Peter Tulip defeats Brittany Higgins to win 2023 EZFKA Grifter of the Year Award

YIMBY and Centre for Independent Studies dickhead Peter Tulip has taken out the 2023 EZFKA Grifter of the Year Award, in what was one of the most competitive fields yet.

Tulip eclipsed favourite Brittany Higgins, in line for back-to-back grifts, with Higgins’ disaster at her civil court case blowing up her chances before fucking off to France, leaving Tulip to claim the prize. Tulip also eclipsed Rabbi News’ duo Avi Yemeni and Rukshan Fernando for their endless work advocating bombing children from 10,000 feet, and surprise finalist Senator Raph Babet who was nominated after people still can’t work out what the fuck he actually does.

The Ex-RBA, fat boomer fag from the CIS said he was delighted to receive the prize for constant shilling for obliterating the middle suburbs with high rise apartments and denying reality over immigration.

“It’s been a hard slog this year. Being an economist that denies the demand side through immigration while pushing soviet tower blocks from coast-to-coast as the only viable solution really takes work and no morals,” Tulip said.

“Paying for astroturfed YIMBY accounts and also 23-year-old yopro dickheads that grew up in quarter acre blocks but want high rise for everyone else, has been tiring. But I think I’ve blocked enough counter arguments on Twitter and that was the difference in the end.”

“Turning Sydney and Melbourne into the surface of the death star is my life’s work and I’m proud to help achieve that while wearing none of the downside risk.”

Tulip is also set to receive a commendation from Meriton’s Harry Triguboff for helping him secure deals to throw up defect-riddled sky kennels across the inner west.

“He’s one of the best mouthpieces I could have hoped for, ever since I had Bob Carr bent over his desk in the premier’s office for years,” Triguboff said.

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the yimby mob on twitter is getting insufferable. theyve claimed everyone i used to look at, including that 8888 guy who i unfollowed/muted. every time i log in now theres some retarded yimby complaining about suburban densities in the “for you” section.

who is this excited about committing mas scale urban vandalism to pack in more pajeets?

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal
Agent 47

Just like COVID it’s mainly astroturfed with some paid off influencers. Burchell Wilson did some digging into it.

Glass Pyramid has a good tweet about it.




88888 lives in Singapore for the tax rate. I’d class him more as someone who despises hoomers than a yimby. Basically, he’s a successful long/short trader and has no respect for hooming because it requires zero talent.


That only makes sense if he is no longer an Australian resident. I wonder if his Mrs is from there.

Raoul Paul the smart one finding a wife in the Cayman Islands.


That only makes sense if he is no longer an Australian resident.”  

Obviously. He has lived in Singapore with his family for years.

“I wonder if his Mrs is from there.”

she’s Aussie

Ironic Boomer

Rug paul is an all in crypto fraud.

Ironic Boomer

Deadset bag holder taking payment to spruik crypto.


i doubt it, hes prob passport broin it w azn fetish like all white guys in asia

Ironic Boomer

What beyond a pulse takes talent to pay interest on public money to a private bank to a consumption item like shelter


Are we supposed to feel bad that overseas students are hot bedding or sleeping in cars?

Then he goes onto complain about high unit prices. Surprised Tulip hasn’t just suggested that we only bring in the richer ones.

Teters Pulips

Yeah but make sure to thanks your dad


Tulip doesn’t need to bother if this is how the so called based plebs are still thinking.

Oldest trick in the conservative book lol. At least 30 years old.

I wonder if these accounts are also astro turfers.


“we need someone like trump here” yeah we need the guy who did nothing about immigration in 4 years, didnt build the wall he was promising etc. that’s what we need; and we’ll get it with dutton

Agent 47

At the current rate of the southern border invasion, a) elections aren’t going to matter and b) I doubt we’ll even get to a US election in 2024 considering everything else going on.


A couple of years ago I would’ve called anybody who speculated about a cancelled/failed US election a conspiracy theorist at best.

