New War

Hamas attacks Israel. Forces seen inside Israel. Netanyahu declares a state of war.

Telegram channels full of photos and videos of fighting, one Merkava IV MBT on fire, IDF equipment seized, Hamas controls settlements inside Israel.

Shit is getting realer and realer every day.

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What is unique about this particular attack is that in their previous rocket attacks Hamas was using makeshift recycled rockets that were fairly ineffective whereas from the footage these rockets seem much more effective.

Then there is the other element in that Hamas was able to get passed the wall which purportedly had good motion detectors etc.

It would be a twisted irony if these weapons were from the United States and intended for Ukraine and made it to Hamas and used against Israel.

Also, what wad the inciting incident? The stacks two years ago were based on some skirmishes in AL Aqsa mosque, but this seems like the general for Hamas said ‘now is the time!’ But why now ?


The Zionists had over a thousand trespassers force their way into Al Aqsa over the previous week so that has happened again. However, the attack was clearly planned well before that happened.


it’ll be over in a few days probably

Agent 47

Tet offensive. Will get pushed back but yes have seen the footage of the Israeli forces on the gaza border being overrun very easily.

These psychos want their third temple built so I wouldn’t be surprised if that gets hit.


There’s some crazy videos out there.

Palestinian fighters parachuting into Gaza

IDF solider thrown out of his tank.


Dead IDF female solider stripped on the back of a truck.


Now that shit is the sort of thing that will cause issues for the Palestinians.

Muslims no doubt think its a good idea to parade around with their vehicles decorated with the nude bodies of dead women. The rest of the world will look at that and think “They’re monsters…kill ’em all”.

banana man

Thats actually a german hippie that was attending a psytrance party in the desert. Was the universo parrallello launch party, heaps of videos emerging.


Saw some video of a Hamas paraglider with an LGQBTI coloured parachute

lmao shit is wild

thank you GF mark

hope you and stagmal will keep us updated with the military autist information


nah not me i didnt even know this was happening and im not interested anymore


This is exponentially more interesting than conflict in the Ukraine


i meant that too

but at this point that is probably true


Yeah just one bunch of marsh Arabs fighting another slightly better armed bunch of marsh Arabs.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Stewie – where is your cultural sensitivity training thread? I’ve misquoted your arguments enough and need the source material.


I’ve put it back up. Let me know if you still can’t see it

The sensitivity training was only one aspect of my work’s cultural cringe/hostility to our collective history. The thing that first made me start paying attention was something as simple as the desk top images.

After people started posting all sorts of stuff as desk top images most Corporations took control over that and for most companies it is some simple inane work related information or update.

At my place of work I noticed all these wokish screen savers soon after I started. Then Christmas came around and rather than even acknowledge it we got an IT notice over the whole Christmas holiday period.

The a week or so into January we had a screen celebrating Chinese New Year, which stayed up until the day after Australia Day, when they replaced it with a sustainable growth advert.

Then over March when Easter was this year, we had a Pride Celebration picture, International Women’s Day, and then when ANZAC Day came around they put up one for Eid Mubarak celebrating the end of Ramadam.

So no acknowledgement of Christmas, Easter, Australia Day or Anzac Day, but we get told about Ramadan, Vagina Day and endless Desk Top images of Pride and Indigigenous celebration.

This isn’t accidental, the cultural cringe and choices are deliberate.


That’s a joke. Why do you still work there?


Changed jobs, too soon to change again 🙁

Will do at the first opportunity though.


That tanker was already dead. His tank was brewing up, and he was floppy when they threw him onto the deck.

I’ll be interested to see how they managed to disable an MBT.


Blowing a track off is the easy way.


Hamas spokesperson Khaled Qadomi has told Al Jazeera that the group’s military operation is in response to all the atrocities the Palestinians have faced over the decades.

So no specific reason at all really. They just felt like it. Typical muslim bullshit.

A fly in your ointment

so…. atrocities is not a reason enough to grub a gun?


apparently the israelis raided a mosque or something prior to when this broke out

A fly in your ointment

It’s like a road rage there, both sides are fueling it. One has dedication, the other has powerful serf.

Nothing there is ever without a reason, a series of actions and reactions (inside a spiral).


Start of a religious war. lol x 1000


I’m looking forward to the heavily conflicted takes and cognitive dissonance here over the next few days


im somewhat pro islam so theres no dilemma for me


Very edgy


isnt it the pc position


yes that’s what it’s edgy


None of this would be happening if Phil had just RAISED RATES


But seriously this is not going to be good for inflation / oil prices

we remember what they did last time this happened


bad for ukraine prob assuming it continues


Yes I’m here for your and marks takes about whether USA can fight on two fronts here

might have to let the Ukraine go

A fly in your ointment

might be “to pave the way for Ukes to go”. Overton window shift.


this wont last long enough to matter and the materel needs of sustaining a fight against something like hamas is trivial


compared to the russian federation that is


A fly in your ointment

“None of this would be happening if Phil had just RAISED RATES [sufficiently]”

there, I corrected it for you.

but your sarcasm is otherwise very good here.


Islamic theology pushes cousin marriage, because mo married one of his cousins. Criticising islamic cousin marriage is considered to be criticising mo, and will get you killed by Muslims.

The result is that Muslims always have been and always will be inbred (literally) stupid, violent savages.

I’m no fan of the small hatters, but the muslims are not really the team to cheering for.


Hopefully those Hamas war crime videos finally give Israel the political cover to let the IDF off the leash.

We all know that if the situation were reversed the Jews would’ve been wiped out years ago.

I can’t believe the restraint Israel has shown tbh.

Dr Shmitty

The number of Israelis who have killed throughout the entire duration of the Palestine-Israel relative to Palestinians is proportionally minimal. They haven’t shown restraint at all…


The fact that Hamas still exists shows the level of restraint Israel has shown. Israel should’ve been wiped out Hamas years ago.

To Israel’s credit they have at least tried to avoid civilian casualties. Not so for Hamas who, along with their pathetic sympathisers here and abroad, seem to rejoice in the rape, torture and murder of innocent civilians.



Restraint indeed. It certainly looks like israel had the resolve to play the long game and hold back until hamas finally go too far and fundamentally destroy their own credibility as any sort of valid political movement and out themselves as terrorists.

given the cost in human lives that we now know it has involved, it’s also a pretty hard-nosed game, perhaps bordering on cynical.

A fly in your ointment

The result is that ___________ always have been and always will be inbred (literally) stupid, violent savages.

Now insert over there the other culture in the region which married not just cousins but their siblings too, to retain wealth within the family with a surname usually bearing the name of strong or precious metals.

The literal difference of the side you chose is that it can appeal to non Semitic gullible emotions woth success. Otherwise, lesser difference between them than a banjo guy in Deliverance and the Ipswich oi-oi bogan

Aussie Soy Boy

I’ve been consistent in my support of muslims on here


That’s why everybody thinks you’re an idiot.

No normal person supports Islam.


I’m just not going to give a shit.


This is my position too, although I would like to see Hamas a little better armed so both sides can tear each other up more effectively.


the egyptians nearly beat the israelis in 1973, the key to defeating them (and all american attendant armies) is effective anti air weaponry


Id say the key is launching a surprise attack with enough force to destroy them in a day or two. The egyptians didnlt manage that and got a stout kicking once isreal mobilised. Hamas will be massacred once isreal mobilise this time.


wow this is fucking HEINOUS if true

blood coming from the arse of an IDF soldier after being anally raped



this is going to be a holy war
weve got to be inches away from a nuke


Some poor naive German girl who thought it would be okay to attend a Rave for Peace in Gaza


Sorta like those 2 Scandi chicks a few years ago who thought going camping by themselves in Morocco would be a great idea.

They were abducted, raped and beheaded on camera. Their shrieks and gurgling noises weren’t pretty.


google necklacing that happens to ppl who go to slums in south africa to volunteer and shit


Yeah nah, not keen to look that video up.


Iron dome was based on American air defence technology so it was bound to fail.


Iron dome was based on American air defence technology so it was bound to fail.

I did a bit of reading about this the other day myself, because no military autist posted an explainer here 😔.

It actually looks like the iron dome system has been a huge success, given the volume of incoming fire that it had to deal with.

the even more interesting thing I found was the tank-mounted missile defence system that they’ve got – apparently it has had 100% success rate so far, intercepting rpgs and stuff

amazing, because from what I can tell the maximum flight time of rpgs is something like 4 seconds, so there is very little time to detect the thing coming in and then manage to shoot it down.


senator penny wong just now

Australia unequivocally condemns the attacks on Israel by Hamas including indiscriminate rocket fire on cities & civilians. 

We call for these attacks to stop & recognise Israel’s right to defend itself.

