Ex-Navy veteran demands Western Australians turn in their guns as boats of foreign invaders turn up on WA shores

Former Navy clearance diver turned Police Minister Paul Papalia has introduced new gun laws to Western Australian parliament designed to disarm the entire state, a few days removed from boats of illegals turning up unchallenged in WA waters.

Papalia heralded the move as the’ greatest move for public safety’ since he and The West Australian doxxed every gun owner in the state which led to break-ins for firearm thefts.

“We might not be able to stop foreign invaders from reaching our shores unchallenged but we can do something about the citizenry having the means to do anything about it,” Papalia said.

“It’s what John Howard would have wanted. No-one needs a gun except if you make a voluntary career choice to sign up for a government pay cheque to kill people overseas with them, just like I did.’

Papalia said the laws were the tireless work of federal Labor opening the borders and releasing foreign criminals onto the street, while state Labor governments removed firearms.

‘We don’t need an American style gun culture here. That being said, we like importing the violent Africans but we don’t like the locals being able to do anything about it as you see in Melbourne and Queensland at the moment.’

Papalia also announced a new tax to pay for his increased WA Police State Security Group detail providing him 24/7 protection.

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Aussie Soy Boy

Get rid of the guns.

A fly in your ointment

you’re right.
it’s like giving a prime time woman to a 80yo. Can only admire its look and perhaps fire a random shot at a practice target but ultimately not use it as an argument against those that vacuum all the worlds rubbish to dump in this pond.


how many australians even own guns anymore? it seems like a pita to get them.tbh im glad we dont have american style gun laws imagine guns in the hands of bogans, sudomrphs snd boongs; the only aus ppl who should have them are responsible users like lswchp

A fly in your ointment

yep, pointless
as those with some balls to use them are not the people that can save this place and those cookolds who shoot at practice targets are emasculated cross-dressers.

Agent 47

Standard ‘look at America’ Australian normie opinion on guns.

America has a violent nigger problem not a gun problem.


the murder rate there is still elevated tho even just for whites just much less so

compare WHITE (or even less crime prone north east asians) europeans or australians to white americans / asians and thered still be a 2x-3x multiple

which isnt that bad but its not very nice either

plus thats just murder; not every malicious shooting kills a person

and not every gun death is murder i.e accidental discharges, malfunction, kids getting into dads firearm drawer etc

americans love bragging about how their guns are going to bring down the govt and the mst theyve been able to muster in the last 150yrs are a bunch of retarded qanons running around the capitol hill bath room

yanks are all talk

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal
Agent 47

John Lotts research pretty much disagrees with most of you what you posted already. Violent crime rate is concentrated in about 7 metro areas, which are overwhelmingly in black neighborhoods. Take those out of the equation and the US is safe as us and Europe.

Accidental deaths are a tiny percentage and have been on long term decline, when you drill into the granular details the majority of them are Tyrone leaving his guns within reach of his illegitimate kids.

Australia vs America is a retarded comparison anyway. Way too many variables. David Leyonhjelms book did a good job addressing this whole phenomenon.

Some yanks are all talk, some aren’t. I agree that the time to use the 2nd amendment is well past time, if not only to start brassing the invaders on the southern border. Unpopular opinion is that at least they have some physical capacity for violent rebellion if it ever did go kinetic, we just have expensive houses.


been a long time since i cared to look into this but lotts stuff had replication issues and other problems iirc(most social science is unfortunately difficu

comparing to europe is problematic; where in europe (not all euros are the same, compare a swede to a russian etc) and not all euros are white

have to compare white americans to say, white germans to do a fair-ish like for like

my gut tells white americans would still have elevated murder rates compared to white germans, maybe between 1-2.5x as high (which isnt that bad, again i reiterate), and obviously a much elevated incidence rate of statistically ‘rare’ horrific black swans spree murders which i dont brook as pleasant at all; their gun laws probably have a partial causative role in these disparties

even if im right think its still worth the tradeoff fine, but i dont; and i dont rlly want boongs and sudomorphs much more easily owning guns here which is what some theoretical aus second amendment like thing would lead to

yanks have done mostly fuk all to stop the migrant flood(which like here is mostly legal migration); americas likely sub 59% white now and dropping, more so. what they could do but wont is stop hiring guatemalans and hondurans to mow their lawns etc but they cant even manage that, while firing off their votes to the same political duoply that continues them on the same (more advanced and even worse) demographic path we are also on, including donald ‘big beautiful door’ trump, who soyboy accurately called the biggest jewboy of all

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

their gun laws probably have a causative role in these disparties

Their social policies are more significant than their gun laws.


what are those?


It’s obvious you like guns, also obvious that no civil society should ever need guns.

Cut the defense of the indefensible mate.

Agent 47

“It’s obvious you like guns”

Yeh, and?

obvious that no civil society should ever need guns.”

