And on the Pedestal These Words Appeared

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings

Look upon my works and despair.

So basically labor want to reform the entire immigration system to make it even more fast-tracked, more facilitating to migrants and even easier to rort. You won’t even need to rort it, because it’ll be so easy to migrate to Australia after this mob of human biowaste are through with it there’ll be no need.

We are absolutely and utterly fucking screwed.

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It is not particularly attractive for high skilled migrants to come here as there are not that many skilled jobs. Others than government jobs, propardee jobs and mining, there is little else. We have deindustrialised this economic zone.


Australian fiannce professionals rate pretty well AFAIK.


Australian fiannce professionals

lol… “professional fiances” is about right




They are partially dropping the pretense without going all the way and saying “Labor doesn’t GAF about local workers”.


No one cares about the working class. It is not as they have a lobbyist or donate money to political parties.


Not even the Libs say “The Liberal party doesn’t GAF about local workers”. Labor already said it in the usual waffly way of politicos.


Since this is the latest thread…


That is ridiculously awesome.


lol, I called it.

How do you identify if someone is abo?

That’s borderline Racist…




That senator sure had some patience didn’t he

A sign of things to come that the racism card will be wheeled out at every turn when scrutiny needs to be applied if the voice passes


Also it seems to basically be “I identify as Aboriginal therefore I am”

Sounds like a nice gravy train to get on


Never been more urgent to the Jews anyway

Gruppenführer Mark

Is Noel Ignatiev not a white male?


It;s been worth getting on for long time, and they know it’s being rorted, hence none of the departments discriminating in favour of indigenous want to admit how useless the “verification” process actually is.


I am you are we can all be aboriginal

The population was under 200k in the early 80s now it’s 800k fucking insane

There has to be 200-300k claiming aboriginal potentially falsely in that figure surely

images (1).jpeg

We can make this like the Jedi religion and all claim to be ATSI at next census

the arborist

I’m a 6 year old aboriginal transgirl lesbian and I endorse this message.


Ableist! How dare you exclude those that are differently abled



the arborist

What’s up with Noel’s gigantic hat? It’s like an Israeli sombrero. He’s got the rest of the look down pat though. Just needs some long, curly sideburns. And hand rubbing.


“It’s not delivering for business, it’s not delivering for migrants and it’s not delivering for the nation.”

tthat’s where you all sit in rank. Dead last. Peasant units.


It is the only solution they have. Keep pouring in immigrants. In the 20 years we have had ‘skill shortages’, we have sailed down the list of economic complexity to rival the economic powerhouse of Kazakhstan.


UAP asking about excess deaths in parliament and the gov coming out with the same bs as the UK.
It seems the only category the gov wants to admit is dementia.


Go brucey

letter reads pretty amateur though but I am not a lawyer


sez he wrote it himself…chat bot probably


What I find so interesting is why would Drumgold sully his whole career over this fat bitch and her political ambitions

he is old
close to retiring
can’t have any major political ambitions of his own
his background seems very honest white Aussie bogan male made good

is it purely scomo derangement syndrome ?
does someone have dirt on him?
was he promised something important

real head scratcher


Jeez, if only there were some excess deaths in Parliament.


‘The $80 million Infrastructure Development Fund would help offset the costs of providing water, sewerage, and electricity services for proposed apartment developments in urban infill and METRONET station areas.’

The founding basis of any property development is site servicing or infrastructure costs, which all Developers cost into their feasibility.

Even in Sicktoria the Councils slap a Development levy $ per sqm of the project, so the developer can’t freeload.

Not only will the Developers suck the capacity out of the infrastructure (water, sewerage, power supply, etc) but McGowan the evil cunt is spotting his Developer mates $80m of taxpayers money to help fund their projects.


shiv the cunt


ought to print this off andwrap it around some fracture, shove it up mcgowans arse and fire it

still not enough

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

Democrats, progressives and liberals are the real racists. Their whole ideology is based around race and adjusting for differences instead of just accepting differences, they’re obsessed with it – Biden case in point:

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie
Agent 47

And in the UK


essentially no consequences for him …risible bollocks from a fkwit judge



Screenshot 2023-02-23 093417.png

I can’t remember. Probably something about his soft approach.


Davo loves getting amongst it, and being involved

I’d unironically vote for him if he ran for parliament (now that his covid-retard era is over)


nah i cant read it either


So you commented on what he said, without knowing what he said.