Australia urges the exercise of restraint & protection of civilian lives.

this is going to be awkward for the ALP

so awkward they had to roll out their only lesbian ethnic to make the call for “restraint”

can’t wait to hear the greens take


Jesus it’s already an absolute cesspool shit fight in the comments

she should have just sat this out completely


And Dutton goes in hard

absolutely no mincing of words

The Coalition utterly condemns the unprovoked and abhorrent attack by militant Hamas on Israel. It is yet another example of a deliberate act of violence intended to inflict maximum harm on innocent civilians. The attack is a provocation. Israel has every right to defend itself in response and to deter future attacks and other acts of aggression, coercion and interference.

globo must be hyperventilating into a paper bag right now

how good is the voice though , only a week away impeccable timing




this will boil over pretty quick without external intervention like lebanon or syria or some other arab state getting involved and attacking israel too

the insurgents dont have the strength to take the israeli army alone and will be pushed back once the latter starts organising

really ballsy but i cant see this affecting stuff long term


I remember your last prediction that Putin was about to conquer Ukraine in days

you’re the military equivalent of DLS


Hamas has been using some pretty advanced shit, MANPADS and anti-tank missiles, it’s a big step up from their usual. It might have been smuggled in from Iran, but some of it was probably redirected from Western aid to Ukraine. US allies will suffer for many years to come from the recklessness of flooding such a corrupt country with arms and then not even auditing where they go.


Yeah. I don’t think this is gonna be over by the weekend.


At least this will drown out the number of “Yes” tweets deluging my timeline.


No shit. I can’t wait for the whole voice fustercluck to disappear down the toilet bowl of history.


The question is does albo implement all the bullshit anyway given none of it is dependent on constitutional change.


he said he wont


As if that counts for anything


nah he wont, unlike immigration where theres no political backlash ever regardless of what you say you’ll do (thats the australian public’s fault folks) he’d know if the voice lost and he legislated anyway he’d piss off so many people


I have to say I have had fun running around twitter posting comments to various Mark Lielber types that “This could have been avoided if the Palestinians had a Voice the Israeli Parliament.” or that “Israel needs more ‘Diversity’ in order to become stronger and more united and avoid these sort of conflicts”.

Honestly I hate the lot of them, Jew or Muslim I’d prefer to give them both clubs and baseball bats, and cheer them on as they beat each other to death.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

israel must be a real dilemma for proggos in itself

who do they side with, the jews (who are also their masters) or the downtrodden palestinians

its a fine tight rope line a lot of them have to walk being critical of israel while simultaneously not sounding anti semitic


So here’s a Gruen “Defend the Indefensible” challenge for the EZFKA hive mind.

Your troops have posted video on social media of themselves, driving (very badly) around whooping it up and praising their God, with the naked body of a dead woman draped over the back of their vehicle.

The dead woman was probably raped to death, by these same troops, so they’re looking quite jolly.

She was a foreign tourist attending a “Peace Rave”, supporting your cause in a country that you’ve attacked without warning, from which peace event she was kidnapped and killed.

Meanwhile, another video shows a different woman being treated savagely while her clothing has massive bloodstains on the arse of her pants indicating that she’s also been brutally raped, probably anally.

There must be some way to make this look good for the Palestinians, but I’m not seeing it right now.

A fly in your ointment

Do you feel sorry for being a cocksucker?

Loaded questions, like this one, are similar to loaded accusations like above, steming from “defend thyself from my accusations as if my accusations are a gospel truth, an axiom” and they corner the other side to confirm something idirectly by defending from accusations. These are made to make the other side appear as if dodging the question.

You already made up your mind that one side is angelic and that the other side is pure evil, why should anyone waste their time to make you change your mind.


Excellent meaningless gibberish. Keep it up!

Meanwhile, nobody should bother trying to change my mind about muslims, least of all you, weird internet loony.

A fly in your ointment

no issues with me if you hate them.
I don’t hate , full stop, so I can’t hate them even if I have reasons, and i do.

Another thing altogether is the hypocrisy…


Why can’t it be a false flag / cassus belli

like pearl harbour


was a fake vid apparently

looks like theyre upp to their old tricks


wait that was something ellse



uh oh

could this be the end of ukraine


Aussie Soy Boy

It had felt like a lot of enthusiasm for the Ukrainians had been lost over the past couple months or so.


Yeah it is slowly fading isn’t it. The whole war is just too bogged down to go anywhere.

Aussie Soy Boy

Israelis in a tour group shot in Egypt. Everyone has had enough of the israelis and yanks


hamas is doing great atm

their tactics are very inventive and daring

i suspect the plan might be to lure the idf into gaza itself in a ground invasion which will be a meat grinder for them and also potentially engender a greater conflict


the fan man commando raids are cool as all fuck

this is something otto skorzeny would have done


Cool, and irrelevant. That was a PR stunt.

Aussie Soy Boy

The special operation in Ukraine has shown the effectiveness of cheap drones, the iron dome is out of operation now in parts. The israeli soliders running away from the resistance fighters shows the military is for show they would rather fire rockets, conduct raids armed to the teeth, and go to raves and music festivals than getting into a dog fight to keep the land they stole.


Lol. Wait a few days.


It depends on whether the IDF, like all civilised armies, does their usual “we must be gentle to assure good reports on CNN” thing or not.

If they are enraged by the pictures of raped women bleeding from their arses, then they could go all medieval and squash Hamas like bugs within a week. Nothing would be left of those cunts but streams of pink juice trickling through the rubble.

Personally, I’m hoping for the latter option.

Aussie Soy Boy

The woman shit her pants

A fly in your ointment

could’ve been that she sat in blood, see the blood on front of legs below knees.
could be anything, could be Putin’s fault.


are they trying to connect the gaza strip with west bank?

Aussie Soy Boy

It seems like they’ve been picking off towns all day, successfully landing on beaches in Israel. Israel look quite pathetic humiliated two days in a row now.


fortunes will probably change soon

israel lost to hezbollah in 2006

little known fact they were nearly defeated by egypt in 1973 too

theyre not invincible, very dependent on their airforce


that being said israel will probably still win or push them back effectively once they organise properly

we’ll have to see what hamas wants out of this or what their game plan is

Aussie Soy Boy

600 dead jews now and I’m assuming hundreds of hostages. I don’t think israel will be able to win an urban war. They never really envisaged this happening they thought their security was impenetrable.


if hezbollah gets involved yeah its going to get dicey fast

esp if the IRGC lends a hand or itself becomes directly involved somehow israel could be in for a lot more than it ever bargained for


600 dead jews now and I’m assuming hundreds of hostages. I don’t think israel will be able to win an urban war. They never really envisaged this happening they thought their security was impenetrable

embarassment of the military, I suspect would be down to element of surprise, plus the personnel involved being young, green and not used to active engagements of this sort, given that the last few years (while they’ve been in the army) seem to have been quiet.

if this drags or deepens, I’d suspect they’ll bring in blokes with more experience. Blokes who have done this before. Possible those who have something to fight for.

on the other side, perhaps other powers will come in to help the Palestinians as well

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

if this drags or deepens, I’d suspect they’ll bring in blokes with more experience. Blokes who have done this before. Possible those who have something to fight for.

seems pretty accurate so far:


There has been thousands of Palestinians killed over the last few years. It is just that now the zionists are finding out it is a lot harder when the other side is armed and fighting back.


The other side just poked a bear with a stick,. And it is now waking up. Wait until they have mobilised troops in a week or so.

Aussie Soy Boy

How many jews with pampered western lives want to be sent into a bloodbath in Gaza? Before this half of young people in Israel were thinking about leaving.


the whole conflict is lopsided

the jews want the pallos ethnically cleansed

their reaction is no diff from the shoshone, sioux, onondaga etc

Aussie Soy Boy

There need to be a Palestinian voice to the israeli Parliament


theyre not invincible, very dependent on their airforce

well, air superiority has been shown time and again to be pretty decisive in conflicts. Makes sense that an army might want to achieve this, no?


Israel were at as close to peacetime readiness as they get. The egyptians pulled the same surprise attack thingo on an israeli holiday.

Vietnam makes a pretty strong case for the lack of decisiveness of air power, as well as afghanistan both 80’s soviet and recent US

A fly in your ointment

a nice summary, applies to this pond too.


This guy, is Zhirinovsky, a ruskie whom was considered a loony in his time. So far he’s on track to be accurate 100% , predicts shit in Uke, Palestine, Kosovo… in correct sequence and year.

(Telegram links works without the app)

Aussie Soy Boy

The israelis pounding the resistance in Gaza. Sick stuff sending missiles like this into the most densely populated area on Earth.


Just war. Just like wiping entire european cities off the map, or fireboming citys full of paper buildings, or vapourising a city in an instant, napalming villages…


Ok, so help me understand what’s going on over there.

these Palestinian attacks, have they targeted military installations and security infrastructure and tried to capture territory? Or have they just blown up and shot up civilians and their infrastructure?

A fly in your ointment

get Telegram, it has all the info that can be had.
It also comes with free opinions, biases and heaps of, well, “man-made heap” but that’s a trivial cost for going around the protections which big tech set to protect you from ‘truth you cannot handle’.

Philistines This morning’s news was that Palestinians captured some territory linking Gaza strip with West Bank, also recapturing Palestine territory occupied and settled by Israelites.


telegram is gay, why does a supposed privacy oriented app REQUIRE a smartphone to use it also

its full of schizos

A fly in your ointment

Who said privacy?

