Surf live saver celebrates Australia Day risking his life for Indians that can’t swim

A surf live saver has celebrated Australia Day risking his life for another group of foreigners that ignore all warnings to not go in the water.

As The Age runs cover for four Indians that drowned swimming in a spot that they clearly weren’t supposed to, veteran surf live saver Chris said he was looking forward to more of the same shit that has gotten out of control since the border re-opened from COVID.

“Tragedy? More like Darwin Awards. Probably the first time in a month they’d had a wash of any kind. I’m basically volunteering to go and risk my life for people who don’t give a shit. It’s enough putting up with Indian drivers on the roads, the beaches aren’t safe either,” Chris said.

“This has been going on for years but no-one said anything because house prices. None of the cunts can swim and are given warning signs in every single fucking language not to go in the water, but yet it’s apparently a tragedy for not using common sense.”

“When they aren’t trying to shit on the beach, take photos of underage girls on their phones or genuinely being obnoxious cunts, they’re tying up our resources thinking they can swim when the most water they’ve bathed in their lives is knee deep in shit in some sewer in New Dehli.”

However, Chris said it wasn’t just isolated to subcontinent.

“The Chinese tourists down at Lorne and Torquay are just as retarded, like cunt don’t get in the water if you can’t swim. You should be used to that with the state of most Chinese rivers.”

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I used to rock fish regularly, it was my zen place.
Well, as any Aussie knows, fishing off the rocks is one of the more dangerous activities you can do, you better be careful and know what you’re doing.

So the other day I was out fishing when this Asian woman (maybe 40’s) arrived. She had all the gear one could possibly buy, dressed neck to ankle in “safety gear” fluro orange life jackets, rock boots and wet weather pants / jacket. It wasn’t dangerous conditions (not for anyone experienced) but you definitely needed to be cautious.

So she arrives with this little folding lawn chair (with stubby legs maybe 6inch long) and sits down while fishing (first time I’ve ever seen anyone sit down like this). But the spot she picked to sit down wasn’t just wet, water was actually running across there into the fissure she was fishing.

Hmmm anyone else might ask…where’s all the F’ing water coming from? or I wounder why it’s wet here? but none of this troubled her. So anyway I decided to help her. Maybe I said this wrong but I said something like You shouldn’t fish there… Anyway she goes off at me telling me that it’s a free country etc, etc, so I’m like F’it, drown if you want to.

Sure enough not even 15 minutes goes by before a big set washes her with all her gear into water. The wave came across the rock behind her (she wasn’t even facing in the right direction to see the wave). Well she had so much heavy gear on that she was sinking even with the life jacket. However, as luck would have it the next wave surge pushed her up across the rock and she got out minnus all her fishing gear. F’ing unbelievable, but then get this, she gives me an earful for not jumping in to try to rescue her.

What really pisses me off is when they get on their high horse and want laws passed to make rock fishing illegal or safe or F’knows what…stupidity knows no limits.


My Dad taught me to always face the water while fishing on the rocks.

And you would’ve been quite justified in tossing her back in the water.

A fly in your ointment

Welcome to Australia.
Penalties apply


so israel got served pretty hard by the icj?

that’s my understanding of it – the duran guys here seem pretty correct in their analysis of the decision

everything questionable they do from here can only add fuel to a future international criminal proceeding


So I’ve been thinking about foreigners who shit in public, after seeing exactly that happen while driving around town recently. It’s the first time in my entire life I’ve seen someone do that, and it was utterly incomprehensible at the time.

How does an adult get in a position where it becomes necessary to do that?

Is it a matter of “Habib! STOP THE CAR or I’m gonna detonate and full it with shit” or is it simply “Could you just pull over for a second please Habib, I’d like to take a dump”.

Do the cultures they come from simply accept public shitting as a run-of-the-mill thing that anybody might do if they felt like it and it ain’t no thang? Is there no stigma attached to it?

Or is there stigma, but these people are so disorganised and dysfunctional that they can’t sort themselves out and control themselves and get to a toilet on time.

There also seems to me to be an aspect of fudamental lack of respect for others as well. As in “I know this is disgusting and filthy, but I don’t care, so fuck you”.

Australia sure isn’t the place I grew up. I absolutely loathe and despise these horrible creatures.


What’s this “Waiting for approval” shit?