No society is civil, and it’s thin veneer of civility is held together by men with guns. I was that man with a gun for over a decade as was LWSCHP in a different capacity.

“Cut the defense of the indefensible mate”

lol or you’ll do what, cry?


No society is civil, and it’s thin veneer of civility is held together by men with guns.

The US sure seems to be confirming that for the last decade or so.

The first thing that is done before tyranical government takes over is disarm the citizenry, for obvious reasons.
Given the way western governments are currently headed I’d be very nervous about that.


And, it’s clouding your judgement.

Most western societies are civil. What an absurd statement.

I do posit however they are becoming less civil, due to mass migration importing people with different values to our own. Hence EZFKA.


Most western societies are civil. What an absurd statement.

What does civil mean. From context you must mean there is no violent crime at all, otherwise your argument that a gun has no use in a civil society is clearly ridiculous.
There is definitely violent crime in western society.


It means, the average person does not need a gun to resolve their issues.

Agent 47

“clouding my judgment”

12 years of dealing with the realities of ‘civil society’ so people like yourself can make these types of risk free comments online.

Naive is an understatement.

Gruppenführer Mark

Agree wholeheartedly.

Guns have a place in any society. Take Switzerland, take France.

Gun is a tool, just like a chainsaw or a machete. Some choose to use it in a way not “nice” from your point of view. Go after some, not the tool.


Do we even collect violent death stats by race? Anyway, it’s not “race” that’s important. It was dumb to allow the American idea of race as skin colour to predominate. Nationality, as in family history, in the European sense, matters more. The cost of freedom is crime and accident. The USA decided that some crime was an acceptable trade off. I think they are right. Do you think there is free speech in Australia? Freedom of association? Basic human rights are not well defended here. Look at all of us posting anonymously on a server hosted overseas. What we have is the legacy of those who fought before us being whittled away every decade. We do not fight back because we are too scared to do so because nobody backs anyone up because they cannot defend themselves if things go badly.


Blacks represent about 12% of the US population, and commit about 60% of violent crime. It’s much worse than that though, because the crims are almost exclusively younger men, or about 2% of the population.

So 2% of the population is committing around 60% of the assaults, rapes, murders and armed robberies.

Anybody who notices this is, of course, a horrible racist bigot.

In a sane world, reasonable measures would be taken to sort this out, but the English speaking countries are no longer sane or reasonable.


More strawmans.

There is no purpose for guns in any civil society.


There is no purpose for guns in any civil society.

And yet every single society employs people to carry guns on their behalf, ie police.


There is also no purpose for prisons in any civil society, yet here we are.


UK doesn’t. But I meant the general populace with my comment.


The UK certainly employ a military to carry guns.
If you have ever tried to get a police response in a violent confrontation you would understand why the general populace would be far better protected by their own firearms than those of the police.
The police rarely protect anyone, they just clean up the mess afterwards.


The UK has armed cops all over the place. The day of the unarmed bobby is long gone.

Agent 47

Best me to it. ARV Units all over the place these days.


5.4% of all officers in 2019 were armed. Don’t think that constitutes all over the place.


Agent 47

There are roving ARV’s on call 24/7 which they can call in. Further, Police unions over there are lobbying pretty aggressively for pistols.

Further to that, the knife crime situation in the UK has led to extreme danger for the average GD unit and has contributed to poor Police retention rates.

If you think I’m going to go and try to spray some nog with a machete or try and baton him for 30k pounds a year you can GGF.


There’s nothing strawman about what I wrote. They’re just facts. Calling facts straw doesn’t make it so.

And there are lots of purposes for guns in civil society. I’m living proof of that.


The threat of the use of guns is what keeps society civilized.


but not the threat of the use of guns from random 18 year old ectomorphs with mental illnesses and iq 75 ghetto niggers buying them no questions asked at gun shops like in america who need them for.. reasons.. the threat has to come from respectable people with a proven track record of living an exemplary life with a noted and measurable concern for safety and restraint

Agent 47

iq 75 ghetto niggers buying them no questions asked at gun shops like in america”

The first thing that happens when you attempt to buy a gun at a gun store in the US is a phone call to the FBI.

Most 75IQ Tyrone’s don’t walk into stores.


even the middle class black nigro getting guns the legal and normal way are too dangerous to own them

howd the columbine creeps or cho seung cho end up with a gun? cho used to stab the carpet in front of the female students in his school classes just to intimidate them

Cho was diagnosed with selective mutism.[41][42] The Virginia Tech Review Panel report, released in August 2007, placed this diagnosis in the spring of Cho’s eighth-grade year; his parents sought treatment for him through medication and therapy.[18] In high school, Cho was placed in special education under the “emotional disturbance” classification. He was excused from oral presentations and class conversation and received speech therapy.[33] He continued receiving mental health therapy as well until the end of his junior year.[18]

During February and March 2007, Cho began purchasing the weapons that he later used during the killings. On February 9, Cho purchased his first handgun, a .22 caliber Walther P22 semi-automatic pistol, from TGSCOM Inc., a federally licensed firearms dealer based in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the operator of the website through which Cho ordered the gun.

you think this a country that takes background checks on obtaining firearms that seriously?

