Happy New Year to one and all. Best wishes for 2025.
This post has been done purely so I don’t have to look or comment to you all beneath a post by that sniveling idiot whose lack of Perspicuity is only matched by his lack of Perspicacity, the strongest dovetail of stupidity.
Having nothing much better to add, I’ll simply copy and paste in LSWCHP’s comment in the aforsaidmentioned post.
This would also probably be the foundational stanza in the updated Bible according to Stewie:
Humans are either male or female.
Living according to these gender roles, the most basic and important activity of adults for the survival of a society is to have children (not too many, not too few) and raise them according to basic ideas of civic decency.
Children are best raised by two parents living in the home. Emphasizing education and self-control during child-rearing are also useful.
Men and women are fundamentally different (on average), and those differences are reflected in the great stories of human civilization and in expectations for and treatment of people in many contexts. Sex disparities will necessarily be reflected in government and business and that’s okay because women (as a whole) have a very important and energy-intensive duty which men do not, and never will, have.
People are variegated and should all be treated with basic civic equality and respect but those who fall well outside the norms cannot see their impulses or priorities reflected in education or public policy.
One of the most important functions of a person is to participate in family life or to produce value for the economy.
The market economy is a limited resource and should only be siphoned off for special projects and reformist ideas with care and prudence.
Law and order is the most basic function of a government and is the foundational value of any society.
Addicts and the mentally ill should receive adequate treatment but excusing and failing to punish serious property crimes and (still more) personal injuries will degrade the quality of life for everyone.
Crimes should be punished, and good works should be rewarded. These penalties and rewards should be distributed fairly, blind to a person’s identity category.
Every person has the potential for self-improvement and every person has the ability to make bad choices and society rests upon the former being recognized and requited and the latter being punished and disincentivized.
Education should also be undertaken with blindness to a person’ identity characteristics and without any unpopular political motivations. Education exists to instill curiosity and promote personal development and instill the values of socialization and citizenship in the young. Later on, it exists to develop professional skills and teach older people how to think and challenge themselves, morally and intellectually.
Activism and political change cannot be central to these projects and should always be undertaken on extracurricular bases.
Similarly, all public institutions should broadly reflect the values and norms of the people and should make national unity and institutional effectiveness their collective missions.
Aw… what an exciting end to a year.
A post commemorating the omnipresent effects of “a fly in your ointment” for the “blame thy joo/poo/aboo/slopoo/negroo” mob thinking.
Anyway bitchiz, happy merry and a new Christmas to “youse” all.
These people live in civilisations that have been around since ancient times yet life is as cheap as dirt. But we’re the bad guys for calling that out. Maybe Trump building some apartment blocks might kick start them into a more orderly society.
Life was never worth more than ‘cheap’ outside a family and often in there too. We’re the bad guys for calling that out at others but not at self.
Lot’s of people on this site mention the word “family” usually in reference to their own…. the main exception being yourself – I wonder why that is?
Happy New Year Stewie, and thanks for including those words at the start of your Bible. I think they’re a really concise summary of how the world should be.
Hopefully 2025 will see the cause of righteousness start to progress. Biden will soon he flushed down the toilet of history, Trudeau appears to be doomed in Canada and I suspect the disastrous Albanese will find a similar fate here.
Yes – I have to say I am looking forward to 2025 with more hope than I’ve had for the start of the previous 4 or 5 years.
The reason I reposted your borrowed comment was that so much of its appeal lies in simply accepting Natural Law concepts – two genders, the existence of natural differences, as well as basic Western concepts around the role of society.
Things like the value in work and the mutual obligation that exists in societies between worker and the state, and indeed the purpose of society itself – family, rather than the demonic lens of ‘the economy’. Which reduces societal health down to a single metric.
I’d place it at the start of Stewie’s Bible is because in many ways it is just a common sense update of the reality of life in Genesis 3 16-18
The existence of Natural Law and the incorporation of it into a values based system to order society, is fundamentally opposed by those who believe seek to elevate human laws above natural laws in the belief that people can define their own reality through words.
I should add that I’m hoping for the best this year, and in the future because my daughter just gave birth to my first Grandson.
I’m a lot closer to the Departure lounge than Arrivals, but he’s just starting his life. I’d like things to improve during his lifetime, rather than turn to shit like they have during mine.
Congratulations Granddad!
I look forward with hope to one day being afforded the same honorific.
Thank you. It’s a great blessing.
