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I bought a new (to me) handgun and 1500 rounds of ammo last week. Next week I’m gonna sell one of my other handguns so that I can upgrade to a better piece.

Just sayin’.

Agent 47

Ammo is becoming super expensive now. Good thing I stockpiled last two years.

I can’t get primers or powder anywhere in Victoria. Unobtainium.


Yeah. I just picked up 1000 Federal small pistol primers. For $250. ☹️ The shop said they expected to have Vectan pistol powders available in about 6 months. I’ve got a couple of kilos each of 2205, 2206H, 2208 and 2209 which will keep my rifles running for a few years.


You learn pretty quickly not to mention hunting in Sicktoria. Sure you can march with a horde of Paedo groomers and expect social media fame and a community award…


what the hell is with the video

is that bot generated content


ABC News seems to do just as an effective job. See the link below

Aussie Soy Boy

Legacy Aussie derro who hunts the bush for opals to make a living (no doubt claiming the dole or DSP at well), complains he has to live in a tent

No wonder Chinese and Indian migrants are eating legacy Aussies lunch.



Aussie Soy Boy

Lol they have the obligatory dog like legacy Aussies do, even though living in a tent.

The legacy Aussie’s weekly essentials — piss, smokes, ice from the dealer, 10kg of fucking dog food. Let it off leash in the local park of course because fuck everyone else’s safety or enjoyment.

Aussie Soy Boy

LOL I didn’t read to the end.

He said the Salvation Army had offered temporary accommodation at Young in return for some farm work, but he needed to make sure the hours did not breach his disability pension requirements.



This couple does seem to get around.


Both live with poor physical and mental health and Aaron says he has ongoing seizures as a result of the drug addiction he kicked five years ago.


Hating on dogs is un-Australian.


Aussie Soy Boy will probably start eating them soon, to imitate a superior Asian


LR no no need


You are a fucking legend of this website

Aussie Soy Boy

Thank you!


It’s ok, these are the people in charge of the economy…


Well whaddya know. The Krauts are waking up to the fact that the Pfizer vaccine trials were fraudulent. Anybody who was injured or killed by the vaccines in the trial was just removed from the trial, and that’s how you get a safe and effective drug! Woot!



Autopsy show vax definitively caused brain damage and heart damage


Aussie Soy Boy

First photo of Brit enjoying the unrivalled outdoors lifestyle that the Gold Coast offers.

comment image


As before, look at the author’s name.

This is becoming a more and more important issue when reading any ‘News’ article – another reason why news can no longer be trusted as being neutral.

Not Indian in this case, but certainly arguing for his own ethnic and cultural tribe.

Capture - Copy.JPG

hehehe …too funny…sharaz links to labor




Screenshot 2023-02-19 06.02.41.png

That’s a really creepy relationship, it’s a Labor cult. That Twitter thread is enlightening, but the sheer stench of those putrid little people is disgusting.


For those playing at home that Emma is a senior advisor to Dan Andrews from the ALP’s PR firm Hawker Britton.

This is so creepy, the Twitter feed makes it look like she instigated and directed the relationship between Higgins and Sharaz, then played puppet master with their whole charade.

I guess it worked exactly as they planned, badly damage the Liberals before an election ✅ manipulate the media and public (specifically middle class white women) ✅ male heaps of cash and set up years of easy grifting ✅


The Australian article is reprinted here in this thread:


So AG Mark Dreyfus was in on it too, he used taxpayers money to muzzle Minister Reynolds. Told her not to attend the Higgins mediation in return for the Commonwealth paying her legal fees.


While initially being highly skeptical of this case, in that it was anything other than a date rape trial, and I will be honest I found a lot of the discussion her a little too fringe to initially take it seriously. Obviously being the possessor of a few fringe views myself, I wasn’t particularly perturbed and kept my opinions largely to myself.

However as it has progressed and morsels of information have made its way through the msm filter, they have collectively increasingly added to the weights of evidence to the views championed here and made me reverse my initial impression.

My view now is that that while there may or may not have been a drunken and embarrassing sexual encounter, it probably wasn’t rape in the unlikely event that sex (other than solo bean flicking) even tool place.

I now believe that someone somewhere has deliberately selected this story for promotion and amplification throughout the media, as a politicial smear excercise against conservatives, and their supposed attitudes towards women.

I would cite our favorite wiping boy DLS and his degeneration into some sort of fevered SoyBoy before the election hallucinating over unproven, sexual aligations “Morrison Government drowns in smut, rape and cover-up”
Honestly he was carrying on calling them rapists, in the same way far-right lunatics get worked up about Democrats and Satanic pedophilic pizzerias…. it was bordering on unhinged.

Yet DLS was far from alone in taking this line in the media. Practically the only place the msm line was questioned anywhere was on Sky News, and the view everywhere else was that they were misogynistic Chauvinists to hold such doubts.

I now believe that IMHO Lisa Wilkinson, the ACT DPP, the Labor Party and various other people in the media and political donors, all worked loosely in mutual interests to amplify this story, in the belief that they were doing good. I believe the trial was deliberately thrown through jury tampering, and I believe she’s been paid off. I now support Bruce in his efforts to clear his name before the courts.

The media worked to activate an emotional response ahead of the election, and the result was Labor and the Teals. I’m not saying Labor would not have won without this event, the corruption and incompetence of Morrison had already ensured that. But it may have impacted the degree of their victory, and it certainly benefited the Teals. It demands continued investigation.