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

even the middle class black nigro getting guns the legal and normal way are too dangerous to own them

howd a creep like cho seung cho end up with a gun? cho used to stab the carpet in front of the female students in his school classes just to intimidate them

“Cho was diagnosed with selective mutism.[41][42] The Virginia Tech Review Panel report, released in August 2007, placed this diagnosis in the spring of Cho’s eighth-grade year; his parents sought treatment for him through medication and therapy.[18] In high school, Cho was placed in special education under the “emotional disturbance” classification. He was excused from oral presentations and class conversation and received speech therapy.[33] He continued receiving mental health therapy as well until the end of his junior year.[18]”

“During February and March 2007, Cho began purchasing the weapons that he later used during the killings. On February 9, Cho purchased his first handgun, a .22 caliber Walther P22 semi-automatic pistol, from TGSCOM Inc., a federally licensed firearms dealer based in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the operator of the website through which Cho ordered the gun.”

you think this a country that takes background checks on obtaining firearms that seriously?

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal
Agent 47

You picked an outlier from 20 years ago of the Virginia tech shooting, to try and strawman the fact you didn’t know the actual procedure of purchasing a firearm in the US. “Muh walk into KMART” Michael Moore kind of deception.

Virginia Tech shooting was dodgy as well, FBI knew all about him which is usually code for asset as we have seen time and again, but I have no definitive proof on that occasion.

Point is it’s not a perfect system and people will get through like they do here. Considering the sheer volume of legal purchases per day in the US it’s not even .01% risk.

There are two gun stores in all of Mexico and they have 30k murders a year, guns banned for basically everyone. Narco tyranny clearly preferable to judeo tyranny.


the threat has to come from respectable people with a proven track record of living an exemplary life with a noted and measurable concern for safety and restraint

Like pepper spraying and beating grandmothers who don’t want to wear masks?


i wasnt just referring to the police buddy

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

well then who are you talking about retard?


The Swiss probably have the best policy, reasonably liberal policy but also some responsibility to have correct training for the use and maintenance of the weapon.

By comparison the yanks are ill-disciplined and shooting at shadows. Explains why in war they have a high rate of friendly fire incidents.

I remember going to indoor ranges in the US and being next to people blasting out hundreds of rounds with an AR.
I mean what is the point? There is absolutely no skill in that.

Agent 47

I remember going to indoor ranges in the US and being next to people blasting out hundreds of rounds with an AR.
I mean what is the point? There is absolutely no skill in that.”

This is elitist nonsense.

Public ranges are full of all sorts of people. Some are tourists, some are first timers some are unsafe clowns but usually get turfed by the RO pretty quickly. What’s wrong with a mag dump and having fun as long as it’s a controlled environment? Everytime I go to the US I try and shoot as many different firearms as I can for the experience, I’m not shooting a Vector and worried about my MOA or groupings.


Yep. So why have guns with a society pre disposed to those problems.

Agent 47

Predisposed? 2nd amendment is nearly 250 years old.

They’re all introduced problems, many of which are only realistically resolvable by violence or the threat thereof.


Please. What sort of guns existed 250 years ago versus today?

Like any gun debate the best you can do is “I like guns” and work forward from there to try to string together whatever bullshit argument suits your perspective.


Yet your argument of I don;t like guns is perfectly valid?


For the general populace, yes it is valid.

They’re a tool design with one purpose to kill or main or inflict serious injury.

No civil society needs this other than shithole 3rd world African countries because they’re dangerous third world shitholes.

Agent 47

No civil society needs this other than shithole 3rd world African countries because they’re dangerous third world shitholes.”

Why do Police carry them here I wonder?


I said the general populace do not need them.

Agent 47

Who is the first responder to violent criminals? The victim or the Police?

Agent 47

Cannons, precursors to gatlings, shotguns, revolvers, ordnance all kinds of shit. You could own private battleships if you wanted.

“Like any gun debate the best you can do is “I like guns”

No, my arguments are sound and I haven’t even gone deep into it. The best you can offer me is cry about liking firearms as if its a bad thing (probably because Jim Jeffries is your point of reference) purely out of fear of not understanding them. Quite clear to me you’ve never experienced serious violence and probably need to.

That’s fine, more guns for me and LWSCHP.


I love how you could buy belt fed machine guns in the US right up through to the end of the 50’s!

The reason why elites hate guns ISN’T because they care about any white grandmothers being shot, or a bunch of low IQ niggers shooting up a neighborhood and killing some local kids over some turf war.

