSM has been telling us about? We demand circuses!

Civilian deaths in Ukraine have been stunningly low, and a large part of those were caused by the Ukrainian forces hiding their materiel in urban areas, effectively using civilians as a shield.



And that’s just the Ukrainian battlefield; we’re yet to see what will happen vis-a-vis BRICS and US financial power. Maybe nothing but it’s giving people in Washington a jolt.


In Australia, no matter what you believe, or who you are, you must bow down to real estate so even war is measured in land.

Hallow be the Landholders


“durrr confirmation bias look into it”

*proceeds to post from a channel that confirms his own confirmation bias*


And that is why i tend to talk in generalities about things rather than about specific facts that are almost certainly not true.


Lame – you talk in generalities because your arguments are based around feelings instead of specific facts, which you lack.


Why do you hate feeling so much?


Because feelings vary from one person to the next and are grounded in no more reality than an individuals internal emotional landscape.


Because feelings vary from one person to the next and are grounded in no more reality than an individuals internal emotional landscape.

And so are most of the things people claim to be “facts”


Your facts seem to be rather shaky though…
And almost always based on your feelings rather than any actual evidence.


Many are the links I have posted supporting my views, lonely they wait for you to post your own.

Opinions freely flow,
Untethered from truths they lack,
Echoes in the wind.

Now blow away in the wind.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

Unfortunately for you links to the ravings of a madman on the internet aren’t evidence.

And disproving outrageous claims is surprisingly hard.
I’m still waiting for you to disprove the leprechaun theory.

Last edited 3 months ago by commentBot



You should be flattered with the Haiku I wrote for you.



because commentbot IS peachy.
I ran a few of their comments thru Ai for comparison.

Gruppenführer Mark


I am not so sure that the West has handed Russia a defeat.

Western economies are suffering, European more so because of their prior dependence on hydrocarbons that suddenly stopped flowing. Inflation is high, economy growth is slow. Production of war-related things can’t keep up with what is needed to support Ukraine’s effort to defend itself, let alone stage a decisive victory. “Right-wing” elements and politicians are emerging and gaining more and more ground. Existing political elites are suffering.

Russia, on the other hand, is keeping up with production, reoriented its export markets towards Global South and is making money. The economy is doing well, especially given 20,000 sanctions. World Bank has ranked Russia 4th in its latest ranking of largest economies in the world by GDP PPP, and classified it as a high-income country. This is a country that is fighting not just Ukraine, but entire NATO. It did annex about 25% of Ukrainian territory, which was responsible for a much larger share of Ukrainian GDP, because of land, natural resources and manufacturing base. That’s a hell of way to describe defeat.


The msm is telling Peachy and Commentbot that Russia is losing, who are they to disagree with the TV?


I don’t watch the MSM for anything. but russia is clearly not winning given the lack of progress and the golf cart thingy.

Here and MB is where i used to come to get a filtered view of what was happening in the mainstream but ubfortunately it’s all garbage here now too…


Ta-tar then!

Gruppenführer Mark

Peachy is looking at it from a purely economic point of view, which I get. From that perspective blowing shit up and wasting money on things that will get blown up, plus losing means of production (people and factories) is a defeat. Kinda like USSR got run into the ground economically during the cold war, arms race and such like.

But the comment about using Chinese golf carts because Russia is running out of tanks is pure MSM bullshit. With the prevalence of drones carrying explosives, tanks cannot outrun them in the open fields or in difficult terrain. Storm groups are adapting and using means that can be used effectively to carry out operational tasks. I have read reports of some troops using, wait for it, electric scooters because they are fast and quiet, and can be used to deliver supplies or to evacuate wounded who are able to stand and hold on.

But I can see the next line of reasoning – Russia is running out of Chinese golf carts.


Peachy is looking at it from a purely economic point of view, which I get. From that perspective blowing shit up and wasting money on things that will get blown up, plus losing means of production (people and factories) is a defeat. 

Maybe, but if that were the case then it is worth considering the ‘waste’ the John Manyard Keynes suggested in burying bottles of pound notes and having them dug up again.

But the comment about using Chinese golf carts because Russia is running out of tanks is pure MSM bullshit.

Absolutely – with the arrival of drones the tactics around large scale land battles and trench warfare has fundamentally changed, and speed and agility are proving to be extremely important – anyone who describes them as golf carts really has no credibility.

At the same time the Goldfish has some points, his link on the depletion of Russian tank storage yards is true – it also corresponds with what I have seen in other distributors of similar information on Twitter.

However the difference is the assumption of where they have gone. Without a doubt some of the depletion is a result of them having to replace what has been destroyed.

What the more two dimensional thinkers overlook is that Russia is indeed a vast nation and its borders with Ukraine only form part of its borders with in increasingly nervous and bellicose Europe and expanded NATO.

At the same time Russia has also completed its largest mobilizations since the cold war – most of those tanks are being reconditioned and distributed throughout Russia’s wider military – they haven’t been destroyed… yet.

Last edited 2 months ago by Stewie
Gruppenführer Mark

Of course the tanks are being destroyed. Some are being repurposed, just the other day I read about old T-54 tanks being used as stationary artillery, for example. Soviets have been stuffing their warehouses for decades, it makes sense to rotate old and bring in new. The tank and other factories are working 2, some 3 shifts. Various missiles don’t seem to run out. Various bombs in 500, 1500 and now 3000 kg range are being modernised and used across the front with better range and degree of accuracy, allowing jets to avoid whatever is left of Ukrainian air defence.

If you haven’t found him yet, look up Martyanov, an ex Soviet Navy living in the USA. He consistently provides analytics on this subject.


If you haven’t found him yet, look up Martyanov, an ex Soviet Navy living in the USA. He consistently provides analytics on this subject.

Cheers I’ll look him up.

This guy’s takes are always good:

So is LCHWp’s Big Serge for more long form analysis:


tanks cannot outrun them in the open fields or in difficult terrain. Storm groups are adapting and using means that can be used effectively to carry out operational tasks.

I dude with a machine gun poses a bigger threat to advancing troops in completely unarmoured vehicles than a drone posed to armour…


True and there is an open question whether the US – which is gaining at Europe’s suffering – is so bothered about the EU going under.


That is actually a decent comment – I thinkk there might be too many links as the anti-spam often blocks if you have more than two or three links…. try posting it again across two posts if you want to keep all the links.

A fly in your ointment

If your invasion is taking years you have royally fucked up and aren’t achieving a victory. 

Yes, if all wars are supposed to be the US style shock and awe bonb them out.
If you depart from position that it was never an “invasion” and that ruskies cannot bomb them out into oblivion as they would be bombing their own…
Alas, I ask this in vein.

What chance does russia have of holding ukraine.

The same chance as Beltway has holding California.

There’s not much more tham acceptable confirmation bias in stagmals response but those coming from msm position ( i.e. ComingBot) are not in the position to lecture others on it.


Yes, if all wars are supposed to be the US style shock and awe bonb them out.

If you depart from position that it was never an “invasion” and that ruskies cannot bomb them out into oblivion as they would be bombing their own…

If the people there were “their own” then the resistance would be much less fierce, would it not?
This simple fact seems beyond the comprehension of so many here though.

A fly in your ointment

If the people there were “their own” then the resistance would be much less fierce, would it not?

Cheap trolling.

How much resistance is there in liberated areas?.
Ruskies get 0 resusrance from local populace.


You visited recently?
And didn’t some bridge inside russia spontaneously explode a while ago?

Last edited 3 months ago by commentBot
A Fly In Your Ointment

…and more cheap trolling (because you aint a drongo you’re trying to be so hard)

You visited recently?

Do you visit every place to check every bit of information or get a first hand experience only?
Got an Ukrainian tenant. Does that suffice for a first hand experience?

And didn’t some bridge inside russia spontaneously explode a while ago?

and that was exploded by resistance movement behind front lines?


I am so conflicted with this side discussion…


Actually, a very good point. If there were any acts of resistance towards Russians in the liberated areas, the MSM would have been all over those like flies on shit. I haven’t seen these reports.

What I am seeing, however, is the MSM starting to publish negative reports about Ukraine, about forced mobilisation methods, when people are just being grabbed off the streets and are on a front line in 2 to 3 days. Those who read telegram channels (from both sides) are aware of this happening for the last year.

What the MSM haven’t got a hold of yet are increasing acts of arson, where cars belonging to the mobilisation units and some other military are being torched. Overnight, three were set on fire in Odessa alone. Also, a couple of days ago someone threw a hand grenade into an office of mobilisation forces somewhere in the western Ukraine. People are waking up and are not happy with the Zelensky government.

A Fly In Your Ointment

People are waking up and are not happy with the Zelensky government.

I read some reports that Syrsky may be inclined to enter a treaty with Ruskies. May be fake but with every day more Ukros will wake up to see that Ukronazis are their real problem AND that the threat from the east is by far smaller than the candy wrapped threat from the west.


Ukronazis are largely made up


Do you have evidence of this other than what has been said on CNN or in the SMH or is this just feelings?



You are the king of making assertions based on your feelings you refuse to back up with any sort of logical argument.


Fishing and caught a guppy nerd fish – how disappointing.

I’ll throw it back to give it the chance to mature and get a little bigger as this one looks very immature.

Gruppenführer Mark

Peachy, Ukraine has made Stepan Bandera’s birthday, an actual Nazi, a state holiday. But, there are no Nazis in Ukraine.


