Victoria is Australia’s first failed state and voting isn’t going to save the country

My rambling two cents on the Victorian election that no-one asked for:

Not surprised there was a Danslide really. We even made a post on the Twitter account insinuating this and the VEC was wasting everyone’s time when they weren’t getting us fact checked. Melbournians are largely self-loathing pussies and that was rabidly on display during COVID (regional Victoria still has some balls left). Change the licence plate to Victoria – Govern Me Harder Daddy and be done with it.

That being said, there was a swing away from the ALP especially in stronghold seats and Dan apparently only managed 37% of the primary vote, 6% more than Albo. So 60% of the state didn’t want him but here we are. Then we have all the Greens and Teal tossers wanting free shit on top of a state in record debt, which means California 2.0 here we come.

The funniest part is going to watch a Premier who can’t go anywhere in public trying to govern. Will he do a Zelensky and do the whole thing behind a green screen?

Victoria is going to be Australia’s first failed state and already is. I’m glad I don’t live in that shithole but it is paralleling Weimar Germany – massive debt, inflation, failing infrastructure, rampant degeneracy, social decay, Jews ruining things (Melbourne another rootless cosmopolitan global city), increasing crime, disenfranchised youth and lack of community cohesion.

Victoria produces nothing. It’s deindustrialisation was complete ages ago and now it’s importing third worlders to get mortgages, sign up to bullshit courses and deliver food to those who still have disposable income because it produces nothing else – it’s the economic zone within the economic zone.

Melbourne is becoming Australia’s Detroit and Victoria is California.

As for the vote fixing allegations, whatever but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s true and I don’t really believe in electoral integrity anymore. The ALP recently fixed the Moreland Council election, so much so that they renamed the council to Merribek so people would hopefully forget. Not much of a stretch to rig a few local electorates but who knows. Australians believe the myth that pencil and paper can’t be manipulated, when LBJ was fixing elections in the 50’s in Texas. Much like our ‘better banking regulation’ myth that the Hayne Royal Commission shattered.

On the other side of the coin, the LNP should fuck off and die permanently. Whether there has been a genuine subversion of the LNP the last 20 years or whether it’s just dumb shit private school types and boomers who are too afraid of what other people think of them to say what they really think contributing to the demise, I’d say it’s both.

One thing is for sure is there is no genuine conservative, nationalist political party advocating for white (legacy) Australians. The LNP are now out chasing the votes of Indians and Chinese who don’t give a fuck about the host culture (whites from Europe) who formed the country that they now are looking to take a piece of themselves. They see it as a smash and grab as much as the LNP and their Jewish donors do. You think corruption in Australia is bad now? Wait until Indians have more influence in our institutions, if they don’t blow them up first. You haven’t seen real corruption yet.

All we’re going to get from the Sky Jews crowd and Spectator crowd is how the LNP needs to do this and that to no avail – ie gay, moderate, centrist Turnbull shit they’ve been doing for the last decade. Fuck them, they’re already dead and their corporate masters can go kill themselves as far as I’m concerned.

I will say all the freedom grifters like Topher Field and Joel Jammal who were good during the lockdowns and COVID have completely shat the bed and are still advocating their ‘make sure you vote even harder and below the line’ nonsense which doesn’t work. Stop coping and get over it guys.

There is also the issue of demographic change and mass immigration on voting patterns which the grifters refuse to discuss, which both the majors are wedded to and we’re now starting to see the associated problems with. Multiculturalism is just accelerating balkanisation, and the choice of candidate by major parties reflective of the demographic make up of that electorate is a hilarious indictment on the whole thing.

I laughed exceptionally hard when they crossed to Caufield electorate and literally every party’s candidate was Jewish – from ‘right’ to extreme left. Funny as fuck.

Essentially, we are staring down the barrel of a total one-party state. NSW will go red next year thanks to fags like Matt Kean, leaving only Tassie until 2024 when it’s their turn to bend over. The only silver lining of that is the ‘muh democracy’ fags will get a taste of the historical reversion to mean.

All in all, voting isn’t going to save the country and it’s now just a sad cope for someone else to ride to their rescue. Australians have to do it themselves if they want to resurrect their country. It can be done; it just means the cost of said redemption is now huge and most don’t have the stomach for especially if their house price is affected.