It is because they offer the opportunity for majorly disgruntle voters to kill them or someone they love if they can’t be accessed. They argue for gun laws for their own self interest.

If they cared about ordinary Australians then they wouldn’t persecute us with societal destroying levels of immigration, they wouldn’t crush wages and make housing completely unaffordable while underwriting the banking and its partner in crime the property market.

It is the the threat of the use of guns is what keeps society civilized.

Take away that base, gut curdling fear that if they stray too far from the path of righteousness, some suitably motived individual has the potential to level the power imbalance between those who Govern and those who are Governed, by killing them or someone they love, chills them to their bones.

What it takes to make such an individual and politicians fearful – arguably it would be a lower bar in diverse societies, because there are so many more divergent opinion’s to get worked up over.

Australia has the sort of gun laws that one would expect from societies that are basically having diversity forcefully inflicted upon them, harsh and increasingly over policed. Because as diversity increases the bar by which someone , somewhere in society becoming ‘ideologically motivated’ is lowered.

If we were living in a perfectly homogenous white society society, then imho every voting man should walk around with a gun on his hip – and where a genuine misdeed or transgression being viewed as taking place, the knowledge that every surrounding male could shoot you down would make for a far more polite and high trust society.

The responsibilities of citizenship, could be executed with the requirement for a far smaller militia than our increasingly well armed police forces, that are needed to combat the effects of diversity.

That is why have tougher gun laws, to protect elite safety and allow a wider margin of hostile policies against a populace being deployed without fear of retribution or retaliation.

I expect Australia’s gun laws to become increasingly punitive.

Last edited 8 months ago by Stewie

Let’s hear your top 3 arguments pro guns then.

Not just America but why the general populace of any civilised country has any requirement for them. Not the military or police or any other similar organisation.

I’ll meet you at

1. Farmers need them (valid requirement for hunting)

  1. Euthanising livestock on farms
  2. Hunting wildlife
  3. Target shooting for fun
  4. Self defence
  5. Eliminating the oligarchy and their supporters
A fly in your ointment

hunting with bullets is for pussies.
True toxic masculine men hunt with a knoife and arrow/bow.
Gun hunting should be banned for game equal to or smaller than a Canadian deer.


Excluding Blacks and Hispanics, white Americans commit kill each other with guns on par with Denmark.


Having a multi race society full of people who use like to use guns to solve their problems is a therefore a poor idea when mixed with extremely lax gun controls.


Having a multi race society full of people who use like to use guns violence to solve their problems is a therefore a poor idea

Fixed it for you.


Yep. And what are guns solely designed to do. They aren’t paperweights.


planning on banning knives and cars too?
Maybe nail clippers like they did on aircraft?
Bricks, rocks, bats? feet, fists?


I’d bet all of those kill more people than guns in australia.


Knives effectively are banned.

Everything else you listed isn’t specifically designed to inflict harm.

Agent 47

Muh knife bans


i don’t know how knife bans can be effectively enforced the logistics surrounding them are much more simple than any firearm


Easy, you just prevent people taking them through the security screening point at the airport and them have them available at the restaurants inside…

Quite literally this is how it’s done at airports.



yeah we’ll get rid of all the knives then


You understand you are making my point.
It’s impossible to make society safe.
Limiting guns to criminals makes society less safe than letting everyone have guns.
The police aren’t coming to save you, not quickly enough for it to matter anyway, and it isn’t their actual job anyway. Punishing the person who killed you is their actual real job. Doesn’t do you much good though.


You’d be surprised. In November 2023 there were about 4 million legally owned firearms in Australia. Most people own more than one, so I’d say there’s probably something like 1 million gun owners in the country.

Agent 47

lf I buy another one here in Victoria I’m then required to have an alarm on my safe and/or house. The act doesn’t specify what type of alarm or how it is to be fixed so I’m just going to buy one of those air horns and put it next to the door of the safe.


Here in the ACT I think the trigger for the alarm requirement is 15 guns. I pick up my 14th in a few days. 😊

Agent 47

What did you get? I’m considering diving into the Oceania Precision range but apparently it’s at least a 6 month wait.



S&W Model 67 4″ revolver chambered in .38 Special. The stainless version of the Model 15 Combat Masterpiece.

Agent 47


I’ve been tempted by the re release of the Colt Python but it has mixed reviews even two years on. Still have to shoot one for myself and make up my own mind.

Agent 47

Had a look at the WA legislation last night. Worse than I’ve ever seen. Wrong opinions gets your guns taken away. Shouldn’t be surprised when there’s a simultaneous gun grab and farm grab under the WA Cultural Heritage Act laws going on at the same time.



Wrong opinions gets your guns taken away.

