Australia to give skilled working visas to extra terrestrials to address skills shortage

Australia has opened it’s borders and skies to extra-terrestrials in a world first, announcing that it will be extending it’s skilled working visa program to aliens.

The move comes as a US congressional hearing last week confirmed extra-terrestrials were real, leaving Australia to do what it does best and hand out visas to anyone they can.

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles celebrated the move as a world first.

“I’m excited to announce that our skilled work visa will extend off-planet for the first time, using that good old Australian innovation of finding innovative new ways to import migrants,” Giles said.

“We ran out of third world countries to hand out Medicare and passports to a while back. I mean, we’ve imported nearly 2% of fucking Bhutan already, that’s how desperate things were getting.”

However, number of planets across the outer Andromeda sector had concerns that this was just pure interstellar exploitation.

“Why the fuck would we move millions of light years across the galaxy just to drive an Uber, when I can make more off of that driving a spaceship faster than light across the Hydra constellation?” Sirius resident K’radf’lef said through a telepathic interpreter.

“Those fucking Indians will just undercut us anyway.”

Giles also didn’t rule out student visas, but was consulting with University of Melbourne about developing a Bachelor of Anal Probing program to attract the galaxies top minds.

“Victorians already love it up the arse, so Melbourne is the perfect candidate for expanding the student program. It would be a great time to launch during Pride month.”

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which one is the extra-terrestrial in the thumbnail image?


Farkin funny…

”You want to make an industry around your genocide to last for centuries, you need piles of shoes!”


I’m fucking ded

Owen Benjamin is the GOAT got banned from absolutely everything

I’ve never seen this one before though




Yeah – seen that one before. It is fucking funny.


so anyone see it on q&a tonight? lol

Agent 47

Dean Smith chickened out. Basically said if Labor can come up with some bullshit model to justify 700k migrants then that’s fine. Usual line go up shit.

The rest all the usual arguments.


The rest all the usual arguments.

Did they even have an argument? It seemed more like…err…um… the success of migrants like me who made it on Q&A (lol)… um… it is not the migrants’ fault..


That could be the ugliest woman to ever make it on to the tv

should have got Sonia Kruger instead

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Best MILF on TV, no wonder the faggots and lezzos hate her and want her cancelled again.

Facts are that she made a comment on a nothing burger afternoon free to air TV show, on the panel discussing the question: “Do more migrants increase the risk of terror attacks?” Basically Q&A for straight normal women.

“I think Andrew Bolt has a point here; that there is a correlation between the number of people who, you know, are Muslim in a country and the number of terrorist attacks,”



Greg Jericho looking out for the working classes again… as long as it doesn’t bring down the value of his house.


He deserves a good bashing.


I want to run him over with a food delivery scooter.


That wooo and clap at 3:23. It’s not just Melbourne. Ezfka citizens love it in the bum. The self loathing is unreal. Flat out mentally ill country.


That shitskin was gaslighting the Liberal guy. The Liberal guy went out of his way to say how multiculti was successful and the numbers might be too high atm but the pajeet couldn’t not call him a racist. Absolutely fucked in the head.


you basically need something like this to happen on qanda but theres no one in australia with the balls


You also need them to do the job when they get power. Trump..nup, Meloni…nup.


An appalling debate, both in the hosts inability to call out stupid responses but also the guests inability to remotely pretend to represent the constituents that voted for them


RBA decision day today

wow that came around fast


RBA to HODL following the rule that they only hike when there’s no other choice


yeah thisll be a hold


I’m going for a 0.25% increase. Although there is a good chance they will chicken out and just hold.


Listen to these effeminate ABC ‘male’ journalists explain how they denied and continue to suppress the truth of Covid…


Defaming Sky Journalist, odds on those faggots will keep their jobs etc.


