After Indian spying revelations, ASIO reveal Australia facing ‘critical shortage’ of imported fifth columns

ASIO Boss Mike Burgess has revealed that Australia is facing a critical shortage of imported foreign fifth columnists undermining what’s left of the country and bringing their cultural baggage with them.

After revelations that numbers of Indians were spying on Australia, Burgess said that we urgently needed more hostile foreign diasporas imported to offset the ones we’ve already imported.

“We may have to import more Pakistanis to offset the number of Indians we’ve imported as a check and balance, the grooming gangs and terrorism are a small price to pay for further social chaos,” Burgess said.

“We can’t cut immigration or deport these people however, that would be racist and Australia is still the greatest multicultural country in the world or something like that.”

“We thought these guys just wanted to steal our toilet designs and sexually assault women in Ubers.”

Burgess said he would also be liaising with AIJAC and Mark Leibler about the possibility of importing more Jews to offset the number of Muslims that Leibler brought in to the country previously.

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Strange that none of the Mainstream media covered this? Surely Your ABC would have as it fits in with their Male Violence narrative they are running.

Anyway it just shows how smart it is by Home Affairs Minister Claire O’Neill and her mate Giles are.

Importing one Pschizophrenic Pajeet really means you get two…how good would twice the food taste?


If you commit a horrendous violent crime, just say it happened under the influence of drugs, or while you thought you were in a video game.

The people who need shooting here, apart from the pajeet, are the idiot shrinks who spout this utter nonsense and the idiot judge who accepts their nonsense.

Seriously, would any normal person in the community, when presented with such a defence, say anything other than “take him to the gallows and hang him by the neck until dead, right fucking now”?

Particularly if you were the father of one of the women he attacked.

A fly in your ointment

…what they were importing

at last some more sanity here, someone knows the difference between an import and a supposed elusive “invasion”



Can you tell the rest of us what you think the difference is, in your own words?

A fly in your ointment

I told it so many times it takes a pair of blinkers, immunisation against cognitive dissonance and plain ole ignorance not to know what the difference is “in my own words”.


This is a legit post by Labor’s Minister for Pajeet imports.

Pushes his own book sales with Comm Gov letterhead no less.

How good is the grift with these Leftard elites?


Over a million invaders from India have Australian citizenship, and they contribute little more than collecting shopping trolleys while gibbering at each other in Hindi and fucking up our country

I had a blood test yesterday, and the female pajeet taking the blood was incomprehensible. She spoke bizarrely accented “english” of a variety that eventually lead to her pointing at words on forms because I couldn’t understand what she was saying.

I felt insulted by having my blood extracted by such a worthless piece of shit.If I could’ve dragged her into the street and beaten her senseless, like they do in India, I would’ve.

A fly in your ointment

Over a million invaders invitees from India have Australian citizenship, and they contribute…

Dont forget that all of them were granted a PR or citizenship by the political parties you voted for, directly or indirectly through preference scam.
Whether you wanted or not, anyone who voted actually enabled excessive immigration.
Noice, good onya all.


Whether you wanted or not, anyone who voted actually enabled excessive immigration.

So did anyone who didn’t


You’re the new Coming. Troll factor ratcheting up.

Everyone knows

A) Voting is compulsory else pay a fine
B) only a small % of people donkey vote or pay the fine
C) both major parties and the greens support mass immigration

It’s a bit rich to blame the electorate when our elected leaders do not represent our interests.


Normies are just as bad as the parties are.


I just wish one, only one, Leftard and or media traitor would look at how much these Pajeets increase the ‘cloymatt chaynge”…

Surely car usage has skyrocketed with all these Uber drivers, housing, food, etc all “needed” for them.

Just as Muslims are a direct negative to the nation’s GDP in every country, and never get into positive territory at any stage in their lifetime when it comes to their economic contribution.

Let’s have it Teals…?

On any basis, Diversity is never a strength.

A fly in your ointment

It’s a bit rich to blame the electorate when our elected leaders do not represent our interests.

LOL, this.
It should trigger a massive cognitive dissonance, yet it does not.

So what if there is a penalty in a penile colony?
A person with a spine would pay it and induce more people to not participate in the circus. Disobedience is what brings freedom. The concept of this is unfathomable to a convict culture. Noice, enjoy your grannies being poos and slopes or even negroes. Because there was a penalty for not voting

A fly in your ointment

Grannies / grankids


There will never be enough people who do not vote in enough numbers to start to break the system. Things need to get worse probably a lot worse for that to happen.

It would be very interesting if voting wasn’t compulsory if it makes any difference also, I doubt it.

There is ultimately no solution that retains current living standards and has our politicians represent our long term interest.

A fly in your ointment

C) both major parties and the greens support mass immigration

See, that’s what I said
No matter who you vote, you support excessive immigration.