Thats been the case in NSW for a long time. And the people deciding what opinions are right and wrong are predominantly anti gun.
Or is it wrongthink that gets em taken away?


they can pry my Nine from my cold dead hands!

A fly in your ointment

You think they’d blink and lose a sleep over it?

A fly in your ointment

^ ^ ^ ^

You’d play cheap music until their brains burst? 😉

Won’t work, policemen have no brains.


On an unrelated note I’ve noticed a lot of improbably proportioned women in very little clothing showing up in my social media feeds lately.
Has big tech finally worked out I’m a perve or are AI generated images being used on accounts to attract attention? For what purpose?


The worst of it is that much of what Labor does will not be repealed or reformed when they leave office. The ratchet effect is taking us to communism with the barest minimum of manufactured consent.

Agent 47

Yes this is a problem. One side passes legislation, the other blocks attempts to remove it.

Firearms, immigration, you name it.


It’s like both sides of the duopoly want the same thing.

Illusion of choice and all that…


I didn’t know guns were that affordable.


$500 for a little hand cannon. I am surprised we don’t have more gun crime, even someone on the dole could save for that.


Someone inclined to gun crime won’t clear the bureaucratic hurdles to get one. Here in NSW thats a whole lot of paperwork, 6 months of gun club visits, a safe and a police visit to your house to check the safe is acceptable. And you must be of suitable character(see above about opinions etc in WA)


That’s a bargain. I just paid $850 for something similar from a mate, and they normally go for about $1000-$1200 ised.

A top of the line new revolver is about $1900, and a match grade semiauto from CZ or Staccato is about $5000-6000.


Yeah pretty affordable. Glocks, Berettas for around the same price.

Aussie Soy Boy

I would bring in Singapore style drug laws, and also apply it to gun possession in the US. I would then sanction any country into oblivion who didn’t apply the same basic laws.

What a scourge both are look at Mexico, Central and South America where weapons are trafficked from the US, and then all these drugs are are trafficked into the US (and other western countries) because demand is so out of control from their junkie scum populations.


I would bring in Singapore style drug laws, and also apply it to gun possession in the US. I would then sanction any country into oblivion who didn’t apply the same basic laws.

What a scourge both are look at Mexico

Or you could just legalize drugs and virtually all of the criminality and gang turf wars and cartels goes away. So does the bribery and ability to employ selective enforcement though…

Plenty of countries have very strict drug laws and still have a drug problem.

Aussie Soy Boy

We can all live in San Francisco sounds wonderful


Legalizing things and failing to enforce laws are actually different things.
SF is not enforcing laws, many laws not just drug laws.


Welcome back Coming

Agent 47

I would bring in Singapore style drug laws, and also apply it to gun possession in the US”

Start a huge civil war and get millions killed trying to disarm the country all to prove a point about gun violence.

Genius, why has no one ever thought of this?


Yeah right, where would the rich get their coke? Haha. This country loves a good amount of corruption.

Agent 47

Completely normal behavior from the Jewish community to threaten an entire country


Surprised they didn’t start with a line about crucifying Jesus.


not new


Yeah look what happened to Hitler…. which come to think of it – doesn’t it also make him right?


I’d like to know what “mess” means. I mean if I am against conscripting kids to fight in Ukraine is that messing?

They certainly need to have an eye kept on them.

Aussie Soy Boy

Show me what you’ve big nose

Aussie Soy Boy



what happened to your account


So who are these arseclowns addressing? Australians?


idgi either

its a really weird post

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal


damn the grandma protest guy got arrested


Haha what a maggot. Ezfka citizens certainly like cherry picking their own recipe of woke. Like a nutribullet smoothie.

A fly in your ointment

“Ipswich type darkies stabbed Ipswich type Chewish granny.”

that ought to produce a BSoD and a massive cognitive dissonance with wokies.


Huh. Nig killed whitey so they love it. Doubt there’s any reffo nogs in Newtown. Except for maybe the odd industrious one that made a rice and beans restaurant.

A fly in your ointment

remeber the “it’s safe and effective” mantra which lead many to their grave?

Drinking diet sodas and aspartame-sweetened beverages daily during pregnancy linked to…
something not good

but it’s Texans, so naturally false.


 “has found an association between 

“These associations do not prove causality,”

“The researchers conclude that further research – including larger sample sizes of both sexes, and prospective measurement of dietary exposures and additional risk factors”


i can almost guarantee you this research is trash like 99% of nutrition ‘science’

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

So “it’s safe and effective”?


safe: probably as much as basically anything you can eat, and probably much more so than sugar

dont know about ‘effective’ though; only if you enjoy the taste of diet soda, which i do

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

As a result of your advocacy, I’ve just recently started drinking 2 diet cokes a day in place of coffee

Tastes much better

A fly in your ointment

safe: probably as much as basically anything you can eat, and probably much more so than sugar

Sugar is not unsafe in its natural form, excessive amounts are also not directly unsafe.
Science requires connections like associations or correlations before it can uncover causation. If there is an association or correlation, chances are that a causation exists. Otherwise, it is unlikely.

