EZFKA – because bigger is better

In the EZFKA we can’t ever have the real thing. We severely lack the substance but we desperately want scale. So we dilute the little substance there is, by blowing it far beyond reason, smearing it so thin, so very very thin that it would make an old homeopath blush.

So EZFKA can have a super scale surrogate. Enormous ersatz, Flashy fakes.

Industry, employment, innovation. Work, art, thought. Even banking.

(image credits: Tristan Savatier)

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all of it yes

ever since i was a little kid i never identified with australian culture

the tv shows, the movies (for the most part), the music

the ‘humour’

even the way people spoke always kind of annoyed me, it always felt contrived and forced

the attempt to casualise every possible utterance and phrase by attaching ‘-ie’ as a suffix to words

didn’t feel natural or normal, just an attempt to force a cultural signifier

looking at the quality of our journalism and media theyre extraordinarily midwitted by the standards of the international press

extremely taken to cliche and sloganeering in the absence of any real argument or serious thought

the whole voice ‘debate’ really affirms that in my mind, you’ve got both sides just parroting back b.s at each other

“itll divide us by race” etc

theyre just slogans people say without even analysing what they mean or whether theyre even significant

i’m so tuned out of all of it at this point that the internet and the creeps and spooks that inhabit it have become ‘my’ culture as opposed to what is around me, i haven’t watched broadcast tv in over 10 years and never read mainstream media except as a means of gauging how stupid everybody is

i stopped being australian a long time ago, truth be told i also stopped being human

and the only person who could have ever forgiven me for doing so is now gone




no but feel free to make it one


the whole voice ‘debate’ really affirms that in my mind, you’ve got both sides just parroting back b.s at each other

Given the complete lack of any detail to the whole voice proposal, could there be anything else.
The more it goes on the more I think the detail would lead to a hard no and the yes case knows it.
My guess is if the yes case gets up we’ll be having another referendum within a decade to repeal the changes.


Para 3 of the proposed amendment states : So

The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws with respect to matters relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedure

So, after its in the constitution, the Parliament can change its “functions and powers” to whatever they fucking like.

Only a lunatic would vote for such an amorphous and open ended constitutional amendment. They could probably give the voice an armed force with powers of search, seizure and arrest if they so decided.

I’m so sick of this bullshit. I hope it gets absolutely fucking smashed.


Oh – liberal white woman. Imagine my surprise.


She isn’t a woman. She’s a person with a womb.

Gruppenführer Mark

i’m so tuned out of all of it at this point that the internet and the creeps and spooks that inhabit it have become ‘my’ culture as opposed to what is around me,


and the only person who could have ever forgiven me for doing so is now gone

Mate, there is a wonderful world out there. Just give it a go. And there are good people.


the attempt to casualise every possible utterance and phrase by attaching ‘-ie’ as a suffix to words

Your voice in that podcast did not match my perception of the unemployed Aussie in Dubbo, neither do the words in that sentence.

Find an area with like-minded people. I previously said go join the unemployed at Tweed Heads, but I am now thinking you need to be in an aussie enclave in Sydney or Melbourne. Something like Cronulla in Sydney. Join some interest groups or sporting clubs. The only catch is if you can’t buy an apartment outright you may need to get a job.


There is no Australia to identify with. It died soon after birth.


They sold the butchered carcass.


“Australia” was as doomed as Indigenous Australian’s was with Cook, the moment Triguboff, Lowey and their brotherhood were allowed to set foot in Australia. It is being remade in their image, and woe betide anyone who competes with them or who can oppose their vision of what and who we should be.



great skit

this is the kind of comedy should be doing if they weren’t unrelenting cucks


Just went to KFC. Don’t know where all the poos have gone. Maybe bought up in other towns somewhere. Got that really shitty Aussie service where they act like they’re doing you a favour simply for speaking and when they do speak it’s a quick short mumble dripping with hate and contempt. It’s been run really well for ages.


the poos are all staffed at maccas and pizza hut ive found, never seen a lot of them at kfcs

Aussie Soy Boy

The Pizza Huts are always owned and staffed by Bharati boongs (something like Singh Ltd Pty or Stinky Armpits Pty Ltd on the receipt). Never noticed them at McDonald’s or KFC. KFC employees seem like full on spastics I don’t know if it’s breathing in the fumes from the oil all day or what.


