ATAGI approves COVID jabs for kids as ‘not enough of them are dying or being seriously injured’

ATAGI has approved COVID vaccines for children after revelations that they weren’t dying fast enough.

ATAGI announced that COVID jabs would be available for children as young as 6 months old, as the death rate in children was ‘far too low and extremely concerning’, a spokesman said.”

The move, welcomed by Anthony Albanese, would help get the death rate from myocarditis and other illnesses back to an acceptable level.

‘It is hoped that Australia can also become a world leader in Sudden Child Death Syndrome as we’ve shown we’re quite capable with SIDS and SADS,” Albanese said.

Children will be expected to have at least 8 jabs, with mask mandates in schools to be a permanent fixture.

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Basil Thistlethwaite

Quad Jabbed Health Minister Has Covid.
South Australian Health Mincer Nicola Sperma is thankful for the protection that Vaccinations provide, and urges every Australian to get their fourth, fifth and sixth vaccination.


She is “fully vaccinated and now well”…. Let’s see how that one ages!

interesting that she got the bad coof soon after getting jabbed. The tinfoilhatters (bad cat etc) have been warning about super-susceptibility in the window of 14 days post-jab… (eg

Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy

am i the only one who thinks shes a bit of a fox

Angus Yung

lol. if you’re into trannies I guess so. check the scarf covering his adams apple.


what i dont know cant hurt me


Just don’t turn your back.



id hit it tbh


Same but my standards aren’t high


I don’t thinks stags are either based on his comment…

Aussie Soy Boy

Sperm? Dat autocorrect


The jab rate for 5-12 kids (at least one dose) has stalled out at 60%.

coincides almost perfectly with the rate of adults 30-39 (or aged to be parents of such kids) who have had at least three doses – also 60% and stalled.

that is, the ones who took “extra” doses without compulsion are the ones who were also nuts enough to squirt this into their kids. 

I’ll need to do a FIGJAM post on this later, as it has played out exactly as predicted.


this really shocked me

that 60% of the population would jab their own children with an untested product to (maybe partially) protect against a pathogen that has a 0.00001% chance of killing them

my thinking was that the overwhelming majority of the population would quietly reject them for their children, especially after they saw how benign covid was first hand

Just insane

And I’m not a lunatic like you who thinks this is some deliberate depopulation conspiracy, just a wild over-reaction to a relatively innocuous problem

it really is a mass psychosis

A fly in your ointment

I know one such… i pity the kid.

Aussie Soy Boy

The kid stuff is weird I think taking the injections is a no brainer if you’re 80+ and 50/50 if you’re 70+ depends on your overall health.

A fly in your ointment

it is no brainer for any age group: do not take it if there are much safer alternatives.
Zn, Mg, Vit D, Vit C, Vit K, quercetin, sodium bicarb with lemon juice… to name a few can do miracles even for immunocompromised. WHO/Fauci would ban these too if they could.



at the end of the day, 99.85% of people will be fine by doing absolutely nothing.

the other 0.15% can significantly improve their chances using the things you mention (and maybe dropping 10kg). So then 95% of the 0.15% will be fine too…

and from a marketing/profits perspective, it’s actually better – if 3 billion people buy vitamin supplements every year, there is more profit (and jobs) in that, compared to jabbing 3 billion people a couple of times at $10/shot…
it’s just that this profit is not monopolised to Pfizer/Moderna/az – but there is more of it.


if 3 billion people buy vitamin supplements every year, there is more profit (and jobs) in that, 

Yeah, Nah. Generic unpatentable supplements end up selling at minimally above cost price as a commodity.
The pharmaceutical industry has a long and sordid history of replacing drugs approaching end of patent with less effective replacements that are new patents to allow maintenance of profits.

Although I will give you potentially more jobs, but to benefit whom exactly?

A fly in your ointment

Obviously it would benefit the ‘wrong’ people.

Issues with abovementioned supplements is that one can have them without buying them per-se as supplements (good food) and they void the need for seasonal flu shot darting.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yeah I am going to add that if you still think that the jabs are safe or effective and don’t pose a higher risk than getting covid then I am going to go ahead and assume that you believe the earth is flat too.