Aspartame and sinthesised substances are not healthy by a default until proven otherwise. Perhaps as a medicine with a controlled intake, but not as a “knock-out yourself as much as you can take”.
good luck

dont know about ‘effective’ though; only if you enjoy the taste of diet soda, which i do

mentioned as the extension of the well known mantra


nah mate nah thats the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturalistic_fallacy

might as well go rub some poison ivy on your cock and swallow some cyanide, m aybe start with a chaser of king cobra venom all natural goodies just for you to enjoy

no quantity of evidence will ever satisfy you,aspertame = eternally guilty in the flygrease high court

and u prob drink alcohol which actually most definitely does cause cancer

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

Fluck, that strawman is now dead dead, you killed him well.

I did not say natural must be good and synthetic must be bad. Alcohol, like sugar, is not unhealthy directly. Abuse is the method which brings almost any food to unhealthy

You can understand English past Boganlish, I hope. Try to understand what I said.

not one association/correlation/causation of side effects and aspartame will be good enough for you. that’s fine, go ahead, knock yourself out with aspartame, People once thought radiation was safe and effective too.


its not a strawman lol at you having a go at someone for their allegedly poor english when 95% of the points you try to make are inscrutable

A fly in your ointment

boganlish is not poor English in general sense of command, just the wrong type devoid of depth and breadth.

anyway, not what was said by me about natural and synthetic additives.

Gruppenführer Mark

It is not the sugars that are used in a LOT of US products – too expensive, see?

It is HFCS that is used instead of sugar. High Fructose Corn Syrup. I just know it in the cockles of my heart that any naturally occurring food that comes in a form of an abbreviation is “safe and effective”.


That sounds a lot like the arguments used against the smoking research back in the day…


oh yeah some statistically small tiny sample size study (240 according to the abstract) associative finding (… on.. pregnancy.. ) in one or a handful of studies with the (already) most absolutely heavily researched, and effectively vindicated, food additive in human history is totally equivalent to the findings that smoking has a very large negative impact on lung health etc that occurred over like 80 years ago now

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

give it time, and more studies.
Why would the food additive industry have any sort of motivation to influence the science on this?


they dont, its the people who have been consistently freaking out about aspertame (back even when it was called nutrasweet) for literally 45 years now that has compelled billions of studies over and over and over and over and over only to find absolutely jack sh_t when enough quality research is conducted, every time

this is why we arent curing cancer; because we’re devoting all of our scientific resources to investigating whether food additives have a positive 0.2% absolute risk increase of giving you cancer instead

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

his is why we arent curing cancer; because we’re devoting all of our scientific resources to investigating whether food additives have a positive 0.2% absolute risk increase of giving you cancer instead

OK boomer


Lotsa money in current cancer treatments probs. Plus they probably dont want everyone living until 100.


a theoretical cure for any form of the major cancers would instantly make the company who developed it overnight the biggest by market cap in the world


So they are working on aspartame research instead that at best will lose the artificial sweetener makers billions or be a complete waste of time and resources.

Cool story bro.


it was a facetious statement durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

it really seems that way though and you retards will never be satisified

just dont drink it if you think one diet coke = 5pacreatictumour

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

Replace aspartame with smoking and you get why it took 50 years to get anything done about smoking.


the earliest anti smoking legislation was in nazi germany

aspertame research has been conducted for like 40+ years and its more or less benign

smoking has been known to have been fucked roughly starting in the 1950s but a bit before

if there was any real smoking guns surrounding aspertame (which is literally just a composite of two amino acids you eat every day in other foods) in the way there was with smoking you would actually know about it

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

You know sugar is in foods as well, right?
Dosage is what matters.


aspartame and artifiical sweetners use very low dosages bc theyre far sweeter than table sugar so you need way less to produce the same effect


How many times are you gonna argue with these fools about this topic, no amount will sway their cult like beliefs, comment bot probably drinks alcohol too


grease fly keeps bringing it up bc hes trying to bait me over it cant help but take it

A fly in your ointment

I do cometh actoss these here and there and post it here because rhere is this cult of “aspartame is safe because its a mixture of two cjemicals found in matire and it allows us to gorge on doughnuts” and, of course, because it’s safe enf effective, ,remember
but somehow with Emma Renay jab you claimed to blink at a smalest waft of stink!?


IF you are claiming you are healthy by drinking soft drinks, artificially sweetened or otherwise then you are deluding yourself. Drink water.


no one said HEALTHY dumbo, irrelevant or immaterial to health, yes

diet soda is 99.9% water


probably drinks alcohol too




Let me read between the lines for you.
The implication is that alcohol is unhealthy, and that I drink alcohol but am claiming that apsartame is unhealthy.
Hence my reply to nemesis.
There are also plenty of things that are 99.9% water than will kill you.


