Hard working Indian migrant enjoying another day of not delivering Australia Post parcels

A hard-working Indian migrant has gone home ‘exhausted’ after another day of not delivering Australia Post parcels.

Harpreet Singh, was happy to get home after a grueling 8 hours of doing fuck all and dropping parcels off at the local post office while lying about people not being home.

‘Actually saar, nobody was home on my entire route saar so I had to drop the parcels off at the post office at 9am and then go home,” Singh said.

‘Sometimes saar I just throw out window saar but everyone have ring camera saar so harder to get away with.

Singh said he intended to spend the rest of the day not attending class on his student visa and sexually harassing women on Facebook.

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A fly in your ointment

Man fighting for life after home invasion in Sydney

No mention of their ethnicity, of course.


“stealing the 38-year-old homeowner’s Maserati, Audi and Mercedes SUVs ”

wtf? what suburb was this that africans were in it

Agent 47

Doncaster ie rich Chinese


Victoria is the poor cousin of California, same out of control crime from progressive attitudes and leftard Government.

Vic Pol may never recover their reputation either, having been sold out by Shane Patton and his lard arse mate Mr Batshit Crazy, all for some cool SWAT wheels and toys.

Surprised the MSM even reported on this crime.


He is not aware of the difference between criminals feeding off each other, which is obviously what the first link is about, and innocent citizens being terrorized by imported pavement apes.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

These apes fought inside the servo, so moronically dangerous they did not even care they had committed serious violent crimes 5 minutes before and just down the road.

Africans don’t even need to be ‘smart’ criminals in Victoria, they know there’s barely a police presence and zero jail time.


The common denominator is AWFL.

The delicious irony of all these Animal Justice women, who based on contributions from stagmal and others, is that we all know they have sex with these animals they defend.


I do a reasonable amount of internet shopping, and being retired I’m often at home during the day. I can’t count how many times I’ve been waiting for a parcel, only to get a “nobody was home, so it’s at the depot or post-office” SMS.

These worthless cunts should be ground up and used as fertiliser.


Show me the incentives and I’ll tell you the outcomes.

Blame the companies that employ them and their policies. Delivering to the central collection point is just straight up cheaper than delivering to your house so the company creates policies that incentivise that behaviour either explicitly or implicitly.

A fly in your ointment

These worthless cunts should be ground up and used as fertiliser.

It’s not as simple as Dumbo oversimplified it.
There is an incentive to cut the delivery cost. If you call auspost and claim that you were home, they will instantly offer to deliver tomorrow. They would not do that if there was no intricate knowledge of false failed delivery occurring. I was told once that podtman gad just too much for the day. Same shyte with couriers happens way too often. Yet they never charge the fee for “not being at premises” . When they have too much for the day they just mark it as unsuccessful delivery and rely you will pick it up yourself thus saving the cost. If not, well, they will deliver.
Airlines do this regularly by cancelling flights and divering passengers. To use Cadogan’s words on Jabbadabba, you (the passenger) have a say on that as much as you have say on gravity or solar system.




Why only $600 million?

Just give them a Gajillion dollars FFS


bread and circuses…


There’s only way out of this.

Pick a side.




i think we should just ban football at this point

itd be the only way to get legacy australians to violently overthrow the govt and maybe replace it w something worthwhile

Last edited 4 months ago by stagmal

Not a bad idea.

Some of the best work in this area in Europe has been coming from their football fans (Ultras). Only ‘actions’ I have seen in the UK too has been from their soccer fans.

Auslander raus !


I couldn’t think of a worse way to spend over half a billion dollars of public funds. Funnelling our money to corrupt professional sports organisations and the corrupt darkies of the most corrupt and stupid country on the entire planet.

No doubt some cash flowed the other way into the pockets of Albo and his mates from the NRL so that he came up with the “correct” decision.

We are ruled over by venal, stupid and corrupt tyrants who deserve nothing but a rope and a lamppost.


How much of this dosh do you reckon will make its way to the grass roots Kanakas. Sweet fuck all I’d say.

Although I reckon a pacific island nrl team would be awesome. but who in their right mind would want to travel to Moresby.

Ironic Boomer

probably worried DR dem might catch a case of suddenly…


They should all be socially ostricised and forced to beg on the street with the Pajeets they’ve already imported.


yeah these posts are getting more and more pathethic every day, they dont even care that 99% of the comments disagree

its like liz allen who just propagandizes into the void, this content is not intended for actual audiences


It’s intended for a very specific audience, the MSM. And is fishing for spots as an “expert”


That guys has a very odd shaped head.