My maccas has lots of hot white girls. Good perve. Not that I perve per se.

I thought Pizza Hut was pretty much dead. Nailed by Dominos.



this is brutal to watch

how are australian builders so well compensated for this level of workmanship

Aussie Soy Boy

They’re salt of the Earth real Aussies



the worst quality houses in the developed world with the highest build cost


Anecdata time

had a mate with family back in Italy

one of his cousins was married to a carpenter over there
bloke works on buildings from like the 1500s
absolute top end palazzi of the medicis etc

they came to visit and turns out he makes like 40k euro a year

They told him he would instantly quadruple his salary in Australia without working on anything more complex than a sash window

bloke couldn’t wrap his head around it
and thought they were bullshitting him

Aussie Soy Boy

Tradies have higher social status than surgeons in Australia. They basically walk among mere mortals as Gods.


Locksmith I know just bought a $5m house, I remember back in the 90s he was shitting on me because I broke off my key in my ignition and he spent a half hour fiddling around with his little tools to get it out, we agreed on $100 but he was really shitty and wanted $500…in the 90s.

Need poo tradie army overseen by white engineers ala Dubai. White tradies can go back to dunny fixing for old ladies or working in the mines.


some of these quotations need to be put in a fucking book it could be like sun tzu art of war or maos little red book

art of ezfka

Aussie Soy Boy

The EZFKA bible I like it!


I’d be sympathetic but it’s way past time Australians woke up and stopped bootlicking retards and traitors.

Aussie Soy Boy

I’ve got a high vis shirt I wear when tradies come around to give me a quote.




this guy was a serious moron, i watched him on the bachelor had all these prime IG influencer roasts slobbering all over him but he was too much of a moron for even them by having zero conversational ability

prob didnt stop him from fucking every single one though

“just have a good personality be witty and funny bro”


low inhib


Looks is by far number 1. It is for us guys too.

I think it’s funny he’s the epitome of the modern white Aussie walking the tight rope of being “aussie” and making sure to not upset the woke, thus becoming anemic and dull. Representing chink shit dressed up as patriotism or something. I’d love to know how that brand is doing financially. It’s a pretty good idea seemingly.


I thought he was fag tbh… overcompensated much.


you watched that season too?

only time ive ever watched a show like that for some reason

i just didnt get how he could never have a normal sit down date with a girl, he always had to be doing this annoying masculine shit like fighting with swords or driving jet skis around


you watched that season too?

You said you dont watch TV you mentally ill lunatic.


i watched it online


Fuck no – I was just in the TV room commenting to you doofuses on my iPad while my missus was watching it. I paid brief attention to it only because he was supposedly so famous, until the inanity and stupidity of it drove me from the room. Usually after about 10 minutes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie
Aussie Soy Boy

This could have been you Stagmal if these hormones were around when you were a teenager?

You could make money hooking/onlyfans as well.




not even the dailymail dares to name the ethnicity of the assailants

What an absolute hellhole victoria is


bring back the based DM from the 1930s, wonder what its founder lord rothermere would have said at this apparent cowardice


the daily mail

comings favourite publication and probably the greatest newspaper ever made


Bit desperate. It’s the oldest trick in Ezfka. Act based while being a Jew.

Donate to this Chad and his 10/10:




turkey village people.gif

Apparently the UFC is in Sydney atm. This guy is based.


“So I think as a collective man group, we need to elect somebody that’s going to put women back in the kitchen, but one man working, raise the wages, and build a f****** wall.”



Freedom of speech. I don’t even agree with him…fully. It’s also amazing what crap women can serve up and keep their kitchen duties. You should see the utter sludge shit my sister serves up, her faggot simp husband acts like it’s Masterchef in the hopes of getting some.


So Australia is at dire risk of terrorism from a bunch of blokes who define themselves by not being able to find a regular root, neckbeards and fedoras.

We are lost.


Far more dangerous than muslims

It would be racist to suggest otherwise


The shittier a country is, the more its security services need to turn themselves inwards against the population

Buy Palantir stonks


>Lookism A prejudice in which the attractive are favoured over the unattractive. Incels claim to be discriminated against due to lookism.82

Gee how profound. The last 10 years have been about promoting average and ugly bitches because they are generally dislikeable and or as dull as dishwater so now we are forced to “like” them.


