The future is not the past

Interesting Russian fertility data.

After collapse in 1990s, bottoming in 2000, Russian fertility has been rising ever since, but may be stalling. Obviously a degree of prosperity and comfort is necessary for people to want to breed given they have choice in a contraceptive culture.

The time of elites relying on taxing the excess profits generated by population growth is probably over. It’s a model that’s been around since the dawn of cities.

Obviously the people running the EZFKA and other such entities will not be the ones to come up with a new way of organising a society. Their MO is to deploy mass immigration and ignore the underlying causes.

Nobody except recent migrants believe anymore that if only you can find the right job and the right partner you’ll be happy. The search among the young is now for ways to retire early. They want to know “how do we stop having to participate?” Such a culture is not conducive to breeding.

The goal of governments therefore needs to change. It is no longer about growth. It is about managing decline. Achieving a population in which enough people want to have enough children to keep life sustaining structures from disintegrating is going to be the challenge.

Ideology will be consigned to the rubbish bin of history, where it belongs. Measurably competent administration and goal setting are required. The ability to try something different in the face of failure will require firstly the ability and willingness to see failure. Highly competent leaders with a diverse range of work histories are required, not predominately ex lawyers, journos, and career politicians. The ability to deploy violence when necessary will be important, just as it was for LKY.

I don’t know what the exact solution is, but current attempts to build a more distributed form of aristocracy via financialisation have failed and will continue to fail at building a society. Instead, people want nothing to do with it, and they are voting with their reproductive capability.

Some interesting links:

Anyone here good at storytelling?

The dissident right must see themselves more like leftists in the 1960s than atomised individuals suffering paralysis in the 2020s. They need to drop-out, use welfare, gain favours and dedicate themselves to film projects if we are to see a cinema of our own.

how immigration fits into the growth equation:

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russian fertility isnt much different from anywhere else in europe these days, it would absolutely have bottomed with the post soviet 90s nadir as that era was absolutely a disaster and even co-incided with the rise of AIDS, etc. despite its western cheerleaders thinking its distinct from other european countries or based or especially religious it mostly isnt, it hink it even has a lower church attendance rate than australia which is saying a lot.

there is no ‘fixing’ declining birth rates without maybe resorting to what the taliban did, which is banning women from education and employment. i dont think any westoid would ever have the stomach to do something like that as its so violative to both conservative and liberal morals. i personally dont think its a problem and eventually populations will stabilise just at a lower number; the only thing that might be a problem about it is the profile of birth decline, ie more dumbs in the world than smarts. even so, we live on a limited planet with limited resources and we cant expand indefinitely; we’ve only existed in an industrialised state for about ~100-150 years now and we’re already running into missive externalities as a result of it. 150 years is a blip of an eye compared to all the time people have been on the earth, let alone the entirety of geologic time. the idea that this can continue in a stable state for thousands more let alone longer than that is ridiculous.


Declining population is the “fix” – AI and robotics will fill the gap till we reach the mythical 500,000,000 people


we’re not reaching that as long as SS africa exists

700m nigerians by 2100

Gruppenführer Mark

Don’t worry, “they” destroyed the Georgia Guidestones, so that plan of 500M is no longer applicable.


No need for plans once put into action 😉

Gruppenführer Mark

You appear very infrequently and drop some insights that I value. Visit more often.


If the West is destroyed, Africa will collapse, as mentioned previously here many times before


it wont be destroyed

california hasnt been destroyed and its been minority majority for years

future ‘west’ = rich people living well and poorer less off people not living quite as well as they would have otherwise

probably the same as anywhere

therell still be popular demand to siphon resources for the purposes of feeding africa

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

California is the richest state in the world, with an economy larger than almost all countries

Poor comparison to your average Western over-indebted emerging shithole


california is part of america which we’re all told is the quintessential “Western over-indebted emerging shithole” by ointment types all the time

south africa still chugs along

hasnt “collapsed”, probably never will

most of the whites there dont even want to leave even if they cant run a toaster for several hours of the day and nede an armoured tank to drive to the shops

what do people mean by “destroyed” is the key question

its going to become shitter for poors, richcels wont care and they control all the wealth and resources anyway

a lot of the westoidcollapse shit is just the inversion of thechinasdoomed narrative weve been hearing for years but never happens

PressTV jackson hinkle style shit

cue that spiderman pointing meme

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

Yes destroyed was hyperbolic, rather not able to give foreign aid anymore


maybe if it gets to the point where the N population vastly exceeds the food capacity production of non-N countries yeah

i can see that being possible


South Africa would look pretty collapsed for pre-apartheid whites

If collapsed means a totally anarchic state then there’s not many places like that on earth so it doesn’t appear to be natural for human societies to end up that way. So I would agree no Western country will end up as bad as the Congo or South Sudan or whatever.

Doesn’t mean they can’t end up as bad as Brazil with a bit more work.


it takes a lot of niggers to make a country as “bad” as brazil

and brazil is still a pretty great place if youve got $$$$, same w california

the argument of people like banania is it wont matter that much as long as theres a large enough smart fraction to keep things going anyway

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

Yeah but I’m gonna be the guy dying from medical malpractice from the third worldised hospital system or some shit

I’m not gonna have the equivalent of a Sao Paolo penthouse

Why do we care what things will be like for the really rich, if we were rich we wouldn’t be here/MB


bc the relevant argument is whether we can keep supplying SS africa with food not what life will be like for us personally


This was an interesting piece of history that I wasn’t aware of:

I read a better thread explanation of it, but this covered all the main facts but with more liberal outrage.


they still got blacked though

argentina is a bit ancestrally african at the margin

enough to matter and presumably doom them for all time to middle income basketcase status

Gruppenführer Mark

Cali is being run down into a shithole as you speak. Last time I was there, maybe 12? years ago, it was apparent that the place is done.

Today, from internets, it’s not where you want your children to be. Drugs, homeless camps, shit maps, ffs, it’s the culture of a once great nation?


the homeless all congregate in the places tourists go to

its extremely rich in other parts

Gruppenführer Mark

Matey, it would serve you well to get out of whatever town you are hiding now and go see the world.

I don’t want to be demeaning, there are places to be seen out there. Yet.


ive been to california 3 times

you can also look at it on the google street view

Gruppenführer Mark

You do realise that google street view is censored? And that no other place in the states has a shit map? Northern Cali is awesome though, I’ll give you that.


Africa is inevitably gonna collapse into prehistoric levels of chaos, regardless of what happens to the west.

They barely have any civilisation now, so I imagine most of them wouldn’t notice the difference between the current situation and the EOTWAWKI anyway.

A fly in your ointment

What can collapse in Africa?

their population growth is purely due to lag between increased survivability of the ofspringae (due to modern medicine and hygiene) and them learning that 10 litter produces 9-10 survived kids.


“them learning”

Ha ha ha… good one!


Yeah, Nah. Back in the day at uni I studied the differential equations related to population size, and populations don’t work like that.

At a certain point well before 2100, things will turn drastically pear shaped for the Nigerians and all the other blackfellas in Effrica, and their populations will start to decline. It won’t be peaceful or pleasant. It’ll be something that’ll make the Black Death combined with the WW2 Jewish thing combined with the Cambodian genocide look like an episode of Romper Room.

This is one of the many reasons that I’m glad to live in the EZFKA (for all its manifest faults) surrounded by lots of ocean.


we can only hope

and the ocean wont stop the excess niggers whether itll be 700m nigerians by 2100 or 350m

we’ll invite many of them to come and, of course, they’ll come

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

My theory is the bigger the population grows, the quicker and steeper the crash will be when it eventually flips.


I can;t remember who actually said it, but it goes “when the collapse comes, I’d rather be in a place with 25m people than one with 250m”

Gruppenführer Mark

the only thing that might be a problem about it is the profile of birth decline, ie more dumbs in the world than smarts

Welcome to Costco, I love you!

There is some truth to that statement. But I’d argue that the outcome in the ratio of dumbs/smarts is heavily dependent on the availability of access to education, focus on the science vs. social studies and the like. This is influenced, or even controlled, by the government.

Take two most populated nations, India and China. One is educating its people on how not to shit on the streets. The other is kicking ass in technological advances and some impressive manufacturing capabilities. Then take the USA, or Britain, or Germany, all powerhouses of the past, that are now on a slippery slope into 3rd world status due to disastrous degenerative policy adopted by the ruling class.


