The Decline & Fall of Covid Grifters

Anyone else remember covid? I barely do. It lasted two whole years, driving the world and especially Australia into a giant panic. It revealed a significant proportion of the population to be hyperbolic retards, and turned neighbours and families against each other over how much everybody agreed or disagreed whether the threat it posed was overblown or whether it really was a ‘civilisation ending event’ (legit there was a guy on MB who said this, the super climate change alarmist commenter with the poo avatar – I forgot his name now).

Covid introduced an unprecedented degree of social control into our lives during its tenure. While there are some relics of these measures still around today — vaccination mandates appear to exist in a couple of states in Aus still, most of it has disappeared as quickly as it emerged without fanfare or farewell. A great example of the vaporware nature of the covid era were the returnee camps for the unvaccinated – as of now, all of them are being shut down or mothballed. People got bored of the great two year long LARP that was covid, the longest game of SimCrisis ever played on a mass social level, and gave it up to return to their boring lives yet again. Everybody initially celebrated — finally, we can go back to the bar! Then they did maybe once or twice then stopped going again, because doing that sucks and was a waste of time before covid anyway.

But that leaves the curious issue of those individuals made a name for themselves, indeed, careers or micro-careers, out of grifting over covid and lockdown panic. Covid grifters were replete on both ‘sides’ of the covid issue; on the anti-lockdown side there were doomsayers predicting that the very nature of society itself was being being changed by nefarious forces under the guise of covid, and that we would never again return to normal. Lockdowns and mask wearing would become a permanent fixture, and we would never again see the ‘normal’ that was 2019. This does not appear to have been borne out, and the people saying this stuff probably hoped that WOULD be the case because it would allow them to maintain their newfound audiences and social media infamy.

Characters like Monica Smit, the Cafe Lockdown weirdo (don’t know his name), Aussie Cossack (in jail now lol), Real Rukshan (the least egregious of them all admittedly) and probably the wackiest, Graham Hood, have all faded into the obscurity of declining viewer counts. ‘Hoody’ in particular was probably the most boring commentator I’ve ever had the misfortune of listening to, with his claim to fame being a lengthy, incoherent rant about how he was laid off from Qantas over vaccine mandates (despite being well over retirement age) and how he was addicted to porno. I don’t know how anyone could ever have cared about anything he had to say – whether you think the vaccines are a little bit poo or not (and I do).

In the covidian camp, the primary grifters were public health academics and medical specialists. As opposed to exaggerating the dangers of the covid vaccines like the so-called anti-vax/anti restriction grifters, covidian grifters exaggerated the threat of covid, massively overstated the efficacy of the vaccines, and acted like minimising covid was the only thing that mattered in society. A lot of these dweebs were true ‘revenge of the nerds’ types, opportunistically seizing upon their fifteen minutes of fame and relevance to fulfil their power fantasies on the rest of society and presumably all the people who made fun of them for being unctuous dweebs in high school. Brendan Crabb and Tony Blakley definitely come to mind as the clearest example of this.

If covid taught us anything, it’s that everybody is a retard and is incapable of approaching anything with any degree of nuance. It always has to be either/or, the most extreme possible scenarios. Either covid has to be a blanketly horrible disease that affects everybody with the same severe intensity or simply that covid doesn’t exist at all. Either the vaccines have to be this amazing thing EVERYBODY needs to get including newborn babies or they have to be literal poison intended to kill off two thirds of the world population (and i’m still not really convinced of the all-cause mortality data evidence that is being argued with more sophisticated debaters, even if there may be some truth to it). Are people capable of accepting or not accepting ideas piece by piece or are they only able to swallow narratives holistically? I think mostly the latter, because most people are dumb dumb retards.

If the covid era (not covid itself, but the phenomenon of ‘covid’) will have a final effective end point, it will be when/or if the authorities do away with the mandatory isolation period. Even Anthony Albanese, remarkably, to his credit, wanted to take covid out to the woodshed by introducing the baby step of getting rid iso payments, but backpedaled on it afterwards because he’s sackless. But you can see the clear intention even from him is there to put an end to all this shit, which will with time put many a grifter out of a gig or two.

