One Nation being bled dry by vexatious lawfare as Hanson and Latham both sued

So, clown world continues with One Nation’s MLC Mark Latham being sued by the rainbow mafia at the behest of an upset homo MP in NSW, after correctly pointing out the realities of gay sex:

“Independent MP Alex Greenwich will sue Mark Latham for defamation after the One Nation politician refused to apologise for a homophobic tweet. 

Mr Greenwich on Monday announced he was launching legal action against Mr Latham and had filed complaints with NSW Police and Anti-Discrimination NSW on the grounds of vilification.

Mr Latham has refused to apologise for a tweet he posted on March 30 that Mr Greenwich described as ‘defamatory and homophobic’. 

‘He followed that up with media commentary that doubled down on his attack,’ Mr Greenwich said in a statement on Monday. “

Mark Latham W.

And now Pauline Hanson is being sued by anti-white Mehreen Faruqi, who is likely funding the case with the sale of her multiple investment properties due to rising interest rates:

“Senator Faruqi claims Senator Hanson violated section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act when she tweeted last year that she should “pack your bags and piss off back to Pakistan”.

In documents filed in the Federal Court today, Senator Faruqi’s lawyers allege the tweet is unlawful and have asked the court to stop Senator Hanson from repeating the phrase or similar phrases like “go back to where you came from” in public.”

The firm behind it is Marque Lawyers, a notorious group of left wing grifters if you’ve followed them on Twitter.

Anyways, this isn’t about ‘muh rights’ or any of that, it’s really about sending a message to nationalism and those who dare speak out against the system, i.e. white people and what remains of nationalist Australia. They’re basically trying to bleed One Nation and the like dry and waste their time and resources through lawfare, regardless of the result – punishment through process.

Yeh, we’ve hung shit on One Nation for being a gatekeeping, fake nationalist outlet for running Indian candidates and rightfully so. However, I have to say Latham’s take was super based and a hill worth dying on in terms of freedom of speech. Hanson hanging him out to dry was the only gay thing about it, but what do you expect from James Ashby?

As for Faruqi, we all know what anti-white scum she and her son Osman are.

Should be a lesson that appeasement gets you nowhere and never to apologise politically, because they’ll come after you regardless. The only way to win is to be more ruthless than they are.

Expect more of this stuff.

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the name is actually quite oxymoronic. Perhaps the myth of
a sheep shagging god of RE may serve to create a nation inadvertently, otherwise….

if it was not clear long time ago when PHON became parliamentarian party, it should’ve been clear few years ago and definitely clear now that the Cesspool party is/was really a Manchurian candidate, designed to trough-in the opposition to the current thing and then smear it in the PH fecal mater.
Goodonya all, mooooite



I don’t get it either. I think it’s because he forgot the “thingy” and the “chortle”

A fly in your ointment

Nation genesis requires a myth, a glue in the form of a common uniting belief. When a group of people does not have that, or had it but then passed on it (e.g. AnZacs, Gallipoli) is it really a nation besides the line in the travel document data page. What Nation is behind the nation of “One Nation”?
chortle, thingy

PHON cesspool was a phony party which serves to suck in meaningful opposition to the current triopoly of libtards, nationaltards and Labtards and equate it with a daftie like PH. And they fell into the honeytrap when ON was allowed to be a parliamentary party (parliamentarym eans that it has seats in parlament).
Thingy, chortle


Agent 47

You literally just regurgitated what Timbo said the other week, albeit unnecessarily convoluted and with incoherent verbiage. The usual.

A fly in your ointment


all good then…


The Reject shop Skippy

A fly in your ointment

am i supposed to be hurt now?
what’s the chance of having a miocarditis or blood clots from this insult?

Aussie Soy Boy

Left wing grifters outgrifting the right wing grifters I see.


wouldnt all mark latham have to do is show that getting poo on your dik is in fact the direct consequence of unprepared faggot anal sex, how can you sue someone for saying that

isnt it sort of impugning the very notion of anal secks in the first place, to say that accurately describing it in itself is defamation

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Yeah good point

increasingly the law is being used as a political weapon

lockdowns and jab mandates
Bruce lehrmamn
now this

”Justice” is not blind at all. It’s highly partisan


Facts are no defense these days, sadly.


why are youse still so obsessed w covid

like legit even the abc has mostly given up talking about it


“Female wrestling”

If that doesn’t scream personality disorder then I don’t know what does
not to mention the pink hair dye

lol of course she necked herself

but some guy on reddit who works at the coroners office told me it was the jab

also nobody has even heard of this bitch

its clickbait for cookers


If literally _anyone_ dies, no matter how irrelevant and obscure

they will all gleefully click on the link, post in the comment section, and share it far and wide

pre-2020 they would have scrolled right past

All the editors have to do is coyly avoid explicitly stating the cause of death . Maybe just a lifeline link, or maybe nothing

easy money

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

Whenever “tributes pour in” for somebody irrelevant, and the deceased was a “beacon of light” despite doing nothing useful

it means they necked themselves , or overdosed

it was a police “welfare check” that led to the body being found, which confirms it

A fly in your ointment

Lol, that’s literally wording up the meme above…
“it’s anything but the….”


sounds like a real “beacon of light” and I’m sure the “tributes were pouring in”

The former track and field world champion also had a long history of erratic and troubling behavior, according to friends and neighbors living beside her in Winter Garden, a smart Orlando suburb.

One recalled encountering 32-year-old Bowie in the street clutching a knife and screaming at a boyfriend.

In another unsettling incident, the celebrated sprinter – who won gold in the women’s 4 x 100m relay at the 2016 Olympic Games – is said to have pelted eggs at the house opposite.

‘I came out of my house one time, and she was standing there in the street clutching a knife and shouting at a man,’ recalled next-door neighbor Zehra Ugurlu, 52.

‘A family friend of mine managed to talk to her and calm her down but it was scary, it made my daughters uncomfortable.

‘Her life was erratic and unhealthy but I’m very sorry about what happened to her. She was so young. Why didn’t her friends help her?’

Bowie’s $500,000 home had been on the verge of being repossessed over the past two years because she owed more than $22,000 to her homeowners’ association, according to court filings seen by

On social media, her grieving sister Tamarra, 36, hinted at mental health problems.

‘People who pretend to be happy have some of the saddest souls and people who do not try to convince the world that they are happy have the most genuine souls, because they are content with just being them for them and nobody else,’ she said in a Facebook post.

haha yeah but im sure it wasnt suicide but the jab you fucking retard

A fly in your ointment


“It is *always* anything else but never ‘the thing’…”
your link forgot to mention she also had a flat feet and indigestion…

A fly in your ointment

Female wrestling”

If that doesn’t scream personality disorder then I don’t know what does

not to mention the pink hair dye

There’s a world out there besides footy.
A sheetload of sports, female sports. Besides female wrestling, women’s volleyball is the next most testosterone enhancing activity.