IQ is mostly heritable, access to education has a little impact but not that much, biggest environmental factors that affect it are things like womb effects, and whether someone has problems with intenstinal parasites while developing etc etc

stuff like that, biological environmental factors; once theyre all mostly removed from a pop as a source of variance the heritability is about 80%+ in adulthood, lower in children due to the wilson effect

china has an IQ of 100-103 india has an av IQ of 84, its probably mostly a heritable difference so that explains what you described quite a lot

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

I worked with Indian “academics” at the ANU back in the day. I also worked with senior defence officials of Indian origin at work more recently. To describe them all as being dumber than a box of hammers is being unkind to hammers.

Seriously, these academics and senior gummint officials were some of the dumbest cunts I’ve ever met. They clearly had bogus quals from Indian degree factories, and then were able to escape their shitholes and start making bank in the EZFKA. And nobody in their organisations had the guts to say ” mate…ummm…you’re really fucking stupid…you need to go”.

Gruppenführer Mark

Yep. It’s a matter of managers that have no huevos (balls in Spanish) to tell the ineffectuals to just leave.

I just let go of 2 ppl, for that reason, gov’t contractors on a decent clip. One as you describe, one white boi. Talked a good talk, both of them. Never learned an adage of “Don’t let your alligator mouth overload your jaybird ass”.

NB: Jaybird is a really small bird.


the higher iq indians came in the 70s the latest ones(last 15-20yrs) are 90iq mediocrities

Gruppenführer Mark

Could be. But I’m in the camp of IQ being developed as you progress in life, not a given metric that you are born with.

A fly in your ointment

There are many vectors to it.


IQ is developed as you progress in life and thats the result mostly of genetics

its not something youre born with anymore than your ultimate adult height is but that doesnt change the fact that the differences in ultimate adult height is about 90% the result of inter-individual differences in genetics

IQ not much different from that, and general intelligence (which IQ is mostly a mere and imperfect proxy of) even more so


Yeah, nah.

IQ is the baseline, contentiousness generally explains the rest.

Some people are born with IQ and choose not to use it, others continue to develop it throughout their lives. Those without it can barely remember which pills they need to take.

The curious and investigative will always outperform their lazy but intellectually equal brethren, and can be more successful than a lazy but higher IQ compatriot.

So you either have it or you don’t – the rest is up to you.


i think its better to describe IQ as a characteristic suite that ‘develops’ in life as a result of some bare minimum environmental input interacting with genotypes to produce a phenotype over life (plateauing in early adulthood, and declining at the beginning of middle age)

general intelligence even more so

very analogous to height actually, which grows to pubescence/early adulthood, remains stable and then starts to decline in later life (later than IQ)

if you dont get those bare minimum inputs, like with height (i.e caloric load, calcium) you wont get as tall as you potentially could be w/o them, but the variance in a normal distributed environment is still ~80-90%. so even then your height compared to everyone else will still be mostly be likely the result of genetics

yes in some extreme cases a persons height can be hideously stunted relative to their potential, but thats why the heritability is about 90%, those extreme cases are statistically encapsulated in that 10% statistical margin

that’s how heritability works

best way to understand heritability is the book nevan sesardic’s making sense of heritability, its a pretty complex statistical measure actually that has a lot of misunderstandings surrounding it

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

I can see the distinction, IQ vs g makes more sense than gender vs sex.

But for accessibility in most conversations they are to equivalent to each other, mainly because most people are familiar with the concept of IQ but have never heard of g.



g is what really matters as true niggas know and IQ is the proxy shell measure though something as abstract as this is too hard for most people to understand like you said

Gruppenführer Mark

Disagree, though I respect your view.

IQ is a gained thing. Otherwise, we will all be down to the skull measurement and other metrics used by you know who.


We all have models to make sense of the world, that was the one that has long made sense to me.


IQ is a gained thing. Otherwise, we will all be down to the skull measurement and other metrics used by you know who.

knowlkedge and skills are gained things, IQ is inherent at least theoretically. The testing for it is imperfect.
Is a cow smarter than a dog because it has a bigger skull? An elephant smarter than a person?

Gruppenführer Mark

 IQ is inherent at least theoretically

Yes, that last word is the operative word for me. Science on that is not settled, but I am inclined t admit that various societal groups are coming up higher in the IQ department than others (SEA vs. SSA) because of access to culture and educational discipline.

Is a cow smarter than a dog because it has a bigger skull? An elephant smarter than a person?

Boy, you just hit the next level of stupid.


the heritability of iq is about as established as the heritability of height. would someone say something retarded like “height is inherent theoretically” no they wouldnt bc it would sound retarded. they do it for IQ and other psychological traits though bc theyre playing sillybuggers and its politicaly sensitive

“iq is inherent” is a stupid way to phrase it anyway and just allows the misunderstanders and deliberate obfuscators in to play. the way i characterised it is best

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

Can you even define what IQ is in a meaningful and precise way?


IQ is an aggregate score that measures and ranks individuals on a collection of interrelated statistical factors, but predominantly measure a single higher order factor that we refer to as g

g is best understood as the general capacity to reason, educe relationships and correlates, discern patterns from seemingly unrelated information, process information and learn and apply that information situationally ( “the eduction of relationships and correlates” as charles spearman put it)

youre not asking in good faith though you’re just looking for an opportunity to play jewish style semantic games


collection of interrelated statistical factors,

Is height a collection of interrelated statistical factors?
Anything that is being described statistically is not precise or it would be being described precisely.

youre not asking in good faith though you’re just looking for an opportunity to play jewish style semantic games

No, I’m trying to get you to see that the world is nowhere near as black and white as you seem to think it is.
And using that particular turn of phrase makes it seem like stewies brainwashing tactics and bullshit might be radicalising you.

The irony being almost nothing stewie says is in good faith. eg Hitler invaded half the planet because ethnic germans were being persecuted there.


The irony being almost nothing stewie says is in good faith. eg Hitler invaded half the planet because ethnic germans were being persecuted there.

Yawn – under your version for exactly no reason at all the German people elected Hitler and invaded the rest of Europe.

Trump is Hitler is a good analogy because for most NPC’s like yourself that is what the media told them and is the source of 100% of their opinion.


under your version for exactly no reason at all the German people elected Hitler and invaded the rest of Europe

I haven’t offered a version. But yours clearly is bullshit.

The real reason noone wants to talk about is because the pink rabbits were abusing the leprechauns and hitler really wanted to save the leprechauns from them. They don’t teach that in school because they are hiding the truth but you should go look it up for the real history.


I haven’t offered a version.

Yes we know – your entire contribution to this site is sniping from the sidelines with inane, beige, system hugging opinions.

But yours clearly is bullshit.

Nope – it is simply is at odds with the mainstream narrative, which was basically written by these people:

The real reason noone wants to talk about is because the pink rabbits were abusing the leprechauns and hitler really wanted to save the leprechauns from them. They don’t teach that in school because they are hiding the truth but you should go look it up for the real history.

A typical reductio ad absurdum response from yourself when challenged with for an explanation other than “You suck” or “You are a fucking idiot”.

Maybe you should consider getting on HRT so your mood swings as you transition through menopause doesn’t make you so grumpy and unpleasant all the time?

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

A typical reductio ad absurdum response from yourself when challenged with for an explanation other than “You suck” or “You are a fucking idiot”.

It’s your argument almost exactly…

edit: just substitute germanic people for leprechauns for the intelligence impaired.

Last edited 3 months ago by commentBot
Gruppenführer Mark

Mate, why do you even try?


Good faith.

Gruppenführer Mark

You are a bigger man than I am then.


Good faith.

So you think there were persecuted germans in scandinavia, north africa and russia?

Your persecuted germans are as fictitios as leprechauns.
The only way your story is remotely plausible is if germany just invaded the immediate area around itself during ww2. history says they did otherwise.


What are you – a gold fish?

I’ve already explained this to you….