Congrats LSWCHP – So good to hear this rather than the nihilistic childless negativity we usually get.
Many years ago I did some post graduate studies in the media – I arrogantly liked the sound of my own voice and I could spin an amusing yarn, and at that stage I naively thought that access into the media was not as closely gatekept as it is.
While I very quickly realised the reality of the industry and abandoned my tentative explorations of it as an unprofitable waste of time, in terms of my likelihood of success (as outlined by Chomsky) vs my own life objectives, it did leave me with a much more cynical view of the media and its motives.
The experience also reinforced my opinion of the media’s importance and influence in terms of shaping societal narratives, and the techniques used to amplify or bury various topics. This became something of a curse, because you could never discuss the media with a regular NPC with anything other than generic “left/right” bias. To suggest that there was undue control or influence by specific ethnic groups, or even foreign nations immediately had you categorised as a loony.
Thus I have found the continuing revelations about the role the US Government, and the Obama Democrats in particular, have used an international web of NGO’s played in influencing the public narrative. Much of this came to light with the excellent work of Matt Taibbi and was only made possible by Elon Musk buying twitter and opening the company’s communication records to him.
This Zero Hedge Article does a pretty good TLDR summary of the toxic impact that Obama had on free speech and any values that did not sit within the Progressive’s narrow spectrum of allowable discussions.
All of which has basically reaffirmed the basis by which I approach every newly revealed narrative within the msm, which is “Until proven otherwise, the true narrative is likely to be the opposite in regards to whatever position the msm takes“
In the same genre of discussion here’s an interesting thread by Charles Murray on the work done by progressives to shut down any discussion or investigation of work linking genes and IQ together, where it is possible to confer that there are some obvious genetic components and explanations for life outcomes.
This is particularly important because this research and information is being kept out of both of the eyes of the public and the emergent AI technology which is being trained on datasets – it is being deliberately erased from public consciousness and hence part of the public narrative that enables us to accurately define our reality.
The Blob can censor and fuck around as much as they like. Ultimately, they are trying to deny reality across a wide variety of dimensions such as sex, race and even the meaning of truth itself. “My truth, as a black transwoman is…” and similar post-modern gibberish. But while reality can be denied, it never goes away.
I feel a tiny bit of optimism that perhaps we’ve reached the tipping point, and the pendulum is slowly starting to break back towards the actual truth.
Happy NY. At least given Elon’s outbursts, you can probably forget about politics, forever.
Just for something different, here’s advice from Odin, ie the Viking equivalent of rules to live your life by.
I highly recommend reading it. It contains stern, concise and timeless wisdom for hard men living in dangerous times.
A couple of examples…
Let no man glory in the greatness of his mind,
but rather keep watch o’er his wits.
Cautious and silent let him enter a dwelling;
to the heedful comes seldom harm,
for none can find a more faithful friend
than the wealth of mother wit.
Less good than they say for the sons of men
is the drinking oft of ale:
for the more they drink, the less can they think
and keep a watch o’er their wits.
Listen, don’t talk. Always observe your surroundings. Watch out for the booze. Trust people slowly. Always have your weapons handy. Beware of flatterers. Beware of false friends. Beware of women. Etc etc…
I’m going to send this to my sons.
Ah the Havamal – a central pillar of Old Norse philosophy! Reading it you can see that the values it enshrine are almost biologically indicative of the Germanic/Scandanvian people from which it originated, a mirror of their dour down to earth nature.
Some might argue that the first step in enslaving and destroying the Germanic people was replacing the sort of dour, gnomic, stoic sentiments of the Havamal with Christianity…. although it didn’t take too long for the innate biological sentiments of the Germanic/Norse people to start reasserting itself through a reframed version of Christianity introduced by Martin Luther.
I like 80-88 ‘Maxims for All Men’… some of the better ones:
Praise day at even, a wife when dead,
a weapon when tried, a maid when married,
ice when ’tis crossed, and ale when ’tis drunk.
Hew wood in wind, sail the seas in a breeze,
woo a maid in the dark, — for day’s eyes are many, —
work a ship for its gliding, a shield for its shelter,
a sword for its striking, a maid for her kiss;
Drink ale by the fire, but slide on the ice;
buy a steed when ’tis lanky, a sword when ’tis rusty;
feed thy horse neath a roof, and thy hound in the yard.
The speech of a maiden should no man trust
nor the words which a woman says;
for their hearts were shaped on a whirling wheel
and falsehood fixed in their breasts.