Laughing at the Leftards and Pajeets complaining about treatment from their own and from the people they want ahead of Australians.


She’s lucky she wasn’t killed by her fellow pajeets. Perhaps that lies inbher future.

She will never, of course, understand why white people don’t want her and her foul spawn here.


Well, we imported the third world, so now we’re third world.

Firebombing of the electoral office of an MP.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see the assassination by gunshot of an Australian state or federal MP within the next 12 months, due to reasons associated with the conflict in the middle east.

If I was a Jewish public figure right now I’d be ramping up my security big time.


I hope to see that – Australia won’t start improving until people are elected to Government who want to serve Australia, as opposed to want to rule Australia an implement their vision and morality over us.

Only when they have the fear of God put into them, when there is actually some skin in the game in pursuing these toxic policies will these gutless beta men and neurotic over empathetic women think twice about standing up in front of existing Australians and lying to their faces.


Australia won’t start improving until people are elected to Government who want to serve Australia,

That isn’t the outcome our system creates…


I was sure that Dan Andrews would be EZFKA’s first political assassination.

For the Fed simp who monitors this site, please note that I had no interest in being involved and am not suicidal.

Merely hoping is not a crime, not even with VicPol…


Not yet.


Nuclear circus rolls on

Wasn’t someone in here investing in Port Augusta property? Is having a local nuke plant bullish bc jobs or bearish bc Chernobyl?

Gruppenführer Mark

Bullish bc jobs. To get to Chernobyl they’ll have to build it first. Takes 8 to 10 years to build one, but I’d double that because Aussie ingenuity with all of the red tape.


Ken oath bullish about it.

Nuclear plants will make a whole new town, guaranteed jobs for the residen for years. If any pollie under Dutton has half a brain (possible not probable however) it’s an easy sell.

Anyone benefit from the Mining Boom by chance ? Those nuffies can tell you they loved it.

Renewables is all overseas companies, and far less local jobs. Techies drive down from the big smoke but none stay, jobs are really low and short term in local areas from wind and solar projects.

The media response is typical Leftard inner city oak latte response. Teals clutch their pearls because thoae old biddies think of one disaster in Russia from 50 years ago.


Doomberg’s commentary on renewables and nuclear is 1st class. American, but just as applicable here. The messaging about the benefits of nuclear is being lost.

  1. We need it as a source of fissile material and skill in nuclear tech for use in nuclear missiles, just in case.
  2. Local production and management of tech makes us less vulnerable to potential Chinese solar/wind manufacturing export restrictions.
  3. Zero carbon emissions
  4. Geting nuclear plants running is expensive, keeping them going is not. Initally the cost will be high, but it will pay off over the long term. Dutton needs rigorous modelling to prove his point.

IMO it should have been left until Dutton had the power of the government in his hands to do a proper analysis. After sacking a great many leftist public servants of course. MB is right that it have been gas reservation. His failure to push nuclear instead of that could (and maybe should) cost him the election.


Nuclear energy has been male coded by the media, while renewables is female coded…. guess which way the media are going to swing on the debate.

Gruppenführer Mark

How good would it be if Dutton gets elected, signs a deal with the French to build him a couple of nuclear power plants, and then cancels that contract to give it to the USA! Because national security and submarines.


We need it as a source of fissile material and skill in nuclear tech for use in nuclear missiles, just in case.

you know we already run a reactor in australia, right?


Would there be enough know how and material there to act quickly in the event of conflict?

Gruppenführer Mark

A couple of things. Chernobyl is in what is now Ukraine, near the border with Belarus. Soviet disaster for sure, but not Russian.

Secondly, everyone remembers Chernobyl. They are making movies, video games, etc. Three Mile Island, not so much. Fukushima, that is still on-going and a gift that keeps on giving, crickets. Last I read they were about to dump millions of litres of contaminated water into the ocean, but because IAEA said it was safe, we are good.

The water was used in cleanup, cool down or some other activities (remember the stellar effort to freeze ground) in the recovery process. Soviets just put a concrete cap over the entire thing. Yes, area was contaminated, but that particular disaster was contained.

Japanese, reportedly, lost 2 reactors, as in melt through the enclosure and keep burning somewhere below Earth surface. They sent robots to try to find these reactors, but the robots’ electronics got fried, as the radiation was too high. Then they tried to freeze the ground to cool the reactors, failed. So, this thing is still alive and is a gift that keeps on giving, 13 years later. But Chernobyl is the worst.

Actually, the whole reason Fukushima turned into the disaster it became was because of the GE design, which based on other nuclear plant designs in the US. Emergency gensets for reactor cooling were located on the ground level and got wiped out by the tsunami. This is a fact.

Probably a risk either overlooked by the engineering (not too many tsunamis in the continental US), or typical drawings were just copied due to cost saving measure or some such. This is my speculation.

