Australia records 2% rise in GDP after Indians scamming pensioners added to official figures

After a sluggish three quarters of .1% economic growth, Australia has recorded a 2% quarterly increase in GDP, after Indians scamming pensioners out of their savings was officially added to the official figures.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers made the announcement yesterday in front of an enthusiastic delegation of Indian parliamentarians on a trade visit.

‘I’m please to report a huge increase in GDP, in accordance with our tripartisan ‘line go up’ economic plan,” Chalmers said.

“This is really an innovative approach to the problem of Harpreet scamming Ethel out of her retirement and forcing her to sell the house to his cousin Gurpreet to cover the loss. Housing crisis and ageing population crises both solved.”

Chalmers said he would also look at loosening visa rules by adding Indian scammers to the skilled occupation list to ensure GDP would never go down.

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It would be racist not to allow a muslim to disobey the whip


Isn’t that how they tell us democracy works. The person voted into parliament gets to make decisions for their electorate, not just be an NPC doing whatever the party bosses tell them to?


thats how they tell us how its supposed to work

its the cover story


Dirty Harry’s comment on MB was a ripper. Should have been a post here. Can we copy and paste?

Also, on the money Timbo.

Last edited 3 months ago by robert2013
Agent 47

TLDR: Jenna Price is Jewish





She used to write a column for the Caberra Times, and it was the usual continuous litany of feminista complaints about how exhausted she was as a mum, and how oppressed she was, and hard it is to work for a living, and how terrible men are etc etc. She also wore those stupid giant round specs with heavy rims to signal her stupidity.

Nothing she’s ever written has been worth the steam off my piss, and this bullshit continues the trend.

Agent 47

Fairfax is full of them. Moreso than Newscorp.


The toxic gossip and unending scolding by white anting women like Kerri or Jenna Price, and the destructive impact it has on social unity, are the reason why some women were made to wear the scold’s brindle.

Essentially nothing these women journalists or as they really are ‘narrative keeping guardian commentators’ is real journalism, it is just an unending stream of scolding and gossip.



Identify politics and their pushers is bad for the majority


Anyone pushing anything is bad for the majority more often than not.


Jesus Christ that was verbose


Every AWFL looking at your Tweets be like


From the Asia Times:

“In a speech reported by China’s state television on June 19, Xi said: “Cadre at all levels, especially senior cadre, must show unity and have the courage to put aside their prestige and expose their shortcomings. They must deeply self-reflect.” They must “make earnest rectifications, and resolve problems at the root of their thinking.”

Isn’t resolving “problems at the root of their thinking” what wokism is all about? Victoria’s minister for men? anti-racism? etc.

They force you to question yourself so that you don’t question them. I’ve been noticing the phrase “we know” appearing in all kinds of speeches, particularly around climate change, and other grievance industries. Do not question us.

Last edited 3 months ago by robert2013

“We know”


Has “do better” been replaced already?


Such sanctimonious shit actually, “we” means not you, peasant. And “we know” is all school teachery shit as well, so be taught Cooker.

100% it is spoken through a cats bum mouth of some Femenazi.

It is unironically the equivalent of “I’ve done my own research “…

Gruppenführer Mark

Robert, I think you are reading too much into this. China is anything but woke. This

They must “make earnest rectifications, and resolve problems at the root of their thinking.”

is a message to the elites, whose progeny are driving Ferraris, partying like there is no tomorrow, all on social media.

🇨🇳 Former Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu has been expelled from the Chinese Communist Party for “serious violations of discipline,” Xinhua reports.

Li Shangfu is suspected of bribery and misuse of official position. It was stated that his actions “damaged the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China, national defense, military development, and the image of senior management personnel.”

China seems to be tightening the belt, and at the same time when Russia, in the last couple of months, have moved their MOD on, arrested three (?) of his deputies for corruption, and fired 4 (?) more deputies.

The East is getting ready it seems for some shit to go down.

And then there was an attack over the weekend using US cluster munitions (prohibited) on a beach in Crimea with 5 dead, 2 kids, and over 100 wounded. Not a peep in western media. But there was a US-initiated phone call between US and Russia MODs, just after. And US ambassador got a dressing down.

I can’t help but think we are on a precipice. I honestly hope I’m wrong.