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I think what covid really showed was the amazing control that propaganda has over the masses. The government told everyone they had to stay under house arrest and wear masks to prevent a disease that kills only around 0.1% of those it infects and where in Australia the average age of those dying was 84.7, and the bulk of the population lapped it up to the point they verbally attacked anyone who was not a braindead zombie like them.
Clearly it was never a sufficient risk to the bulk of the population to ever justify the extreme measures that the governments took. What was particularly disappointing to me though is, with a few exceptions, the pushback to this did not come from reasoned scientists but instead came mostly from the lunatic fringe, which undermined the effort to resist the measures more than anything.
One of the main reasons that more mainstream scientists didn’t push back is that any that did were viciously attacked by the academic and medical establishment. Even John Ioannidis, who is probably the greatest proponent for evidence based medicine and very famous with hundreds of awards for his work was heavily criticised for suggesting people not over react and take a sane evidence approach to the pandemic.
Fortunately most of the covid stupidity has ended with the exception of masks, which are pretty much useless but are still pushed in certain circumstances, such as public transport, by nearly every cretinous level of government in the country. However, what has not fully come to light yet is the immense harm that was done to many people from the covid hysteria. In particular the large losses of schooling for many children, especially disadvantaged ones.



That is an eminently readable piece….I enjoyed every word.

I don’t entirely agree with:

If covid taught us anything, it’s that everybody is a retard and is incapable of approaching anything with any degree of nuance. It always has to be either/or, the most extreme possible scenarios.

There were many mitigating circumstance, and forces bought to bear, that removed any real option for rational thought or decision making for many people. Goebbels would have been spinning in his grave with envy.

As far as the MSM is concerned, the term “carpet bombing” springs to mind.

But I have to say that what you have written, and how you have written it, confirms my long-standing suspicion that there is more to you than just a connoisseur of aluminium cans 🙂

Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat
Aussie Soy Boy

Who was that fat darkie epidemiologist with a scarf in every interview. It could be 40 degrees and she’d have a scarf on to presumably cover her neck rolls.

I think every prediction was overstated by a factor of 10.

Pandemic of the century comes along and she’s MB level wrong at every turn same with the punchable Norman Swan. These people should never be listened to again.

The just the flu crowd were basically right from the very start.


Catherine Bennett

She actually wasnt the worst of them


At first you need the two beers because it’s such a long read…..after that you need the rest of the slab because it’s so fucking depressing.

And this link from the canberradeclaration article embodies the entire argument about narrative control.

Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat
Agent 47

Don’t agree with everything here. They more than had their place vs the MSM24/7 bullshit and fear porn. Was hard to discern accurate information

Some were better than others. Cossack I’m convinced was a foreign agent brought in conveniently just prior to Ukraine but he was just a dickhead anyway. Ditto Yemeni.

Riccardo Bosi was the most disappointing. As soon as he went and knelt before the Bnai Brith I knew he was full of shit.

Agent 47

He needs to be bound, gagged and air dropped into Gaza.

A fly in your ointment

I am perplexed that the focus is on fringe characters whose business model is around daily events as a modus operandi and not on main characters like Cherry Kunt, Brad Haphazard, Dan The Ceausesku Andrews etc.

why clip the little foockers and forgive the true Capital C☆unts?

A fly in your ointment

I did not want to imply **you** forgive the fluckers, it came from the expression which meant to highlight and Pont the finger towards the greater elephant in the room to which in comparison the grifters are the size of the scariest virus of modern times.


There is a loosely defined freedom movement forming behind the scenes. Monica Smit’s Reignite Democracy is part of it, so are some of the grifters you mention. I’d probably put One Nation among their number. I’m getting behind these guys. Government overreach is growing. The pandemic management was just a taster. Mass real time surveillance is reaching Chinese levels and it has to be stopped. Autonomous weapons are reality and I don’t think it will be long before they get deployed in domestic policing roles. Yeah some of them are grifters, but there really is bad shit going down and there are not many willing to put themselves on the line. Monica Smit did. I did. I was stood down from my job for the first half of the year because I refused the jab. Some here did. These are people you know will keep their word. There was nothing in it for any of us.

