Study confirms Suburban Rail Loop just a property developer rezoning scam to house inifinite Indians in high rises

A new study has found that Victoria’s proposed Suburban Rail Loop is nothing more than a scam by the property sector to flood the country with more Indians and build defect-riddled soviet ghettos in the inner suburbs.

The landmark study showed that the plan to build some bullshit rail loop that no-one really wanted was a scam from the start.

“It’s just a bunch of dickhead property developers like Tim Gurner and the rest who got together and found a way to market bulldozing the inner suburbs to make way for their high-rise shit. They will never build the fucking thing at least not in it’s entirety,” Dr Nick Markson said.

“Like seriously cunt, no-one wants to live on top of a railway station except some Asian bugmen and street shitters who are used to living like caged rats on top of each other. So, they cooked up some bullshit about ‘infrastructure and amenity’ so they can continue flooding the place with pajeets.”

Jacinta Allan rebuked the criticisms, saying that the estimated $250 billion project would at least be $500 billion by the time it gets past planning stage in five years time and be built by the ‘finest third world labour and construction standards.’

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A fly in your ointment

Dumbo does it again….

Uses a pseudo satire to plant real agenda.

Agent 47

Oh no! Anyway..

A fly in your ointment

How many cops it takes to replace a globe?
1 to climb the chair and hold the bulb, 2 to rotate the chair


Not many wogs have big ears. How come that. Probably to avoid hearing each other speak.

A fly in your ointment

I put pea in my ears to block the sound and I inately node when a woman speaks…. randomly saying “yes” and ‘I understand’.
No one can be subjected to a wog woman verbal tirade and survive. It’s the Wog way moite


Credible reports that Biden’s “Covid” was actually something requiring high priority medevac out of his last known public appearance in LA last week, and cancellation of a high profile public appearance.

This is looking more and more like a palace coup.

Agent 47

Reports going around on X that’s he in hospice care and likely to die.hat’s if he didn’t die ages ago and had body doubles so all the rest. T

That being said, yes he’s just slightly more obstructive on Israel and Gaza and I wouldn’t be surprised if Netanyahu had him pushed over the edge.

Either way they want war in Iran. That’s my reading of the long term play.

A fly in your ointment

hat’s if he didn’t die ages ago and had body doubles so all the rest. T


Gruppenführer Mark

And people are legit having a laugh, looking for “proof of life” and creating said proof, after the phone call to Kamala’s event. There are a couple of good tweets in there.

Proof Of Life? Biden ‘Phones In’ During Harris Campaign Event | ZeroHedge

Gruppenführer Mark

He is upright and moving, but he doesn’t look fine, rather feeble.

A fly in your ointment

So no different from the last for years…

Aussie Soy Boy

The problem when the Olympics are on is that you have this Paralympics on afterwards. Every so often they put these ads on saying we are supporting our athletes and instead of showing some beautiful pole vaulting chick or synchronised swimmer, they show us someone with a flipper arm instead. It’s enough to turn you off your dinner.


Looking at a deformed person is still better than looking at a soy boy. You are mentally deformed and it exudes and permeates into your physicality.

Aussie Soy Boy

Harris is going to win this pretty easily I think. Next 4 years will be a bad time to be a male in the Ukraine.


She’s in her honeymoon period where everyone celebrates how much of a fuckin nigger she is. Give it a week or 2 to let everything settle.


Cept she’s a juicy street shitting coconut!!

ABC is in full TDS mode.


Cept she’s a juicy street shitting coconut!!

ABC is in full TDS mode.

Ironic Boomer

One of my favourite things about heels up Harris besides her family’s history of slave ownership, is how she kept black men in jail beyond their release date for their free prison labour.


Quite likely. Nearly half the population there would vote for a doorknob, so they wouldn’t vote for Trump.


You’ve even got a psychologist to help out weeeeeeeeeee


I’m going to suggest Erin and her husband are blowing all their money on useless shit and overseas holidays. If you can’t save living at home then you’re spending far more than ever needed.


probably 95% of all people who complain about the cost of living crisis are just burning their money on something stupid and dont realise it. if you actually got to see their day to day expenses youd realise it pretty fast.


Nailed it. If you are genuinely struggling you wouldn’t be eating out, you would be cooking your own food. You would be shopping at an op shop and shelve any plans of an interstate or international holiday. There are people struggling but they are not the ones you see interviewed by our lame stream media.


There are people struggling but they are not the ones you see interviewed by our lame stream media.

You in turn nailed it – this is what happens when you send an inner city dwelling feminist like Mary Madigan whose bohemian lifestyle has always remained with in the sphere of perpetual Uni students.

So what does this strong empowered woman do when tasked with needing to capture a view of reality? Interview another Uni chick who moves in her privileged and undoubtedly progressive circles.

The “media” such that it is today, is mainly chicks writing about their feelings and interviewing their friends.

Gruppenführer Mark

Agree with that. However, one caveat. Applicable to WA, it is way cheaper to go on an overseas holiday than down south or Shark Bay. My last 11-day Phuket trip set me back 400/day. That included flights, 5-star hotel, uber to and from airport, all food, tours, etc. I will be hard pressed to fit inside that figure with the same level of amenity here in WA.

I wish it wasn’t so, as I love my state, but a 3-star motel in Shark Bay at $200/night or a 5-star resort in Dunsborough at $400/night do not compare. Food and entertainment – same. Sad, really.

A fly in your ointment

Major problem with most Terra Avstralis beaches is that if blindfolded and airdropped, at best, one would struggle to recognise one from another.


I stand with Erin33.


Beautiful phraseology, Timbo. It’s always a scam


Victoria is bankrupt, so not one metre of track will be laid. But they will still pay for the SRL department until all development applications are approved.