Agent 47

Agree. It was an attempt to unseat Morrison. Wasn’t the main cause but it helped.

Fkn DLS and the centre left wanker carry on over this at MB was cringe. Now they’re pretending it didn’t happen and DLS is asking why white children are being ignored over Young Australian of the Year.


Yes Jesus but they won’t learn anything

Complete NPCs


Did you see also Britt had dinner with Malcolm Turnbull before the accusations even surfaced

a low level staffer had dinner with one of the richest men in Australia

who also happened to be an ex-PM with a grudge against scomo

the whole thing stinks to high heaven and is probably one of the biggest scandals in Australian political history

collusion between the media and judiciary and government/public service

to try to bring down a PM with a false rape charge against an innocent man who has had his life destroyed in the process
and a $3m payout to the instigator with no oversight or explanation

absolutely incredible


this rabbit hole really goes this deep imo



Shane must be absolutely puckering right now

wonder how that inquiry is going to go for him

things are unravelling faster than Britt’s panties

There are also a series of text messages between the builder and the public prosecutor, some of which were allegedly sent from Mr Drumgold’s phone while court was in session – when Ms Higgins and Mr Lehrmann’s police interviews were played for the jury.

Mr Drumgold denies sending the texts during court proceedings, claiming instead that his wife Natasha sent them from another Apple device that was connected to his phone.

Daily Mail Australia can reveal the builder is claiming to have met with Mr Drumgold six times during business hours in his DPP office in Canberra to discuss the investment property renovations.

Furthermore, Mr Thompson alleges in the legal letters that the public prosecutor used his government email address to discuss the private renovations.

The building dispute comes as Mr Drumgold’s conduct in the Lehrmann case is examined as part of wider independent review into how the Higgins’ rape allegations were handled.


he’s a prize prick…. if he gets taken down properly that would be a good thing


lol – sometimes typos are more appropriate than the correction.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

I now believe that someone somewhere has deliberately selected this story for promotion and amplification throughout the media, as a politicial smear excercise 

This is always the case for a political smear story, and they aren’t a new thing…

Agent 47

Ah Dreyfus. Another small hat.


https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2744.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/274c.svgDoc Jamiehttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/274c.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2744.svg

Replying to @OcarinaJones
“Any semen from the alleged rape would still be present & could be identified on the couch.

Even the white dress, if it was washed only once or twice would provide semen.

No evidence was ever put forward that semen belonging to Lehrmann was ever located.

It was all a lie.”


lehrmann’s defamation case will be a lucrative action huh?

what’s he gunna be scared of? truth defence? ..bring it.


Discovery will be the issue. When he was a defendant in the criminal matter, he didn’t have to say anything as was his right. However, if he does take defamation action he will end up being crossexamined on the stand.

There is some chatter that Bruce is being charged with a separate rape incident in Queensland, so stirring up discussion regarding media defamation may be a ploy to delay or claim a jury would be too biased against him.


There is some chatter that Bruce is being charged with a separate rape incident in Queensland

wat really

never heard of it


fuck wow really

maybe he really did do it after all lol who knows

we’ll find out what the truth is soon enough


we’ll find out what the truth is soon enough

And how exactly do you think that will happen?


yeah wow … ya google search shows nowt

Aussie Soy Boy

This is like Assange stealthing some chick


what do you mean


Wow! That is interesting – if he has prior form then it becomes an entirely different matter.


initially I saw date rape drugs in the mix…
uncorroborated tho’.


I’m with you Stevie, my first thoughts as well. Boring episode of ugly people not even rooting properly, with more white (female middle class) noise around it

Coming is spot on as well. Why in fucks name would a third rate political hack get dinner with Malcom and Lucy Turnbull and at that time?

The explanation for the Labor Mean Girls reappearing with their attacks in the Senate? Wong is deceiving in that you can assume by her career etc that she’s just an average turd, not real smart and not very good, but jeez she’s got a real evil streak to her.

That chatter I think related to a Townsville court matter? Was a story that a ‘high profile’ person up in court there a while ago but nothing came of it.

The other lie about steam cleaning the office to remove evidence is funny too. The Leftards have been driving that conspiracy theory like the Cookers they are. Seems a standard office clean and was 3 days before Reynolds was notified. Strange that with forensics being what they are that nothing came up?



‘The settlement was well below the reported figure the media has run with – let alone beyond it?’

‘I’m going to have to start taking legal action against media outlets.’

why not simply tell us how much then britt?


coz she can “start taking legal action against media outlets.”

grift business model 101


Sharaz is a silly little fuckhead, offering Papparazzi opportunities to photograph his proposal, then strangely getting muddled up when ‘somebody’ takes a photo of Britts I. A park…

The fat little drama Queen is a source of much unintentional amusement:



stupid cunt hasn’t seen the breaker gathering behind… you’re next sharaz you arsehole


Not the only stupid cunt either…

There’s lots who refuse to believe anything else than what they’ve been told to think.

Check out this moron, grand stands above cancelling her newspaper subscription then fesses up to have paid for 4 without knowing…this is the calibre of genius on the Left.


Not sure of the context here, but are they promoting concentration camps for Russians in Ukraine?

That will be another awkward moment for all the pro war Leftards.



Real democratic hours

Agent 47



Nice find. Quote is from this article – https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/feb/19/australias-housing-crisis-how-rba-interest-rate-hikes-are-pushing-families-closer-to-the-edge

Sanjeev also claims to be making $250k in capital gains a year, yet is upset by the RBA rate rises. With his debts, would assume his repayments have gone up around 12k a month. With 8 IPs, he’d need an average $350/week rent increase to cover it.