It’s worse than that

racism and sexism actually make sense – some races and genders are better or worse at various things

looking is completely illogical

ugly people are probably better people and work harder but studies show they make less money , sentenced more harshly etc

it’s the last acceptable form of discrimination and the least valid


There’s actually plenty of reverse lookism as well. I don’t believe that good looking people have that much power. Especially in these woke times.


Completely incorrect

multiple studies proving it

in sentencing/juries, career progression and income etc etc

stagmal can probably link them


Lack of real mortal threats these days – the girls are into veganism/climate change, and the blokes this stuff.

We’re probably due a good war…


he is literally black

looks like jay z w a facial deformity

hes a rare black man who doesnt deny race-iq


he is pretty ugly

he also thinks he is retarded


he is definitely not unintelligent but he says he feels the sting of having a lower iq in his working life as it has led to him being let go of many IT jobs due to not being able to professionally keep up with the job demands


i think he is just a very honest man


i actually read the pdf source of that, it says a whole lot of nothing

it even misattributes spree killing events to incels that were perpetrated by people that had nothing to do with them, like virginia tech


This tells you all you need to know about the article

Capture - Copy (7).JPG

amongst women and jews

you lose


He looks like he wants to lock people up and bum them.


What if they make a replicant that’s the same as a Mick?


Maybe you’re just a computer.


Well I just scraped reusatige’s gravatar….but you’ve gone and found the original. How?


Now we know that Reusa was a replicant the whole time


Whoever that dude is, he’s one ugly motherfucker. His face looks like it’s been melted.


Curiosity got the better of me…lol


I did a google image search. It’s improved heaps…so burning man 2010. Interesting. Burning man seems to have become an elite hob nobbing thing. Yuk.


does make you wonder where Reusatige found the image in the first place all those years ago. Maybe we are looking at him/it.


Haha, you could never post this on embee.


OMG – the full picture is even more deviant that Reusatige’s avatar that I have laughed at for years!


You use Latin phrases more often than anyone else I know. Did you study Latin? or former teacher perhaps?


Non ducor, duco.


What are we thinking about the ethnicity of this car attacker in Melbourne CBD


1 dead, 5 injured

driver identified as “male”
okay to name the gender but not the race

how do they even know he identifies as male


I just saw footage of the guy, definitely not a legacy.


It’s almost comical what a shit hole hellbourne is

I legit laughed out loud when I heard about this latest celebration of diversity


I remember when there was stories about Viets nicking people’s Nikes on the train. Now everyone wants a Banh Mi.

Aussie Soy Boy

And a bit of Viet crumpet if you know what I mean


Yeah they can be pretty fuckin sexy.

Aussie Soy Boy

Police sources have hinted that the driver involved in a fatal crash in Melbourne that killed one and injured five may have been affected by drugs.

Capital punishment for drug possession.


ABC reporting mental health issues so no doubt a religion of peace matter.


Was sitting in his car waiting no for the police to arrive. Well done boys, must have been hard waking up that hill.

Diversity is our greatest strength.


Im getting these vibes.

Aussie Soy Boy

Young scholar


Dan Andrews has banned mentioning African gangs, or the word African.

It’s a “man from Melton”.


The Age calls it a crash, no mention of the black driver despite multiple witnesses.


Black man sitting on his car after driving at pedestrians, was known to police.


no it happens at samboy and lays


Actually, Mao ZeDong sent his top chip scientists to woop woop to farm, because being so educated was elitist, and demanded your average Ching Chong make chips in their house.

Now you need a $100 million dollar lithography machine from ASML, a Dutch company, to even get started on cutting edge chips.

download (2).jpg

The thing that really bugs me is when people refer to “assless chaps”.

Chaps are by definition assless. They’re leather things cowboys strapped over the front of their pants to avoid cactus thorns and other scrub.


Futuristic weapons. Like maybe a supersonic tiny drone that can be sent from China to the US and directly take someone out like a President or CEO or miltary guy or whatever.


reminds me i seriously miss tomato flavour samboy

what happened to them and why were they recalled. they were the absolute bomb


Hey you’re right
what the fuck

only legitimate alternative to s&v


The laserbeam thingy is a way to put a computer in as tiny area as possible.