A fly in your ointment

I agree. they may have been grifters but if it was not for Cossak I’d still be thinking I was alone in all of this pureblooding. All my links towards the resistance to tyranny came from Cosack links.
this was a major assistance in spreading the news that there is a life outside the mandates.


Is there any state in Aus/NZ where a doctor/nurse can work without the jab?

A fly in your ointment

in theory in NSW they could.
in reality, the story is opposite from theory.

In NSW mandates ended on the 18. June for all except the aged care workers (these were like a seamsters pin cushion anyway) but best of luck getting a job.


Since we’re talking Covid (again), here are the NSW numbers for July, 2022.

The basis of the “Unknown” number is as follows:

^Vaccination status is determined by matching to Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) data. Name and date of birth need to be an exact match to that recorded in AIR. People with unknown vaccination status were unable to be found in AIR, though may have vaccination details recorded in AIR under a shortened name or different spelling.

NSW July Stats.PNG
Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat

It’s bizarre to me that they never bother to address how bizarre these numbers are

how can there be 77 deaths but only 5 hospitalisations for unvaxxed ?

how can they not know the vax status of so many dead and hospitalised people when you need to show your certificate just to get a haircut ?

it’s completely insane but the weirdest part is that everyone is just ignoring it

if they were going to purely fabricate the numbers then it would be easy to make them more believable than this

if they aren’t fabricating them , and the accounting is really just that poor then why publish them ?
Especially when they’re nonsensical and don’t really show what you want them to show

why not just stop publishing them , instead of putting out nonsense and then pretending it’s all normal

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

how can there be 77 deaths but only 5 hospitalisations for unvaxxed ?

Look around you. The unvaccinated old people on here who genuinely believe the virus is a hoax that cannot kill them. Will they call an Ambulance or will they just drop dead?

Aussie Soy Boy

By now most of the unvaccinated would have been exposed to COVID by now anyway, so would have protection on par with the vaccinated if not better.

It’s a total manipulation of the data. They’re counting a lot of ‘unknown’ deaths under ‘unvaccinated’.

They throw all the unvaccinated into the unknown pool to start with and leave them there unless they die. Instead of wasting hours of valuable admin time on trying to track down a dead person’s correct vax status, they just throw them into unvaccinated and close the file.

Roger Dickings

comment image


The unvaccinated old people on here …….


Any idea how any organism, including man, gets to be “old” on this planet?

A. By making the right choices in life.

Make a wrong choice and you don’t get to make old.


It’s possible that the answer might lie in the definition of “Covid death” which is included in the NSW Weekly Surveillance report:

Reported deaths were classified as COVID-19 deaths if they met the surveillance definition in the Communicable Diseases Network of Australia’s COVID-19 National Guidelines for Public Heath Units. Under this definition, deaths are considered COVID-19 deaths for surveillance purposes if the person died with COVID-19, not necessarily because COVID-19 was the cause of death. Deaths may be excluded if there was a clear alternative cause of death that was unrelated to COVID-19 (e.g. major trauma).

Now, apply that definition, and imagine this scenario:
Someone dies out in the community of any one of a number of less-than-obvious causes:

Basic investigation of the death determines three things.

  • First, they did not die of any overt major trauma (car crash, shark attack, etc.)
  • Second, they test positive, posthumous, to Covid
  • Third, they are unvaccinated.

Ergo, in the absence of a full post mortem, they died (by definition) unvaccinated, of Covid.
Hence, a number of (by definition) unvaccinated, Covid deaths that have no corresponding hospital admission.

I don’t think it’s because a whole bunch of stubborn, unvaccinated individuals have sat on their arse, sick as dogs, at home waiting to die, rather than call for an ambulance.

Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat

When basic ratio’s in relation to normal distributions of severity of disease in symptoms, hospitalisation and death don’t hold, then you know that there is something wrong with the data – either the way it was collected or the way it was interpreted.