The South Bondi hub, for example, was losing $13.36 per order in March 2022 and $12.88 in June. Other hubs show similar losses. In Surry Hills it was losing $10.37. Orders at the South Yarra Milkrun hub in Melbourne lost the company an average of $13.39 each that month.

Clearly a victim of lack of skilled migrants. Had they waited for Albo to open the immigration floodgates there would have been an adequate supply of migrants skilled at surviving on $2 per hour. Business would be booming.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

there’s probably 60% more cafes than there needs to be

if u cant stay in business without dodgy migrant workers then time to shut down buddy boyo


Cafe’s use a cleverer business model. Prospective Indian migrants pay a visa cost equivalent to two years pay + migration agent fee in exchange for guaranteed two years sponsorship. They effectively work for free for two years to obtain sponsorship and then PR.


The business model was entirely based on exploitation of the delivery people, just as Amazon is. There’s no capacity for margins on their buying power, because they have none.

Yet the Millenials etc love these companies.

Sane with Uber and any other tech co with delivery or otherwise friction less model. They rely solely on the User choosing not to give a fuck at how the other person is treated.

I saw an Amazon CDC in UK where the toilets were 15 mins walk from one end of the warehouse, so the pick and packers just piss in bottles on their shifts. If they don’t have good packing times (per unit) they don’t get a shift.

The ACTU, Left and young EZFKA all realise but just don’t give a shit.


uber and lyft are unlicensed taxi companies w a sneaky app attached so they can pretend to be tech


Serves the taxi monopoly right…
half a million $$$ for a licence to operate a taxi is ridiculous.


ikr?…. stunned


Leith – what a Trojan!

Ultimately, high population growth (immigration) is a direct policy choice, and one that most Australians do not support.

If policy makers genuinely want to fix Australia’s housing crisis, they must start by moderating population growth so that demand better matches supply.



goes alright that prick!

Aussie Soy Boy

First photo of Brit enjoying Surfers Paradise.

comment image


would love to find a lump of ambergris someday



Show us all the receipts Britt

Here are her diary entries, leaked by the Australian

Monday, March 8 – ‘4Corners Porter/Kate’ and ‘J-Bish interview’.
Tuesday, March 9 – ‘Laura Tingle dinner’ and ‘Katharine Murphy’.
Wednesday, March 10 – ‘4 Corners Chat’ and ‘Lunch w Sam Maiden’.
Thursday, March 11 – ‘wrote speech for women’s march’.
Friday, March 12 – ‘AFP visit and more statement’ 
Saturday, March 13 – ‘Dinner + Drinks with Lucy and Malcolm’ and a black arrow pointing to ‘Lisa and Pete dinner’
Sunday, March 14 – ‘Fly to CBR’ and ‘Newspoll ALP 51 Lead’ with the ’51’ circled.

Does this look like the diary of a severely distressed rape victim


There’s a skills shortage in people to defend mass immigration online, they can bring in people from overseas to do it



how many people do you think are going to try to claim abo ancestry in the next 5-10 years?

It would be a good little consulting business to set up helping people establish it


Surely it amounts to fraud if it can be shown he obtained financial advantage etc?

I have some first hand experience of a scam of Indigenous grifting, working on a development project where the site came up on a register of potential Aboriginal artefacts (?!), first issue is the mapping and register is an absolute crock. No checks, just blind acceptance that one time an Aboriginal may have walked on the site basically. How that gets narrowed down to a specific geolocation is beyond me, but we had to do a test dig on the site and get it cleared for the planning approval. To do that, we had to pay a local Elder $1,500 a day (15 years ago) to ‘oversee’. Took 4 days for a consultant on hands and knees to hand excavate / scrape the area. Uncle Jim or whatever didn’t attend after the first day, we got the invoice straight away though after day 4…nothing found, imagine that?


i say if youre not 1/4th at least you cant claim it


i say if youre not 1/4th at least you cant claim it

Thats RAY CYST!!!!


I reckon unless you live in a humpy , gotta be a minimum half caste, and born before 2000.


In b4 they bar releases at any time forever


allowing lump sum withdrawals was always a stupid idea if it was meant to provide retirement income.
The banks may end up in a wee bit of bother if people can’t withdraw lump sum any more to pay down the mortgage though.


I had an argument with my dopey Green voting neighbour about how I thought super was a scam and it should be abolished. He assured me it was good because it took pressure off the pension system. Cut to two years later, he retires and uses a super lump sum to add a second storey to his house and is now on the pension.


yes well…. “did someone say efficient use of capital?”


But pensions are means tested?

Being a typical Green I guess he’s using a Family Trust or something like the Green leaders…



You could be living in a $100m harbourside mansion and still be eligible for the pension.

Asset types – Age Pension – Services Australia

We include most real estate assets you own in your assets test. This generally doesn’t include your principal home and up to the first 2 hectares of land it’s on.
We include any real estate you:

rent outleave vacant for any amount of time, such as a holiday homelet someone else live in for free.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

As one’s PPOR isn’t included in the means test, reducing your asset base by shovelling funds into PPOR improvements has been a common strategy for ages.

A couple can have non-PPOR assets worth 935,000 and still get a part-pension.


I don’t see younger generations complaining about this, as they stand to gain the most by inheritance if their parents aren’t forced to dip into their nest egg.


He assured me it was good because it took pressure off the pension system.