The rest of the world can design chips using software, but an actual factory or “fab” is extremely hard and expensive to make and by far the best one is in Taiwan making Taiwan such a crown jewel.


That was an interesting link, I new they were using Ultra-violet now to make chips but had no idea about EUV chip making. Will be interesting to see how much longer Moore’s Law can hold up as we approach the limits of physics.


This photo or the reusa one




that’ll do pig

that’ll do


comment image

They celebrate like the price is right as their genes circle the toilet.


This Bourke st incident makes it clear that car ownership needs to be severely limited and undemocratised

only the richest people should be able to afford them , and perhaps a fleet of jimmy Uber drivers who need to be strictly regulated

Cars should not be affordable or attainable for
-the mentally ill
-African gangs who use them to kidnap school kids

and only electric cars with the best safety features for pedestrians


We should actually restrict car licences to those that can drive manuals. Bet you can’t. Because you are a obviously a homo.


I wish I was a homo you trash

the only people who like/want to drive are exactly the people who shouldn’t be allowed to drive

it should be restricted to high inhibition, low impulsivity people

not Lebbos/Africans and bogans


can confirm bogans are menace behind the wheel

main st of dubbo even at like 1 am is mainy central with bored bogans doing laps in souped up v8s


Bogans have too much money in this country

Tradieocracy units or scamming the dole and cash jobs

but really they just need to ban petrol cars or just tax them into to oblivion

Aussie Soy Boy

I think it’s basically the point of EVs they are going to be so expensive to own and prohibitive to own past 10 years. There will be no cheap cars for legacy scum, boongs, African boongs, lebos to own in 20 years.

You can just imagine what kind of shitshow public transport will be. Probably need to be armed to take public transport.


it will be like public transport in america which most americans are fortunately able to avoid using bc fuel is still pretty cheap there. apparently being on the bus in some metropolitan areas with a high population of certain demographics there can be utterly nightmarish


The whole world is focusing on EVs. I have enough faith in engineers that they can do it. So youll be able to get a decent EV as easy as getting a decent Android phone. Eventually.

Aussie Soy Boy

Bu they are basically better to own EVs more so if you have a free standing home with solar, and you’re the type of person who spends $80k to buy a new car rather than buying a $10k pile of shit. If you are poor legacy scum you really will be shit out of luck but fuck them.


>If you are poor legacy scum

I get the hate for bogans sometiems, but we’ve been importing gooks since the 70s, shouldn’t we be silicon valley 2 by now? The fuck good are they..

They are good at maths and shieet lol

Just a more gentile class of rube.


There is no more higher culture activity than doing laps in a country town.


You won’t be happy until you are Amish. Go and be Amish then.


Millenials can’t drive manuals. How gay do you feel? Even gayer than you already were.


I can drive manual
I learned to drive in a manual car because it was the 90s and my parents were poor and automatics were always $1-2000 more

it makes driving, already a tedious activity, even more fucking tedious

you must be absolutely pathetic human being if that’s one of the abilities you feel proud of and makes you a “man”

Reus's Large MEMBER

You are the definition of sad if you think that people who enjoy driving are pathetic.


Cars aren’t the problem, poor driver training is.



they don’t need driving lessons
they need to be banned from owning cars


Who is ‘they’ specifically here


Came across an interesting tweet that sent me down a rabbit hole of historical facts, that I found ultimately validating towards some of my views on culture, economics and the malaise the west finds itself today and where these values originate.

It’s not that there is nothing to be learned from the Moses-Rothbardian Jewish wing, but its lacking the ethics that make high trust civilization possible – and that is why there aren’t and never will be anarchy capitalist states or any equivalent.


To unpack this statement and to why it called out to me I had to revisit some historical economists work and what they were famous for, in particular Ludwig von Mises and Murry Rothbard.

Mises is perhaps most famous, if there is anyone more responsible for the economic and political system we now live under, and which I often decry, it is Ludwig von Mises. Today our Govt’s political and economic decision making is increasingly separated from our societies underlying cultural and social values, and instead are agnostically set by ‘the market’.

Mises’s main thesis was that “the nature of the price system under capitalism and describes how individual subjective values are translated into the objective information necessary for rational allocation of resources in society.

Basically this means that only the ‘hidden information’ in consumer demand and supply through price action, could lead to an efficient and purposeful allocation of state resources – by having a bureaucrat involve themselves in the decision making would inevitably leave to a more inefficient outcome.