Not only it is flat, but the three elephants are getting cold, and the World Turtle is hungry! That is the reason for all of the earthquakes and other never-before seen phenomena!


this really shocked me

that 60% of the population would jab their own children with an untested product to (maybe partially) protect against a pathogen that has a 0.00001% chance of killing them

it really is a mass psychosis

for me it just confirms my position that “people is stupid”, in the majority.

now, stupid is, here, I guess, not a contemptuous/pejorative adjective but rather a crude allusion to the sort of predictability (and malleability) of where crowds go. As Galton famously said

The huger the mob, and the greater the apparent anarchy, the more perfect is its sway. It is the supreme law of Unreason. Whenever a large sample of chaotic elements are taken in hand and marshalled in the order of their magnitude, an unsuspected and most beautiful form of regularity proves to have been latent all along

and he demonstrated this with Galton’s board…

no individual behaviour is necessarily predictable, but the behaviour of the mass is. Especially if you’re the one arranging the little pegs on the board.

to wit, basically all the top quotes attributed to Goebbels and Hitler ring true about this situation:

go on, read a few dozen of each. they were terrible people who did terrible things, but their observations were very astute.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy

Great quotes, but the thing about both those quotes is that the way the msm likes to repeat them – it portrays both Goebbels and Hitler as using ‘The Big Lie’ as a strategy that they invented or deployed it in order to promote their own policies.

Both utterances by both men were actually made in regards to Jewish actions, specifically ‘The Big Lie‘ was that Jewish claims that they had no part in creating the labor and Union unrest that fed into civil unrest that triggered Germany’s surrender in WW1.

The Viennese Jews played a significant, nay dominant role, in orchestrating Germany’s surrender (inevitable or not, they still drove it). They were instrumental in the treaty of Versailles, negotiated most of the terms of the surrender and reparations and immediately dominated the political superstructure of the resulting Weimar republic.

What other lies has the media made truth?


portrays both Goebbels and Hitler as using ‘The Big Lie’ as a strategy that they invented or deployed it in order to promote their own policies. 

Both utterances by both men were actually made in regards to Jewish actions, specifically ‘The Big Lie‘ was that Jewish claims that they had no part in creating the labor and Union unrest that fed into civil unrest that triggered Germany’s surrender in WW1.

maybe that’s the big lie that nazi apologists use? The big lie that goebbels didn’t use big lie tactics himself but was merely a scholar, documenting a big lie tactics by subversive Jews?


maybe that’s the big lie that nazi apologists use? 

Maybe – who now knows?

In recent years it has become increasingly apparent that the ‘Truth’ is that view held by whoever controls the media and hence our social narrative.


Yeah, exactly.


In recent years it has become increasingly apparent that the ‘Truth’ is that view held by whoever controls the media and hence our social narrative.

Nothing recent about it. Truth has always been determined for the vast majority by the social narrative.

Recently they have gone all in on the bullshit but like most things it’s a pendulum, eventually it will go too far and swing back the other way as most of the population realises that it’s bullshit.


Nothing recent about it. Truth has always been determined for the vast majority by the social narrative.

There is truth to that, BUT the biggest difference between now and then is that in the past this problem was countered by genuine diversity in the sources of “news” and “information” that was available to the general public to access.

What is new about the period we live in at the moment, is the war on any information that comes from outside of the approved msm channels and the concentration and domination of those msm channels for all our information/news.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

Depends on what you mean by then. For huge amounts of time the church was the only source of information, and at many times and places the government has been more controlling than current western society.

What is new about the period we live in at the moment,

This is only new if your reference timeframe is decades, and limited to western democracies.

The more I discuss all these things the more I agree with the proposition from the guy whose name I can’t remember from back in the day on MB.
The 20th century is an anomaly that will not last.


For huge amounts of time the church was the only source of information,

Oh I agree on all that… for most of human history there was virtually zero information or news, outside whatever was brought to the royal court.

I should probably have clarified the time period I was referring to. The 20th century has been one of increasing consolidation, I was mainly referring to the start of the modern era, beginning in 19th century. This was when “News” first became broadly and reliably available and consumable to the masses.

