@ bite sized mental bingeing

Twitter is great, especially if you want to “say” you’re buying the co (and don’t follow through), so maybe you can offload a boatload of shares and appear to have a legit reason to sell Testlalala near the top without spooking the minions. With the added bonus of exposing the multitude of fake bot accounts that won’t be disclosed.

Then you’ve got a stock swami that alleges asx pump’n’dumpers but is in court facing defamation charges. Maybe he should have posted here as a journalist first… to get some cred.

And all manner of various sagas. And no when you get a reply from <insert celeb here> make sure you aren’t being phished into an impersonators pond. Impersonator having one follower is a giveaway. Would that be an example of being catfished? Now telegram has my friends number.

Todays twitter spoon feed is @PhilipSoos

No cause but the next cause.
Cause my directed anger fills the hole in my soul.

Can’t believe I missed 6 White V Neck T-Shirts $18.82 Delivered prime day deal doing this. And why are there no angry emojis? Why arn’t you vaxxed cretin! Feel better now, doing the media stew flush.

(So do I get to ban undesirables from my thread? Can I huh … Keep off my lawn.)

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A fly in your ointment

The hash must’ve been premium…
The pizza guy is excellent one


I do like the guy’s schtick, but I do consider that he is mistaken on the pineapple question.

I am not sure whether I would go as far as supporting pineapple mandates or whether it should be individual choice… need more time to consider this.


Haven’t we already been mandated the rough end of the pineapple?


Oddly enough the Hawaiian pizza is a Canadian invention via a Greek immigrant. Nothing wrong with pineapple on pizza.


That is misogyny!

Clearly, it should be xer-dates.


Clearly, it should be xer-dates.

believe it or not, I had thought about that!

I was also trying to decide which end of the pineapple is the rough end. I figured that, in these fluid times, it’s whichever end the particular individual identifies as “rough”.

A fly in your ointment

We’re on the path to mandationism as the ideological trough. Why leave 🍕 and 🍍 ? Polls will suggest that there is an overwhelming support for pineapple to be mandated on every pizza and polies will have no choice but to oblige.



Is it weird that Putin can post on Instagram but Trump can’t?


In the context of todays world, please define “weird” 🙂


Indeed. In clown world it’s all inverted.


The world will regret what they did to grandpa Trump.

I think some of the anti-Trumpers are already quietly acknowledging that there is a lot to regret

Basil Thistlethwaite

Aha, a fine Japanese battle rifle.


less weird than women with penis’s


Women with penises raped my language :/

Basil Thistlethwaite

The plural of penis is Bennis.


You sure it’s not politician?

Basil Thistlethwaite

Plural of politician is “a flock of cocks”


There are blokes with breasts but no women with penises.


The one time I found DrSmithy funny was when someone referred to trannies as “Chicks with Dicks” the professor said he preferred to refer to them as “Dueds with Boobs”.

That was it. That was his sole moment of funnyness in the whole of his life.

Gruppenführer Mark

Hate to break it to you, but Instagram (and a few other sites) have been deem and foreign information agents and banned, so highly unlikely Putin will be posting there.

Telegram is now the preferred, for example Medvedev and Kadyrov both post there.



Oh no, so I’ve been communicating with a fake Putin?

Gruppenführer Mark

That does sound like a possibility


There’s still an official Kremlin account, a bunch of lawmakers in the US are pissed about it being active but the socials won’t ban them unless they actually break laws.



I know it is Satire.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Roll up roll up and get your death jabs now


That’s pithy.

I need to do a lot of work to elevate my peachy pith to that sort of level.

Reus's Large MEMBER



pith taker to pith maker is a worthy quest

“One of the things that’s clear from the data is that, even though vaccines, because of the high degree of transmissibility of this virus, don’t protect overly well, as it were, against infection, they protect quite well against severe disease leading to hospitalization and death,” Fauci responded.


From NSW health data for covid cases


Looks a helluvalot like whatever the shots might have secured for many recepients in the very-short term has been significantly traded away in the slightly-longer term.

which is exactly the sort of thing that the people who noted that “long term vaccine safety and efficacy data doesn’t exist” were on about.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy
Reus's Large MEMBER

Seems like the more that you get jabbed the worse the long term outcome, does explain a lot about the push for the 4th dose if the first 3 are not working their population reduction magic fast enough.


To me it looks like for every 9-10 people admitted to hospital you get 1 in ICU and 2 dead within statistical noise that is consistent whether you’ve had 1,2,3 or 4+ doses.
Probably applies for 0 as well but not enough data to show it.