The only person believing in Leprechauns are those who believe the stories these people wrote:


“Is height a collection of interrelated statistical factors?”

doesnt matter and has no relevance to whether its heritable anymore than IQ i.e the underlying physiological characteristeics that create g/IQ is. we already know what a lot of those are.

lmfao black and white? what the fuck are you talking about? i gave an explanation for how heritable IQ is already and what that actually means (its extremely complex but still extremely relevant) you just dont understand it. admit it. you literally do not understand it. heritability is a hard to understand statistical concept thats introduced mostly to psychology students doing postgrad degrees. it is still very meaningful.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

you are a jew

And you are a racist piece of shit.

doesnt matter and has no relevance to whether its heritable or not anymore than IQ is

No it has relevance to how definable and measurable it is.


you just dont understand it. admit it. you literally do not understand it. heritability is a hard to understand statistical concept thats introduced mostly to psychology students doing postgrad degrees

You don’t even understand that we are discussing the abstractness or concreteness of IQ as a concept, not it’s hereditability.


Yeah – I read that original Roman genetic ancestry and make up, that had existed around the founding of Rome and its first Republic made up less than 1% of the genetic ancestry of the average Roman by the late Empire period in the 2nd or 3rd century.

A fly in your ointment

…lower church attendance rate than australia which is saying a lot.

Yes, if we measure ruskies with westworlds archines.
Ruskies may not attend church a lot but it’s the faith which homogenises the plebs and proleateriates, and they constitute majority of ruskies. Outside hyperurban areas ruskie women usually know their role in a family (and want proportional role from their men).


if that was true their birth rates wouldnt also be thru the floor


also i was thinking about the possibility of space colonisation the other day and the old sci fi idea of terraforming other planets so we could live on them. and then i realised those idea emerged when we lived in a time when the human population was actually growing and may have needed more space in the form of other planets to live on some day out of pure necessity. now the idea of space colonisation is totally unecessary …. *except* for africans. literally the only reason we may need to colonise other planets in the future is to house africans.

so if this ever becomes a reality, we’re going to have malians on mars, ugandans on uranus, senegalese on saturn, angolans on alpha centauri and nigerians on neptune. and they’re all going to be on space welfare. just think about it; an eternally expanded human sphere of influence across the milky way and beyond just so we can find new places to stick the infinite growing number of niggers.


Space colonisation is a fantasy


its an ironic post lol


You’re ironic


Space colonisation is a fantasy

At one time so was colonising continents on the other side of the planet.

the arborist

True, but the human race wasn’t in its senescence back then. There are also resource limits we’re contending with.

A population crash + balkanisation + low IQ invaders in formerly high functioning societies won’t lead to space colonisation any time soon.

Society is going to crash first. What happens after that is anyone’s guess.


society has crashed many times. It isn’t the first, won’t be the last ad afterwards technology will continue to evolve, maybe after a long break, maybe not.

Gruppenführer Mark

Dunno. China, India, Russia seem to be doing ok with the space exploration recently. Colonisation of the moon is the first step of course.

This one has some other countries joining in. South Africa, huh? Maybe convince Musk to move some of his SpaceX technology.

This one, if done, would be most impressive. Build a nuke in 10 years, on the moon. It is difficult to get those timeframes on Earth!


not really bc no one even knew those continents were there, the vikings did it as soon as they discovered them

as soon as they were found, it happened

and you could argue that people colonised those continents thousands of years ago, how do you think eurasia, america and australia were populated

same with indigenous taiwanese people somehow ending up in new zealand and easter island, just with canoes and following sea birds

turns out sailing to a rock somewhere is a lot easier than building a city on mars

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

If anyone will get people to Mars and a colony established there it will be Elon – no one else in the world has the vision.

Everywhere else is ruled by committee and more focused on getting black women to the top of every organisational chart which is apparently where they should be.

Each of Musk’s companies has, to some degree been a step forward in terms of developing the technology:

SpaceX and its reusable rockets – obviously;Tesla and battery technology, vehicles and machinerySolar power generationIt’s Tunnel boring company in Vegas and more controversiallyNeuralink – supposedly into augmenting people into living thereTwitter – as supposedly he believes in direct democracy and believes that it can be developed for that purpose.
If he did found a Martian colony his DNA will dominate and rule any subsequent generations like Genghis Khan and his purported 10% of people alive on earth today.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

turns out sailing to a rock somewhere is a lot easier than building a city on mars

I bet the timeframe from first human to sailing to a rock somewhere was millenia longer than the time from sailing to a rock somewhere to getting a human on mars. Turns out sailing to a rock somewhere is actually quite hard if you don’t already know how to do it.


putting a human on mars isnt the saem as putting a functioning city on there is it. good luck actually doing that lol you need to terraform the planet which would require gargantuan quantities of energy and resources

and for what ….. ? so we can have niggers smoking crack on yet another planet?

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

sailing to a rock somewhere is also a lot different to putting a functioning city on it.

you need to terraform the planet which would require gargantuan quantities of energy and resources

You don’t need to terraform it, you just need enclosed habitats.
The whole point would be to send resources back to earth as they run out here, but a planbet is actually a really poor choice to do it from, at the bottom of that big gravity well. Small settlements in space, on moons or asteroids are a much likelier thing than settling mars.


lmfao yeah thatll be cost efficient


You can keep the Ugandans near Uranus. They’re not going anywhere near mine.


Yeah I hate space cunts. Yeah go and live on mars where it’s -100c and live on micowave meals. Yeah brilliant. Don’t fix earth or nothing yeah nah go and runaway to space. Elon is a faggot.

Aussie Soy Boy

Everyone is worried about whether Biden should run, but no-one is concerned that this dementia patient has his finger on the nuclear button for the next 6 months, and is anyone asking who is actually running the country now and for the next 6 months?

They don’t even attempt to hide how much of a sham democracy and elections are any more.


everyone but the mainstream are concerned


Republicans have just subpoenaed three of Bidens fluffers to appear before an investigative committee and answer questions about Bidens declining cognitive state, and how they’ve been hiding the facts from the world, while performing actions on Bidens behalf that are his responsibility alone.

Should be interesting to see how that pans out.

Gruppenführer Mark

Nah, he knows what’s up. At the latest NATO conference he correctly introduced President of Ukraine.

The plan has been revealed, bitchez!

A fly in your ointment

It’s the last 6 months trailing 3.5 years where he had more chance of accidentally pushing that button (Genesis song with Regan). You should’ve worried more then than now with him vegetating.

What an infamous end to a cesspool of a human personality.


It’s bloody bizarre that 50 years ago everybody was running around with their hair on fire repeating the nonsense spouted by that fucking imbecile Paul Ehrlich about the population bomb and how civilisation would end and we’d all die horribly due to overpopulation.

Now, we have the same sort of panic, but about underpopulation.

Similarly, back in the day, global freezing was gonna kill is all, which became global boiling, which became climate change. The climate change bullshit is genius, because no matter what happens with the weather it can always be (and is) attributed to climate change.

I don’t pay any attention to any panic-stricken warnings about anything now. Disease, the weather, giant asteroids, fuck ’em all. It’s just shit designed to keep the masses in a state of fear, and demanding that the gummint do something. The crazed psychos in power just like having the sheep fearful and dependent, which is an easy thing to achieve.


at least overpopulation is a real concern even if it never materialised (still might in ss-africa though)

on the other hand having fewer people around, shorter lines at the grocery store and at amusement parks, less crowds, less cars on the roads is supposed to be scary?

A fly in your ointment

Lines at the grocery store et all will always be the same.
They are a function of greater profits vs cost and always pan out the same. Less people, less stores, longer queue …. until the balance is found about the same place.

I’d love to see former savvy investors stacking up coleworth shelves and rinsing toilets…


someone bought this massive office block in the u.s for $8m

can you even buy a 4br house in strathfield for that anymore?


half my posts dont go through anymore




You just need to wait a bit. They get there eventually.


even mussolini made the posts run on time

Gruppenführer Mark

Time and Italian do not cross in this world.

Gruppenführer Mark

robert2013, good post. Made me do some high level searches.

Newborn payment here in Australia is $667, plus eligible to receive another $2003 over 13 weeks, non-taxable. Total of $2670. Average salary is around $75K per year, or $1440 per week, taxable. So the newborn payments will cover you for 3 weeks of an average salary, assuming 30% tax bracket. I didn’t include Family Benefit A or B because I couldn’t be bothered to parse through the tax code.