It’s actually quite interesting, the Latham thing.

the shit on dick thing is obviously true

  • it’s true for all butt sex, but just gay butt sex
  • and you also get saliva and food fragments on dick if you stick it in someone’s mouth
  • and you get secretions on dick in the context of a standard p in v scenario

so mechanically and philosophically there seems to be little distinction between all those situations.

except, that we wouldn’t any of us be here, if not for the last one.

wonder what the law will say

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

anal is obviously fairly gross regardless of the gender permutation and virtually every pre-contraception society has had strong strictures against it, understandable given its a highly effective vector for disease and can lead to some really nasty complications (like rectal prolapse)

a big difference is that it’s the only real way to have penetrative sex as a gay man unless you count oral

otherwise what are you supposd to do, kiss and cuddle?

being a fag inevitably leads to buggery, while being hetero necessarily not always so

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

A lot of fags only do oral and frontage is what I am led to understand


i find that really hard to believe


because you’ve watched too much gay porn


this says it’s only 70-80 engaging in anal at all

and even then they probably do it infrequently as there is a lot of preparation (enemas, lube, poppers etc) and clean up involved

Maybe that will form the basis of Greenwich’s argument – your honour I only receive, and I’m always fully flushed out beforehand

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

yeah i don’t think that stops a lot of fags


pretty old study though, it would make me wonder if homos have become more or LESS debauched as homosexuality has become more socially acceptable in recent times


Probably more because now we have HIV prophylaxis medications so they can raw dog


do oral and frontage

Gays need to know the width of their investment properties.
It’s all about Duplexes don’t you know.


Anal is disgusting

it was the Jewish pornographers who have brainwashed heterosexuals into believing it’s enjoyable or desirable

I look forward to the legal proceedings but I am sure the courts will be biased in favour of the sodomisers


The force is growing strongly in you…

Gruppenführer Mark


Cinco De Mayo.png

So is oral. Oral is the number one reason mouth cancers have been increasing. That’s because most mouth cancers are caused by a herpes virus.


Old school Anglos would never have sued, and old school anglo courts would never entertain such crap, because old school anglos would have been letting one another’s blood in the streets. It doesn’t really matter what the outcome of this legal “battle” is. It’s a public demonstration that anglos have been demoralised and dispossessed regardless of the outcome. That is why the left is prepared to spend money on it.


I always found it interesting that poncy Anglos want to give their poncy leafy suburbs away too. You’d expect it from retarded bogans but even the polo shirt and boat shoe fags are being replaced.


polo shirt and boat shoe” says it all. Those are traditional markers of the East Coast American conservative aristocracy, not Australians. That is has become the marker of similar types here shows that they were demoralised decades ago. They call themselves leaders, they are nothing of the sort. They are followers who have been better at picking the likely trend than others. They are all on board with diversity and inclusion because that is what they have been told is “the future” and don’t want to be left behind. It is, sadly, a self fulfilling prophesy because of the power they wield. Anglos are already, or very close to, an ethnic minority in Australia. It’s happened incredibly fast – in just 20 years – without a shot being fired and barely a protest. It is a revolution orchestrated by leftist psy ops operating over decades. Already it is obvious that there is no principled moral centre to the “progressives”. What you see is pure anglo hatred of anglos, expressed all over formerly anglo lands, Anglos are so brainwashed that they think that having sodomy, few or no children, and then giving your country away to anyone who promises to wipe your bum in the nursing home, is morally correct.


Great post



Screen Shot 2023-04-11 at 18.59.31.png

An average buyer today would need to pay 45.4 per cent of their household income to afford the median house, the highest level since the September quarter of 1990 when it was 45.5 per cent, BetaShares modelling found.

And yet house prices are rising.

Early 90s I recall some friends going around lowballing multiple properties by as much as 30% until they found sellers desperate enough to sell. To be clear, these were much older workmates. Unfortunately, I was young and lowly paid and unable to take advantage.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

Good article and observation Timbo – I made comments to the effect that One Nation are under attack by lawfare to the missus last night.

All the attacks are empowered by Section 18C thanks again Mark Libeler you disgusting, treacherous kike.


It is a vexatious rather than defamatory lawsuit. I doubt it will go far. I am hoping both parties dig their heels in and set a legal precedence.

Agent 47



basically yup


There is only one sensible response to this, but it requires a level of social cohesion and organisation that we simply do not have.


Good news for filipinas!

but what the fuck is this: personal care workers, head chefs and cooks, recreational activities officers (lifestyle workers)


Premier Mark McGowan, business executive Diane Lee Smith-Gander, former Fortescue Metals boss Elizabeth Gaines and other corporates feasted on grilled barramundi and lemon tart

this is accurate. It was just barramundi and lemon. The barra does go for a bit more over in Perth compared to eastern EZFKA cities, but it still doesn’t count as fancy

Gruppenführer Mark

How was the party?


European Central Bank:

What really drives inflation? Profits or wages?

When prices are high, workers request higher wages, so firms raise prices again… and so on. If this “tit-for-tat” approach continues, everyone ends up poorer.

High inflation is the workers fault.


Boomers ended up extremely poor when their wages kept rising and they were able to pay off their mortgages in quick time.


If you could put aside for a moment your boomer fixation and your disappointment that you couldn’t be a property vulture in the 90s, maybe you could realise that central bankers are blaming everyone but themselves for the shitshow we’re in now.


How about you realise that I am actually saying that wage inflation eventually makes like much easier for workers, despite commentary suggesting the opposite.

And on the point of central banks. They are a passenger responding to inflationary pressures created by government policy. CBs didn’t just wake up and decide to drop rates to zero. It was intentional government policies to suppress wages, and hence inflation, which drove rates down to zero.


rates should be zero

why would you want to give anyone a risk free return for doing nothing

its welfare for the rich

whether banks should be allowed to create loans to allow citizens to bid against each other for land, is a separate question


rates should be zero

why would you want to give anyone a risk free return for doing nothing

its welfare for the rich

going full Marxist now?


its hardly marxist

its as full bore capitalist as you can get


its hardly marxist

its as full bore capitalist as you can get

yeah, nah


He’s going full Muslim

Coming only accepts Islamic finance


i always wondered whether there were banks in the soviet union


I have wondered whether you were an alias of PFH007. It is now much more likely after that comment.

Why would you steal workers’ savings via inflation? The assumption that rich people have all the cash is ridiculous.

Stop being so dogmatic about it and come up with a solution that doesn’t result in debt-peonage. How about something like zero taxes on first $250k or so of deposits, and 100% taxes on the rest?


