Calling all MB refugees

There’s a place, where nobody dared to go…..

Please post all the names of people you’d like to see here from MB. That way, maybe when they search for themselves this page will come up:

  1. reusachtige
  2. bcnich
  3. ….

Also, I heard some serious chat this week about crypto likely becoming the alternative to SWIFT for the BRICS world. HODL!

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that guy who used to talk all the time about showerhead pressure and taxing international students

wonder where he is now


Something like $50 bus tickets as well.


Shower head guy would be great to hear from!


DrX although I believe he was exiled from MB before EZFKA sprung into existence through the sheer willpower of Princess Peach.


bruh dutton is a moron

is he actually trying to help yes win now

think about it

no one is going to want to have to go back and vote on another reffo, so people may be more likely to vote yes in the first one to ensure they dont have to do the second one

holy shit this guy is the dumbest fucking dog out there


He’s a male Karen. Even before this I would be hesitant to vote for him. He was probably fingering himself over robodebt. I hope he loses his seat.


Dutton is why Labor will cruise into a second term.


While I increasingly like Dutton he’s suggestion for a second referendum was a pure brain fart for a hostile media who are perpetually looking for a reason to hate on him.

All he has to do is present a small target and let Labor do the rest for him, niggling from the sidelines at most over nothing more than the issues concerning most Australians atm – cost of living and the impact of extreme immigration.

Personally I think Dutton is actually too patriotic to be allowed to become PM by the elites who pull Albo’s strings, and the Pavlov dog’s in the media trained to sniff out and attack any overt patriotism as a sign of ‘Far Right’ tendencies. With a patriotic PM, who still views Australia as a society as opposed to an economic zone, there is always the risk that the leader might do something untoward, and actually act in the interests of the nation.

This is especially a risk atm, as we are entering the ‘Canada’ phase where elites are intent on jam packing as many people into EZFKA, as fast as possible, in order to keep the ponzi alive.

Our economy IS a ponzi. It requires more and more people, at a increasing rate in order to maintain the same level of economic growth – the straight line “system growth” that the banks, the ultimate source of our credit ponzi, depend upon it. This is why it is crucial to have a feckless leader, a Joe Biden, Albo, Scomo, Trudeau. The risk is having a patriot who dares interfer with the straight line credit system growth.

The biggest risk with Dutton is that he may actually act in Australians interest.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

It’s not as stupid as it seems.

There are bunch of people that would happily support recognition but don’t like the idea of the voice. Many of those people are on the fence about a yes vote. If the option to have a vote on recognition is offered those fence sitters will likely to vote no to the voice.


I had a similar view. Undermine current referendum with a suggestion of a “proper” referendum.

When current referendum gets smashed you can point to the vote and say the people have spoken, we will not waste time with second referendum. Perhaps instead setup another pointless committee to deflect from people saying you don’t really care.


what kind of recognition are you talking about?

aboriginals were already recognised by referendum in 1967 (with a 91% yes vote)

what else are you trying to achieve

this is absolutely retarded
feelings over facts


I said nothing about recognition. I said Dutton trying to undermine the Voice referendum with suggestion of second referendum that will never go ahead.


Albo won by being a small target, aided by a strongly left leaning media.

Dutton is a fucking idiot for doing this.

He and his advisers probably thought it would isolate or wedge Albo.

Stewie has it bang on, all he has to do is not fuck up, keep asking simple questions (like what sort of Treaty are they wanting) to let the Yes run themselves onto the rocks. Thomas Mayo, etc are their own worst enemies.


Why not invite Leith van Onsolen?

This place is more fun than MacroBizness and surely even he must tire of DLS?


Leith writes some good articles. But he gets to go on Sky News every now and again. I guess when he wants to make a step up from Sky News, he’ll come here.


Hoku class , 6 million students to a 3 bed flat, slum , Cockroaches, #mikemb

Check this video out. I always said on the other place ‘look to london to see Oz future’


Great vid, depressing but so valid.

Just like Tony Blair rapidly accelerated the downfall of the UK with mass migration, so too does Albo and his mates.

As someone said, we need “Net Zero Migration” right now.


London was and still is being destroyed by bankers. But agree, same will happen here. FIRE pretty much controls Australia too.


Destroyed by Bankers…?

Not the flooding of migrants, the black teens knife crime etc?

Years of Red Ken Livingstone as Lord Mayor then Saddik Khan who the other day said their marketing should drop a photo of a white family because “they don’t represent Londoners”. Couldn’t be him implementing a 15 minute city /ULEZ control cameras either.

Oh yes it was the bankers who ruined the city.


Biggest pushers of more debt consumer are bankers. Why do bankers keep wanting higher GDP? Because they get a clip of it.

Who turned London into the world’s laundromat? That’s right, bankers as they grew very rich out of it.

Livingstone and Khan are useful idiots. They know high finance runs the city, but are more than happy for people to argue about white people in photos rather than debate the real issues.


Everywhere is the same story. The bankers demand the migrants because it juices GDP, property, infrastructure etc. all of which requires loans, fees and public-private partnerships to manage all that privatised infrastructure for a fee.

The bankers live in the posh parts of town and the plebs duke it out with imported bodies.


I can see Drago’s point – while Bankers are enthusiastic adopters of this economic model, the reality is it is the land lord class that are most responsible.

Property developers, especially small hatted ones, are the ones with the Institutions lobbying for these policies – Michael West’s “Dark Companies”. They are the ones making the political donations, and they are the ones that pull the strings.

Bankers, well at least Australian Bankers are just the psychopaths going along for the ride. All the hard leg work is done by property industry, all CEO’s have to do is turn up at these phony business leadership forums and mouth the appropriate pledges to ‘the current things’ and their job is done.

Internationally it may be another story, as international finance in the West is all basically run out of NY, with every Suzerain’s banking system existing solely at the discretion and goodwill of its masters.

But then again, even there the purpose of the financial system is to enslave the population to higher land prices – how else are the going to live like Effendi?


Wow, 40% of Londoners voted for Brexit. Given the media, you would have thought it was old villages voting for Brexit and no one in London.


Was in uk at time before and time of the brexit vote. It was 100% clear to me the result would be leave. But that’s partly cause I had previously lived in THE NORTH lolz. In my limited circle was only the fuckwit anywhere antipodeans living in armpits “oh ruck the bankers are Gunna leave”, cuckolding at its finest. The poms are a good bunch , not all good life middle class eccentrics


The Leftard old white Poms hate Brexit, which makes me think it was good. These total Cucks are the same ones who watch the young migrants roll into free hotels and rape their women and think it’s great.


Mikemb. That guy simply laid it on the line.

Roger Dodger

Let’s cast the net even wider: Twitter/X.

Fist cab off the ranks: @PhilipSoos


Soos already lurks here. Probably has an alias.


lmao freddy you’re such a cooker

who do you reckon is the most likely to be his alterego here


Soos has posted links from here on Twitter.

Don’t really care tbh. I get it that people whose names are in the public domain want to say some things anonymously.


right but who do you think it would be

i reckon you might have been my first choice from regular posters


lol. Given the number of posts you both make in a day I was thinking you.


you’re flattering philip there


He’s fighting the good fight, I like his tweets.


FMD. And you thought I was Bing, too.

You should simply abandon your efforts to identify people on the internet, because they’re shit. Take up something easy like quantum mechanics instead.


I just remembered you and Bing also ganged up on Coming. Probably liked your own posts.


Coming is a cunt who mocked the misery that the Covid vaccines have caused my family.

My sister told me today that her daughters vaccine induced heart damage (POTS) will be life long, and that it will affect her ability to work and every other aspect of her life forever. Making fun of stuff like that isn’t the way to win friends and influence people.


just lol at this having 6 upvotes

could be the most upvoted comment in ezfka history

the arborist

Here’s your trophy, Coming.

the arborist

Dammit. I can’t post pictures for some reason.