Just because that message was targeted at Chinese elites, doesn’t mean the thinking isn’t typical of leftists. It’s not enough for them for you to do as you’re told, you have to think as you’re told lest you retain the capability to become a threat later. That is exactly the approach of the femmos, BLM, climate radicals, homos, etc. They are there to shut down all opposing thought. They tread a little more softly in the west, but calling Pauline Hanson, Le Pen, Wilders, “far right” was originally done to make them sound like nazis and “moderate right” wimps more appealing. I am hyper vigilant about this stuff because it’s probably destroyed my nation. Certainly my family.

That said, I agree that we are on the precipice.

Bitcoin and gold are falling back as the US stock market AI tsunami sucks all the water away from the beach. The time to buy protection is coming soon.

Buckle up!

Gruppenführer Mark

CCP is hardly leftist if you compare their policies, economic situation, the way their society is governed.


Left/right is a mindless label to apply these days. I apologise. Xi Jin Ping and those widely seen as left have adopted mind control via social engineering via “culture” as their tactics for more than 100 years and they are still doing it. What it produces for the populace is almost immaterial. The point is the advancement of themselves, their families and their ideologies. I believe that if they could establish a new monarchy like North Korea they would.

Gruppenführer Mark

That I agree with. The discussion then becomes shaped around personal beliefs (prejudices) vs. ideology that is being cultivated in other societies. Or, more broadly, “western” values vs. “eastern” values. LGBT++++++, minority rights over majority, equity over merit, individualism on one side and personal responsibility, traditional values, societal benefits on the other.

I’m not a China apologist, never been there, don’t know the lay of the land. But the message that is publically broadcast resonates more with me than straight white male bad that we are clubbed over our collective heads day in and day out.

Happy to debate this with you, and, as I said, I feel we are on precipice. There will be a generational, possibly multi-generational struggle to see which ideology wins. Deep inside, even though I’m not a church going type, east is more aligned with traditional Christian values atm than west.

Also, thank you for an intelligent discussion without strawmen and insults. Breath of fresh air.


You don’t hate the media enough, you think you do, but you don’t.

Fuckme those clips of Tucker Carlson just shitting on the local EZFKA journalists is funny, but sad at the same time.


wish he had just outright said whites were being replaced rather than danced around it though by talking about “native born americans” or “blacks” (as if blacks being replaced by virtually any other group would even be a bad thing)

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

The moment he did that he’d have opened himself up – besides, by arguing for native born you are basically arguing for the existing demographic set up anyhow so you get the same outcome. Why fight unnecessary battles?


by opening himself up that’s how we actually make this mainstream

fuentes is outright saying the holocaust was fake and he’s ratioing mainstream politicians, if we got someone as big as tucker to just say it we’re in the end zone

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

 if we got someone as big as tucker to just say it we’re in the end zone

One step at a time, we are getting closer to that point…. I watched Friendly Jordies doing about the nicest, lamest admission of Jewish power in Australia…. but at least it was admitting that it exists, something that would have been unthinkable to even mention in public 2 or 3 years ago




Wasn’t too far back in my timeline


The tone on that bitch. Look at how classy and articulate Tucker has to be to to fight it.


Agree about the wimping out on telling the truth that it’s anti-white.

It is anti white. Fact.

Must have made for some sneering conversations in the news rooms, talking about sending their narrative pushers to the event.

I have no doubts the head cunts at these media organisations sat there daily during Covid, discussing earnestly about how hard they would go. The power in the hands of these turds must have been fizzing their little dicks off. They must be first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

Now the narrative doesn’t work anymore, and they enter rooms where punters genuinely hate them and (hopefully) want to hurt them.

The sheer gall of that bitch though, going on with her rant, only for Tucker to just batter it.


The 1950s is too good for the likes of her. I’d send them back to the 1450s when they still had witch burning.


when the revolution comes’

If it doesn’t come soon it will be too late. The replacement will be complete.


Our only heroes will be locked up

A fly in your ointment

Our only heroes will be locked up

theywill never lock up footy players!

Aussie Soy Boy

Tradies quoting for work are worse than any Indian scammer.


At what point is the entire economy a scam/Ponzi scheme really


I was expecting more forced sales of Jet Skis etc by now TBH.


its all completely downstream of mining and agrciulture. w/o those we’d be portugal or poorer.


My nephew is doing year 12 at school, subjects are the Asian 5 (Maths, Physics, Chemistry, etc). Smart kid with smart parents.