Let none put faith in the first sown fruit
nor yet in his son too soon;
whim rules the child, and weather the field,
each is open to chance.
Paging peachy requesting permission to post an article pls
Yeah sorry 90KB – I don’t have the power…. if I did I would grant it.
The great John Carter discussing the US H1-B immigration visa scam, and how it detonated over the last week or so.
Another turning point in the great war against the global elites and their foul army of smelly and worthless pajeet storm troopers and street shitters.
A good summary of what occurred for those who had better things to do than hang out on twitter over the break 🙂 Sadly I wasn’t one of them 🙁
Speaking of the accursed Jeet this is a pretty good thread on how Fiji responded to pretty much exactly the same issue Australia is facing, ethnic replacement by a population that is more interested in setting up a parallel society (like how India is constructed) than it is in integrating and assimilating, and the outcome of those 1980’s coups:
I truly believe that if allowed to continue unchecked the same fate awaits Australia and our children. Sadly thanks to corrupting work of Zionists and their promotion of decades of MultiCult indoctrination through the Corporate boards that they sit on, I very much doubt Australia will be able to organised as an effective solution as the Fijians.
The comments on that twitter page are interesting. Lots of Indian nationalist responses as expected. People keep wanting to make moral arguments from history about why there should or should not be multiculturalism/immigration. History explains but isn’t a justification. Justification does not matter. If a people decide they are a nation and work together to further their nation, then they are a nation. Native Fijians were always a nation. Colonial descended Australia used to be a nation. We are now outnumbered and more than half of us drink the kool aid. We don’t have enough children. Such behaviour is contemptible. Our nation is not worth saving. It is finished. The best we can do is to take what we can and be prepared for when the SHTF. That’s what everyone is doing. They all make sure their kid’s kids retain the motherland’s passports.
Their arguments though are
1) British/French colonialists as immigrants took the land that Australia/Canada/Europe/America etc is based on from the aboriginal people of those lands
2) ergo Indians (and others) should come through the front door en masse because it’s an extension of the logic and ethics of #1 as sanctioned by the government as a form of 21st century colonialism
Secretly I think you will find quite a lot of immigrants think this way and essentially as Stewie describes, are the actions of economic locusts, fully waived through by government.
And we can argue that Western colonialists were bringing civilisation while 3rd worlders are bringing the exact opposite.
Totally. But until something is done like Fiji it won’t ever change.
Fiji is actually a very interesting example I might read up more on how they actually achieved what they did.
A bit of distinction required here:
“Civilisation” brought is quite arguable, even by today’s standards.
Spoken like someone whose entire exposure to Australia’s history has come from watching SBS or picked up from Corporate training seminars that Zionist board directors have insisted companies take up in the name of ‘diversity’.
Has it ever occurred to you that you might be an idiot?
Of course, it has.
It is a feat of all the people with some intellect – to understand the relative idiotism of all humans.
…unlike youse types who know it all
Dumb wog.
I remember George Speight. A coup around 2000. One of my heroes.
I apologise for inability to chose my ancestors and particularly for them not being criminals shipped off as far as ships could go.
But does it count that my great grand grandpa was an outlaw (he was never gaoled. He just robbed the rich and gave to needy, like his wife and kids)
Only about 1/16 of white Australians have convict ancestry, and we made one of the best countries in the world, largely because of WAP and quite overt racism. It was fully sick. I don’t know why people get upset over that.
Even the wogs from the 50s-80s made a half decent contribution. I remember the poor bastard that ran my fish and chip shop, he was a miserable guy, maybe his family got shot by turks or something, but I miss those fish and chips and burgers. Simply can’t get them like that anymore.
Wogs always make contribution wherever they migrate voluntarily. Equally, wogs cannot fluck up this place bc every decision is parliamentary and we know who runs that place (wogs there are purely just useful idiots)
so 15/16 are voluntary immigrants?
I doubt that, highly.
I have no objections to anyone’s ancestry, but “No tengo pelo en mi lengua”, the kettle the pot etc
If blacks made America and american culture so were the common punters here.
Great stuff in AUS like Sydney harbour bridge or Opera house was not made because common punters requested it and send a petition demanding it be built but because someone from Warden Class Aussies wanted something for his business or wanted a legacy with own name. Like the 4 lane dual carriageway to Alb-uneasy’s central coast weekend home or Tri-Guboff’s greed or…
Google says it 20%
All my lot were free settlers, I think I’ve only known one guy to have convict ancestry and yeah he was a bit dodgy.