That is why the Federal Govt chooses to ‘solve’ Australia’s housing problem through the provision of incentives through the private sector and taxation, like Albo’s terrible build policy, rather than directly involve itself in the most obvious solution – become involved by directly building more houses.

Murray Rothbard went even further with his development of Anarcho-capitalism, where he combined the laissez-fair economics of Mises with the absolutist views of human rights and the rejection of the state. This is the economic foundation and justification of ‘self over society’ and is probably the most accurate description of Western economies.

Basically Rothbard took Mises statement that only the market can interpret the hidden information in price action to determine the most efficient allocation of resources, and went even further by saying any other influence eg cultural proclivities, would also produce lower optimal outcomes. Together these ideas divorced the link between cultural values and economic decision making. Now the only model that can be used is ‘the efficient market’.

So even something as simple as addressing declining population rates in the West, which could have previously been addressed by say making really impactful social and taxation incentives to actually have children, is now impossible. The Govt and social policy must be stripped of all power to do so – because to do so would lead to sub optimal outcomes…. from an individual perspective, even though the benefit to the society in terms of being more capable of perpetuating itself is obvious.

Using my model of society as an Egregore, or a ‘God’ that makes our lives possible, the impact of these economic theories essentially strip our Egregore or society of its ability to project itself and its values forward into the future. These economic theories are essentially terminator meme’s that do incredible harm to societies long term interest – ergo they are evil.

But what both Mises and Rothbard dismiss as bias or inefficiency, is actually the very thing that produces the ‘social capital’ that made Western societies so very productive. Collectively meeting societies needs through the inefficient allocation towards the state, was one of the very things that produced the high trust societies that are now being white anted by these neoliberal policies The resulting collapse in what was once high trust societies…. is evidence of the original quote that caught my eye

The widespread adoption of these notions in terms of economic acceptance, as created an overton window of sorts, an economic and social straight jacket where the solutions to any problem, can only be drawn from a small range of possible choices – despite a much larger selection of feasible choices being available.

That these theories have emerged or been drawn from Jewish culture, which is a culture whose primary purpose was to project their own values forward, at all times, in competition against any distinct culture or society that they may have found themselves in, is perhaps not very surprising. Jewish culture, as a disporia, will never provide the leadership for the sort of social capital to emerge that civilization relies upon. It can only swoop in and repoint it away from the collective majority to the individual under the guise of ‘rights’.

It is a good example of why philosopher’s of the past, like Martin Luther, warned against allowing another people and culture’s thought leadership to our own.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Amazing people, Jews

Even Jewish economists who died decades ago are able to puppeteer Western leaders who would otherwise be building millions of houses


You control the way people think, and define the models by which they make their decisions and what does it matter if you are a minority, when you can get the majority to think as you want them to.


Israel is having the same problem we are; they are being outbred by Arabs and orthodox jews. Maybe their superior intellects will come up with a “world class” solution that our leaders can adopt on our behalf.


For sure – secular Jews are going extinct faster than secular goyim. Supposedly one third of all Israeli’s are now bisexual. But honestly it isn’t surprising – the bible is full of stories of God smiting the Israelites whenever they turned away from his teachings.

One thing that is very apparent in Jewish religious views is the freedom to make your own choices. You are free to be gay, free to be a lesbian, free to live a drunken wanton life, but if you do so you will most likely go to hell. Which in the original Jewish sense was non-existence. They don’t have a sense of Heaven or Hell like Christians do. This would be achieved through dying and leaving no descendants, you would be forgotten.

Remember that article that showed nearly 50% of people alive 200 years ago had no living descendants today? It matter little how many kids you have, if you fail to instill into your kids the benefits of family.

Those that made it through were the ones who adhered to Judaisms traditional teachings, like all societies including Christian and other sects, when they periodically experience super-abundance that give rise to values of self over society.

Those that clung to traditional values are the ones that endured, that is why traditional values are called traditional values – because they’ve survived the tests of time. In the Monte-Carlo simulation that is life, those that clung to traditional values are more likely to have been successful in life’s great filter – reproduction, over multiple generations.