A normal distribution in terms of severity would suggest the complete reverse in ratios, with 5 deaths and 77 hospitalisations. That is why the statistics are suspect.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

Then see my second point

why publish them when they
a) obviously make no sense
b) don’t serve the narrative you have constructed anyway


To stupid people who are not familiar with statistics and normal distributions, then it probably supports the narrative. Don’t get vaccinated and you are more likely to die.

Explaining normal distributions to dumb people is too much effort, especially for Journalists most of whom avoided doing any math for the HSC. People forget just how dumb and disinterested even those in the middle of the IQ range are.

With the matriarchy’s toxic level of agreeableness and group think, anyone who then dissents from the majority is a disagreeable conspiracy theorist who is safer being mocked or ignored. Thus any propeller-head who tries and explains it to them will be immediately viewed as someone to ignore.

Beyond a certain representation in our social narrative, agreeableness becomes self enforcing and tyrannically oppressive.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

Excellent post. Then perhaps the real question becomes, who gets to construct the narrative?

Democracy can’t last with these assumptions which is a real worry


Coming, I penned a reply to you and it disappeared into that stinking “waiting approval/spam” sinkhole.

I’ll have another truncated go at it:

It’s possible that the answer might lie in the definition of “Covid death” which is included in the NSW Weekly Surveillance report:

Reported deaths were classified as COVID-19 deaths if they met the surveillance definition in the Communicable Diseases Network of Australia’s COVID-19 National Guidelines for Public Heath Units. Under this definition, deaths are considered COVID-19 deaths for surveillance purposes if the person died with COVID-19, not necessarily because COVID-19 was the cause of death. Deaths may be excluded if there was a clear alternative cause of death that was unrelated to COVID-19 (e.g. major trauma).

Now, apply that definition, and imagine this scenario:
Someone dies out in the community of one of any number of less-than-obvious causes.
Basic investigation of the death determines three things:

  • First, they did not die of any overt major trauma (car crash, shark attack, etc.)
  • Second, they test positive, posthumous, to Covid
  • Third, they are unvaccinated.

Ergo, in the absence of a full post mortem, they died (by definition), unvaccinated and of Covid.
Hence, a number of (by definition) unvaccinated, Covid deaths that have no corresponding hospital admission.


I replied to you then it disappeared !

If they were willing to conveniently call all unknown deaths in unvaxxed as “Covid”

then surely they would also record the people with “unknown vaccination status” as being “unvaxxed”

to both make the numbers appear more legitimate
and also pump up the unvaxxed deaths and cases

seems very reasonable too because if there’s no record of you being vaccinated then you’re likely to be unvaccinated


From the Surveillance Report:

COVID-19 related deaths are notified to NSW Health from a range of sources, including public and private hospitals, aged care facilities, and the Coroner.

The term “herding cats” springs to mind 🙂


you’ve been under close watch, on account of recent fraternising with those MB folks.

🤣 🤣


This explanation sounds plausible


Thanks PR – great numbers.

the unvaccinated numbers are VERY CLEARLY scuttlebutt.

every other cohort basically fits roughly into this pattern:
Hospitalised = n
ICU = 10% of n
Dead = 20% of n

this includes the “unknown”.

to have 77 deaths in unvaccinated with only 10 hospitalisations means believing something like the Chinese Covid propaganda involving people in the street suddenly falling flat on their face, dead. Doesn’t happen.


The biggest grifters were the MSM. Falling ratings, fading relevance and declining trust. Along comes Covid and we can claw back ratings. Bad news will always sell. Telling us 1% of the population will die of Covid is enough to scare the population. Even the US letting it rip only had 0.3% die with Covid.

One minute the MSM says we are all going to die and the next day here is a person not following lockdown orders and the occasional it is nothing to worry about.

Remember all the people tuning in to see today’s number and whether we could get out of lockdown. All fantastic for ratings. Yes, Yemini and Simeon are grifters, but the ultimate grifters are the MSM. Look at the MSM now, following the exact wording of the military industrial complex.