Well knowing how to read only became a thing in the 1900s, I remember how the WW2 gen really valued books, they used to be a luxury, and they got upset when I’d fold over the page a bit as a bookmark.
So of course all the fancy stuff was left to the wardens.
Another comment I just say on youtube…
True this.
What makes the difference is that those who own the house said “yes, please come in shitloads”…
Actually they didn’t – the vast majority of Australians have wanted significantly lower immigration for the past two decades.
Instead they’ve had it heaped upon them by a corrupted duopoly political system, aided and abetted by a captured media class, and underwritten by a Corporate sector that is absolutely chock full of hateful Zionists.
You would know and acknowledge this, if you weren’t such a spiteful immigrant yourself with an enormous chip on your shoulder.
When you combine the constant reinforcement and elevation of Indigenous Australians grievances (notably coming from white hating, Zionist promoted Abo Socialists like Marcia Langton) with the sort of Corporate indoctrination that I detailed last year in this post it is imho pretty obvious that they are being deliberately indoctrinated to feel entitled towards claiming a piece of what we have for themselves, as well as a distain for Legacy Australian culture…. Flyshit being a good example.
The arguments do not matter in any objective sense. They are propaganda. There is no point reasoning with someone spouting them. There is no shared set of assumptions, no shared history, no shared vision of the future. Giving those arguments any time at all is a waste of time. Find allies. Keep quiet and gather strength. When enough strength has been gathered, conquest or secession can follow.
That’s the thing – immigrants and the Jeets in particular are being TRAINED to have these views. They are being trained to view our history in a certain light, as one of unjust dispossession.
Because it gives them their own moral justification and certitude in their own dispossession they are carrying out by moving here purely to take possession of our Social Capital, with no intention whatsoever to assimilate and integrate… and you see it throughout the comment sections, these self serving immigrants – usually Pajeets – saying we have no right to resist their coming here, because our presence here is illegitimate to begin with.
This was one of the main reasons objected so forcefully in regards to the training that was being given at my work, and which I wrote about some time back.
It doesn’t matter what they say about our right to resist them. It matters what we do to resist. And we do nothing.
LOL – if I ever go postal you will be the first person I call to give me a hand!
Australia by the turn of next century IMO although it will be led by multi ethic non Anglo Saxon people.
I think we’ll see 40% of the population will be south Asian alone and Indians probably 25% of the overall numbers.
I see it was the result of two coups
We are probably 3-4 decades minimum away from being in a position of having the level of disharmony needed I think for Australia to achieve this.
And it was easy in Fiji because it was the natives versus Indians.
In Australia it is for starters aboriginal versus European as the original starting point which has its own conflict. And then the many layers of subsequent migration from many different countries. In other words there is no obvious race of people you try to exclude from the divide and conquer strategy.
I wonder if instead of just Indians it was a host of South and East Asian countries people that piled into Fiji if the same outcome would have occured.
The only way forward is a massive acceleration in the decline of living standards for what is left of Australia at that point to stop the sellout.
Pretty much – that old Deagle site that forecast a collapse in the West was spot on other than one important detail…. the fact that our hostile elites were going to backfill the demand deficit from the credit bubble with imported credit cleanskins.
Unless someone starts Brian Thompson’ing our CEO’s – starting with the Big4m then there will be no end to the decline in our living standards…. first they’ll push them down to the Indian middle class, then they’ll push them down to the African middle class… then they’ll have achieved global “equity”.
By the turn of century this place will probably belong only to Australians again.
It will be unlivable bc without fossil fuel life here as we know it and in this punters quantity is unsustainable. All other immigrants from the last few centuries will flee. Most will be pardoned and allowed to go back to Motherland. A rare few may remain here
Happy new year all. I hope it’s a good one.
Lots of bleak videos about the UK on youtube like this one:
Finding some really interesting comments. Like MB used to be.
The same video came up in my feed and the same comments stood out for me.
Couldn’t find a single comment mentioning immigration. Nor the necessity of a house prices crash. Everyone is such a weak poof.
We are literally incapable of forming mutually beneficial alliances to further our own interests because subversives have spent decades “educating” us as to what “our” interests are (ie theirs).
I think normies are just cowards.
Yep. Until they aren’t. Usually when they get hungry. E.g. French revolution, end of Suharto in Indonesia.