That being said, I agree with GAB’s Andrew Torba that the best hope is to build a parallel economy locally and take control of local councils. This has more chance in the regions and isn’t an easy ask as they are trying to destroy farmers and flood the regions with migrants. Parallel economy moves are already underway and eventually they will try to destroy it, so either way I think conflict is baked in and it’s wise to prepare for it.

There’s nowhere else to go, this thing is global so running/moving away isn’t going to solve anything. In my opinion, we either have a crack at trying to fix it or it implodes completely. Canada now is what awaits us in 6 months ™ on our current trajectory. Things are going to get even worse which ironically is just what a lot of people need.

TL;DR voting is waste of time, the other v word is the only historically proven method to get regime change and will re-emerge at some point.

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Made the same comment in the previous thread but I think dom has a chance to win NSW

he was fucking masterful at getting us out of the Covid clusterfuck

and nsw is probably the least cucked state, since qld went full greenie homo

teals will obviously take some of the eastern suburbs off him
paying $2.50 and $1.50 for labor so it’s still anybody’s race


he was a strong driving force he deserves credit for the courage he had he really accelerated it but itd of happened anywy. what truly broke the covid camel was omicron and the vax failure imo, started completely falling apart around dec 2021.

according to ppl i know no one was adhering to the last vic lockdown in 2021, it mostly had lost its power by then.


ABC and smh were calling him a murderer how quickly you all forget

the luvvies at MB were absolutely hyperventilating .

that fucking cunt Kerry chant refused to attend press conferences with him

Murdoch had his fucking back though , and that was enough

now of course everybody wants to pretend none of this happened

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

i kno

he was ahead of the curve but it was going to happen in the next 2-3 months anyway, he did bring it forward though so good for him

the most important thing was everyone realising what alex berenson was saying in mid 2021 that the vaxxes stop working pretty fast and that there was no getting “out” of covid

so everyone gave up


Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal

It absolutely was not going to happen in the next 2-3 months

Dan Andrews had to be dragged kicking and screaming to end his lockdowns

it was only the NSW experience (of absolutely nothing bad happening) that left him with no choice

at which point he did a complete 180 and tried to make it seem like it was all his idea

fucking McGowan kept it going for another fucking 6 months and that mad qld bitch too, what the fuck are you even talking about

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

bull shit

it was pretty much winding down, omicron killed it

WA is a special case bc those ppl are fucking isolated and never had experienced it, it took actual widespread contact to realise

1) the vaxxes didnt work that well

2) it wasnt that bad anyway

once people went through these two realisations it was all over red rover

there was no putting a lid on omicron its too contagious,


The media was literally calling him a murderer

the polls were also against it so the majority of the population also considered him a murderer

you have just fucking wiped the entire clown period from your memory

I’ve never seen a political decision that courageous in my entire lifetime

nobody “realised” any of the shit you are saying
many of them still haven’t

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming
Agent 47

Not hopeful but if the NSW LNP win then it can buy some time at best. But they’re just doing the speed limit.

You can apply this meme to Labor and LNP as well.


My guess is that Dom should hang on.

Don’t have as many contacts in Sydney, but they haven’t had much to complain about Dom even the ones who were very anti-Gladys/anti-Morrison. Was a bit of anger around the Barilaro scandal, but will probably be forgotten by next year.


The guy who said we had to have a million migrants pronto to make up for lost time as soon as he got the premier’s chair? That’s the only reason he wanted covid over with.


fmd he said that?

sounds like another cuck just like the rest


Another globalist open borders prick like the rest of them, coated in a conservative religious family based schtick


maybe the statue coming wants built of this guy can have him surrounded by bronze figures of third world children


Alternatively it can be build by dodgy Chinese labourers on skilled migrant visas studying some BS degree, and the statue falls apart after 7 years, whilst costing the government $500k to build it

Poetic justice

Last edited 2 years ago by The90kwbeast

i think in 10-15 years from now we’ll pine nostalgically for the days of covid and lockdown after the joint is clogged up with third worlders and subcons

at least then we had some brief moment of sanity regarding the immigration program, just for the wrong reasons