Right now, given all the shit that’s going down over there, I think there’s a small but non-zero chance that their very ramshackle electoral system could curl up and die.

For a country that holds itself up as the pinnace of democracy, their electoral processes are simply corrupt garbage, deserving of nothing but contempt.

Tulip Non-Enjoyer

Were Guiliani and others right? Everyone knows 2020 was faked, but difficult to prove in a liberal court without knowing who to call as witnesses?


The Dems are bringing the US to a possible civil war with their constant ridiculous suppression of Trump

They’re blowing him up to be their ultimate nemesis when he was a weak, ineffectual and captured President who could easily be controlled again unless of course they put him into a do-or-die situation where he needs to purge the Deep State just to stay out of jail or to stay alive

Reminds me of Ukraine sending over half a million men to their deaths just so they don’t have to promise not to join NATO


I don’t know where they get off being so despicably as dumb as shit. You don’t need a high iq to see reality. I suspect they know and they are just larping trashy cowards. Half their jobs probably depend on real estate. Meatheads.

Tulip Non-Enjoyer

Tulip is good representative of the EZFKA unit. Even our phaggots look disgusting and Aussie women take the cake for being the most obese and elephan skinned women on the planet right up there with African and Asian villager women.

Agent 47


A fly in your ointment

everyone knows this but no one will do anything against it.

Who would dare to be the man who put an end of eternal home price growth?

Who would try to be the contemporary Hitler of the RE and mum’n’dad investors, slayer of hard earned wealth of nurses and teachers and taxi drivers?

Who’d want to refuse millions in kick backs for some stupid risky game like “competitive” economy or reindustrialisation?

just saying…

A fly in your ointment

🍻🥂🍾to all


Happy New Year folks. I hope it turns out better than 2023, which has been pretty fucked up, to put a good spin on it.


“…the surface of the death star”. Gold.


I want an in memoriam Daily Mail article for Coming, who appears to have Died Suddenly


Do you buy printed version of it?


I suspect his Mum told him to get off the computer, get out of his room and join the family for the holidays.

Fly in your ointment

One of the last true fair-go Aussies, those who are worthy of respect and praise, people who built a good reputation of this nation against the prevailing hurricanes passed away on the 30. Dec 2023. aged 85.
John Pilger joins the ranks of a handful of historical Aussies who may have accidentallly come from the convict heritage but never lived the convict culture, being open minded, thinkers, moral and ethical giants.
Australia is now left only with Assange and Johnstone as the guardians of freedom which was abolished by the remaining 25mil punters.The chances are Johnstone will be soon the last remaining Aussie worthy of looking up to.

Utopia (2014)
a documentary by John Pilger


I bet he loved his mass immigration. That cancels out pretty much everything.

A fly in your ointment

you’d lose the bet.

like Assange, and Johnstone, Pilger was resented by common convict class ezfka units. No one likes the nation’s red pillers.


Pilger was respected by most people who knew of him and his work, but the reality was our media class asphyxiated him and most of his stories to the point where most Australians were unaware that he even existed.

A fly in your ointment

Kim Hill’s explosive 2003 interview with John Pilger | 1News Archive
(On Iraq charade)

Some things age well.
Or rather do not age well, depending on the position held.


Based nig.

I hope we get heaps of nigs to please the unis and other rent seekers.

Honestly humans need a bit of drama otherwise they get too bored. I wonder how many wars were fought out of boredom?


Dr Ozcuck, or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the EZFKA


Actually thats a good meme. Instead of the cowboy on the nuke, a jew on a bunch of immigrants in a big net. That’s beyond my ai art skills I think.

Agent 47

Pajeet tries it on with Qantas stewardess mid flight and then calls for his mum after being restrained.


hello human resources


More basedness. Don’t know if this guy is Indian or what but he killed The Shire’s beloved fish.