Same data tabulated for the last seven weeks (they changed the format seven weeks ago).

“Total deaths” is per vax category, and is my addition.

I have then totaled the “2/3/4 Doses” (544) and compared it to the “No Doses” (91) to come up with the 86/14% split.

I have ignored the “One Dose”, as that has never really been considered “vaxxed”….and I have ignored the “Unknown” for obvious reasons.

Big standout for me was the large numbers in the “Three Doses” category.

Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat

According to https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2022/07/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-14-july-2022.pdf 68% of eligible people are triple vaxxed or more.
You’d expect them to make up a large portion of the total.


Also interestingly for freddies oft made assertion about skewing due to age, 84% is the lowest double vax rate for any age group listed in the data…

Reus's Large MEMBER

That trend was showing up in the UK’s ONS data for the double jabbed, before they stopped publishing it on a weekly basis, however I believe that they did a data dump on the day Boris resigned ..


PR – the pattern for no-dosers seems to be:

  • almost none in hospital
  • almost none in ICU
  • a bunch dead

suggests to me that these are situations where people get hit by buses or top themselves or whatever. ….And they happen to have Covid at the time.

so deaths WITH Covid, rather than FROM Covid.

you’d get a similar pattern in terms of hospital/ICU/dead if you collected data for deaths with herpes…

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yes most of them would be with covid as they count you as a covid case if you have had it in the last 15 days and present to hospital / grim reaper etc.


Definition of Covid death from the Covid-19 Weekly Data Overview:

Reported deaths were classified as COVID-19 deaths if they met the surveillance definition in the

Communicable Diseases Network of Australia’s COVID-19 National Guidelines for Public Heath Units. Under this definition, deaths are considered COVID-19 deaths for surveillance purposes if the person died with COVID-19, not necessarily because COVID-19 was the cause of death. Deaths may be excluded if there was a clear alternative cause of death that was unrelated to COVID-19 (e.g. major trauma).

There is nothing that defines a “Covid Hospitalisation” or ICU admittance, but presumably that would be because one has tested positive on entry and/or, as you say, in the last 15 days.

It’s all very rubbery, isn’t it.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Very much so, notable too was the change in January from 30 days to 15 days, I think there was a new presso about it with the Chunt or Health Hazard, but the change was so that the numbers were less so we could “live” with it rather than ramp up the fear like during the lockdowns


people with terminal cancer were not given the vax. I know from personal experience. I would assume a whole heap of other very sick people also fall into that category.
As freddy loves to point out, that really tends to skew the data.

But it could also merely be deaths with covid though you’d hope they have sorted that bs out by now or the rest of the stats are just as meaningless.

Reus's Large MEMBER

How can you keep the fearmongering going if you only report those tiny numbers of died of covid, a good example was the UK at the end of 21 had 153k deaths with covid since the start but only 17k from covid, so less than the yearly deaths from flu, but if you push those numbers then how would they justify the lockdowns and the rest of the insanity.

A Fly In Your Ointment

people with terminal cancer were not given the vax. I know from personal experience

My experience is quite opposite, my father was pressurised by a radiologist and oncologist (both professors) and denied chemo due to him refusing to partake the experiment. Few days later they introduced pcr and rat test to be sufficient 1 day before arrival.
His immune system is non existing and he smack the c19 in the chin, a KO in the first round (went through it easier than me, just the snotty nose).


But it could also merely be deaths with covid though you’d hope they have sorted that bs out by now or the rest of the stats are just as meaningless.

now, come on now!

no way they are going to even start thinking about attempting to approach sorting that BS. EZFKA.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy

no way they are going to even start thinking about attempting to approach sorting that BS. EZFKA.

What was I thinking.
Explains why the data show essentially no difference depending on vax status though. Because it really has very little to do with covid given current infection rates.

Aussie Soy Boy

That’s what I think too. I bet at the top there’s some discretion as to whether include ‘with COVID’ deaths in the final tally.

It doesn’t make sense otherwise unless all purebloods are sitting at home with COVID refusing to seek any treatment. Makes no sense it’s not like the US where poor people avoid treatment here it’s basically free.


Bank of Canada went large overnight, 100 basis points! This and hot CPI is raising the chances of the next Fed move being 100 as well.


100, hey? that is hot heavy load to be on the receiving end of!