What would you estimate this guys IQ to be?


Apparently it’s not fake.



A fly in your ointment

If he’s voluntarily jabbed it is likely much lesser

Last edited 4 months ago by A fly in your ointment

If he’s voluntarily jabbed it is likely much lesser

Much lesser, saar!

the arborist

This is a very mundane video, but it’s a good snapshot of how what I presume would be a solid Labor / Green voter gets shat on by the system and turned into a potential PHON voter.


TLDR: single, very white, empathetic, early millennial female renter gets fucked over by the housing market and is forced by reality to notice things like the uniparty and immigration.


Good people having their naivety used against them. Sad. But it’s really dumb. Should be one of the main lessons at school. Most humans are objectively shit. But they tuck that away in cryptic novels where it’s taught by spineless lefties.

Anyway she’s a bit of alright she should be hooked up with a RAM driver. Then she’d have a household income of about $300k.


But it’s really dumb. Should be one of the main lessons at school. Most humans are objectively shit.

If you teach children the truth then they aren’t very likely to spend their whole life working to make the rich richer are they.


have you ever read anti natalist stuff i think you would like it


Like what? Apparently Buddhism is anti natalist I’ve always sympathised with them.


“Most humans are objectively shit. “

This conclusion is easy to draw from the most cursory journey through a high school humanities curriculum. If you went to a Christian school of any kind you couldn’t miss the doctrine of original sin. It’s hardly hidden away in cryptic novels.


Original Sin

Like much within the Bible the idea of ‘Original Sin’ is something that has two levels of meaning.

The common interpretation is a literal interpretation, and is aimed at the masses – it is something you inherit from your parents. It is a religious meme used as a short cut to in order to get someone who is unlikely to do much thinking about why they should or should not do something, to carry out some action…. it is designed for children and empaths, to simply obey the rules ‘because’.

The other meaning of Original Sin is obtained by understanding what the ‘original sin’ was derived from. It is obtained when Eve ate the apple, what was the apple she ate? The fruit of knowledge.

So how did this bring evil into the world? Well quite simply before humans were intelligent enough to build mind models of other people, they were basically just animals – they satisfied their immediate wants and needs as they came to them within their mind, or as a result of emotional bonding through Oxytocin which generates ‘feelings’ something that most mammals are likely to experience and are felt primarily in relation to animals they have bonded with i.e. kin.

However, once we became intelligent and build mind models of other people’s minds and what they are experiencing and how they feel, then it is possible to translate the ‘knowledge’ that if some action or outcome is likely to ‘hurt’ you, then it is also likely to ‘hurt’ someone else. Thus, if you do that action to them, you can deliberately hurt them with no other motivation, food, sex, etc contributing to the decision.

Thus evil was introduced into the world, simply create hurt and suffering for the sake of hurt and suffering alone. Previous to this evil did not exist in the world, Lions killing and eating Zebras isn’t done out of hate, but necessity and nature.

Original sin is the sin of human consciousness and the ability to deliberately instill hurt and suffering into the world, for no other purpose that personal satisfaction. Thus if trust is to be built and civilization is to flourish, then evil must be regulated.

It is basically the justification for religion, which is why it is at the start of the Bible. You are born with knowledge and as a consequence must adopt a moral framework to regulate it.


Yeah…..nah. I’ve seen the cat “play” with mouse. I’ve seen the killer whale “play” with the seal. Nature wants hunters to kill and makes it fun for them to do so. Many, if not most, mammals are quite aware of the suffering of other animals. The hunters enjoy the killing in spite of their mirror neurons.

Original sin is a theological idea introduced by St Augustine, in part to explain the need for the crucifixion and resurrection.

Last edited 4 months ago by robert2013

Original sin is a theological idea introduced by St Augustine, in part to explain the need for the crucifixion and resurrection.

The story of creation preceded St Augustine by several thousand years. The original sin is the sin of knowledge.

Cats play with a mouse and killer whales play with seals, because it is fun – it stimulates their hunt reflexes without the exertion of having to succeed, as they have already won. It is play.

They don’t have a mind model that allows them to imagine the horror, terror and suffering they are causing their prey to feel. They do it not because they “hate” their prey and want to cause them physical pain and terror, they’re just playing with their food like a 3 year old.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

The “original” as in “first” sin was the one in the Adam and Eve story but the doctrine of “Original Sin” is not that. It’s the idea that we are all born with a sinful nature and in need of the redemption of the cross. These two are not the same thing. The doctrine is a widely held belief in most Christian churches but it’s not in the bible.