And on that IAEA being the beacon of independent truth. A few months into Ukrainian war Russia took control of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station. For the last couple of years, ZNPS has been getting shelled, drone attacks, you name it. Rafael Grossi, IAEA head cheese, had been at the ZNPS a few times. His inspectors are there all the time. IAEA said that there were no heavy military equipment at the ZNPS, jut Russian military security forces. Yet, IAEA is unable to confirm who is continuing to shell the largest nuclear power station in Europe. After all, Russians could be shooting themselves.

Mind boggles on Fukushima, honestly!


Emergency gensets for reactor cooling were located on the ground level and got wiped out by the tsunami. This is a fact.Probably a risk either overlooked by the engineering (not too many tsunamis in the continental US), or typical drawings

It wouldn’t have mattered where the generators where, the diesel would have run out before resupplying it became feasible.

Gruppenführer Mark

I have built wastewater treatment plants with gen sets set up for at least 3 days of operations on emergency power. No tsunami lasts 3 days. You are talking out of your arse.


There was no roads to truck it in on. Have you seen the destruction?
I believe it is you who are talking out your arse, and a perfect example of the engineers that say that could never happen, until it does.
How long after the tsunami did it actually explode?

Last edited 3 months ago by commentBot
Reus's Large MEMBER

Yeah never heard of helicopters then … they can lift stuff into the air and put it down in a another place without a need for a road.

Gruppenführer Mark

Don’t change the subject. You stated that the diesel that was powering gen sets would have run out. I gave you an example from real life of 3 days for less critical infrastructure. Emergency cooling was a problem, not blocked roads.

As Reus’s LM said, helicopters are a thing.

Unit 1 blew ~24 hours after. Gen sets were set on or below ground. Controls in basement.

Fukushima nuclear accident – Wikipedia


Storing the spent fuel rods above the reactor, while probably efficient, was probably one of the stupidest thing about the whole Fukushima  disaster.

Australia is the most tectonically stable continent on earth, with the least threat of tidal waves or earthquakes anywhere. The biggest natural disaster the reactors are likely to face are from bushfires or drought, and in either case it is pretty easy to power down.

The biggest threat of Nuclear reactors in Australia is stupidity by operators. If we import Pajeets and train niggers to run it then we’re fucked, if they put DEI aside an employ competent white men then the risk of Nuclear power in Australia is imho miniscule.


Nah, the stupidest thing was the location of the plant.


Labor rolls out its pre planned attack.

Every Labor Premier gets the memo, talk about it in your Pressers today. Focus on Dutton even though your own State is fucked and this is a national issue.

ABC has been backgrounded too, lost of taking points and Gotcha questions provided for them by Labor staffers.

Go !!!


dutton has to get elected

dutton has to actually initiate it and get it rolling

has to actually build it before someone else gets into office to scrap it beforehand

has to actually end up saving anyone any money assuming there wont be massive cost blowouts and the usual gougemaxxx like you said before

15-20 years later if the plants ever get finished this country will have a trillion new pajeets in it all needing even more electricity than whatever these stations will add to the grid

why is dutton burning all his political capital on this the answer is its a gamble so he doesnt have to talk about immigration that much

the goal was to get everyone talking about something else and man judging from the shitstorm on twitter and elsewhere about it it worked

the election is going to be about it so it doesnt have to be about immigration

hook line and sinker

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

Yeh he didn’t want to talk immigration bc it would look kinda racist to talk about it the whole campaign, he already said enough to win some anti-immigration peeps, and Libs have zero credibility on pretending to care about plebs’ cost of living so he can’t do an ersatz Lab campaign

There’s also a lot of house price pumping stuff simmering, Super for Houses and state Libs going YIMBY


that and he doesnt want to talk about it bc he supports it

him and albo had to be dragged kicking and screaming to announce the cuts they did


He might actually throw the election on this because who gives a fuck about nuclear.

I don’t want to hear this fanfic for shit that will never happen for months on end while there are real problems pollies could theoretically address


Sticking wind farms in the ocean to piss coastal boomers off is kind of based.


well bucko get used to its going to go right until the election then for years after if dutton gets in trying to push it through will consume his entire political career from this moment out

all he had to do was talk about immigration and why it sucks instead

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

The Libs have no advantage in the energy arena either

Only fucking nerds really care if it’s renewables or nuclear or gas

There’s no passion in this area, just boring appeals to authority from some experts conflicted in one direction or another

At least cutting immigration is popular, the party that argues for it can attack from a position of strength

Nuclear will cost a fucking bomb too so it’s easy to stonewall by flagging how much the public will have to cough up for it

Dutto might just want to lose, he’s basically giving Labor a hall pass by distracting from all its failures with some shit nobody cares about

Controlled oppo


Only give a bit of attention to immigration because most right wing voters are scum meatheads that only care about house prices but yet want to think of themselves as protectionist australians.