10 today

Aussie Soy Boy

The dung puncher took the coward’s way out



stephen morris

we’d have to clean the place up a bit though


we’d have to clean the place up a bit though

feels like if you were to clean the place up, to the level where onymous folks would be seen hanging out, there would be nothing left.

Reus's Large MEMBER

I like the wildness of this place and it should not change to attract sensitive people


Jew gets jewed.

Women *love* having this power. Little traitors.


I have seen it a few times where young mother needs the support of her own family and runs back home “for a holiday” with the children.


My care factor for this type is zero.


one of the biggest arguments I can think of for the voice is what a travesty the justice system has become with regards to aboriginal offenders

already they get let off with no punishment for severe, violent crimes

assault and particularly rape and DV

why do women especially not see this is an absolute danger for them?

(of course men like stagmal are also very likely to be the victims of aboriginal assaults, but nobody cares about men getting hurt)

I mean already victoria has koori courts, but every state basically has tacitly declared that aboriginals don’t get punished by the courts like whites do

which just encourages more violence from them, and also provides no justice to the victims

is anyone seriously expecting us to believe the voice is going to recommend that the courts punish aboriginals more harshly, in line with white perpetrators?

of course not

the more this goes on the more fucking furious I get


Try getting anyone of these Yes voters to even mention the astronomical rate of domestic violence from Indigenous males…

And yet the Leftards have already created two classes of justice in Sicktoria and are trying to bully Dictator more.

Call it Truth Telling and pretend Aboriginal men don’t bash women.

You don’t need the Voice to subvert the community, the ever corrupt Dan Andrews has shown that.


look I would be ok if aboriginals collectively decided that aboriginal men can assault aboriginal women
so I think this indigenous DV issue is the wrong direction to take the argument

the problem is that they also assault white people

and don’t face appropriate consequences

the voice is not going to fix this, its going to make it worse


i dont care what they do in their own communities either its just when they attack white ppl is when they draw the line


this is a good point, as a white man for your own personal safety you have to help ensure the voice loses bc it could jeopardise your safety by making abos less likely to receive punishment for crimes

this is the kind of argument an actual based no campaign would be allowed to make if they werent scared of being called racist


can you gather some appropritae statistics and statements?

like their rates of crime, relative punishment severity etc

i obviously have multiple anecdotes

there was that twitter post a while ago showing that aboriginals are over-represented in prison populations by like 20x

but their actual commission of crimes must be multiples of even that given that its very hard to get them jailed


timbo i think it was posted a bunch of numbers from some guy on twitter showing how how much crime abos commit relative to non-abos and it was staggering

i cant remember who it was something Burchell Wilson (some guy at ANU), his twitter handle is basedeconomist i think

if someone can dredge it up it would be appreciated


Recall seeing it on Twitter too, but any Researcher is too scared to lose their funding or gets cancelled when they post the truth.


Wiki says aboriginals are in jail at 14 times the rate of white Australians are. 28% of jail population compared to 2% of the population.

Assuming Aboriginals get some leeway these days, ie. the reality being that cops try not to arrest them because they’re scared of the screaming white inner city soy latte crowd.

What would their “let off” rate be? 10-15%? So incarceration is really underquoting in other words.

Then there’s the type of crime, meaning Aboriginals are way more likely to commit violent crimes.


On the basis of being jailed for violent crime, an indigenous Australian is no more likely to die than a non-indigenous violent crime offender. It is just that as a Stone Age people barely 4 generations into ‘civilisation’ they commit more violent crimes per head of population than white Australians.


True story. A good friends brother from Scotland was an engineer in Perth. He intended to emigrate here He got beaten up by some abos and they got let off … so he said Fuckn stupid country and took him and his skills back to the UK.


I think the referendum should be:

a) aboriginals get to live according to their desires / ‘traditional’ culture and thereby give up all of the Evil White Man things like money and healthcare and live in reservations and accept the good or bad consequences; there will be a gap because that’s what living a backwards culture gets you. No interference by Australia other than to ensure the reservations don’t fuck up everyone else living outside of them

= alternatively =

b) to close the gap we will force aboriginals to live by the same standards everyone else does – speaking English, going to school, getting jobs, getting arrested for committing crimes, going through the same courts as everyone else, having kids taken off them if there’s abuse etc.

Personally I vote B as the problem to me is more the lefties and general cowardice of people than aboriginals (although you might disagree on that last point).


i would vote yes to this

but the option should also be extended to any person born in australia (eg indigenous literally)


Care to expand on that? Not sure what you’re referring to exactly but am curious.


b) to close the gap we will force aboriginals to live by the same standards everyone else does – speaking English, going to school, getting jobs, getting arrested for committing crimes, going through the same courts as everyone else, having kids taken off them if there’s abuse etc.

but what happens if the gap doesn’t close even if you do all of this? then you’ve kind of violated a constitutional promise to them


At the rate white people are identifying as indigenous the gap will close in no time.


that has been my long theory as well, that eventually there will be no meaningful genetic aboriginals left


but even that won’t eliminate the gap between individuals who identify as indigenous vs not, because aboriginal – white relationships are dysgenic (for whites, anyway)

i.e the whites who actually intermarry with abos tend to be white trash


Well the current voice debate doesn’t specify when the magical gap fairies will do their magic either.

I personally think the gap would close to within a negligible gap within three to four generations but let’s not rehash that debate.


i don’t think the gap is going absolutely anywhere without some kind of pharmacological breakthrough allows for the medical manipulation of general intelligence levels (probably impossible) or politically acceptable advances in genetic engineering technology


Meh; there are aboriginals that are grifting like champions e.g. Marcia Langton and Tan Grant etc; I don’t think highly of it but it shows intelligence to enormously benefit from EZFKA incentives as opposed to being penalised with dumb habits like integrity/honesty.

Good money is spent on all sorts of shit because aborigines have enough IQ to milk white guilt. Australians (even the jimmies) pay good money to let shit aboriginals sit around and drink and commit crimes. We have governments that seem to prefer to ponder whether we should arrest criminals or teach their victims to be more culturally aware and less bigoted. Who is the low IQ group here?

The existence of large aboriginal grifters proves two things:

a) if after 235 years they’re still around and some are doing pretty well for themselves, then the ‘genocide’ is weak tea nothing like the genocides the rest of the world has experienced.

b) their inferior genes seem to enable them to read/write well enough to con society out of hard earned money via government contracts, welfare entitlements, land grants, smoking ceremonies etc. etc.

Both stories are convenient to furthering the grift since they avoid fixing the problem. If Stalin could turn the Soviet Union from an agricultural peasant society into an industrial one with nukes, over a span of 25 years, while outright beating one of the most fearsome armies that ever existed, then Australia can solve the gap. But that would mean focusing on simple practical common sense goals rather than the types one gets out of the social sciences (abstract complicated theory, statistical sophistry, a lack of hard logical chain of reasoning, weak and constantly shifting definitions, – I don’t even know what we are supposed to call aboriginals these days; aboriginals? indigenous? first nations?). The racial science is part of this.

We can lock down the country for most of a year and get the cops to beat up dissenters and prevent citizens returning home and force people with vaccines for a glorified flu, but damned if we can get aboriginal kids to attend school. It’s just so, so difficult – lucky we have these excuses!

Meanwhile, over in China…

Not that I advocate the Chinese way of doing things, but at least they don’t make excuses.