This is why the Orthodox Jews will be the ones who inhert Israel within a couple generations. As the last demographic left standing it will simply be left to them.


and afaik the ultra orthodox arent the intellectual powerhouses the askhanizm are either, a lot of the orthodox ultra breeders in israel are mizrahim oriental jews

av iq like 10+ points lower than the rhine jews who are increasingly in the u.s and israel swallowing their own poison and going extinct of their own accord

didnt even need to kill them! wilhelm stuckart turned out to right all along



That’s true – Israel’s average IQ is mid 90s I think. Even the Ashkenazi intellectual prowess is being diminished as the many who turn towards secularism inter-marry.


even the ashkenazi jews in israel are dumber than they are elsewhere such as the u.s.a

my theory is the dumber ones migrated to israel while the smartest stayed in the u.s, which is the real homeland of global jewry in the world today anyway


It’s the Sephardics dragging the average down

About 85 percent of the world’s Jews are considered Ashkenazim, the other 15 percent Sephardim. About 10 percent of the world’s Ashkenazim live in Israel com- pared with about 80 percent of all Sephardim. The Sephardim make up about 55 percent of Israel’s Jewish population and the Ashkenazim about 45 percent.



nah even the askhenazi jews of israel are dumber than the ashkenazi jews of america when you consider them in isolation

dont know why

Aussie Soy Boy

Israeli chicks are hot though


Khazar milkers


Yeah noone cares. Melbourne is gay. I don’t ever want to go there. I’d get AIDs. The true spiritual leadership of this country is NSW and QLD. Everyone else is a passenger and severely gay.


There aint no Mardi gras in Brisbane!


Even the mardis gras is less gay than Melbourne.



immediately released on bail!

they have them on fucking video !

why are the faces blurred out !

Incredible stuff from Danistan


latest poll results from qld

41% LNP
26% ALP

55% LNP
45% ALP

palletchook is done but it looks like she mentally checked out a while ago

Doesnt bode well for Overseasy or the Voice either


i think alp is worse at least on immigration but lnp can always surprise to the downside and be exactly as bad


Far worse just because of the cultural issues

white/male/heterosexual hatred


gay marriage was legalised under LNP

vic libs threw out that bitch over the tranny shit

struggle to see the difference even on the cultural shit anymore

the libs offer the weakest opposition possible “IM SICK OF BEING WELCOMED IN MY OWN COUNTRY”

imagine the kinds of people who think rhetoric like that is edgy. i wonder how they would react if they read the comment section at this place


did I just dream Tony Abbott?


he was the exception ig

but even then way better in opposition than he was in power


i just put my vote as sustainable australia or some oddball party like flux and thats it

might draw a giant swaztika on my ballot next time whats the point of voting seriously at all



Aussie Soy Boy

I never though they’d get in labor, then when they did, I said they wouldn’t get in for another 15 years after Albo makes a mess of everything. I couldn’t even envisage it being this bad, I thought he’d just flood the country with boat people.


LNP has the demographics completely stacked against it

jimmys vote ALP, flooding the country with them will destroy LNP

LNP and ALP follow the same script regardless (it doesnt really matter to either who is in power) so its irrelevant whether one or the other goes extinct politically


I think most immigrants generally dislike lefties too. You’d need a lobotomy to not see how deranged and phony they are.

I’m pretty sure Lib MPs and wannabe MPs are actually more multi culti.


Back to Liberal. Politics is like a tennis match. Pretty much pointless.


Who is the bloke in reusas avatar anyway


Look closely at the eyes. WTF is up with those eyes?


A cording to this credit, it’s a random dude dressing up at Burning Man in 2010.



Yep. Looks like Randal to me.

Having now seen his cock, I never want to see any more of Randal, ever. 😳


As a young bloke I worked for a while in an IT support role in an organisation with a lot of Indians. They all kissed up and kicked down, and because I was a worker droid they treated me like shit.

I’ve hated the fuckers ever since. Indian Muslims, Indian Hindus, whatever. They’re garbage people from a garbage culture. The only ones worth anything are the Sikhs.


Plenty of the Sikhs are arseholes as well. But they they think they are extra special.


just witnessed a rare cold approach in the wild

half caste kid at carl jrs with attempted swag trying to chat up cute cashier

she looked so unbelievably bored you could just tell from her body language that this was over before it even began

kid walked away back to the table (total deadshit phenotype) after seemingly empty handed

u almost never see this anymore


half caste as in half aboriginal ?