I was in Whyalla which is close.

But yes bullish. When you have towns with $160k duplexes brick and slab on 500sqm blocks something has to give and they go up.

On the topic of nuclear surely we should do it even putting aside my personal bias.

There is the cost to deliver it but what about the cost of disruption when not if that occurs with China for wind and solar.


On the topic of nuclear surely we should do it even putting aside my personal bias.

There is the cost to deliver it but what about the cost of disruption when not if that occurs with China for wind and solar.

Well we do have absolute shitloads of coal that we would then not be exporting there…


Without doubt Your ABC is doing its job as the Labor Government media and madly digging up anti nuclear stories and pieces to attack Dutton and anything Nuclear.


But where is the power station to put the coal in


You could build a coal station much quicker and cheaper than a nuclear one.


No one is building a new power station of either coal or nuclear. The costs are too much and the expertise have long left the country. Look at the cost in terms of time and money for any infrastructure project in EZFKA and our power grid would have well and truly collapsed by the half way mark of the construction.
Instead money will be spent on extending the life of our already clapped out coal stations and to feather the nest of BlackRock and Holmes a Court. They’ll probably spend billions on a task force as well as it is the EZFKA way which will deliver nothing except make some partners at consulting firms extremely wealthy.


Victoria is just like California, being the broke woke state but also a much shittier version that you would buy on Wish…here is where it will be soon also:

A fly in your ointment

Whilst youse types were preoccupied with insignificant poojeets, the important bits and shifts were happening. One was that misery of men re-education. Noice onya. But wait, there’s more!

In great royal style, last Sunday, Riyadh simply let the 50-year-old petrodollar agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia to expire.
The moment is interesting as the us$ bears ever growing unrepayable debt and money printing paper factories just closed down. Like every black hole, eventually this will suck some smaller planets out of orbit. The reckoning beckons.

And the award winning advertising platform uses excessive metaphors not even mullet bogan convicts could swallow:
Putin and Kim’s ‘ominous’ new move rattles WestI guess it’s desperation.Noice!


I think you missed a trick. We should all be rejoicing that the petrodollar is going to fade away, best way to inject a bit of honesty into the system; might even ward off some poojeets. Good on those Rooskies.

But that will take time to kick in and in the mean time the uniparties keep making things worse. So the focus should be on preserving our patch until that happens.

Whoever recommended Peter Hitchens the other day (LSWHCP?) – thanks.


I put a Peter Hitchens interview in my post.

Last edited 3 months ago by robert2013

My apologies. Thanks, I did a good binge of interviews with him.


Climate protesters go into their IS1S phase

I still think this is a psyop to destroy climate activism. Nobody is this retarded to think this shit can help their cause.


Who cares about a bunch of rocks and ‘heritage’ anymore? It’s been beaten out of me. Especially when its clear most of the torys do actually want to go back to the 1800s.

the arborist

The torys are almost as ‘progressive’ as labour these days.
Conservative policies = Labour policies of 5 years ago.


They’ve discovered it’s a good distraction. They don’t want no pesky state school nerds and chinks moving into the posh areas and taking their women.


Just Stop Oil is exclusively a white upper/middle class English thing.

Just like the Teals here in EZFKA who are basically rich Karens who want to tell you off for playing loud music.

There is always a rich billionaire son and plenty of Jews pulling their strings too.

None of either these JSO or the Teal Karens would ever have the guts to confront or impact Muslims or Bogans in any way. The cowards always only ever attack middle class white people and white culture.

I really wish they would move into the self immolation phase, burn themselves up with petrol as a ‘statement’. That’d be worth watching.


I’m interested to see what happens with Reform

We might need this in Australia, just replace Libs in their seats


They might get there in the next 10-20 years. But then they actually have to be based which they probably won’t be. Any genuine basedness would crash the fuck out of the economy and see certain people pay the price they should. But the usual is just to bring in gooks who are christian and be harsher on reffos.


We would probably need living standards to fall a lot more to start wiping out Libs, Labor and Greens. The mass immigration hasn’t dropped living standards enough for people to ditch the major parties.


Deep political objectives take decades to attain. Reform won’t win this time, but they will win some seats, and that is a feat in itself given that the UK parliament had zero independents in it for years. The English in England are, and believe themselves to be, entitled to their land and their history regardless of efforts to persuade them they are are all really migrants because they’re descended from conquerors who arrived centuries ago. I think they will take back their country, maybe not this election, but within 10 years is certainly feasible.

Last edited 3 months ago by robert2013

There will be nothing to take back. The country will be a developing country by the end of the decade. The poorest parts of Wales have a life expectancy of 47 years. Birmingham is broke. Yet the country keeps giving money to a corrupt illegitimate green t-shirt wearing president.