In Russia, average salary is around 75K rub per month, or 900K per year. Newborn payment (they call it Mother’s Capital, dunno why father is not included, but that’s beside the point) is 883K for the first and 660K for second and subsequent children. So almost 100% of an annual average salary for the first and 70% for siblings.

Makes one wonder why there is such a difference in approach to stimulating reproduction between Australia and Russia. We are hell bent on imports, they seem to stimulate natural growth.

Both countries are natural resource rich states and derive their incomes from exploiting said resources. The difference that I see is that we lost manufacturing base, and digging stuff up and handing loans out to fresh-off-the-boat arrivals to purchase houses is the way our betters have chosen for us.

Gruppenführer Mark

Mate, step away from the propaganda you have been taught all your life.


Now. Step by step.

Communism was an ideal. Never was attained.

Any government or ruler does not have the interests of its chattel at heart. Except for emerging economies around the world that are widely known as BRICS.

What Russia has now is an idea, a nation-wide vision of its place in the current world. Lots of other important nations, whether through natural or peoples resources, share that.

What Russia doesn’t have is the drive to be one all and be all. Yanks tried and failed, their escapades throughout the world did more harm than good.

Global South is a thing, and a multi-polar world is here. Governed are just allowed a peek behind a curtain. VVP throws the curtain as wide open as possible.

Gruppenführer Mark

VVP stands for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Apologies I threw you off like that.

My main point was that BRICS now offer a new view of the world, cooperation, equal trade, place under the proverbial sun, unlike the centuries of colonial power of Portugal/Spain/Britain/USA that we know as history. I’m yet to be convinced that it will turn into utopia they are selling, and likely won’t, but I’m along for the ride, by the virtue of being on this planet at this time.


BRICS now offer a new view of the world, cooperation, equal trade, place under the proverbial sun, unlike the centuries of colonial power of Portugal/Spain/Britain/USA that we know as history.

Maybe you should look into how china is treating it’s neighbours now to see how it plans to treat the whole world if it attains it’s new world order.

Gruppenführer Mark

And how is China treating its neighbours? And which neighbours? Philippines, the country that just signed an expanded military agreement with the USA, against guess who? Oh, they also decided to rename parts of South China Sea to West Philippine Sea, back in 2011, so they can claim rights to it, effectively redrawing world map?

Taiwan, that is a part of China, officially?

Japan, there is no love lost there.

China does not want a “new world order”, that is a concept straight out of Brezinsky book. They are after a multi-polar world.


greement with the USA, against guess who? Oh, they also decided to rename parts of South China Sea to West Philippine Sea, back in 2011, so they can claim rights to it, effectively redrawing world map?

What a pile of BS. China is the one trying to claim rights to things it is not entitled to by literally redrawing maps.
That certainly looks like a country interested in a multi polar order and not out to get everything it can by force.

Gruppenführer Mark

Everybody and their dog are trying to claim rights in that part of the world. The bit where the supposed axe attack occurred is in Spratlys, claimed by Philippines, China, Vietnam and Taiwan.

Dramatic video shows Chinese coast guards attacking Philippine naval vessels with knives, axes – World News (

Second Thomas Shoal – Wikipedia

The Philippine Navy maintains a presence of less than a dozen Marine personnel on a 100 m (330 ft) long WWII US-built Philippine Navy landing craft, the Sierra Madre, which was deliberately run aground at the atoll in 1999, in response to the Chinese reclamation of Mischief Reef. The Philippines claims that the atoll is part of its continental shelf.

So the Philippines half-sunk their ship, created the atoll and now claim that it is a part of its continental shelf. That is some level of BS.


The phillipines have a much stronger claim than anything china tries to claim given their location.
But maybe you can explain how chinas claim of ownership is not BS when the phillipines is?

Gruppenführer Mark

Where are the links verifying your statement

The phillipines have a much stronger claim than anything china tries to claim given their location

In this particular case Philippines sunk a ship and claimed it as a part of their continental shelf. Do you comprehend what a “continental shelf” is? It ain’t a fucking ship that was sunk and is being guarded by a dozen dudes.

Also, read up a bit on history of the dispute of areas in the South China Sea. Renaming parts of it to support territorial claims is like you changing your pronouns to it/they and expecting reasonable people to suddenly see you as something else.

Territorial disputes in the South China Sea – Wikipedia

This is my favourite bit. Because China, see, started the whole thing and they always wanted to conquer and oppress their neighbours.

A 1970s memorandum from US National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft to then US President Ford highlighted that China, Vietnam, Taiwan, and the Philippines all claimed sovereignty over the Spratly Islands. At that time, all of these countries, except the People’s Republic of China (PRC), had militarily occupied one or more of the Spratly Islands

Learn history and stop spewing propaganda BS


I’m the one spewing propaganda?
Have you looked at a map of where the islands are compared to china?
Do you know how far beyond china “continental shelf” we are talking about here?

t that time, all of these countries, except the People’s Republic of China (PRC), had militarily occupied one or more of the Spratly Islands

This is my favourite part of your argument, since china has never made any previous claims militarily they are completely justified to do it now because the islands are theirs because reasons despite having never had any sort of presence there.

Gruppenführer Mark

I have posted this map before. Visual may be your thing, because it is not reading comprehension.

South China Sea Features | Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (

Lots more dots in colour other than blue.

Everyone is claiming areas in the region. It is no different from disputed areas of Arctic circle, disputes between Japan and Russia, Falkland Islands. And especially with US military escapades in the region, constant threats of a war with China over Taiwan, AUKUS firmly focused on one enemy – China, you are trying to tell me that China is the aggressor?

The news cycle is focused on China bad. And you are lapping it up unconditionally. In your case your stomach is smarted than your brain, because the stomach has an ability to throw up while your brain absorbs every bit of shit it meets.


you are trying to tell me that China is the aggressor?

So yes, china is the aggressor. That is the very definition of the aggressor.
Are you braindead, or are you a chinese shill?
And even if you are a shill you are clearly braindead as well cause this place isn’t influencing anyone.

Lord Kremnos

The thing about the bird flu strain we are just about to get in Spring is that it is spreading amongst mammals of different species widely. I am sure one day the big one will arrive to help get the mathematics sorted. From 2 months ago- Bird flu: WHO ‘enormously concerned’ but is Australia at risk? (


Yeah. For the moment I intend to hold on to my panic whime awaiting something more worthwhile, like the giant world ending asteroid.

Gruppenführer Mark

I’m waiting for the Borg. At least they got them cool eye pieces.




reminds me of the point i brought up at the beginning of this thread about the taliban

i dont even know what to say




WTAF is that all about. Serious question. What’s going on with those idiot bitches? Is there a meme or something I’ve missed out on? Is this a thing with young female office workers?

If I shouted out something about “itty bitty titties” to a small breasted colleague I would’ve probably lost my job.


Never ending childhood. Truth hurts, can’t even say it anyway. So take comfort in being a child.


its pain condensed into an audiovisual format

i can barely sit through it

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal


Based Japanese have a frank discussion on whether their “Tengu” demons are really based around Jews or not.

Not like to be shown on SBS any time soon.


its impossible for me to believe that a trope as universally attractive and memetically sticky as anti semitism is totally baseless if people as diverse as 1) hood niggas in american ghettos 2) arabs in mudhuts in the saharan desert 3) japanese salarymen 4) bohemian austrian painters all have somehow come to the exact same conclusion.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

Basically they’re cunts, and their culture is about expropriating everyone else’s.

There isn’t much more to it once you remove the incessant cultural programming to be “nice” to them and give them a leave pass for everything because of the “holocaust”.

Gruppenführer Mark

Whether you love Japanese or not, it is a cultural disaster of how a nation of warriors turned into a nation of anime and manga.


Castrated after WW2, but in many ways they still have more balls than our modern society


That’s what happens when you get bombed with nuclear weapons, twice.

I actually saw an article on a blog about this very thing a couple of months ago. It compared pictures of young Jap soldiers from the late 30s with swords and guns to pictures of young Jap men today wearing bizarre poofter clothes and 10 inch heels and make-up. The theme was that the smashing they received in WW2, including a couple of nuclear detonations dried up their (already small, coz Asian) balls. Looking at the Germans, it seems like a common theme.

Further to that, Australia, among the winners in 2 wars, used to be a nation of warriors. My grandfather was a fearsome killer who spent 2 years in the trenches of WW1. I’m a martial artist and lifelong gunslinger, and I spent ten years of my youth in training, expecting to be sent to war at any time.