He assured you it;s good because he was benefitting from it…


Amazed that more aren’t alarmed at this muppet and the Labor grabbing at Super.

I personally didn’t like the early access, but where does Chalmers show it was disastrous? Where’s the proof? He makes the claim multiple times with no facts or figures.

From the article: The proposed definition is: ‘The objective of super is to preserve savings to deliver income for a dignified retirement, alongside government support, in an equitable and sustainable way’

Why should it have to be “in an equitable and sustainable way”?

That is a classic legalese tweak to then have Labor say Super funds “have” to invest in government projects they want to move off the books.

Blind Frederick can see those project’s delivering really poor returns for the kidnapped funds, so the situation gets worse for the EZFKA population and more are pushed onto the pension.

The inevitable move from Labor will be to clamp down more and more on freedom of SMSF’s. Labor clearly despise anyone who wants to make their own decisions or investments.

Chalmers (whose Doctorate was actually a PhD on Paul Keating…seriously) even got his little summer essay wrong.

In his pathetic claim that he wants to “re-make Capitalism” he blamed the Libs for deregulation supposedly being a bad thing, which is contradictory to Keating’s claim the he in fact was responsible for all the deregulation and anything good about the Australian economy in the last 50 years.

Have a look at Chalmers’ influence, a failed socialist economist (?!) in the UK:


The Super funds privately say they are very concerned about this lurch to communist control. Not sure what they can do though.


The Super funds privately say they are very concerned about this lurch to communist control. Not sure what they can do though.
When your entire industry is dependent on legislated compulsory customers what do you expect…



this fat domestic violence survivor has spoken out against it, so I think the ALPs plans are dead in the water now

just play the female victim card and you can veto basically any proposed changes

like I said, if the silicosis victims were female it would have been banned years ago and people jailed


phat wolvy having a swing…..
The board is mostly dominated by individuals who have little expertise in financial markets and/or economic policymaking. And the chairman and CEO of the board are one person: the governor.

The bottom line is that a world of pain is coming. And the jump in Australia’s unemployment rate during the week from 3.5 to 3.7 per cent might have been one of the more recent signs following on from the plunge in public confidence and plummeting asset prices.

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt
Aussie Soy Boy

Lowe in 2021.

The Reserve Bank governor has not ruled out an interest rate rise before 2024, saying it is “dependent on the data not the date”

Don’t forget everyone was still hysterical about COVID then and people thought it would last for years. The country was cut off from the rest of the world, people getting bashed by police for sitting on a park bench, with no end in sight.

Within 12 months everyone just forgot about COVID and moved on to the next thing.


Can remember when Glenn Stevens was in charge of the RBA, Joye was always fairly cocky about being in the know about what was going on with rate cuts. Seems more enraged these days, so have to wonder if he’s been frozen out.



Even a property shill is surprised by Lowe’s diary containing multiple meetings with Meriton.


I’ve been following this peter clack fellow on Twitter, and he had a recent post about how higher temperatures result in higher CO2 levels as it is less soluble in water at higher temps

With regards to Co2/temperature, even the “fact check” protestations aren’t that convincing



Very much reminded me of the protestations here about interest rates and inflation
Everyone insisting that “it is known”

Its very possible the direction of causality is complete opposite of what is expected for both interest rates and CO2


Why is it very possible

At least put in the effort of explaining why you disagree with things rather than just saying you’re not convinced


i’ve done that ad nauseam on this website

this particular post is about the parallels with climate change skepticism


Yeah, about interest rates. Not about climate science

Are you just going to barge into every area of study to say you’re not convinced with no explanation why?

And you call us cookers


on climate science?

I’ve literally just described what the proposed mechanism for increased temp –> higher atmospheric CO2 is in the first sentence of my comment

and then provided links

what else do you want?

In any case, I don’t have any strong feelings or beliefs about it – I am only very superficially informed about climate science and skepticism

I just find it interesting because I’m interested in all heterodox thinking and mass formation psychosis


I don’t protest against the case that higher interest rates could cause inflation, there are clearly scenarios where they could, and the inverse. I protest against your arguments because a) you don’t put any meat on the bone, you just make simplistic statements about a complex system and b) you try to apply this simplistic nonsense to different countries operating under vastly different conditions and c) I just think you’re a sad cunt.


meh i’ve linked plenty of academic papers and explained the mechanisms in more simplistic terms many times

don’t really care because I think you’re dumb anyway


Any published papers, or just some random dudes phd thesis?
Do you understand the difference?


A lot of the supply shortages Coming points to as being induced by high interest rates are mostly or significantly the result of non-interest rate forces anyway.

Companies weren’t investing in new oil and gas projects even before COVID because of all the green stuff. A lot of banks wouldn’t lend for it, your company would wind up on the ESG shitlist, politicians were rattling the sabre and saying they want fossil fuel producers to go bankrupt (https://www.energyindepth.org/biden-nominee-hopes-oil-and-natural-gas-industry-goes-bankrupt/), deposits in stable jurisdictions were becoming more scarce etc. Interest rates can be at any level but very few companies are going to be interested in investing in this environment.

As far as building new rental properties, there would be a closer connection to interest rates, but Australia is still a shitty environment to build new rental housing in. Higher interest rates may still help in reducing finance for pointless jumbo boondoggles like Melbourne’s middle suburbs rail loop and Boomers reno’ing their houses using their massive capital gains, and that could free up some tradies and materials to build new housing. To some extent the horse has bolted because unless interest rates go back to 17%, Boomers who became rich off low interest rates won’t become poor again.