Canada honoured an actual nazi in their parliament recently…


Yes – the msm initially celebrated his “Right Think” until it realised he was an actual Nazi, then it became “Wrong Think” by association…. sort of the same mental classification process you use.


Just pointing out how easy selective reporting is to make a case for anything.
I didn’t think it needed to be explained but then you come along and here we are.

Last edited 2 months ago by commentBot

based canada


i dont think they are but theyre not everywhere in UKR either, theyre especially most prevalent in western ukraine. its the coolest part about ukraine actually.

A fly in your ointment

Ukronazis are largely made up

So you are indeed taking a piss here.!?


If there were any acts of resistance towards Russians in the liberated areas, the MSM would have been all over those like flies on shit. I haven’t seen these reports.

Where is the MSM going to get info on these attacks? Russia releasing it just encourages more of them and I’m fairly sure western media arent running around in occupied russian territory.

This is what makes all the grand assertions here so laughable to me. They are all based on state released propaganda.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Where is the MSM going to get info on these attacks?

the same place they got info on chlorine attacks in Syria and pretty much any other “terrorist attack”.

Russia releasing it just encourages more of them and I’m fairly sure western media arent running around in occupied russian territory.

so… anything that happens in liberated areas is strictly “as reported by ruskie state media”?

This is what makes all the grand assertions here so laughable to me. They are all based on state released propaganda.

it’s noice when you dismiss displeasant and inconvenient data as “laughable” bc it comes from ruskie or other media and yet assume position that western media reporting is pure unadulterated facts

if there was a tiny speculative possibility that something is happening behind the front line, westworld media would be all over it to blow it to 20000psi. No need to have any data to know that, just a bit of breadth and depth in cognitive thinking.


The eastern side, the 20% that Russians have captured, is not rebelling. Russia itself has accepted some 2 million Ukrainian refugees. Some of those will probably be resistance fighters that like to bomb cafes and such but not the vast majority.

If you have some awareness of the history of Bandera and UPA, you will understand this “resistance” is really just old fashioned ethnic hatred of Russians.

There is a gradient of hate which is strongest in western Ukraine and is weaker towards the east.

And yet despite the resistance, it’s come to shooting Ukrainians that refuse to fight.


the eastern side is full of ethnic russians for the most part, its not going to be the same if they ever attempted to take gallica

Last edited 2 months ago by stagmal
Gruppenführer Mark

And why would they do that? There is nothing to be gained from it, there is no industry, agriculture or resources to speak of. Just hostile population. Leave that as a rump neutral Ukrainian state, or divvy it up between Poland, Hungary, etc.

The value is east of Dnieper and Black Sea coast. Not that Russia has signalled its intention to take that.


the idea if they ever did it was ever one is to delete ukraine once and for all and completely eliminate it from ever being a nuisance ever again, and its not just that part that has a lot of ethnic ukrainians. theres not that much to be gained from taking anywhere in ukraine, the country is a declining population, extremely high median age state and much of its working age male population following this will be incapacitated or dead – not even considering the obvious costs of repairing the immeasurable war damage and the infinite number of land mines and unexploded buried ordinance that are going to be floating around there for decades to come – just like in laos. this isnt civ5 where grabbing a bunch of land necessarily improves your empire stats on the demographics leader board. ukraines future regardless of who runs it is a babushka state of pensioners and cripples.

there was never a desire for this to go as far as it did, it just kind of exploded out of control, now its a genuine disaster for everyone involved.

Last edited 2 months ago by stagmal
Gruppenführer Mark

And you just answered your own question why there has been a slow land take progress.

Again, stated goals were: denazification, demiltarisation, no NATO on russian border.

The bit that was taken would benefit Russia in the long term, once the rebuilding is done. But anything beyond?


there was never a desire for this to go as far as it did, it just kind of exploded out of control,

THat is the very definition of biting off more than you can chew/not winning/ failing to meet your objectives.


Similarly, Stagmal has failed to get an Aboriginal woman and Scott Morrison has failed to become a transwoman.


very fly of you


They aren’t going to take Galicia because they aren’t interested in taking over Ukraine. They are interested in what gets repeated over and over

  • no NATO missile bases and such
  • a neutral, demiliterised state
  • laws and administration that put an end to the Banderite bullshit that is happening in Ukraine

Arguing that Russia is trying to take over Ukraine, is like me arguing that you’re trying to marry an Aboriginal woman and then criticising you for “failing” to get an Aboriginal woman.

Whether NATO/the West forces Russia to take Galicia remains to be seen but it will be easier to control when the West abandons Ukraine like a used condom and people who live in that part look to get out rather than living in a state with no future.

At this point there’s no need to go down that path so long as that there are still some Ukrainians left to kill.


They are interested in what gets repeated over and overno NATO missile bases and such

a neutral, demiliterised state

laws and administration that put an end to the Banderite bullshit that is happening in Ukraine

And the US was interested in a democratic pro west afghanistan.
In the words of the stones,
You can’t always get what you want.

The fact that ukraine is obviously not that way now makes me think the only way it will be is if russia occupies it full time.

Edit: to further clarify what does the US/nato want and what are they willing to accept.
For all the rhetoric here about how powerful russia is the ukrainians have been able to prevent the russians from achieving air superiority and halt their advances with nothing but excess military equipment supplied from the west..
If the west decides they want russia out of ukraine for realsies they will almost certainly be able to achieve it against an already run down russia. It may only take air support serbia/croat style to make it happen.

Last edited 2 months ago by commentBot

Well, tell you what, let’s let time tell and then either I owe you an apology or you owe me an apology.

If Russia gets what they have asked for – no NATO, demiliterisation (i.e. only a few troops), and the Bandera laws put in place, I consider that a win. Also, Russia will be holding onto the 20% or so of territory it has captured.

I think at last update, the story from NATO is:

“Ukraine to be told it is too corrupt to join Nato”

PS: Has it occurred to you that having shorter supply lines is a bonus that Russia is capitalising on, in terms of depleting Ukrainian forces?


Here’s a map

although much has changed since the map was originally made

Look where Lviv is

This actually was made before 2024 which I think demonstrates Russia’s lack of interest in western Ukraine.


Reposted as per Stewie’s suggestion with links removed:

The land isn’t going anywhere, but Ukrainian casualities (wounded+dead) are ~1-2k per day. When enough are dead, either Ukraine will cry uncle or there will be none left to defend the land.

Russia has some 17 million square kilometres of territory compared to Australia’s 10 million. Why would they want more land? As explained in Putin’s original announcement, it’s about

  • demiliterisation of Ukraine
  • denazification (Stepan Bandera types that you’re so fond of)
  • no NATO missile bases

It is the 31 nations of NATO, plus the pawns like Australia/South Korea/Japan, that are running out of supplies, which is why Biden had to send cluster munitions instead of 155mm shells; the cluster munitions aren’t appropriate to this war (as explained by Scott Ritter) but there was nothing left to send. It was 30 year old ammunition too. It’s why Biden talked about the industrial base in the shitty press conference the other day after the NATO ‘celebration’.

   The other thing that we talked a lot about is that — and I raised it, and there wa- — I — I didn’t hear any — I can’t swear that everyone agreed, because not everybody got to talk about it. But we haven’t — we need a new industrial policy in the West. For example, we talked about how both the EU, as well as NATO, has to be able to begin to build their own munition capacity, has to be able to generate their own capacity to provide for weapons and the ability to — it came as a surprise to some of us how we had fallen behind in the West in terms of the ability to construct new materiel, new weaponry, and new — new — everything from — from vehicles to weapon systems.

and from

   Amid the biggest problems: We don’t have enough people who know how to make things go boom. “In Sweden, we used to have a big explosives sector, both civilian and military—for example [explosives manufacturer] Nitro Nobel and [weapons-maker] Bofors,” Bo Janzon said. “People would graduate from university, and the companies would train people themselves, both at the manual worker level and at the academic level. But these days, the company-led explosives training barely exists anymore, nor do university courses in it.”

At the start of the war it was said:

   Russia is not a country that can afford to destroy profitable businesses. Its entire economy is smaller than that of Texas

That’s not being talked about because the West wants to pretend it’s military gear is some sort of wunderwaffe shit that can just vaporize the enemy like a toy and that it’s economy isn’t just ponzi scheme stacked on top of ponzi schemes. It’s what you get from inept and lying political systems.

British historian Correlli Barnett wrote a good book, “Collapse of British Power” about the British Empire (which collapsed only a few years after Australia was federated so we likely inherited the rot from them) that explains why Britain collapsed – not through conquest or purposeful breakup – but sheer incompetence.

But of course you mob are spending all your time obsessing about genes and worshiping the losers of WW2 rather than thinking about industrial policy.


But of course you mob are spending all your time obsessing about genes and worshiping the losers of WW2 rather than thinking about industrial policy.

I think you’ll find you have a lot to learn.

Stewie will be along soon to explain how the failure of the industrial policy and the transformation of economies into ponzi schemes is all part of the design by zionists and women who have manipulated industrial policy and monetary settings and plus also destroyed culture and shifted the Overton window to praise infinite migration… all so that their Russian friend/puppet can take over the world for them.




Talk about having a predetermined opinion! Peachy predicting thought crime ahead of it occurring – lol

Perhaps you should have spared a moment to think why I actually advised Nomansland to repost with fewer links – I thought it was a good comment.

Russia is definitely fighting an industrial war, and in this respect the de-Industrialized West is losing badly…. we all have our opinions on why this the Deindustrialization has occurred ranging from the specific to ‘just because’ however the irrefutable fact is that it has occurred.