News at its dawn it in the modern era was characterized by a proliferation of independent news sources – each capital city generally had many newspapers. Then there were local papers and finally there were all the Yellow sheet publications – the Macrobusiness blogs of their day.

All of these media sources were far more prolific and far more diverse in ownership, class and culture than their equivalents do today.

There were media barons of the past, like William Hearst, but they pale in comparison to the reach of the media barons of today.

The 20th century is an anomaly that will not last.

100% – why do you think I am so blackpilled?


Yeah fuck it. Bring on the rioting.


Yeah fuck it. Bring on the rioting.

seemed to work for BLM…
Or those that invaded the parliament in the US,
or early 20th century russians

A fly in your ointment

Recently they have gone all in on the bullshit but like most things it’s a pendulum, eventually it will go too far and swing back the other way as most of the population realises that it’s bullshit.

Um, this pendulum defied gravity and stayed one side.
Systemic decay of critical thought can cause such gravity distortion. Combine it with a ‘system that works’ society where gov little perks and seeming justice at lowest level (but great corruption from the 1st floor up) and the pendulum may just begin to swing opposite side but never really cross.
Jabbadabba do‘s are still a vast majority. Next year they will be loud to oppose the next jab against the n3xt release of a virus but when the Kochie on 7 channel says its the right thing to do they will roll up the sleeve and line up.


You think in too short a time frame.
These things can take generations.



but how come only one metronome is out of phase (zigging, when all the others zag)? When they were settling I figured it would be split about half/half….


I name that metronome “Peachy”


and yet it falls in line eventually


I hadn’t watched all the way to the end

i guess there’s a lesson in that too – what appears to be a “steady state” may actually not be!

A fly in your ointment

The trick is the positive feedback via the table surface. Pendulums that are a majority swingnin a certain direction will cause the table swings which will resonate the rest to comply.
Any non performing pendulum that pisses against the wind has a different length from pivot to the weight.

People can be made/shaped to be like identical pendulums and made to swing together. Masses do that


‘Mass psychosis’ requires the following ingredients.

People High in Openness – so as to be susceptible to Govt & Corporate propaganda

People High in Agreeableness – so as to be susceptible to group think

People High in Neuroticism – i.e. have a hysterical over-reaction to risk or perceived injustice.

Neuroticism creates a state of panic when a new or unexpected risk presents itself.

This neurotic fear combines with Openness to allow the consideration of a toxic idea, no matter how outlandish or dangerous, simply because it may superficially appear to negate the earlier threat.

When enough people are considering it, agreeableness kicks in and it starts being accepted and reinforced because of social consensus.

I believe these ‘mass psychosis’ events will get worse and worse. There will be no opportunity to role them back, because every attempt to identify the problem, let alone roll back the privileges that empower it, will be seen as an attack on that segment of the community. As we slide down the resource curve, I expect the psychosis events to not only increase in frequency but also in intensity.

It will only stop when either it has completely destroyed society or an authoritarian reversion to the mean occurs aka aka the pendulum, to bring order back to the chaos that has been unleased…. either way society as we know it will have to be radically altered before it has any chance of returning to what it was.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie
MR coal

60% of the population would jab their own children with an untested product to (maybe partially) protect against a pathogen that has a 0.00001% chance of killing them

A large portion of that 60% don’t even understand that is what they are doing. They simply believe what they are told because they think the government knows what it is doing and is looking out for them.


…..because they think the government knows what it is doing and is looking out for them.

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter”


Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat

Funny thing. All my “friends” at work who ridiculed me, called me an anti-waxxer for asking questions and generally ostracised me. You know “I’m pro-wax and anyone that isn’t is selfish” etc etc. Well when it came time to getting their kids done they started coming to me and asking what I plan on doing and if they think they should get their kids done. I didn’t even enter into it, but it’s funny how quickly they changed their tune when it came time to get their own bloodline done. (They still got them inoculated)


I didn’t even enter into it, but it’s funny how quickly they changed their tune when it came time to get their own bloodline done. (They still got them inoculated

awww, you should’ve recommended the new shot delivery protocol – straight to the ovary for the first shot.

other ovary for second shot.

if you choose a booster to be “fully” protected, they can hit the uterus.


Meh. Funnily enough they did listen to one of the Joe Rogans where the doctor talks about it going to females reproductive organs. They still got their daughters done.