Now, I look around me and see…well… not so much. It ain’t just the Japanese.

Gruppenführer Mark

Australia, among the winners in 2 wars

Which wars were those? And how did we contribute besides being slaughtered to defend England?


And how did we contribute besides being slaughtered to defend England?

There was a bit of an altercation with the japs in our northern neighbours…

Gruppenführer Mark

Mate, the 2 World Wars were won by:

WWI: France, UK, US

Australians took part, and fought and died, but calling them winners in 2 World Wars is as much a revisionism of history as claiming USA won WWII and USSR had nothing to do with this.

Or Romania was also among the winners of WWII, while they fought on the side of Axis until 1944 and only when seeing that they were getting their asses handed to them quickly switched sides and “won”.


You asked how we contributed besides helping england, So don’t get shitty when it gets pointed out to you.
You also seem to have a funny definition for what counts as a winner.
Perhaps english is not your first language?

Although I shouldn’t expect any different. At this point large scale bullshit is just accepted unchallenged around here….

Gruppenführer Mark

German Instrument of Surrender – Wikipedia

Nope, Australia not on the list. France made it in somehow.


So australia was on german side? Japanese?
I’m really thinking you are chinese shill.
What a waste of time and money doing it here.

Gruppenführer Mark

Yes, Australia was on the winning side. So were a whole list of other nations and colonies. They were aligned with the winners of the war. They contributed. They, by themselves, did not win.

Do you understand the distinction?

It’s like a ham and cheese omelette. Chicken and cow are involved, but the pig is committed.


God you talk almost as much crap as stewie when trying to defend the indefensible. At least your posts are short I suppose.

They, by themselves, did not win.

Can you please show where that was claimed anywhere in the discussion?
Or is it simply the last resort of those who have lost the argument, move the goalposts.

Gruppenführer Mark

The whole conversation started from the statement

Further to that, Australia, among the winners in 2 wars

You jumped in to defend that particular statement. So no goal posts were moved.


They were aligned with the winners of the war. They contributed. They, by themselves, did not win.

By your own words.

I would say aligned and among are near enough to synonyms for this use. So it looks like you are defending that statement as well.
The by themselves was entirely you moving the goalposts.

Gruppenführer Mark

So the whole conversation is about the definition of the words “among” and “align”?

Semantics. You are so desperate to grasp the big picture, we are down to discussing Oxford Dictionary?

You know what, you win. I am chinese shill. I don’t speaka de ingrish.

You have now proudly occupied Coming’s pedestal of me not engaging with you again.


So the whole conversation is about the definition of the words “among”

Yes. You took umbrage about the fact that australia was among the winners of ww2. If you make utterly ridiculous statements expect to be called on them.
You chose to double down on it.

Australia, among the winners in 2 wars

Which wars were those? And how did we contribute besides being slaughtered to defend England?


Asian countries are probably more white than we are now. Self respect. Aren’t forced to fawn over shitskins. Haven’t been brain washed by the jew. Its common knowledge in China that the US is run by kikes.


>Asian countries are probably more white than we are now.

stan grant would agree


Poor tan grant. I saw him irl once I assumed he’d spent a month in Bali or something he was so brown haha.


Another lefty taken out by her own politics. Its some weird form of Darwinism. Like those spiders where the female eats the male after they’ve done it.

the arborist

Some people get exactly what they vote for. If only that were so for people like us.

I was morbidly curious to see how awful her comedy was but found this instead.

77 views 15 Sept 2020 NEW YORK

Sarah is a bright, vivacious, charismatic, intelligent, passionate, talented, caring, fun, hilarious and gorgeous woman looking for someone to share her fabulous life with. So, she joined the wonderful world of online dating!

And she is sure she can find at least one person who is kind, respectful, funny and emotionally intelligent.  

How hard could it be? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Gruppenführer Mark

Am not clicking on that ))

the arborist

A wise choice. Surprise, surprise, she discovers she hates men and is now a lesbian. So stunning. So brave. And of course, she’s obese.

Why are these utterly unimpressive, self-praising, man-hating females so prevalent?

Lustre is the debut album by The Buoys.

The Sydney four-piece have stepped it up for their debut, exploring themes of emotional turmoil and biting back at the male gaze.

It’s The Buoys’ most confident songwriting to date, resulting in a gusty rock album that oozes power-pop goodness.

Lustre by The Buoys, the feature album all this week on triple j!

These females are one of the main products of our ‘education’ system. As well as a fuck ton of new poostralians.


She’s the female equivalent of an incel – and I mean that in the sense of a dysfunctional male as opposed to a woman who doesn’t get any sex, as I dare say she still fucked half those guys.

Modern society where everybody gets a medal and no one is allowed to say mean things, has deluded her into thinking that she is an prime catch – rather than just an ordinary chick at best and a pog at worst (I hadn’t heard that word since I was 15 when someone mentioned it the other day).

Women like her think she is just as entitled to some alpha (which is what she is really lamenting that she is missing out on), rather than some overweight bespectacled nerd from accounts.

It is the same sort of entitlement to a imaginary relationship as some overweight acne prone incel feels entitled towards in regard to his access to sex.

the arborist

And for some reason XY incels are openly despised, while XX incels are celebrated.


>Why are these utterly unimpressive, self-praising, man-hating females so prevalent?

I’d say about 20-30% of the girls in my year were like that. Very bitter about not being blessed with much in the way of good genes. Feminism has made it a so called achievement and amplified it.

I always felt a bit sorry for them because at least ugly guys can still have fun with computer games and other hobbies.

Not anymore now I hate them and consider them nation wrecking terrorists.


ugly girls are all getting dicked down by chad anyway


I don’t know about Chad but they’ll usually get a simp.


In theme with Robert’s article:

“In this paper, we document a new and important stylized fact linking the central demographic changes of our time. Women living in areas of higher racial diversity robustly have fewer children.”

They suggest there may well be a causal connection between the two major demographic trends of the age: the growth in diversity and the decline in fertility.

They suggest that if people prefer (whether consciously or unconsciously) to marry a member of their own race, the higher the percentage of people of their own race they meet, the more likely they are to find Mr./Miss Right, and the sooner that happy day is to arrive.

For example, say that your chance of marrying the next person of the opposite sex you meet at work or church or a bar or the gym is X percent if that person is of your race, but is only half of X percent if he or she is of a different race. If half the people there are of a different race, then your chance of meeting your future spouse is only 75 percent as high as it would be if everybody there were of your race.

Which is exactly what Stagmal was saying the other day that if you have an inter-race child then you will actually share less in common with it genetically than a stranger on your street.

Speaking of genetic closeness how about fucking your sister? Why do people do it:

(A very interesting vlog on the subject)

Well interestingly the reason is tied into the same facts that impact inter-racial couples fertility, and even chances of finding a spouse – as I have often said if two species inhabits the same space and competes for the same resources, one inevitably dies out.

For genetic attraction you want a baseline level of diversity, generally by the 3rd or 4th cousin removed the chances of duplicate base pairs has been eliminated, while the genetic material as ‘tried and proven’ remains more attractive than high diversity, which can introduce unbalanced systems e.g. apparently psychological problems can be higher.

So genetic closeness is actually highly sexually attractive. The thing that stops brothers and sisters fucking is called the The Westermarck effect, also known as reverse sexual imprinting, is a psychological hypothesis that states that people tend not to be attracted to peers with whom they lived like siblings before the age of six.

The most common reason brothers and sisters end up in inscestous relationships is when they are brought up apart and don’t experience this psychological imprinting – they basically find each other irresistibly attractive, where as for everyone else the idea is pure revulsion.

The next most common reasons were usually results of abuse and distant parents.

Anyhow, back to the central theme – living in a society of similar homogenized stock as yourself where you are surrounded by family and a wider clan of familiarity is the best means of firstly ending up in a healthy relationship, and secondly having healthy children and accompanying higher fertility rates.

Conversely it also makes sense that diversity produces lower fertility.

Firstly not only through competition for resources in an economic sense, but Secondly in a biological or genetic sense by reducing the frequency and opportunity of encountering people that you are going to be genetically attracted to and who are going to think in a similar fashion as yourself.