As explained in Putin’s original announcement, it’s about

  • demiliterisation of Ukraine
  • denazification (Stepan Bandera types that you’re so fond of)
  • no NATO missile bases

But as to your comments and somewhat hysterical predictions and accusations:

But of course you mob are spending all your time obsessing about genes and worshiping the losers of WW2 rather than thinking about industrial policy.

Of course you would skim read NMs entire comment and focus on that final comment – it may surprise you Peachy but people are allowed to have different opinions.

I don’t actually summon NML in unrelated discussions and continuously bring up his contrary opinions.

Jimsbanking disagrees with me regularly too and probably thinks I’m as bigger nutter as you do – he has rationally refuted me, allowed me to respond and humored me by even replying. I note his irrational hatred of Trump.

But here is the thing – he doesn’t start every subsequent engagement by referring to that past discussion and I don’t engage in third party conversations about Trump and then summon him, only to express my disagreement and belittle him.

People are allowed to have different opinions.


I didn’t skim his writing, I read it carefully. And I am going to read the book he recommended – Collapse of British Power

i think you are just feeling a bit cockblocked because I spoiled your opportunity to rant in response to NML’s input. And that cockblocking was not unrelated, but connected directly to NML’s criticism.


i think you are just feeling a bit cockblocked because I spoiled your opportunity to rant in response to NML’s input.

Neuroticizing over what you imagine some man to say or do in response with an interaction with them, is a very feminine womanly response.

However, I will once again point you to my original comment:

That is actually a decent comment – I thinkk there might be too many links as the anti-spam often blocks if you have more than two or three links…. try posting it again across two posts if you want to keep all the links.

I won’t try to convince you – heaven help any man who wishes the change a woman’s mind once her feelings are set, however I’ll just leave it there for any other readers who might like to form their own opinion as to my motivation.


Neuroticizing over what you imagine some man to say or do in response with an interaction with them, is a very feminine womanly response.

Knew I wouldn’t be mistaken when I included “…zionists and women who have manipulated…”


“…zionists and women who have manipulated…”

Do you think I didn’t notice that little barb and dig at me daring to voice opinions on sex based differences in the past?

i think you are just feeling a bit cockblocked because I spoiled your opportunity to rant in response to NML’s input.

Likewise it was you that chose to make it about sex dynamics, as though I was feeling some special anger that you were refuting me because you are a woman, rather than just being a dick.

By summoning me into a 3rd party conversation to belittle and scold me on imagine pre-thought crime, laying out various barbs for me to respond to, doesn’t make you the martyr nor me the villain.


sex dynamics

now now, don’t get cute


No one has ever accused me of being cute.


it may surprise you Peachy but people are allowed to have different opinions.

Not according to you.
Anyone who disagrees is retarded or needs to do more research.

Last edited 2 months ago by commentBot

Dear Captain Slow,

Other than yourself I don’t believe I’ve described anyone’s comments are retarded (even then I’ve only used that word reluctantly and under extreme duress)…. oh there was that fuckwit W@ffle, but he seems to have died and gone to gerbil heaven.

A quick use of the “Search” function with the word “Retard” indicates that as per usual you are projecting your own behaviours on others


you are REALLY butthurt.


I just enjoy proving you a liar and a fraud, and establishing that most of your claims are simply self projection.


he is a jew


You are a racist piece of shit.


You understand retard is a concept as well as a literal word, right?
Just making sure given you seem to not understand given the previous post.


First he counts on the stupidity of his adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, he simply plays stupid. If all this didn’t help, he pretends not to understand, or, if challenged, he changed the subject in a hurry…

Retard is an offensive word in any context – I generally refrain from using it, unless I am talking to a genuine retard like yourself.

Gruppenführer Mark

Goldfish be goldfishing. Just the other day we were engaged in discussion that got boiled down to semantics – definition of words.

That is why I refuse to engage with it.


Yeah – I think he argued with me for a week because I dared refer to loosely refer to a blockchain as a database or something.

He’s just a fuckwit, I generally ignore him too, but it is school holidays atm and I have some time off so am responding to amuse myself.

With luck I could drive him to such a pique of apoplectic fury over the definition some minor point, that he has a stroke or heart attack – which would be very amusing.


You dragged it down to a discussion of semantics.
Infact your initial point was about the semantics of what did or did not count as being a winner of ww2.
That is pure semantics all the way baby.


Retard is an offensive word in any context

Back in my day it wasn’t but all you softcocks today and your PC bullshit and womens rights and crap ruined everything, you should all be rounded up and flogged.

edit: on a serious note that does actually let me bracket your age a bit better. will need to do some more research thought to fine tune it. You are defitnitely younger than me.

Last edited 2 months ago by commentBot


Remember when you were trying to dox me and thought you found me on LinkedIn and sent some perfect stranger a harassing message?

Ah good times.


Heh. Well, to be honest, I was aiming at Stagmal mainly since he seems to be the one that obsesses over the moustachioed man and all the racial stuff; maybe Coming/Stewie as well but I don’t pay enough attention to this site as I used to because I find that line of thinking as intellectually vacuous on top of being repugnant.

Having met ex-Soviet women, and many Asian women, women aren’t to blame; the West is just a hyper emotional place where clear thinking goes to die. It’s not a stretch that hyper emotional men and women are a consequence of this. A date I had last year resulted in me getting told off for sexism on account of me paying for the dinner? Perhaps she just didn’t like me.

Where this ties together:

The Russians are not beating 31 nations + their lackeys because of ubermenschen genetics; they’re quite mixed racially, so it doesn’t fly even if one wanted to consider a genetic explanation. They’re beating 31 nations on account of cool strategic thinking and keeping their financiers in check to build a strong industrial base along with centuries of military experience; the Russian navy is older than the US and I think had a ship yard in present day Odessa.

My point is:
I suggest that Australia should think strategically and keep its financiers in check and that it won’t be Australia until we rid ourselves of American control, which is not the same as embracing Chinese control. The Americans took over the British empire (UK, Australia, Argentina, Suez canal etc. after WW2) and it’s quite pathetic that we put up with it when we should really be as rich as say Saudi Arabia. I don’t think this will happen in Australia since most Australians don’t even understand it but it’s a nice dream. Until then, it’s EZFKA.

Michael Hudson also wrote an interesting book Superimperialism. I dislike the title as it’s a little … gaudy? … but it had a quite interesting discussion of the interwar financial situation between Europe and the US that led to the US having financial control over the world. I think 75%+ of gold supply post WW2 was under US control, which led to the Bretton Woods arrangement until 1971 or so when the petrodollar was established. Finance is not my strong point though.

I can’t find the article now but Hudson once wrote that someone working in the Australian treasury dept. told him that 90% of the Australian population is superfluous, since, according to that analyst or whatever, we’re just a giant mining pit. I don’t see that as a winning attitude but c’est la vie.


This is funny because no one has done more to crank out the nutjob bait than Trump and his hangers on.

How the hell can people who regularly call their opponents evil pedos etc and who have opined on civil war, now seriously claim that media rhetoric was responsible for someone taking a shot at Trump? Unless they’re projecting and referring to themselves, I don’t get it.

This is the clownworld right here.

Most of these same clowns who are now handwringing send out yearly Christmas cards with pictures of themselves holding a firearm.

Most of these clowns regularly warn of violence if a looming even doesn’t go their way.

When is the storm arriving and the military tribunals with the public executions happening again?


i agree, politics is now completely and utterly hysterical. i blame the internet for this polarisation, but its been pretty bad like this in america for a long time. the americanisation of world culture is causing this kind of nonsense to spill over to other places too, hence why we have our own mini forms of TDS here. i genuinely think it would be a good thing if america just disappeared at this point, its a toxic malignant society sucking everyone else down into its whirlpool.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

The left started it way before Trump with the daily anti white male hate. He was one of the first to not only push back but give them a dose of their own medicine.


The left are also continuing it post assasination attempt. next time don’t miss has been posted everywhere by leftoids. They are seriously OK with assasinating political opponents. You are seeing the dehumanising that was done so succesfully in germany during the 1930’s play out right before your eyes.
The question is how bad does the rioting become if/when trump wins the next election. Will it be the BLM riots again or will it devolve into full on civil war?


Tenacious D just cancelled their Australian tour due to push back after Kyle made a “next time don’t miss” crack at a gig.

There is resistance to this shit, and it’s not gonna get smaller.


Tenacious D just cancelled their Australian tour due to push back after Kyle made a “next time don’t miss” crack at a gig.

There is resistance to this shit, and it’s not gonna get smaller.

Jack black cancelled the tenacious D tour because he wanted to protect his acting career that he really makes his money in.

I’m also pretty sure the jews put up resistance to hitlers plans as well. didn’t work out so well for them.
whether hitler was justified to do it or not is an argument you can have with stewie.

The gov has made it abundantly clear which side it’s on in western countries. BLM get to burn the country down with no repurcussions while people protesting lockdowns get their entire life savings confiscated in canada.
Welcome to the revolution. It will not be televised.


How the hell can people who regularly call their opponents evil pedos etc and who have opined on civil war, now seriously claim that media rhetoric was responsible for someone taking a shot at Trump? Unless they’re projecting and referring to themselves, I don’t get it.

How could you not assasinate trump when he is a threat to democracy, will never leave power if he wins and is literal hitler?