It is by far more private then Goggle, or Zuck or Beyzos or other shits of Silicunt Valley. Most shit posted on Telegram would not pass the most liberal censorship of westworld’s messaging
Besides, in cuntries with burner phones it is private from your number.

A fly in your ointment

Who said privacy?

More private than Zuck or Beyzo or Goggle

previous comment disappeared


i don’t think I’m going to do the telegram thing. It’s not on the list of approved applications, at any rate 😅

A fly in your ointment

having access to broader and deeper information is not compulsory.


Have to prioritise where to spend time


Which is why has been quite good – people do the filtering and bring the better quality material, so each individual doesn’t have to wade through all the swamps.

you bring the telegram stuff, coming brings the dailymail, other folks being some good substacks

A fly in your ointment

Have to prioritise where to spend time

The very reason the have Telegram


Oh, and the Palestinians killed 200 ravers at a music festival, it’s reported? Not by an mis-targeted rocket, but by running through the crowds and individually shooting the individual ravers?

Seems that is just murder and certainly flushes any legitimacy they might have been trying to achieve

shades of Breivik

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

The point of Terrorism is Terror.


The point of Terrorism is Terror.

exactly. Even bloody putin, afraid of declaring war, seems to have had the sense to have his mercs stick more or less to standard rules of engagement.

these guys just went on a large scale terrorist raid.


That is probably more due to an asymmetry of power projection rather than intent.


What does that mean?

A fly in your ointment

and the history of terror in Palestine begins 2 days ago?


No, but we’re discussing the current thing 😉



A fly in your ointment

if it wasn’t so sad it would be funny.

A fly in your ointment

but you’re making a judgement of the whole much complex problem based on the current thing.

these guys just went on a large scale terrorist raid.

1. there is no regular army of Palestine to control or guide these things
2. terror is a form of revenge for perceived injustices. Humans have done it since forever and even regular armies are doing it (napalm, cluster, nuclear, white phosphorus bombs etc)

does “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” ring a bell?


1. there is no regular army of Palestine to control or guide these things

but they do have a government. Problem seems to be that the government is hamas.

2. terror is a form of revenge for perceived injustices. Humans have done it since forever and even regular armies are doing it (napalm, cluster, nuclear, white phosphorus bombs etc)

there are legitimate targets and legitimate methods, illegitimate targets and illegitimate methods some gray area in between.

some of what you describe fits into different boxes. Such as

cluster bomb on enemy position is legitimate method on legitimate target.
Napalm over terrain housing guerilla fighters is probably an illegitimate method to attack a legitimate target.
nuclear bomb on a civilian suburb is an illegitimate method on illegitimate target.

Machine gunning hippies and civilians in their houses – well, what do you think?

A fly in your ointment

1. there is no regular army of Palestine to control or guide these things

but they do have a government. Problem seems to be that the government is hamas.

Only presence a regular army can prevent or suppress terroris (hence your observation with ruskies)
Here, only one side does not have it. Both sides resort to terror and both sides have good reasons for it.

Legitimate or illegitimate, these are all the means of terror. Their primary purpose is to induce mental and physical terror in the enemy populace.
Did you ever see a napalmed person flash like a matchstick? Want me to post a video of it and then tell me it is not a tool of terror?

If you thought aliens killed your family would you pick and chose the guilty ones for your revenge? Israel conscripts everyone, there are hardly civilians amongst them.
Do you want me to post images of gruesomely killed children in Gazza then tell me rational can prevail? Can Chews be rational when theirs are killed?

Yes, killing of civilians is terrorism and it is the most reprehensible act,.
You’re looking at the tiny spot on a spiral which winds for so long it is impossible to see who started it, we just know who will take the next step, after which we know who will take the forthcoming step,


I do find it ironic that this whole thing got started when Hasidic Jews decided to desecrate a mosque.

on this – isn’t it fucking amazing how idolatrous all of the major religions that prohibit idolatry actually are:

  • christianity
  • islam
  • judaism

all of them pay lip service to the ban on idols and yet obsess over holy places, tombs, temples, and relics, etc. apart from the hypocrisy, this obsession would not be called obsession or veneration, but worship.

they forget that their respective temples etc are not where their gods live…


There’s so much wrong with your comment I can’t even begin to begin. Too much typing required.


i think that the main thing wrong with my comment, is that it’s mostly right.


except for the minor point that it is idolisation of other than their god that is wrong, for obvious reasons.


I don’t think that’s exactly right. It’s not that idols of their own god are allowed, but other idols are not allowed. I think that the idea is that any idol is by definition not their god, and so isn’t permitted.

and bowing down to walls, temples, rocks, paintings – very clearly misdirected worship.

A fly in your ointment

so going back to original “who started it”, are you trying to say that because they’re are all idolising sinners and bigots one group of bigots can ‘haras’all others and be insulated from “reprehensible” label?


and bowing down to walls, temples, rocks, paintings – very clearly misdirected worship.

I think you misunderstand the point of religion, in contrast to the narrative it tells of itself.
It is about maintaining control of the people and spreading itself. Walls, temples rocks and paintings help that goal. God is merely an intermediary idea to the idea that gods representatives must be obeyed, and the worship of these earthly objects reinforces that.


I think you misunderstand the point of religion, in contrast to the narrative it tells of itself.

It is about maintaining control of the people and spreading itself. Walls, temples rocks and paintings help that goal. 

oh, to be sure. My “isn’t it amazing” ejaculation was faux-amazement. (Fauxmazement?)

An observation on the degree of dissonance between the internal narrative and the practical reality.

robert didn’t want to even entertain the idea. He didn’t say why, but I infer it’s because he is committed to the internal narrative.

God is merely an intermediary idea to the idea that gods representatives must be obeyed, and the worship of these earthly objects reinforces that.

I look at this a bit differently myself. I think the human condition tends to have a god-shaped hole in it and this must be filled by something.

often it ends up looking like religion.

other times, less like theistic things and more like animism or monism or nationalism or capitalism or some other ideology


I look at this a bit differently myself. I think the human condition tends to have a god-shaped hole in it and this must be filled by something.

Religion is certainly taking advantage of that god shaped hole. Really I think you are merely suggesting psychology is a thing that describes a thing and many groups take advantage for their own gains either deliberately or by trial and error. has some interesting commentary on the topic.


Religion to me is an inevitable evolutionary crutch that emerges out of consciousness.

For example, once you have reason being able to supersede instinct, then an amoral breeding individual can fall into a evolutionary trap, a spandrel that emerges from intelligence.

Why go to the effort of breeding, i.e. having kids, which will severely burden your life and reduce your freedom, when you can just fuck and have fun? Why have kids or if you accidently do why not just kill them at birth?

Compassion and empathy all exist as emotions designed to further the advantage of one kin, this is instinct, yet logic can defeat it. Religion taps back into those instinctive emotions and buttresses them against logics attacks.

IMHO Religion is the inevitable social construct that must emerge once the point is reached where reason outweighs instinct.


Religion isn’t the only way to achieve that outcome. Societal conventions and teachings can achieve a similar outcome, although the line is very blurry between them.


bot is blocking my response


you guys do anything interesting lately


I watched cuckservatives get jew bukkaked.

Aussie Soy Boy

I wonder how long it will be until Netanyahu is forced to get a chopper out of there.


EVs out to 2035 instead of 2030.,the%20transition%20to%20electric%20vehicles.

No one cares about your gay EV. It mostly means that *you’re* gay.


So how long till it;s pushed to 2040?


And we’re back up, boyos

thought leibler Bloch and Arnold finally flushed this shithole website

heres some intel from inner Sydney

muslims gathering outside synagogues in eastern suburbs
also gathering to protest at foot of opera house


the opera house is only lit up in Israeli flag colour on its eastern (suburbs) side


how good is this shit

holy war brewing in Sydney, and nobody gives a flying FUCK about the voice anymore

Diversity is our strength


and The Greens organising a pro Palestine rally tomorrow , in between Voice campaigning




thiis has happened like 10 times already

itd be nice if we were being watched by someone important


I thought maybe it was because the mosad folk FAILED AGAIN by having put the server for this is Sderot, so then it had been messed up by a rocket or at least a power cut.

must have had their hands busy cleaning up the big mess so couldn’t get to fixing it immediately


I’ve been getting sickening amounts of schadenfreude running around posting “Diversity is our strength” to the timelines of every politician ‘standing with Israel’.


drew pavlou is such a loser


Surely this spells the end for globo the clown

voice in tatters
cost of living and housing crisis
literal holy war in our main city

And now he’s lost the big Jews

lmao I don’t think we’ve ever seen a more shambolic government

muh culture of sleeze
muh Britt Higgins
muh multiple ministries
muh hose

looking forward to PM Dutton


>looking forward to PM Dutton

this is why we’re screwed


Let’s give him a chance

this is Australia’s opportunity to veer hard right

everything is aligned
the lefties are a fucking rabble


none of that will happen he will be exactly the same as albo minus a few of the things

cost of living will be just as bad, its only really ‘bad’ for (some) renters anyway and no party is ever going to pander to them

he even wants a referendum too

at least he said so

sustainable australia is the only decent party on the ballot and they get like 10 votes


Think about it

the majority of the populace is now demonstrably

-anti immigration
-anti abo grifting
-anti trans

meanwhile the left has tied itself in knots and is divided by a holy war

now is the time for the new Reich


bruh u trippin


indeed. every government had been a bigger shambles than the last. Dutton isn;t breaking that streak.