Scomo likes a fish curry. He did it on Kitchen Cabinet. Typical Cronulla racists.


legacy australians pretending to care about animal welfare


They liked going scuba diving and looking at the fish. Caring about your local animals is good for property values. I am seeing little finches and sparrows in small sections of my local area, something I hadn’t seen since I was a kid.

Bendigo has banned outdoor cats.


fur real? what happens if one gets caught out side


Actually it’s only at night. I had a cat that did all his killing during the day.

A fly in your ointment

You get a fine

this and gaol time is so boringly predictable outcome of any “wrongdoing”, a product of the ~200yr ecosystem.

Imagine a stray cat…. on the street…. mankind would be experiencing this dangerous hazardous event for the first time in 4 billion years of existence.


I think you are a bit paranoid about the jail but I agree convicts sure love their cages. I went and got an independent burger for dinner. $22 for a large meal deal. A few ghost white overweight convicts of the clerical type were there for their state approved decadence as well.

I swear half the reason i go out is just to look at the saddo normies it makes me feel better.

Fly in your ointment

In Melbourne they prosecute gropers, in NSW they protect them.

Fly in your ointment

Pajeet tries it on with Qantas stewardess

Not quite.

If this was a convict class ezfka unit from Sydney, chances are he’d be trying it with a male stewardess. One from Hellbourne, Sicktora these would try it with himself.

A fly in your ointment

LOL, and Arabs are usually based…

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

rumour has it the plan was for mickey Mouse to be put on Aussie flag, but alas, it has become more appropriate to be on the US(SR) of A flag.

the arborist

This is pathetic. Soy poo cricket player cries and soy bludger PM congratulates him for crying.

Is there no end to this faggotry? I keep thinking we’ve hit rock bottom and then it somehow gets worse.

Usman Khawaja has opened up about the shocking toll the humanitarian crisis in Gaza has had on him, revealing that he’s sought psychological help to cope with the troubling situation.

‘I’d like to congratulate [Khawaja] for the courage he has shown standing up for human values,’ Mr Albanese said.



I’ve supported his all lives matter stance since it was clearly shut down by the Tribe, but this is pathetic.


It may be an insignificant detail in the grand scheme of things but I’m going to start using the woke state against itself.

It turns out membership to the City of Sydney Library, free to all NSW residents, gives you access to a bunch of professional courses.

Included in this is Mango Languages, which I will be using to learn Russian.


A fly in your ointment

глупые люди знают только один язык
чем больше языков ты знаешь, тем шире твои взгляды

the arborist

Another Deng. Probably did it for $50 and a pair of trainers.

Dut Deng, 24, was arrested at a home in Fairfield Heights in Sydney’s south-west on Tuesday night.

He has since charged with five offences including murder, drug and firearm related offences, and participating in a criminal group.

Deng was refused bail to appear in Parramatta Local Court later on Wednesday

Police will allege in court Deng was the principal offender – or gunman in the alleged murder of Moradian at Bondi Junction, in Sydney‘s eastern suburbs on June 27 last year.

Agent 47

Then there’s this. Happened in a Meriton suite too, onya Harry.

the arborist

With apologies to George Orwell…

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Diversity is strength.

A fly in your ointment

Diversity brought to you by ___________ ?




My default position is that anybody named something like Dut Deng, Dat Kok, Guk Dung etc is a violent murderous savage 7 til proven otherwise.

Agent 47

Yeah I saw that earlier today but was too busy to post.

The interviewer continuously offered them an opportunity to build a mind model sufficient enough to generate a empathetic response – i.e the ability to imagine the suffering of the rape victim from their point of view, and became more and more shocked as they continuously referenced it back to themselves.

Other than Muslims and Jews (incompatible and toxic cultures) the only other population group I have any bias (well founded as it is) towards is Sub-Saharan Africans.

The mob that guy interviewed failed well before the “If you didn’t eat breakfast yesterday, how would you feel?” Being more in the “living entirely in the present, barely aware of yesterday and entirely ignorant of tomorrow” category.