“Meh; there are aboriginals that are grifting like champions e.g. Marcia Langton and Tan Grant “

those two are like 25% or less aboriginal at most

and even then, they’re merely lightweight grifters who have been given a platform due to their trace ancestry, not geniuss solving theoretical physics equations or whatever

i don’t think it actually takes that much general intelligence to be a grifter, especially in a society that looks to find someone — anyone — with enough aboriginal ancestry to be put up on a podium and allowed to talk shit

the stuff that grant and langton regurgitate (assuming they even write it themselves) is pure palbum in every essence of the word


when will you start incel grifting then

the arborist

No-one likes incels. There’s nowhere to grift from except other incels and they’re all broke – because if they had money, the wouldn’t be incels. Mostly.


shows the inherent unfairness of the world that gentle incels are hated more than abos who are a general menace to humanity


So … we’ve updated No True Scotsman for No True Aborigine then? Do we have to carry around portable DNA tests to test for the true aborigines as opposed to the ones that are merely x% aboriginal? Maybe we can call that Rapid Aboriginal Tests and sell them at Chemist Warehouse?

I didn’t say they were solving theoretical physics equations but if it was genetic, all aborigines would be failing and yet they’re not. On a side note, I pointed out in an another thread, Australians suck at physics too despite superior genes. That’s not IQ, that’s EZFKA. But there’s a huge difference between scratching around in the dirt, being drunk, raping their kids, chasing you out of Dubbo and … being mediocre law abiding citizens like most Australians. And that difference doesn’t require advanced PhD in anything or much intellect, just that people to stop making excuses (whether it’s cultural ‘genocide’ or ‘shit genes’) and reward that rather than learned helplessness.


lmao are u saying marcia langton etc actually look like actual (or even mostly) ancestral abos?
have you ever seen an actual aboriginal person or even a photo of one? compared to these mostly (50%+ more) european caucasoiad abos larping as abo

theyre quads at best

 but if it was genetic, all aborigines would be failing and yet they’re not.”

why the fk are u assuming races are monolitic types? its like saying racial differences in height cant be genetic either bc they vary. do u think that the existence of taller women than the average man means that the av difference in height between men – women isnt genetic too?

what is genetic? what do you mean


Yar – if Langdon is any more than 1/4 abo I’d be surprised.

Do we have to carry around portable DNA tests to test for the true aborigines as opposed to the ones that are merely x% aboriginal? 

Frankly yes – if someone wants to claim indigenous ancestry, that is fine, but if they want to claim to be indigenous and access benefits specifically created to deal with the genetic drag that a stone age people inherited, then they should be DNA tested.

Anything less that 1/4 should be completely ignored. They’re not aboriginal, they’re just poor white Australians with a slither of indigenous ancestry, larping as indigenous in order to access benefits that they don’t need.

Langdon and Grant already have the biggest benefit most people will ever need, polygenic markers for IQ, and the indigenous genetic contribution to those components are likely to have been marginal at best.


1/4th is my cut off as well even if its generous

abo phenotypes are too overwhelming for 1/2 to be the cut off

plus the offspring of those people who have chosen to forego their heritage as being white dont dserve to be considered as such even at 50% or even 25%


lol this is reasonable i suppose.

I’d probably draw the line at 1/8th perhaps, but yes this line of reasoning seems sound.

It by extension means you’re 7/8ths not aboriginal.


This is what the Mass immigration of Albo and all those before him looks like.

Muh more housing needed, put it all in the cities where they want to live…just ignore the exodus of EZFKA middle class population to the regions where no Africans etc. so it’s safer, housing is only 2/3 of their income, etc.


lmao wikipedia finally updated richard lynns article

the telegraph did an obituary on him thats why so i guess they couldnt pretend anymore


EZFKA was one of the first journalist sites (if not the first) to report on it too

and will be the only australian news source to report on it

its like how we were also the first in australia to report on russia’s withdrawal from kherson, no joke we were

legendary journalism here


Amazing that dailymail and ezfka are now the premier news websites in this country

and all they do is copy paste social media links

other outlets engage in outright subversion and undermining of society


Oh, this Lynn guy…. I’ve been trying to get through Levin’s Why Race Matters ( and he is referenced quite a bit.

curious read, by the way


i have that book, how did you find it

the print copies are extremely expensive now

Gruppenführer Mark

I’m sort of surprised that there is no speculation on the interest rate movement so far, less than an hour away.

Will probably hold steady.


i didnt even realise it was rate day

itll be a hold

no one really cares anymore its all a farce and coming is right it wont do anything


Hodl it is


AUD just crashed.

Expect more inflation.


muh 1% crash


1.3%, which is huge for a daily swing

If the fed reserve raises again with the RBA doing nothing I’d expect $0.60


they’re really not doing themselves any favours hey

its amazing how fucking dumb gen z is


she hit the wall really hard after this trial
should get some kind of compo from the state


lmao post-wall sufferance pay

it should exist but men should also get compensation depending on how high they are on the norwood scale

those poor souls on norwood 7 should be minimum $100,000 pension a year


You could call it a carbon credit because of all the sunlight reflected back into space?

It’s like hundred’s of millions of tiny ice caps.

If you wear a yarmulke or some other hat then you lose some of your credit in proportion to how much of your head is covered up.


There is such a thing as the Norwood scale. Who knew, apart from stagmal?


Common knowledge on PSL


Common knowledge on PSL

and the bastard keeps refusing to write any articles on this stuff too!

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

Who knew, apart from stagmal?

and the bastard keeps refusing to write any articles on this stuff!


Music is a way to extend childhoods and adolescence, I’m ashamed of it but I was into it at that age. Listening to left fag musos preach to me when I should have been throwing rocks at them.


hold lol



nuffin to see here folks, theyre completely done


house price crash when


aud to 40c when


iron ore to $15 when


Gutless. Should be 0.5% higher at least.


Here’s one for Coming, remember this guy in Bali and someone here posted that it sounded very suss…


I thought that was absolute bullshit from minute one. Surprise factor is zero.

Gruppenführer Mark

Well-wishers have donated over $40,000 after a GoFundMe page was set-up by Mr Ward’s friend and OnlyFans model Bailey Scarlett to raise funds for his surgery and medical evacuation back to Melbourne.

You should definitely google this Bailey model, there were some interesting things that happened to her. Staying relevant!

Reus's Large MEMBER




She doesn’t seem to comment on EmBee anymore.


Sensible people don’t go to places where dennis lurks, typing with one hand and fingerings his micropenis in between his rolls of belly fat with the other.


Jfl this one is for stagmal and all my incel brothers

Choosing a roided tatted up wog as your boyfriend then acting like a victim when he inevitably bashes you

‘I still thought maybe I could change him, he might change.’ 

and they were together for EIGHT YEARS

at some point it’s no longer a crime and you are a willing participant

Jfl at all the skinny shy introverts who cannot get pussy

im just Cageing


NEVER forget about the atomic blackpill



pioneering black pill research


That was considered pretty much a given back in my day before all this 3rd wave feminist crap. Everyone was pretty comfortable with it too. If a girl was hot it was pretty much a given that she was a sloot. Whatevs.

Aussie Soy Boy

How much meth did the cunt move and whatever else that he was up to that she turned a blind eye to?


The DSR (Defense Strategic Review) was drafted by an academic manicured by America, now part of the US influencers at Sydney University’s United States Studies Centre.

Next the government commissioned a review of our Navy’s fleet of surface ships. Led by a retired US Admiral. Scheduled to be revealed any day now. Shouldn’t we be white hot with rage at this government’s abdication of sovereignty – that the take- over is so flaunted?

I love EZFKA. Can’t even evaluate our own boats.


Ermington Plumber has been quite active on Twitter/X prosecuting the “No” case – reckon he’d fit in here.

Gavin also decent and quite reasonable from what I remember.

reusachtige and bcnich would be good for a laugh.

No-one else really springs to mind.


Yeah, those guys are all good.

also sps179 and I think there was a mike179 who was sensible

also the lamb guy


Lamb King spent most of his time on MB smoking dennis’s pole. It wasn’t good.


Gavin was good value. Loved the passion of his old Datsuns.


He’s a bit of a Labor purist though. Fanciful.