Why does this not surprise me at all…




Mother is an absolute bogan piece of shit

this is why we have a housing bubble

nobody wants to live in regional areas

its safer and more pleasant to live amongst millions of asians in towers, than it is to live within 50km of white bogans


Unintentionally hilarious, the words those muppets write:

Businessman Paul, who previously dated former Sunrise host Samantha Armytage, wore black activewear as he worked up a sweat.”

He’s clearly walking, and fat. Jeez if walking is working up a sweat, I’d hate to see him actually exercising and get fit / proper weight level.

Looks like he’s an unabashed Chubby Chaser too. Likes the fat chicks…


boomers are absolutely fuming about this superannuation stuff

would be hilarious if it brings albo down


Spot on.

Shorten is a sleazy little grifter, played the small target in a campaign before Airbus perfected it, but remember he lost on the back of saying he’d remove Franking Credits. Back then no one really knew how much of a compete fucking retard Scomo was either. Said a lot about the power of that issue or the Boomers.

Now days Dutton is just a punching bag, hasn’t got the balls he once had to point out the African gangs in Melbourne etc. Albo hasn’t needed to land a punch, his minions all do it for him.


Doubt it.

Two thirds of people have a super balance under 100k, so removing a tax breaks for those with 3m+ in their super isn’t going to affect the majority of people. With that in mind, Dutton defending this doesn’t make sense aside from the LNP being desperate for rich donors.

Sustained cost of living increases and interest rate/mortgage stress will be much more politically damaging to Albanese.


all he would do then is self identify as a pooch and he’d get a spot on MAFS and a spread in the womens weekly and likely increase his margin

Agent 47

“It’s all supply side mate we just need to build more”


lol thats hilarious

still demonstrates an absolute failure by white people, they got outcompeted even when they started with relative advantage


It’s not like Dalits are the ones immigrating. We get the top 5%ers of a country with 1.3 billion people. Unless you literally think Indians are racially inferior, then they’re going to do okay amassing wealth.


so you’re saying we are better off replacing the worst legacy Australians, with the top Indians?


The Indians didn’t like it when the “top British” did that to them. They clearly hadn’t heard your cutting edge neoliberal beliefs.


you guys switch your story from indians are dumb and lazy and rapists

to we only get the best ones and they’re better than the majority of white people


Who’s saying Indians are dumb and lazy? I’m just not interested in being colonised by whatever superior group you and your ideological mates are worshipping today, any more than Indians wanted to be colonised by superior British nobility and their kids.

The way you think is so fucking lazy and Boomer-like, at least try to understand what other people are telling you.


“boomer-like” is itself so fucking lazy

why would you care what the skin colour of your ruler is


Do I have to explain to you why mass immigration is bad now? You’ve been posting at MB for literal years. Stop being so lazy.


Indians owning more houses than whites is not a sign of immigration being bad

Not even close

if high quality Indians are replacing useless legacy Australians, and the overall population is at a suitable number, then that is a good thing


Well yeah

It’s bad for dumb poor legacy aussies

yeah I guess maybe this site in essence is just a source of cope for those people

the finance stuff is pretty peripheral here it’s mainly about we waz kangz, took our jerbs, cookers


It took you how many months to realise this isn’t the Wall Street Journal? Obviously a motherfucking genius here


Thanks for your daily trolling and strawmen Coming, top stuff

A fly in your ointment

I’m just not interested in being colonised by whatever superior group…

history of Terra Avstralis does repeat itself, ironically 🤣
I’m 1/3085 part indian, perhaps I can claim to be a Gunga Din


The UK gets the good ones., not us…

Aussie Soy Boy

I think we get misfits for the most part. If you have a privileged life in India why leave?

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s that hard to buy property in most of Australia. The typical legacy Aussie is financially illiterate, too lazy to even pick up takeaway themselves, thinks nothing of sinking $15 pints, owns multiple big stupid dogs that are a black hole for vet bills, laughs at buying something like a Toyota Camry for reliability and low running costs.


Qantas will undertake another share buyback of $500 million, which comes just after it completed a $400 million buyback in December, which Joyce said was intended to reward investors who had poured $1.4 billion in a capital raising in 2020 to help the airline recover from the pandemic.