Ben Cowan

Not to worry we can look forward carbon lockdowns coming to a state near you.Covid lock downs was a way to get us ready for the real shit


yeah right

if anything covid lockdowns spent all available political capital so they couldnt be used in a potential crisis that REALLY required them

like imagine a virus or whatever that came along that killed 10% of the population indiscriminately

covid created a boy who cried wolf effect


As opposed to Minns?

or any of the rest of them

at least with scomo and perrotet there’s a better chance they’ll be white and/or Christian


does anyone know much about the voting patterns of migrants in aus? do indians and chinese ppl in aus vote like mexicans and blacks in the u.s? i won’t mourn the end of the liberal party though, they are trash, i don’t even think they’re any better than labor, honestly i can barely tell what the hell the difference is. it’s even more minute than the democrats – republicans distinction in the u.s – labor want bigger carbon footprint reduction i guess? say 40% reduction in 15 years while lnp want like 20% reduction in 20 years. or something. wow. huge difference

normie conservatism is finished in the west imo, it is a dying force and will increasingly die as white boomers etc die off. i’d say good riddance if what is replacing it wasn’t also as or more shit.

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal

In the French election only over 65s backed Macron in any substantial numbers:

They’re pensioners. The establishment can always count on votes from the people whom it pays no questions asked. In Australia this is also achieved by government policies designed to increase the wealth of homeowners.

As new generations who own nothing come into prominence the political system will have to adapt. Racial division and wokeness is one tool, and it’s a lot cheaper than paying out pensions.

When all else fails, the political system can simply form a cartel and refuse to compete on certain policies e.g., immigration. If anti-establishment forces become too popular, parties can be outright banned as may happen to AFD:


australia doesnt have the excuse of other countries though bc of manadatory voting

why the fuck do young ppl who are forced to vote in aus still vote labor or any of the normie parties

Agent 47

I agree on normie conservatism.

You either have to be super hard right or you’re wasting your time. The secular conservatism we’ve seen last 30 years has been a clusterfuck and always ends in progressivism.

One good thing Kanye West did was flush out all the normie conservative gatekeepers when he started talking about cancel culture and Jews. Same applies here.

As for ALP, brining people with their own money works. Disenfranchised millenials here the free shit promises and vote for it not knowing it’s basically tying their own rope.

The taxes in Victoria are going to be spectacular the next few years and as I said below the greens and teals are going to implode trying to justify it all.


Someone should give Kanye Australian citizenship, that white lives matter jumper is proper shit stirring


Apparently 42% of under 24s didn’t vote for the duopoly:

Obviously most of those would have voted for the Greens who aren’t any better.

But I think it still displays a pretty good level of independent thought for the youngest voters.

There are some young voters who actually benefit from Labor policies e.g., tradies. I can’t really fault them for voting a party that wants to throw huge money at them for doing a trade.

But yeah the major parties still have an unfortunate level of support from the younger generations, considering they mostly just screw them with almost every policy.

Ben Cowan

It depends on their citizenship status, if they have citizenship I’d bet they vote labour or green


Lots of Chinese vote is culturally conservative, there was heavy opposition to gay marriage around the Hurstville area which is Chinese. Big Christian component and against the globo cult. Could be useful ally against growing influence of subcontinent and ME immigration.

On a related note, imagine if Lebanon ever won a World Cup match. Sydney would be torched to the ground:


I saw something, but don’t have a link. Was a government website I think, not sure which though.
East Asians generally vote LNP (well Scomo stuffed that up)
European generally vote Labor
Middle Eastern generally vote Labor
Wasn’t definitive for subcontinent.


East Asians generally vote LNP (well Scomo stuffed that up)

gotta be first gen though i cant believe young azn kids raised in aus would vote LNP


Shut up timbo, u limp wrist, neckbearded phag


maggot is back!!!!


Fck up, cuck


dont ban him again hes funny


Stop sucking up to him – he’s my Troll not yours!


Genuine LoL.

Agent 47

My favourite part is going to be the Teals and Greens explaining 60% increases in power prices the next few months.

It’s going to get pretty ugly, house prices aside.

Aussie Soy Boy

Did those goofy looking head girl Teal bitches win anything?