That kind of hate you’re talking about is psychopath stuff There are definitely animals who do that.



As I said in my first comment:

Like much within the Bible the idea of ‘Original Sin’ is something that has two levels of meaning.

The common interpretation is a literal interpretation, and is aimed at the masses – it is something you inherit from your parents. It is a religious meme used as a short cut to in order to get someone who is unlikely to do much thinking about why they should or should not do something, to carry out some action…. it is designed for children and empaths, to simply obey the rules ‘because’.

St Augustine’s doctrine of original sin sits very much in the middle of that definition, and yes it relies on the story of Adam and Eve’s sin to tie back to Jesus’s dying on the cross for our redemption. It is an obedience meme, but only for those who need one.

In regards to evil animals, I disagree. It takes complex mind theory to be able to model another creatures emotional state. Citing the closest human relative and arguably the next smartest primate to us as an example, doesn’t really dissuade me from my view that the capacity ‘evil’ is a uniquely human trait.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

To me that says we’re all sinners not much we can do about it then. I think young minds have a hard time sifting through a 200 page novel to get the message.

History is all so long ago it feels like quite a different context. Comparing a modern day feminist to some old tyrant feels like a stretch when lots of things are modern and great.

A fly in your ointment

To me that says we’re all sinners not much we can do about it then

You can and it is only one thing you can done. It is the pivot of Christianity


I object to this idea that I am a sinner. I’m just a person.


You don’t have to go through a high school curriculum, just go through high school and look around at your peers.


Not everyone goes to school!

A fly in your ointment

Her anger is severely misdirected.
True, the situation is aggravated by excessive immigration but the only reason it felt better before is because there was higher vacancy.
Tenants were never protected or shielded from dodgy landlord ever in this cuntry. With lower vacancy this became worse.
Countries with tenants protection law do not suffer from vacancy rates affecting all existing tenants. For one I’d make it compulsory to offer no less than 5 yr lease, rent changes to follow only CPI, landlords should not be able to withdraw equity from tenanted property below certain threshold guaranteeing positive gearing, etc. When you allow shitty landlords to play gods, you end up where we are njw.


5 year lease to shit tenants? No thanks. There should be the option for 2-5 year leases but mandatory is nuts.

Rent being indexed to CPI isn’t a free market.

Blocking equity withdrawal on a house will never happen and you’re encumbering the utility of the asset.

Just cut immigration bro and additionally try to re title fringe land in second tier cities to encourage decentralization.

A fly in your ointment

Krauts have 20yr lease. Do you think they can’t boot out a shitty tenant?
Besides, a definition of a shitty tenant, in comparison, is more warped in heads of landlords.
Why should there be a free market in home rental market? So many strategic assets are not in a free market. Would you like to pay “free market price” on gas?
Crappiest landlords are those who cannot afford to repair stuff because their negative gearing payment is due and they have to finance repair from their own pocket. Fuck them, they have no place in rental market. Imagine you rent a car and the tyre is bald and the company tells you we’ll replace it in a few month because reasons. You’d be outraged.

Immigration is a problem but reducing it does not solve shit rental market issues as the crying Cinderella in the video experienced. It only aggravates them.

The shittiest class of people in Australia are wannabe landlords because the system not only allow them but it actually pushes them to fuck tenants. It creates a class of its own, the bottom of the septic tank class. They are their own ethnicity

I only suggested some options. There a 10s more i could add, to protect both the landlord and the tenant. These would create a stable rental market. It would in fact increase pool of tenants and only keep good investors as landlords.

Last edited 4 months ago by A fly in your ointment

If you take away the incentive for a market rate of yield nothing would ever be developed. And don’t say we’re only developing apartments because that goes to my point of land release and titling.

Oh, there also should be more social housing provided.

And if private landlords are bad I can’t wait to see how bad corporate landlords would be.


re Krauts – no they can’t. The only way they can is if they want the property back for “personal use” in which case they have to prove this is actually the case. If the tenant is indeed truly shitty they can drag that out as long as they want, end up in courts, etc etc.


re Krauts – no they can’t. The only way they can is if they want the property back for “personal use” in which case they have to prove this is actually the case. If the tenant is indeed truly shitty they can drag that out as long as they want, end up in courts, etc etc.


This morning I went for a walk through bush near my house an SUV clearly in camp mode. There was a wheelchair chained to the fence it was next to. Unbelievably sad. I used to think the leftists were deluded. Now I think they are actually evil.