So there is no use for that money to expand supply
They are returning it to investors instead

Because they can’t maintain profits at levels greater than the risk free return, if they do increase capacity

Good example of how higher interest rate can be Inflationary


$1.4b shares sold/issued in 2020 to avoid a default, of which $900m bought back. Not sure how you can conclude a link to rates and inflation

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

so with record margins and price per customer, they are just returning money to shareholders?

The share price went down on the news, because shareholders were disappointed there is no growth presumably

If interest rates were zero, there would be multiple new carriers or Qantas itself expanding to take customers and naturally force prices down

But that doesn’t happen, because the return on capital needs to beat the risk free rate

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Share buyback also increases EPS. Probably sold by Boomers wanting their Franking Credits.


need higher EPS as a result of higher rate of risk free return


There are new carriers in the form of an expanded REX and Bonza.

You’d be the shittiest CEO with your inability to take into account any data that doesn’t match your preconceptions.


I’m aware of the existence of bonza

I said there would be *multiple* new carriers plus expansion of qantas to force prices down

my goodness you are an aggro little shit with poor reading comprehension


You said “or” Qantas, Boomer retard


there would be multiple new carriers or Qantas itself expanding

isnt English your first language ?


Clearly thinking isn’t your first one.
How many new carriers did we get after a decade of sub 1% interest rates?


Australia has long been unable to support much more than a duopoly of local airlines. Hoping for “multiple” new carriers to emerge (REX and Bonza do not count for some unexplainable reason) is basically hoping for people to make doomed investments because interest rates are temporarily and unsustainably low.

Which was a major cause of why we have inflation today.


Now you’re saying low interest rates caused high interest rates ?

it wasn’t covid disruptions and a new Cold War ?


It’s all those things and more because the economy is complex and shit


Virgin, Rex, Jetstar

there were many more flights available and they were much cheaper

that’s what low interest rates do


so with record margins and price per customer, they are just returning money to shareholders?

paying dividends would be returning money to shareholders.
Buying shares is inflating the value for people who are selling shares, for instance people paid with share options as part of their package.

The share price went down on the news, because shareholders were disappointed there is no growth presumably

Or because of what it says about the long term interests and investments or lack thereof of management


Good example of how you feed your confirmation bias on a constant basis.

There are so many factors that will contribute to Qantas’ decision of whether to increase capacity or return capital to the shareholders.


Because they can’t maintain profits at levels greater than the risk free return, if they do increase capacity

Or the management has enormous share holdings or options and will personally benefit massively if the share price increases, far more than if profits are increased.

Always back self interest…


The little Irish faggot is on a bonus for hitting a share price surely?


Given the number of share buybacks in the last decade:

March 2019 – June 2019

September 2018 – December 2018

March 2018 – June 2018

September 2017 – December 2017

September 2016 – April 2017

March 2016 – June 2016

December 2012 – October 2013

October 2007 – May 2008

I have no doubt that bonus is in the form of share options that are more valuable the higher the share price is.
A quick google didn’t reveal the actual options management gets though.


So rather than Coming’s daily bullshit trolling, how about some useful discussion on the ability for this to support rents?

It is obviously no surprise this is coinciding with interest rates going up, because someone needs to pay the rent to sustain house prices PE ratios

Reading this makes me want to invest somewhere that can be share housed in Greater Western Sydney pronto


rents up housing prices up… out a carport for a grand / fortnight


Already told you we will be getting inflation

you too thick to understand that

can’t afford to build new houses = no new supply = higher rents = inflation

higher OCR = higher risk free return = higher yields required = higher rents

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

higher OCR = higher risk free return = higher yields required = higher rents

except cause and effect don’t actually work in that direction.
Rents are already as high as the market will pay. Why would you rent it for less?

So I think it is you who are thick as a brick


The prices of stock mostly good for renting out e.g., city apartments will fall to where rental yields are good compared to bank rates, after fees.

Melbourne city apartments used to be priced to a premium from their rental value, but I think that is evaporating as the market realises that these things do not have capital appreciation, even when interest rates are zero.

Without dodgy Chinese money, we’d struggle to build new high rises at all as few Aussies want to invest in a property with high strata fees that is unlikely to appreciate in value.


Nah they have a lot of room to go higher

they have to


WHy do they have to? Why wouldn’t you already be charging the higher rent? nterest rates effect the house buying market, not the rental market.

higher OCR = higher risk free return = higher yields required = lower house prices

is what happens here in the real world.