Aussie Soy Boy

Higher rates are working discretionary spending is down, unemployment heading up.


Coming doesn’t care about pointless stuff like “facts” and “Evidence”…

He has complete certainty that the RBA raising interest rates is what made inflation go up, even though inflation went up first.


And prices up

Mission Accomplished



thought this was funny for you guys

you were all certain it was mRNA (and the lipid that was the problem here
even though covid itself is an mRNA virus

but it turns out that Novavax also causes myocarditis/pericarditis

This proves to me that the vaccine and the virus are roughly the same thing, and if you’re scared of one you should be scared of both

So I should have quit my job just to avoid the virus (12 months prior to the vaccine even arriving)

does anyone have any cooker theories to dispute this?

the retard who wrote the article now has shifted blame to the “spike protein” but of course the virus and the vaccines both display the same spike protein (otherwise the vaccines wouldn’t do anything) so not sure how that is supposed to be any different either


So your theory is if the virus is going to cause problems then we should have the vax to cause the problems first, because even if we have the vax it still wont stop us getting the virus and the associated problems, so you increase the risk for no real benefit…


Please do some of your objective analysis on South Africa. I am keen to know what was causing all these excess deaths.


Does SA provide that info for looking at? Even The UK didn;t last time I looked.They just provided vax vs not, but they’ve stopped that now too.


Do you think there is a possibility of it being anything else other than the virus? Maybe people suiciding on a large scale as their loved ones died from the virus?


It could be anything. but suicide would probably not be included in ” (natural) ” deaths.


That would be true if they had the resources to perform autopsies.


If they aren’t accurately recording cause of death then what is causing the excess deaths is unknowable…


Lol at relying on bjw for your advanced epidemiology needs


You think people in the UK are starving?


this could be the cooker equivalent of when the mainstream media blames the excess deaths on something absurd like gas stoves or transphobia or whatever

anything to avoid having to admit that covid actually kills people

but I think you’re at least acknowledging that lockdown and the consequent economic and social disruption that followed (the most profound since WW2) has made the largest contributions

as a poor and black country South Africa was not well placed to cope with global as well as local upheavals

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

The governments *know what is causing the excess deaths. They literally have all the data.

*in at least a general sense, cancer, heart problems malnutrition, freezing to death, etc.
Yet the UK Gov officially blamed a lack of access to prescription medicine for the excess deaths when all the evidence says that didn’t happen…


That last sentence is exactly what I was thinking.

The UK and Europe are showing similar excess deaths, as well as the US and australia and….

Last edited 1 year ago by bjw678

interesting that out of the 4 countries you have selected, the greatest excess deaths are correlated with the lowest vaccination rate

South Africa –> USA –> UK –> Australia


I look at that data and for the last year, and SA is the lowest by far…


You can’t avoid mRNA

covid virus is mRNA

you could have avoided all unknown risks by also not being exposed to the virus

so did you do that ?

lock yourself down ?

all I’m asking is if the cookers are consistent


coming can only beat a strawman,
he can’t even beat one of sticks so the big bad wolf is one up on him.
He also doesn;t seem smart enough to understand what people are actually saying.


Must be one of those days where best case coming reaches the contradiction level of the pyramid which is basically as high as it gets, as opposed to his usual ad hominem level.


There has never been a question that the vaccine is dangerous
and should never have been mandated

the question is what should one be willing to sacrifice in order to avoid it

the answer is : not much

(of course if you live in a meth shack in broken hill and don’t have a job then it’s a simple choice to not get the jab)

the same applies to the virus

the cookers (and covidiots) like to pretend that one or the other is a death sentence

the excess deaths, in reality, are largely the result of breakdowns in social systems and healthcare systems and economies as a result of lockdown and hysteria

as much as both groups would like to convince us that it’s the virus/vaccine


That sounds more like an emotional justification than a rational one

which has been characteristic of everybody since early 2020


certainly of you cumsplat. What is your rationale for believing a breakdown of medical treatment is causing the excess deaths?


you aren’t a martyr


do you wear a helmet when you’re on your bike?

or have you just stopped riding it

either way you were bullied into it

similarly, if you stopped working or doing what you wanted to do because you refused to comply with vaccine mandates, then you were also bullied into it

that’s life

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

, the question of declining the jab or not was not merely about the relative peril of the virus or the vaccine. I didn’t refuse a vaccine, I refused to be bought. Luckily I owned enough of myself to make that call. Not everyone can.


I had my sleeves rolled up for Astra Zenga until they made it mandatory… at which point all my concerns (which were there but I had them suppressed) became proven right and I had only one choice: to protect my body from unknowns that come with jabbadabba and take risk of the bad flu should it come my way,


the excess deaths, in reality, are largely the result of breakdowns in social systems and healthcare systems and economies as a result of lockdown and hysteria

except all the evidence says that was a lie when the UK health department tried to use it as a reason…
Unless you have some sort of evidence of it, beyond the gov says so so it must be true.


why does south africa have the most excess deaths, but the least vaccination?


is it the vaxxed or unvaxed who are dying in excess?

but very good dodging of the question when it’s inconvenient.

Last edited 1 year ago by bjw678

answer my question first


from march 2022 on South africa is hovering the closest to 0% excess deaths of all of them. so your question is invalid and based on an incorrect assumption.


so the death rate went down massively after vaccinations were introduced?

In fact, almost to zero
after they vaccinated nearly half the population?