Evil is the right word, brother. They’ll kill a million people like you and me for the greater good of society, where “greater good” translates to wealth and power for them and theirs.


the question is, Ist he white man too big and important a group to use as the target of grievance?

A fly in your ointment

What’s the significance of the WC?


Wogs don’t know ironic humour.


You rely on renssaiance level culture to fulfull yourselves. But it leaves you empty and relying on seppos to come to venice to buy a pizza.


The guy appeared to be homeless and disabled. Probably recently evicted. You really didn’t get that?


Artificial Intelligence is even stupider than normal intelligence, and that’s pretty fucking stupid.


People touting AI as the next big thing are idiots. It’s always just another few years…


its already flopping now, hype cycle is dying


That came too late. It’s already been inundated in corporate world where we have to be bombarded (by middle managers who have nothing to do) with all these idiotic AI-led initiatives, how AI will help improve our work and jobs, and make everything more efficient.


Tide pod challenge.


The IT industry is so gay. Full of gay people. I don’t know why they have this culture where we have to look at them and how gay they are. Most industries hide behind logos and ads.


According to Labor simp Kos reckons it’s just temporary…

Fuckhead knows that temporary visas are just the back door to permanent, but typical gutless prick says it’s just “nuanced”.

Total fuckhead thinks Albo and his L plate mates ruining the economy is fine.

Ironic Boomer

Conflating stock with flow as usual.


I used to present lectures at the ANU as an industry expert. Over the years the classes changed from mostly sharp white kids to mostly slack-jawed mouth-breathing Asians and lots of pajeets. They’d crowd around and ask me questions afterwards, not about engineering but about permanent residency and citizenship requirements at my workplace. Stupid cunts, the lot of them.

A fly in your ointment

What happend and convicts dropped going to unis?
Because all the slopes and poojeets that came in the last 20 years are still only about 5%-10% of population


They started paying stupid people too much because they knew wogs were gonna produce a bunch more of stupid people.


Full fee paying foreign students make up more than half the student population overall, and 90%+ in some courses.


gotta fund the uni somehow…

A fly in your ointment

Does that prevent local students from attending?
If it does not (and I think it does not) the reason for locals to not attend unis are unrelated to immigrants. Uni diplomas became useless already and that is quite long time ago (i recon in early 90’s). In fact I would advise against uni edu and suggest a trade instead to every child coming of age.
Perhaps it is the wise ones whom choose not to get useless non-education which reflects on composition of students.


Yes, it does prevent local students from attending. For example, there is limited student accomodation, and it mostly goes to full fee paying foreigners.

And I dunno why I bother, but anyway…

University education in women’s studies etc is worthless bullshit. But if you want to be an engineer, a scientist, a doctor, a lawyer etc then you have to go to university.

Do you think we can get by without qualified engineers to design and build bridges, roads, aircraft, computers, buildings and everything else in the modern world?

Would you drive over a bridge designed by someone with no bridge engineering skills?

Your suggestion that university “diplomas”, normally known as “degrees” are useless just shows that your own ointment is full of flies.


Whites didn’t breed enough to support the lifestyles of their elites. Foreign born now ~50% of the young population.

Financialisaton meant real estate became far more profitable than real work. House prices rising faster than wages for decades now. Far better to get on the ladder fast as a tradie and get into real estate early than go to uni. Only the misinformed white or the genius white need go to uni in such conditions.

Last edited 4 months ago by robert2013
A fly in your ointment

Yes, my view too, more or less.
It is a smart choice too imo


When the fly ointment guy is actually intelligible he is so fucking wrong I wonder if he’s pretending to be retarded or actually retarded.

Courses have limited numbers, limited teaching resources etc. Obv.

EZFKA Unis direct the majority of their funds and resources to their international students, which they profit from.

Local Australians don’t seem to be a profitable mode for them, most likely because they are hugely inefficient operations full of deadshits who are unable to work in normal commerce.


virtually everyone who wants to go to uni in australia is going to it. if anything our problem is waaaay too many people are going, i have no idea why the uni placements arent capped at the projected number of relevant jobs for those degrees. gillard (might have been kevin rudd) was the one who uncapped the placements, i dont know how the placement numbers were determined prior to that.

only problem with such an approach is it might lead to the admission that about 55% maybe of all the degrees they issue (business degrees for example) have no reason to exist and you could train people out of high school for whatever jobs exist that ordinarily require them. the uni sector is a a big money grab based on a lot of assumptions (such as the completion of a unit means you actually are going to remember anything you learned, degree course lengths for different subjects all set at a particular length of time – on what empirical basis is that determined), etc. a lot of this shit literally was fabricated in the medieval period and its completely arbitrary.