He’s seriously considering a trade.

He’s getting bombarded with mainstream media activists in the news saying it’s great, plenty of money etc. The CFMEU crime boss just came out last week and said his latest extortion would mean Ford Rangers for all apprentices.

Teachers are exasperated apparently because they see how wrong this is.

Parents are torn, they live in Vic and see the folly of private school fees to go to Uni and clock up HECS debt, ridiculous cost of housing, State taxes etc. and the only white collar job paying good money is being a scammer in NDIS or Government.

He’s white so will be downgraded in his job search against women aboriginals Pajeets etc.

This is what Labor has done, with some help from Scomo.


I think owning a trade business is underrated. If you have half a brain, do well enough in your trade, and can undertake a project and business management course you should be able to set up and out perform half of the drongos in the industry by the age of 30 whilst raking in $200k p.a.

Additionally you don’t need to live in a major capital city to have a good life which is getting very hard to achieve these days.

Most tradies are shit because they either do a shit job, use shit parts, or can’t manage their time and over promise clients constantly so even if it’s done well it takes twice as long as it should.

Gruppenführer Mark

You would do best if you are working directly with homeowners or small-scale developers. Once you get into providing services to the building companies, etc. – forget it. Bankruptcies, underpayment, non-payment. I personally know three companies (site/earthworks and concrete/formwork) that have gone out of business after being screwed over by larger contractors. But if you are a plumber or a sparky, staying small and local is the go.


That would be my line of thinking. Maybe get some sort of scale to the business that you can attempt smaller commercial jobs also.

Pick a smaller city something like a Townsville or even a Coffs Harbour or Toowoomba have a great life.

The army of people studying for instance accounting degrees at capital cities to fight it out against an army of indian also accountants for $100k p.a. jobs just doesn’t work any more.


The great Douglas Murray lays down the truth about our Maori and islander brothers, with a quick not to the local tribe.

What a pack of worthless cunts they all are, by and large.


Saw that, gave them a good clip.

Finally someone said it.

Next do fake aboriginals living in the city.


Basically the myth of the noble savage won’t die will it. And it’s very, very much in vogue currently.


Is MB’s “winning at negative gearing” a reincarnated version of “winning@failing”? If so, seems to be less potty mouthed.


is the threatening to beat up half the userbase or challenging them to fights in brisbane shopping malls like he did here?


Lol I’d forgotten about that…all I remembered was the foul language


click this video at your own discretion. this guy tried to stab a labor politician in newcastle today, dude seemed totally cooked–bPh


It’s a nice gesture but it never adds up to much. Multiple headed monster, whack a mole, etc.


he pussied out at the end so he didnt have the guts to go thru with it


I’m glad for him he did. Normies aren’t worth dying for, most of them would happily kill you either directly or indirectly. There’s a very sinister thing underneath that Christian mindset.


Albo has milked it for all he could.

The perpetrator was clearly mentally ill, and not even able to do much at all. Deal with him, get him help in jail etc.

It’s just pathetic that Albo and his minders would leverage this and do lots of media about himself. Even working himself up to be all teary.


Someone has done some noticing.

Off to the gulags with him.


He’s a in interesting writer. Sucked a lot of people in. As far as I can tell, he writes fiction from a native anglo perspective. A man who can amass whatever kind of evidence is necessary to bolster his cause through twitter replies.


Joe Biden getting prepped for his debate

A fly in your ointment

90kw beast:

When you willingly game the visa system to your advantage it is unethical. That’s why there are many dozens of comments and blog posts on it here.

It’s like saying Google isn’t to blame because they pay no tax in Australia, it’s the lawmakers fault.

Which it is, but Google is also taking the piss by exploiting every loop hole there is in the tax code rather than at least offering back some of their billions in revenue back to the community that they earn their revenue from.

As I said being complicit is also being culpable, it breaks the social contract at a certain level of exploitation.

We’re getting somplace.
Unethical is not the same as illegal. Unethical is subjective and irrational. Illegal is not.

Can you imagine a possibility that what Goggle “exploits” is actually a feature of legislation and not an unfortunate accident of which the is unaware?
If you can, than all about immigrants “exploiting” and “unethical” becomes clear and obvious that the wants them to be able to stay over and above the “official numbers” of imports. This is where the focused anger should be directed.

A fly in your ointment

Tucker Carlson wipes his arse with Convict compliance culture.