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

if thats what you take from that….
It’s like trying to teach a pig to sing…


what do you mean take from it

that is an undisputable fact – the excess death rate in SA fell dramatically after the vaccines were introduced, essentially to zero

how would you explain it?


How would you explain they didn’t in the 100 other countries with higher vax rates? It clearly isn’t because of the vax or the other countries would have fallen further. That is undisputable.


come on son, it fell in the USA too at exactly the same time

probably other countries im not aware of too

interpretations are never indisputable, only facts




are you laughing at your own stupidity?

I’m only using the data from the link you yourself provided


are you laughing at your own stupidity?

I’m only using the data from the link you yourself provided

I’m laughing at the fact you can’t fix stupid. You have claimed that data shows both an increase and a decrease in different posts.
If I knew your real name I would be suggesting the Medical authorities have a serious look at your abilities given you can’t even tell if data is increasing or decreasing.

I imagine you are one of those indian dr’s with a whole heap of available appointments when all the others are booked out because even people of below average intelligence can work out you have no idea what you are doing…


what do you mean take from it

that is an undisputable fact – the excess death rate in SA fell dramatically after the vaccines were introduced, essentially to zero

how would you explain it?

By the same logic Aus would have negative excess deaths because jab acceptance is >95%

One valid explanation for excess death reduction in RSA is that not enough were jabbed to increase excess deaths, that they opened up thus many in need of health assistance could, mental conditioning…. to name a few.
An coincidence is not equal to a correlation


How can 40% vaccinated not be enough to increase excess deaths ?

how can 70% vaccinated in USA also not be enough to significantly increase excess deaths there in the same post vax period?

why is there a magic threshold where it suddenly becomes Russian roulette?

large population effects are deterministic not stochastic

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

large population effects are deterministic not stochastic

Given you can;t even tell if a graph is increasing or decreasing I am certain you have no idea what that means…
Ad virtually nothing in medicine is deterministic.


I was driven by your logic that if 40% jabbadabba in RSA brought excess deaths to 0 then 95% of jabbadabba should’ve brought at least the same or even reduce excess deaths.

Of course, the claim that 40% jabbadabba brought RSA a new 0 excess mortality is silliness galore. Something else was in play and I only offered some of many plausible explanations – as more logical options.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Vaccinated are the ones dying according to the data.


lol, hate the dismembering a post to make a point, I find it a lazy and easy method of lesser minds… sometimes this is the only way possible that makes sense without going a long way

There has never been a question that the vaccine is dangerous

and should never have been mandated


the question is what should one be willing to sacrifice in order to avoid it

the answer is : not much

the proverbial “not even wrong” hence it cannot be debunked as wrong…

the question is why was it made a false choice, why a wast number of people had to be compelled with a gun pointed at the temple – to “protect” themselves with an experimental gene therapy – from an illness at a point in time we all learned it is as dangerous as influenza or rabititis, or chickenitis.

(of course if you live in a meth shack in broken hill and don’t have a job then it’s a simple choice to not get the jab)

Nonsense, a man’s health is the choices of what a man puts in his body. Own temple and sheet.
Unless you are jabbed against every single jabbable disease in this world, you’d fall into this category, pending a mandate from Dan and the ilk.
Why did/did not you get a jab for monkeyPox?

the same applies to the virus

the cookers (and covidiots) like to pretend that one or the other is a death sentence

no one thinks of it that way, only that jabbadabba gives you a compulsory ticket for a game of never-stopping bingo and your number may come up for the prize, sooner or later. For the rest of us… we get to root for you, or not… it feels to be unPfizered right now, The compulsory genetic therapy was a catalyst to expose bad employers…

the excess deaths, in reality, are largely the result of breakdowns in social systems and healthcare systems and economies as a result of lockdown and hysteria

LOL…. say that 100 times every morning and 50 times every evening before sleep and you may begin to believe it. Of course, it cannot be because the genetic therapy which did sfa for what it was forcefully mandated and no one knows it long term (counter)effects.

tick-tock…it feels good to be unPfizerred


Yep. Feels good, man!


right then.. these bleating morons can fuck off and die…there’s no mitigating circumstance with this.
you recklessly generate dry silica dust , you’re the fucking problem



who are you telling to fuck off and die in this instance

the journalist?
the tradies?
the propadee investors?


the dumarse tradies
edit ….the mitigations have been available for a century

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

Becoming a tradie seems pretty dumb as it is, we have to protect these people or else we won’t have any left


you don’t want ’em if they’re that dumb


I don’t agree with that stance. I was designing and cutting kitchens part-time whilst studying between ages 16-21. I was coughing up bits of carcinogenic mdf for many months after quitting that job despite being aware of the dangers and wearing a mask. These guys don’t have the luxury of switching careers.


and I’m an ex underground hard rock miner / fitter shitkicker …no excuses from me .


if it was women who did this job, we would never hear the end of it and albo would be crying on national television


the safe work standards are known.. p19 sect.7
very simple stuff


meanwhile.. this shit is happening

failing to prevent the use of vacuum cleaners, high-pressure air and brooms to dust off floors, work clothes, tools and off-cuts from benchesfailing to adopt wet processes and wet hand tools instead of dry processes, including dry-cutting and grinding methodshttps://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-16/workers-in-tasmania-exposed-to-risk-of-silicosis/100625756

fuck around like that on this side of the paddock and someone gets proper crook then bossman be dancing with workplace manslaughter laws

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

Yes and go to parties with no panties and you won’t get raped

Didn’t excuse Brucey though did it


I’m beginning to suspect brucey is gunna be ok out of this shit…watching

Aussie Soy Boy

I don’t understand how they didn’t go out and just find another job when they have a silica paste forming in their mouth.