I forgot

billions for US nuclear submarines
while at the same time appeasing China and paying off the French

jfl bloke stands for literally nothing he’s like jelly

A fly in your ointment

no one cares for this or the things you listed above AS LONG as both equity and rents rise.
And they do.


best post youv ever made


Let’s hope so

Next, Chris Minns chose to not let the opera house be lit up for the Kings coronation, but now it has an Israeli flag on it. WTF!

Take the bloody thing off it.


does it? the jews were complaing earlier it hadnt been lit up at all


The only thing that should be on it is the peace sign or similar IMO


Pity no one(of relevance) cares what you think…


you can google photos of it


Confucious say:

Ching Chong Ping Pong

Aussie Soy Boy

The jews committing a 9/11 every 30 seconds right now. Bastards.

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s on now. Israel have been committing a 9/11 attacks against buildings for the past two hours.

Hamas said if these brutal terror attacks against residential buildings without warning do not end they will have no choice but to record the execution of a hostage.


they need allies and fast, hamas needs to be reaching out asap

hezbollah will hopefully step in and doubtful but if iranian revolutionary guard does as well israel is in trouble, not sure how logistically that could work though


 iranian revolutionary guard 

If they get involved multiple US aircraft carriers will be bombing the region into oblivion, and tomahawk missiles will be raining down on iran as well most likely.


Sounds like we’re all gonna get to see another hostage execution video then.


 will have no choice but to record the execution of a hostage.

after massacring an entire rave that isn’t as much of a bargaining chip as they think it is…


i think this conflict has completely shown how thin and meaningless on the ground support for palestine is outside of the third world, and even there too

a lot of centre left etc westoid parties and govts pay lip service to gaza but as soon as this kicked off theyve all closed ranks around israel and are doing its bidding as much as cuckservatives are

Agent 47

Jews advocating a firebombing of Dresden repeat. Am enjoying watching the mask coming off these people.


and people are literally cheering it on in the media etc

one of the donkeys on qanda last night basically handwaved it


Why are you watching qanda?


just saw a clip of it on news dot com dot au


Firebombing reference is in very poor taste.

but, practically, you’d think that a way of properly dealing with terrorist nutters is actually to kick their butts.

But ruins of Dresden are a very bad similie to use


“We are dealing with human animals”

I don’t know how many times I’ve seen that comment by some Jew. It is step one in dehumanising their enemy, so they can justify genociding them or keeping them locked in a chicken cage for 40 years while stealing their land.

Reminder that they thing ALL Goyim are animals.


the one thing all people who have lived approximate them know, muslim, christian, roman or whoever is how obnoxious and grating they are, and how they see gentiles as nothing other than suckers to grift and exploit


Muslims, in their own country, are actually pretty pleasant. Back in the day I went back packing through Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel and Egypt… many places you would consider going to today.

By far the most unpleasant country we visited, filled with the most obnoxious people I encountered while travelling, was Israel. The same can be said about Israeli backpackers – they too were the most obnoxious of all travelers…. and I came to these opinions long before I ever had any of the antisemetic views that I hold today.

In contrast the Muslim nations were all welcoming, interested in us and bizzarely felt very safe (admittedly we didn’t go too far off the beaten track in Syria). I no problem with Muslims so long as they stay in their own nations.


yeah i was in dubai airport on crutches and old muslim men would just come up with me to talk, heard “god bless” over and over again the whole time i was there

have had the exact same experience with israelis, old joke about them is they dont know what the expression ‘thank you’ means

i feel bad for the palestinians theyre the only people who have to live under their yoke for over 2000 years, its bad enough to have these people in your state as outsiders but imagine if they WERE the state and YOU were the outsider in it

hell on earth


it should be noted that islam is more compatable with christianity at least in theory than judaism is, both are universalistic faiths while judaism is a particularist ethnosupremacist religion not unlike pre-war japanese shinto

jesus is a revered prophet under islam but like you said to the jews he’s stewing in pig shit in hell

‘christio-islam’ unironically makes more sense than ‘judeo-christian’, there are white countries with islamic majorities in the world today and theyre more or less fine (despite being balkanoid, their faults being more due to that than anything)

A fly in your ointment

jesus is a revered prophet…

true but Christians are ultimate sinners, kaffirs, much the same as being a goyim of choice

perhaps judeoislamic is a closest match.


On the weekend stagmal says it’ll probably be over in a few days.

Today, carrier battle groups approaching, and people are talking about firebombing Gaza like Dresden in ’45.

That, as they say, escalated quickly.


if they fire bomb it it probably will be over in a few days


Today, carrier battle groups approaching, and people are talking about firebombing Gaza like Dresden in ’45.

That, as they say, escalated quickly.

So, educate me, carrier battle groups presumably is a signal from USA to Iran and friends to stay out of it?


Oct 9 (Reuters) – A senior Hamas official said the group is open to discussions over a possible truce with Israel, having “achieved its targets.”

Moussa Abu Marzouk told Al Jazeera in a phone interview that Hamas was open to “something of that sort” and “all political dialogues” when asked whether the Islamist group is willing to discuss a possible ceasefire.

This has less chance of passing than The Voice


If Hamas had restricted itself to the military base raids and taking over Israeli cities, this would have been remembered as one of the most daring and successful guerilla warfare attacks of all time

Since they chose to massacre a music festival and to go door to door killing civilians it’ll probably be remembered more as an ISIS attack

In any possible resolution of the conflict, what evidence is there that Hamas wouldn’t do ISIS-style attacks in the future? These sorts of attacks are constant around Europe and in the Middle East itself so it’s not like a country has to be particularly hostile to the Muslim world to have hundreds of its civilians mown down every year or so in the name of jihad.

I think the reputation of the Palestinian cause has likely taken some real damage from this incident


all the media and all the pro-israel governments all over the world are always going to support israel no matter what happens. what hamas did over the past few days isnt much different from what israel does every other week


•All payments immediately suspended.

•All projects put under review.

•All new budget proposals, incl. for 2023 postponed until further notice.

•Comprehensive assessment of the whole portfolio.

The EU suspended its aid to Palestinians, I don’t think they’ve done that before.


i agree at the end of the day the attack in the concert was a bad idea and hurt them but israel is still going to do what it wants with little to no impediment bc all that matters to them is the u.s giving them shit and it always will as long as the jews have the ability to whipser whatever they want into the ear of the president


The EU suspended its aid to Palestinians, I don’t think they’ve done that before.

I think they walked this back now.

but anyway, you’ve got to wonder – how much do 5,000 rockets etc cost?

with that money they could have certainly bettered their local living conditions. Start with the above-suggested referendum for a Voice to Israeli Parliament


I’m no friend of the hebes, but that’s such a load of shit.

Point out the Hamas music festivals where hundreds have been butchered for fun. Show me where israeli troops have gone door to door killing civilians and taking hostages.

The Israelis kill one fucking Palestinian and there’s uproar at the UN. The Palestinians butcher thousand of Jews, and and all the luvvies cone out urging them to be restrained


If Hamas had restricted itself to the military base raids and taking over Israeli cities, this would have been remembered as one of the most daring and successful guerilla warfare attacks of all time

Since they chose to massacre a music festival and to go door to door killing civilians it’ll probably be remembered more as an ISIS attack

this sounds right to me.

I think the reputation of the Palestinian cause has likely taken some real damage from this incident

Yeah, if their war aims are “kill a bunch of these guys, because we fucking hate them” – they are going to get absolutely no sympathy from the civilised world.
And deservedly so.

israel’s war aims now would probably be regime change in gaza, at the least. There’s may be an outside chance that on the other side of this, there will be no gaza


el’s war aims now would probably be regime change in gaza, at the least. There’s may be an outside chance that on the other side of this, there will be no gaza

The only way you get regime change is if there is no gaza as it currently exists.


The only way you get regime change is if there is no gaza as it currently exists.

why is that, do you think?


because the religious hatred goes back centuries, 50+ years of occupation violence. The hatred goes deep. the locals will never accept a pro israeli regime being installed. The militants will simply take over again. The only way you get that change is change the locals/ wipe them out.

You can probably externally influence a regime change in a large county with multiple culturally diverse populations of relatively equal power all vying for control but that isn’t the situation in the occupied territories.


Long term I see the Palestinians exterminating the Jews or at least being the ones to force them out of Israel – not the other way around.

Firstly a the US is critically important for Israel’s survival – as we slide the resource curve maintaining Israel will become a prohibitively expensive luxury.

Secondly as the US becomes more diverse, thanks to the same elites desire to break up the US majority, it is actually going to make it much harder to achieve consensus over any issue, which ironically includes funding Israel.

And finally there’s the demographics issue – the Palastinians are simply going to out breed the Israelis.

The Israeli’s are going to get exactly what they deserve.


Not the palestinians by themselves, but the whole arab world wants Israel gone to the point that most of it still doesn’t recognize them and they have tried repeatedly to make it happen(very unseccesfully).