Doesn’t look like any of the Teals won seats. Greens were also celebrating a “Greenslide” but went early and only look like picking up 1 extra seat.


they won free tampons


Sounds like this requires a government income guarantee to the banks for women to ensure property continues to always boom lol


Imagine if house prices were sensible, this article wouldn’t even be relevant.

I was reading an article the other day that more subsidies to child care are great policy and gets women back in the workforce. Not a single mention that astronomical house prices are the reason that both parents have to work. No one asked if both parents wanted to work five days a week or whether they wanted to be part time and spend some time with the kids.


but its a vicious cycle as well, house prices are in part high bc both parets work also

women entering workforce has fucked us in many ways

abolishing parental leave etc is one step to rectifying it

sorry toots U MUST CHOOSE between career and kid U CANNOT HAVE BOTH

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal

I hope dan really does become dicktator and he makes all you homos suck him off before he throws you in the gulag where you will work as forced labour building meriton apartments.

Angus Jung

Pretty sure you dont want me building anything. They call me “Lovers hands” ‘cos I fuck everything I touch.


Are you going for Australian of the Year with opinions like that?


“..the Greens and Teal tossers wanting free shit on top of a state in record debt, which means California 2.0 here we come.”

…and vic defaults…


If Victoria actually produced something of value, then maybe they have a point. But the state deindustrialised and paved over its best farmland. Now all Victoria’s industries are house flipping, coffee sipping and ticket clipping.

Ben Cowan

Noticed a few coments on other platforms alludeing to WEF involvement in the Victorian elections,is there any proof has anyone information linking the WEF or is it just spoof?




cookers out today in full force

Ben Cowan

Spose it doesn’t matter you only need 30% of the primary to win Government these days the political system here is a joke

Angus Jung

It started out as a spoof but was memed into reality.


And at least three MSM outlets fact checked it too.


For the vaxxed, chances are you will start having liver problems. Maybe get that checked.

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doubt it tbh


fucking lol

absolute cooker


Angus Dalgleish, a senior oncologist and cancer academic has written to the British Journal of Medicine stating that the mRNA vaccines appear to be causing cancer via immunosuppression and that this must be investigated.


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comment image


whoa lol

i saw the swaztika before i even read the text

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal
Agent 47

EZFKA Twitter on point


Where do I get my EZFKA t-shirt?


I want one too


I only want to buy one from a Jewish merchant , after it gets made in Bangladesh


This is the way

Agent 47

This needs to be a thing


honestly it should be trivial to start up an ezfka shop, though i think it might have an operating cost? i would buy one for sure though lol


“I’m sorry if people listened to what we’d said and acted on what we’d said and now regret what they’ve done. I’m sorry that happened,” he told the committee in Canberra on Monday.

thought this was an ezfka satire piece

fucking lol absolutely pathetic



no sympathy for these muppets, lowe didnt even say what people thought he said

and even if he did do your own homework

nothing more weak and sad than apologising for something you didnt do


He got what he wanted, an epic property bubble, who cares if it was his exact words or his words filtered through the retarded property media.


million bux worth of pathetic..

an another?

just who is the deadhead running comms in that excuse of a CB?


Scomo started it with his free money corporate welfare and paying for all those lazy Millenials to stay home during lockdowns.


What are we supposed to be looking at here



Packet of peanuts with warning ‘may contain nuts’. Refer Phillip Lowe having to apologise because everyone must be a victim.

Need any more help?

Aussie Soy Boy

Just wasn’t funny


It says “other nuts” not just “nuts”

people may not be allergic to peanuts, but allergic to cashews etc

even allowing for this I have no idea what point you were making

Aussie Soy Boy

Isn’t average mortgage holder going onto a new fixed rate paying an $800 per month.

We have the lowest unemployment in half a century can’t these people get a second job?

They need to get up off their fat lazy Australian arses and do what people used to do.


lols grace tames gunna be on q&a again


wtf for?


idfk but wonder if shell be wearing a bra this time

Aussie Soy Boy

Grace’s nips are like big erasers. They never miss a photo opportunity.


Big in circumference or big in protrusion? Asking for a friend


They should have got Britt instead

id actually tune in to see that train wreck


lmfao yeah put brucey on the panel too



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Holy fuck it’s not made up:

Growing evidence shows that lack of sleep and sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, remain more prevalent in Black, Asian, and Hispanic or Latino communities, and these inequities can have long-term detrimental implications for physical health, even raising the risk of certain chronic diseases.