Most of these same clowns who are now handwringing send out yearly Christmas cards with pictures of themselves holding a firearm

I think you are missing the point there.

Those guys and those Christmas cards are sending the message that they have a set of beliefs, a family and a way of life that they are happy with and proud of. And they are ready to defend their beliefs, family, life against those who would threaten them.

Whereas the other guys might have a cat and some strong views that they want to impose on everyone else. And if there are people that don’t agree with those views, they can be cancelled or marginalised or, it seems, attacked and killed.


It is like all the people getting cut up about petty right wingers hunting down progressive clowns for wrong speak over Trump’s attempted assassination – so the fuck what?

Those cunts have been policing people’s opinions with impunity for nearly a decade, getting people fired for not baking a cake, for wearing the wrong shirt, it is about time leftoids started experiencing the consequences of their actions.

If people say we should turn the other cheek or be “better than that” screw that and screw them – giving ground to those pricks has enabled them to shift the Overton window so far to the left that a sensible centerist party like AfD is described as far right.

I don’t care if it makes society more divided – we are well past the point that the division in our nations are going to scab over and heal, I’d rather see it continue to escalate to the point that the only cure is amputation and those dirt bags really start to live in fear.

Be petty, be vindictive, be hateful – cause they have and will continue to do so every opportunity they get. Principals of ‘turn the other cheek’ are only applicable to friends and family who share our values, everyone else can burn in hell.

If that results in the country and society being burnt to the ground, so be it – its better than handing it over to the undeserving.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

I’m not sure what you’re saying. But you seem angry, so whoever is trying to radicalize you seems to be doing a good job.


I radicalised myself.

There is a mild controversy or debate in right wing twittersphere where people are saying that it’s bad form to dob in Leftoids for saying that they wished the shooter hadn’t missed, and that they are losing their jobs.

All I’m saying is that it is a good thing and that being principled in the face of 10 years of such pettiness by progressives has only resulted in the Overton window being shifted far to the left.


i’m pretty sure the radicalisation being mentioned is of the fourth reich variety…


Nah – it was the Leprechauns that did it for me


Can you post a screenshot so I can be suitably impressed. I’m not making an account just to see shit you link to.



I spoon feed you enough information, get off your ass and do some research for yourself you big incompetent baby.


lol, your information is absolute gutter trash garbage, fuelled by racist obsession.

do some research for yourself you big incompetent baby.
Every bit of research I;ve ever done into anything you say leads me to the conclusion that it’s bullshit, so I;ve stopped bothering.


Get angrier!!!


You are too willing to believe stuff that conspiracy theorists and scammers write

Last edited 3 months ago by Poochy

Hi Peachy – if you believe the official narrative then you MUST believe this


It might pay you to be as sceptical of random crap you find on the internet as you are of the official narrative.
Then you won’t be telling us about persecuted germans in scandinavia being the cause of hitlers invasion of same…


What are you – a gold fish?

I’ve already explained this to you….

The only person believing in Leprechauns are those who believe the stories these people wrote:


Your explanation is nonsensical garbage. Hence the help of being a little scpetical when you read garbage like that.

But to retort, hitler tried to end the war by invading the rest of europe, scandinavia, north africa and russia?
This seems somehow appropriate.

And noone can see your obviously brilliant X link


Once you move into total war it sort of makes sense to attack your enemies colonies in the remainder of Europe, Scandanavia and North Africa, in order to seize them, rather than leave them in the hands of your enemies so those locations and all their resources can be used against you.

’nuff said


And why did they move into total war?
nuff said.


Probably because England and France declared war on Germany…. you really are Captain Slow.

This FACT has been pointed out to your repeatedly.

Well that is the usual way you win a war after war has been declared against you – if you look up who actually declared war on who, then you’ll find that it was actually the UK and France who declared war on Germany.


Probably because England and France declared war on Germany…. you really are Captain Slow.

And that had nothing to do with germany invading people left, right and centre including
countries with defence treaties with the UK and france?
A fact you shouldn’t need pointed out to you but clearly do so…


And that had nothing to do with germany invading people left, right and centre including

Hey Goldie, we’ve already had this conversation and it has already been explained to you.


We’re back to the leprechauns again.

the arborist

He’s probably angry because white male westerners have built most of what’s best in the world but have been constantly demonised, undermined and discriminated against for many years. This has been deliberate.

The only two options are:

  1. roll over and die – and let western civilisation die with us
  2. get angry, gather what forces we can and fight back

Even if your description upfront is correct, your conclusion doesn’t seem to be.

what’s happening is probably just the normal cycle:

comment image

but he is getting angry because he wants to blame everything he doesn’t like on the Zionists (etc) and it’s frustrating that almost nobody can see this “truth”


LOL – no it isn’t frustrating. I observe and try to understand, but I am content that I have a model that explains the world better than you.

I think my replies are generally fairly even tempered, and where and when I do offer an insult, it is generally following Commentbots feeble attempts (most of which make me laugh).


I’m sorry but I’m really dumb as you keep telling me.
How does making these 2 statements false make the world make sense?

Other than if you come at it with a pre-existing anti jew pro nazi bent anyway.


It would be dumb to try and explain it to you.


Yep it would. You have no hope of radicalising me. Stag on the other hand is soaking it up hook line and sinker. Pity he’s only got abo’s to bash in dubbo, no juice.


Of course I have no hope of persuading you – you are closed minded fuckwit.

Present suitable evidence and I change my mind. Simples.


come to dubbo we can expand that menu


lol, you are so hard. you seem to have literally no life other than listening to stewies bullshit, and he cares so little about you that he won’t even tell you who he really is


I’m the Boogeyman, spreading wrong think and unsettling NPCs everywhere.



i’m in the stewie cult apparently

ein ezfka, ein posters, ein stewie


But too soft cock to own your racism, deleting slurs when I call you on it and moving to j vibes.
What a softcock.
at least stewie owns it even if insisting on hiding in complete anonymity.




I’m not the one with the collection of cock sucking pics.


Sigh – here you go Captain Slow

It isn’t a collection of cock sucking pics – it is a four pane meme of a Dickhead… a metaphorical representation of you.

Bold and full of cum, being an allegory for your own sense of self importance, the Dickhead (you) makes some inane comment that he thinks fully displays his intelligence and is a giant W for himself.

Overcome with his self imagined cleverness the Dickhead (you) starts sucking his dicknose (which is also a good name for you), which captures how you feed upon your own imagined cleverness.

Thirdly you (the Dickhead) blow into your own mouth and suck all your cum out of your Dicknose. This encapsulates how you sit back smugly in your chair behind your cum clogged keyboards, and fondly soak in the thoughts of the cleverness of your Zinger.

You will note that Dickhead’s ball sack, representing the dual hemispheres of his (your) brain has also begun to deflate – this represents the emptiness in the rest of his (your) life, basically everything else which has been squeezed out by your self importance (probably your wife or homosexual partner).

The final frame is the true you. An empty spent scumbag, with cum dribbling out of your mouth and Dicknose, waiting for the next comment to seize upon and correct, in order to once again fill your dual hemispheres with the cum of your own self importance.

Last edited 2 months ago by Stewie

dunno i rarely ever delete slurs im more than happy to say nigger nigger nigger kike faggot himey nigger boong kike but sometimes ill call you a moron or an idiot and edit it later bc thats not personally nice


And yet simply saying “you are a dirty jew”
got deleted when I called you a racist piece of shit for it.
And you clearly don;t care about being persinally nice. On here or in real life.

the arborist

There’s no way you could come to conclusions similar to Stewie’s on your own. The only explanation is that you’re a simpleton and are blindly following the evil and stupid mastermind.

I’m also a weak-minded individual who has been hoodwinked into believing all of Stewie’s clever, stupid lies.

It’s uncanny how someone so stupid can amass such a following.


I tried pretending just then. and nothing happened.

For your information nobody knows much about World War Two and even of those who know anything, few care.

it would be a tiny group of people whose worldview is based on an almost 100-year old war. “Fetishist” is probably a reasonable description.

Gruppenführer Mark

It’s not about the knowledge of WWII, per se. It is relative to how certain countries have been affected as a result of the outcome.

Germany and Japan, as losers, were de facto occupied and remain so. USA became the strongest manufacturing economy and built their self-perception up to the point of thinking of themselves as exceptional. USSR clamped down even harder to rebuilt itself. China went through political turmoil. Two-block world emerged, iron curtain and all that. Nukes became the thing to have if a country wanted to survive.

I do believe that WWII has shaped the world we are living in, politically, economically and socially. I also think that subversive efforts of the USSR, fighting for survival, as described by Yuri Bezmenov, have caused the degenerative social policies of the western societies we are observing today. USSR fell, the West had a free reign for about 20 years when they could do no wrong. There are 4 generations (20 years each) of people that have not known WWII but have been greatly influenced by a version of its history, depending where you came from.


All the above is true but has nothing to do with stewie and the ww2 facts he keeps liking to bring up. He is focused on the righteousness of german actions pre ww2 and has nothing to say about postwar.


I never said ‘righteousness’ but I have said understandable.

He is focused on the righteousness of german actions pre ww2 and has nothing to say about postwar.

I have actually made lots of reference and discussion to postwar too. See map of the only genocide to occur in the period of 1940-1950.

I’ve also linked the developing narrative around the “Holocaust” in context to Israel’s existential crisis post its WW2 foundation and the fact that Zionists will do anything and say anything in order to defend their interests.