The country has deindustrialised and has limited natural resources. It thinks it can be rich by finance and laundering.


Whilst Britain doesn’t make plastic watering cans or Ching chong junk. It does have very good and established high end and technology industry. Particularly aerospace, medical , software amongst other things. I think your wrong , sure london is full of bankers and woke and the North might have too many chicken shops but It does have lots of branson wanna bes.


The Uniparty will always be protected by the Preferential voting system here. It is literally a protection racket.

Zero chance of disrupting them, ala Trump.

All politicians are corrupt, it’s just a matter of how much. So they will never give it up. They’re all just in on the joke, it’s like Qld and NSW cops in the 70’s and 80’s.

Pollies are all angling for a deal, the smaller parties just hand power to whichever bigger party gives in to their demands.

The Teals did it within 5 minutes of winning seats, sold out their support for more staff etc.

Greens in Vic have done it for years, hence why hunting rights get eroded, Sudo orcs never go to jail, age of criminal responsibility gets increased etc.

Hence why Dan Andrews got back in with 30 something % first preferences.

No one is coming to save us.


Andrews got over 40% in first preferences in the last election. But he spent a lot of money on election sweeteners like 20% back for dining, $250 electricity rebates.


reform probably wont win a single seat

nobody wants to “blame the migrants” after all

there is nothing worse to modern voters than the thought of doing that

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

Yeah everyone wants to think of themselves as nice but they are really just being a nigger.

Agent 47

Oof accurate

A fly in your ointment

The knee, the bouquet, the traditional costumes.

He should be granted instant citizenship and a 50yr interest free home loan for marriage to a fat fuck from previous immigrants pool. The way things are going thus will be prevalent size.

All youse type kids will be coloured. I hope they still sheet in the loo and don’t have rice in daily diet.


Based ching chong.

Agent 47

As much as I hated living there they are awesomely racist.

Exhibit A:

the arborist

Not racist. Realist.

Agent 47



Nog with plump tracky dacked white girl peacefully came into my local paper shop, ching chong woman owner had a look of terror on her face lol.

Honestly from my experiences with ching chongs and poos compared to whites they are probably the more based, self respecting and aware of how this country actually works. One time one was laughing with me at how we aren’t much more than a mining and ag producer.

Whites are consumed with woke, materialism and their place in the pecking order.

Agent 47

“Immigrants and more based than whites”

This post:


Their lifestyles are way more conservative too where as if you can’t buy your woman a Maxda cx9 and a unit on the goldy she will divorce rape you and be straight on tindr.


Modhi actually has hindu nationalism roots. There’s a bit on four corners about it. Had some sikh cunt assassinated in cucknadia.

So I guess you can assume every poo here is basically a poo nationalist.

Therefore thats more based.

And who knows how many chinks would side with the ccp if the shit hit the fan.

So therefore whites are fag niggers and shitskins are more based.


>materialism and their place in the pecking order.

This is the meaning of life for most Indians


Yeah but they will do it the hard way, they wont get boomer handouts and overpaid bs jobs, not until they are second generation at least, and it’s easier for them to do it the hard way because they’re ugly so the deadly sins of lust and pride won’t get in the way. So they just hookup with whatever they can get. Muzzies still do arranged marriages afaik. I also had an Indian friend who was thinking about it if he couldn’t get anything here.


Dunno about you, but I was brought up on the idea that Aboriginals were killed off in Tasmania. It was weird for me learning this, because the heroism of the early settlers was still acknowledged and yet the deaths of Aborigines hadn’t yet been blamed on the white man.

Similarly the fake narrative now of aborigines also hadn’t started, the utter bullshit of Dark Emu hadn’t been invented, so there was no genuine explanation for them to die out.

Check out this thread, which explains they were basically a backward race that lost the capability to even start a fire, were unable to fish, or even make basic clothing for themselves despite the cold.


I’m doing a Diana Kraal number at my next gig. She’s a gorgeous Canadian blonde with a voice that sounds like warm honey being poured over your cock. Anyway, I had a fat thumb problem, and came up with this horror instead…

I dunno what the message here is, apart from “be careful on the internet”. 😳


As they say, that’s a difficult wank.


Didn’t know you were a player! What do you play?


Electric Guitar. Chicago style blues mainly, Muddy Waters, Jimmy Reed, John-Lee Hooker et al.


I’ll be in CBR for 12 days in early July. Will you be playing anywhere locally?


what does everyone think of the gyg ipo?

totally delusional if they think they can compete with maccas, ordinary overpriced food


Apparently they aren’t even profitable. Which I find surprising I guess my area has a lot wiggerish zoomers because it’s always packed.

Personally I’m pretty over it. Rice and beans, meh. I can just eat baked beans on toast.