They have no place being in Australia and those who encourage their migration should be buried alive.

Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie

No empathy at all and highly self-centred – most likely a mix of antisocial and narcissistic personality traits. We’re probably getting them here because their own country doesn’t want them.


Of the 38 men they interviewed in Agent47’s link, 28 admitted to having forced a woman to have sex with them.

Admittedly the article is 10yrs old, but I would say not much has changed.

Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie

A while back there was a decision that determined the environment minister had no “duty of care” to young Australians with respect to decisions that could make climate change worse e.g fossil fuel project approvals.

Pocock has a bill trying to change this

I’m wondering why bringing in immigrants from population groups that a statistically more likely to commit terror attacks or other crimes isn’t also a duty of care failure by our leaders?


Those who make the decisions are far away from those who are likely to bare the consequences.

Besides living in the matriarchy where neurotic agreeableness rules over logic, where massive statistic proof of violent criminal behaviour is over looked or ignored because to acknowledge it would be ‘racist’.

One of my sisters, who is a CFO, main motivation in voting ‘No’ for the referendum was the thought that her friends and acquaintances living overseas would think poorly of Australians as ‘racist’ if it was rejected. No consideration whatsoever on the legal, constitutional or social implications, other than complete reliance on the mainstream media.

Saying “No” to African immigration would be intolerable to 50% of the population because people might think we are ‘racist’.

The neurotic fear of being thought badly of for saying ‘No’ right now, is far worse than the actual statistical likelihood for increased violence and crime committed against them in the future as a result of importing these people.

living entirely in the present, barely aware of yesterday and entirely ignorant of the future”.

A fly in your ointment

My default position is that anybody named something like Dut Deng, Dat Kok, Guk Dung etc is a violent murderous savage 7 til proven otherwise.

My default position is that anybody named something like xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx etc is a savage/pedofile 7 til proven otherwise.”

we all know what xxx’s stands for, so let’s collimate the two and see how many minuses this gets.

A fly in your ointment

owing $34,001,493,655,565.48

what could go wrong?

A fly in your ointment

Leath Bleats again.

5G will kill the fibre, apparently, he says

it takes a dumb move, like I did, to go for wireless. I took 4G and 50 megas because more stable and suffers less interference than the 5G
What could be wrong?

  1. daily reset can be programmed into device. They know it needed it
  2. wind, rain, buses, you name it and your streaming becomes choppy or breaks the connection.
  3. best of luck having a stable internet unless the tower is in the line of sight (only one tiny spot in my house gets me somewhat stable reception

an example of beliefs and ideology mixed with someone’s hand on your money – a recipe for a disaster.
Onceit all fizzles out, the good ole hard-wiring will be in full swing again. There’s a reason why wireless is discounted and it’s not the lower cost or higher margins. TPG now offers free installation and a modem for 6m contracts, the only obstacle in the way if frequent moving of modern life. For my address TPG used to recommend wireless but now it says it’s unavailable. Hmm, what would Bleat the Leath on that?
Wireless home internet makes sense in some rare cases (I.e. physical inability of a hard wire or need to move homes frequently), the rest is really just a novelty.

want to be stupid as me?
go get thw wireless internet.


wireless internet still garbage for gaming, i do not use it at all


When I go away 4g wireless is pretty patchy and shit. If you are an early adopter you’re a guinea pig.

Also TPG sucks. They are the Daihatsu of isps.


Average rich Anglo. Bunch of playboys and playgirls.

Wtf is that sign? My drive through bottlo has one but thats so the staff don’t get carbon monoxide poisoning. I guess some rich old boomer woman got a slight whiff of exhaust once and didn’t like it.


She’s 43, this will give the single feminists with sacrificial ovaries hope to have a kid over 35


Melissa George pregs at 47

Based. Maybe the trick is to be slim and healthy. A man’s cock shrinks if he gets fat maybe a similar thing applies to women.