Thirdly and finally the genetic differences are also going to increase the risk of some diseases and psychological issues in the resultant offspring that are also going to effect fertility at the margins.

So some level of diversity is required, but also homogeneity also offers significant survival advantages, which is why speciation occurs.


Stagmal mentioned that if you have a mixed race child, say African vs Caucasian, then in terms of genetic terms you will be closer to a stranger on the street in your home town – assuming you are from a fairly homogeneous country or town.

I was saying that there is also a relationship between genetic fitness, diversity and fertility. I don’t deny that inter-racial people can be exotically beautiful, but when I say there are some apparent negatives I don’t mean it as a slur but as a fact. I should probably also qualify it and say it is at the margins, but apparently enough to make a statistical difference in fertility.

It makes some sense that genetic familiarity can encourage bonding, and ensures that parent and offspring will share a relative similar way of thinking in so far that part of perception and thinking that is influenced by genetics.

Genetic fitness in terms of fertility is familiar, but not too familiar hence the Westermarck effect. This is not to say in the least that anyone should reconsider inter-racial relationships, Love is Love and people should follow their heart.

But at the same time people should be under no illusions that there there are differences in perceptions, marginal between some groups – much larger between others, which can be added sources of marital conflict. While there are also some genuine marginal negative biologial impacts in terms of reproductive success at the margins.

This should be no barrier to what people choose, I would have no hesitation dating a chick of another race if I was still in the game, but it can help explain some outcomes like higher inter-racial relationship failures that may occur later in life and are also statistically real, yet blamed on ‘?’.

But I still think overcrowding is the most likely explainer, causing both excess exposure to diverse people, and a Calhoun style behavioural sink effect. Living standards matter. 

Without a doubt areas that are being subjected to higher diversity are at the receiving end of the immigration stream and so likely to be experiencing economic hardship and delayed relationship formation and child rearing.

But the article that I originally linked seemed to indicate an effect beyond what economic hardship alone would explain.


all those on the yeast coast whats the weather been like you for youse the past week or two?


Pretty frosty. Hard to get out of the shower. Cold has a real bite to it. This is only 17-19 degrees at peak so I guess 10 degrees I think in the morning. How the fuck do people survive when it’s 4 degrees.

Aussie Soy Boy

The cold doesn’t really bother me, but then again I don’t get around in Kmart trackie dacks and a beanie.


What do you wear a snow bunny suit? The cold has its merits, good for meat pies, everyone is shut in so I don’t have to listen to their shitty voices and shitty dogs so much, good soy boy faggot weather.

Ironic Boomer

T-shirts and shorts in Brisbane. Soft cunts. Sunny too.


Cold as hell in Canberra. We had a max of about 8 degrees during the week, and we had a couple of weeks of minus 3-5.



same here

gets down to like -3 at night here

worst winter in a long time around here

Gruppenführer Mark

Trump got shot.

Ok apparently.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gruppenführer Mark

hes fine he has a jewish powered forcefield now


Not surprising, but still shit. What a fucked up place.

Also, bloody poor marksmanship on the part of the shooter.

A fly in your ointment

Apparently the shot was perfect but fatso moved the head just in time.


Not surprised- the media has been greenlighting some unhinged lefty psycho to do this for at least a year, with all their incessant and inciting calls that a Trump presidency will lead to a Fascist dictatorship and the end of freedom.

If he’d been killed it would be his blood on their hands and they’d be cheering over it, while blaming it on him and his policies rather than their incessant gaslighting.


The left needs to be rounded up and napalmed.


nearly everyone does




If I was Trump I’d say the juice ain’t worth the squeezing, and give politics away.

And having looked at the layout of the place, I’d say:

1. This was a failure of incomprehensible proportions on the part of his security detail. The shooter was able to get a clear shot from a rooftop only about 130m from where Trump was speaking. How did they allow that to happen? And the counter sniper team had a clear shot at him, because they smoked him only a few seconds after he opened fire. What were they doing prior to the shooting?

There’ll be plenty of conspiracy theories about whether it was incompetence, or whether someone was paid to look the other way.

2. I can’t understand how the shooter missed Trump. If it turns out he’d only just bought the gun and had no experience with firearms, that might explain it, otherwise I’m scratching my head.

Aussie Soy Boy

Do you really think a shot from 130m is easy for someone inexperienced? I think you need to stop playing Playstation.


Are you hard of thinking? I wrote that inexperience would be the only excuse for missing that shot.

Beyond that, I don’t play computer games, but I did attend a national shooting championship only a few months ago, I received a shooting club annual championship award this morning and I’ve put over 4000 rounds downrange since the start of this year.

You need to pay attention, and stop eating that soy shit.


Maybe you should try shooting at something that moves?


With people just waiting to shoot back at you.

You might find the experience a bit different to punching holes in paper.


inexperience would be the only excuse for missing that shot.

Trump moving at the time the shot was taken would be the likely reason, something that shooting at things that can move of their own volition would make abundantly clear. But congrats on putting 4000 rounds downrange and still not grasping the concept that your target might move while trying to shoot it.

Agent 47

My 2 cents as someone who did policing at a couple of ASEAN and similar meetings/visits from high level political visits:

No way was that the secret service accidentally missed this guy. My money is currently on inside job, someone has been told to look the other way. It’s Kennedy all over again when the secret service infamously got told to stand down.

If the guy was further out then I’d entertain the idea, but 150 metres away on what appears to be the closest elevated platform? That’s the first area they would have eyes on.

It’s usually 48-72 hours when the truth starts to appear so I’ll wait until further judgment.


I agree. To leave an ideal level, raised shooting platform unsecured within easy rifle shot is unpossible.

Also, if you check the footage, the shooter got off three fairly quick shots, then was engaged and killed by the police snipers within something like 3 seconds after his last shot.

Now, even with expert marksmen, to comprehend that Trump was being engaged, locate the shooter (who was presumably prone) acquire him through their scopes and shoot him seems incredibly fast.

On the other hand, if they had eyes on him beforehand, and were waiting for him to shoot before they engaged him then that would be an easy shot.

I’ve also seen two videos of people who say the saw the shooter climb on the roof with his rifle and advised the cops of his presence *several minutes* before he fired. So if true, the security had several minutes notice of “man with rifle on roof” alerts, and did nothing while Trump spoke.


then was engaged and killed by the police snipers within something like 3 seconds after his last shot.

3 seconds is an eternity in a gunfight.
I also find it amusing that the shooter must be incompetent to miss at that distance but the trained sniper team must be superhuman to hit the shooter without being prewarned at essentially the same distance.


Video here from the crowd that shows the snipers were both lined up on something when the shots were fired. They seem to flinch and adjust their mounts slightly, and then video stops.

It’s possible that they had seen the shooter, but they weren’t sure of the target, and didn’t want to be the snipers who shot an innocent man climbing on a roof to get a better view of Trump.


One key thing I learned today is that the secret service have a directive not to be the ones who shoot first! Makes absolutely no sense from a policy perspective but does go some way to demystifying what happened.

the arborist

Good point, but the reason the directive is in place is still a mystery.

Or is it?

Gruppenführer Mark

Here is your first bit of truth.

A fly in your ointment

If I was Trump I’d say the juice ain’t worth the squeezing, and give politics away.

The aussie convicts way…
Fighting for nuttin… just absorb what cometh

Aussie Soy Boy

I’ve been thinking how does this end with Trump an almost certainty to win, we will have peace in and the end of the grafting in Ukraine (probably still greenlight genocide in Gaza being a jew lover).

Imagine if his brain got splattered on stage though and all those camera, everything in 4k now. None of that grainy Kennedy footage.

Can’t wait for all the conspiracies over the coming weeks and months. Good reading.


Kill trump
A new Republican pick needed
Biden resigns due to health
New Democrat pick beats new Republican pick
Democrats stay in power
Business as usual


we probably wont get peace in ukraine either. read michael tracey on twitter hes been documenting trumps wishy washiness on this one for ages now

he is going to be even worse on gaza than biden theres no probably about it


He’ll get iced for real if he seriously tries to stop Ukraine


all zelensky has to do is fly over to the u.s, say some nice things about his coffee table and he’ll write a blank cheque for weapons there for the next 25 years


I think America just dodged an enormous socio-political bullet.