A fly in your ointment

If you ask stagmal he’ll tell you you’re not being logged in doofus. Never mind that your post before that went trough and the next one does not.
Methinks peach just got moderation offshore to Bangladesh and they don’t understand that a slope also means a lean angle of any flat surface

Hopefully it will wane for you like it did for me


why has a simple wordpress account given us so much grief


Interesting thread here about a demographic trend emerging between men and women:




Absolutely brilliant. Growing up hearing attacks on men on the radio and TV and newspapers, including my mother attacking my father to me in the car, made me suspicious of women. I barely managed to reproduce, and now divorced I have l very little desire to pursue women. The prospect of negotiating their rotten progressive bullshit is too nauseating to stomach. I can be a woman’s colleague but that’s it.


WTF are they on about?

You think you hate journalists enough but you don’t…


Feminists have reached Marie Antoinette levels.

>It was the seedy side of the 1980s, a decade currently considered particularly nostalgic for some reason, perhaps because people believe it was a simpler, less noisy time, before technology snaked into our most intimate moments and places, commanding our time and obedience, demanding devotion. Easy to forget, though, as we bounce about to Wham! documentaries, the clouds of prejudice, intolerance, violence and corruption that shadowed that decade.

What a load of shit. 80s ruled and everyone who is normal thinks so. 95% of people loved life in the gloriousness of a very white Australia.


Teach your daughters to be based traditionalists and you will have as many descendants as there are stars.


80s wasn’t even that trad. Most of the mums worked. Mine didn’t. But I kind of wish she did because she became annoying as I got older.

But given that even the most so called conservative of women revel in having these powers over us I wouldn’t stand in the way if they got put back in the kitchen.


most of those online trad girls are absolutely mentally ill and busted, avoid them


Lol – wish I’d had these charts when I did the Longhouse blog

Last edited 8 months ago by Stewie

Wish I’d had these charts when I did the Longhouse blog


people just cant be chill anymore. no one can handle anyone who disagrees with them its pathetic


This is interesting…

Jew in position of power slips $27.5m of taxpayer cash to his Jewish mates.

Nice and quiet thanks Mark. Oy vey

I can guarantee when the Leftards bring up the backhanders by Scomo and his mates, they won’t mention this one.


Well spotted.

I see it’s for community service, so if questioned they can just roll out the always rising anti-ism and say it’s needed for that while the cash goes straight into the pockets of grifters.



A grant has been awarded to rapidly implement additional security measures for the Jewish community in the context of the Israel/Hamas conflict, with a focus on Jewish schools and pre-schools.


Jewish schools already have security, anyway they’re private so it’s their cost and their choice (taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for it).

Wonder how long before the rent a crowd ‘Free Palestine’ Facists get a hold of this info?


lol – it has already been disseminated.


you gotta love their obsession with ‘protection’ lmao, like absolutely any of them are in any sort of meaningful danger. absolutely full of fucking shit – histrionic sooks

the most danger a jew in australia has been in in the past 50 years is when they saw a swaztika drawn (likely by another jew) in biro above a public bathroom urinal


Theres more.

Dreyfus rewarding his people with our taxes again. This time half a million for his Rabbi in Woolahra


any illusions or false hopes any of you have of this guy hopefully will be gone now

-biggest ziocuck on the block

-wants a billion indians here just like albo

-anti white

what does he offer albo doesnt already? what’s the difference here?


Does anyone think he’ll make a difference? Part of his move to the centre so he can elected on “reduced” immigration.


His handlers are such faggots drafting this for him too.

Meanwhile the visa application is going well for these Pajeets


we need someone like this to interview him as though he were the other guy in the clip


neo nazis are fucking loser though


Thats why I’m probably gonna vote Labor. At least they are 2 state solution and not war mongery with China.


If Dutton was based, he wouldn’t even be a Liberal MP much less the leader


That’s why I am probably gonna vote Labor.


What choice does he have, nasty neo-Nazi skin heads. Of course National Socialists on the other hand are a very nice breed of people.


those guys are blockheads but their message is legit – and dutton disagrees with the message


Amazing. Australians of the year actually doing something difficult and honourable.

I didn’t really see it in the media though, had to google it.

A fly in your ointment

Congratulations on the next batch of replacement Aussies. They were escorted to the nearest bank right after the ceremony for signing the new mortgage as finals steps of integration and assimilation.
The masterminds behind this are….. squirrel!!!!

Apparently 100% of trhem will oppose the changes to the 26. JAN as the Aus day, they would just rename it the Bahrat liberation day.


Everyone likes Butter Chicken.


its the only indian meal legacy australians order


And Korma. Tastes even better with free propadee $$$. The legacy Australian fears the chilli.


korma blows imo

all indian restaurants are identical same with chinese restaurants, pretty sure they all order from the same bulk suppliers


I find out of the 3 chinese near me they vary a fair bit. One is tops, cooks everything fresh, the other one is ok, he cooks fresh but is too much of a dork to do it real nice, and the other one I reckon has everything pre-made and survives on clueless boomers that still think chicken in oyster sauce is the shiz.