“There are also plenty of things that are 99.9% water than will kill you.”

yeah and coke zero isnt one of them cunt lmao


How to get the yellow vests to believe in climate change.


I wonder if they can do all that physical work on a vegan diet.

Better pay as much tax as possible.


I am cynical of the timing of these asylum seekers. Like a few times in the past when the public starts noticing that rapid population growth is having a negative impact on their lives, boat loads of people start turning up and the focus changes.

What is the motivation of this Pakistani guy to pay money for the trip, leave his family, risk his life, only to get locked up again and probably deported? How much would it cost for a Big Australia vested interest to pay these people to do this?

Agent 47

Yes I’m starting to come to that conclusion too.

Albo was getting hammered over the high court decision with potentially more to be released, also the housing and migration thing.

Wouldn’t be surprised if the whole John Howard boat thing is now the default distraction play on both sides of the meaningless chamber.

Agent 47

Anyone know if pet sitter is on the skilled migration list?


goat herder is haha thats the same isnt it if you have a pet goat

Agent 47

I mean, hiring a Chinese dog sitter is a risk unto itself.


fm these dopey cunts too stupid to realise they are the cause. Get a load of this idiot in Canada who is expecting citizens to be grateful of the “sacrifices” he is making to push rent prices through the roof.


Anything we can do ti make these cunts leave is worth it.


That is why until they cut immigration I have zero interest in reducing house prices. Tax those immigrant donkeys.


Likewise until something is done to address corporate transfer pricing, anyone suggesting changes to negative gearing or the CGT discount can fuck off.

Last edited 8 months ago by The90kwbeast

No surprise that that bullshit comes from the SBS.


Stagmal going to move to Whyalla yet?


maybe, havent been oveer there yet but really want to

i keep delaying driving around au

i dont think i can endure another summer inland nsw

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

whyallas weather isn’t a lot better than inland NSW.

Check out the yards, look familiar?


it seems like its cooler in summer

dubbo has some of the roughest summers you can get


dubbo has some of the roughest summers you can get

Try darwin for a year or two…


25 Mortimer Street, Whyalla Stuart, SA 5608 https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-sa-whyalla+stuart-143473748

$170k sold price


wow damn thats nice


It’s the cheapest place in the country that isn’t shit as far as I can tell

The only places cheaper are Broken Hill or dying tiny former mining towns

I’m planning a visit there myself in the next couple of months.

One downside is it’s 4.5 hours to Adelaide but then Dubbo is that to Sydney, so…

Last edited 8 months ago by The90kwbeast

dubbo to syd is 6 hours now i’d say when you include the traffic as soon as you get to around penrith

yeah whyalla is super iso but it seems like the only part of the country left with a price multiple that’s still what it was in the 90s

from what ive heard going there is like stepping back in time


Yes. Whyalla, Port Pirie, Port Augusta, Kalgoorlie, and is actually argue Bunbury in WA are the cheapest best places left in the whole country.


A lot of regional south Australia is somewhat isolated and the towns aren’t big. Probably part of the appeal

Port Lincoln you really have to fly to, Mount Gambier is 4.5 hours drive to Adelaide also


Broken hill is still a dying mining town, ie, zoned for more residential than there is demand for. And unzoning is impossible.
Kinda gives you a hint at the obvious solution to the problem, doesn’t it.


yeah theres a severe shortage of land around broken hill and huge demand to actually live there (would be shocked if it had more people moving to it than leaving it)


kinda like dubbo?


Nah it’s shit, just not as shit as other places


Former housing trust home – joined to another, not the nicest area in Whyalla


As in you lived in one?


Not me but people I know. And you?


Im just a scum bag investor looking at opportunity when it presents itself


Ha ha great! The honesty is refreshing


lol, whats the rerurn rate? including costs and maintenance? Because the capital gains are fuck all.


Maisonettes 100sqm on a 500sqm block are still selling for $150k but prices are going up. Might need $7-10k of reno’s and you’ll want air con but it’s a steal.

Plus, Whyalla has a beach for summer unlike Dubbo, and a relatively low level of aboriginal people for a country town. They’re mostly up the road in port Augusta.


port augusta is “up the road” from whyalla, lol.
Just becauses there is a whole shitload of nothing between then doesn’t make it up the road


Do you have anything to say other than trolling others posts?

Last edited 8 months ago by The90kwbeast

50 minutes

People spend that on a one way city commute in the major capital cities


Correct! Just watch the kangaroos they’re huge up there


If you’ve ever lived in the country it is up the road

the arborist

Gooble gobble, we accept you, one of us.