Healthy would definitely play a part but it also hormones and IVF like Sonia Krueger


Only in EZFKA…

A Sydney real estate agent and his wife allegedly moved an elderly client with dementia into their home so they could rent out her flat, steal her jewellery and use her credit cards to fund shopping sprees, before abandoning her on a trip overseas.


Ha ha quality imports, at least they add to GDP

A fly in your ointment

Real estate agent is an ethnicity, not a profession.
Same for taxi drivers


So not a business like so many other pretend businesses propped up by cheap debt, but the debt ain’t cheap anymore! Time to clear all this shit out


ipas are absolutely disgusting convinced no one actually likes drinking them


I’ve only enjoyed one or two trendy beers and one of them was a very simple lager.

I bet all these fags are rich kids larping as muh inner city working class.

Ales are way more filling and bloating so unless I am only having 1 I hate them.


this is a great graph

australia completely drops off when you adjust for cost of living and hours worked in living standards

also exposese ‘europoors’ as b.s rhetoric and americans are still better off than people here

land markets are strangulating everything here

Ironic Boomer

First world country moite if you can’t make it here you can’t make it anywhere

Agent 47

Price of energy is also the other factor. Most retarded energy policy in the developed world.


land, energy and migration policy (ultimately labor)

so most retarded on 3 of the 4 factors of production


Any metric that puts Qatar, rhe UAE and Bahrain ahead of the EZFKA is simply wrong. Those places are Islamic hell-holes with a glossy veneer of civilisation. Piss off the 17th cousin twice removed of the Sheikh, and you’ll spend five years in jail, being continuously fucked up the arse by a conga-line of smelly blokes all named Mohammad.

Conversely, if you are the 17th cousin twice removed of the Sheikh, you can do whatever you want to whoever you choose as long as you like.

I had professional dealings with those cunts back in the day. Trust me on this.


You should apply for your old Twitter account back, or start up a new one – it is a different place to the one that banished you/us.
Musk needs your support.


you can still get banned there pretty easily but it’s still a world better than how it was before

A fly in your ointment

What if that cousin triple removed is surname Biden or Clinton or Bush? Particularly Clinton? 😉

the arborist

NSW police are racist for arresting this man for simply enjoying a traditional new year celebration.

Emergency services rushed to an aged-care home in Coffs Harbour on the NSW north coast following reports a 76-year-old woman had been sexually assaulted in her room during the early hours of January 1.

A fly in your ointment


they just crack a fat when someone is arrested and if the arrestee dies in custody the fat is followed by the massive stain on their trousers.
that’s not racist!

Mark Mason, 44, was capsicum sprayed, tasered and then shot dead by police in his home in Collarenebri

95-year-old woman Tasered by police in Australia dies

it takes a chickenshit to tazer a man after pepperspraying him, then to shoot him dead.
it takes even lower scum than that to tazer a 95yo frail woman to death. This is beyond negligence or terrorism, it delves deep into sadism.

Agent 47

“it takes a chickenshit to tazer a man after pepperspraying him, then to shoot him dead”

That’s something that a chickenshit that’s never experienced violence would say.

It’s called following the Use of Force continuum which all of us former and current Police are trained to do and which I had to do on a number of occasions. Something you clearly don’t know anything about.

Using the Mark Mason case to illustrate your point is retarded. Dude was a POS with a significant crim history especially at the juvenile level including severe DV (unsurprisingly left out in its entirety by the Guardian and the subsequent link) who attacked Police with a tyre iron and threatened them with an axe after trying to talk him down. Used all non lethal options and when those failed as they often do, they shot him and rightfully so.

But he’s aboriginal so as usual he dindu nuffin.