Nah the coming troll told that PFH guy to fuck off back to the glass pyramid and argued for pages a year or two back

Don’t think it’s him


if the wealthy don’t have cash, then who does ?

Why does 0% interest rates mean inflation ?

ask yourself why we had zero inflation when interest rates were zero or near zero for 10 years

it’s as I said the ability to create money and where that money goes that creates inflation

the solution is in regulating the banking system
not printing even more free money to give to banks and wealthy and somehow expect that to reduce inflation


why would you want to give anyone a risk free return for doing nothing

You made that comment. If I work and pay taxes should I be able to keep my hard-earned money? A negative real rate after taxes is not exactly unearned income. It is a loss in real terms.

Much like PFH007, you want to punish/tax the rich. I get it. But you also ignore that plebe who has actually worked for their money.

 regulating the banking system

Yeah right. Permanently drive rates to zero, and force everyone into the casino to try and beat inflation, and then MPLol will manage it all.


why should you get a free ride hoarding money?

The government has a duty to avoid excessive inflation (we can discuss separately what the inflation rate should be)

That can be better achieved in ways other than raising rates, which
a) are not particularly effective at reducing inflation and I would argue make inflation worse
b) give free money to the rich

We could for instance say no loans for land purchase, only for construction

We could for instance have an independent board that simply sets govt surplus and deficit based on inflation/deflation rather than setting interest rates

the point is that the government does not need to borrow money to spend
Ergo issuing bonds is welfare for the rich
Previously we justified issuing bonds as a way to control interest rates
Now we don’t even do that – we just print reserves to set the overnight rate via IOR

The whole system is broken
But interest rate rises benefit the rich and hurt the poor far more than inflation does
and interest rate rises don’t lower inflation, they increase it, except potentially by financial crisis (which we carefully prevent)


A person working hard to save for a deposit on a house, and then having their money perpetually eroded by interest-less-taxes being lower than inflation is not exactly a “free ride”.

I am not disgreeing with you about the rich. Tax them, fuck them. I don’t care. I am disagreeing with you in wanting to treat battlers in the same way as the rich.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

I don’t want to do battlers in

You have to realise that we only experienced inflation in prices, because we had the largest supply shock in history

The money supply has also inflated over the past 10 years prior to that, but there was no significant inflation

Why? The money went to the rich.
Now we are printing more money and giving it to the rich, and claiming that this is going to resolve the supply shock

Its so absurd

everyone here is a conspiracy theorist about literally everything
but nobody wants to believe that the central banks are now rigging things again for the rich


The system is not broken.

It works exactly as intended.

Freddy and Peachy are so caught up in the details that they can’t see the bigger picture.


Coming, would you lend out your money at 0% interest, why or why not?


I can choose to lend out my money at whatever rate I like


Didn’t you just say that capitalism was forcing all lending to be at zero interest? Get your story straight mate.


No I think the problem is you don’t understand how interest rates or central banks work

the rba sets the overnight right by paying interest on reserves

in other words it creates reserves from thin air and gives them to the banks for nothing
and the banks don’t have to do anything to receive them

I suggest that this should be zero


So what do you think, if the RBA cash rate was zero then the banks would still be lending at 2%, a negative 5% real rate? Interest rates will rise with inflation whether or not the RBA tries to fight it.


so why does the RBA create more money to “fight” inflation then?


To incentivise banks to park their reserves rather than to lend them out and fuel inflation even more.


banks don’t lend reserves

you have no idea what you are talking about



I’m sure if it wasn’t for the mean old RBA, Commonwealth Bank would still lend to you at 2% instead of buying a US Treasury bond at 3.5%.


no idea what your argument even is now


My point is that interest rates existed before central banks and nobody is going to lend to you at negative 5% real rates, you fucking deadbeat.



if that is the case, what is the benefit of the RBA paying IOR to set the overnight rate?


To facilitate a liquid financial system rather than forcing banks out into the world to find less liquid investments that are remotely comparable to the inflation rate.

And then they implode like US banks keep doing.


There can’t be private sector banks or lenders if they can’t make a profit by lending.

There would have to be a state-owned bank, I guess, but it also couldn’t turn a profit. How would it know whether it’s doing a good job or not when every loan is unprofitable? The only way I can think of is by measuring defaults. So why would such a bank ever lend to, let’s say, small businesses, which are so much more likely to default than where there’s a security such as a house or block of land? But we need businesses too, so I guess the politicians can decide which ones can have access to credit when they’re all so risky and it’s impossible to make any money by lending to them regardless of how well they perform in the market.

It’s cool that you question everything. History could answer some of your questions if you ever tried reading it. You’re not the first person to think of trying to dunk on the rich by eliminating the free market.

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

What free market are you talking about?

The one where the most important price of all, the price of money, is set by a bunch of unelected, unaccountable central bankers through their control of interest rates?


Lol exactly

not just the price of money

but also the volume of money and who gets to have it

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

The RBA doesn’t set the rate of interest for all loans in the economy. Maybe you can show me where the RBA decided the rate of interest should be 20% p/a for credit cards, or 9% p/a for a LaTrobe Financial loan.



THAT would be the free market at work if you are willing to ignore for a moment that the banks are operating as a cartel.


We used to have a state owned bank

until Paul Keating sold it

if you are interested in history you can look at Germany and how it became an economic and industrial powerhouse by having many small banks which lend to small and medium businesses


Which bank in Germany was forced to lend at 0% interest? You can’t even back your retarded ideas, look at how you instantly dump that shit.


Another bjw double digit iq


BaNks eXisTEd iN geRMAny


how many times yall gonna have this conversation


You’re thinking of the conversation where zero interest rates stop inflation

This is a conversation about how nobody should be able to lend for interest, like under Islam

They do have in common that zero interest rates will solve everything for Coming’s deadbeat ass


i think most of comings beliefs are based on how much moey he has relative to other people at any given time

if he had a billion bucks he’d want interest rates at 50%


nO tHe bAnKs aNd gEoRgE soRoS wAnT iNtErEst rAtEs LoW sO tHeY cAn StEAl mY sAvInGs

This is why the poor stay poor

This is why I just decided to make money rather than be an activist or whatever, because I want to be one of the rich people not wallowing in shit with you losers
honestly they can’t be helped and they deserve to stay down there

think you will need to reconsider your perception of the average IQ on here

i’m just telling you guys how it is

Me concinving you one way or another is not going to change anything
Because you are losers who have no influence on the world

If I was talking my book I would be talking it to people who had money or power

Given my current financial position a housing crash and recession would help me out RELATIVE to the rest of society, because I could upgrade my house as I have a relatively high income in a secure job

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

So you need to bully people into believing your retarded half-baked ideology

But it still isn’t working



do you need a safe space?

its worked on ross garnaut, who seems to get it

you’re probably a bit too dumb to ever understand it (along with bjw et al), but don’t worry because there’s nothing you can do about it anyway

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

You have the same delusion as MB, thinking your incoherent ranting and complaining on an obscure blog is influencing anyone in the real world


i’ve specifically just stated that I don’t think anything I say here will change anything


Believe me,

If I had a billion fiats I would have my own island completely self sufficient for food and drink.