Tucker wipes his arse with a local compliant “journo”


Yeeesh. Exerminate. Exterminate.


Great clips


Already happened in EZFKA suburban Melbourne


Its an invasion by attacking the West’s empathy… this is why women should never have been allowed to vote.


I watched some of the Trump/Biden “debate”, but had to walk away because it was embarrassing. To say that it was a catastrophe for Biden doesn’t begin to cover it. And this was after he spent the last week prepping for it.

Biden has been shielded by his crew for his entire term, but he had nowhere to hide during the debate, and Trump massacred him. Biden looked incredibly fragile and doddery and is observable not physically or mentally capable of being president now, let alone for another 4 years.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Biden either pulls out of the contest, or is forced out by the party. If they don’t do that then Trump will be the next US president.


Newsome warming up as we speak.

Gruppenführer Mark

I watched the whole thing. At the end, it got down to Biden bragging about his golf handicap.

Agree, Biden will not be on the ballot, or will have a veep that will pull the vote in hopes of becoming prez in a short order. I have posted my musings on this before.

Aussie Soy Boy

Biden has been like this the entire presidency.


i don’t know why people are acting like its new now. i could have shredded both of them in a debate, but from the clips i saw it was mostly primary school style “im better” “no i am” type discourse. dutton and albo arguing would have looked like socrates and plato compared to those two.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

The thing is that *is* new…for all the normies and NPC’s who consume The Australian, the SMH the NYT and all the other bullshit MSM who’ve been spouting for years that Biden is razor sharp and at the top tof his game.

People actually believed that shit, despite all the evidence to the contrary, so to see the reality about Biden very clearly and very suddenly would be a huge surprise.

My 89 year old Dad, who is in the above category, watched some of it and was shocked. He’s physically pretty doddery after fracturing his spine last year and spending 6 months in hospital, and he said he thought he was in better shape than Biden, and he probably is because he doesn’t have dementia.


biden had an IQ of about 110 or so iirc (someone figured it out from his converted LSAT scoreS), so it makes sense. not that an IQ of 110 is bad at all but for a guy in his position its not especially high. for his age his brain would have declined quite a bit from his peak intellectual performance. when your peak is lower, the decline hits harder. this could be why dementia correlates with low IQ; lower IQ people simply have less brain to rot away, so when they get old its mostly all gone.

trump’s probably isnt much different but for whatever reason he seems a bit more immune to aging, plus he’s younger to begin with.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal
Aussie Soy Boy

Biden was able to avoid the televised debates 4 years ago because of COVID. I think the democrats are quite happy to have him be humiliated in a debate now because it gives the excuse to replace him that otherwise wouldn’t have had.

Gruppenführer Mark

There is no way in hell I’d believe that the king makers of the Dems didn’t know what Biden is like. They have no hope to win this, not with Biden, not with a replacement superhero. 4 months left until elections, they don’t have the time to edumacate the populace.

Which brings the next question. What is coming that they know will bury the next “leader of the free world”? Trump is narcissistic enough to win and then fiddle, as the world burns.

All the fluster and loudmouth statements will not get the USA back to its heights. What is it that we (I) not seeing?

the arborist

That is the big question indeed. The ‘debate’ was always going to be a debacle and Biden’s handlers knew this better than anyone. I believe the debate and the mainstream US media response was stage managed by them and turned out exactly as they planned.

The most likely outcome is to patiently allow Trump to have his next four years in power while they continue their shenanigans behind the curtain. The president after Trump will very likely be another easily controllable puppet – either Dem or Rep. Their plans are very definitely long term – and four years is an acceptable hiccup.

Or maybe they’ll arrange for Trump to be killed – but it likely won’t be as messy as JFK. It would probably be another baffling case of ‘suddenly’. He’s old enough that it’s very plausible.


trump was an easily controllable puppet himself, why wait for the next guy when he can be the guy

you guys are overthinking it

of course biden was going to have to debate he cant duck it forever that would have looked terrible too

not everything is some super grand conspiracy or plan

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal
the arborist

I’d be inclined to agree with you if there wasn’t so much shady history. The JFK assassination and cover up alone suggests there is indeed a grand conspiracy.

Gruppenführer Mark

More plausible is that they will let the country to be torn apart under Trump, hit the reset button and try to amass even more control over populace, in my opinion.