That’s their choice and I didn’t get mine done. People should respect my decision to not get my kids done and I’ll respect theirs.


Lax gun laws make people smarter?


Smart people make lax gun laws


Smart people make lax gun laws

it’s been a bit of a project of mine to get around to reading the Federalist Papers and other key documents from that era…maybe one day I finally will.

coal man

Less mandates make less injections.
The US states had far more varied requirements than the cartel behaviour of our own states.


Yes, that is true… but this is also why I focussed on groups where no (or minimal) mandates were in effect.

so 3rd dose (which is not mandated except doctors/nurses etc – perhaps about 10% of workforce) and

kids (not mandated to my knowledge)

thats why I say 60% is a measure of “stoopid”

Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy

Mandates require generating support in the population, as per above discussion of what is truth.
Places where mandates exist completely crushed any and all contradictory information to their narrative.


To further clarify:

thats why I say 60% is a measure of “stoopid”

I really doubt the US with 30% vax rates is half as stupid as ezfka.
What they are is less exposed to propaganda supporting the vax.


Yes. EZFKA has just one kind of sheep/NPC.

USA has several different kinds 🙂


comment image

The “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart


Nah, it’s all just overworked hospital staff.
Coming will tell ya.


Here’s the paper discussed in the video:

Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line

5. Conclusions

Our study is the first in vitro study on the effect of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 on human liver cell line. We present evidence on fast entry of BNT162b2 into the cells and subsequent intracellular reverse transcription of BNT162b2 mRNA into DNA.

If you want to have a good laugh, just have a look at the “Misleading” tweet immediately below the video.

It’s got lots of colourful graphics, reassuring quotes from “experts”, and even a couple of cartoon characters to help you understand all this sciencey stuff.


Don’t know if my first attempt at replying will ever make it back out of the “Awaiting Approval” black hole.

So, once again, here’s the paper referenced in the HegKong video:

Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line

5. Conclusions

Our study is the first in vitro study on the effect of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 on human liver cell line. We present evidence on fast entry of BNT162b2 into the cells and subsequent intracellular reverse transcription of BNT162b2 mRNA into DNA.


Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is a completely normal thing that has always been around.

Who doesn’t know a bunch of healthy adults who’ve suddenly dropped dead for no reason whatsoever? Why, I know five people who’ve dropped dead without warning. In the last year! Nothing to see here, move along.


Coincidentally, I dropped dead suddenly late last year, but because I was fully vaccinated the symptoms were only mild and I recovered quickly.



A fly in your ointment

you’re waxed against death!


For newspeak meaning of vaxxed…
It will be milder and shorter.

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678

For newspeak meaning of vaxxed…

It will be milder and shorter.

And filled with much more gratitude!


A fly in your ointment

Australian Medical Association President Omar Khorshid insisted mask must become compulsory again, claiming “there’s a lot of limits on our freedoms that we accept because it’s the right thing to do”.

rhere we are, key trigger sentence us used.
I expect swathes of common plebs to abide by whatever the ‘science’ says.

why dies it sounds like a ground high day of Manchurian candidates rerun?


So the White House Press Secretary says “we know that everyone is going to get covid”.

And at the same time they’re urging people to get third and fourth injections of the idiot vaccines which do fuck all.

I can understand people getting the first jabs due to the mammoth propaganda campaign and social coercion, but getting the third and fourth jabs is an intelligence test.

The are not vaccines. They don’t work.


Well well well…my partner has just advised me that very close friends have caught the plague. The have comorbidities…she has diabetes and he has excess weight and heart problems that have required surgery, so they’ve both been paranoid about avoiding it.

Then last week they both got the 4th booster, and like clockwork they were immunosuppressed and got the bug.

She should be fine, but he may be in trouble.


Do they have any Vitamin I supply?

A fly in your ointment

35 is quite a fragile advanced age.

shouldn’t’ve been going for something as intensive as a jog in dem twilight years!

A fly in your ointment

about 2000yrs ago, average life span was 35-40*.
it took 2000 years to double that
it took 2 shots to halve it back again.

* = the two most common causes of death were infection and sword.

The syringe is mightier than the sword.