I would watch with glee how the world burns.

I would laugh at you living in a 15 minute city open air prison, living in your squalid pod, choking on your bug burger and watching you being denied buying a second serve of chicken parmi through your programmable CBDCs.

But what would really give me a boner is you sobbing in your cold lonely bed at night lamenting ‘How could this happen, whocouldanode, why me?’

If people still can’t see what’s going on, they deserve everything that’s coming.

Useless eaters alright.


Yep we all love the establishment and the system here


If the Covid period has shown anything it’s that 80-90% of the people are braindead morons.

So what are your chances.

Let it burn.


i live in dubbo

a fifteen minute city here would increase the time it takes to do anything by 2/3rds


You’ve already given up, that’s ok.

I’m not ready yet.


Boomers ended up extremely poor when their wages kept rising and they were able to pay off their mortgages in quick time.


Anyway, the real issue is somewhat more subtle that whether wages go up or not. It’s whether they go up relative to consumables and durables. And land too.

It’s the relative value of labour vs capital (and their relative scarcity and level of technology feed into this)

that’s what governs who grabs what chunk of the “rising prices”


Anyway, the real issue is somewhat more subtle that whether wages go up or not. It’s whether they go up relative to consumables and durables. And land too.

I see what you did there.


Central banks love nothing better that creating debt and putting their respective country in a strangle hold.

When the debt becomes overwhelming they naturally will have to become politicised and involved with government policy setting ‘to save us’ and governments are happy to help them out.

‘A Woke Mandate for the Federal Reserve’

‘U.S. Fed proposes plan for banks to manage climate-linked financial risk’

This was always the plan.

And for central banks being poor innocent passengers here’s ex-Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan telling you how the real world works:

‘There is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take.’

Why do you think they want to take this power away from Treasury here in Oz?


look at these dweebs still going on about their shitty miracle covid cure drug thats probably about as ineffective (or less) as the vaccines actually were

what a bizarre hill to die on but its no surprise people have a lot invested in the idea of silver bullet treatments in medicine when they’re virtually nowhere to be found anywhere

all of the low hanging fruit of medical science was plucked over 60 years ago leaving us with snail pace to non existent advances in medical science/technology causing retards to glom onto trash like ivermectin or the covid vaccines

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

its seriously amazing how political affiliation seems to determine which drugs you think work and which dont anymore lol.

Agent 47

DGAF about Ivermectin or the whole hype surrounding it. In my view that whole thing was a red herring.

For the record didn’t take the COVID vaccine, lost job and got another one later. Best of luck to those that did but I don’t think you’re in for a good time.

However Australia’s freedom grifters are still going on about it, while we’re being invaded through the front door and the financial system is imploding. Move on already.


i didnt take it either, id of taken it though if i had a job that was being threatened simply bc job seeking is horrific and i hate it



they have to give their audience what they want

like “kirsch” and “berenstein” and “yemeni”


at least berenson put his foot do wn on this garbage probably not working ages ago, mad props for that given half his subscriber base werre up in arms and cancelled after that lol

imagine being this much of a faggot to be invested eitherway in whether some merck patented anti-parasitic has a statistically marginal effect on covid severity or not

Agent 47



I made some more memes. I’m brilliant.


Based boomers.



this is from that stammering wog who used to be on northys channel

will be interesting if it’s true

Can’t wait for one to burst into flames or asbestos revealed

pink batts 2.0

Aussie Soy Boy

I think it’s a great idea. They should have been doing this for years rather than rely on deadshit tradies


Fuckin these ones aren’t cheap.

$300k. That’s what an entry level McMansion thing costs.

Agent 47

Between him and John Adams I can’t tell who is the most painful to listen to.


Ross is a faster learner, but don’t worry you guys will eventually get it in a few years.

then I’ll be able to say I was right

Just like lockdowns etc

Aussie Soy Boy

So if interest rates were 0% or let’s say interest rates were set at -2%, we would have less inflation than with interest rates set at 3.85% right now?


Good video, but a long one. Watched half for now, will need to come back to it later.

pity it isn’t in HD


We got him!


If the RBA did not pay IOR, we would see that the natural overnight interest rate would be zero
Due to the already existing excess of reserves in the system from QE\

(Negative interest rates creates further wrinkles that complicate the discussion so I won’t discuss)

In that setting, yes inflation would be lower than what it is today

Since, as Professor Garnaut explains, profits would not have to rise so far to exceed the risk-free rate

There would be more building, more production, more supply
Less risk-free money made from doing nothing (thereby taking no risks or effort to create) and printed from nothing

This isn’t hard if you actually stop to think about it


having considered this further, I think you all refuse to accept this because you are obsessed with house prices

you are all part of the same MB I-want-to-buy-a-house crew

you are so myopically focussed on this one thing (house prices) that you ignore everything else, even when its right in front of your nose

The hilarious thing is that house prices have barely fallen despite this several thousand % rise in rates, because the rising rates have also made building new supply obscenely expensive

Directly proving my point

You can’t accept that asset prices =/= inflation

With regards to negative interest rates, that would have made inflation much lower
Numerous studies show that negative interest rates are deflationary
That is real world experience, not theory


Let’s see the studies Coming

I’m guessing they don’t capture 2021-2022 for obvious reasons

Of course it’s all Putin and COVID’s fault we have inflation. Nothing to do with all that consumption we brought forward with heaps of startups/cryptos/other asset bubbles and unbelievable levels of government waste enabled by ZIRP.

Aussie Soy Boy

You’re cooked mate


are we all just going to ignore what happened in Japan for a good 30 years

negative rates

persistent deflation

until the scamdemic caused the biggest supply shock in history

Aussie Soy Boy

Negative population growth, old population, high savings rate, low incomes.


Due to ZIRP, Japan ended up suffering from the classic liquidity trap – a situation of sluggish or zero economic growth due to widespread cash hoarding. Although policy makers want the public to go out and spend on better paying investments, due to concerns about a future negative event people instead save.

Of course in EZFKA, ZIRP would just result in people borrowing to their eyeballs and putting it all on the property market.