Actually, this idea of a reset button has been floated in some discussions around why the USA is so keen to start conflicts around the world. Gives the banks and out via force majeure clause. Not sure I fully embrace this reasoning but it does make one think.


i think his presidency will be another nothingburger, only wildcard is whether he does anything to stop the ukraine mess or whether he’ll just keep enabling it

Gruppenführer Mark

Trump has made his statement on Ukraine. He would expect both Ukraine and Russia to sit down at negotiation table. If Ukraine refuses, they get no more weapons. If Russia refuses, USA will continue to support Ukraine.

Remember, Zelenskyy passed a law prohibiting him from negotiating with Putin, while Putin called Zelenskyy out as illegitimate after his term expired on 20 May in accordance with Ukrainian constitution.

Russia has less incentive to cave in at this stage, in my opinion. Every offer Putin puts on the table is worse than the previous one. According to some telegram commentary, Zelenskyy is desperate for an offensive this August or September just prior to US elections and is hoping for some success to keep the money spigot open. Ukraine is losing an estimated 2000 ppl per day now. I expect Putin’s next offer will be all of Ukraine east of Dnieper to be annexed, including Odessa up to Transnistria border. Maybe Kiev as well, as it was purchased from Poland by Russia back in the day.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gruppenführer Mark

he says a lot of things and then does other things. he’s given off mixed signals on what he intends to do, and he is very easily swayed by flatterers and the last person in the room. it’s why he’s seen as so unpredictable; it’s going to be worse this time around bc hes even older and his brain has caved in even more.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal
the arborist

It won’t be Trump who tears the nation asunder. It’ll be all the golems that have been trained and ‘educated’ to do so – BLM, antifa, LGBetc, recent border crossers, uni students…

Gruppenführer Mark

Didn’t say it would be him. But it is possible that the forces you listed will be let loose to facilitate the dismantling of the country as we know it today.


Saved under trump part 2 predictions.

With Trump talking about green cards for foreign students I’d say he’s already become a puppet.

Last edited 3 months ago by robert2013

Historical Kouk brain farts.

Of all the Labor Luvvies and grifters, this guy gives the most laughs


Here he is sharing the love for Peter Tulip. Massive lols


Kouk’s tips on solving the housing crisis.

Gruppenführer Mark

The first two are already happening by stealth, I believe. Generations under one roof, like in the olden days.

Third doesn’t look promising if the top two are happening though.


Very common in my street, probably half the houses are multi gen, smug propadee worker propadee investor boomer woman across the road just copped her very adult son and wife and kids haha.

Some dumb wog who had his house given to him put on another story in preparation.

Millennial couple who own some gay polestar went halves with one of their mums back when houses were 1.5.

Another gay millennial couple, male looks soy and weasel af just dropped 3m for a 70s one story shit box that had been given a poncy Apple style facelift on the inside. Doesn’t even have a garage.

Gruppenführer Mark

I have a mate staying with me, known him for 15 years. He’s about to go get married, and will move out to forge a family unit. I do enjoy other human company, but I am of two minds letting another soul into my house that I don’t know.

Even a nurse with obvious advantages of warm sponge baths.


How to be one of the most repulsive people on the planet. Male Karen.

A fly in your ointment

George Galloway on Pierce Morgan show.

A journo cannot get lower than this….

The level of sophisms shown by Piers is eclipsing that of ComingBot. The deliberate derailing and interjections go on for every minute of the interview. Piers often contradicts himself and then just moves on.

One thing noted by Galloway was the phantasm of the westworld and its comply-happy media that Pyoutin is ruling by an iron fist and that does not have natural support in voters,


Just so everyone knows, because most of the Yanks don’t, he had guys hack into voicemails etc to publish stories on them.

One of them was the family of Molly Dowler, an English girl who had disappeared later to be found murdered. Morgan as Editor of the Daily Mirror published stories in this with an incredible level of knowledge.

They not only hacked the family’s phones but deleted messages on the father’s phone as it was full, trying to make sure they would not lose new ones.

Morgan is worse than a parasite.

The judge in the phone hacking case Fancourt said: “There was a widespread culture of phone hacking, extending from journalists up to editors… Editorial staff not only knew about the practice of phone hacking but were likely to have conducted it themselves—it existed at the highest level on the journalism side of the business.” 

All media are scum.