Last edited 4 months ago by stagmal

the other side of the equation being large corporates, small business, don’t want to spend the money/resources training up young folks, and just outsource it to the universities instead. With of course a crappy result.


business degrees dont train you for anything except how to teach business classes to other uni students

Last edited 4 months ago by stagmal

and taking photos of what was written on the lecture board with their smart phones. I always hated that. didn’t listen to a word the lecturer said.


Germany is turning.

Auslander raus…



All the people doing unapproved singing are facing disemployment and police prosecution. There’s a long way to go.

the arborist

Building a nationalist cultural movement with a catchy tune (or Ohrwurm as the squareheads would say) is a good start though – albeit quite late.

Hopefully it catches on at sportsball games, beer halls, street protests, etc. The greater the number that sing it, the harder they’ll be to cancel.

It’s past time for Teutonic pride to be re-established.



Social media unshackles people in Islamic countries like Iran, ironic huh? Good for the goose but not the gander.

the arborist

Good observation.


It was actually Benjamin Franklin that created America via his getting the French to fight for America in the war of indepenence. Americans were generally rag tag piss weak. I think this is a lesson is diplomacy winning over everything. Which it seems to me is what the west largely relies on these days. Diplomacy. Personally I don’t particularly like relying on it I think we should have some massive fuck off nukes.



> Which it seems to me is what the west largely relies on these days. Diplomacy.


The main conversation in the West is if we’re warring on Russia hard enough or if we should war on them even harder


The Fed made a mistake when they started talking about rate cuts.

The US500 has added 9 Trillion in market cap since, and house prices are high. Remember when central bank QE was all about wealth effects encouraging spending into the economy to increase inflation? Apparently it’s not an issue now.

I don’t see how they get inflation back to target unless they make the boomers feel less wealthy, which seems impossible unless the market drops 20% and stays there for a while.

Gov spending looks juicy out to mid 27 so no help there, either.


US fiscal dominance discussed. We’re getting close.




My brother at the ripe age of 66 has purchased a bare logged 40 ha outside Tenterfield NSW. He has never lived in the district & with no family or friends in the area either. No mains water or electricity.

Plumber by trade & says he is too old to go on roofs now !!!

Girlfriend has no building or bush, farming experiece so guess who will be doing all the work.

Needs to put in an internal access road, a dedicated fire fighting water storage of 20,000 litres, install a remote electricity supply, tanked water supply & septic systems. Build sheds too.

He say he & his girlfriend/partner are going to owner self build a rammed earth home which I know has to still meet BASIX standards.

The legazen urge to move to the middle of fvcking nowhere and build a bunch of fvcking bullshit when you could just buy a house with the money like a normal person

Can anyone explain it?


Sounds like it’s the womans decision.

Maybe she watched that show on the ABC where rich cunts spend a fuck load making some pretentious faggot house where you’re supposed to just sit there and have a glass of wine and read some faggot lefty book.


Can anyone explain it?

too many arseholes.

A lot more would do it if they didn’t have to work


It’s a primal instinct to build shelter and not live within a short distance of people you don’t particularly like or trust.


Fark – I’m doomed to be a hermit.


I’m jealous.


my dad announced he had a similar urge to me. absolutely do not understand it, maybe its only explicable when you’re miserable, old and alone.


Can’t really explain it, but I predict that
(1) it’ll be a catastrophic goatfuck, and
(2) she’ll leave him and take all his money.

That’s just what women do.


Are you trolling?

Normies sign up for continuing destruction of their society by the Left via Government harassment and being taxed into oblivion in the cities. Only hope is to join the elites like a mafia, but that’s not realistic.

Other option is to get out, but not everyone has to be the Unabomber.


Prepping is looking wiser and wiser by the year.


Things look good with the Muslims in Germany…https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1796494931483337176


The only thing to do with Muslims is kill them.

Kill them all.


This is a clip of the many times this guy has spoken out about Muslims and been violently attacked:



Anti-Islam activist brutally stabbed in Germany


The Muslim stabs the white man, then another white man comes to help, so the German Policeman grabs the white helper instead of the Muslim attacker.

Of course the Muslim keeps stabbing and gets the policeman as well.


I’m quite convinced cops want the work, otherwise they’d have nothing to do because whites are so well behaved these days. Yawn.



I saw that and thought “well, serves you right dickhead”. How a cop could ignore the stabby Muslimright there and pounce on the innocent white man is beyond comprehension.