Nah EP is a loyal MB’er – he saw the formation of EZFKA as an act of betrayal and duplicity. He has been active on Twitter on the No vote. I read one of his tweets and that idiot Mig was in the replies saying he was becoming a “Stewie” whatever the fuck that means.


how is it betrayal when we all got shitcanned from MB and arent allowed to return


Stephen Morris was awesome with his detailed conversations on what real democracy actually is. I am pretty sure the bloated US arselicker DLS blocked him though.


That bloke needs to be found and brought here for sure.

Roger Dodger

LordDudley was pretty funny and caustic in the early days (US-based software guy IIRC). Anyone remember him? (“LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL” would be his signoff sometimes). Pretty sure this “Joseph Ducreux” was his Avatar.


Lmao absolutely the worst

couldn’t afford a house in Australia so he left and pretended it was by choice

still emotionally invested enough to desperately post on a fringe Australian website though


who was that SolarBoy or whatever his name was

had this huge fictional write up describing a person losing all his money in a housing crash


It sounds like you are referring to bcnich. Solar storm next week therefor rates going up to 20% and stock market down 90%.


nah it wasnt bnich, had some name with SomPoBoy or something in it, i can never remember it


What can’t believe none of you want Skippy here?

Anyway, this is good and aligns with a lot of this site. I’d vote for them, based on some skin deep analysis.

Also, Agree stags should do an incel post. Just spent an hour going down rabbit holes on incel wiki


Fuck that cunt.


holy shit wtf

i never heard about this



Yeah this was big news

kent was my favourite incel

wish he would come back


faceandlms was my favourite lmao


If aboriginals had as much charisma as even the most pitiful black American like kent


if youre interested herres my interview with faceandlms

whole series was fucking hilarious and worth listening to in full

i stand by everything i said in it


the part where we both analysed/broke down that short ugly girl in the dating video makes me lol to listen to still


fucking lmao is that you

holy shit it’s disturbing hearing your voice

you even sound incel RIP


yeah its me lol

and yeah i have the dead voice but everyone said i was hilarious


LMS has such a charismatic voice but its hard to compete no matter what you sound like


Oh wait I thought you were the other lispy Australian faggot

Hang on let me listen to the whole thing


lmao that was prob me i dont think there was another australian guy in it

i sound like DLS a bit (its over)


No there’s two guests “bob” and “Steve”

bob sounds like an absolute handicap spastic


bob is me lmao


steve dropped out of the convo a few mins in i forget why


How old were you ffs like 15

this was years ago

PSL didn’t really emerge until I was already an adult and had lost my virginity to an ugly girl


only like 4 years ago

Puahate was gone long by the time this was made, but the whole community has now been scattered to the wind


Was Steve the one who had the leg lengthening surgery?


the leg lengthening surgery?

didn’t enjoy listening about that



no me




surprisingly wasn’t that bad! i’ve had sports injuries that were worse than the LL


wait wtf

you got LL?!!

fucking respect

how tall are you now and what were you before


yes i got LL in an ex-soviet bloc country

not ukraine lol though i was considering ukraine


Are you going to give us some fucking details you cunt


i did in the interview with LMS though i guess i cant expect people to sit through it all


I watched it all. +2.5 inches.

then I watched some of the other videos on that channel

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

theres a part 2 and part 3 if youre interested

lots of blackpills and truthpills dropped by me and LMS (hope he’s okay where-ever he got to)






Fuck you were 5’5 prior ?

that should have been covered by Medicare tbqh

you didn’t ascend but you are at least human now


i could go back and do femurs but its not worth it imo


there was no way i was getting it done in australia lol i dont think they even let you do it

its how blue pilled and gay the aus medical establishment is, you have to be a literal dwarf “constitutional short stature” to qualify to even do LL here, and its still not free

so like going from 4’0 to 4’3 wow

big life change

thats why i went to the ex-USSR where i could get it from the pros who actually invented the technique




its over


i liked being on the show


Tbh you have the right kind of demeanour to be a comedian, or radio cohost maybe with a chick like Hughesy and Erin


lms and i worked well together i was surprised by the positivity we got on lookism etc


Well played Bob.

It is not unreasonable for women to want children with stronger genes.


just like penny on the show


bob is me lmao

you appeared in more than one episode?

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

no therres multiple parts to that one episode i meant


what is the aud cost to get your legs lengthened and did they throw in a pecker extension while they were at it?


idk it was ages ago when the aud was gangbusters against a lot of foreigen currency

i think it was about 10k which isnt bad at all


That’s very cheap considering what’s involved.


it’s not as complicated as people think it is, it’s just time consuming


Rose Byrne and her husband doing ad for Domain. I liked her.

Cheap Seats fawning over Leigh Sales.

Its impossible to not get AIDs in this country.


Holy fuck

a NINE YEAR OLD school boy stabbed with machetes outside his school in hellbourne , Sicktoria

you guessed it I probably don’t even need to confirm it – Sudanese


Year 9 boy not 9 year old

Even if the thugs get caught nothing will happen to them and they know it


Vic Pol are scared of Sudo’s, what hope do the population have?

Dan Andrews and his Labor lackeys would rather be raped and stabbed (and they will soon) then admit these Sudanese vermin are a menace.


So this little whining wogboy has a very funny take on the faggot leprechaun and Albo.

Apparently the fleecing of taxpayers and paying customers is ok, but costing your shitskin Pajeets money because they want to fly home is the issue…? Bahaha


Absolutely without any morals or values of their own

Roger Dodger

@robert2013: Nice work – especially that opening line (“Xanadu”)?

You beat me to writing a similar article – was thinking Twitter/X should be the place to recruit (Philip Soos + Oz Migration Watch etc.)

Roger Dodger

Very good. Appreciate your sense of humour and thoughtful postings in general.


ruh roh

absolute teal heartland

bet they regret not re-electing tony abbott now


I hope they get it. They deserve a massive dose of real life woke. A bogan pissed them off once or twice in their lives, or a car worth less than $5k drove down Military Rd, now they want genocide.


I say they should let the aborigines have the balmoral beach land they claim. That’s be 100% guaranteed to turn the referendum into a flaming wreck.

EZFKA interpretation of situation: aboriginal land claims will increasingly become a Trojan horse for developers. Developers will “partner” with aborigine associations or will set up shops that are blackwashed.


Small chance it might make it more popular. Noones going to Balmoral in summer except the elite that live near by and can walk to it. It may as well not exist for the plebs.


She looks fine, Obama net worth $70m. Seethe.


Nah, needs to lose 20 kilos, maybe more.

structurally ok, though. Face a bit masculine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

Meh, 5, 10 tops, she’s not gonna be very good looking no matter what she does. Not much incentive. She’s probably not out to please everyone aesthetically.


Not much incentive. She’s probably not out to please everyone aesthetically.

yeah, from what I’ve gathered from stagmal’s and coming’s incel-scene links, that woman doesn’t need to make any effort.

she’s not ugly or deformed, and that’s essentially enough. Given her surname, she’ll have the pick of social-climbing chads.


She’s pretty ugly

Might have to settle for Coming


How exactly does a Gay Dad and his Trans partner Big Mike have a child anyway?



Reus's Large MEMBER

Yep she got hit hard with the ugly stick


cant stop laffing reading this

ethnik group called karen who knew

(i did lol)



44 minutes ago

Agree Peak China has arrived…it wouldn’t surprise me if the CCP was overthrown at some stage and replaced by a military dictatorship – or China breaks down into several countries as it has in the past, bearing in mind that some of the country looks like Singapore while other areas are still poor and underdeveloped.

Peak China cope has arrived at MB


looks like theyve already built a new smartphone too thats about as good as the junkphones that western companies make

despite 50 calls in western media business press a day that chinese would never be able to build stuff like that bc theyre dependent on western technology

the entire china dooming industry has been one long copeslide to the bottom


Their alleged economic struggles are just a voluntary decision to exit the debt growth ponzi

Western elites can’t comprehend that any leader would ever choose to do that hence China must be doomed

I am actually curious though why it matters how many nanometres a smartphone processor is. What practical outcome is expected to result from these new chips, self-driving cars or supercomputers or something?