Read someone was shorting it, best idea I think.

Their store rollout numbers are pure fantasy, but no analysts have bothered to check.

They claim they will open something like 30 stores nationwide each year, for 20 years. They have only hit that target once (last year) in the past 4-5, and are facing into record high construction costs, developers being resistant (infeasible), competition and saturation of catchments by other QSR (fast food), soon it will be cannibalising its own territories and existing Franchises will get shitty.

They claim they will match Maccas, who rolled out stores with low competition, much cheaper land and low construction costs, low labour costs etc.

Ain’t gonna happen.


dont maccas own all their real estate too rather than rent?


99% yes. Point is that rollouts are long and expensive, delays and cost blowouts very common. They must have seen the original store rollout and said “those are Rookie numbers”…

This is a pretty good summary:


The Kouk reckons it’s cheap, says it all. Deep dive from that fat moron as usual.


Pump and dump by the elites to get some normie bucks.

Gruppenführer Mark

yep. Subscription @ $22, start trading @ 30, almost 40% return in a day for those who were privileged. 5% down today already.

Gruppenführer Mark

Bunning s is valued at $4B. Burrito company is full of hot air, compliments of refried beans.


Maccas is overpriced.


yeah their food is too small for what you pay

and their restaurant interiors are so depressing these days i dont even want to go in them anymore, they feel like prison cafetarias


The chinese food stall in just about every mall food court in Australia is cheaper and better in every way. I haven’t been to Maccas for many years.


I don’t think I know of a bigger red flag when there is an IPO and mention of offshore expansion, especially the US, which is already fairly saturated with Tex/Mex franchises.

It stinks of hubris when someone thinks they can do it better than the locals and for Australian companies when they do it, it is always a 100% sell for me.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

There’s red flags and holes in their story yet EZFKA lets them list?

Didn’t they nearly go bust a year ago and the CEO quit?

Pump and dump in plain sight.

A fly in your ointment

A nice cognitive+confirmation bias, or quite contrary – a confirmation of own conclusions. Since about the begin of The Age of Convid I said US could be renamed to SUS or Soviet United States.
Be your own judge.

Stagmal, you wanted evidence that US’ outlook is baked in as bleak and on the way down. There should be plenty.


It’s a dumb article

The Soviet Union never had a strong private sector like the US does. If it did, it would probably still be around since there never would have been food shortages and the QOL gap wouldn’t have been so large or even existed at all with the West.

Just some Boomer bait tbh

A fly in your ointment

Not sure you understand USSR much past the msm regurgitation. Hence the…


How does Niall Ferguson differ from the MSM regurgitation

A fly in your ointment

He’s a US hawk and this article is quite opposite from that line.
Other than that, not.
But I did not quote his other streamline article(s).


the ussr collaping was mostly bc lenin baked in the federalist system for its various constituent republics rather than centralising power nation wide

even NORTH KOREA and cuba havent collapsed and theyre both way worse off (even now) than the soviet union was even in 1990

the fact that it broke apart at all was kind of a remarkable confluence of weak leadership, weak political structure and too much ethnic diversity leading to nationalism amongst its various member groups

ppl have and still do put up with shitter economic conditions and lived with it


It’s not that remarkable

The USSR and Warsaw Pact stayed together as long as it was clear that rebellion would be met with violence

By the time of Gorby it was clear that wouldn’t happen

There never would have been so much rebellion if not for the fact the country’s economy was so shit by the 80s

If America’s economy was as bad as the 80s USSR’s and the President wouldn’t even send troops to stop states from breaking free then it would also end up breaking up

Especially if there was a rich af competitor to the USA encouraging the process

A fly in your ointment

the ussr collaping was mostly bc lenin baked in the federalist system…

Utter nonsense.
Federalisation made a fastway for breakup movements but it did not cause the breakup.
You missed the whole point of the article (sovietisation of US is something else).
USSR collapsed because of (in simplified terms) 1) commanded economy being unable tio catch up with market movements (ever) making the economy struggle with both quantity and quality and 2) because political and societal issues were silenced rather than addressed.
US has both of these and they are baked in.
Similar causes usually result in similar outcomes


the article was shite

Federalisation made a fastway for breakup movements but it did not cause the breakup.”

it helped lead to it, obviously it was always fracitious to begin w bc it was a country comprised of a lot of pretty diff ethnic groups living in their own ethnik homelands, fostering the idea that they were all semi independet of each other made it evn worse

u.s.a up until recently has mostly been just white pipo with an overarching american identity


Shouldnt you be outside raping a donkey instead of being on the internet?


the fuck is this site sorry

america isnt even remotely comparable to the ussr circa 1988 even the article talks mentions that one of the big problems with americans is theyre fat pieces of shit and the reason for that is that food is too overabundant there and people have too much money

this whole “durrr america gonna collapse” narrative is the inverse of the retarded impending sinocollapse or russiacollapse or whatevercollapse narrative we’ve been hearing about over and over again for the last 15 fucken years that never ever comes true

you can apply similar arguments to practically everywhere including the russian federation (a lot of young ppl there are literally addicted to a drug that causes your limbs to fall off) if youre willing to zoom in on some fukt segment of society close enough

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

R U related to Llewdo?
Why not a quote from Silvestre Baboone?
“US is the eternal king and will be the first hegemon to last eternity?”