Speaking of grifters, is anyone following this Sam Harris train wreck

bloke was absolutely one of the worst grifters going around pre-Covid , but chose TDS as his preferred grift which is a surprising choice since it’s such a crowded field

Agent 47

Sam Harris atheist jew has no moral compass. What a fucking surprise.

Seriously though, this cunt was cooked long ago and was just a mediocre 2010’s atheist grift.

Only reason he is where he is because his mother created Soap and The Golden Girls and is another Hollywood jew connection, much like Ben Shapiro.

Anyways his career is over and good.


Started out as an atheist/meditation grifter, then somehow turned into TDS grifter

you can read about it here


So last night the missus and I went to a nice wine bar. At another table, with a group of people was a dude wearing a face mask. Naturally I thought he was a retard. Who the fuck wears masks these days?

Then his lady friend shows up…dolled up like a model, and wearing a black velvet mask covered in glitter. I shit you not.

They’re the only people in the joint wearing masks. There’s a little jazz combo play (and fuck me I hate jazz) so these two maked arseclowns get up and have a little jive session together.

I looked on in amazement wondering what sort of performance virtue signalling inspired the masks. Watching two bemasked fools swing dancing in a bar full of normal people was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen in all my days.

It did lead me to ponder though. Eventually, mask wearing will decline to the point that there will only be one person wearing a mask in Canberra. I wonder who that maniac will be? And then, eventually, there will be the last mask wearing person in Australia.

Meanwhile…I still see people driving by themselves while masked. Most people really are idiots, and the masks show who is in that category.

Agent 47

The amount of grown men I see wearing them re-enforces to me that if the government told them to suck did for the greater good, they would do it and bully everyone else into doing it as well.

A fly in your ointment

they are a vast majority and they were always there, it is just that they were hiding in plain sight and there was nothing that pointed towards them or made them stand out as easy as the mask does now.

Another large group is those that are just streetwise and are first to adopt the “bend over a chair with your pants down” attitude but are not showing it in public.

Now give the prisoner class residents a little power and a badge, like “covidiot marshal”, an see the transformation to a warden’s lap poodle.


Had to take a Uber for the first the other day, have to agree to mask wearing which would probably account for some of the people in cars wearing masks.

A friend of mine is wearing it at his work and making his shop customers do it too, but his reason is that he’s about to get surgery and if he gets it they’ll cancel it which seems fair.

Otherwise, outside of healthcare settings I don’t feel like people are too bothered anymore.

Roger Dodger


Agent 47

Avi and Rukshan are exposed as vaccinated opportunistic hypocrites. Shocker!

Can’t get into NZ unjabbed unless you are an NZ citizen.

So these two are both full of shit and should be vehemently bullied if that wasn’t already your position on them.


Well spotted!


Firstly kudos to Stagmal for the post.

Good pickup Agent 47, but the position is a tough one not unlike the Djokovic debacle. Just because he’s a twat is his message wrong? Who else was broadcasting the truth about the anti Lockdown marches etc?

The concept of refusing entry to only the waxed is a short hop to China’s Social Credit Score. Or more precisely their ‘Covid Health Code’ being switched to Red stopping them from travelling (most recently to anyone who complained about their Hunan bank freezing accounts).

Where do you stand on the You Tuber Serpentza ?


but the position is a tough one not unlike the Djokovic debacle. Just because he’s a twat is his message wrong? Who else was broadcasting the truth about the anti Lockdown marches etc?



Rukshan and Avi were pro lockdown/mandates/vaccines until they realised they could gain a following.

But the grift never ends with Avi – expect another defamation/fundraising effort to fleece his audience.


Clear example of the concept “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” not being true.
I get the whole grift sham with the guy, but can’t align with his ‘opponents’. Shit canning him feels like supporting Dictator Dan and his assorted filth. The NZ media shouldn’t be applauded for you by at him like that either, just proof what a total bunch of isolated inbred little whiners they are, tugging away to their Jacinta Arden.


I like your work Drago. Please keep it up! 👍😊


You’re new here. How did you find EZFKA?