The China shit shows how MB might whinge and whine about our shitty ponzi economy but if they ever had the power to change it, they wouldn’t be imaginative or brave enough to do it. As soon as house prices dip or The Economist publishes an article about how Australia isn’t doing that well anymore, they’d take migration back as high as Albo.


They make missiles and bombs much more accurate but I’m not sure if what chips China can get hold of are sufficient for that purpose.

Also I guess hacking and AI and shit.


And the media and journalists still don’t understand why people hate them so much?


The only people I see buying papers is the odd boomer. Even then they are probably doing it out of boredom. Im not sure I can even buy smh at my local shop.


its 100% out of boredom and habit

they will buy the paper, read the comics, do the crosswords/sudoko and then throw it in the bin

my dad goes and buys a paper everyday bc its something to do, a daily ritual to fill in the time

the idea that rupert murdoch has omnipotent control over an army of boomer myrmidons like friendlyjordies and reddit think he does couldnt be further from reality


Murdoch papers are pretty entertaining and not too judgy and condesending mostly. The left wouldn’t dare take a page out of that book. I think he mostly deserves his success from that point of view.


Guy about to get Epsteined…


The look on his face..!!!


People don’t actually get free boomer funded gfs they actually fuck butts?


i knew about larry sinclair from way back in the day, ran an article about him in 2009


I’m so jaded I don’t even think it matters if Obama is gay


What is this?


I think it’s the dude who told Tucker that Obama was pillow biter.

the arborist

Obummer can do no wrong – according to the normieverse.


at this point is it even a slam dunk against him if hes gay? why does it matter arent we supposed to all be accepting of fags now


so america had both their first black and first gay president in one hit!

but honestly no one normal could give a solitary fuck or even a fraction of a wank. and to the extent they can muster a fuck it certainly won’t be to end this bbc enjoyer.

but lol at tucker looking like he’s trying to lean over to hide an awkward erection


it’s pretty tabloid trashy tbh

i don’t much care at all


That tight curly hair, slim shoulder butt fucker aesthetic…


holy shit how did i not see this account before

If you are on insta, give gowokegobrokeaus a follow, she has some great content

Is that Peachy?


Other schools in Melbourne’s south-east have reported a spate of similar incidents, where students were intimidated and robbed.

Xavier College sent a letter to parents on Wednesday, saying a group of students had been accosted near the Glenferrie Oval in Hawthorn last Friday.

Might have to lock down again soon


That’s what life is like for people in Melbourne. They should appreciate all the Sudanese cuisine, which no doubt makes up for the crime.


Dunno why VIC exists tbqh. VIC is like some sort of sick westy annoying distant cousin. Relies on the depths of humanitarian charity through sheer utilitarian ugliness. Just there to fill out the numbers but everyone kind of wishes you were dead.

I like Western Star butter though.

Absolute foul cunts.



Imagine being this proud of wherever you live

Extra embarassing if it’s Sydney


>Glenferrie Oval in Hawthorn

Micks got assaulted by nogs. You wanted it. Just so something interesting would happen in Melbourne.


the syd melb city rivalry is completely cringe


we’re just grateful we don’t live in Melbourne tbh


No other city’s got a chip on their shoulder except Melbourne.

Sydney is the capital. Get over it.


basically true

melbourne people are the only ones who give a shit about the rivalry in my experience

sydney people just dont care


Adelaide has a chip on its shoulder that it isn’t Melbourne


Adelaide people seem quite contented because it’s still 1985 over there.

They even have that 80s boofy hair….Downer, Bernardi, Pyne…Vanstone.

the arborist

I see the commies have been hard at work on Mandy’s wikipedia page.

She is known for her history of bigoted and insensitive comments about Australia’s First Nations People and hides her bias behind conservative political views.

Just the facts. No bias or personal opinions.


I guess she gets no points for bringing in the nigs.

Mike Herman Trout

Gee this site is funny. Been lurking here on and off for a couple of months. good work.

end of disinflation


Also USA student loan repayments reccomence in about a month


lol no


jfl as if they haven’t fucked


theres no way albo isnt running faggot game even as prime minister who would ever want to be with him

has one of the most misshapen heads ive ever seen


10001 ways that go wrong with a head

bulbous ethnic nose

dog shit jaw area

narrow palate



tbh you can tell from the sparkle in their eyes that they’re fags can’t you

straight men are dead behind behind the eyes

obama a fag too

all very successful
I think my theory about running fag game is bang on


faggot and trans game are basically legit

i should have just gone the trans route tbh

5’5 could have made a convincing roast


she makes good points tbh

just shows how desperately we need sex robots


she makes good points tbh

instagram links don’t open for me

just shows how desperately we need sex robots

i have listened to some of the shows that stagmal’s mate did, and I think I understand this position now.

1)Men are ugly, with high sex drive
2)Women are attractive, with low sex drive

(both of these things are relative, for particular values of attractive, as informed by sex drive. So a more accurate way of expressing it might be to rearrange as follows:
1a) women have low sex drive, so find most men ugly
2a) men have high sex drive, so find most women attractive)

in a vacuum, this kind of marketplace setup should result in women having their pick of men

manifestation over time
Outside a vacuum:

previously – by superior economic power and by entrenched tradition men had mastery over woman. Moreover, as well as being a massive economic burden,children out of wedlock were a strong cultural taboo.

In order to secure a living and to breed, therefore, women had to accept unattractive men.

men traded their work and economic power for access to women’s attractiveness, and vice versa.

now – feminism has strongly eroded men’s economic power and pushed women into paid employment. Also children out of wedlock have become less of an economic burden (state “help”) and the cultural taboo against children out of wedlock has been significantly diluted (whether as a result of feminism or other forces)

women no longer need to accept unattractive men in order to secure a livelihood or to breed.

average men have nothing that women need to trade for, as they (the women) have their own viable paths to a livelihood and procreation. The attractive men do still have something that women want.

so the average woman has an advantage over the average man.

potential future – sex robots are introduced to satiate men’s sex drive – either completely or at least to the point where in aggregate it doesn’t exceed women’s sex drive.

then men and women are back on a level playing field.

arguably this approach is victimless

potential futures 2, 3, 4, +

 the imbalance could also be resolved a bunch of other ways.

pharmaceutical intervention to depress men’s sex drive. Or increase women’s.

genetic engineering (or plain old abortions) to adjust societal male:female ratios to something like 1:2

free cosmetic surgery for men

mandatory facial/bodily mutilation for women infants at birth

restoration of patriarchy


different winners and losers in each case, obviously.

sex robots seem to be less drastic and possibly less damaging to individuals overall

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

it won’t be victimless because females would lose the advantage that they already have

that is why feminists are already desperately fighting against them, calling for preemptive bans

my theory is that sex robots would devastate the global economy

There would no longer be a need to for men to be successful financially or professionally
and many aspects of consumption would be curtailed


it won’t be victimless because females would lose the advantage that they already have

oh yes, I understand that. I didn’t write about it because too wordy already, and also nobody actually gets proper hurt. (Cf abortions and mutilation options)

that is why feminists are already desperately fighting against them, calling for preemptive bans

i didn’t know they were doing that. But I suppose it’s just normal jostling for position rtc


my theory is that sex robots would devastate the global economy

There would no longer be a need to for men to be successful financially or professionally

and many aspects of consumption would be curtailed

sec robots could be part of a scenic and painless path to global population reduction.

need to export them to the heavy breeders first, though…. It will be quite a tricky marketing challenge – how to saturate the poor parts of the world with a product and then STILL get the rich folks to use it later… that is, without it becoming some sort of low-status indicator, like a kerosene lamp or drop latrine…


You’re ignoring the key point which is hypergamy

one attractive man can sexually service multiple women

previously in our Christian family based society it was one man per woman
so each man acquired a woman equal to his status/attractiveness

now, one chad can service multiple women all less attractive than him

while the men who had previously partnered with those women have to look for women lower down the hierarchy

and the bottom males will never have sexual partners

The Pareto principle states that the top 20% of males will be servicing the top 80% of women

leaving the bottom 80% males to fight over the scraps


You’re ignoring the key point which is hypergamy

one attractive man can sexually service multiple women

previously in our Christian family based society it was one man per woman

so each man acquired a woman equal to his status/attractiveness

now, one chad can service multiple women all less attractive than him

I don’t know about this hupergamy busienss. Partly because you and your mate stagmal never write any articles about this stuff.

but is seems to me to be a fair bit overstated by these incel doomer shutins (same kind of thing as $15 iron ore doomers). Despite their catastrophising, I don’t think it is the case that 80% (or even 40%) of women want to lead a lifestyle of going to work every day, while living alone with their cat, being serviced by chad once or twice a week.