They do sound like a bunch of of ineffectual, feckless arse bandits. I’ve heard twelve years old girls with more gravitas.


fleeing the country with a suitcase still full of steve keens life savings


lmao he says the ukrainian prison guards extorted 100k from him

how much did he take from steve


probably enough that if steve had bought a house with it 30 years ago instead he’d have millions more today

depressing af

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Steve spent it all on thai hookers instead


What is the story there with Keen and this guy?


coming gave a good summary a while ago

gonzalo outgrifted keen and stole his website or some shit


The Ukes couldn’t bring themselves to kill a fellow grifter


I was really hoping he was going to die, he is an embarrassment to those trying to get the truth out about the war. It would have been far better for Russia if Ukraine killed him, and I imagine that is what the SBU eventually realised as well so they freed the bastard.


t minus 4 minutes ????

hold for sure


ya hold

no surprises at all

move along nuffin to see here


thank goodness

we have surely had enough monetary inflation by now


The RBA shall only hike when the data leaves them with no other option

That’s unlikely to happen again

They’ll cut as soon as it can be credibly suggested from the data even if it seems a bit early

The energy shock will delay cuts until around April 2024, IMO.


RBA holds, and bond yields are


across all maturities all the way to 15 years

now if interest rate rises are disinflationary wouldn’t we expect the opposite?


They didn’t raise interest rates and mentioned data suggests disinflation.

All the bond market does is reflect where traders think inflation and interest rates will be at points in the future given info available at the time.

So why would you expect bond yields to rise across the curve if the market expects lower inflation and lower rates in the future?


if traders think lifting rates reduces inflation

then why would leaving them on hold SUDDENLY drop bond yields?

Since bond yields are a reflection of inflation expectations?

The market SUDDENLY re-rated its inflation expectations lower because the RBA did NOT raise rates

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Read what the RBA said.


what are you pinning your hopes on here

you realise that the drop was vertical the second the announcement was made
nobody read the statement first


That means it was algs… is someone programming algs with Comingonomics


If so we’re all fucking doomed.


I’m suggesting you read what the RBA said because you seem confused by the move.

Short term traders don’t need to read the statement to trade the decision. They know the data the RBA follows and what each potential decision means to their trades beforehand.

In this case shorts covered and longs added.

It’s not that complicated.


When the rba rises more than expected , bond yields go up

when they do a cut or hold when it isn’t certain, bond yields go down

Every time
nothing to do with short or long covering

the rba moves the whole curve


you should start trading bonds…


cross all maturities all the way to 15 years

Compared to a month ago, the crossover point is 9 years not 15. Bearing in mind that these are average yields over that period, it implies the market is expecting lower rates at the first part of that 9-year period, and higher thereafter. That is consistent with higher inflation expectations due to lower rates.

Obviously short term the rates closer reflect spot prices. Nobody (other than RBA itself) is going to buy govt bonds at 0% if other markets are yielding 5%.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

This was a great post – hope there are EZFKA links, linking Twitter back to this.


So council approvals for apartment FELL 21% in June

Houses down 1.3% 

rate rises working well at bringing down rents I see


TBH apartment approvals would have to be very lumpy. In Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney majority of apartment projects (BTR’s right now) would be 200+ min each. The trend is important not the one off monthly number.

This Tweet just isn’t the hot take he thinks it is.


macro is deader than ever

honestly it makes me sad


how does a rate change thread only get 8 replies


“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.”
George Orwell, 1984

The EZFKA won so there’s nothing to say anymore


Macro Afternoons getting like 14 comments

what the fk

its not like their content is bad but it all went off a cliff the moment covid didnt kill the housing market

that was the moment the music truly stopped

Aussie Soy Boy

People like us stopped posting.

Hopefully their super fund gets dinged by APRA next.

Agent 47

That plus increasing DLS sanctimonious bullshit (see the voice) refusal to own wrong calls and letting clowns like Dennis, yokel and that lamb king tosser basically run anyone with a different opinion off the site.

Who would pay 250 a year for that?