If you remember old MB days, the excuse used to be “but they run a trade surplus!”

now Australia also runs a trade surplus so you had to invent new excuses


i think the big problem is lowe has been so piss weak he hasnt raised anywhere near enough he needs to to actually make an impact. like soy boy says people have so much cash and these rises arent going to matter in the face of this


“communism never works”

“no it just hasn’t been done properly”

he increased rates about 1500%


& the bank of NZ has been actually rising them meaningfully and surprise they have impacted houses there quite a bit


again, I’m talking about inflation and not house prices

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

a big % rise of a small number can still be a small number

its clear theyre prob not enough relative to how much fkn money people have assuming all of this bullshit is true

seriously dont ask me about it i wouldnt know


The more money people have then the more inflationary interest rate rises will be , no?


The more cash people have, the more inflationary that interest rate rises will be


you are a special person


Seems like there’s a few people who care very deeply


So just because the RBA stops paying interest on overnight reserves, businesses and lenders will magically become happy with profits that do not even exceed the inflation rate.

As in you’d do better simply buying a commodity that works as an inflation hedge, than actually working and doing things, or risking your capital.


Just basic economic thinking for when it’s impossible to criticise immigration or population growth

Need zero interest rates to possibly make it viable to build slums for Uber drivers to sleep 5 to a room.

Existing economic theory isn’t adapted for countries with 2% p/a levels of immigration since that never really existed outside of like, wartime before. And people would just live in refugee camps in those days.

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

Just basic economic thinking for when it’s impossible to criticise immigration or population growth

Not quite. this is what he actually said:

“The Bureau of Statistics data say that rents have been increasing at high rates and contributing substantially to consumer price inflation (CPI).

Rents are increasing because record-high immigration rates are lifting demand, and investment in new residences is low.

“Higher rents feed into a higher CPI, which is interpreted by the RBA as a signal to raise interest rates again. Higher interest rates reduce investment in housing and after a time raise rents, and so strengthen the single-instrument case for even higher interest rates.”

He wondered how, if our economic framework was designed differently, policymakers would try to reduce upward pressure on housing rent.

They would not think about raising interest rates, he said.

How to fix the rental crisis and bring power bills down

Professor Garnaut said policymakers would ease immigration until demand for rented housing was more closely aligned with supply, and they would look at easing restrictions on the supply of land on which residences could be built.

He said they would also consider if far more public investment in housing was warranted, and they would look at taxation arrangements that were encouraging owners of housing assets to keep some properties off the market, among many other things.

“And if [they] thought that higher interest rates were necessary for their effects in the rest of the economy, [they] would think about macro-prudential measures that reduce their impact on housing investment,” he said.

so he’s not shy on the migration thing.

but at the end, it is all stuff that everyone with an ounce of sense knows:

  • reduce demand
  • increase supply
  • prudential type rules (eg brakes on debt into housing, boost for new housing)

in theory all of that is great. In practice, it doesn’t happen, so interest rates are used and other things self-regulate by reaching particular pain points.


he also explains why higher rates will worsen inflation


he also explains why higher rates will worsen inflation

not that I can see

he mostly bangs on about how, in an alternative universe, inflation could be bottled up without hurting over indebted households. The issue with that is:

  • we live in this universe, not an alternative one
  • over indebted households are part of the problem too. If you find a “solution” that doesn’t spank them, all you’ve done is guaranteed overindebted households in the future, in perpetuity

he specifically says immigration should be cut

you just spew nonsense without ever reading or understanding anything


He didn’t say immigration should be cut

I don’t blame him, he could be exiled to St Helena if he did say that


Professor Garnaut said policymakers would ease immigration until demand for rented housing was more closely aligned with supply,



Saying that you think something will happen (which won’t) isn’t saying that you think something should happen



In other fun political news – compare the pair…


Not sure i follow, old boy


Who are they?


one on right looks like monica lewinskiiii before she swallowed a pillow and chubbed out


one on right looks like monica lewinskiiii before she swallowed a pillow and chubbed out

well done – it is indeed Monica Lewinski. But on the left.


Thought this was an interesting one

She also assured she hasn’t ‘run out of money’, revealing her current home is just too big and high-maintenance while it’s just her and her two children. 

Seems like a pretty weak justification for selling if you ask me

Roxy probably not coping with the higher mortgage repayments, especially when it sounds like hubby has moved on

Same thing happening to a lot of aspirational gen x and y, but the real rich (chinese and boomers) still have plenty of money to justify a $14m purchase price so she will do ok out of it




Dailymail royalty, show some respect


She is definitely past it


i would still throw one up her if she was a random


She’d fuck you raw then shear you like a sheep.


pretty sure she’s a red sea pedestrian


Personally I doubt she’s ever had a ‘random’ encounter in her life – every one of her roots would have been strategic.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Just looking at her makes my eyes hurt – it is like staring into an oncoming car’s headlights.

Seppuku eyes.


She’s some sort of Kim Kardashian of PR, News Corp has run a million articles on her over the last 10-15 years fucked if I know why noone gives a fuck about her and she’s obviously not likeable at all.



Aussie Soy Boy

Coming is an economics cooker


I did lol out loud when I read that, but what Coming says has a lot of truth – under a gold standard.

There money supply can only expand at the rate of expansion through mining – everything above that is speculative. Under such a system what reward should you receive for parking your gold at a bank? Under a fiat system everything is relative, which is one of Coming’s points, it is a game of falling faster or slower than your competitors depending on your economic motivation – which is almost always in the interests of the elites.

If we’d stayed on the gold standard, we’d have gone through a period of incredible deflationary pressures, which would have completely reversed our financial elites economic model of unsustainable growth, or future eating through fiat monetary policies.

America would still have all its capital and industry, it would still be a global power house but it wouldn’t be an Empire. Rice paddies would still be China’s claim to fame and Africa would have starved itself into a Malthusian reality – for the long term betterment of the African people, although enormous suffering in the meantime – which is a reality of all human progress.

Who knows though – instead of civilization collapsing as a result of the end game of exponential growth vs finite resource consumption, who knows we might have continued to grow sustainably until we overcame the finite resource constraints of a finite planet.

Instead we got the pursuit of exponential growth through unsustainable energy consumption, the debasement of currency and the strip mining of our social capital. Global enslavement through debt is the inevitable result of financialization, which is what JFK came to realise before he was eliminated.

This whole discussion reminds me more about that internet meme about some bitches blue coat – was it blue or was it gold? Is our prison blue or is it gold, it matters not because its still a fuckin prison.

The joke is the current system can only last as long as energy remains cheap – then financialization falls apart and the system can only be sustained through authoritarianism. Which is where we are headed.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

I suspect Coming has been studying Milton Friedman.

Also what he says about German community banks is correct. Richard Werner talks about this a lot. I believe China adopted the same strategy.

You can either lend for productive or non productive endeavours, we do mostly the latter.

Werner was an insider that didn’t like what he saw.
His wrote a book ‘Princess of the Yen’:

Set in 20th Century Japan the documentary explores the role and power of Central Banks and how they can be used to change a country’s economic political and social structures.