Randomly but like the cut of the jib of the posts, and comments are refreshingly good.
Many are above my brain level which is always good, especially being a ‘property guy’ not an Equities dude but who is always open to intelligent arguments, but never could cope with leftard hypocrites. I will admit to laughing heartily when I saw a person I worked with (Gen Y classic grifter type big Labor voter huge pro waxer total soft cock I still swear is gay) get nicely stitched up by Yemeni in a clip. Fellow ex work colleague and I watched the You Tube clip with smiles a mile wide.
Covid was a v tough time for me, being a Victorian Dad who watched his kids suffer at the hands of the Dictator, the complicit media and Covid Karens. I can’t believe I laughed at those sad nerds on Q&A once, not realising they would soon take over. Same with the elites, thinking they were just ‘over there’ and never really impacted me. Now I’m reading about Dan Andrews hosting an election fundraiser at Pratt’s Raheen mansion and know the world is truly fucked.
I’m waxed but why others are not, nor judgemental on that either. Personal choice is mine alone, and yours is not mine either.


Sounds like you will fit in well here and welcome aboard.

posts, and comments are refreshingly good.
Many are above my brain level which is always good”

I think that’s why a lot of us are here, everyone’s got something to share. I certainly don’t understand crypto anywhere as well as some of the folks on here.

That and a shared disdain for MB!


Forgotten covid? I remember it every day. We’re living with the consequences: high inflation, gyrating financial markets, changing interest rates.

Then I read this crap: $50 “discounts” because QANTAS actually refuses to pay up for the labour required to provide normal services.


Know a Qantas captain (International) who has about 2 day’s notice of his schedule. Was laid off at the start of Covid so started his own business. He still has that business because he needs to make ends meet and he’s not sure what Qantas will do. Not what I want to see happen to a guy with the lives of hundreds in his hands as a pilot either.

Meanwhile Joyes only needs to worry about how much Stamp Duty his $18m but will generate, oh and Monkeypox of course.


Meanwhile the big investors are loving Qantas and Joyce at the moment. The cost cutting is apparently adding to their bottom line. Nevermind the sub-standard services and that example you provide above which I can only imagine is not isolated.

They’re loving it. Took the opportunity from COVID to turf workers. And now only wanting to hire people back on casual and/or low wage basis.

I’m not surprised the old baggage handlers – who found other work in the meantime – don’t want to go back to that old back-breaking work on worse terms than they had before.

So net net society is all worse off: workers; customers; travelers. Who wins? The investors who make more money on the basis of the accounts. Short termism prevails as usual.


I can’t remember if it was here or somewhere else that I read about Woolies workers packing it in and getting better jobs. Essentially woolies are demanding more of workers and offering unstable hours. Even my own woolies today, no trolleys, walk out to the carpark and they are scattered everywhere. Must be a shortage of trolley boys?

Or the fact that there’s no checkout people on anymore, forcing you to use those damn self-serve checkouts even though you have a trolley full of groceries. I was thinking about it today and how woolies doesn’t give a fuck because they are increasing profits and that’s good for shareholders.


Shortage of trolley boys. Don’t tell me vibrants are cheaper than local teenagers.


Same with banks. Every single bank closed down in my suburb after lockdown. They forced everyone to do banking online because apparently Covid can live on money for days (yet doesn’t enter construction sites 🤔). Yet people were still lining up at the branches and they closed them anyway. Now the post office is full of people doing banking. Great for shareholders.

This story would probably be repeated for all big cop who did exceedingly during Covid at the expense of small businesses.


Also you folks probably don’t follow what’s going on in China and HK as much. It’s kind of lol. Although scary – I imagine there’d be folks in Australian state governments who would still like to be following a covid zero approach.

Anyway, check this out for a sick society:

(note the kid in the photo decked out in a mask with a plastic face shield, in line to get a covid vaccine. sick society).


All primary school kids have to wear masks at school in Victoria. We are not far behind China and HK in terms of restrictions.


wow… I did not know that.

Victoria though – doesn’t really surprise me.


No they don’t, although they were required much longer than the rest (seemed to me some older teachers were amongst the worst of the Bedwetters). The farce of having to wear them in airports and on plane continues however.