What was he /10?


half boong yeah

actually could have been quad

he was ugli but abos might have different aesthetic standards amongst themselves so i cant rally compare them to our benchmarks

total deadshit phenotype though, smug shit-eating grin on his face like luke lazarus in that story you told me

thought he was gonna hook up but was met by a wall of indifference


Maybe fucking an aboriginal gets you status in certain social circles


Maybe he’s running Voice game


Jfl at cold approaching in the year 2023

it’s beyond over for this half caste


yeah i have only ever seen it happen twice in the past 10 years and both times it was boong kids, the first was successful actually it was some boong kid clown acting the fool in dubbo public library and being really noisy and obnoxious and making this girl laugh lol they walked out the library together


Just lol at having casual sex with an aboriginal



Jfl at all this coming out now

the voice is done

could be the nail in the coffin for aboriginal grifting generally


>could be the nail in the coffin for aboriginal grifting generally

doubt it

the boongs may startle easily, but they will be back, and in greater numbers



Speaking in New Delhi, Albanese said world leaders had issued an “extraordinarily strong statement” on the war, describing it as “the strongest language yet to be agreed by the international community”.

But the G20’s language was softer than last year’s statement in Bali, dropping a direct reference to the “war against Ukraine” and a paragraph that said “most members strongly condemned the war in Ukraine”.

Instead, this year’s G20 declaration did not apportion blame for the 18-month-long conflict and urged all states to, “act in a manner consistent with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter”.

I don’t think Albo is even lying. He’s just not smart enough to understand subtle diplomatic language or didn’t even read it like with the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

All Aussie politicians should stop bragging about fake achievements and just say that both sides are exactly the same so it doesn’t matter whether we like it or not.


lbo is confirmed IQ 105-110 or so IMO

my opinion that australia’s political elite is extraordinarily midwitted especially by the standards of a modern political class appears to be more and more solidly predicated in reality every passing day

if only they could be iq tested, compare them to say the people who headed up the soviet union in its formative days or the misfits of the nazi party


australia is run by loser teachers pets and party/union spooks selected not for their intelligence or strength/interestingness of character but how hard they can suck the cum out of each others balls


and i’m about to leave dubbo, ill ttyl guys i’ll be living in my car on the run for a whil


Good luck where ya goin


im about to be charged so no getting out now


start a gofundme

i’ll donate if you blog about your adventures


So you’re stuck in Dubbo?

Aussie Soy Boy

Remember to wipe your phone so that they don’t link your race violence back to EZFKA.

Aussie Soy Boy

You should have just got on a plane to south-east Asia when you had a chance then just bounce around their for a while until you are ready to face the music. You could easily get by on a few hundred dollars per week if you live a quiet lifestyle.


According to Kos, No voters cannot be considered racist.

Can’t wait until he applies that argument to immigration.



I’m not sure if anybody has noticed, but today is September 11th, or 9-11 as our Anerican brothers phrase it.

I was working at a highly classified US military base on this day in 2001. It was a terrible time.


Do the Seppos actually believe in their patriotism and serving the country shit or is it about money and power for the high levels and free college and healthcare for the low levels


No, they really are intensely patriotic and they do believe in that serving your country shit.

However, it appears that the masses are waking up to the fact that their patriotism has been abused for the profits of psychopaths and maniacs. US military recruiting, for example, is at catastrophically low levels, which is a good indicator of the vibe among young Americans.


Not enough takers to fight Russia and China in the name of trans rights

the arborist

US armed forces have had some max level cringe woke recruitment drives which would have driven people away in droves.

Raised by two loving and inspiring mothers, Emma excelled in school. But as a college student, she realized the challenge she truly sought required a surprising new direction. See how our Soldiers’ lives could inspire your own at https://go.usa.gov/xHmxJ.


Aussie Soy Boy

Terrible? Did you lose all of your essential services, were 1,000,000 American children orphaned, was all your infrastructure destroyed?

No it was just a few building across the country destroyed.


And 3000 people killed.

There have obviously been many other terrible times as a result of it, all across the world. That doesn’t make it any less of a terrible time in it’s own right.

Aussie Soy Boy

Insignificant damage and lives lost in the scheme of things. Especially compared to the atrocities carried out by the yanks in the subsequent decade.


the actual visual impact of it though was psychologically extremely profound. it was like something out of a movie or a video game, it almost does not appear real if watch the footage of it.