Of course, the employers should be held accountable, but you have to prioritise your own health and not put yourself in dangerous situations.


it’s too stupid for words..
can’t breath that shit if its wet. and a mask costs 80 odd dollars

and the headline ffs…. killer benchtops 😂
on a happier note any sizeable off cuts of engineered stone are knife sharpeners par excellence

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

In the UK, Clearing roads of snow is now sexist…it’s unfair to women if they make the roads driveable apparently.



Imagine how many services you could cut if you characterise them as benefiting straight white men. The possibilities are endless.

Aussie Soy Boy

Super was brought in for the legacy Australians that spend their pay packet on smokes, piss, pokies, ice, food and vet bills for the pitbull/rottweiler, high interest car loan for car that was totalled two years ago. The kind of dummies that think a pension will support them in old age because ‘I paid my taxes all my life’.

Instead it just turned in to a tax dodge for high income earners.


From what I’ve heard in financial media, it was a rich person thing to start, then made mandatory for everyone.


Super was brought in for the legacy Australians that spend their pay packet on smokes, piss, pokies, ice, food and vet bills for the pitbull/rottweiler


never change mate

that being said this aint true its obvious super was brought in to enrich paul keatings dodgy rich mates / keating himself

think of all the antique clocks and faberige eggs its allowed him to buy

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Wow yes you just get it

my mother is constantly telling me she paid taxes all her life

Never mind that she took much more in free shit than the she ever paid, like all boomers


super is a con the average super balance is what, 300k what the hell is that going to do to help people in retirement boomers burn through that in a year and a half or so



enough to buy a caravan or a round the world cruise before sponging off the public for the next 20 years

glad I made only minimum contributions as it’s clear they are going to nerf it now that the boomers have taken their fill


Instead it just turned in to a tax dodge for high income earners.

It was always a tax dodge for high income earners. The low income earners don;t have tax to dodge or the means to dodge it.
And saving 10% of fuck all gets you fuck all…



classic aussie white trash type event

they need to have their dogs and cats taken away from them for the good of all society

Would have been much better if we had eaten those dogs like the asians do, rather than vice versa


Given your complete lack of logical skills, reasoning and strict adherence to dogma I think you should have your medical licence revoked “for the good of all society”…

Aussie Soy Boy

Those breeds should be culled. Owners held criminally responsible as if the garbage dog is an extension of the legacy Australian’s body.


I think they should cull anything bigger than a certain weight/muzzle size limit
shot on sight

here are the latest shark disasters



doubt the government will ever act
they let migrants and dogs kill innocent people, so why not let sharks do it as well

Aussie Soy Boy

‘Only a matter of time before they attack humans’, then releases the pregnant shark back into the water.



all rottweiliers should be banned

frankly dogs are dangerous period unless theyre toy dogs like chiwawas, i dont think people should be allowed to own them

the amount of times i get menaced by dogs from behind a fence is fucked

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

fair call ..you haven’t got work for the dogs no dogs for you


ownership of a large/aggressive dog is almost flawlessly correlated with being a piece of shit human being too

low level criminal/bogan/small-dicked

Aussie Soy Boy

The muslims get a lot of things right, especially with regards to dogs and women.

Every house with a dog in it has a foul stench.

The muslims make women where veils so they can’t flutter their eyelashes or let their cleavage hang out to get what they want from men. It’s quite ingenious. True equality among men and women.


it isnt even just the big ones, the middle sized ones too and even the little ones try to menace your ass but theyre harmless bc theyre too small to do anything, its still annoying as fuck to have a tiny little dog run out of a yard youre walking past on the sidewalk to try to nip at you

it isnt even just bogans, middle/upper middle class losers dont have time for their dogs so they get agitated/bored shitless and will bark and chase and menace any homie just trying to walk past minding their own business

i dont know how this is supposed to make society a more enjoyable or pleasant place. i just want to chill and enjoy a walk not be annoyed by psycho dogs every second fucking house, fuck off

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s true it’s a problem across every caste of legacy Australian. It makes some parks just no go zones late afternoon.


The rich people dogs are usually very friendly but they just shit and piss everywhere and bark

I’m reluctant to sit on grass at parks now

have a fucking kid for christs sake don’t leave it to the bogans and muslims alone

Aussie Soy Boy

‘Nah mate she’s a friendly dog she never bites you must have did something to get her agitated’


what i want to do to dogs who bark at me when im on the sidewalk



When the news of Albo’s mass immigration replacement hits…



They’re saying it themselves, are they going to in-cancel Kanye now…?



Every last one of them should be put on an Island and forbidden under pain of death for ever leaving.


The most incompetent cop ever Shane Patton is now pushing puff pieces in friendly left wing media.

Weak pricks can’t even say “African” in the whole article, Vic Pol are so PC pissweak they call them “teens” like there’s a horde of white kids suddenly in gangs rampaging around…Fark Vic Pol are so gay it’s embarrassing, they must miss the Lockdowns when they could bash young girls for not wearing a mask.