Very nice docu here:


Friendlyjordies going to town on some journo i’ve never heard of. A few funny bits.


most of this guys videos are singling out journalists who criticise him and talking about RUPERT MURDOCH like hes some omnipotent god manipulating the strings of australian politcs


that’s messed up. it’s hard to understand how someone is capable of that.



“In late-Victorian England, a fifth of all known murder victims were under a year old.”

The fact that it’s hard to understand says more about you (and me BTW) than about the situation. People said the same about the Germans and the Holocaust. I watched an interview with a WW2 Japanese solider as an old man recounting how he bayonetted a pregnant woman to death because he saw her pregancy as evidence of her having had fun. Another said before the war he thought of himself as a humanist as was a follower of Kant. Very few people have principles that actually matter when push comes to shove.

Christianity had popular appeal, in part, because once upon a time people understood how evil they could be.

Last edited 1 year ago by robert2013
banana man

Any relation to Bob Hawke you reckon?


Turkey tried Coming economics. Cut interest rates in response to inflation. It’s very holy and Islamic, also, you’re retarded if you don’t agree. Didn’t go so well!


Looks a fair bit like Argentina, which has been discussed earlier:

comment image

bad stuff happens when the wrong line is allowed to be on top.


Argentina goes vertical as interest rates go vertical

what kind of bizarre nonlinear relationship are you proposing


what kind of bizarre nonlinear relationship are you proposing

Interest rates need to be above inflation rate, otherwise inflation tends to persist and rise.

A fly in your ointment

nice touchè


what happened in Turkey 2010-2012 then?

Inflation double interest rates, but no inflation rise


Was it you that said private banks create money?

What happens in the extreme scenario of deeply negative real rates? e.g. wages rising 10%pa and mortgage rates at 2%?

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

There’s not enough information here to tell

what is inflation at?
are wages rising because the profit share of capital is reducing?

and why are mortgage rates 2% ?
is it because the RBA is doing TFF?

im saying that IOR should always be zero


Commercial banks sure do.

From the horse’s mouth The Bank of England:

Most of the money in the economy is created by banks when they provide loans.

Therefore, if you borrow £100 from the bank, and it credits your account with the amount, ‘new money’ has been created. It didn’t exist until it was credited to your account.

Banks get to create money out of nothing and you have to pay it back plus interest with your own blood sweat and tears.

Not a bad business model if you can get it.


That is something resembling the Taylor Rule.

Here is an extract from that link that implies the Fed uses a variation of the Taylor Rule that includes standard deviations to eliminate noise/wait for inflation confirmation.

Taylor Rule VariationsBy assuming a base short-term interest rate 2% above annual inflation, the Taylor Rule makes inflation its single most important factor. While Federal Reserve vice chair, Janet Yellen referenced a modified Taylor Rule giving equal weight to deviations from the Fed’s inflation and growth targets, while noting that it would still have prescribed suboptimally tight monetary policy.5

The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy report in June 2022 presented a version of such a “balanced-approach” rule, along with an alternative modification of the Taylor Rule delaying the prescribed increases in rates to offset cumulative shortfall in policy accommodation as a result of the effective lower bound limit.


in the real world it has never worked like that

the direction of causality is assumed incorrectly

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Interest rates need to be above inflation rate, otherwise inflation tends to persist and rise.
Yes. Now tell perverted incel sperg ‘coming’ to go back to his job at H and R Block at Sunnybank mall.

Aussie Soy Boy

It literally says in the article she died following a horse riding accident

A fly in your ointment

so died from Covid?

Aussie Soy Boy

She probably had a stroke and fell off the horse, cooker.


Yeah you’re probably right

I wonder if there is at least one person here that gets the sarcasm and obscure sardonic expressing?
did you forget how everyone died of only one cause of death few years ago? even the shooter at EnZed that died from bullet wound in his brain?


Urge restraint!

I’d give them tasers or something. Even sawn off shotties. Fuck your little cunt dogs.


If not tasers or shotguns, at least aluminium poles that they can smash those dogs with.


This dog stuff is out of control

the fucking things are everywhere

time to kill every single one over 10kg


A mid sized dog like a kelpie is probably about 30kg.

It’s the little yappy ones, and the bigger violent ones that I would ban.


Kelpie does not weigh anywhere close to 30kg

In any case a kelpie can and often does take a good chunk out of a toddler

Also makes a complete fucking nuisance of themselves digging and barking incessantly

Completely unnecessary in an urban environment. Its for herding livestock ffs


We had a kelpie cattle dog cross it was well behaved. Yeah ok probably about 20kg, a Golden Retriever would be about 30kg.

I agree they get depressed if they aren’t rounding up sheep and probably shouldn’t be a pet.

I’ve never heard of a kelpie hurting a kid. They are a subservient dog.


i dont think people are aware of how dangerous dogs are. basically they are domesticated wolves a murderous predator animal. they should be used for economic purposes but dogs over like 10kg or so have no place as pets.

the thumbnail photo looks like toorak or one of those areas so even rich legacy aussies have feral dogs, its not just a low class thing.

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Why do you guys hate golden retrievers so much lmao

Incels can’t even get along with dogs

Aussie Soy Boy

Generally the lower the IQ the larger the animal and more dangerous the breed as well.

Along with smokes, piss, ice, betting on multis — dog ownership is what keeps low socioeconomic white legacy unit scum poor.

It’s insane what people spend on pets for vet bills. Some sick people even give their dogs fucking chemo. Torturing the poor animal at that point and paying no doubt $10k to do so. They’re low IQ with sewerage anglo genetics so they do dumb shit.

What cracks me up is when they get kicked out of a rental then can’t find another because the landlord doesn’t want some meathead with their 50kg violent breed of dog digging up the garden and pissing on the carpet.


One of the reasons they get them is because they are so repulsive and unlikable they need a dog to get them to like them, and as a focal point for the family to like each other a bit better.

I’m more of a cat person. A cat doesn’t automatically like you you have to earn their respect a bit and they shit in the garden and cover it up.


Usually shit in the neighbours garden actually


You dont know actual ‘sewerage anglo‘ people.
I do, and let me tell you, they dont pay vet bills for their dogs.
They shoot, drown, strangle or dump their sick dogs.
Only people paying puppy vet bills are lower middle class failures like you.
But yeah, troll on soy goy


This is my doggo and he is a good boy – even if he has short legs!

What a bunch of sissy boys you all are! There’s no way any of you had any Aryan ancestry the way you all quiver with fear and repulsion at the the thought of having to share some personal space with a dog.

It is probably from some long begotten genetic memory or imprinting when my dog owning ancestors hunted your pathetic lambing culture people down and ravished your women and set our dogs upon the remnants of your pitiful beta male parentage!

