Report: Hurry up and cark it already you fucking disgusting parasite

A new housing affordability report has shown that Israeli billionaire Harry Triguboff should just hurry up and kick the bucket, for Australia’s sake.

The new report from the Absolute Shitcunts of Australia Institute came after the Jewish property developer called for more migration from everywhere, after admitting no-one wanted to buy his shit apartments anymore.

“This cunt has been one of the biggest destroyers of Australia over the past 50 years and essentially the de facto immigration minister. However, his consumption of child’s blood has kept him from dying and unfortunately enabled him to continue to fuck the country in the arse harder and faster than P Diddy with a container of baby oil,” the report states.

“At 91 years old he could of at least fucked off back to Israel to join his parasite brethren Frank Lowy but alas he remains here, spreading concrete cancer with his Meriton Soviet shitboxes all over Sydney.”

Triguboff did not respond to the report but has reportedly been investigating a tender to build apartments on the Gaza waterfront.

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Psy op or bearded fucktards ‘r us.



Yimby is full of autistic curry munchers who want to bulldoze Koalas


There was a full on white cunt in there. Blonde and no beard. I find him a very peculiar person of interest and would like to follow his career trajectory.


How good is this?

Fat bitch Medical Bureaucrat caught with US$6million cash. Zelensky throws another rookie under the bus


These people have a history of ruining our communities

Ironic Boomer

Interesting article for those that missed it. I’m a both and kinda guy.


Both and kinda? Not sure what you mean.

I blame Australians for destroying Australia. The migrants play their part, but almost nobody wants to go around slaughtering what are, in a criminal law sense, innocent people. Either you do that or you create a strong identity based around religion like the jews, muslims and zorastrians. Over time, you become a race.

Australians have no reason to desire one another’s company enough for any of this. We have betrayed one another by allowing this to happen in the first place.

the arborist

EZFKAians aren’t to blame. It’s the people who rule over them who are to blame. Most EZFKAians have been against excessive immigration for a long time and have been saying so. The minority that are pro mass immigration have been brainwashed by media and the ‘education’ system controlled by our rulers.

As it is in every western country, indigenous citizens are innocent victims of evil and powerful elite e.g. Triguboff, who have faggots such as Albanese et al in their pockets.


There was mass hysteria over Pauline Hanson in 1996. EZFKAians continue to do nothing. There are no riots. There is not even a protest. The primary vote of the laberals has deteriorated but not enough for them to change their policies. The number one alternatives to laberal are green and teal, which offer only more of the same. Sustainable Australia is a joke and One Nation is stuck. Sorry, EZFKAians are absolutely to blame. How could it be otherwise? The only purpose of economic units is to produce ever increasing house prices.

the arborist

So you’re to blame as well? What have you done to fix the system? If people have power, go ahead and use it.


Yes I am to blame, and I am working on it. Next year I’m planning to leave my job (state gov) so that I can campaign.


In my experience they are treasonous as fuck. The voting accurately represents it.

Ironic Boomer

Fair enough the way I wrote that was a little ambiguous. I meant BOTH/AND kind of guy. As in I apportion some blame to both the oligarchs and immigrants themselves.

“I don’t blame the hitman who killed my family man, I blame the guy who put the hit on.”

Just like the latter example they’re both culpable and responsible.

Nope, immigrants are a bullet.
Hitman is your polies and hit was ordered by “you-know-who” and their associates. But there’s no hit really. The farmer wants more chicken so farm is being converted from a free range grazed pastures to a cage force fed chicken coop.

Another one which flies around is “well, you voted for it”.

Well no, I and the overwhelming majority didn’t vote for any of it.

oh, we come to the grand-denial here.
Of course *everyone* voted for it.
Not directly. By voting again and again for parties which promote excessive immigration in the past/present/future. Gold fish memory.
Alas, elections here are meaningless anyway as there is no ideology behind any of the major parties or “independents” – they can shift their agenda along the spectrum, on the go, and swing like a pendulum… …in the process the local voters are flucked and stand still whilst being flucked. Good on them.

Invasive species are a problem, animal or not. Australia has both problems at record levels.

This is an interesting one. It should’ve triggered a massive cognitive dissonance, but it does not. Supremacists are immune to it.
Who is to blame for shyte from introduction of deers, foxes, rabbits, feral cats etc in this pond (all are invasive in absence of their natural predators)? Animals or those who brought them to this pond?

“The Noticer”
notices facts, granted, alas only convenient facts.


Classic ointment response to anything immigration.

Some of the comments in that article are almost exactly what I’ve said here previously including about some current immigrants being less than innocent with their intentions.

And no ointment guy you can’t vote it out and no we didn’t vote for it.

As noted previously it is significantly easier trying to cut immigration than go on some abstract impossible task of changing the political system.


Is this blog post from Stewie also? Reads like it.


I can only hold onto the hope that in my own small way I helped contribute to the thought process that influenced the writer of this article, whoever they may be:

Instead, they just want a shortcut via economic parasitism that is also advantageous to a small, hostile elite who view them as a means to an end. The cost is always at the expense of and paid for by the citizens of the host nation and the “better life” migrants are seeking is off the back of the Australian working and middle class who now cannot even purchase shelter and are living in tents.

i.e. a shortcut to a better life, at our expense – that comes at a cost to the general existing Australian, and only benefits the immigrant and the hostile elites in our managerial, media and leadership class.

But really those words as bleeding obvious to anyone who pays attention to what is going on in Australia economically and isn’t a complete retard such that they can see the obvious connections between those bringing them here, and the ideologies and beliefs that are motivating them to do so.

Last edited 9 days ago by Stewie
Ironic Boomer

I know it’s an analogy, but bullets are inanimate objects without agency. Immigrants are not, they have agency. They choose to come here and stay. Some also bring their village over and profit from it. They are definately getting some blame, they are not going to be without blame. But they are not exclusively to blame. I also blame some Australians.
As you say Australians did not directly vote for it. So in other words they did not vote for it. Which is why the vast majority of polls show that the vast majority of Australians want a lower rate of immigration. Even lower than pre covid levels.

Wishing someone dead, in public, is tasteless and a sign of permanent cognitive damages.

Is that the “aussie values” I suppose to adopt and assume in the process of the assimilation?

In Germany, electric vehicle sales dropped a massive 68.8 per cent in August compared to the same time in 2023, while France dropped 33.1 per cent.

Not that these mobile crematoriums don’t have their place in the transport game, in fact their place is huge and not only in areas where immediate pollution is the issue. That includes even private transport.
It seems that force-feeding is killing the livestock and livestock begun to runaway from it.

Nice beginning of October to alleviate the clock changing shyte.


If these Gaza reffos who came 8 months ago can get a house, why can’t you, Anon?


Palestinians are a plague. This won’t end well.


>simply furnished townhouse

Its simply furnished tho, no $5k leather couches and shit. Nazi.

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