It seems someone rattled your cage….




trump is even worse on immigration than australians are

at least here graduating university doesnt = automatic PR

why does the right support this guy again?

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

Jayzus that’s a really shit idea.

The English call it the Deliveroo Visa, and Australian Universities are all basically fronts for legalised people smugglers, at the expense of Australian students.

The red in these pie charts show how horribly bought and sold the Universities in Australia are to the mass immigration lobby. They’re junkies for Pajeet fees.


honestly if americans start handing out green cardz for degrees maybe thatll mean less cunts will come here to ‘study’ and go there instead, so maybe this will be a good thing for us

Gruppenführer Mark

I’ll need to call Roger Cook stat, we here in WA are falling way behind in getting our international fees!


McGowan did his bit by having the federal gov designate Perth a regional centre for immigration purposes. At least 1 uni needs to close.


Lol I wish he’d gone to jail now.


still a chance


Despite the whole bird flu thing being complete bollocks it turns out the first human case is a child who has just returned from India

He’s not sick, none of his family are sick but chickens still ‘euthanased” by the hundreds of thousands. I hope they don’t go back to making chicken vindaloo with family pets like they used to.


Apparently “George Galloway has declared that “Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak are two cheeks of the same backside”. “

I wish I’d thought of it to describe Albo and Dutton.


The fat woman who runs this site. I demand to speak with her.
I have a complaint.


LOL made a meme – a blatant copy of another one I saw earlier today, but at least in theme with Timbo’s article!


And another one for that sanctimonious bitch Claire O’Neil

I actually posted that one to her twittter time line, after her latest gaslighting about moving migrants to the regions.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

Has she got some strange disorder with that giant Jaw?

There are so many red flags with her background, its scarey.

Real J’mai vibes.


I had a look at her post and scrolled…there’s a LOT of hate there. We are approaching critical mass and she knows it. She’s trying to pre-emptively build government forces (fifth columns) so that the elements cannot accrue in large enough concentrations to explode, and if they do anyway, then to contain the explosions.

Also, let’s not make this about race. A great many migrant poms are fifth column. Wogs less so IMO.


Haha suck shit. They think they’re the wypipo now.


I posted on another website –
ANd now some Albomaffs before bedtime –

NT federal governments gather with land councils on Tiwi Islands to sign major housing deal

A four-billion-dollar housing deal has been signed off in the remote Northern Territory, with the goal of building more than two and a half thousand homes in the next decade. The federal government believes the deal will cut out overcrowded housing in the NT by half within ten years, but with a lengthy housing wait list, it will not be an easy target to hit.

$4 bill/2500 = $1,600,000 per house.
Your task is to calculate the annual depreciation due to neglect and damage.

On person who clearly has never been to any of these places replied –

….you missed the point about them being “HOMES” ..for families etc …!!

Not just accomodation for “numbers” .

Why can’t you place bets over the internet?


$4B is stunning grifting, but glad we voted No so this shit didn’t get out of hand huh?

$1.6m to build each house, doesn’t even include land.

Utility connections to street won’t be there, I bet. So to run power, gas, sewer, NBN (can’t discriminate these people need the high speed internet) etc will add another $100k each.

I reckon the house lots / estate will probably need subdivision etc so that’s another $100k each.

That $4B will be $6B any minute.

Albo is there like Oprah just throwing taxpayer money out.


Can’t believe this shit is still going on.

Where do I get one of these Pangolin racoon dog things for a pet?


Here it is.

Immigrants from the Greens pushing to place more immigrants ahead of Australians, give immigrants taxpayers cash etc.

Refugees?!? Fark me


Dutton’s nuclear thought bubble has had the desired effect.

Every Labor luvvie in the media and Teal Karen has lost their shit. Completely.

The media narrative, Covid Karens and Maskers who became instant experts and Epidemiologists during Covid, have magically become accountants and energy experts.

The carpet baggers and shysters with their wind farms and solar arrays have amped up too,

Teal Karens are on notice and being fed their lines from Simon double barrel my daddy was a billionaire.

All those fucken spastics just parrot what ever the red team tells them. Must hate blue team. Blue team also trots out what they’re told.

Majority of the population is living hand to mouth, facing the worst economic situation since the Great Depression, yet gets antsy about a fantasy proposal that will realistically never affect them, or for at least 20 years.