Those poor useless POC, lack of beauty sleep not only makes them ugly but stupid too. Actually the reverse is more likely to be true. The disorders she lists are typically experienced by stupid people, who are unable to regulate their behaviours, like go to bed on time.

I bet the correlation with the incidence of the disorders she describes is extremely high, and can fully explain the over prepresentation of Black, Hispanic and Asian communities (I bet South Asian).

it’s not that White adults don’t also experience a lack of sleep and its health consequences – but people of color appear to disproportionately experience them more, and that’s believed to be largely due to social systems in the United States.

Yes – systemic racism extends to POC inability to set an alarm and go to bed.

Written by a over empathetic black woman, a POC who probably struggles with setting her alarm and only got into University because of Affirmative Action.

What a pathetic article

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Isn’t insomnia a sign of intelligence



Without external stimuli when an Extrovert blinks they are at risk of falling asleep.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

i think its anxiety based too tbh



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A fly in your ointment

aww… but look at it on the outside the wretched womb. . thea cute little thing baby.

whilst in the oven, it is just a blob of uncooked ingredients!



Only took 7 days…

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Angus Jung

Ethno-nationalism for israel, multiculturalism for the world.


I’ve seen this one before (the one on the right), and I’ve gone looking long and hard for the original story on several occasions (once found the one on the left).

It is possible the one on the right may have existed in the past and been taken down. I’ve visited the Iceland Monitor before and it was a very woke site, so it is quite believable that when they realised that their story was being used to juxtapose Jewish values with social outcomes, then it was pulled down. That happens regularily.

In instance where it occurs I imagine they would be thinking they were fighting antisemitism. What they are fighting against is a free and informed society. Because if that were the case then it would be extremely dishonest outcome and failure of open social dialogue as to where these controversial values, like open borders and mass migration, originates from.

Alternatively the one on the right could be completely fake. Both are equally likely imho.

As I can’t be sure I refrain from circulating it, that’s just me though. However, where I do see it I am happy to comment on it, as it is an interesting discussion point and Jewish leadership in immigration and refugee advocacy is dominant and overwhelming.


Just saw that a Jew was selected 3rd in the AFL draft

he was praised for his “high footy IQ”

Would love to see steve Sailers take on this

Agent 47

Well he’ll never play on a Saturday so fuck all chance of him playing


I’m sure he’d have statistics – probably in the realm of Baseball or American Football players. His two favorite sports.

Speaking of Steve he has become a bit of a meme in and of himself. The premise is some Journalist (usually Jewish) feigning ignorance asks about what could be causing some statistical difference in outcome between people in different regions, in order to conclude it is discrimination, prejudice, ‘whiteness’ or in need of immigration. The meme then includes just the very top of Steve’s reply.

Why? Because if you follow Steve you know what inevitably follows. Sailor school’s them on indisputable, well referenced facts that the Journalists or commentators make a point of ignoring. If they responded to Steve or drew attention to reality that actual facts had previously been brought to their attention, then their emotive manipulation would be revealed the next time they tried to use the same old ruse.

And so the game goes on… I will be truly saddened the day he dies. Unfailingly polite, calmly rational, a fountain of knowledge and unequaled statistical demolishing machine against the lies of the msm media.

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lol – I wrote that whole post without bothering to actually see what Krugman’s conclusion was…

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That degenerate slug makes my skin crawl.


Boys will be boys…

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one from the archives

remember when this william shatner guy got shitcanned and cancelled for the truth



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A fly in your ointment

Aussie cricketeers are preparing to give example of what awaits the nation. Assuming position which is acknowledging and pleaseing our overlords, in this first step we are being prepared for the second step which will be bending over a chair with trousers down. A rebellion in Vic is already announced, demanding free Vaseline, 25kg tubs per month per household


Vaseline is a terrible lube.

Aussie Soy Boy

Cummins is a faggot


Smart business move since anyone watching other men play sport is probably already a cuck


Or maybe the West Indies are hopeless and the game is unlikely to last to the weekend. Why they didn’t start the game on Friday is beyond me. At least people would take their kids on the weekend.