Nice chart.

but it tells me that I’m likely to be right in my estimate of the order of magnitude of the issue.

there is about 20% “extra” males having no sex (thingy having gone up from 8% base reading to 27% latest reading).

that’s not 80% of women being serviced by chads… might be 20% tops…. But then again, remember that the top 20% of females (first quintile) don’t aspire to be cumdumpsters for some meathead chads on an ongoing basis, they want the fairytale – their own prince, etc.

so it’s probably the second quintile of women that are serially bending over for the chads. Again, not all of them…maybe half.

now, no doubt that taking 10% of the quality women out of the supply is going to create shortages and distortions. Noticeable ones at that (eg imagine if overnight EZFKA had 11% more houses). but it’s not anywhere the scale of issues that the incel doomer hypergamy 80% thingy suggests.

i hasten to acknowledge that the above is expressed in terms of population averages and can mask significant issues for sub-populations. (I’m quite aware of the economist who drowned when trying to wade across a river that was, on average, only 50cm deep.). The incel doomers are obviously that sub-population who are most affected. The gr. 3-5 men. I sympathise with them, but their testimony exaggerates the problem.


i hafd tears in my eyes watching this one

lms masterpiece


ZERO sexual partners is 20%

but how many have just had one or two

maybe just a britt higgins pseudo rape or a very drunk fatty or just was in the right place at the right time
or a prostitute

and that’s all they have got

the number who are EFFECTIVELY incel will be way, way higher than 20%


Maybe it’s a couple of drunk fatties. Or maybe just 1 or 2 long term monogamous relationships, who knows.

it doesn’t matter. The point I’m making is that there is no fucking way that anywhere near 80% of women are only available to chads. You have to divide that number at least by 4.


for casual sex they increasingly are


Yes, women want to fuck good looking men, when they want to fuck.

is that meant to be the core breakthrough of the blackpill movement?

Not exactly a revelation, that, is it? Is it?


even that by itself is indeed a massive revelation lol, women will vociferously deny it and society will too

but there’s more to it even beyond casual sex


women want good looking men for every relationship configuration, short or long term

its increasingly (though still clearly not the norm) the case that women are simply not dating anyone just bc they cant get chad

it is only going to get worse like coming says


PSL predicted all of these trends 10-15 years ago

they also predicted there would be an upsurge in men getting cosmetic surgery and looksmaxing in an attempt to remain in the game or be competitive

i think this is evidenced alone just by how many gyms there are compared to how many therre used to be

in 2010 or so there was only like 2 gyms in dubbo, now therres like 10

add in the proliferation of ‘activewear’ retailers and that trend its clear that prediction has come to pass


PSL predicted most of the post modern degeneration of the last 10 years


all of it

when i saw that DM article that kardashian was mewing i was just like we’ve fucking arrived


I wish I had been there


puahate was something else

a roman style collosseum full of incumbents and combatants comprised of the most vicious maladjusted trolls the internet has ever seen, actual visionaries, theorists and scholars greater produced than any other age before or since

you had to SEE it to believe it

a font of knowledge and academic enquiry for our time and all time, itd be like going back to athens at the time of plato and socrates


many gyms there are compared to how many therre used to be

in 2010 or so there was only like 2 gyms in dubbo, now therres like 10

i thought that they’re mostly all fronts for moving drugs or laundering cash or stuff like that. And maybe a way of using up cheap commercial space

do you really think it’s because men want to buff up?

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

i absolutely believe it is mostly driven by men for the most part (there are flow-on effects to women too)

gym used to be a weird niche subculture mainly gay men

actually pick up culture did too, you can kind of understand the current era as the normalisation of gay culture on hetero society


There was a big gap in the market for gyms. Near me there used to be just Finance First and the Leagues Club. I wouldn’t wanna pay the pretentious flogs thousands a year at Finance First and I don’t want to be a member of the Leaguesy.

2 middle aged women I know go to the cheaper gyms. Little zoomies go to this other one I know mostly to keep the fat off imo and because jogging/walking can be time consuming and group sports can be a bit of a commitment.

As for hooking up I think the internet can give a false picture, from what I mostly see people of equivalent social status are hooking up(maybe after they fucked around/partied/travelled/vidya/trolled/MB losing/ for 5-10 years after 18), just like they always have.


the internet is increasingly the dating market, it has superseded the meatspace dating world


if the word was out there that women only really wanted hot guys in casual sexual encounters the entire hospitality industry would collapse over night


the proportion of women available for NONMONOGAMOUS sex to regular bottom 80% males is at best 20%

maybe even less than that

the best option that most males have is to get into a MONOGAMOUS relationship with a woman who is likely to be below them in terms of relative sexual attractiveness (though obviously nearly all women have higher sexual attractiveness from an absolute point of view) and also put up with the other costs associated with maintaining a monogamous relationship for a man

beta bucks
alpha fucks


Interesting thing about this chart

the line starts going vertical in 2008

The same time the iphone was introduced (and the consequent social media revolution it allowed + online dating apps etc)


watched episodes 1.2 and 1.3 and interestingly they are very much aligned to what I hypothesised above before watchibg

  • in relation to women entering workforce
  • in relation to a layer lower tier of women becoming unavailable (though I imagined it might be “7”s, the video suggests “5”s)
  • even down to the term “cumdumpster”!!!

I need to get some sort of fucking medal

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy



While most women throughout history have had at least one child, historically only about 1 in 17 men ever became a father. We know this by the level of in introgression on the Y-chromosome side. So the skew is actually higher than 80%.


1a) women have low sex drive, so find most men ugly

2a) men have high sex drive, so find most women attractive)

Studies show that men’s preferencing of women’s attractiveness is a normally distributed bell curve. Women’s hypergamy results in a significantly squewed distribution of what they assess as being attractive.

This is called hypergamy, and is the social pressure women have to marry up, while for men it is to just get married.

I actually agree with Coming on most of this. Both men and women as a whole will lose out, and “civilization” will imho become increasingly destablised as MGTOW.

women no longer need to accept unattractive men in order to secure a livelihood or to breed.

As with Coming imho this will only hold true for as long as civilization i.e. society can produce a sufficient surplus to support women in solo parenthood. This requires men to continue to participate, but they will only do so when ‘buying in’ to the promise of working to provide for their family…. on the current trajectory that social pact is not going to last.

Despite their catastrophising, I don’t think it is the case that 80% (or even 40%) of women want to lead a lifestyle of going to work every day, while living alone with their cat, being serviced by chad once or twice a week.

They’re not going to like it, but they will accept it, because they will always “hope” to get their chad and happy family with the chad in the future.

Some will realisticly adjust their standards in their late 30s, as they already do, but by then the available pool of men will be even smaller as those that remain will be too bitter and damaged to give a fuck.

Capture - Copy (3).JPG

dating is becoming brutal out there simple as, dont need more of an explanation than that

technology, alienation, far left ideology and anti-white politics are driving it


What a stupid trollop – men literally go for years without sex. They become hermits and live in caves for decades writing treaties on stoicism and life without it. Women are the only ones who couldn’t live without sex and the emotional reassurance it provides them.