It is little wonder the drubbing you received caused a genetic memory and hatred of dogs to echo down the ages where it has emerged in you pathetic pipsqueaks! “Eeeww dogs!!” [quiver]

Dogs are descended from wolves, they have a set of fangs on them that can still easily tear holes in you, yet the incidence of dog attacks are relatively few, and generally spread across a couple specific breeds – as a dog owner, I have no issue with being regulated or banned.

But no only are dogs not wolves, they are the first animals that we have domesticated (on two separate occasions) and have had convergent evolution with us. Thanks to living in proximity to humans dogs have a gene that allows them to process carbohydrates with ease, unlike wolves.

They have evidence of neoteny, the faces of full grown dogs much more resemble the faces of their young, than the long snouted wolves, and their behaviours remain more childlike and less threatening – barking for example is a juvenile wolf behavior.

Dogs also have the ability to learn the meaning of thousands of items and unlike nearly all other animals have evidence of being able to build a mind map of peoples actions based on watching our face and direction of our eyes.

They are a great means to meet people and recharge if you are an extrovert, and a necessary means of getting out of the house and going for a walk and recharging if you are an introvert. Dogs are great for people’s mental health.

Actually right now I’m gunna take them for a walk and hopefully stop in front of one of your houses so they cant take a piss on your collective front gates! No bad dog, just bad owners!!

Capture - Copy (22).JPG

Yeah good stuff and nice dog.

The absolute cuckery of this place. Grown men shitting their pants over dogs weighing more than 10kg. You homos are on track to becoming whatever the male version of a cat lady is.


Corgis are notorious cunts

looks like a small enough fella that I could easily drop kick him if he got too close to my children though

your ancestors used dogs to hunt and guard

you use them because youre a cunt that nobody else wants to spend time with




looks like a small enough fella that I could easily drop kick him if he got too close to my children though

Truthfully, if he did that he’d come running over yikking and sit between big dogs legs. The only reason he’d go near Comings kids would be to roll over and get his belly tickled.


I got a corgi cause their short legs means when I walk over the corpses of my enemies I could tell which ones of them were still alive and feigning death because they would have been repulsed by its doggie breath and flinched.

looks like a small enough fella that I could easily drop kick him if he got too close to my children though

Corgis are herding dogs, they were bred to run under the cattle and nip at their heels. You’d want to make sure you didn’t miss, cause he’d snip through your Achillies like the vasectomy your father should have had!

Corgis are notorious cunts

The queen’s corgis were notorious cunts – which was part of the appeal in getting one, because as you correctly noted, I am cunt.

You strike me as more of a goldfish person, while stag’s is destine to become part of the life cycle of toxoplasma gondii.


its very interesting to quite clearly see the dichotomy

on the one side is the anti-dog nihilistic sardonic self-loathing millenial crew: stagmal, soyboy, coming

on the other side is the white-power gen x/boomer dog fucker crew: stewie, jim, ozcuck

A clear dividing line imo


who would have thought this community would be driven apart by the DQ (doggo question)


The community was divided by average serum testosterone levels. You and the shit-scared-of-dogs low-T high soy crowd vs. high T alpha chads so manly we can own a corgi without instantly being turned gay.


Too right!

Capture - Copy (23).JPG

Damn that’s good! 100% accurate.


Corgis are a thoroughbred I assume, and probably don’t bark like retarded faggots all day. Therefore I approve.


Was surprised at the outright hatred for dogs. The tag, “Man’s best friend” is there for a reason.

Would agree that pets never make sense from a cost perspective, but many would argue that the benefits outweigh the negatives. 

The only people I know IRL who freak out about dogs are the Muslims – can remember going to a mate’s place who has two giant German Shephard. Both super friendly, the kinds who wouldn’t prevent a break-in – but would make it very difficult for any would be thief to leave. They like to getting into the personal space of anyone new, typically the crotch – which really freaked out one muslim guest much to the amusement of everyone else. 


Another reason to like dogs imho!


100% bad owners.

Ol mates got two twelve month old American bulldogs, biggest is over 70kg. Fucking lovely beasts. He is a top bloke I’ve known forever and the dogs are so good natured . Only thing is they fucking launch themselves at me for a hug when I visit cause they’ve known me since he first got em as pups. I now live my days with scratches all over me, me and the wife joke its my mistress, but nothing is as a good destress as these dogs being happy to see you.

Youse dog haters are odd


So we’ve all heard about the “international student” killed in the NT

no details on the killer so we know what that means

not a good look for albo and the voice


The twitter unit is manning the newsroom



Doctors were more agreeable and extroverted than all other cohorts, but study authors also found them to be more neurotic. Both doctors and caring professionals were more agreeable than patients, yet doctors were significantly more agreeable than caring professionals.

To the researchers’ surprise, doctors more strongly believed they were being subjected to external forces beyond their control than the general public.


Female GPs now outnumber male GPs. For decades now, women have made up more than half of medical school graduates.

As of 2017, females outnumbered male GPs.

….and people wonder why we had a neurotic over-reaction to a pandemic lead by our medical profession – trust the science!


Yeah very good point

also would note that nurses have been elevated to positions of authority and decision making across the healthcare system


I wonder if women will ever become evolved enough to not be such boot lickers. At the moment they just want to become the Jew.


lmao that limbrick oddball replied to our twitter


Limbrick is right, you know


Naaaah we need way more gratuitous racism.


yes, more anti-white racism




Oh no! Peachy has fainted onto the couch.
Jeeves, fetch the smelling salts will you? There’s a good man.


Despite my occasional failings here, I tend to agree. Most normies are pleasant, agreeable people, they just want to live their lives peacefully, unmolested and have that same expectation for other people – overt racism shuts down any other message or learning with offence.

Elites and Luxury values have succeeded in obfuscating real issues to do with race and population group differences, in terms of behaviours and collective outcomes on society, with genuine racism of the counter productive type.

The individual is not the group, but the existence of the individual does not preclude the existence of the group. The two can and should be discussed separately – progressives deliberately refuse to see the distinction, and even worse see them as being one and the same.