Apparently you are in the camp that believes they are all as pure as the driven snow.


he fact that Zionists will do anything and say anything in order to defend their interests.Apparently you are in the camp that believes they are all as pure as the driven snow.

I am in the camp that believes that all people will “do anything and say anything in order to defend their interests.”
Like make up bullshit on a website to prove they are smarter than everyone else, for instance.

Wheres the link to you actually doing this prior to me calling you on it?

Last edited 3 months ago by commentBot

Like make up bullshit on a website to prove they are smarter than everyone else,

lol – If anything arguing with you is evidence to the contrary


I tried pretending just then. and nothing happened.

See point #1 above

“Fetishist” is probably a reasonable description.

fetishize /fĕt′ĭ-shīz″/

transitive verb to make a fetish of;

fetish /fĕt′ĭsh/

“An object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers, especially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices.

An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence.”

Yourself and Goldfish:

“Nazis are the most evil people and despicable ideology ever to exist.” (yes I have paraphrased – here Commentbot, this will help you with that big word)

Me “Nazis were no worse than the Allies”

Now – who has made Nazi into an object of almost magical or spritual powers of evil?

I simply defend my opinion – if you care to go back and look at most of these discussions the protagonists in all these “debates” are people like yourself, Commentbot (and No.1 for quite a while) hounding me for having an opinion other than the acceptable msm one, and increasingly hysterical outrage for refusing to change it on the basis of your feelings alone.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

ourself and Goldfish:“Nazis are the most evil people and despicable ideology ever to exist.”

That is the strawest of strawmen.

simply defend my opinion – if you care to go back and look at most of these discussions the protagonists in all these “debates” are people like yourself, Commentbot (and No.1 for quite a while) hounding me for having an opinion other than the acceptable msm one.

You keep posting the same garbage over and over again and get butthurt when people call you on it being bullshit.
You are the person that continually brings it up, is obsessed with it, or fetishizes it if you will.

The hounding is what happens to anyone who dares question your authoritae( with cartman accent of course)


Let’s go back to the start of this thread an see who first brought up a reference to Nazis?

i’m pretty sure the radicalisation being mentioned is of the fourth reich variety…

And if we take a look at yesterday’s thread let’s see who mentioned Hitler and the Nazis there first:

The irony being almost nothing stewie says is in good faith. eg Hitler invaded half the planet because ethnic germans were being persecuted there.

You even summoned me by name, so quit your rewriting of history, its already documented here for everyone to see

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

This website is a continuing conversation. Not a new thread everyday. It’s inherent in the structure of the site.
Yet again an example of you arguing in bad faith or being a moron.
At this point I’m really not sure which it is anymore.


This website is a continuing conversation. Not a new thread everyday. 

Blah ha ha ha ha ha hah – you make it up as you go along

“your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again.”


Using other peoples words verbatim again.
Clearly a sign of large vocabulary and high IQ.
And you definitely never make it up as you go along.
Got any more pictures of guys sucking their own dick to post? You really seem to like those.


Using other peoples words verbatim again.

Clearly a sign of large vocabulary and high IQ.

Nah – it just means I’ve read enough and know where to find a suitable response. You aren’t really worth the effort of a special bespoke response.

Got any more pictures of guys sucking their own dick to post? You really seem to like those.

Thanks for the reminder – that four pane panel so encapsulates everything about you


it would be a tiny group of people whose worldview is based on an almost 100-year old war.”

i dont think the jews would be happy for you to call their group tiny


because white male westerners have built most of what’s best in the world but have been constantly demonised, undermined and discriminated against for many years.

Maybe, but fetishising the germans in ww2 has no bearing on anything current day.
Other than hating the juice.
It used to just be hating the juice, now he’s pushing the case for germany in the 30’s. In another year he’s going to be full on romper stomper.


 fetishising the germans in ww2 

LMAO – fetishising… you believe that they are the most inherently evil, despicable people to have ever walked the earth!!!

I’m just saying they were the losers of WW2 and were no worse than the Allies. Their only real moral crime was trying to deport Zionists from Europe…. which frankly is only immoral in the eyes of Zionists.


my j dar definitely starts making some noises when he posts, ill say that much

the lawyerly arguments, the unwarranted condescension, the selectivity of his responses, its always in one ear out the other, or an obfucsation, redirect or something like that, which usually devolves even further into petty insults and personal attacks

theres a reason this behaviour is so offputting to anyone who isnt a social climbing soul-less NPD type who is desperate to suck up to power for influence and money, and why it always leads to the same result wherever these people are found in the world. id rather hang out with a bunch of 90iq lebos standing around outside a beiruit kebab shop hollering like apes at anything w/ t&a that walks past than any of these slimy fucks, at least w/ them what you see is what you get

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

the lawyerly arguments, the unwarranted condescension, the selectivity of his responses, its always in one ear out the other, or an obfucsation, redirect or something like that, which usually devolves even further into petty insults and personal attacks

That is by far the best description of stewies posts I’ve ever heard.

the arborist

j or npc or xx

or any combination thereof


First he counts on the stupidity of his adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, he simply plays stupid.

If all this didn’t help, he pretends not to understand, or,
if challenged, he changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, he immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about.

Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again.

But if you really struck him so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn’t help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day.

He had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stand there thunderstruck. I didn’t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of his tongue or his virtuosity at lying.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

Is that a quote from mein kampf?

Definitely not a sign of fetishizing hitler…

Also definitely not a sign of being completely unable to formulate your own argument and having to steal someone elses…


Their only real moral crime was trying to deport Zionists from Europe

Keep telling yourself that.

LMAO – fetishising… you believe that they are the most inherently evil, despicable people to have ever walked the earth!!!

Really? Based on what?
Absolutely nothing like everything else you say here would be my guess, because I can guarantee you it isn’t based on anything I’ve ever actually posted.


You should go back and read my posts Goldfish – I have explained it all to you all before.


These are not the droids you’re looking for…


 I can guarantee you it isn’t based on anything I’ve ever actually posted.

…of that we can be in 100% agreement, as I can’t really recollect you posting anything other than your feelings.


…of that we can be in 100% agreement

so you are now at least admitting you post outright lies to defend your position.
That’s progress I guess.


I’d rather see it continue to escalate to the point that the only cure is amputation and those dirt bags really start to live in fear.

Sorry to dissapoint you stewie but you are on the side that’s going to be persecuted and put in the concentration camps by the government when it happens. The irony. Wonder if the gas chambers will be real this time?


Wonder if the gas chambers will be real this time?

If the Zionists win I have no trouble believing that they will.

Sorry to dissapoint you stewie but you are on the side that’s going to be persecuted and put in the concentration camps by the government when it happens. 

Do you actually think I automatically think it will be the side I support that wins? Or that I lack enough cognition to think that it isn’t going to be my side that will be persecuted – given that it has been the case for the past 40 years?

Sometimes the mere act of resistance and the opportunity to inflict as much hurt as possible is its own reward.


Sometimes the mere act of resistance and the opportunity to inflict as much hurt as possible is its own reward.

go borrow a gun off lswchp and have at it then. stop pontificating behind a keyboard.

If the Zionists win I have no trouble believing that they will.

And this is the perfect example of your radicalisation. All you see are zionists everywhere.


I’m more than happy to join the mob when it arrives – I’m not dumb enough to take up arms before hand.

That you so discount the influence of Zionists both on our political system and our social narrative shows how completely captured a Goyim you are.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

I’m not dumb enough to take up arms before hand.

Given the dumb shit you post here I believe you actually are.

But i do also believe you are also so gutless the only way you will resist is if you can hide among the mob, or post your garbage on the net with absolute anonymity.


ROFLMA – says the gonad free troon whose main contribution to this site is slagging everyone else’s truly held opinions off from the anonymous safety behind his keyboard.

Why don’t you travel down to Canberra and give LCHWP some shooting advice, like you were the other day?

Probably because you are so gutless that the only way you can deliver any criticism is by posting your garbage on the net with absolute anonymity.


Stewie, please don’t feed the trolls


Every engagement is an opportunity…. this is something that Mosquito Grease has all over Captain Slow in understanding in terms of when and who he chooses to reply to.


oooohhhhh burnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
when you are repeating my garbage as well, that really says something.

slagging everyone else’s truly held opinions off from the anonymous safety behind his keyboard.

If these opinions of yours are really truly held you need to work on your critical reasoning skills.

Why don’t you travel down to Canberra and give LCHWP some shooting advice, like you were the other day?

Given his claims that the shooter had a marksmanship fail I probably should.
What the shooter had was a fail of tactics. If the security there wasn’t so inept he would have been arrested or shot long before he even got into a position to be able to shoot at trump, given he was completely exposed and seen minutes before the shot.
The actual shot was taken after security had gotten eyes on him on the roof and he had pointed the rifle at them so knew he was almost out of time, hence had to take a rushed shot while trump was moving around which is why the shot missed. Watch the footage, trumps head is turning and coming forward as the bullet goes past. If he didn’t move his brains would be exposed jfk style.

I suspect the biggest reason it took so long to establish he really was a threat was because he was so obviously out in the open and they were trained to look for concealed threats, along with confusion given local police where supposed to be securing the building he was on and i guess they figured it was loal police because how coiuld they be so incompetent to let a shooter get onto the roof they were securing.

Why concealed threats, because to hit a non predictably moving target without luck is impossible. You need to wait for an opportunity where the target is certain to be still for long enough to line up the shot, pull the trigger and then the lock time plus time of flight. That takes a while, so you need to be somewhere that you are not easily spotted.