When trollops like that talk of sex boycotts it makes me laugh – 3mths without sex and her estrus cycle would have a fuck the first stinking hermit she’d come across if she couldn’t find anyone else.

That bitch would either have a beta boyfriend who provides all the emotional support she craves, or she’d go to the bar once a month to pick some bar fly when she’s in between beta boyfriends.


Pure unadulterated copium


Who – by me? I’m married and have kids, I’ve already won that game. I’ve got no skin left in this debate other than what I see in the rear view mirror.


yes by you

you’re utterly wrong which is unsurprising


you’re utterly wrong which is unsurprising

I’m actually puzzeled over what you are suggesting that I’ve gotten wrong? Is it the assertion that men can go without sex (with women) for longer than women can go without men? Or just my general dissing of that trollop?

Historically only 1 in 17 men ever became a father. So I would suggest that alone proves the ability of men to live without sex, is higher than womens. Sure men are opportunists, but that doesn’t equate to actually getting any.

Nowhere is the imbalance between desire and actual results is higher than in teenage boys – they want sex all the time, but most will never get it, ergo most go through their entire teenage years without ever getting a root.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

everything was wrong

I don’t even know where to start

but the fundamental points are

a) men want sex much more than women do. To such an extent that they will pay/rape/walk on the moon/invent microchips/join the Greens etc in order to get access to it

b) one especially desirable man can satisfy all the sexual needs of many women

the end result of these two facts, when left unfettered, is female hypergamy and the 80:20 rule


Agree with all that – but it still doesn’t mean they’ll get it. Men are price takers, women are price makers.

As I said, “men will go for years without sex” they may want or crave it every day, but they’ll just get on with it.

Women won’t – they’ll either be serviced by a bar fly once a month and spend the rest of the month pining for their chad, or pursue serial monogamous relationships so that itch always gets scratched for them.

Capture - Copy (4).JPG

…and the chaser

Capture - Copy (5).JPG

lol ok mate

you are living in a fantasy world

here is what happens in real life

-3-5/10 roastie sitting at home on a wednesday evening. Feels a tingle in her pussy

-send instagram or snapchat message to some 6-9/10 chad unemployed surfer or tradie “hey” “want to come over and cuddle”

-he may already be balls deep in some other roastie, but will still go there and give her another one later that night. If not, another chad will

-3-5/10 ezfka poster sitting at home posting harmful extremist content completely unaware that people are out there fucking, has an angry wank to asian porn


I think we’re arguing in agreement, as I can’t see where our arguments differs other than me saying most men can go without sex for years, while most women will cave in long before then.

It doesn’t mean that if the opportunity for sex presents itself most men will pass on it, I mean I’ve picked up slappers at Kebab shops, and successfully used immortal pick up lines like “I wanna fuck your brains out”

But if it wasn’t for horny kebab chick wanting a root, I’d have simply gone home and posted extremist content.


women can go without sex too, but they don’t have to so they never do

completely spurious argument


also its reported that up to 50% of women never or rarely orgasm from vaginal penetration

so this is a concocted male fantasy


Men need women more when they are young so men can grow up smoothly.
Women need men more after 40+, so they can have a pack mule to work for them to give them security and comfort.

Aussie Soy Boy

Yeah what is it about the eyes of homo? The sparkle as you say. They definitely do have a gay sparkle to their eyes it is quite off putting.


Joyce would have taken one for Qantas.


Apparently the tent embassy in Canberra are voting No

I also saw the essential poll shows even among uni students the vote is only 48:42 in favour

uni students ffs the most gullible dumbest cunts in the nation

just lmao the wheels fell off a long time ago
Whats left of the chassis is just scraping along the ground now creating a slow moving spectacle

this has to be the most humiliating political train wreck I have ever seen since mal meninga


an abo there once waving a rotary saw (he was using it to cut out a wooden kangaroo) started screaming and shouting at me telling me he was going to shove the saw up my ass once


LOL – my neighbourhood whatsapp group was abuzz with discussion on where they could get “Yes23” paraphernalia yesterday. All of them are progressive, liberal, city professional workers, your basic Teal voters. The lot of them were eagerly agreeing with each other and putting their hand up for stickers, posters, etc…. the cone of silence from our account was deafening – not that we are big commentators on that forum.

I’ve actually been doing battle with my employer over some indigenous matters and now that it has finally been resolved I might actually do a post on it. While I generally refrained from commenting on the Whatsapp group as I am fine with progressive idiots virtue signaling to each other (while I disagree with most shit, I honestly can’t be fucked expending the energy to oppose it), on this occasion the issue with my employer actually required me to acknowledge something that I fundamentally disagreed with.

I could have shut my eyes and done it, saved everyone a whole lot of a headache, but I think it is about time that I have to start walking the talk. A social movement will continue to move through society for as long as it doesn’t meat any resistance or back pressure – I think it is about time Australians, especially legacy Australians (and not rootless cosmopolitans), start to stand up and apply some back pressure. I think the tactic that I used to get my way was interesting in that it relied on the very principals that lefties preach, and could be useful if other patriots decide to take a similar stand.


Onya Stewie, Go for Broke!. 👍👏


Apparently the tent embassy in Canberra are voting No

Speaking of … they should set up a second, competing, tent embassy in Canberra. Povvo renters (well, ex-renters).

then maybe in 40 years or so they can have a referendum on lower house prices.


any word on fixing the edit button it still doesnt work for me


Have you tried creating another account to see if there’s the same problem?


All of us have the same problem


I think I deserve a few k of free food. But I’m not one to be a shoplifter…

>BHP, Rio Tinto and Wesfarmers have each donated $2 million to the Yes campaign


What a coincidence that each of them donated exactly $2m!

out of all possible numbers of dollars they could have chosen.

that’s like one in a million chance!


What a grift. Big salaries and get the lefty useful idiots to hand out the flyers for free.


PS it would be funny to prepare some merch for when the invoice fails.

how about this on a tshirt… or maybe bumper stickers for Stewie to slap on his neighbours cars…


I don’t have the courage to live that dangerously.


Already moving on to plan B

A key figure behind the Indigenous voice has urged the government to have a comprehensive backup plan should the referendum fail.

‘They already have little say and a loss will mean they have even less,’ Professor Langton told the National Press Club on Wednesday.
She said a reform plan should be based on common sense, inquiry and royal commission recommendations and the voice co-design process report she authored with Professor Tom Calma.

Was this actually a masterstroke by Dutton?
Some of the posters will have to eat their words

Professor Langton also shot down Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s proposal for a second referendum, should the first one fail, to recognise Indigenous people but not enshrine a voice.

‘There’s no point in a second referendum because it’s not what we want,’ she said.

‘We asked for recognition through a voice combining the symbolic and practical to give us both dignity and a sense of empowerment and responsibility in matters that affect us.’

The government has accused the coalition of trying to sabotage the referendum next month by promising a second vote.

It was the nation’s ‘one chance’ to turn around disadvantage, she said.

‘Don’t imagine that there’s another opportunity around the corner.

Don’t think your ‘no’ vote goes into a different pile marked next time,’ Prof Langton said.

Sounds like dutton has checkmated them

Aussie Soy Boy

I like Dutton. No nonsense Queenslander copper. Hopefully he brings back capital punishment for druggies and encourage corporal punishment.


he is way more nonsense than people think and he’s never going to do any of those things


Weren’t you saying not long ago that ‘the fix is in’ and that referendum would be rigged?