Gruppenführer Mark

Australia got silver in housing unaffordability. Hong Kong got gold. Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide are in top 10. Perth is 20th, we certainly have some room left for improvement!!!

the arborist

We only got equal 4th (with the US) for home ownership rates. I expect we used to be higher than that. I also expect we’re going to slip lower.


Went to the cafe. Seems to be the main way legacy citizens cleanse themselves from being the venal gormless pigs they are. Nauseating. Fuck I hate millenials.


all people do socially when they get older is eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, maybe drink too. drink and eat. the older you get the more disposable income you get but also the slower your metabolism gets too, so fatter and fatter and fatter you become. the blobification. bring back food rationing.


I can’t stand the pretentiousness of it. That Byron Bay style rich people pretending to be hippies culture.

Aussie Soy Boy

If they aren’t getting fatter in Australia at pubs, cafes and restaurants, they’re off on a cruise getting their money’s worth at the pigs trough and with their all you can drink package.

Gruppenführer Mark

Went on a eastern Carribbean cruise some years ago. One and only, never again. 7 days, 4 ports, out of Ft. Lauderdale. There were knuts that never left the boat, parked in the 24hr buffet, supposedly getting their money worth.



I’ve been on one, there is some good ship and island moments but overall they are pretty gross. Inevitably got a virus for a few days.

Even n0gs can go on cruises now haha.

Maybe the more upmarket ones are better I don’t know. I saw a youtube vid of some guy who’d gotten one of the best rooms on the QE2 and even his experience looked pretty stinky and sad.

A fly in your ointment

With aging the senses dull and food/sweet tooth are the last ones (strongest remaining). Naturally strongest satisfaction.
Unless they go rasta herbalism.


Why? I wonder what Trump has in store for the arts degree mafia. Probably nothing, he might go for one or two scalps but he’d probably rather just enjoy life instead of being a vindictive bitch. He’s such a boomer. Boomers gonna boomer.


AFR surprisingly rolled out a “Trump will cause a Recession” article on Thursday.

I bet it was written by a Zionist but TBH it wasn’t worth even reading past the headline.

There will be a heap of EZFKA media rolling out their own versions and scare campaigns. As if that counts for anything, except their own virtue signalling. Your ABC will have their total period headache femazi rants as per usual.

Worst thing about Trump as far as I can see is we might have to take Kevin Rudd back.


Kevin should just get on with it and have his heart attack or stroke.


he legit looks a bit like brucey/shiraz same blubbery bulbous nerd phenotype with chink eyes lmao think britt and him fucked?

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal
Aussie Soy Boy

Trump is a zionist

A fly in your ointment

You won’t find a politician in US who is not encumbered with Zionism. Same here.

the arborist

Of all the politicians (and ex-politicians) I’d like to punch, he’s definitely in the upper half of the list.


amazing video from amren. touches on what stewie and ih ave been saying for a long time:

black africans are the most different human population on earth to any other. the genetic distance between black africans and non-black africans is such that if you have a child with a black african your own child may be less genetically similar to you than a random non-related member of your own community. black africans along with a couple of other oddball but demographically insignificant and mostly admixed out of existence groups (i.e abos) are unique, there’s no doubt about it. in a world free of our current accumulated political sensitives, they may well be regarded as a different species from the rest of humanity. while there are differences, often sizable, between every other group, they’re nowhere near as stark or significant when compared to black africans.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal
the arborist

This should be obvious to any relatively free thinker.

If it weren’t true, why is there so much propaganda telling us the opposite is true?


Yup – they are civilization killers. I still believe that their population will start to slow and then catastrophically fall once the resource crunch starts making itself fully felt over the next 20 years…. but that makes it even more important to keep them all kettled in that continent.


I think the same. Their population will continue to explode, but only so many will be able to escape elsewhere, and then there’ll be a tipping point after which they’ll slaughter each other and starve in a mass die-off that will make the Rwandan genocide look like an episode of Happy Days.

This, of course, will be A Good Thing. I’d rather be colonised by space aliens than African blacks.

A fly in your ointment

You sniffing glue again?