That’s the pot calling the kettle black.
At leat it isn’t repeated stuff I’ve previously posted as well.


I just saw that idiotic comment.

For the record, I shoot moving things all the time. The commentbot doesn’t seem to have any familiarity with firearms at all.


You don’t need to take up arms beforehand. You do need to have arms to take up prepared in advance, though. They won’t magically appear when you need them. This is a good example of PPPPPPP (Prior Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance).


Are your guns registered?
Because if they are the government will surely come and take them off you before you need them.


Sorry, much as I’d like to spread the love, the massive arsenal of guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition in my bunker is for my personal use only, for I am a law-abiding citizen.

I would encourage every responsible adult citizen to gather a collection of guns and ammunition. At worst, you’ll eventually die and they’ll be handed over to the kids or sold. At best, they may come in useful.

Now, I have comp on the weekend, so off to make some ammo.


Can I make a serious suggestion here.
If you are serious about defending yourself a bit of time spent playing paintball would probably be far more beneficial for you than range time.
Tactics win far more gunfights than marksmanship.


I’m an ex infantry soldier. It was a long time ago, but I still have an excellent understanding of infantry minor tactics.


Yet seem to not understand target movement during time of flight?


Yes – but have you played counterstrike or paintball?

According to Captain Slow that is where you really hone your tactical and marksmanship skills.


US police seem to think so.
And if anyone has experience of the sort of shootings that you are going to be doing to defend yourself it’s US Police.
You certainly aren’t going to be moving against a target with a squad of soldiers being supported by a machine gun position.

but have you played counterstrike or

And as usual lies are told because your argument is ridiculously weak without them.

Last edited 2 months ago by commentBot

And as usual lies are told because your argument is ridiculously weak without them.

LOL – there is nothing to lie about, as I asserted nothing in this entire discussion involving LSWCHP or in respect of the shooting of Trump.

I am not equipped or trained in tactics, and I wouldn’t think of arrogantly questioning an infantryman who might have some real life experience.

My counterstrike comments were simply to mock and belittle you because you are an unpleasant git.


Your infantryman is objectively wrong about why trump was missed. That is a FACT.
I’m sorry your feelings are that he is more knowledgeable on the particulars of that than me but EAT SHIT.

But pertaining to our earlier dicussion. Saying that the guy missed because it was a fail of marksmanship with no further clarification is the perfect example of a source that is providing zero evidence to back their claims.
No wonder you believe everything you read on the internets.


I’m sorry your feelings are that he is more knowledgeable on the particulars of that than me but EAT SHIT.

I hear that eating shit is a thing among homosexuals, probably from all the arse licking they do, but it isn’t my cup of tea but it is obviously meaningful to you.

But pertaining to our earlier dicussion. Saying that the guy missed because it was a fail of marksmanship with no further clarification is the perfect example of a source that is providing zero evidence to back their claims.

No wonder you believe everything you read on the internets.

I don’t know why you directed this at me other than your feverish desire to direct every perceived slight or disagreement in my direction as though I were the originator of them all (good).

I haven’t actually said anything about the Trump shooting other than this one comment on the day it occurred:

Perhaps you should redirect your furious existential angst over someone having a different opinion to yourself, to the person who actually expressed an opinion on this occasion?

Last edited 2 months ago by Stewie

I don’t know why you directed this at m

Since it seems you have the memory of a goldfish.

and I wouldn’t think of arrogantly questioning an infantryman who might have some real life experience.

He might, but I’d be willing to bet he isn’t a trained sniper and has no actual experience relevant to the matter at hand. At this point the sum total of his contribution is that “it was a marksmanship failure” and “I have shot at moving things” paraphrased.
This isn’t directed at him and I have no beef with him but you using his “Expertise” to prove me wrong is really up there in the stupidity stakes.

The appeal to authority works on you everytime…

How would you feel if I told you that one of the pieces of software I’ve worked on was Fire Control for mounted gun systems and I am intimately familiar with the problem of placing a projectile on a target from a technical standpoint?


How would you feel if I told you that one of the pieces of software I’ve worked on was Fire Control for mounted gun systems and I am intimately familiar with the problem of placing a projectile on a target from a technical standpoint?

If I was even following or cared about the conversation I might give it a little more attention, but then I would have to discount it by the fact you are a fuckwit.


lol, OR maybe I’m ex isreali army and the main reason I’m still coming here is I want to find out who you really are and quietly disappear you one day.


At this stage I would welcome death rather than have to continue to listen to your stupidity.


That’s a very wise summary. I was trying to put those thoughts into words, but you beat me to it.


Did anyone else read Matt Barrie’s latest?

It contained much great stuff. This followed on nicely from some of my points in the the last post, and others of mine before:

“The lower the share of households in a metro area that live in an apartment, the higher the birthrate will tend to be!”

We are living in a Calhoun rat park. Unlike the rats, it is within our power to kill the experimenter and escape.

Last edited 3 months ago by robert2013

We are living in a Calhoun rat park. Unlike the rats, it is within our power to kill the experimenter and escape.

This is why people originally migrated to Australia and the other colonies. I know it because my ancestors have been here pretty much from the start, and I have inherited their own political stances and viewpoints.

My views are inevitable.

Gruppenführer Mark

Yes, people did migrate to other places, such as America, Canada or Australia. Better life (as sold), better opportunity (as sold), better life conditions (except Canada). And this is where we have to make a distinction between settler colonialism vs. exploitation colonialism.

Plenty of examples throughout human history. I’m fascinated by the examples and will make my darnedest to put up a post on traits and differences, and how that shapes countries today.

I’ve been reading up on it, and have questions around some postulated truths around both models and accepted virtues/shortcomings.


I’m pretty sure the current crop of migrants are moving here for Better life (as sold), better opportunity (as sold), better life conditions as well.

Gruppenführer Mark

Interesting perspective. Half way through the piece, he brings up some key numbers, immigration intake and fertility rates. High and low (although double the fertility rates of SK of .72, but below of Russia’s 1.82). We sit at 1.63. Sort of jives with robert2013’s previous post.

Read an interesting news piece, will try to find it again, where strollers for dogs vs. strollers for kids sales went 70 to 30 percent in SK. Yellow fever just took on a whole new meaning.

R13, thanks again for digging up nuggets.


My brother sent it to me and wanted to know why he’d stolen my talking points and whether he frequented EZFKA. I think he’s just someone whose paying attention and has the means to project his vision or narrative of what is going on out there into the public.

That said he’s also played a significant role in undermining Australians financial independence with his website/company. But that is probably more a function of hating the system rather than the individual who pragmatically made the best of it, and is now in an independent enough position to become engaged over these issues.

Other than Dick Smith he’s probably one of the only members of Australia’s elites who I’d spare from the guillotine.


matt barrie too



Do you think he has a body double for occasions of serious illness or really dangerous work?


It seems highly likely. There are pics of Biden online where it looks like a different guy…different ear shapes for example, which are hard to fake.


They’ll have real trouble with that for Trump’s body double now.


Was it a bird? Was it a plane?
Was it a blade?

Was it fake blood capsules?


The entire world really does deserve to be burnt to the ground, doesn’t it.

I shouldn’t be surprised but still occasionally am.


These links don’t work for me


it is literally conspiracy theory memes of trump bleeding from the shot saying it was done with a blade or blood capsules.
You aren’t missing anything by not seeing them.


Ok. I’m not signing up to Musk’s brain implant service just to see that.


I kinda want to see whats so awesome that stewie has to keep reposting it though.
No doubt I will be massively dissapointed when I find out though.

ps no idea why I could see this one but it wanted me to log in for stewies.


What is really amusing is to think that you think I post these links for your benefit.


You sure aren’t posting it so you can look at it…

stagmals benefit?
He seems like the only person here that actually listens to your shit.

an insult I can’t see isn’t much of an insult.


an insult I can’t see isn’t much of an insult.

You’re insults are like compliments to me….

This was the nicest comment I ever received:

Go look at the list of insults you continually use on me. of course I am going to respond. Half the stuff you use I have to google it’s that obscure.

You spammed your stupid picture at every comment i made for half a day. As always you are projecting.

You are the most manipulative, conniving person I’ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with.


PS: Your vocabulary is as small as your IQ, as believe it or not there is a correlation between the two.


Talk about living rent free….
3 years lol.

Last edited 3 months ago by commentBot

Mate I celebrate that comment – it was the funniest thing anyone has ever said to me and one of the biggest self owns I’ve ever witnessed….Half the stuff you use I have to google it’s that obscure….. will never stop being funny


being proud of being an incel that spends all his time on conspiracy sites on the internet isn’t something I’d do but you do you…


See – having a higher IQ means that not only do you have a bigger vocabulary you can also collect and retain facts much more easily, so I don’t actually spend that much time trawling the internet or conspiracy sites.

At the same time I don’t passively absorb my understanding of the world from the History Channel or a SBS special of “The tragic story of the Jews of Finkelstein”, or some other WW2 documentary produced with the assistance of Jerusalem University.

Edit: When I say having a higher IQ I am not claiming to have an IQ above 140, just that it is higher than a cup of lukewarm tea which is about where yours sits.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

At the same time I don’t passively absorb my understanding

If you say so. but it sure looks like you just regurgitate arguments you’ve seen somewhere else and have no ability to defend them when challenged on their correctness other than simply repeating them verbatim.


The link doesn’t work

A fly in your ointment

Stunning intellect.