Australian housing now more expensive than new york or london (apparently)

recent sales from eastern suburbs sydney
Decrepit, no views. Pretty average suburban street
Jewish heartland though
Eastern suburbs but probably one of the worst parts
Lasted sold for 2.15 in 2009 so thats 4x. Looks unrenovated since then

Pretty fucking wild shit with interest rates at 6%

Even I don’t really get where the money for these kind of shit boxes is coming from

Maybe people have realised that only the eastern suburbs will be even halfway liveable as the rest of the city turns into skyscrapers for jimmy’s


“Australian housing now more expensive than new york or london (apparently)”

dont think this is new

saw that house being paraded around on twitter bc people were complaining about how the agent engaged in the gross misconduct of underquoting it

as though thats the main problem with that piece of shit shack selling for that price lol


I just don’t get where the money comes from

I appreciate that there are a lot of wealthy people out there but these are very ordinary houses

to be able to drop $8m on a house lets say $9m after stamp duty you need to be pretty wealthy already like 8 figure net worth
How many people are there like that in australia/sydney

To borrow 80% of it you’d need 2.5m liquid
then you need to pay $384k/yr just in interest

And there are many many houses exactly like it or even nicer

Kind of mind boggling

Aussie Soy Boy

Money laundering, inheritances, people who get $100k for sending emails, people who get $400k for writing a bit of code or working on a mine site.


400k/yr is not even close to enough money to buy these houses let alone 100k

that would be 20x gross income, 40x post tax income


the house sold for literally 81x annual sydney income or something

who has that kind of dough that would buy that piece of shit, if i was that rich id buy up a mansion in america


$8m is 5m USD

have a look on zillow what that gets you in miami


not bad

i will say america isnt as cheap as chips as it used to be either

ive been disappointed comparing prices there to what they used to be like 5-10 years ago



sydney is about the same economic size as miami , similar water oriented culture, and similar constrained geographical layout


true i guess but the political culture and demographics are more similar in seattle

seattle is whites mixed with asians and is a pacific city, like sydney

miami is a crazy mix of demographics that arent in sydney at all like haitans and cubans


30+ studio units available in seattle for the price of that shack


USD5.9 is about 9m australian

that would be about what a house of that standard would cost on the north shore of sydney

Aussie Soy Boy

They’re paying $7.5 million for the land. They don’t make anymore of it.


400k/yr is not enough to afford that land then

Aussie Soy Boy

They aren’t borrowing 80% on a $400k wage and slaving away for 30 years to pay it off.


whatever the case it is nonsensical for someone earning only 400k/yr to spend $8m on a house

its an extravagant purchase when $8m would earn a return equal to their entire salary

$8m is for somebody who has cash to burn and nothing to do with their lives, not a wagie doing a 9 to 5


Rich foreigners and/or laundering money. I read an article that estimated 10 million wealthy Chinese families were trying to get out of China.

A Hong Kong coworker was telling me Honkers don’t protest anymore for obvious reasons. They just stfu, gradually sneaking their money overseas, and planning their escape with Australia a preferred destination.


If you go for a walk through Sydney CBD you’ll inevitably see some little ching chong faggot in a lambo or bughatti or whatever.

ChingChongs actually prefer small spaces and crowds.

Aussie Soy Boy

By the way, no-one is putting 20% down and borrowing the rest to slave away paying it off for the next 30 years. If they are salary earners then they’re highly paid and ridden the boom buying and selling, leveraging up at the right times and in the right areas for 20 years.


if they’re trading up to one of these shit boxes, they place they are upgrading from must be an absolute hovel


What a scum pit. $8m just to live like ordinary shitheads. Apart from the tons of jobs it’s pretty much an utterly pointless city.

Aussie Soy Boy

We have the most lax money laundering controls in the developed world by design. Look at that dago with his goofy raffle buying a $39 million unit and craning his lambo into it. Even you believe his story lol.

Aussie dollar is what 63 cents now? Cash rate kept absurdly low while inflation hovers 2-3x higher than the RBA’s target of 2-3%.

People get 6 figures for sending emails everyone has too much money.


6 figure income even 900k/yr (which hardly anybody is on) is not enough to buy an $8m house imo

Aussie Soy Boy

No shit. A first homebuyer wouldn’t be purchasing it.


Going from google street view it looks like the randwick property had a major renovation at some point between 2014 and 2018.




Türkiye’s Transport and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkadir Uraloglu revealed that the high-speed train project linking the capital Ankara and Izmir, the country’s third largest city, will be operational by 2027. The new rail line will revolutionize travel time between the two cities, cutting the current 824 km journey to a 624 km, slashing travel time from 14 hours to 3.5 hours. Stressing its regional benefits, Uraloglu said the line more than 7 million residents of Afyonkarahisar, Uşak, Manisa and İzmir provinces access to the train. The new line will be able to move 13.3 million passengers and 90 million tons of cargo annually; it will involve construction of 49 tunnels spanning 40.7 km, and 67 viaducts and 66 bridges over 21.2 km.

Why can’t we do this?

bring back Bradfield

Roger Dodger

Bingo. Vs $5 in Perth straight to the end of the line in Freo (for example). Brisbane (another try-hard “world city”) is a similar rip-off to Sydney. Go Perth.


Its owned by Macquarie Bank I think.


I had lunch today with an old friend, a woman in her late 60s who I worked with for many years. She had a stroke ten days ago. Luckily she was at work, an ambulance came immediately and she seems to have no lasting brain damage.

The bizarre thing was that half way through the meal she leaned over and advised me in a low voice that it appears that a lot of people are having heart attacks, strokes and similar severe health problems, and they’ve been caused by the covid vaccines! Who could possibly believe such a thing?

Then he told me about her next door neighbour, a woman of the same age who recently developed weird heart problems, and her doctor told her it was almost certainly as a result of the vaccine.

This is all pretty wild, because my friend is the definition of an old normie. If someone like her is spouting insane Vax conspiracy theories then the world is definitely coming to an end.

These are strange times.


I really hope I never meet you

They should send you to China with Albo, take out the whole CCP with vax injuries


Such is life when you’re old


The Left and their attack dogs at the Guardian and ABC have taken a leaf straight from the Progressive attacks in Canada against Legacy Canadians, their institutions and the legitimacy of their history, and are using unsubstantiated claims of hidden graves to slur legacy Australians – conveniently right before a referendum.

Revealed: multiple sites of possible secret graves discovered at Stolen Generations institution for children

They have even used the same ‘under ground radar’ as was used in Canada, all of which was revealed to be nothing more than stones.

Whether or not it will be found true (and it will most likely not) the slur will remain – which is the whole point.

Capture - Copy (6).JPG

17 Year Old Austfailian Womyn Dies Suddenly in Sleep.
Sadly, Will Never Understand Concept of Bodily Autonomy.

Roger Dodger

Can see your point. Very sad that Soos was wrong – perhaps he was under the delusion of there still being some semblance of a cohesive society with honest government in Straya?

i.e. which looks after itself and its own which would look the greed-monster in the eye and lop off its head.


He was yet to learn what we as EZFKians all know – housing cannot be allowed to fall, it is the yoke that is used to enslave us


Bashing the intruder I can understand, even killing hom, but raping the guy? WTAF?


but raping the guy?

Sounds like a nice little bonus

meth is a hell of a drug

Justice Christopher Beale described Holland’s offending as premeditated


Aussie Soy Boy

Talk about messing with the wrong guy.


Earlier report says he actually killed the guy.

Dan Andrews is now changing the city’s name to Gotham.


cunt got what was coming to him


Based jurors


sad to see

Pauline taking the side of the pharmacists

muh country town
muh small business

Fuck im sick of rural legacy unit whinging
if you don’t like living in the country how about you move to the city and buy an apartment otherwise just enjoy living without jimmy’s


no country town doesnt have jimmys now


The doctors will follow


pharmacists are the ultimate ezfka ticket clippers

up therre with the job active spooks and super fund managers


and lmao i watched the video pauline posted since when are pharmacists ever kindly old white men everywhere

they’re always subcons



fuckin cant edit shit still

Shy Ted

Country towns grow your food. They’re critically important.