I doubt anyone will go hungry. Even homeless people don’t like it when you give them food, it’s not a problem at all, they want cash.
youtube deletes comments it doesn’t like. I think I’ve been banned from commenting altogether although my comments have never been offensive, aggressive or profane – in my opinion anyway. In the world of THE MESSAGE however, my comments were probably all of those things.
I can’t really tell, as I’ve said on this site before out of all the people I’ve known only 3 were based. 2 blokes and one woman who was a Porline supporter.
Whenever I say anything based around most people its like a lead balloon and I can hear their brains thinking ‘how can i use this against him’ its grim, feels very Stalinist. Or maybe I’m just paranoid. Its probably somewhere in the middle. These are all vanilla normies. Anyone whos far left wants to bash me and I them.
One old boomer said ‘they do the jobs people dont wanna do’. There is some truth to that. The days of youngins wanting to man the servos and push the trolleys subsided a bit. Because two working parents can just give them a hundred bucks or whatever here and there and then they can focus on their real work. They don’t have to waste their time dealing with the one or two fuckstick customers you inevitibly get per day.
Yeah, the woke mind virus is indeed virulent. I know people who years ago used to have opinions that were based on reality and pattern recognition but are now infected with mind rot.
I’ve been able to help a few though. I haven’t cured them as much as reduced the symptoms and helped put them on a potential path to recovery.
There are plenty of young Australians who would love those jobs. My nephew is one of them. Can’t get them because of all the pajeets. At what point do we agree that the rule of law no longer exists thanks to migration making a mockery of the social contract?
exactly! pay them proper legal minimum wage and not the bullshit immigrant slave labour price and the teens would be lining up!
Can peachy also pls remove the Christmas overlay
You seem to have touched the ghost of the Peach as the hideous ho-ho-farken-ho shyte has gone.
He may have heard the other request you made…
Your post will be good, I know. It’s not a high benchmark to surpass Dumbo’s “satire” or the “it’s only thy joo to blame” monologues with sycophants’ interjections.
Yet more disgusting anti-Semitic graffiti in Sydney, and the car’s owner wasn’t even Jewish!
When will this madness stop?
When will they catch the perpetrators of the Synagogue fire?
We want justice now!
there’s no business like shoah business as they like to say
Apparently the Car owner wasn’t Jewish…
…but a “neighbour” who was Jewish, happened to observe the graffiti and was so moved that it was she who phoned it in to Police and reported it as an act.
Sort of weird that she made a report to the police without first trying to establishing whether the car owner had already made a report. Given that the car was in the owners driveway in the photos in the article it isn’t as though she wouldn’t have known which house owned the car.
Stewies Opinion: Neurotic, menopausal Sharon Greenberg has been obsessing about antisemitisim in the community and is outraged that police are not doing enough, so has spray painted the car and called the Police – she knows this is okay, because antisemitism is ‘out there’.
every time some anti semitic act happens theres always a jew neighbour next door or a holocaust survivor down the street
It would take only a tiny amount of effort by the cops checking local security cams to sort this out. And I really like Sharon for this too.
I have met mad Jewish 50 something women. I would not put it past them.
“It also follows an incident in the Western Sydney suburb of Sefton, where Islamophobic graffiti was discovered under a bridge on December 15.”
Under a fucking bridge? Who goes under bridges, FFS? And who notices the bullshit sprayed under bridges?
These people are taking the piss.
the only people who go under bridges here are the homeless ppl parking their shopping trolleys full of trash
I know it’s old news now, but did you shut-ins know that the UK’s Labour party sent about 100 staff to the US to campaign for Kamala Harris?
Interfering in foreign elections… covering up for paki rape gangs… is there no low the UK government won’t stoop to?
Whether it’s Starmer, Trudeau, Biden or Albanese, the english-speaking world is universally governed by woke, corrupt, evil, vile degenerates intent on ruining their own nations. I wonder how it all came to be?
Also, Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Denzel Washington received the highest US civilian honor from the potato-in-chief.
I did not know that, Thanks. Makes me think that we should become the 52nd state, after the UK. The USA for all its faults has national identity, serious rights in law, a serious economy, and a serious ability to defend itself, We have mining.
Yeah, we’d gain 1st and 2nd amendments, and 30-year fixed mortgages, but the rest is questionable. Don’t believe Hollywood. Source – lived there for a looooooong time.