Aaaand…suddenly Biden will have to withdraw from the race dure to “ill health”…


Probably not up to date with his boosters


The satanists will probably pull the plug, it will generate sympathy for the Dems and make Covid scary again at the same time.

Gruppenführer Mark

These last couple of weeks are really starting to look interesting. Beginning with the first debate.

Biden looks weak. Calls to have him replaced. Names are being bandied around. Trump gets shot, two days before the Repub convention. A new Repub candidate is then selected. Et voila, a presidential run between two candidates that nobody voted for in primaries.

One thing went wrong though.

the arborist

Anyone who cares, maybe think about making an account at Staggy’s Slack site – in case Peachy pulls the plug. Even if you don’t like Slack – it’s at least a halfway house if this place suddenly disappears.


Failure to provide a link is a good way to get 0 response to this request.

This place suddenly disappearing would probably be good for many peoples mental health though.

the arborist

I was hoping staggy would respond to spruik his site.

Last edited 3 months ago by the arborist


Last edited 3 months ago by Poochy

Haha, nice try FBI

Last edited 3 months ago by Poochy

i suspect you think you are far more anonymous here than you really are.


just make a fake email on a throwaway email service

they know everything about all of us here anyway already like commetbot says

A Fly In Your Ointment


with a bit of digging in the right places anyone here can find info on all of “youse” and the rest of us here.


then whats the problem, get your ass in the slack pronto

A fly in your ointment

I’ll get Slack when you get Telegram.




buy me an iphone then


you still need a phone to register


noone else here is anywhere near as invested in this place as you stag. That’s why noone is joining.

the arborist

As I said, it’s at least a backup in case this place disappears.


Given the arguing in circles that is mostly what happens here does it matter that much?

The people will vote with their registrations i guess.


and it will!


Everything does, in the end.


yet you keep coming back here every day lmao and someone keeps paying for this place to be up which isnt me

your mr cool ice schtick doesnt work on us

Last edited 2 months ago by stagmal

Gotta do something other than work at work.
Coming probably retired and that’s why he aint here no mo’


this is the last place id want to be if i was worried about my blood pressure boiling over or something; there’s a lot of bizarre shill like profiles on here nowadays

Last edited 2 months ago by stagmal

since the puppet accounts have been filtered out theres maybe 10 accounts all up on here.
Me , poochy, you, nemesis, lswchp, arborist, stewie, graup
Feel free to add any more you think of. but it isn’t many.


GruppenFuhrer Mark
YYY guy
mosquitogrease – mystery meat profiles

Last edited 2 months ago by stagmal

My guestimate of 10 is looking pretty close. What a thriving community.


i still post stuff in there


I’ve been watching the saga with Mary Kostakidis and the Zionists who Peachy and Commentbot love and believe whole heartedly, play out in the media.

For those that are unaware the Zionists lead by the usual scumbags have waged legal warfare on Mary Kostakidis for daring to show support to the Palestinian cause.

JewsZionists love to control the narrative so one of their representatives got a letter published where small hat Larry Stillman attacked her:

At first stating in Talmadic fashion that he did not believe something, i.e. that Mary was an Antisemit he then immediately turned around and by implication through his subsequent statement thought she was guilty of being an antisemite through guilt by association:

In what I think are egregious examples, in a tweet post about Jeffrey Epstein, she endorses a billionaire Jews and Mossad conspiracy as posted by Keith Wood, a far-right white rights nationalist, based in Ireland. Scrolling through comments to Wood’s post, we find a video of Proud Boys/Neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes, comments about the Deep State/Jews, the totally fake but beloved of antisemites Protocols of the Elders of Zion and of course, the Mossad turning up everywhere.

He then goes on in his Jewish fashion crying out in pain as he repeatedly strikes at Mary’s fundamental decency and right to have an opinion different to his heard – basically he’s seeking to cancel her legitimate arguments through cries of antisemitism, which only Jews are allowed to define.

But this is where it gets interesting.

Until now I have never really consciously read much of Mary’s thoughts on this subject or even the original issues for which the JewsZionists are attacking her.

The publication offered Mary an opportunity to respond, and respond she did with this excellent opening gambit.

The left right divide is an old trope. People have a set of values that places them more to one side than the other, but judgement on matters of truth should not be fuelled by ideology or personal politics. I know this is confusing for some people because you won’t take a position that is predictable according to where they place you on the political spectrum.

And then does a far better job of responding to all of Finklestein’s claims, which I urge you all to have a read. But she saved some of the best till last with

Why is it that when we share on X the comments of Smotrich or Ben Gavir or Netanyahu and others, relating to killing all the Amalek, expelling all the ‘human animals’ because this land was promised to them by God etc etc, there is no problem? Why are they entitled to say these things, have them reported and shared, and no one is accused of spreading hate speech, neither the person making the comments nor the person sharing them? How do these comments and their sharing make Palestinians feel? No one is concerned about that. Why the double standard?

Ordinary people are Noticing.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

I couldn’t really follow any of this.

But I do have a question. Is “noticing” some sort of dog whistle / shibboleth in the hitler fanboy community?




Stop spamming us with yours and then telling us to do our own.


Dear Central Coast Homosexual,

This comment, to which you have chosen to reply to, is NOT my opinion or research – it is an interesting article written and published on the site Pearls and Irritations by John Menadue.

The last time I checked P&I and Mary K were not doyennes of the far right, but earnest liberal, left wing progressives, so it should be okay for you to read without your delicate mind becoming polluted with rightwing wrong think.

As I said in my comment I linked this article to this site as it is an interesting and relevant contemporary story that is taking place in the media or Twittersphere at the moment.

The reason I linked it is because the issues pertaining to it go to the heart of the rights of freedom of expression in Australia, and involve a nasty group of people whose values I have regularly criticised.

This criticism has often been characterized as irrational hatred towards them, so I thought it might be helpful to the concerned readers of this sight to provide a real life example of their toxic noxiousness and the manner in which they both threaten and undermine our democracy.

There was actually no expressed opinion or research performed by myself in the above posting, other than my expressed opinion at the conclusion that ordinary people (as opposed to lame NPCs who walk around with a Zionist suppository stuck up their arse) are starting to notice the same behaviours and values that I’ve been going on about for some time.

Finally in regards to your criticism of my calling for Peachy to DYOR, that reply was only made because of the hostile, barbarous response I got from her the last time I replied to her in good faith after she she asked me to clarify some comment or point I had made.

Kind regards,




But just FYI when you say do your own research what everyone else hears is :-

i think this is true because of my girly feelings but have been unable to find any actual evidence to support it so I will tell anyone who dares question it to go try to find some themselves.


Dear Central Coast Homosexual,

Once again you mistakenly believe that I am replying to you for your benefit, as opposed for the amusement of our Constant Readers.

i think this is true because of my girly feelings but have been unable to find any actual evidence to support it so I will tell anyone who dares question it to go try to find some themselves.

For any reader who is interested in the tedium of your assertions, they will quickly ascertain that the opposite is actually the truth here…. many multiple of my replies include references or screen shots to support my opinion vs the Zero that are to be found in your increasingly hysterical and obsessive replies.

He had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

So true, so true…


awww you really are butthurt aren’t ya….


Your track record on actual truths that have been resolved is your:

any multiple of my replies include references or screen shots to support my opinion vs the Zero that are to be found in your increasingly hysterical and obsessive replies.

Are usually wrong when they end up being verifiable in any meaningful way.


Hows the transaction rate on that crypto you were all in on ages ago going? Still testing ever higher transaction rates i guess.


wasnt peachy the big shitcoin spruiker here though, i always thought stewie always just saw it as a retarded cynical investment and a way to make money through speculation


stewie always just saw it as a retarded cynical investment

lol. He spent ages trying to convince us that bitcoin was flawed and his supercoin was going to take over because it could handle so many more transactions per second.


when? here or macro, never saw it here


I think I wrote one article where I actually spruiked what I perceived to be the benefits of BSV.

I did have numerous conversations, mainly with you, trying to explain why I thought BSV had adhered to the White Paper and actually solved problems.

I also put my money where my mouth is and invested in an online CFD exchange in BSV that continues to operate and pays me a daily stipend for what I have parked there.

I have tried to get other people to use this service, as it is fun, very easy to use and gives you the opportunity to get exposure to a number of different asset classes that most people would otherwise normally have trouble getting exposure to…. for that I was regularily mocked and ridiculed and viewed with great suspicion, mainly as a tag team effort through yourself and Peachy, as though even using BSV would give you herpes.

I still use BSV, I still support the business on BSV, I just no longer have a large stash that I was holding there.

I have always thought I have been quite open and honest with my intentions and genuine good faith interest in the technology.

But I’ll leave that opinion up everyone else who are a little less conflicted and egotistical than yourself.


I did have numerous conversations, mainly with you, trying to explain why I thought BSV had adhered to the White Paper and actually solved problems.

And i explained to you that it solved problems that have already been solved in much better ways many decades earlier, with examples of existing services being commercially provided.

I also tried to explain to you that you didn’t actually understand the white paper, what decentralised meant and how centralising a blockchain just results in an overly complicated centralised database that offers none of the benefits of crypto and most of the downsides.
And the big one: You cannot have a widely distributed ledger that supports high transaction rates. This is a fundamental technical limitation that cannot be avoided.
Crypto only makes sense for a decentralised system and a decentralised system by definition needs a widely distributed blockchain and therefore cannot support rapid transaction rates.