I guess that’s one of the benefits of living in an overpopulated town.

As for indian food I’m no expert but the meat is tender and it gives me a good spice fix when I’m up for it and the samosas are nicely fried so it’s pretty good I reckon.

A fly in your ointment

Chinks restaurants in malls and takeaways is mostly Yankee modified stuff. Pig leftovers mix.
When you learn where chinks go to eat chink food, it’s farken out of thuis world and nothing like those rice and 2 choices stuff.
There’s a great Sichuan restaurant in Burrwood near the train bridge and another one in Auburn close to the railroad overpass with fantastic hot pot. Food worth the travel. I go there regularly.


its almost like cuisines change to suit regional tastes and stuff or something, who could have thought

A fly in your ointment

nope, it’s to make it sellable to fat yanks. MSG galore et voila fat slobs eat fattening fodder no slope wants to touch
you’ll never see slopes eating there. only at proper Chinese restaurants.
Did you ever see fried bats wings at your local mall, or boiled cat bowels soup?


“”its almost like cuisines change to suit regional tastes and stuff or something, who could have thought”

“nope, it’s to make it sellable to fat yanks.”

what’s the difference between these two statements

A fly in your ointment

Putting curry on fish and chips in Bahrat is adjustment to taste, making beef-curry samoosas for poms is not.


only when white people do it or its for white people is it illegitimate

got it

Aussie Soy Boy

You eat the bat not the wings. Tastes like chicken. It’s good.


I think Justin Hemmes has a really nice Asian place in one of his fancy pubs. Mark Wiens went there. I wouldn’t mind going there but I don’t have free propadee $$$.

A fly in your ointment

Not sure what you want to say.
I always look for those dirty looking restaurants in chinks dominated suburbs (or near by) where dominantly chinks come in and go out in loads.
There’s an excellent hand made on the spot and never frozen dumplings restaurant/takeaway opposite Epping trains tstion (next to bus stops). That’s proper wonton for tastebuds.

A fly in your ointment

Everyone likes Butter Chicken

In my experience of n<20 expat poms, it was 21 that liked red curry and half loved brown poosy



A fly in your ointment

Excellent bait for some to swallow the hook and the sink and the line too without even a thought of who’s behind the Shimano reel and the fibre fishing rod.


Credit cleanskins ready to leverage up our social capital and run the ponzi for another couple years.


So I’ve been thinking about foreigners who shit in public, after seeing exactly that happen while driving around town recently. It’s the first time in my entire life I’ve seen someone do that, and it was utterly incomprehensible at the time.

How does an adult get in a position where it becomes necessary to do that?

Is it a matter of “Habib! STOP THE CAR or I’m gonna detonate and full it with shit” or is it simply “Could you just pull over for a second please Habib, I’d like to take a dump”.

Do the cultures they come from simply accept public shitting as a run-of-the-mill thing that anybody might do if they felt like it and it ain’t no thang? Is there no stigma attached to it?

Or is there stigma, but these people are so disorganised and dysfunctional that they can’t sort themselves out and control themselves and get to a toilet on time.

There also seems to me to be an aspect of fudamental lack of respect for others as well. As in “I know this is disgusting and filthy, but I don’t care, so fuck you”.

Australia sure isn’t the place I grew up. I absolutely loathe and despise these horrible creatures

A fly in your ointment

No shitting here(and no intended pun either)
Irritable bowel don’t ask its owner for permission. When it pulls an alarm lever it allows few seconds before detonation. An illness of modern times.

And where do you think bears poop?


Same phenomenon as this I would say:

Out of sight, out of mind.
Even if your colonic express becomes a surprise for someone else.


I was expecting you guys to be all over what is happening in Texas. This is the kind of shit that could evolve into a civil war. Two second summary as I understand it:

  • Biden fulfilling Clinton’s dream of open borders and perpetual Democrat-presidency
  • Texas enacting invasion clause and protecting its borders with National Guard
  • Federal court told Texas to GAGF
  • Texas told Federal Court to GAGF
  • Many other states supporting Texas and considering sending their troops to Texas

i think everyone is just sick of american stuff – that country produces nothing but trouble for the rest of us these days

Aussie Soy Boy

Trump’s the biggest jew boy of them all


Yeah, it worries me a bit. Everyone votes MIGA, then he says yeah k lets go kill sand niggers for jews. Then whitey is gonna feel more obliged because they put their faith in an old boomer real estate cunt because the twitter lefties pissed them off.