Aussie Soy Boy

No-one goes to cricket anyway. No-one will go to the Big Bash. It’s an Indian sport. It used to be fun going to the cricket, the drunkenness, beer snakes, rowdiness, banter, niggle in the crowd, girls in bikinis. They stamped it all out with heavy handed security so who would subject themselves to live cricket if you can’t make your own fun.


Yep not just cricket. All sports.

Wonder how many of the EPL foreign owners wear little hats.

As they say , follow the money.

Surprised the Fuk Jui’s haven’t cottoned on and bought the exclusive tv rights for subscription based services as a method of social engineering.

At least in Brisneyland you can fuck off over the road get a pork knuckle and some full strength German beers.

A fly in your ointment

video of Victorians being queued for the next jabbadabba

Aussie Soy Boy

“Chris Joye has cross-referenced the looming fixed-rate mortgage reset with RMBS data on discretionary spending budgets and the outcome is shocking. Joy finds that:

  • More than half of all borrowers will see their discretionary budgets fall 20-100%.
  • 23% of all borrowers will see discretionary budgets plunge 60-100% and around one-third by 40-100%
  • 15% will have negative discretionary cash flow and be in danger of default.

I know I’m going to be one of those with a huge hole in discretionary spending”

DLS getting reamed by rates going up a couple of percent LOL. Not a good sign when your super is tied up with someone doing it tough right now.


DLS has a mortgage ?

where does his actual income come from

Angus Jung

Trading the opposite of what he tells you on his website.


oldest trick in the book, brokers have software that automatically take the opposite of their clients trades


Off topic.
Here’s a hit piece about Elon Musk on au.

Scroll down to the line –
“But others were quick to explain why in practice Musk’s advice would never work.”
And read on.
The ‘others’ quoted agreed with Musk.
This is the current state of media.


Diversity is our greatest strength

Aussie Soy Boy

Better than the peanut meme champ


Recognition from a certified deadshit is not exactly top of my list champ.


Mate, think of all the high quality food and employees they would be and how much richer Belgium is because of it. I’m sure they are doing all the work that locals think they are above doing


Time for died suddenly bingo again. Place your bets

cardiac related or financial suicide


Here’s another peanut meme for you…


i think the only peanut here is you

Aussie Soy Boy

Is it really worth going to the papers over $50k lol.


Sharon is a bookkeeper and Alan had done his research. They wonder how much worse it could have been if they weren’t financially literate.

Lol. If they had done any research at all and were financially literate, they wouldn’t have put 25% pf their retirement savings (which they’ll live on for the rest of their lives) into a wildly volatile and purely speculative “assett”. FFS


The project team on 60 King William Street have launched a GoFundMe ….

???? why?


probably because he was bankrupt, no?


personally bankrupt? and no super at all or death benefits or life insurance…

That project team and their bs gofund proposal can tongue launder my dysenteric underwear

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Last edited 2 years ago by emusplatt

if there’s a trustee does that imply that there is someone winding it up in bankruptcy?

Don’t think the abn gets cancelled just beccause director dies


no not that …it’s a corporate trustee for the trading entities…
it’ll have one or more family members as directors,
and those directors presumably will have life insurance


it looks like suicide, and if the family is begging for money (in fact the employees begging on behalf of the family) I think it must surely have been because he was broke
no other reasonable explanation

guess we will find out if the company is able to complete the project


yair….and there’s no suggestion ‘yet’ that the company is insolvent


I’m thinking now that I’ve got the wrong end of the stick…him being reported as the titular head ‘boss’ or ‘managing director’ doesn’t necessarily mean company ownership….he could be busted arse broke

Donkey Hire Albania Pty Ltd

Has suicide hotline numbers at bottom of article, so probably that.

Aussie Soy Boy

Topped himself wifey can’t find the cash to bury him.


its amazing how much the corporate media sucks this guys off. Imagine if it was scomo

Albo (Alco?) is very much their man isnt he

Aussie Soy Boy

Takes after his mum who used to get porked on cruise ships by the deckhands.

Aussie Soy Boy

It really amusing listening to these renters bitch and moan after they were so smug 2.5 years ago during COVID with rents dropping and these moratoriums.