A fly in your ointment

It’s a bit more than what the Philistines want at this stage (they want 1947 borders) but those with a bigger bludgeon don’t.


What happened in 1967? They lost a war?

Everyone else faught a war and they were the pawns as always. I think egypt had occupied some of the land pre that war

Last edited 1 year ago by bjw678

thanks – I’ve had a read. that’s quite the interesting war. had heard of it, but had not studied what it involved in terms of the map.

Seems a bit like a case of “fuck about and find out” brinkmanship and the palestinians kind of caught in the middle.

it certainly shows that even back then israel must have had well developed war plans ready to go, Schlieffen style. I’d bet my thingy that these days they sure as hell have detailed plans in relation to Gaza, so won’t be making it up as they go along.

A fly in your ointment

Palestinian cause has likely taken some real damage from this incident

the world is not the same since the operation Z
we are yet to see how much of all the info published is just another “Chlorine in Allepo” and how much of info is hidden from westerners. Oh, and westerners are not as dumb-dumb any more, most are fully awake on their own media role as ministry of truth



I wonder if Hamas management are thinking they might’ve fucked up by letting the lads off the leash.

In particular, the deliberate slaughter of hundreds of young people at the music festival is an atrocity of the sort that will go down in history.

When the Israelis return the favour, and I’m sure they will, there’s not gonna be a lot of sympathy for the dead Hamas idiots.


the sydney opera house is a designated jew mourning place now lol

who knew


this is why the muslims will not win the PR battle

lighting flares and honking car horns and doing burnouts is the kind of behaviour that normal people associated with lebos/muslims etc

and nobody likes them for that reason, quite rightly

they’re low IQ and low inhibition people, which is why they will be ultimately defeated by diplomacy and rhetoric and propaganda

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Haha, only coming can edit posts 🥹🥹🥹


As protesters arrived at Town Hall earlier in the evening, a man clutching an Israeli flag was dragged away by three police officers for ‘disrupting the peace’ – before he even had a chance to unfurl it. 

That guy! that is fucken pro level trolling, rocking up with an israeli flag to the palestinian protest.

even funnier would have been if he’d rocked up with an aboriginal flag and started waving that 😅

Cops would be absolutely at a loss what to do then.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

Aha, so you’re right!

Seems like someone’s way ahead of me in capitalizing on the comic potential of the situation!


Musta been a YES voter


This is an interesting discussion around some aspects of the clashes in Palestine.


given this is ostensibly an economics website

bond yields down quite substantially

despite oil going up (modestly)

i guess the idea is that when oil price goes up due to reduced supply (from war and saudi cuts) then demand and activity will reduce

A fly in your ointment

Yep, feeding the inflation monster.

Lower teh rates!


Open the gates that’ll fix thing. Haha couldn’t resist.


Footy star Josh Addo-Carr likens war in Israel to Indigenous Australians’ fight for traditional land – as he posts message of support for Palestine in wake of horrific Hamas attack

Posted image saying ‘One struggle, one fight’

The Bulldogs star shared an image of the Indigenous flag next to the Palestinian flag alongside the caption, ‘ONE STRUGGLE ONE FIGHT’.

Beneath the Indigenous flag are the words ‘LAND BACK’ and the logo of the Black People’s Union (BPU), accompanied by Arabic writing.

The BPU are a self-described ‘revolutionary organisation that aims to empower Indigenous people in Australia through the pursuit of full self-determination and sovereignty’.


bob carrs son lol



no it isnt im sure


Even if you breed Carr with a Gorrillia there is no way that spindly nebbish dork could sire a knuckle dragging ape like Josh.


Blokes like Josh are the sort of level head people we’d have in charge of the voice.


vaccination rate in gaza is only around 40-50% so more likely to be covid

A fly in your ointment

What is covid?


It’s the little things that reveal the greater truths.


Oz property is probably only going to become even more attractive now. Why can’t everyone just fuck off. Should have have nuked everyone years ago.


could we get even more jews buying in the eastern suburbs


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! 😱


Its pretty obvious to me that this was a (semi) false flag

ala 9/11 or pearl harbour

the israelis obviously had intelligence that it was going to happen and anticipated it but let it happen so they could then let loose


Australian government false flag to bring Jewish money into houses


harry sends his regards



But that is a potential side effect though I agree

Go long Woollahra


I’ve been reading similar conjecture along the same lines as this and what Herr Führer linked re the Female IDF soldier claiming it was impossible not to hear a bird flying over the fence, let alone a platoon of Toyota assault vehicles.

Far fetched? Possibly – I would think it would be hard to “turn off” the advanced security systems and processes they have without some serious organization. It would involve far more than ‘salting’ the duty rosters or arranging some competing distractions. Any investigation, and their will be, will likely be thorough.

That said Israel was founded through Jewish Terrorism, and they have never shown any hesitation about killing one of their own in the past if it furthers the interest of their Egregore.

Take the bombing of the Kind David Hotel in 1946, which basically triggerred the UK into walking away from Palastine and was responsible for the founding of Israel. It killed 17 Jews in there among the 91 people killed in total. It was committed by the Terrorist organisation whose members mainly transformed themselves into the first Israeli Govt:

So far most of those killed appear to have been the least devout Jews, drug taking ravers who were attending a concert with a heap of Goyim conveniently located like a target honey pot just across the border from Gaza.

While it may be possible that a few at the top knew and chose not to cascade the information, I think Occam’s razor is probably the most likely senario in this case. Most likely organised and funded by Iran with their Hamas proxy being instructed to adopt new tactics being perfected in the Ukraine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

claiming it was impossible not to hear a bird flying over the fence, let alone a platoon of Toyota assault vehicles.

Knowing you are under attack, and having the resources available immediately to stop it are 2 different things.


Bjw is right, as usual.

banana man

Totally agree about the honey trap thing… Hey, why not go and party really close to the Gaza strip; for peace and all! (Never mind those folks across the wall that are basically in a concentration camp.

Can we stop calling them raves though? This phenomenon died out when they globally scheduled the precursors to make pingas. Thile there is still mdma out there, it doesn’t have anywhere near the extacy feeling that it had back in the day.


Totally agree about the honey trap thing… 


you’d have to be a very special kind of deranged to view a bunch of concert attendees as a strong lure.

so either it’s not a honey trap or the israeli spooks REALLY know their marks, like scary-well, like.

A fly in your ointment

there is a valid claim on provocative action to a measurable level and besides we know that all Israelites are military personnel, both ovulating or not. More important is that if you pack a small zoo cage with wild beasts, constantly rattle their cage, poke them with sticks and daggers, underfeed them, molest them, you better make sure the cage is not rusting and don’t ask yourself why the beast mauled anything in its way – if it escapes.
The “music festival” was at the wrong time at the wrong place in the way of the wrong savages. Now other savages will make sure first savages pay. Rinse and repeat for the next 1000yrs

A fly in your ointment

here’s a video of how first savages deal with the media of the 3rd party savages and literally makes him eat his dick

banana man

nah, its more about: if you want to go have fun with your festival, at least go and do it as close to the palestinians as possible. That way they get to know we are moving in on them. Hopefully the music keeps them up all night.


I don’t get it

A fly in your ointment

I don’t get it

See, you need Telegram 😉

He’s referencing to chews colonising Philistines land (as agreed and granted by the UN in 1947 and 1967)


I don’t see that reference.

and I can’t imagine that the firehydrant of randomness that is telegram could possibly help with this

A fly in your ointment

That was a tease wrt Telegram.


Seems like most of the sand niggers really do want Israel gone.

>Two other great powers, Russia and China, have their own relationships with Iran. Saikal calls them “de facto allies”. Moscow would be only too happy to see the US entangled in any intensification of the Israel war; that would draw away American resources and attention from Ukraine.
And Beijing would be happy to see Washington distracted, too, giving Xi Jinping a freer hand to operate against any of the nations it’s currently antagonising, whether the Philippines, Vietnam, Japan or the self-governed island of Taiwan.


More establishment conspiracy theories


How so? All seems pretty reasonable to me.


There’s no evidence Russia or China coordinated anything with Iran, even evidence of Iran’s involvement is scant, but standard establishment bullshit media suggests that they did so that we keep on hating their enemies


Well it’s either a false flag or Hamas got help is my read

At minimum from Iran

And Iran receives support from Russia

Aussie Soy Boy

I’d like to think my analysis of his money laundering front got investigators involved looking at his finances.

He’s just a front for the heavies, and he’s quite a small guy too when you look at him in photos. A little buff but very small and diminutive. Maybe he’s some rich guy’s (or guys) sex toy. That’s how he got into being the clean ID for a bunch of drug dealers.

Listen to him be interviewed he’s shifty, evasive, dumb as all fuck. If they said he’s worth $5 million it would at least be believable, but $500 million lol.

Who the fuck worth $500 million goes around stealing appliances with his wog mates, no doubt splitting the value of them 3 or 4 different ways for helping out.

Australians really are thick believing this charade (government, ATO, police especially).