Had Trump actually had his head shot off in front of a hundred cameras, the MAGA guys would have surely declared open season on Democrat politicians. Dem politicians in the country from Biden down would never have been able to appear in public ever again for fear of a snipers bullet. Just being a democrat supporter or voter would have become a life threatening matter. There would have been public beatings and lynchings….firebombings of party premises etc etc…it would’ve been a catastrophe.

Even now, it wouldn’t surprise me if there are guys thinking that its time to have a bit of tit for tat. The Dems, if they’re smart, are gonna be keeping very low profiles for quite a while.


its hard to assasinate someone while in a mobility scooter so not sure if its possible for americans to engage in mass scale political violence like that anymore


Are you on the piss?

Around 65 million people voted for Trump last time. Let’s say 1 in 10000 are actual extremists, and that’s a pretty severe definition of extremist. That gives you thousands of people who might go to their guns. If 90% of them are useless fat fuckers, that still gives you hundreds of people who are potentially equipped and capable of extreme political violence.

Back in 2002, two niggers with a rifle shut down the entire Washington DC area for three weeks by sniping random white people from their car. 2 idiot blacks.

The Baader-Meinhof gang terrorised Germany and other parts of Europe for 3 decades, and there was only ever a couple of dozen of them.

If a thousand fit and capable white men with guns collectively or individually decide they’ve had enough shit from the woke, then that is all you’d need to entirely shut down the American political system for years, along with large parts of the economy.

For example, tannerite is a legal and readily available explosive in the US. Like anybody can legally buy as much of this stuff whenever they like, from the tannerite shop, no license required.

Trump, and America, both dodged a bullet. The Dems had better take a big breath, and go quietly.


seppos are all talk IMO

the most youll get from them (the most extremely cooked of the cooked) are something equivalent to the capitol hill riots, it might have been a bit worse than that if trump really got iced tho

otherwise theyre just like any other first world pop, theyll rock up to protests but are too busy worrying about paying down their ford f-150 raptor installments to care about initiating violence for any political reason

third worlders in places like SS-africa, gaza and afghanistan are capable of it unlike 1st worlders bc the people in those areas are 50% under the age of 20, perpetually pissed off, unemployed, low IQ, own nothing, no debt, no future, and are genuinely not afraid of death

americans are workaholics and have no life outside their job and no friends, they all die 10 years younger than most first worlders partially bc they literally work themselves to death and are obsessed with accruing material wealth and buying bullshit they dont need to keep up with their status obsessed society

its a fucked up country

ukrainians the weird exception but at this point they havent got a choice and are being forcibly press ganged

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

I agree. No one is gonna go and die for a real estate boomer. You’d have to be so dumb. They’re literal financial rapists and by that effectually actual rapists by making men not be able to afford girls they would’ve gotten.

Agent 47

It’s only accelerated things imo. Retaliation is inevitable imo.


I concur. There’ll be some shooting at/of democrat politicians/shills in the next few weeks.

Agent 47
the arborist



Supposedly the Trump shooter, after return of serve.


I’ll add that, upon reflection,, I don’t think that’s the shooter. Could be, but the blood on his face has totally dried out and cracked, like its many hours old. The shooting happened around 6pm, and I’ve seen footage of the shooters body being dragged off he roof in broad daylight, so the timings don’t work out.

the arborist

I was surprised (although I shouldn’t have been) to see:

a) a female SS agent fail to cover the president with her own small body in the heat of the moment,

b) a female SS agent at the event struggling to holster her pistol,

c) the head of the SS is female.

Everything is DEI and DEI is everything.

Reus's Large MEMBER

DEI = Didn’t Earn It


Such a fat fuck too. I would’ve thought a top priority for the most elite security would be basic fuckin well above average health levels. I wonder if Bidens team are so sub par.


Potential future US president shares her deepest insight.

Seriously, everybody who comes here needs to watch this in its entirety, to understand where shit is at, and the nature of the people who rule over us.


she is jamaican or something i forgot what her ethnicity is

some weird mix


Indian – pajeet style

the arborist

Both, I think. Jamaican pajeet. Not exactly a recipe for high IQ.


Yeah shes half nog half poo. Poos are usually a bit nerdy and above average iq. Some nogs are smart.

the arborist

I could be wrong, but I think most people – even many leftists – are aware of what a moron that woman is.


It no doubt works, dumb Oprah style platitudes for bubble head women. Dems could fart in a microphone and their base would still vote for them.


Heh this was from around the late 80s.

The ezfka legacy citizen fears the builder.


I wannabe the iinet mick. I wonder how many ips he has. Based.

Aussie Soy Boy

Trump’s assassination attempt is basically already out of the new cycle.


nope lol

might as well rename the abc the trump and america news network at this point


ABC has been jizzing so much over the Trump shooting that they’re at risk of self-mummification.

The one amusing part was watching a couple of ABC hosts listen to a Trump supporter suggesting it was the Democrats/Biden that tried to kill Trump and all the hosts could do was sit there deadpan while the old fart cooked.


been thinking about how europeans have some degree of Nneanderthal dna recently and i came to the realisation – given this fact, there are people who identify and are recognised legally as aboriginal in australia who are actually more genetically neanderthal than they are aboriginal


we always ask for ‘are u aboriginal/torres strait islander’ on govt, job application, medical and census forms etc by that logic why isnt there a neanderthal checkbox too? i should go around calling myself a neanderthal

this is me walkin around aus

if pure unadmixed neanderthals and even say homo erectus (not carried on in the form of the south sudanese in the latter case) existed today would people be able to live around them? or would they be considered non human. id say given current political sensitivies theyd definitely be considered homo sapiens and we would be giving then bennies and shit

the arborist

Do it next census. Identify as Neanderthal. If there isn’t a box to tick, write it in. Start the Neanderthal movement.






lets all start doing it funny as

the arborist

I’m in. Will proudly identify on every form and forum available.

Aussie Soy Boy

Trump assassination attempt definitely out of the news cycle now. About 36 hours after it happened.


are they supposed to run stories about it indefinitely? what more is to say without new information?

if it really was a big conspiracy by the dems its amazing how they were smart enough to completely cover their tracks on that but for some reason not smart enough to hire someone who wasnt kicked out of their HS rifle club for being terrible at shooting


MKUltra isn’t without its problems

Aussie Soy Boy

If it was a negro criminal dying of a heart attack while under arrest this story would be exploited by the media for the next 6 months.


Media is going to bias….


maybe try again tomorrow – maybe that’ll suit your point


If you post that comment every day, it will eventually be true.


we all out here hopin it be true soon

but we’ve got another four years of hearing about trump every day and maybe more than that now he’s probably gonna win

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

He’s been going to win for years.
The dems like all wokies have turned everything to shit. and people noticed.


not really, if bidens crap debate performance and the assassination hadnt happend he might not be doing so well rn

this hasnt felt like a certainish thing at all until now

trump didnt even do anything about the wokies he sat on his ass while BLM burned down america in 2020

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

Trump was polling high beforehand but the debate just made it a certainty.

this hasnt felt like a certainish thing at all until now

Then you really haven’t been paying attention properly.

trump didnt even do anything about the wokies he sat on his ass while BLM burned down america in 2020

See my earlier statement about separation of powers. Trump had no powers to do anything about it. Presidential powers are outwardly focused.


ok so people being sick of the wokies should know that then it doesnt fucking matter who they vote for if they want the president to do something about “the wokies”

4 years of trump only made the wokies stronger than ever and caused them to cesnor the whole intenet and totally restrict the information flow so the only places you can say anything anymore are fringe blogs like this joint and on certain controversialist twitter profile feeds

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

then it doesnt fucking matter who they vote for if they want the president to do something about “the wokies”

The parliamentary representatives are who they need to vote for to effect change in that regard. Good luck with that though given their system isn’t much different to ours.




Video from the Trump shooting of numerous people observing the guy setting up on the roof, calling out to a cop etc, but obviously nothing happened.

Utterly mind-boggling to a normal person, but the expected result of the application of DEI principles to a security team.


or the selection of the worst of the worst specifically for that team…


That’s what he said DEI


No DEI would be the selection of the worst of the worst for ALL THE TEAMS.


Christ, you’re dumb!