Agent 47

Some of the worst policing I’ve ever seen (and I’ve witnessed more than my fair share from ex-colleagues).

Then I saw the number of female officers and that the cops look more Turkish than German. Throw in the white guilt atmosphere in the aryan homeland and the scenario writes itself.


I noticed that several of the cops had Mohammed beards. And one of the females still didn’t have her weapon drawn by the time her colleague shot the bad guy. What a clusterfuck.


Looks like it was a very costly mistake:

German Policeman Dies After Intervening In Stabbing At Anti-Islam Rally
A 29-year-old German police officer who was repeatedly stabbed during an attack at an anti-Islam rally in the city of Mannheim has died of his wounds after having been “stabbed several times in the area of the head.”


the arborist

Hopefully his colleagues learn from his mistake.


29 years old….way too soon.
Unfortunately his training probably conditioned him to tackle the “white supremacist” first.


This guy either has 100% great takes or Bangers.


Lakemba the Muslim shit hole has the highest rate of assault for any LGA, who’d have thunk it?


in nsw or all over aus? cant believe its higher than alice springs etc


Thanks for that – good information


i think i muted him i just cant take mealy mouthed people anymore


Vaguely interesting social dynamics here in EZFKA.

IMHO Zoomers have come through the Covid hysteria, not unlike a war. Huge amount of mental illness untreated with anxiety. Shows in them wearing masks and jumping hysterically at any comment etc.

The natural (?) urge of teens has been rebellious and or being in a gang for support, so turn to Trans Palestine Covid hysteria. These are all gangs, they dress and behave the same. They probably think they are rebelling against their parents. Seem to be a large majority from white Anglo middle class in this. Wonder what happens when they realise their Gen X parents don’t actually care, or even like telling their friends their kid is Trans because it’s interesting for their boring lives.

Middle class white (and black) females driving the Covid hysteria, now onto the Israel support bandwagon because they bought the whole Golocaust story. It too gives them a tribe and an assumption of worth. These women feed the Zoomer anxiety as well, enabling them. ABC and corporate Australia cases in point, because they have dumped any pretext of profit motives for virtue signaling. Women in charge at many ASX co’s now show that. Returns from those companies have been and will continue to be poor.

Flip side is the nihilism of just saying fuck it, I’ll get mine. Tradies and Muslims, Roadmen accents, Bikie gangs etc. are heroes. Trash the EZFKA because it gets them what they want quickly, ride or die. These are the companies I want to invest in.


This is next level money laundering by Albanese’s advisors Steinberg or whatever, blanketed by Green washing.

Zelenskystein asks for shipments of coal for use in 6 months time.

Instead Albo just gives him $20m if taxpayers money to buy coal, from our competitors in say China.

As if they’re going to actually buy coal with it, or give him a receipt…

Meanwhile Zelensky’s minister splashes USD$600k on an EV limo.



Listen to them chant “Azov” in New York. This is who Albo is sending taxpayers money to.



And look at the state of them, why would any sane person go near Ukraine let alone contribute Australian taxpayers money to this huge money laundering scam?



Labor luvvies pile into each other’s arses to celebrate Trump verdict.

It’s just added way more spice, these Democrats and their enablers are pouring fuel into the fire thinking it will ‘save’ them. The Leftards here will get so invested, alongside the Cookers going all in on Trump, neither realise they’re all basically the same groups of retard.

In a way we probably should be partly thankful, with chaos comes opportunity. I originally thought 2024 was going to be a bit boring for the markets. It makes the Stonks Bros talking their books a bit more interesting.


It is interesting the array of people excited by this news, and conversely the ones who are just numb but not particularly surprised by it. It is either people shocked at how corrupted and blatant the lawfare being waged against Trump is or the normies who place 100% faith in the msm who believe Trump has just received his just comeuppance. The silence at MBM probably indicates they know the score, but their political and ideological allegiance causes them to remain silent.


Now that the nigger lover generation has fucked themselves and the west they are lacking purpose.



lmfao i got a retweet reply from pirate pete himself

cant stop laughing






So good mate!

It doesn’t feel right for you to tease retards, but jeez it’s funny


The Pirate jerking off to US politics secretly includes this one


Once American weapons arrive, Ukrainian criminals steal them.”

Another bit of memory hole-ing from the MSM…



Could Vic Pol be any more gay and weak?

Watching this larping when year or so ago they were shooting rubber bullets and bashing Grannies…



what kind of person do you have to be to apply for the police these days? even the dubbo police have LGBTQI flags (with the trans symbol) in their lobby


Protesting is a legit economy in melbourne, like what surfing is to bondi beach. All those cunce will go and buy lunch and use public transport. Maybe stop in at the Apple store.