Baghdad Bob at it again. Councils representing their constituents is apparently undemocratic. What is democratic is State govt pandering to Big Business against the wishes of majority voters, and also trying to dictate to councils.


Even blind freddy could see that coming.
The state government quite literally OWNS the councils so they don’t need to try to dictate. There is no local government independent of the state gov.

As councils derive their powers from state parliaments, council by-laws may be overruled by state laws.

from https://peo.gov.au/understand-our-parliament/how-parliament-works/three-levels-of-government/three-levels-of-government-governing-australia


That is not entirely true. The overrides are nearly always a safety mechanism to protect constituents. The council mergers lost in court because the State govt could not prove the benefits to the constituents.


The state government can literally repeal all the local government legislation and they cease to exist. This is entirely true.


Theoretical bs. There are courts and higher authorities that can prevent government from abusing the laws that are designed to protect us.


fe fi fo fum

i smell the blood of deranged yimby scum


I don’t think commentBot is a yimby. Just an ex-poster who likes to argue, and I don’t mean Coming.

Adding that I don’t object to the arguing as it is mostly constructive.

Last edited 8 months ago by Freddy

lol, the only law that can’t be overridden by government is the constitution, and it provides very little protection in australia.


Want to see another Indigenous scam happen right in front of us?

Indigenous Land Council “Borrow” $300m from the taxpayers for an asset that some slick Sydney blokes sell you. Laugh at the thought of ever paying that back…

Write it down by $75m within 5 years. About fourteen years later, after having spent a further $60m on Capital Improvements but never having paid a cent back from the original amount (and probably embezzled millions),


Of course there is this little gem, a lazy $469k stolen by employees in 2023…https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-13/voyages-uluru-tourism-company-allegedly-defrauded/102953110


This from the Chair of the ILC who owns the resort “The ILC is now engaged in refinancing the Ayers Rock Resort debt, which will require a further ILC capital injection of at least $30 million to reduce the exposure of lenders as a result of the resort’s decline in value.”


Literally a half a billion dollar black hole that Noel Pearson would be proud of.


Lib/Lab = give free money to private school fags and wogs or arts degree people and boongs. Legit tough decision for me.

I never thought I’d see the day where noone wants to go to the Alice because it’s gay. Can’t even walk on a fucken rock.


post deleted, did you have it screencapped? what did it say?



Need to take the mediaViewer bit out and everything after it.


This is conclusive proof Albanese is G-A-Y…only a real faggot would act like this.


hes trying too hard to be cool

can you imagine Stalin or hitler or someone doing stuff like this

heres margaret thatcher in response to shit like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiMs165tVdw

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal
Agent 47

He’s going to a private Katy Perry concert with Jew billionaire Anthony Pratt at Pratts mansion on Saturday. But Jews don’t run Australia.


Gen y and z are faggots so its a pretty good move politically imo.



Vice is dying. Sucked in.

>Media news: In a memo, Vice CEO Bruce Dixon says the company will lay off hundreds of employees and stop publishing on the http://Vice.com website.

Kind of sad, they made some good documentaries. Like one where some soy boy journalist went to Africa and talked about all the nogs getting pissed on some sort of banana alcohol. I don’t mind that sort of shit.


they were sick in the late 2000s/early 2010s, genuinely edgy and cool journalism

they had a story about some north korean log camp in russia that was super cool, whole thing is still on yt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awQDLoOnkdI

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

I have a theory that “todays Left” are genuinely unfunny, weak and hypocritical faggots.

They only ever take the piss out of the Right, there hasn’t been an impersonator of a PM, or comedian who has taken the piss out of a PM since Howard. So much material in Rudd, Gillard and Albo but the gutless faggots can’t bear to do it.

One or two might try to imitate Trump, but that’s easy (love the guy for the way he sets them off, but he’s a genuine freak).

The Left can’t meme either.


Yeah I saw that one. On the train some young Russian calls him out as a Jew haha


i love the mafia guy they meet with the gold teeth, ‘the fish’


This is a good one. Karen of Kooyong has found a reason for existing in parliament, or so she thinks.


Problem is, most of these are aligned to the ALP (who she should realise, are in Government so naturally the first ones to bribe).

Stephen Conroy was a Minister for the Rudd and Gillard governments, but has been a very well paid lobbyist for the Gambling lobby. He runs a company TG Public Affairs, with Albo’s former Chief of staff Michael Chouelfate. They were appointed by Woolworths in January after their Aussie Day debacle, and had Optus as a client after their hack in 2022.

The gravy train for Labor pollies is no longer overseas postings (Rudd hogs them anyway), its million $’s a year Lobbying gigs like this muppet, or $8,000 a day Supermarket Enquiry Committees like ex Labor MP Craig Emerson.


This David Attenborough documentary is wild…



That right there is the best thing ever distributed on the internet, and has made the entire expenditure on the internet worthwhile.