They could’ve shot the tyre iron and the axe out of his hands, then shot him in the leg! 🙄

A fly in your ointment

Cooma grandma had a knoife in her hands and moved like spiderman, could not catch her.


its just retarded to expect ppl who are so angry after being attacked to be perfectly ‘proportionate’ in their response to the attacker too

magistrates and the ppl who make these dumb laws have a totally non-human understanding of hbehaviour

A fly in your ointment

Policemen are not the street brawlers. They shouldve receive training to use the gun with precision and under duress. I bet LSWCHW chap can hit a mosquito in the left ball at a 100 pace distance with his .38
It is perfectly fine to shoot first to incapacitate a person whom is a clear threat to him. It is sickening that almost each time a gun is discharged in the local pond it likely results in a death of the other person
Police is rather a Militia in this pond. Judge Dredd type.

Agent 47

“They shouldve receive training to use the gun with precision and under duress.”

If you want to go against decades of proven scientific research that illustrates why LEO’s globally are trained to shoot for centre of seam mass with “trust me bro” then you go right ahead. 

“It is perfectly fine to shoot first to incapacitate a person whom is a clear threat to him. It is sickening that almost each time a gun is discharged in the local pond it likely results in a death of the other person.”

Guns are a tool designed to harm humans, usually lethally. Where is this magical spot on the human body where I can put an expanding projectile through under duress and in motion that will guarantee no death of the intended target?

A fly in your ointment

If situation is needlessly escalated it always results in use of the gun.

4 police “men”, 4 peppersprays, 4 tazer guns, still they fire and kill one frail skinny chap Stanley Russel.
No body cams.

5 police men, one intellectually challenged chap on a watch because he may use illicit substances, 1000s of chances to overpower and restrain him and yet he gets to be shot because he swung the first thing that he could grub to defend.
No body cams

Justify all you like, I know police will protect each other no matter the crime

1 female 95yo supergranny, one butter knoife, one hulk policeman and a tazer in his hand.
Do you feel lucky, punk, do you?

She was endangering his chickenshit life?

Guns are a tool designed to harm humans, usually lethally. Where is this magical spot on the human body where I can put an expanding projectile through under duress and in motion that will guarantee no death of the intended target?

There is no such spot for those who’s intention to kill is pre-set.
For others, it’s any place where guaranteed death is not guaranteed. They teach policemen that skill in every normal cuntry. It’s something that comes from ethic and moral values.

Agent 47

Justify all you like, I know police will protect each other no matter the crime.”

I already have and so has the coroner, justified shooting so there’s that.

“1 female 95yo supergranny, one butter knoife, one hulk policeman and a tazer in his hand.”

Knife equals gun so he’s quite correctly de-escalated, risky to use a Taser on an edged weapon in an enclosed space from a tactical perspective. I’d put money on the fact the coronial inquiry will likely exonerate him. But his career is over as is always the case. The fact she’s apparently fallen and hit her head is unfortunate but that’s life. You want to take your chances on a stranger holding any kind of blade who you have no idea of their capabilities or how sharp the blade is, then you deserve injury or death. I’d encourage you personally to do it, it would be hilarious viewing.

“There is no such spot for those who’s intention to kill is pre-set.For others, it’s any place where guaranteed death is not guaranteed. They teach policemen that skill in every normal cuntry. It’s something that comes from ethic and moral values.”

Yes that comment is just ridiculous bloviated horseshit and singlehandedly demonstrates your absolute lack of marksmanship and firearm knowledge. You wouldn’t know what they teach at the academy as you’ve never been through it, nor could you get through it.

A fly in your ointment

It’s called “unnecessary escalation trigger happy force”

We saw your “continuum of escalation” with that 95yo barely mobile woman in Cooma. Real pride, eh?

which all of us former [ … ] Police are…

I see why you got triggered.
If I was a good former cop I’d be disgusted if one of my colleagues needlessly shot anything or anyone.

the arborist

I don’t use ointment but I think a fly in it would be a relatively easy problem to deal with. When I read your posts, I get more of ‘a turd in your pool’ vibe.