Yet your website has comments – ‘white trash Anglo sewerage’
I’m thinking these posts may be actionable under current Aus law.


anti discrimination and hate speech laws arent designed to protect white ppl


We are punching up so it’s ok


Christ. Lib Dems are boomer extremists/terrorists.


does anyone know what this guy actually does
like on a day to day basis

its mainly a networking/connections type thing?


i imagine its what the characters in american psycho do all day



gonzalo lira has been arrested by Ukraine authorities

Steve Keen punching the air right now
(red pill dating coach lmao)




lol he usually shitposts relentlessly on twitter but I noticed that I hadn’t seen anything of his coming up on my feed

thought it was because elon took away his blue tick or the algorithm or something

turns out he was arrested lmao

fuck I hope they execute him


guy is a fucking moron for hanging out in kharkov given his stance on the war


Gamble with billions of others money on the stock market. Make them a billion, getting $50m doesn’t seem that much.
Probably a spot of some insider trading too.
One stock I am in got dumped a day or two before a capital raise. ASIC doesn’t give a fuck. Algo trading is perfectly legal yet it is mostly stock price manipulation, I think.


plenty of money still flowing in sydney real estate

Two upsizing young couples bidding on this one

sold in 1990 for 160k.
No upgrades. If anything condition has only gotten worse since then
ended up at 5.75m
That’s a 3500% increase in 33 years

Another 340k in stamps takes it to 6.1 or so total spend

20% + stamp duty means they’ve put down 1.5m upfront
Then let’s assume they’re mortgaged for the other 4.6m at 5% that’s 230k/yr in interest

Factor in another 2m for the knockdown, new plans and build (absolute minimum, probably more if they want it really nice with pool, european kitchen etc)
Total 8m+

Probably will take at least 2 years to get all that work done, probably more

Will the cheeky cunts attempt to rent it out to some meth addicts so they can negative gear?
Hopefully they won’t be up for land tax (another 100k/yr)

Where is the money coming from

you love to see it


was talking to the old guy who lives across the street from me and sits on the balcony all day

says he knows a guy, really old now, who has like 6 million dollar house in coogee

i asked him what this guy did for a living and he said he was a panel beater lmao

imagine having like a $6 million bux house and being a panel beater what

basically all these cunts got rich just by owning houses

it really makes you have no sympathy for virtually any over 55 year old or whatever in this country who has no $$$, you have to be a monumental fuck up to be older in australia and not have a dollar to your name


Yeah it’s an unreal failure but my parents managed to achieve it


You reckon your neighbour is into really young girls


>The young Coogee couple, who were flanked by their parents on Saturday
like its some honourable military operation
I wonder how long the elite Anglos can keep it up. It must be pretty tiring having to jew the whole town just to tread water.


Stewie I think you and soyboy need to come together to make an official EZFKA race hierarchy

obviously jews at the top

then only you would be able to separate the semantic differences between the “white” races

All I know is that surely lebos must be the absolute worst of any non-black race


This is the only racial hierarchy that matters. Culture and race are separate issues.


I think we can get a lot more granular than this


Although dubious of the Greeks I consider anyone further east of Constantinople to be non-white, which in my mental calculus lumps them all in with goat fucking Arabs. Although I will admit there are a minority of legacy Greek Christian Colonies East of the Bosporus.


yes but the persians/irani are far superior to the lebo dogs, for instance


I’m fascinated by how darkies distinguish between themselves

like how some indians are considered better than others

and bangladesh at the bottom

like how nordics consider themselver superior to the meds etc

I remember had quite extensive phrenology literature regarding white races before it was all lost in the great fire


I’d prefer a Persian over an Arab any day.


persians are probably the top tier of middle-easterns


They are highest in residual Aryan ancestry.


leb women are fukn hot though

it is known


Until they reach 30 then they take a blimp pill and turn into Mediterranean manatees.


How come Italians are so smaht?


north italians are the antecendents of the jews

god-tier white sub-race


Because they’ve faced the most cognitively demanding problems in order to prosper.


most white sub groups have about the same av iq, a lot of the small differences on these maps is statistical noise


as a proud legacy australian, I hope you are watching the charles coronation broadcast


I am indeed – forcing my progeny to watch it too as a form of cultural indoctrination.


There’s a lot of singing. I bet Charles is thinking fuck this I wanna go get maggoted.


check this out

entitled boomer now having the fucking hide to complain after living rent-free for 50 years in a tax-payer funded house

she wasn’t even fucking born here. moved here from england and 1 year later her and her useless husband get gifted a magnificent free home to live in

meanwhile young families are homeless so this old fucking legacy cunt can fill up a multi-person home

pure boomer solpsism

put her on the fucking street


absolutely staggering the sense of fucking entitlement to have a whinge about this in the fucking media

sipping a cup of tea on her porch

probably never worked a fucking day in her life

turn these fucking cunts into dog food for stewie’s corgi


Oy caam hear foorrr betta loooyyyf.

Those 10 pound poms filled out the country a bit. Noone was gonna live in fuckin Woonoona in 1971. That was when we actually needed immigration (white of course).


imagine the quality of immigrants we could get if we gave them free fucking houses

“muh 18% interest rates”

cunt they were giving houses away for free

fucking boomers

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Fuckin Kyle Sandilands is the new John Laws. That’s going quite a ways backwards. Look at your own shitty generation.


I knew about the orb, the ring and the rods – but the Michael Jackson glove caught me by surprise.


when are they going to start fucking kids and doing IV adrenochrome


That will be at the after party.


Andrew will hook it up


Leitho goes on sky news with the absolutely delectable erin molan

As Sky News’s host Erin Molan notes during the interview, “it won’t even touch the sides”.

It certainly won’t, Erin.

It certainly won’t.


Muh shabbos goy fuckable but not too fuckable because feminism and can’t upset the ugly chick economy bint. Cool story bro.

Aussie Soy Boy

i dont give a fuck about the coronation

the royal family suck

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

It’s pretty antiquated. Only hanging on because everyone is too deranged to have any republican autonomy these days.

Harry the redditor. What a dumb ass. Imagine throwing away that ultra-privileged life for a nig, and an evil one at that. Haha.


how to farm reddit upvotes 101

claim to be an immigrant

talk about how much you want to suck off australia


I like the users who claim to be immigrants and want a super-neoliberal society in Australia with no welfare and maximum inequality. Usually some tech bugman.

Perfect ideological successors for the Boomers as they die off


New visa for aged care workers
-Up to age 55!
-Minimum 70k salary
-2 Years to Permanent residency

The presenter has one of the more annoying voices on Youtube.


So we are going to import semi-geezers to care for our geezers, so that these imported semi-geezers have a pathway to PR and citizenship when they can become OUR dependent geezers?


That’s right, it’s the EZFKA way!


so all you need to do now is get knocked up by some scrote and you can free-ride on the dole and family benefits for 14 years

just fucking lol


They are some of the few legacy Australians that breed because they aren’t licking Mr Shekelbergs nuts.


if you want to get public housing or the best welfare goodies the state can provide you need to go out of your way to fuck your life up

have fifteen kids to 15 different men

start taking ice and coke

share needles intravenously so you get HIV

basically whatever it takes otherwise you’re not getting jack shit


If houses were at 70s boomer prices they probably wouldn’t need to.


Nah, just need some since mother to target having two kid 14 years apart – it would still be cheaper doing that then importing migrants and their parents.


LPT If you see in the budget that something is for “five million households”, that means it’s for people on welfare