At the peak of America’s hubris and end-of-history bullshit, they violently found out that they aren’t invincible

Like OBL predicted from the Soviet example, the US’ response to 9/11 was much more harmful to it than the event itself


the collapse of the USSR tbh was an incredibly bizarre event, if you closely historically analyse it there’s almost no reason why it should have happened. at the very least i don’t see why it couldnt have continued to exist even if had shedded a few of the more troublesome republics such as the baltic. it was a perfect storm of indifference and weakness on the behalf of its elites in the 80s. there was nothing really ‘inevitable’ about it as evidenced by the fact that cuba and north korea still continue to chug along today.

by contrast xi forces the ccp politburo to watch documentary footage about it over and over again because he knows this too.


It wasn’t inevitable that it would fail but without a willingness to kill dissidents in large numbers in Poland, East Germany, Romania etc., it would have been difficult to really explain why the Soviet Union should continue to exist in Russia/Ukraine/Central Asia etc. The territorial integrity of the Soviet Union itself would be violated by the Baltic states breaking away.

Russia ultimately drew the line at its internal republics and Chechnya paid a severe price for its separatist ambitions.

Even the US itself could divide if it had to face something as widespread as the Polish Solidarity movement as well as warfare from an external superpower. Although it would probably go down the CCP path and simply kill dissidents until it can rule by terror and hopefully eventually acquiescence as happened in China.


Also Gorby was tight with Reagan and Thatcher, when we get a CCP leader who is best buddies with the West then you’ll know the CCP is finished.


It’s really just staggering to me that we put up with bogan nonsense like big dogs and loud cars and smoking

like why ?

its only a small % of the legacy population who enjoys this trash
like maybe 10%

if you banned it all you’d have support of 90% of the population

Aussie Soy Boy

Salt of the Earth Aussies (tradies) love big dogs, loud cars, loud music, loud house parties, smokes, piss, drugs.

Too deny Aussies these rights and pleasures would be un-Australian.


Funniliy enough it’s the land that is the most expensive, not the houses, so therefore maybe there should actually be a culling of white collar faggots.


They want your inheritance now.

>Asked today about what level a sensible inheritance tax might kick in she suggested $1 million or $2 million, a figure that would capture many family homes in Sydney and Melbourne.

That’s pretty much everyone’s inheritance right around the country.


Well they’ve just given the Libs a big wedge. As far as I’m concerned if you’re voting for mass immigration(ie 95% of the population), that’s your problem. Raise the GST.


In the UK it used to be set at around 250k pounds about twenty years ago. Might be double now . And it was quite a perc3ntage , 50% maybe on the amount over the 250k. Knew of some grandparents signing over deeds of houses in the hope it was 7years before there death. But, it’s just another tool to strip the middle class wealth, Ie don’t think the Grosvenors were signing over their inherited wealth.

I am a renting peasant but am deadset against inheritance taxes. Remove all tax concessions and bring in a flat tax rate on gross earnings in my opinion. I realise that’s probably unfeasible as the whole economy is based / entrenched in debt apportioning

Gruppenführer Mark

Flat tax rate on consumption would be better. And simplify corporate tax rates – 30% across the board, with as little exemptions as possible.


IMO rather than taxing the entire estate, it should be means-tested and taxed on the beneficiaries.

But as you imply it is unlikely to happen. Too many Gen-X have locked themselves into relying on parents’ inheritance.


why do we have to wait until these pricks die before we get their money

end the superannuation rort
include family home in means test for oap (or abolish the oap)

both of these are far more politically palatable than an inheritance tax imo


Including PPOR in means test for OAP would be unpalatable. Forcing retirees out of their family home and away from their community is not the answer. I wouldn’t vote for it.

IMO they should actually go the other way and make the OAP a form of UBI available to all retirees. That would stop the practice of locking entire wealth into PPOR.


government supplied reverse mortgage with interest rate set at the rate of inflation

Ironic Boomer

‘Forcing retirees out of their family home and away from their community is not the answer. I wouldn’t vote for it.’

Clearly the answer is to force young people away from their community so retires can eat them.


and yes agree that superannuation is a rort and should be scrapped.



everyone do this test immediately

>100 hertz means it’s over

(except peachy)


79 Hz.