That’s what I would have thought would happen

except it didn’t

IRs increased 3500%

prices fell 10%
rents increased 20%

when the facts don’t match your theory, is it time to reevaluate your beliefs ?


What facts? I don’t see a single fact there. I see baseless assertions and invalid comparisons…

Do your claimed rent increases align with something else that might affect rental supply and demand, like borders opening?
As always you can never handle more than 1 varuiable and pick the wrong one…

Last edited 1 year ago by bjw678
A fly in your ointment

higher OCR = higher risk free return = higher yields required = higher rents

What happens if you crank your rent to get higher yields and no one comes to get it?
Rents are not a function of desires but rather of supply/demand and max that can be extracted. Once they are at the top, they dgaf about yields.

Immigration cranked on 11 started last year…. silently… when rents went up. Brace for more.


higher OCR = higher risk free return = higher yields required = higher rents

That is a one-sided argument. Yield can adjust upwards via falling asset prices or rising income. In the case of rent, landlords always maximise rent depending on supply and demand. They are not kind-hearted souls that offer cheap rents when rates are lows. This implies higher yields would generally come from falling asset prices unless:
1) Demand increases. Since Covid we have less people per household due to WFH. We also have Albo opening the immigration floodgates.
2) Disposable incomes rise. WFH means that most people are saving around $30/day on travel, food, coffee, grooming, dry cleaning. That is a lot more money available to pay on rent despite costs rising elsewhere. But granted not everyone is WFH and saving money.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

supply does not rise to meet any extra demand until the return justifies it (above the risk free rate)

therefore rents rise

we’ve literally seen this unfold in front of our eyes last 12 months so I don’t think its possible for people to completely ignore this anymore

Sure prices have fallen some, as a result of interest rate rises and borrowing capacity

but falling house prices does not reduce inflation

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Did rents fall as interest rates fell?
That would be the test of if your statements are valid.
If rents rise on both falling and rising interest rates then interest rates have fuck all to do with rents.


So rather than Coming’s daily bullshit trolling, how about some useful discussion on the ability for this to support rents?

well the reality is that living standards in EZFKA do have a lot of room to fall before equalising with the living standard of the shitholes that the majority of migrants come from.

and it’s that equalisation that will stop the flow.

the falling of the living standards can look like a number of things – higher rents, lower quality or denser occupancy (more people per dwelling), denser housing (more dwellings per unit area), etc.

it’s simple physics.

if you don’t have a tap stopping the flow – that’s what happens. H1 andH2 equalise

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

Honestly did you ever think interest rates would get this high ?

and the economy not just surviving but thriving

low unemployment, high profits, wages up, house prices holding up (even bouncing in Sydney)

I never thought it was possible , did you ?

made me re-examine my understanding


yes, because interest rates have instantaneous effects…

made me re-examine my understanding

sure it did…

house prices holding up (even bouncing in Sydney)

which orifice did you pull that from?


Honestly did you ever think interest rates would get this high ? 

I never thought it was possible , did you ?

No, I didn’t think that we’d be this high this soon.

but I did think that we’d drag the chain on hikes and let others (including US and NZ) front-run the experiment for us.

this is exactly what happened. So the only real surprise is that the US has hiked quite so aggressively. We followed, as we always would, but a few steps behind, as I predicted.

and the economy not just surviving but thriving 

low unemployment, high profits, wages up, house prices holding up (even bouncing in Sydney) 

it is much too early to make those claims


Yet US inflation (incl rents) , employment , wages are still way up

and the S&P is only down 10%

they went from 0 —> 4.75% which would have been incomprehensible 12 months ago and I think you and MB would have predicted absolute Armageddon in that situation

yet inflation got worse
while asset prices and economic activity were nearly unaffected

at what point would you question the relationship ?


Wages that are up below inflation are not actually up, and they’re well below inflation

Sydney housing is about 10% down and therefore also not holding up

Of course if you just make up statistics then things can look good or bad or whatever you want


i don’t know if you are just dumb, or trying to be argumentative

I literally said sydney house prices have fallen 10%, but it has bounced the last few weeks

Are you not able to read?
Or you don’t have any actual point to make but you want to argue


I feel compelled to correct things you say that are blatantly wrong. Since you say a lot of things in that category, you get a lot of replies from me.


so I didn’t just say that house prices fell 10%?
then you felt the need to correct me that they had fallen 10%

youre as dumb as bjw sadly


Coming has made it abundantly clear “real” rates are a concept he completely fails to understand

A fly in your ointment

Inflow of new Immigrants will never be stopped, it can only stop by itself (from outside).
10 out of 10 IP owners would sacrifice everything else except the wealth in RE because they believe they’ll be the new feudal landlords. They will vote out anyone trying to mess with their wealth. In essence they are shooting themselves into he foot, in super slow motion.
Luckily, Warden class Australians have a same plan for them as for the rest of us… own nuttin + be happy (and pfree happy drugs pfor all will be sponsored by Pfarmacomapfia).