But it seems like he legitimately gave away a $4.5m house , no ?

unless the people complaining are in on the scam and they’re putting on an act

that’s a lot of money to give away

deed would have to change hands

explain how you think it’s faked


seems unlikely that they are in on a scam

they were paying only $20/week and got a $4.2m house

the competition part at least seems to be legit


And then bitched because their free house wasn’t fully enough furnished.


Who the fuck worth $500 million goes around stealing appliances

Yes, that is rather incongruous.

but by the same token the brag about being worth $500m just seems like a brag – an element in the confidence trick he is pulling. Needs to be thought of as rich and successful for folks to invest with him.

same thing as the banks and insurance companies of old housing themselves in large granite and marble buildings.


If you read the linked article

goes around stealing appliances

is a big stretch.


A giant mob of vermin shouting “Fuck the Jews” and “Gas the Jews” at the Opera house.

These are the sort of vermin we’ve been importing for decades.

It’s all going to end well, I’m sure.


“We” haven’t been importing them

but “we” know who has


What? The Jews did this as well?


there is a reasonable summary in that tweet you linked, banana man


There’s a lot of Kumbayah lets all get along with love and peace in that tweet. Its all very well, but the fact is that most Palestinians, and certainly their leadership, will accept nothing but the complete annihilation of Israel “from the river to the sea” as they say.

Now, that’s probably not gonna happen, but as long as they keep trying to make it happen this shit will continue.

I think history shows that negotiated settlements don’t work. There will always be aggrieved parties on the weaker side who wont accept the ststus quo. Think about France after the Franco Prussian war of 1870, and Germany after WW1 as good examples. There are many others.

This will only end when the stronger side utterly crushes and destroys the weaker side. I’m not saying the Jews are the good guys here. They’re a shitty and obnoxious country founded on terrorism, but the reality is that they’re the stronger side in regard to the Palestinians. The big question is whether they’ve had enough, and have decided to implement…oh….let’s call it A Final Solution. I think they’ll go big, but not that big, and in ten years time we’ll be hearing about the latest rocket attacks and massacres coming out of Gaza, and the massive IDF retaliation.

These continue to be Interesting Times.

And for all the shittiness of the EZFKA, nobody is seeking shelter from an incoming artillery stonk or lining up to be beheaded by squads of gibbering moronic savages.


There’s a lot of Kumbayah lets all get along with love and peace in that tweet. Its all very well, but the fact is that most Palestinians, and certainly their leadership, will accept nothing but the complete annihilation of Israel “from the river to the sea” as they say.

Now, that’s probably not gonna happen, but as long as they keep trying to make it happen this shit will continue.

Yuh for sure. What I liked about that tweet was not the kumbayah conclusion, but the setting out of some of the history and context explicitly (ie the bad shit that’s gone on both sides)


It ignores a lot of the early shit that has gone on, like the fact israel was attacked and then kept those territories as a protective buffer at the end of the war/wars


Which ignores the earlier shit that went on before Israel was founded, when Israeli terrorists made life in Palestine totally unbearable, regularly massacring Palestinians in a similar fashion as the Palestinians are now doing to the Jews.


which ignores the earlier shit…

all the way back to the crusades.

Hence it will never stop until one side or the other is completely wiped out. Side being a very nebulous concept beyond israel and everyone else.


I am against this proposal, mainly due to the number of Neanderthal genes I possess.



A fly in your ointment

I’m not saying the Jews are the good guys here.

You said aplenty who’s the baddies which does not balance out with the “and other are no goodies”
but any epiphany is good.💯
Eventualy you may learn that all are the baddies equally the same, just in different shapes and forms


Eventualy you may learn that all are the baddies equally the same, just in different shapes and forms


Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

The Midle Eastern countries have a lot of land, and not that big populations. I never hear anyone suggest the Palestinians should be put into those countries.

But yeah it’s always whitey that has to cop infinity shit skins. That’s so well entrenched now you are literally Hitler if you suggest immigration gets reduced by 2.

Anyway, another issue that consumes all my media time and I get jack shit out of it except for more dark thoughts. Get a life Jews.

Aussie Soy Boy

It should be gas the israelis, fuck the israelis.

Israel’s war crimes last night in Gaza mean that 9/11 and the Bali Bombings were fully justifiable using israel’s warped logic.


Tragically, in using Israeli tactics to fight for freedom, Hamas has become what they oppose.

hahahahah, that bloke is unhinged


hahahahah, that bloke is unhinged

This is an unusually low effort jewish response to facts.
No rebuttal, just “He’s crazy hahahahahahaha”
You should at least throw in some talmudic bafflegab ‘peachy’


I don’t know what bafflegab is or where to find it in the Talmud.

but I will humour you – you really buy into the idea that hamas was some kind of pacifist ascetic monks who were attacked by the nasty jews with lots of terrorist actions and then hamas had to adopt the jewish tactics to defend themselves?

like a middle eastern version of a kung-fu movie?


so apparently the raver chick

isnt dead

could it be someone was lying for some reason


so apparently the raver chick

isnt dead

could it be someone was lying for some reason

Seems like a pretext for lots of future headlines along the lines of “we must lift the siege so that the raver chick can get the meds she needs” and whatever.

good job by the media creating a human interest story in this

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

ya i think the lie was being spread by the israelis not the palestinians


if it’s the israelis spreading the lie, then my “lift the siege” theory definitely doesn’t work.


both sides will be spreading lies left right and centre


The woman in the back of the Ute in the video had long brown dreads with blonde tips, and tatts on her lower legs, just like the German chick. And she had the limp, floppy look of the recently deceased.

I’d be very surprised if she’s still alive.


Pretty obvious really

the videos of the mad max guy on the paraglider
the woman who shit her pants

too ludicrous and Hollywood

yet mossad knew nothing about it ?

You have to be very low IQ to believe any (social) media story at this point in history or any other point really*

* = unless it’s mainstream economists talking about interest rates and inflation , obviously that’s all 100% legit

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming
A fly in your ointment

unless it’s mainstream economists talking about interest rates and inflation , obviously that’s all 100% legit



hereditism isn’t racist when it’s about your enemies

Over 30% of marriages in Gaza are between 1st cousins.

The average IQ is 67.9


I’ll take that Jew’s opinion with a grain of salt – and I am someone who is a huge believer in hereditary IQ.

I’d say the Palestinian’s IQ isn’t that far removed from say Pakistan, that has a similar level of 1st cousin marriage, which would mean their true IQ is probably around 81.

The remaining difference down to the 67 that the Jew is claiming would IMHO be entirely environmental – basically a consequence of being kept in a prison camp.

If you eliminated the issue of 1st Cousin marriage and removed the environmental drag factors of living in a prison camp, I reckon the Palestinian’s IQ would not be that far from the majority of Israeli’s who are currently lording it over them… mid 80s to low 90s.


90 is a good guess


why would you eliminate the 1st cousin marriage issue

that’s probably part of what got them here


I meant factoring out 1st cousin marriage as a factor in the difference. If you outlawed 1st cousin marriage in a couple generations median IQ would return to the level dictated to by the population groups overall background polygenic IQ distributions.

Basically there’s virtually no genetic difference between the majority of Jews and Palestinians living in Israel – they’re all descendants of Marsh Arabs.

1. The genesis of the arab-jewish population PREDATES the ethnogenisis of the Jews.

2. The Jews and Arabs share the same genesis at the intersection of the horn of Africa and Yemen.

3.In literature this group is referred to as ‘Marsh Arabs’, Haplogroup J.


If you outlawed 1st cousin marriage in a couple generations median IQ would return to the level dictated to by the population groups overall background polygenic IQ distributions

is that a fact? Has the experiment been run?


It’s how genes work when you have a homogenised gene pool. Many of the IQ aliments are functions genetic related diseases from the in breeding. Out breeding and you revert to the homegnised potential of the group.

As for an experiment given the inability to arbitrarily change social customs and the long time frames involved it is unlikely you will be able to conduct one.

The best example you are probably going to find is the difference between Northern and Southern Italians following the Church’s attempts to break up the influence of power centered in family clans. To this day cousin marriages remains much more common in the south than the north, despite the similarities in overall population groups.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

So without the technical language – are you saying that the population as a whole still has lots of genetic variability in it and so if you stop inbreeding the individuals in the coming generation will quickly acquire a set of well-mixed genes?



Although quickly is a relative thing, and would still take a few generations to play out.


I dare say the population in palestine has much higher intellignce selection pressure than cousins breeding.
Anyone of high intelligence would see where this was going and left generations ago at this point.

A fly in your ointment

So why then the superintelligent chosen ones did not leave the place and went all to their second motherland in NY?

Some heritage is measured in 1000s of years, not just a few generations.


isnt that exactly what they did tho?

that’s why the IQ of the jewish diaspora is much higher than the IQ of israeli jews (even allowing for sephardic headwind)

A fly in your ointment

According to facts, thy are the most stupid ones if judged by the proposition of smart ones leave the trouble,
From 1 million to over 9 million in just 70 years

Only 30% of jews eligible for israeli citizenship are actually israeli citizens.

A fly in your ointment

Perhaps, but his premise is that smart are leaving the place (forever?) And yet from 1940s the number if chosen in the holly land have climbed from 60k to over 6mill and that was primarily through overseas “returns” whereas instead they could’ve all settled in the NY kibbutz or thereabout, if Mormons could have their 1 state, chew-choos could’ve had 10.