A fly in your ointment

From which crevice did you crawl out?
Why do you think I should care what a random drive-by hater posts?
don’t read my posts, comeback when your pubes come out and your voice mutates.

the arborist

I only read your post because you replied to mine. Normally, I just scroll past.


You know things must be bad when even the progressives are complaining about immigration numbers.

Looking beyond the hype, there’s very little in the announced measures that will ensure lower immigration. Changes focus more on the quality of migrants rather than the quantity, but there are still no caps on the number of international students or temporary workers.

Nevertheless, immigration is likely to come down next year. The government is hoping to take the credit for this, but it’s really due to the pandemic aberration settling down. Lots of temporary migrants left in 2020, so they weren’t here to leave in 2021 and 2022. As a result, the net intake (arrivals minus departures) was much higher even though the total arrivals weren’t much above pre-Covid levels.

The government expects net migration to settle back to near the pre-Covid level, around 235,000 annually. This seems like wishful thinking, since a number of the changes they have made increase the inflow and length of stay. These range from a free trade agreement with India that exempts Indians from some of the new changes, to easier pathways to citizenship for New Zealanders and more permanent visas for low-skilled workers in agriculture and aged care.

So don’t hold your breath waiting for immigration to return to ‘sustainable levels’. To achieve that goal, the government needs to be much more assertive.

Agent 47

Usual rule of direct consequence changing attitudes applies here. Happy to cheer it on for years until it starts to impact them.

A fly in your ointment

Most of this is posturing and prefabricating pseudofacts to set up reference for a later stage. When that “later stage” comes, they can say “see, we identified the problem, we tried all at our disposal and unfortunately only 450k net migration can save the RE economy.


YT content like this is something else

i swear its written by an AI or something

its like a portal into another world

Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie
A fly in your ointment

YT content like this is something else

i swear its written by an AI or something

its like a portal into another world

You become what the people you hang with (for long enough) are.
It’s utterly masochistic to seek and watch shyte like that. Not even whilst being heavy on meth.


thats what they told me about reading your posts

A fly in your ointment

‘Zactly, you become a titbit smarter each time.
But it’s a slow start until you can begin to understand them, one small step at the time


Female Openness to being colonised.

A fly in your ointment

That Xenophallic guy seems to be surrounded by people who appear too scared hearing his proposal. I bet they’d stab him in the back the moment they can.


The people in the background don’t look like wogs to me.


The Libertarian romantic notion of no government and no taxes. A modern version of the wild west. Maybe something like Columbia in the 80s.


No, I dont think so. He said stop paying taxes snd hang the current gummint, then elect a new one.


I could go with that.


ABCs The Business doing a long story on housing. Interviewing the usual vested interests. Fuck me talk about bogan midwit fuedalism. The most banal people you can possibly get.

Aussie Soy Boy

This housing crisis is the best thing that has happened to this country. Sending all the useless mouths to the brink. Love it.


Yeah. Retards fucking over retards. I guess it is a painful form of evolution. If wanting a developing world cunt hole to live in is your objective. But I know you can’t help being a colossal faggot. It’s in your dna.

Aussie Soy Boy

Those white legacy fucks I’m getting evicted have descended into full blown psychosis won’t be surprised if they neck themselves. They initially thought it was me dobbing them in and they were correct but something has led them off the trail now I’ve played it pretty cool. Shouldn’t cost me any money now I think nature will take its course, but happy to spend thousands if need be to fight this via legal means.

Aussie Soy Boy

And if they start suspecting me again and want to show me how tough they are, I’ll leave the back door unlocked for them. Whoops.


give us the whole timeline on this


3 months ago the hairdresser asked if she could try something different, ASB complied and walked out with The Karen.


They always were Karens. So butthurt about being a beta faggot.

Luv U Albo

hope you end up living in your car, you useless no-hoper cunt


Seems maybe google dns is making Brave not work, not loading up images and css and shit. I changed over to cloudfare and it worked.