This bloke disagrees with Coming too…


Lefties love their political dark money in Australia. Get Up, Teals, Lindsey Fox paying for Dan’s projects in exchange for god knows what, now this.

Anything to prevent the average punter from thinking for themselves.


Millennials and Zoomers have their chance to show how much they hate everything conservative by pushing this through. The Libs themselves have their days numbered but it doesn’t matter because the donors have/will just migrate to the ALP.


“….migrate to ALP”


Pro Immigration spruiker Abul Rizvi copping it on Twitter.


Also, wonder who this moron is complaining about being censored on embee?

His blog reminds me of someone very longwinded…

Agent 47

Is that Gunnas real identity?

Agent 47

Ex immigration dept deputy secretary who hangs his hat on the fact he helped design our ‘skilled’ 457 visa program in the 90s.

Real upstanding pajeet.

Agent 47

Million? Mate at least another billion.

Agent 47

EZFKA Twitter 10/10


They can make it up to the Boomer lobby by raising immigration to one quadrillion


yup …never in doubt IMO

Agent 47

So is Martin North hanging it up? Or is this more John Adams hyperbole?


Northy sold his house in Thirroul

and his wife just died

probably realised nobody here cares about his boring shit and so he’s going back home to retire

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

NATO breaks the soyboy meter.

I wonder if it’s pure propaganda or if some of them really think in this way, would explain some stuff.


The puppet master and owner of the Teal Karens is still whining about local politicians.

Funny thing is he ran away to his huge estate at Daylesford during the Lockdowns, and is having a crack at politicians for where they live…

A fly in your ointment

She has balls but she lost her/its bearings…
Sounds like pfizered ones… never mind what the pfuture may be like pfor me, at least covid did kill me and i got to keep my job!

Eat this Evil Puoutin!


That’s a bloke I mean.

A fly in your ointment

You should go to a re-education centre to learn inclusiveness. Pronto

Ironic Boomer

Yep it changes very little, to most times nothing. Akin to shouting in the public square.


I’d like to catch him on a hot mic doing a Coming supervillain speech about how lazy poor white legacy Aussies deserve to be replaced by foreigners

Probably only get reported on Zerohedge tho


99% of these types don’t actually post do they? Their lackeys do it.


Corporate profits, “not wages”, are the biggest contributor to high inflation in Australia, new analysis has found, suggesting that inflation could have been kept within the Reserve Bank’s target band had businesses not indulged in “excess price hikes” through the pandemic.
Research from the Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work found that businesses hiked prices by $160 billion as of the September quarter of last year, “over and above” the rises in operating costs they faced through global inflationary pressures. 

The Canberra think tank says that without those profits, inflation would have come in at an annual average of 2.7%, just over half of the 5.2% recorded since late 2019 and well within the RBA’s 2% to 3% target band. 
Priced in corporate profits footed by consumers accounted for 69% of additional inflation beyond the RBA’s target, the analysis found. By comparison, labour costs made up 18%. 

And the result of that is there is less competition, and that allows firms to increase prices as we’re seeing right now.

A fly in your ointment

One of the most important pfeatures of Covidiotic ages… kill the little guys businesses.
Anyone opf you buying from chain stores contributes to this… alas resitance is pfutile.
The only way to pfux them up is to abolish consumerism on a personal level: begin pfrugal lipfe and make your own stupf.


Thinking of when the grocery oligarchy forced Kaufland to abandon its Australian expansion


Inevitable result.

ALP mate lawyer Rob Stary defends Daniel Andrews in the Red Shirts affair when he fraudulently used taxpayers funds to pay for ALP election campaigns. That lawyer directed ALP staff not to talk to police in the investigation.

That lawyer is later appointed by Daniel Andrews. He has just dismissed the case of a Vic Pol coward slam tackling a protestor from behind:


It’s really wierd that I can comment here but not on my crypto post.