But it’s nice to see the left got something right for once. Then again they’ve always been right about the middle east.


I would’ve thought that one would drink dog semen rather than eating it.

the arborist

I just had a rare and brief dip into the insanity that is pollbludger.net

Here is what one of their leading lights posted yesterday…

Albanese has shown strong leadership on gender equity, Indigenous affairs, housing, foreign affairs, infrastructure, renewables, tax reform, health, the NDIS, support for Ukraine, regional security, domestic security, tourism and education.

These rusted-on feminised labor drones really are the worst cult to have ever existed in EZFKA.


The giveaway is the first item on the list. “Gender Equity” equates to trans bullshit, so this is presumably from a woman-with-a-cock, or similar monstrosity. All that flows from them is crazy.

the arborist

I’m pretty sure the poster was a ‘cis’ senior male and party member. No matter what their preferred or actual gender, they all have the same hivemind downloaded from head office.

Orange mad bad. Palestine good. Islam good. Christianity bad. White man bad. Brown people good. Too much immigration is never enough. Leccy cars good. ICE cars bad. Everything is binary except for actual binary things.

the arborist

One of their most bizarre beliefs is that they still think the greens are their mortal enemies even though their politics are almost identical (and not much different from the libs) – while we all know its just a Punch and Judy show.


I agree. But it’s actually quite genetic too. Race realism. So if it’s genetic is it actually a cult? Or is it basically white people who are actually shitskins?


Black pill is leftists are actually shitskins with white skin. They are niggers.


So the loony left are supporting Jim Everett for not recognising a “Colonial” court, yet when a white person plays the sovereign citizen card they absolutely lose their shit.

It’s time to start fighting back by calling out all their hypocritical bullshit. Housing, modern medicine, education, in fact pretty much anything other than picking up a stick is “Colonial” and should be strictly verboten to blackfellas.


Their hypocrisy is totally consistent with their true end, which is the destruction of your family and your nation.

the arborist

Calling out their hypocrisy will have no effect. They are blind to their own hypocrisy. You may as well shout at clouds.

If it were possible for them to see their own hypocrisy, they wouldn’t be leftists.


People have double standards and hypocrisy out of spite. They know what they’re doing.


I’m a bit surprised no one has commented on South Africa’s election and the end of the dominance of the ANC. Ideally, ANC would join with DA but most likely this will lead to a coalition between the ANC and Zuma’s new party and the looting of the remains of a once functioning state will resume.


Well, regardless of the election results, stupid violent savages will be in charge and they’ll continue to destroy the country while putting corrupt money into their Swiss bank accounts.

the arborist

But the fly says blacks will turn it around, become wealthy and drive out crime.

I wonder which one of you will turn out to be right.


Well, I don’t take advice from flies, and I think that’s a good general strategy. I know which way I’m betting.

Agent 47

Orania is probably the only thing interesting about SA.


Also a new President-elect for Mexico – 2024 is shaping up to be a year of change:


Agent 47

Liz Allen


Someone should post it on her timeline

Agent 47



Nobody wants to work any more… for the shit wages we’re offering that barely cover living costs. Please bring in more migrants. Toda Raba


What sort of a nut would want to work? The place to be is at the top where everyone is your useful idiot slave.

But you’ve got to have passion and act like you’re in utopia weeeeeee.


It’s the AFR or any media masthead what do you expect


Fairfax are terrorists.


High in Openness – has accepted the constantly reintroduced narrative of “skills shortage”, “ageing” and need to earn “export income” as gospel. Note that these phrases are constantly re-introduced as justification for extremist immigration positions.

High in Agreeableness – the popular narrative is always the correct one. As the Green text meme states “when coming to a decision, women and beta men’s primary decision path is ‘is this the majority view’ as opposed to whether it is factually correct, because there is less risk and chance of being ostracized if you agree with the group on which your safety and well being depends“. Only Autists and alpha men are capable of truly exercising free will when presented with the facts.

High in Neuroticism – “Oh noes! A recession!!” A genuine inability to accurately assess risk and cost trade offs due to neurotic obsessions and fears e.g. “Would you rather be in the woods with a man or a bear“?

Her opinion should be ignored, or if it is to be given any attention, mocked. As should she. The above 3 traits should be used against her.