Same same. I posted there for over a decade, but I grew sick of specifically small-d dennis, yokel and lamb king flinging shit at me all the time. It was no fun any more. Those three arseholes, along with a few others ruined the place.


lamb was a kunt

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yep me too, paid for a sub once and never again, their delusion on IR, covid etc. just pissed me off, the question is tho, can we get the real Reus to join us here, he was good value


whatever happened to that guy who talked about showerhead pressure

Agent 47

What about Wiley Wolf and his ‘GC Updates” that went nowhere.


bullionbaron and kiwikaryn though were legends


They should have fallen on their sword years ago. As I’ve said previously prices have TRIPLED since they started. That is seriously bad economic advice.


Even a brocken clock is right twice a day

More than can be said of MB forecasts

Last edited 1 year ago by The90kwbeast

Oh well.

Early life check and now no need, Jew Paedo he ded.




i dont think he was actually pedo

just jaked off in a porno theatre, used to be a pretty common thing prior to internet porn

edit oh shit he was charged with child porn? how did that go? never heard about that wow

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

And look at the long line of people saying what a great guy he was.

Charged with possession of Paedo material then somehow Police decide to drop charges, allowing him to rewrite the story.

Why would Police even be in his home? Are US Police now doing random searches of homes for that stuff? Smoke fire.

Happens Every single time.

From the UK DM:

”Then, in 2002, he became the subject of even more scandal when police claimed they’d found dozens of child pornography images and memorabilia in his home. 

He has insisted, however, that they were simply pieces of ‘historical art’ and that they were not ‘used for any kind of sexual purpose,’ insisting, ‘I may be weird, but I’m not a pedophile.’

The child porn charges were ultimately dropped, in exchange for Paul pleading guilty to a lesser charge of possession of an obscene image.

Despite the numerous allegations against him, Paul was determined to not be remembered by his controversies, stating in an interview years later, ‘This can’t be my final thing. I’m a big believer in the happy ending. I want Pee-wee to have a happy ending.”

Happy ending, nice one.


Fuck this shit about whether The Voice will just move straight onto Treaty, reparations, etc.

Sictoria is already getting ready to pat the aboriginals’ rent


Ezfka units welcomed the aliens enthusiastically as soon as they all signed up to Catholic school and purchased Hiluxes on tick.


Catholic schools are havens for people wanting basic discipline and safety for their kids, no Woke shit, and at fees that aren’t extortion like the private schools.

The paedo shit is long gone, which was across all religious schools incl the Choos, scouts, etc.


Yeah Liberal left woke. Still gay and cucked af.


WTF are you dribbling on about.

State schools are cesspits and another means for immigrants to ruin childhoods.


To my own disbelief, I sent all 3 of my kids to a catholic school, for pretty much those reasons.

My eldest son was doing a teaching degree, and gave it away because he couldn’t stand his woke colleagues, and the woke bullshit he had to go through during prac sessions in schools. One of his mates completed a teaching degree and hates working as a teacher. He told my son that changing courses was the best decision he’s ever made.


Albo in NZ finding out how to fuck the population up the arse with a Treaty like the Māoris have.


I hope the tattoo artist was really well paid for getting that close in.

Last edited 1 year ago by LostSocialist

37 Business Class Flights and old nag Mrs Putyourmaskson still wants a closer look


World University Games 100m final.

Looks like Somalia got into the final the same way her family got into EZFKA. Corruption and muh diversity.


This is another great scam of the Dan Andrews criminal network. No journos will touch it though. Too many retards on the Left in Melbourne to spawn a Friendly Jordie either.

Dan Andrew’s Planning Minister buys an office building under a Family Trust. New tenant moved in, not surprisingly it’s a renowned dodgy propadee developer. Rent is extraordinarily high. Building on sold at a huge profit due to yield on high rental.





Fast forward to EZFKA in 10 year’s time after The Voice comes in…


They already are…have tried twice buying off Ali Express and never arrived…

Mr Din Duunuffin seems ok though.


‘Tactical pen’


I have two tactical pens, one made by Smith and Wesson, and the other by some Israeli mob. They’re fucking great.

the arborist

Imma have to get me one of those. Great for when things go postal in the office.

Aussie Soy Boy

Looks like some b**** c***

the arborist

Turns out he wasn’t a dindu after all. I guess we’re all racist.