This kind of video should come with a warning that it may lower one’s IQ by 2 digits just by watching the first minute or two,

The level of cherrypicking is astounding. No, not wearing blinkers, not a tunnel vision, a view through a tiny pipe.
Even average IQ haters could see this guy being presenting a wish list as a pseudo-scientific paper.


you watched the video? it didnt cherry pick anything, it literally cited global aggregated statistics. what cherry picking lol?

the av iq stats of africans – not cherry picking

african tfr – not cherry picking, can be confirmed by any normal mainstream statistical source including CIA worldbook

african median age – ditto

it even went over other countries and places and debunked some old ideas at least in some places, i.e iran having sub-replacement fertility despite being muslim. a common claim made including here is muslims have out of control birth rates everywhere but the video outright showed that it’s not that simple.

if the video dropped your IQ by 2 digits a minute, how many minutes do you have to watch it to have an IQ equivalent to the average african?

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

it didnt cherry pick anything…

I did not say you did.
The idiot presenting the theory does (unless he’s just the narator).
As of first few sentences it begins. What a drongo.
I’d go more into detail but why? If you missed the fallacy and cherrypickings in the video chances are you can’t understand it anyway.


The only thing that will lower IQ’s around here is reading anything you post.

Africans are another species, only weak minded faggots adhering to the msm feminine narrative of ‘be nice’ believe otherwise.


I concur with both your points.

A fly in your ointment

What happened to the “I don’t contribute to the shyte《it’s the jews/negroes/abos/poojeets/slopes fault silly》” ???


To be fair the ointment guy has skin as thick as his skull. Just keeps at it.

A fly in your ointment

Nah, my skin is just the same. Foreskin may be a bit longer but that’s another story all together.
I just don’t get offended on internet. And I enjoy spoiling ointments


This is rather timely news from Canuckistan, pajeet woman gets sentenced to three years in jail for fraudulently claiming her daughters are Inuit:

The moral of the story, if you’re going to rip someone off make sure they are whities.

the arborist

Random opinion. Any opposing views?

Judaism and Islam are both intent on destroying the West (representing Christianity). One is going about it in a high IQ way, while the other is going about it in a low IQ way. Both are very effective. The high IQ lot are making use of the low IQ lot.


the only place christianity is demographically growing anymore is niggertown

the arborist

I don’t know where that is, but the west has traditionally been Christian (not so much now) and is still seen as at least nominally Christian by the other two groups. Christianity and the West have had very similar downward trends. It this a coincidence?

I have a theory that both whites and blacks do better when they’re Christian.


Culture matters – religion imbibes a culture of sacrifice, which is a necessary perquisite to raise successful families or even contemplate the idea at all.


Sounds plausible to me.


Christ cucks don’t do themselves any favours by being propadee investors. Do any of them you know say anything other than hurrrr ouse price iz high. Bunch of absolute submissive fags. They don’t even fuckin swear.

‘Destroyed’ is subjective. A lot of them move to the shitty suburbs then the shitty suburbs become gentrified and nicer. Then they go to guzmans and woolies and the reject shop and charlies chickens and get the boomer parents to fork out for mick school. Then they become sufficiently woke and congratulate themselves on how much they love niggers, especially after they’ve got an ip.


Nobody gives a shit about religion. It’s all about nations using whatever they can to gain the resources others have. Our nations have been weakened by philosophies that celebrate weakness. We are easy targets.


Religion is the software that civilization runs on. It solves the collective resource allocation economic problem and increases cohesion levels that improve efficiency.

Some religions specialize in Trojan horse attacks, hijacking that software and redirecting decision paths on how things e.g. economic decisions are done or made.

The fact that religion has been so stripped from most of society has only made it easier to reprogram societies values away from reproduction e.g. home ownership to economic value e.g. home value.

Gruppenführer Mark

I think you are generalising the three religions. Judaism has a number of branches, Hasidic Jews have way different views than say mainstream. Sunni is different from Shia, Wahhabi is the most extreme form of Islam. Catholic vs. Orthodox is night and day. Even those churches that split off Catholic church are very different. Jehovah’s witnesses, 7th day Adventists, Baptist, Southern Baptist, they all have a different view of the world.

There are plenty of high IQ and low IQ people in all of these religions. I think the real determination is whether the elites that rule various peoples use the religious beliefs to improve their peoples’ lot, or to introduce division and hatred. This has been happening in the history of humans forever.

Having said that, there are countries and organisations today that view themselves as being on the right side of their chosen god, and by default view others as being on the wrong side. Add a bit of propaganda, and the populace follows.

Always easier to view oneself as special and opponents (who really are not but you have been told that they are) as inferior.