Silly to operate in absolutes.

evidence is clear that israel isn’t some completely failed project where there is no future. They’ve grown a 1st world (or at least 2nd world) country out of the desert, have advanced industry etc.
statistically, risk to personal safety there is probably not much greater than anywhere else.
It’s not the sort of environment that smart people would by default abandon.


statistically, risk to personal safety there is probably not much greater than anywhere else.

I’d say it’s many orders of magnitude greater. Maybe still not huge in absolute terms though.

A fly in your ointment

Is comings comment dealing in absolutes?

I implied clearly that people defend their homesteads and will chose not to flee because there is something more to it than the sheer oersonal smartness or stupidity.
Of all the mob from the ME, chew-choos had an excellent chance to make 10 states like Utah and live happilybever after in peace,but yet they chose to return en masse to the place where they lived (mostly) over millennia where their holly land is.
See you next year in Jerusalem is centuries old greeting


i was responding to this bit of yours.

have climbed from 60k to over 6mill and that was primarily through overseas “returns” whereas instead they could’ve all settled in the NY kibbutz or thereabout

having read back up I’m now not sure whether you were expressing a view or just aping coming’s comment…

my point was that it is silly to expect ALL smart people to do one thing or another, where the options are actually comparable.

Moreover the situation is complicated by the fact that not all people are presented with the same options. Some could only go to Israel presumably. Only a select few could go to the USA.

A fly in your ointment

my comment was indeed ‘aping’
He does have a point though, I admit, smarter people tend to have plan B when thing don’t go well for them, but this is not the only driver in life.
Why were the chosen ones not received in the US during Krauts attempt at the European Union (ww2) and in spite the US being governed by the chose ones? Perhaps they wanted more people to settle in the new lands that would be cleared for them. It is questionable if many of them would go from Euro lifestyle to something like ME if US option was available. Just thinking


I never claimed that any particular group was the smart one. Merely that the smartest within a group would not be hanging around.
By my logic the bottom 30% of jews by IQ are the ones going back to israel.

The bottom 30% of any group is not going to be particularly smart…

A fly in your ointment

If you look closely, my response was to Coming claiming that smart people should just pack and leave when facing adverse effects, deaths etc…

Ironically he chose to not flee from jabbadabba facing death and adverse effects when it was his turn to do the smart deed as per his advice.


in Bellevue Hill!

that is absolute heartland

i reckon there will soon be private security guards/army in the eastern suburbs


god im sick of the fucking jews


im more sick of violent , low IQ people tbqh


saw the article before and was going to post exactly the same comment, but couldn’t be fucked

absolutely transparent propaganda


Thank Yawah for the whamanz! It’s the usual story of mass terririst attacks. When hasn’t there been a terrorist attack where a 25 year old warrior woman notices the artillery, distributes the weapons, deploys the men into firing position and leads them to victory in battle?

Israeli men are all hopeless softcocks who would be lost without their warrior whamanz!


why you got to be so dismissive?
Someone’s got to be manning the security post and in that place it was a woman.

equally someone has got to hold the key to the arsenal and here it was a woman.

the story about the 12 defenders killing 2 dozen terrorists doesn’t seem implausible either. I mean it’s 12 blokes (and one woman!):

  • all of whom are well armed
  • all of whom are trained, having served in the army for 3 years(?)
  • occupying prepared positions and knowing the terrain
  • all with their family to defend

…facing probably a disorganised rabble of attackers.

little wonder that the outcome was very different compared to where the attackers surprised unarmed and unprepared targets


The fact that story is what was run in the UK says far more about the UK and narratives that are being run there and in the west in general than israel.


I don’t get what you are getting at.

are you doing the woman angle, like lswchp?

I mean, maybe I’d see what youse might be alluding to if the protagonist was like a tranny or something, but this is just a woman ex soldier working as a security guard…


Look at the culture that is being promoted in the west. Most action movies being made now are full of women in leading roles. Men are being demonised, women can do everything. Singling out this story further promotes that.

That the story itself happened is hardly surprising given how heavily women are involved in israeli military.


the west. Most action movies being made now are full of women in leading roles. Men are being demonised, women can do everything.

yeah, yeah, I get it. There are too many women everywhere and their over abundant influence is ruining things for you and society.

Singling out this story further promotes that.

But you (read: stagmal and coming, the old puahate gang) might be oversensitized to the issue. Im sure that this story is just one of dozens that’s being run in relation to the hamas conflict with israel. Nothing singles this story out except stagmals attention to it.


and their over abundant influence is ruining things for you and society.

I am well passed caring. Hard times are seeming inevitable to me at this point and the only way things get fixed.
I do however find you seeing the tranny thing as you put it, but not the woman thing an interesting data point.


So, reports appearing of large numbers of beheaded children and babies at massacre sites in Israel.

It sounds like bogus WW1 propaganda about German troops bayoneting babies in Belgium, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it turned out to be true. There are images of beheaded IDF troops out there, so if you’re gonna behead Mum and Dad as well, why would you spare the kids?

If it is true, it’d be pretty much the last nail in Hamas’s coffin.


Remember, assad gassed his own people too

A fly in your ointment

I can’t be bothered to log in so… 👍👍👍


I believe you are trolling? OPCW and Aaron Mate did excellent t work debunking this

A fly in your ointment

He’s bad at trolling.

Thus is just a sarcastic response


truth is always the first casulty of war
Since I can’t see any reason why this conflict won’t follow the usual pattern, I’m just assuming it’s all BS.
It was BS when Iraq invaded Kuwait and the claim was made that premature babies were thrown out of their incubators and died screaming on the hospital floor.
Similar story with hamas just a different war.

“On March 15, 1991, John Martin, an ABC reporter, reported that “patients, including premature babies, did die, when many of Kuwait’s nurses and doctors stopped working or fled the country” and discovered that Iraqi troops “almost certainly had not stolen hospital incubators and left hundreds of Kuwaiti babies to die.”[4]

….what’s the adage: Never let the truth get in the way of a good story


I hope it’s not true. It’s just too mean.

but if true, this combined with the other things would make it seem that they deliberately went for maximum atrocities. Presumably to provoke a very strong reaction.

blokes that carried it out it were probably happy to do it for the martyrdom.

blokes that planned it probably figured this would be the way to bring on the big reckoning, which they’re hoping to win. They certainly can’t expect to win on a propaganda level, so they’re hoping for a military victory? For that they’d need allies.

A fly in your ointment

Ouch, the bias there Peach is spewing at every direction like an angry volcano. It follows the usual MSM path of establishing a humanity reference point (I hope it’s not true…) then the remaining 95% of words is about how inhumane it would be if the speculation (not facts) was true.

It misses this but where it equally speculates if this was a false flagging and what is its purpose – i.e. to dehumanise the less civilised Semites so that extermination (goodies doing terror) can be palatable to the “civilised” world.

Without evidence, everything is a false flag, or crossing of the red line.


Ummmm. I am commenting on an allegation, and phrasing my comment conditionally, explicitly doubting the veracity of the allegation.

Obviously if the allegation isn’t true, then my comment is irrelevant.

and I agree that if the allegation is deliberately false, then it is probably tainted by very poor intentions.

A fly in your ointment

Obviously if the allegation isn’t true, then my comment is irrelevant

It would be like that if it was balanced with “if not true”. But it’s not.
MSM is practically 100% of one sided speculation conditioned with ‘if true…’ thereafter depicting the speculation as if it is true.
It’s literally the (false) association by juxtaposition, and it works.

You see, even in this response you have disbelief in probable falseness of what is most likely a psyop piece as “if false” would rather be just poor intentions, not something more atrocious, say an attempt to incite and justify annihilation of dishevelled philistines.

You just did not struck me up until now as someone absorbing the presstitute’s hook and sink.


You see, even in this response you have disbelief in probable falseness of what is most likely a psyop piece as “if false” would rather be just poor intentions, not something more atrocious, say an attempt to incite and justify annihilation of dishevelled philistine

That’s exactly what I mean by poor intentions. Attempt to demonize, etc.

mind you, in practice it’s a pretty fine distinction here – they claim that they shot dead 200 concertgoers seems undisputed and that’s enough to demonise the perps.

The incremental demonization that might accrue from murdering some children is quite small. So the difference is largely academic.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy
A fly in your ointment

baddies are are always committing atrocities but goodies are just having poor intentions.

The incremental demonization that might accrue from murdering some children is quite small. So the difference is largely academic.

I sure would not want to sign this ever, even if someone killed 1000s of adults out of pure vanity prior to this.


I sure would not want to sign this ever, even if someone killed 1000s of adults out of pure vanity prior to this.

still, that’s what I think

A fly in your ointment

Your choice.

Killing children is the ultimate and incomparable sin in my book of moral and ethical values.


It follows the usual MSM path of establishing a humanity reference point (I hope it’s not true…) then the remaining 95% of words is about how inhumane it would be if the speculation (not facts) was true.

Sort of like another topic in Jewish mythology…. although on that occasion I think it was youspewing in every direction like an angry volcano’ criticising someone for daring to question the official narrative.