One of the greatest trolls I have ever observed was some dued criticising Ruby Hamad – that that the reason she wrote How white women use strategic tears to silence…” was because her long elongated horse face suggested she was exposed to excessive testosterone in the womb, and consequently the reason feminine tears disgusted her was because she thought more like a man than a woman.

Ruby immediately broke character, and instead of defending her racist article immediately switched to exclusively focusing on trying to rebut this guys comments.

Suck shit Ruby, you barren, horse faced Semite.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

allegra is just a uniquely out of touch human along w malcolm turnbull and his wife


>not shunt blame onto migrants
Can’t resist putting that anti-white vilification in there. She acts like she doesn’t know people have moved on to blaming very high flying jews like herself, property investors and white leftists now, among others. At least since the Trump election 7 years ago. What a pretentious cunt.

As I said they are terrorists.


Pajeet asks “what is this thing you call soap?’



Shithead leftist use strawman to claim Nigel Farrage’s appeal to British values is baseless:


If I subscribed to unherd here’s what I’d reply:

“Together, the British are something greater than the sum of their parts. Whatever it is doesn’t require definition. It’s about the British valuing the British (i.e. each other), something Eagleton would rather they didn’t do. There’s a rich vocabulary that can be deployed to describe people like him.”

Same applies to leftists here.

Gruppenführer Mark

So half of our submarines are out. Two have rust issues.

But have no fear, Shorten will tell the world that we stand with Ukraine.


Gruppenführer Mark

Can anyone make sense out of this?

19 Sept 2022

U.S. forces would defend Taiwan if China invaded, President Joe Biden said Sunday, his clearest statement yet on the issue and one criticized by Beijing as a violation of longstanding U.S. policy.

14 Jan 2024

U.S. President Joe Biden said on Saturday the United States does not support the independence of Taiwan, after Taiwanese voters rebuffed China and gave the ruling party a third presidential term.

5 Jun 2024

President Biden has affirmed he is ‘not ruling out’ boots on the ground in Taiwan, in the scenario of a future Chinese invasion. 

So how does this work? US recognises Taiwan as a part of China. That’s policy. Does not support independence of Taiwan. Yet is willing to send US military in case China sends troops to a part of China.


Welcome to the world of international diplomacy.
US pays lipservice to china and allows it to save face but also lets it know where it really stands on the issue so it doesn;t get the wrong idea.

Gruppenführer Mark

Nah, this is a perfect example of “rules based order”, where the “hegemon” makes shit up as it goes along. And the memory of a goldfish for most people.


If you say so, but it’s been going on for more than 50 years.

edit: Covid and all the attendant bullshit was a much better example of MAkes shit up and goldfish memory…

Last edited 4 months ago by commentBot

most countries dont politically recognise taiwan formally. they used to but that changed in the 70s etc. its pragmatism.

Gruppenführer Mark

I know the history. This was not a gist of my question.


This was not a gist of my question.

But it is entirely the answer to your question, whether it suits whatever narrative you were trying to push or not.

The US has always recognised taiwan as a part of china to keep china happy but is strategically dependent on it’s manufacturing capabilities so would defend it militarily if it came to that.

Agent 47

Amazing. What are the odds. Just completely organic democracy.

Gruppenführer Mark

Typical democracy. She is about to take up a fight for the traditional catholic values of that 78% of the population, too. Stunning and brave to eleventy!


Look at that – she’s nestled in between the Noahide flag to her left and the Baphomet flag to the right. At her level she’d know exactly what they mean.

Candace knows the truth


How TF do they do it? If they can do it, we can do it.


They are at phd level while we can’t even get friends and family to see what’s in front of their eyes.



So Anne Frank’s sister said the photos of Auchwitz were fake…



Ching chong ping pong.

Was litenting to a podcast today apparently the first emproprrer of china was a cunt. He didn’t like all that nice confucsious shit and was a massive hard on and so therefore he won.

So then there was the history of chinks making sunrice rice for you. For 1.50 for a bag of rice.



The first Qin emperor of China that basically founded the first Chinese empire was rumoured to have blue eyes – one of the unofficial reasons why the Chinese haven’ excavated his well known tomb is because the Govt is worried what it would do to Chinese people’s self image if they were founded by Gwelios.

Leftists like to say it is just the white people version of “We wuz kangs” but there is a fair amount of circumstantial genetic evidence in other Qin era burial mounds that suggests the Qin dynasty was founded by Indo-Iranian people the Tocharian.

It is interesting to note that the Dynasty after the Qin dynasty carried out one of the most ruthless genocidal erradication programs in all of human history, essentially wiping out all such population groups from Western and Northern China/Mongolia in the period afterwards.