I’m old enough to remember when if you hadn’t hooked up with a pog by 25 you were the scum of the earth and your relos were hanging there thinking you were a faggot. Incels think they’ll get some slinky little hotty if Christianity came back. They’ll almost certainly have to fuck a pog.

the arborist

Generalising is how we make sense of the world. Some blacks have a high IQ but their mean / median IQ is low. Commodore and Golf GTI drivers are generally lower than average IQ and have low impulse control, but some of them are quite smart.

But yeah, individuals are self-centred. As nature dictates. What is weird though, is the self-loathing some segments of the western world are afflicted with. In order to survive, it is absolutely necessary to put yourself and your ilk higher than outsiders.

the arborist

Q1: Which groups are we allowed to criticise?

A1: White westerners – especially men. Even more so if they’re Christian.

Q2: Which groups are we forbidden from criticising?

A2: Judaism, Islam, blacks, immigrants to western countries, LGBETC.

Q3: Why would this be?

A3: It’s a mystery!

Gruppenführer Mark

As excellent Dave Chappelle said on SNL, if there is a group of blacks, it’s a gang. If there is a group of Italians, it’s a mob. If there is a group of Jews, it’s a coincidence and you are not supposed to notice.


Dave is awesome. I haven’t heard that line before, but it’s true.


MB: “Labor’s unbelievable banking competition failure”

The banking system survives on the largesse of the government who feed banks as many migrants to give loans to as they want. Who gives a shit what brand of loan it is?


soos has ascended to a power level not seen. he’s being attacked by an army of TERF feminists for this one, but he’s completely right. all these trans-critical JK Rowling types only care about securing womens only spaces bc theyre completely self-serving; theyve been attacking men for wanting the same for themselves for decades. fuck them, i say flood their bathrooms with transmen.


We probably have a few more bogan women on side but they don’t live on the internet and they are probably too stupid to not vote liberal and labor.


Pretty much the only time that a female-dominated political group have aligned with the right wing and we’re already trying to push them out


they dont align with us though that’s the point, the devil is in the details

they only oppose the troony troons bc they want to maintain their special treatment bubble while denying it to anyone else

i dont even care about the trans people anyway its not important at all and all these highly publicised things like the odd tranny weirdo in female sports almost never happens

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

Almost never happens?

Not sure about that.

Should never happen.

Question, aren’t they Transvestites? Unless they’ve had genitalia surgery they’re just cos playing.


Yep, if they got their way they’d be straight back to shitting on white men. So it’s kind of good that they’re occupied with trannies. Sportsball people are just boomers and wannabe boomers anyway. There’s nothing in them at all except pure opportunism.


they do sometimes

i dont like the troony troons either but feel like people just think about it too much and i especially dont like seeing someone (soos) getting ganged up on by ppl not getting his point

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

He probably liked the attention, he doesn’t get much except from our ilk.


Tram Guy


Next Australia Day honours the guy in black top left who just rampages the cops must be given our highest honour


Ah, those were the good old days.


Get a load of this floozy. I thought she’d be classy but she’s a real estate agent. While the nurse is having an awful time on 100k. Legacy citizens are absolutely shameless. There’s really no brains in the upper classes either. They’re just a bit better at doing exams.


The covid Vax will do that to you. Heh.


They have backtracked on it thankfully. My idiot family will probably still get it though.,risk%20of%20severe%20COVID%2D19.

‘Eligible’ not ‘recommended’

They only recommend it for people over 65. Which is still dumb 65 isn’t old and frail anymore, never really was.


Check out the look of confusion and despair on Biden’s face during a post debate ra-ra session. His wife is a fucking psycho lunatic.


Lol lol I can’t tell if this is satire or not


Woke luvvies appalled to discover that open borders cause panic, overcrowding, societal shutdown…

the arborist

Based reader comments. Great to see.

It seems the swing back to the right (the centre?) is building across the west. Plenty more ground to claw back yet though.


Reform is at 16 percent. Meh. Commonwealth Anglo/Celts are the faggiest whites.


i think they’re going to disappoint everyone

the arborist

You chaps can wallow in misery if you want. As for me, I remain happy to see a potential sign of improvement – however small – for the future of the west.

Chins up, little buckaroos.


It would be too late for me to enjoy it. Need millions in compensation plus some ultra violence as revenge.

Anyway I looked at their site there’s no talk about numbers. Almost certainly more controlled opposition.