But you had your links to evidence telling you otherwise so off you went…


I think I explained to you that “decentralised” wasn’t actually mentioned once in the white paper, while “distributed” was mentioned multiple times.

For someone who is so obsessive about semantic meaning it is interesting to observe that you purposefully and deliberately ignore the subtle but pointed difference between the two words.

But being a goldfish you appear to have forgotten that conversation too… .


lol I’ve never been accused of being obsessive about semantic meaning.
Someone who goes on about the secret meanings of numbers on the other hand…


I remain incredibly cynical as to the LT value of most crypto in respect of it being a “store of value” given that it consumes over 18 Gigawatts of electricity each day to process such a tiny array of transaction.

That said since my mea culpa I have cynically embraced the opportunity to trade the volatility in the BTC network and have made the most of it.

For a better explanation of my actions I basically got trapped in BSV back in May 21 when it crashed. I had my coins stored offsite and rather than exiting then as I should have, got trapped with in a sunk cost fallacy and remained there until the first real opportunity to exit occurred, exiting at the price I should have way back in 2021


Obviously I would have been infinitely better off swapping into BTC at the time – but then so would absolutely everyone, and just like Commentbot, we are all geniuses in hindsight


Some of us understand the fundamentals of how crypto works, what it’s good for and what it isn’t though.
While others believe narratives promising unicorns and rainbows in the near future.
As for you ability to take in new evidence and change opinion when it’s presented to you, the fact you stayed in after having the evidence explained to you quite thoroughly shows how untrue that actually is.


Some of us understand the fundamentals of how crypto works, what it’s good for and what it isn’t though.

LOL – I wrote many articles on Crypto, explaining how many of them worked and warned against many of the ponzis that were present there…. FDX, Luna and Binance…. although their CEO was convicted it is still around.

You wrote…. one article about Ponzis, which I really haven’t yet been able to work out what the point of it was

And another memorable article on fiat having value because Governments have guns.

Very insightful 😐


explaining how many of them worked

the problem is you didn’t actually understand how they worked.
That’s how you got deceived by someone telling you lies about them.


If you care to go back and have a look at those posts where I actually explained how other coins worked, I usually provided links to their own whitepapers or from their own websites…. off you go!


congrats on linking a white paper. That doesn’t mean you understand what it means.

It’s the same as all the other sites you link everyday that you don’t understand what they mean, given your inability to articulate their points in any fashion other than verbatim copying of them.


Dear Captain Slow,

I have already had this discussion and explained my reasoning, and how and why I made that mistake:

But here is the thing, when an actual court case occurred and there was suitable evidence presented, I actually changed my mind – see, having an open mind allows you to change it…. something you will never understand.

Thanks for your concern as to my financial situation – yes I would definitely be better off if I had followed the crowd on that one all those years ago, but since I changed my mind I am now about $150k better off.

I am grateful to Peachy for chiding me on that occasion, as it caused me to pay much closer attention to the trial and evidence that was presented.

Best regards,



was suitable evidence presented, I actually changed my mind – see, having an open mind allows you to change it…. something you will never understand.

And this exposes your fundamental failing. You are unable to determine what is fact and what isn’t. You are completely unable to determine between quality evidence and the ramblings of a madman.
A court had to do that for you.


Surprise, surprise, earlier court cases actually accepted a lot of evidence that did prove to be subsequently falsified when subjected to additional scrutiny.

Then there is the fact that I wasn’t alone in being deceived in what the Judge has described as one of the most elaborate and extensive cases of forgery that he has ever seen put before the court.

Indeed several hundred million dollars has been invested in it by numerous intelligent participates acting in good faith who were also deceived…. so I was in pretty good company.

As I have previously stated, it was a bizzare case:

As I’ve many times before BSV would have been far better off if CSW had never opened his mouth… yet ironically the same guy is one of the main driving forces that brought it into existence.

This paradox is probably the hardest part of the whole thing – BSV actually works really well compared to all the other cryptos I have used. It is seamless and smooth

Anyhow, CSW is quite rightfully being recommended to face criminal trials of perjury and falsefying evidence.


Then there is the fact that I wasn’t alone in being deceived in what the Judge has described as one of the most elaborate and extensive cases of forgery that he has ever seen put before the court.

Other people are dumb as well is hardly a defence of your own intelligence.

My position is that most people are dumb.
That’s how the world ends up like it is, either because the dirty filthy zionists did it or because people in general did it.


Other people are dumb as well is hardly a defence of your own intelligence.

The people were hardly dumb – they were deceived by an elaborate series of forgeries, as was I.

They were also deceived by a product that adhered to the White Paper and worked exactly like it was described in the paper.

You of course will believe whatever you want, because you are an arrogant, pigheaded fuckwit, who on this occasion ended up being correct. Bravo – I don’t care.


Bravo – I don’t care.


Dear Central Coast Homosexual,

My butt sphincter is so tight I can whistle Dixy through it, while I’m sure yours resembles a Basset Hounds mouth flapping in the wind (no doubt a consequence of all those Zionist butt plugs you spend inserting).

But please continue responding, I am enjoying every opportunity to mock you.

Best regards,



please do continue…


Not enjoying it enough to add another of your whitty retorts?
What a shame.


Not enjoying it enough to add another of your whitty retorts?

What a shame.

What do you think I am – a childless homosexual like yourself? I can’t spend all afternoon or evening mocking some loser, my kid is much better company.

But here you go – I’ve written a witty retort here

Hopefully you enjoy it because I am going to repost it as much as your favorite dick photo.

Last edited 2 months ago by Stewie

noticing means noticing patterns or alleged patterns in group behaviour, which is often considered a taboo or bad thing to do. its a meme that mocks the idea that if you think black people commit way more crime based on perception of group behaviour or something thats a wrong or bad way to think. hence “noootiiccing”

Gruppenführer Mark

If you see a bunch of blacks, it’s a gang. If you see a bunch of Italians, it’s a mob. If you see a bunch of Jews, it’s a coincidence and you are not supposed to notice.

Dave Chappelle, SNL 2023. Not verbatum.


That’s pretty good comedy


Racism against anyone is just racism; against Jews it’s antisemitism. A whole special word for the Chosen People.

the arborist

You can’t be racist against whites though. Never forget that. Under modern rules, jews have a special place at the top and whites have a special place at the bottom.

the arborist

It goes even further than that.

Jews can’t be criticised for anything.

Whites are criticised for absolutely everything – even the behaviour of other racial groups.


even the behaviour of jews themselves

we get blamed for what theyre doing in gaza


What they are doing in gaza is pretty close to what stewie seems to want.

I actually think if stewie converted to judaism and moved to isreal he’d find they are doing everything he wants in a society.

Except for the whole hating the jews thing, of course. That’d probably be a sticking point.

A Fly In Your Ointment

now unlike the other cheap trolling you regularly do, this is a nice sarcastic and creative comment.

excellent one.


The US is the primary sponsor of Israel but Australia is part of this. The criticism is for helping Israel rather than trying to put an end to it.

Complicit rather than guilty I would say, although most of the pro-Palestinian people in Australia are too stupid to understand the distinction.

If Albanese/Wong had simply said “this isn’t our blood feud, we’re out”, that would be one thing, but they haven’t because we’re just extensions of the US, same as Poland/Hungary/Czechoslovakia were satellite states of the Soviets without being in the union itself.


no, we literally get blamed for their actions and israel is designated by its critics as a european/ white colonial state, its white ppl (lie) oppressing brown palestinians

jews themselves often use this to deflect criticism from themselves

Last edited 2 months ago by stagmal

Sure you can; they’re called Slavic people. The compliant Slavs are patted on the head (Poles, Croations), the defiant ones get targeted for regime change or similar (Russia, Serbia, Slovakia).

Hungarians too…

A Fly In Your Ointment

Czechs get their pres shot Trumpf style when they weer of the road paved for them


getting my entire rib cage surgically removed so i can suck off my own cock and become a jelly man

A fly in your ointment

Ron Jeremy is your mate.


i think i got da coof

Last edited 2 months ago by stagmal

Well you shoulda got vaxxed

A fly in your ointment

Nothing two Dubbo Abbo chicks can’t cure overnight…


Go and spread it for the lulz.


We need to encourage teenage pregnancy. Just saw this really young couple, very happy. Most ‘adults’ never grow up anyway. You have a population of 30+ year old brainwashed leftist retards and arsehole hoomers.


People should definitely have this kids younger – the worst piece of advice from the Boomers was just wait and have some fun before you settle down… as they then proceeded to rape and pillage the economy and society in the meantime.


My year is riddled with childless people. Sad. 90s and 2000s media was way too anti family and pro chad.

Lies like having a kid is mega expensive. I probably cost $5 a day to feed when I was a kid. It probably costs less than partying and going on finding yourself holidays.


the issue is boomers not letting their kids (millennials) grow up and become adults – not moving out until 30, not experiencing real life early


Having the opportunity to be a parent is probably one of the most rewarding experiences of life – I was increasingly desperate at the ideas of ending up childless and I can honestly say becoming a parent was everything I imagined it to be and more.

‘It infuriates me that homeownership, a precursor to family formation, is being deliberately held out of reach of so many young Australians.


We were fed lies so we’d serve their needs rather than own. Inexperienced young people are are terribly easy to mislead. That’s why leftists targeted schools from the very beginning (see the list of academics who went on potemkin village tours in the 1920s). Now our culture and nation have been destroyed. We are now finding out what will take its place.