The risk is that Trump empowers and activates the Christian fundamentalists as a voting block and after he sets the groundwork for US Nationalism, the next fella that comes in isn’t quite a Zionist cuck and manages to turn their Christian lobby inside out over US Nationalism and ZOG being incompatible.

Last edited 8 months ago by Stewie

The risk is that Trump empowers and activates the Christian fundamentalists as a voting block.

After he sets the groundwork for US Nationalism, the next fella that comes in isn’t a Zionist cuck like Trump, and manages to turn their Christian lobby inside out over US Nationalism and ZOG being fundamentally incompatible.


Do you think the Republican governors sincerely care about this issue or is it political theatre?

Biden will probably lose the election over this open border shit, even blacks and Hispanics hate it because they have to compete with these people for low paying jobs.

Immigration is more important than staying in power for these politicians though. Whoever replaces them will be corrupted into backing the same policies except possibly Trump.


Do you think the Republican governors sincerely care

If immigration is the only policy available to win government, then of course they care.

even blacks and Hispanics hate it because they have to compete with these people for low paying jobs

As is my experience speaking to jimmies in Australia. They eventually understand that they are really only here to make existing workers suffer, and that they too will suffer by the same policies.


I think it is interesting at how little coverage the media is giving it. IMHO because they sense Biden has painted himself into a corner with this. They want it to die, if Biden has any sense he will let it do too.

It is interesting. I remember reading back years ago on Zero Hedge on all these large facilities FEMA camps that the US was building. If Trump gets in all those un-used facilities are suddenly going to be turned into deportation camps, run by private prison companies.

And what was the trigger? Why the Matriarchy and its Allies.


The Yanks are all talk. The best Trump can hope to do is stop the tide of illegals at the border. Then you are in a position for a 1-off type amnesty for those of decent character and deport any criminal types.
I don’t think you’ll see mass deportations whatever Trump says.

A fly in your ointment

It’s a little game of poker combined with the game of chicken. It will fizzle out soon

The independence of Texas is just a gambit.
Mind you, when yanks cannot sell the debt any more, expect an outcome as if lactose intolerant just ate lactose loaded product: massive detonation within minutes.

A fly in your ointment

did you guys do anything exciting today


I looked at a recently built low-rise apartment and found myself wondering how many buildings would collapse if Sydney ever had an earthquake.


what are they like on the inside?


New apartments are genuinely nicely finished apart from the cheap roller blinds.


Are they? It looks like they have all bulk purchased the same style of bathroom tile and kitchen fittings to me.
The builds get cheaper and cheaper and less durable.
The only aim is to make then look ‘luxury’ at point of sale.

The floor plate thickness must be now at the very lower end of tolerances and walls between apartments are no longer solid compared to builds of 15-20yrs ago giving many of them acoustic problems with the neighbours above and to the sides.
Minimum number of elevators, no goods lifts etc all to save money.


I don’t mind the fittings. Better than the hideous crap from the 70s and 80s. But you are right about the “point of sale” comment. It is to suck in the ignorant foreign buyers.

There are some nicer things about newer apartments. The insulation is better (less noise). The elevators make it a retirement proposition as there is no way elderly people want to walk up and down stairs, nor do they necessarily want the security risk of living on the ground floor.

Minimum elevators are not just a money saving exercise for the builder. They are expensive to maintain which adds to strata fees and hence reduces value of the apartment.


Well 70/80s builds are not really the yardstick.
I don’t think the recent builds have better insulation, you can’t go better than a solid concrete wall if you want insulation from the neighbour, but these days you will often find essentially a glorified ‘acoustic’ wallboard solution, which clearly doesn’t do it’s job if you can hear the neighbour opening their kitchen cupboards and underwear draws.

True that elevators are expensive to maintain, however is it better to have the load spread over 2 or 3 lifts?
If you need to call a service technician out yearly anyway, what is the marginal cost of them servicing an additional lift? It would be interesting to see the real world data.

I’ve seen places with only a single lift installed which is nuts when it goes offline and you have sold to a bunch of elderly.
Removal of goods lifts means the main lifts rapidly get banged up and damaged from people constantly moving in and out. This makes the building start to look tired earlier than it otherwise would.


The plastic in the light switches couldn’t be cheaper and thinner. As you press them on and off the whole plastic cover creaks and bends, and is never able to be fastened to the wall without moving.


I just climbed a decent hill (200m vertical over 1.7km horizontal) as part of my training for doing Ben Nevis in the UK in May. Felt good.


never knew minns was jewish


they are everywhere


Wow, went to mick school. Fuck they can hide well. Leader of NSW Libs is kike too.


Where is the evidence for this?