National identity – “proud to be an American, because we are exceptional” – famous Irish Barack O’Bama – turned into arrogance and bullying. In reality, the country is more divided than ever along race, class, ideology, geography.
Serious rights in law – privately-run prisons needing free labour (US accounts for 20% of world’s prison population while having 4.2% of world population). Anyone with means / connections, however, gets a sweet deal or walks free (Hunter Biden is the epitome of this).
Serious economy – 36T in debt and adding 1T every 3-4 months? Most of the economy is finance sector, majority of real manufacturing left the US shores decades ago. Better state of the economy than Australia for sure, because US still has some manufacturing capacity and capability, but I wouldn’t call it strong.
Serious ability to defend itself – not even. Every piece of tech they provided to Ukraine failed to make a dent. US has zero air defence or anti-ship protection on the coasts, and none at the land borders with Canada and Mexico, hence illegal immigration on land (Mexico) and by sea (from Cuba in the Atlantic). Their missiles are obsolete, and the only viable delivery platform are submarines (Trident 3, in use since 1990), which are aging. Land-based ballistics (Minuteman, in use since 1970) and land, sea or submarine-based (Tomahawk, in use since 1983) are slow and predictable. Aircraft carrier groups are susceptible to a few supersonic missile strikes to sink the entire group. They can’t even deal with Houthis FFS.
As far as mining goes, China is our biggest trading partner. Being Australia, we still have a semblance of independency. Become 52nd state, and there is no more China trade, given Trump had declared China as his archenemy for the next 4 years and restrictions and sanctions are already flying and will likely intensify.
I say, secede from the Commonwealth, adopt Australia First ideology, close the borders, except for truly skilled (STEM), get all of the student/temporary visa holders out, let businesses fail, invest into STEM / manufacturing / R&D, get TAFE back to its days of former glory, and stop getting involved into international affairs, unless they directly intend to harm our interests.
Elon hammering Starmer about the paki gang rape groups has been intense
Starmer is a dim-witted, dough-faced buffoon who has failed upwards all his life. He was in charge of prosecuting crims in the UK, and apparently failed to notice thousands of Pakistan Muslims gang raping tens of thousands of English white children on his watch. Easy to do, I suppose.
Musk, on the other hand, owns a fleet of fucking rocket ships.
I’m no fan of Musk, but in any stoush between him and the ridiculous PM of a pathetic, tin-pot failed state like Britain, I’d put my money on Musk.
I’d be willing to bet a slab of beer that Musk is going to slaughter Starmer like a pig, and Starmer won’t be the PM of the UK by 1-Jan-26. His own side increasingly see him as a toxic liability who is totally politically tone deaf (because he is), and they’ll arrange to remove him between now and then. Check Trudeau for how that would work.
You can add Germany, Austria, South Korea (that one is a full clown show), Romania cancelling the election results because Russia, Macron on his last leg – the golden billion is starting to look like gold-plated turd.
Starmer has only been in power for 6 months. His disapproval rating is already at 61%, worse than any PM going back to Maggie. In George Bush’s words, “Starmerie, you are doing a heck of a job!”
And another interesting part that has developed over the past couple of weeks is, of course, Syria! Russia is keeping the bases so far, new and improved Syrian leader, who had his $10M bounty removed for being an AQ/IS dude, is negotiating with everyone, pro-Turkish fighters are at war with pro-US fighters (NATO proxy vs. NATO proxy), Turkey is about to gain a new neighbour in Israel, as both seek to expand their land holdings and are sure to have some skirmishes. Wonder which side the US will back – a NATO ally or their owners?
2025, the year of the Snake, hell yeah!
1905 – Russian revolution Mk 1
1917 – Russian revolution Mk 1, US enters WWI
1929 – Wall St crash, start of the Great Depression
1941 – Germany attacks USSR, Japan attacks USA
1953 – QEII crowned, Stalin dies
1965 – Vietnam war starts
1977 – Nothing of note!!!
1989 – Fall of Berlin Wall, end of cold war, Tiananmen Square, start of Yugoslavia Civil War, the Gulf War (making it up for quiet 1977)
2001 – 9/11, start of the War on Terror
2013 – Edward Snowden
2025 – May you live in interesting times!
Hah, I admire Snowden but I bet he regrets it. Noone cares, and anyone who would care probably already had a good idea about mass surveillance.
I just listed the events that I felt had worldwide implications, and Snowden was certainly on that level.