The last sane few hundred thousand Australians have said “ok, we’ll see if there’s some money in it for me”.


It’s a pretty good play by Dutton. Straight out of the Abbott handbook. Sun Tzu said something like if your enemy is easily irritated go for it, and they are because it’s so easy to prick the sanctimonious bubble they live in. Dutton is the spite vote and by god its deserved and then some.


This guy gives it a pretty good summary.

ABC must have shat themselves letting it go to air, so it won’t be available on their website or referred to by any of their activists who work there.


I’ve been saying we’re commies for years. Now Niall Ferguson has written an article about it. Although I’m not necessarily as doomish as he is. All the elites of all the countries can literally just print money and live like uber kings so I can’t see them ever risking giving that up with a big war.


mosquitogrease already posted that article


It’s not the same if it comes from a wog. They are naturally and instrinsically corrupt. We have to put a bit more effort into it.


Like how they put nuclear shit into half life shit and dispose of it in far away places I think that will be how the approach debt. The whole world is one big nuclear fallout of debt.


I watched that about 10-15 years ago. Pretty old. Good movie though.


This is so wrong and stupid it is actually funny.

EZFKA has never seen Far Left extremism and its acts of terrorism like now.

Weekly Muslim protests in CBD’s followed by vandalism and attacks on innocent people.

Last week there was an attack and fire bombing on a Jewish MP office in St.Kilda, caught on camera but Vic Pol unable to make any arrests.

Luckily we have the media narrative and moronic State Police and AFP senior management all trying to blame normal Aussies and hide the reality.

Its the Far Right of course…


Hawian whinging about being replaced. Host informs him that’s happening everywhere. Wokies think they’re immune to being replaced. It’s just gonna happen to beer swilling bogans or something. Getting some morose attitudes from shitskins around my area too. They’re so dumb.


Funny how all these X links you share are gone by the time I click on them



Still there, here’s the screenshot.

Hope this one is still here, funniest thing I’ve seen for ages.

Jewish know it all Narrative Pusher totally embarrasses himself for clicks :


Bahaha look at this Covid Cooker


You need to get rid of everything from ‘mediaViewer’ onwards so

I don’t know why Drago can’t post normal links he must be using some app.


that works – thanks

the arborist

Are any of you shut-ins willing and able to take over running this site if Peachy wants to hand the keys over?

It seems most of us are too sexist / racist / coarse / stupid / anti-semitic etc for Peachy’s liking and she is justifiably neglecting the place. She probably feels like a school marm who was expecting to be teaching the gifted children but has instead ended up with all the ne’er-do-wells, misfits and retards.

Her contributions are missed but maybe she’d feel more like posting if she was just a regular jo/e.


we can alawys just find another format. i havent made an article for it yet but the slack chat is always there, we basically use this as effectively a long form chat room at this point anyway. or we could just any of the millions of free board systems etc. there’s no reason this needs to be a “blog”, its a totally unused format these days anyway. also seems to be really buggy.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

Discord maybe? But….if we want to have any sort impact outside, no matter how small, we need to appear in search results. That will not happen in a chat or discord. Reddit could work, but I suspect their terms of service are not suitable.

the arborist

Good points. That’s why I thought it would be good to keep the EZFKA domain name going.


discord is worse for priacy than slack

the arborist

Fair call. I just thought everyone is here already and is familiar with it. I assume the bugs will improve with updates and maintenance. It never used to be this wonky. I’d do it, but unfortunately I have boomer level IT skills.


Apart from the regular retards that visit this place, it gets near with no organic traffic, so the domain name means very little – no one is finding this place organically.

This place will either become a baron wasteland as members tire of the constant bugs and problems, or Peachy won’t renew the domain, which expires later this year.


“no one is finding this place organically”
How do you know? I don’t think we see new posters here as often as we used to, but we did get them. Can we get stats on this?


you can use an SEO keyword tools like Ahrefs or SEMRush


As you can see 99% of traffic is you lazy cunts typing “EZFKA” into google instead of URL bar


I’ll try again….hmmm here’s the stats


dead! sorry if that hurts your feelings

the arborist

Even if we don’t get visitors, it’s still home to us retards.


people dont use blogs like this anymore to comment its just an outdated kind of format in a world of more real time platforms like twitter etc

i realise most of the ppl here are rusted on from the MB era but this just isnt how the internet is used anymore

add in the endless bugs that just keep getting worse and its not surprising no one wants to join here

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

yeah i have no idea how to fix the bugs, i doubt its worth it really


wouldn’t be hard – WordPress is out of the box easy


I reckon, how dare people on a free-speech platform not conform to the owner’s perception of reality—the cheek of it!

Agent 47



Been a while since I’ve made any memes…. same theme for this one