A fly in your ointment

I’m not sure why you follow me like a bad stink, you will not induce a response unless it is to give you enough rope like in case of the nazi apologia and revisionism in which you’re flogging the highly dubious data (to put it mildly) and abusing the existing one. Alas, that is not fun any more as you can’t make yourself more of an arse than what you already did. What Jewish mythology.

I am yet to be annoyed by anyone online and that’s for the last 30 years of internet. I never threatened anyone online, it is the feat of idiots thinking that the screen gives protection. OTOH you threatened at least two men here thinking it does.

So knock yourself out responding to me… I don’t mind free residence. I responded this and to your other alias and that’s as much as you will get in responses.


LOL – you still bent out of shape that I said that you had such a chip on your shoulder over Anglos, that it was likely to lead to such curvature of the spine that you’d be doomed to spend the rest of your days staring at your own withered genitalia?

I’m still not sure how you construed a threat out of that. The ONLY time there were ever threats made on this site was during the great Flame War of the winter of ’21 and when that human arse W@ffle or whatever the fuck he was, was running amok here, and even then they were mere retaliation for similar empty posturings.

One thing I don’t get though is this comment:

“I responded this and to your other alias and that’s as much as you will get in responses.”

Do you actually believe I run multiple aliases and sock puppets here? LMAO! You give me too much credit.

As for why you think I target you? My God you post such voluminous waffle and bizzare Skippiesque monologues, that it is actually difficult not to refrain from taking the odd pot shot at you.

It is actually a sign of my supreme benevolence and tolerance that I don’t take a stick to every nincompoop comment you make. Consider yourself lucky I limit myself to just the occasional snide remark or highlighted inconsistency.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Absolutely top tier propaganda BS – note the number they use?


Jews see sacred meaning in numbers. The bible is full of these specific numbers.

40 in particular is associated with ‘trial’ or ‘test’ (Dont get me started on their luck number 6 million.)

Once you start noticing you notice that heaps of news reports use these made up biblically associated numbers.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Once you start noticing you notice that heaps of news reports use these made up biblically associated numbers.


Sometimes it is the little things you notice, like the dog not barking, or when you are being a little too vigorous or clumsy on your censoring algorithms.

For example not putting in a smoothing function so numbers of stories returned are proportional the occurrence of numbers occurring in nature.

I’ve looked into this numbers thing before, previously you got far more hit on news stories with 6 million in it… now the reverse. This was a interesting little rabbit hole I went down several years ago, if it came to my attention it may have come to other people’s attention, including those who control our information flows.

Try it yourself with Bing or other search engines – I reckon Google have it smoothed. Try other News combinations instead of environment, try car, plane, insurance, loss, etc

Capture - Copy (13).JPG

I did think the reference to exactly 40 beheaded babies was unusual, and reduced the credibility of the story.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a bunch (not 40) of dead kids though, beheaded or otherwise.

Aussie Soy Boy

Saddam killing babies in incubators was all made up for the first Gulf war then made up WMDs for the second. The yanks and israelis have no credibility


Theory 1 conflicts with theory 2 to some extent.

because a war that spins up arms production, etc, probably helps bankers and reinforces USA rather than weakening it.

A fly in your ointment

I dont buy the first one as it implies Taiwan and Korea doing something so stupid only westerners can swallow.
Brics gave more than enough rope to the other side so it does not need another war, just patience. I reckon most of us will live to see the decline and perhaps the breakup of incumbent self-proclaimed hegemon.

The second one implies war saves economy but it is actually credit that saved US after their assault on the rest of the world post 11. Sep. War just made that credit acceptable and made the trough. Who will credit US now after they weaponised the $? They literally chopped the branch they sat on.

The 3rd… they may be useful idiots but I have no further knowledge (it just sounds too much).

I don’t exclude possibility this is a plot to bake in inflation through high oil price and accelerate the decline of the US but the most likely scenario is that chosen ones have probed to see where is the limit of patience of Philistines is and inadvertently went well over the chain reaction threshold. If US de-escalates the situation after the chosen ones have had their revenge, this should support my theory because US IMO is the last one wanting another war at this stage.


LOL on North Korea – all they have to do is wait about two generations and then they’ll be able to practically walk across the border as their won’t be any South Koreans left alive.


As a Gedanken Experiment, consider what would happen if a giant mob of young white male neo-nazis converged on the opera house throwing flares and fireworks at the plod while bellowing “Gas the Jews, Hitler is Great”.

It is to laugh.

A fly in your ointment

That has a simple answer.
1. Cops will come out issuing penalties in the tradition of the local penal culture (frenchies learned that from us so they began penalising supporters today)
2. PM will declare emergency and proclaim mandatory educstion camping and allegiance to chew-choos
3. Coming will be the first in line but 98% will follow the suite. Of all those, all will begin to regret it as the biggest mistake, except Coming. He will say it was a smaller chance of the fatal outcome than thinking.
4. Those that did not comply will be declared a threat to those that complied
5. In years later there will be a royal inquiry which will find that all have erred and we should be grateful that there was someone to protect us from such menace.
6. We will be ordered to treat deaths from poisoning in the education camp as “nothing to see here” and those that died will be proclaimed 140years old so technically already dead.

See, there’s only one possibility here. A well kept secret is that Schroeder actually committed suicide when he and his cat landed in Melbourne because he found that there is only one reality in this pond.


No surprise Albo is going to start flying out “Aussies” from the holy land on the taxpayer dollar. Perhaps in the name of diversity for every person coming back from Israel we should send over one skilled migrant.


All those fair dinkum “Aussies” will no doubt be named Gal and Ben and Noah et al and won’t have set foot in Australia for decades.


hopefully gal gadot


This seems like a very good quick assessment of the situation


Yeah, I saw that too. Suddenly, eh?

A fly in your ointment

Another 8yo kid died in Israel.
In tradition of this pond, if Jacinta Arden was the PM, this deth would be reported as….


The behaviour of Hamas has been quite bizarre. They Ignored conventional strategic military targets to simply go around raping and slaughtering civilians en masse. The rave attack is a particularly egregious example…like…WTF are they thinking, massacring people and uploading videos of tbeir atrocities. What is the strategic value of a deliberate massacre and mass rape of young civilians that you widely publicise? It seems nuts, because normal maniacs, generally hide such activities rather than gleefully broadcasting them to the world.

Chris Bray has an interesting take on this.

He thinks that Hamas are, in essence, pissing on the ground like dogs to claim it as their turf so that Israeli normies (particularly women) stay away.

It’s an interesting take. I can certainly imagine that there’s not gonna be too many Jewish families happily living carefree lives in Southern Israel next to Gaza in the future, and house and land packages will be cheap.


You’re very easily emotionally manipulated


Oh wow, I really like this take.

it offers a plausible explanation of how the point of the atrocities might be the fact of the atrocities themselves.

maybe his particular theory (of localized fertility denial) is not actually accurate, but the conceptual approach could be on the right path.


Yeah, the more I think about it the more credible it seems.

Hamas is saying that they own the turf, and any Jews who go there risk being raped, massacred or taken hostage for beheading on camera at any time. Just the threat of that is enough to make your average normie go “Yeah nah…I’ll live elsewhere.”

If they assume this pans out as it always does, with a ceasefire and Hamas still in existence then they’ve won.

Soooo…do the Jews bite the bullet and eliminate Hamas?


I think they have detailed war plans on how to drain the swamp. Now they have been given reason to.

it’s no accident that they have called up n-hundred thousand troops. They have particular intended uses for all of them.

it will take a little time to mobilise and swing the machine into action, but once it does it will be pretty decisive, I expect.

anywya, I’m sure you know much more about the mechanics and logistics of this sort of stuff than I do ☺️


it will take a little time to mobilise and swing the machine into action, but once it does it will be pretty decisive, I expect.

Depends on if the will to use it is there. They have had the ability to wipe them out forever, yet here we are.


Wiping out the Palestinians would be a terrible atrocity and I shouldn’t think that israel would go in for that.

i was thinking the plans would be around purging hamas from gaza- obviously that’s harder than just carpet bombing the region, but I think that’s what they’ll be trying to implement.

query whether they will then turn gaza into a surveillance state, with cameras everywhere and social credit scores, etc. scary stuff, but might be preferable to physical reoccupation or displacement of entire population.


Hamas is the palestinians, near enough.

with cameras everywhere and social credit scores,

That doesn’t work with an actively hostile armed populace. The population has to submit to that sort of thing. I’d give a camera less than a day before it is full of bullet holes.


 I can certainly imagine that there’s not gonna be too many Jewish families happily living carefree lives in Southern Israel”
unless they know for a fact that every last mf’ing one of these devils has been sent to meet their maker.
that’s their gambit, that’s their gamble

A fly in your ointment

talking about terror phosphorus bombing

Current dilemma

Just reporting it…

And one more excellent meme.

Reus's Large MEMBER

SO the corrupt Biden regime funds Iran to the tune of 6 BILLION and nek minute Hamas sponsored by Iran attacks Israel who somehow have zero warning of the impending attack.

Something not adding up here ….