February 21, 2023 at 8:51 am
I’ve been told by someone in the know that RBA is going to be over ruled about hiking rates 
I’ve also been told by a very good source that banks have been told to give very big variable discounts as fixed rates expire 
They are also going to do unprecedented things now in planning to try to stop the carnage 
Won’t make any difference with what’s ahead but they’ll try.


predicting 85 of the last 0 housing crashes…


he’s not totally wrong, just not right either.
perhaps “not right enough” for his views to materialise. Steve Keen moment of discounting irrational in .gov.au decision making (or to be precise: quite rational for a certain group of people).


I assume you aren;t familiar with his predictions.

Complete collapse of the entire banking system is mere months away. He is totally wrong.


fk the rba, whats the fomc up to?


He’s gone completely off his meds

although I am kind of concerned about a vicious interest rate rise – inflation spiral
chance is not zero imo

February 22, 2023 at 6:59 am
All of above and more.
The sad thing is that I think we could see 30% interest rate very late this decade
I even said 3/4 years ago that RBA would become irrelevant
Guess we are seeing the early stages 
Government will own the banks, control interest rates (take over RBA), rental price caps etc ……..the list goes on
Government will be the biggest employer 
I’m hearing maybe 5 years out, parts of super confiscated, land lords with too many properties will have some confiscated. I thought this process could be done as the government owns the banks they can take ownership of property that way to house people 
especially with labor 
I can’t see how there won’t be bail ins ……maybe not first time, but if banks bailev out they’ll just crash.


bonds absolutely smashed overnight/this morning

I’m legit worried this is an inflationary spiral lol

no idea what to do now

Agent 47

The Fairfax fags with their usual steam valve piece talking about migration and then return to normal programming tomorrow with another spruik


Aussie Soy Boy

That’s some good quality trolling. I’m impressed.

but I think that it must generally take an incel (bitter at womankind + los of free time) to undertake this



remember when Venice was going to sink underwater along with all the pacific islands

well now the canals have run dry

I like how they have labelled it as “extreme weather events”


“Scientists remain uncertain when this will happen. Guestimates range from anywhere between five and 500 years.” lolol

“Once it lets go, the researchers say it will trigger sea levels to rise by about 65cm within 100 years.” zzzzz..😴


venice is apparently tourist infested dump now

Aussie Soy Boy

It is convenient how Europe has had such an unseasonably warm winter. We know rainfall can be induced and the yanks used cloud seeding in the Vietnam War to extend the monsoon season, induce even more catastrophie because carpet bombing, napalm and mass rape wasn’t enough I guess.


putins big address today, going to watch it live. dont know what itll be about though and i suspct nothing will be announced but it could be surprising.


tell me you’re an incel without telling me you’re an incel


you mean posting on this site


cant imagine anyone here getting a lot of puss


Lol – like the truck he is definitely persistent.

I do admire (relate to?) his tenacity in terms of happily arguing with everyone when he feels he is correct, and feeling under no compulsion to agree.

I suppose disagreeableness is a personality trait to which I can relate.


Problem is that he’s boomerposting shit on par with “it snowed outside, climate change is bullshit”.

Contrarianness is interesting but it needs to be higher IQ than that to add any value.


I mean you couldn’t even comprehend my basic explanation of CO2 saturation in water, so is it worth discussing anything with you


The absorption rate is directly proportional to the CO2 partial pressure at the gas–liquid interface

ie, the more co2 in the atmosphere, the more that ill be absorbed by water.



I don’t see the point of people coming here to circle jerk about the vaccine apocalypse and how great white Aussies are

if there are no contrasting views, then what is the point?

Could probably just get an AI bot to agree with you, and upvote all the retarded takes

Its funny also because the people using this site would like to imagine themselves as contrarians and independent thinkers, but if I wasn’t here (and maybe to some extent soyboy and stagmal) it would be the biggest echo chamber imaginable far worse than MB which at least has fishing72 and reusa and bcnich


cant imagine anyone here getting a lot of puss

speak for yourself…


pretty confident I can speak for you on this one too, champ


Soyou admit you aren’t getting any?


married with kids

you have a girlfriend? BMI?


given your bs on everything else why would I believe you aren;t just making shit up?


why are you asking me questions then?


HSBC quarterly profits near-double
HSBC said quarterly profits almost doubled, driven by the rise in global interest rates, and unveiled a special dividend. The Asia-focused bank reported pretax earnings of $5.2bn, up from $2.7bn

who’s long banks?


Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

another example of interest rate rises being inflationary

oh well


because increasing interest rates will never cause banks to make losses?


Those bank profits are someone else’s expenses, and that someone else is probably a pleb who might actually spend the money, rather than a bank shareholder who already has enough money for 10 lifetimes.

This would be deflationary.


banks make profits from IOR, which is actually money created from nothing, not somebody else’s expenses

the real definition of inflation is (or used to be) an increase in the money supply

but in any case, you can see woolworths profits posted just below this
I’m pretty sure plebs shop at woolworths dont they

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Loan originations are way down thanks to low interest rates, so inflation by your definition will be way down too.

But as long as number go up somewhere, isn’t that inflation????????


Its down from last year which was an absolutely absurd frenzy that lasted while TFF was on

Still well above what it was prior to 2021 or any other historical period

Also you are including refinancing

Additionally, its a stock vs flow
IOR is 3.35% on all existing ES balances, and looking to go much higher

But in addition to all that it has downstream effects on velocity (increases it), across all financial products and deposits


who’s long staple retailers?

Coles profit up 17% Woolworths profit up 14% – IN ONE YEAR !. h/t tezza



not to worry, raising interest rates will fix this


Testing, testing, my new posts aren’t displaying :[