If you say so…specifically

Last edited 3 months ago by commentBot
Aussie Soy Boy

There’s probably no communication between security, police, secret service. Even if they spot him, the last thing they want to do is blow the head off a prankster or someone related to George Floyd. There hasn’t been a high profile assassination attempt since Reagan right that’s 40 plus years. Everyone was likely too complacent.


Yes. Since Lon Horiuchi shot Vick Weaver at Ruby Ridge back in the day, no US police sniper has wanted to be The Sniper Who Shoots The Wrong Person.

Credible reports say the counter snipers had the shooter in their scopes for 4 minutes before he engaged Trump, and they were waiting for someone to tell them to shoot him. Also, the counter snipers in the videos were apparently local rural plod, not Secret Service, which explains a lot.

It all seems like a mammoth cock-up, largely due to the DEI SS team being rookies, women and other hopeless cases.

If you watch the videos and see how the female SS officers react, well, you’ll see what you expect to see from DEI hires under pressure at work. One struggled to holster her service weapon, and another spent precious seconds putting her cool shades back on. Even my missus noticed how bad they were.

The idiot diversity hire running the SS, who is promoting a massive campaign of DEI hiring at the SS (women, LGBTWTF, Indians(feather) and actual retards) should be fired immediately. But she won’t be.

Gruppenführer Mark

The local police had a three-man SWAT element inside the building where the shooter, who was on the roof, was located. That created some confusion for the counter snipers who were observing the shooter crawling up on the roof. We will have to wait for the communications to be released to know exactly what was said — the counter snipers probably were trying to confirm if the guy they were seeing was part of the group inside the building.

Not sure where this information comes from, but if true, it is a massive screw up and incompetence, but not malice.



providing insufficient secret service to do the job properly would be malice though. Especially while making public statements that he needs to be removed, is an imminent threat to democracy, and is literal hitler.

the arborist

Sometimes malice creates incompetence as a cover.

1) paint your enemy as ‘literally hitler’ and repeat ad nauseam

2) undermine and weaken your enemy’s protection / defence

3) wait for one of the countless drones you encouraged in step one to do what you want them to do

4) profit


Yeah – it is called Stochastic Terrorism.

It is statistically predictable and likely that doing the above will create the right conditions for the required event to be fulfilled by one loon or another.

Gruppenführer Mark

Thanks, Stewie, learned a new term today.

Gruppenführer Mark

Not sure I am in agreement that item 2 is what happened. Seems more like an oversight / lack of coordination, or outright lack of professionalism / fear to shoot first, rather than purposefully undermining or weaking the protection detail.

Snipers Were INSIDE Building Used By Trump Failed Assassin; Reported Him Using Range Finder, Took Pictures, And Command Did Nothing | ZeroHedge

The article provides some more detail, and it looks like a complete and utter fuckup. I do not see local LEOs allowing or being complicit. That doesn’t mean that they won’t be blamed for it.


If the secret service doesn’t have the required resources and has to rely on local law enforcement that aren’t up to the task then that is a systematic “purposefully undermining or weaking the protection detail” for all trump events rather than this one specifically.

the arborist

Notice how Trump’s SS detail included short / fat / old / females prior to the attempt. Since then, they’re back to tall, competent-looking men.

Lots of other dodgy details abound.


The new EZFKA theme song?

Or perhaps this one is actually more appropriate,


this aids in audio form


I like Pulling on the Boots.

Bring back Doc Martens.


The Four Corners documentary on Trump is pretty interesting. Actually fairly balanced but obviously still favours the left. Probably about 60-40. Talks about Project2025 and how the deep state, ie tons of government employees, thwarted Trump last time and so now they want to get rid of them.


this project 2025 shit sounds dumb af


Not as dumb as claiming the secret service rushed trump off stage after a fall...


i remember when snopes was a fun website that talked about cool urban legends like whether the maccas burgers were made of roach meat now its just a gay shitlib online fact checker for boomers


Maybe, but it was the first site that had a capture of the ridiculous cnn article they are trying to disown.


it’s just more left-wing conspiracy shit


conspiracy shit is usually right wing, so whats their take whats supposed to happen in 2025?


It’s all just bullshit.

e tons of government employees, thwarted Trump last time and so now they want to get rid of them

What thwarted trump is the separation of powers set up by the founding fathers of the US, and the actions of their federal parliaments. On domestic policy the US president has virtually no power to set policy. On foreign policy the parliament is limited and the president has free reign.

So what did trump actually do, and what was he thwarted on?
I seem to remember him doing stuff on china, and borders in general, and not achieving much internally. Funny that, isn’t it.


That’s a good point. They didn’t really mention that on Four Corners. So I’m just expecting more grifting and anything ‘based’ won’t really effect the boomerjewnomics environment we live in. A bit of good might happen like white men might not be discriminated against so much in the work place.


They didn’t really mention that on Four Corners.

There’s a surprise. The MSM pushing a narrative over the facts. Whocouldanode?


They’re right about removing the Fed’s employment mandate.


It sounds like back to more early boomer times but without the $5 house prices. Oh well it could be better in the long run for youngins. I’ve got no problem with abortion it seems to me its 99% people who would make bad parents that get them. But I don’t much care either way.


Getting an abortion is probably the definition of being a bad parent, which is why I’m largely in favour of them. An abortion is a tragic thing, but not the worst tragic thing.


Well if there’s a god then the soul that was in the feetus that got aborted will go to a feetus that will have nice parents. God fags seem to be pretty particular when and where the paranormal occurs.


coming where art thou


He’s got himself a slag like Brittany and he’s having massive sex slamming her cellulite ridden butt. They use the KFC app.


Even he got sick of how lame boring and repetitive this place has gotten…

the arborist

If it bores you, why are you here?


I’m here to try to keep the people spreading bullshit here accountable to try and save the place.
But it seems thats what you all want so I’ll probably give up and leave soon.

Why are you here?


Do you post multi page posts saying the same shit over and over recruiting people to your cause?

the arborist

I’m here because I like the opinion / knowledge sharing and banter. I don’t find it boring.

Good on you for trying to keep the place safe and mainstream.


He literally won

The latest Lyn Alden newsletter confirmed the absolute correctness of Comingonomics


What postulate of Comingonomics did it confirm?



it was actually other posters here that put the meat on the bone when discussing fiscal dominance being a path that could lead to interest rates being inflationary at some point in the US.

coming just pointed to places like japan as proof that low interest rates were deflationary while claiming that higher interest rates where inflationary. we’ve got enough data over this tightening cycle to show that was nonsense.

take the massive immigration and the crazy re-shoring spend in the US out and it would’ve been even more pronounced


interest rates being inflationary at some point in the US.

That isn’t what the article says, from my very brief look. It says the economy has been de-sensitized to interest rate changes.


It’s implicit in what’s being said. Read it again and read her previous pieces on the subject.

Higher interest rates potentially could cause inflation if fiscal spending is large enough relative to private money creation channels, resulting in higher money creation in aggregate.

The US being de-sensitized to interest rates is because of years of QE and ZIRP.


If you want to raise someone up, first you must lower them.
If you want to lower someone, first you must raise them up.

Lowering interest rates to zero guarantees maximum economic pain when you have your captured audience and choose to raise rates beyond ZIRP.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

Higher interest rates potentially could cause inflation if fiscal spending is large enough relative to private money creation channels, resulting in higher money creation in aggregate.

So fiscal spending causes inflation if it is big enough is what you are saying, and what interest rates are doing is not relevant.


coming was the most wonkish authoritarian on earth


Any opinions on how many people will be killed during the Islamic
mass casualty terrorist attacks at the Olympics?

Reus's Large MEMBER

Not as many as are going to be killed in the war that the Democrats are going to start in order to retain power and control, now that media lies, lawfare and assassination did not work, it is the only option left


And just like that, there were no short, fat, clumsy, unskilled women in Trump’s considerably increased close protection detail.

the arborist

And it seems the dems and their media mouthpieces have toned down their rhetoric about crosshairs, bullseyes, taking him out and literally hitler.

They’ve tried taking him off ballots… jailing him… murdering him…

Everything they do just makes him stronger.


Everything they do just makes him stronger.

That’s because they are beyond incompetent.
And Hubris, lots of hubris.
Muting trumps mic at the debate is the biggest own goal I’ve seen for a long time. The worst think you could possibly do is just let biden talk.