We are certainly in interesting times now. The vibes I’m catching is that RBA won’t do something like that (full 100bps).

would be somewhat reluctant to do 75bps, even, preferring to ratchet more slowly (50 at a time).

but directionally they must follow US and Canada, they are hitched to that wagon.


Can you imagine if the rba goes 100bps

youd have to think the media would go berserk

Airbus albo will be forced to cancel all the overseas trips

Although surprisingly the current economic collapse seems to get very little attention in the media at the moment still fixated on masks and the gender pay gap every time I check


The media wants to herd the sheep, not spook the horses.


Wouldn’t Airbus Albo make more overseas trips like Adern? The common gripe I hear in NZ is that now the economy has turned to crap, Adern is somewhere overseas.


Man embee was such a fan of Ardern, refused to look into her background, totally predictable that she was a WEF stooge.

They are the best contrarian indicator around.


Man embee was such a fan of Ardern, refused to look into her background, totally predictable that she was a WEF stooge.

They are the best contrarian indicator around.

yes, it was totally predictable. And totally predicted: https://www.ezfka.com/2020/10/18/peachy-prediction-macrobusiness-to-fawn-over-arderns-property-promises-be-disappointed-in-18-months/


Every WEF stooge is a lying fuckwit who can’t be trusted.

They are the worst sort of tyrants – ideologically motivated moral crusaders. They will continue to punish us with their policies, no matter how much harm they do, and totally without mercy, because they genuinely believe what they are doing is good for us.


Oliver Cromwell – I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.

Can’t stop stupid.


They favoured Scomo over Shorten too interestingly.
There inflation thing is hilarious…


The vibes I’m catching is that RBA won’t do something like that 

When are you going to admit that you are on the RBA board?


How many booster shots before you admit it is getting pointless?

A fly in your ointment

The world has entered a new political and governing system: The Pharmacoism


I won’t be getting a 2nd booster based on my understanding of diminishing returns. Please point me to where I said we should be constantly getting booster shots?

Now that you understand what an age skew is. Are you going to tell me that an 80yo who is 200 times more likely to die from covid than a young person should not get vaccinated because the risk of dying from the vaccine is higher than the risk of covid? Are you really that dumb that you need it constantly explained to you why any generalised covid statistical analysis is misleading?

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy

Are you going to tell me that an 80yo who is 200 times more likely to die from covid than a young person should not get vaccinated because the risk of dying from the vaccine is higher than the risk of covid? 

Firstly, When did I ever say that?

But more importantly secondly.
How many booster shots before you stop getting them as an old person?
It’s like the lockdown. If you aren’t going to continue doing it forever not doing it at all seems the next best option. Otherwise you end up with all the risks of taking it but none of the protection.

Although looking at the table above(whole population skewed blah blah blah) whether you had 1,2,3,4 doses has zero statistical impact on relative hospitalisation, ICU and death rates. Kinda indicates either additional doses are unneccesary or even more likely it really isn’t very effective at all, despite any and all claims made by the manufacturer and repeated by governments.
They’ve already given up on the prevents infection. It also doesn’t seem to limit ICU or deaths.

Are you really that dumb that you need it constantly explained to you why any generalised covid statistical analysis is misleading?

Generalised anything is misleading, especially when copy pasted by someone who doesn’t understand it in the first place.
Present an actual argument showing anything at all and maybe I’ll take you seriously. Strawmanning statistical basics adds nothing to the discussion.


You don’t need to say it specifically. You defended that article yesterday and even accused me of not reading it. It was very clearly using generalised statistics to make a general statement that the vaccine was ineffective at preventing death. I will put it too you again. If an 80yo is 200 times more likely to die from covid than a young person, is that article full of shit in making a general statement that vaccines do not save lives including in older people?

And you are still confused with ICU stats. No wonder you came up with that idiotic lockdown forever prediction.

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy
MR coal

If an 80yo is 200 times more likely to die from covid than a young person, is that article full of shit in making a general statement that vaccines do not save lives including in older people?

No. It may be or it may not be.
Show the data showing that article is full of shit and stop making ridiculous completely unfounded generalisations yourself.


You are also wrong. Sy was the one making an assertion. If you are going stick your chin out and an make an assertion in a so called “research paper” the onus is on you to prove the vaccine is ineffective in all age groups.

The only stats available in vaccine related deaths is actually skewed towards younger people dying. You are drawing an extremely long bow trying to suggest the death rate from vaccines is so much higher in older people that is it not worth it for them to get vaccinated. But I will keep an open mind and wait on Dr Sy to prove this.


 No wonder you came up with that idiotic lockdown forever prediction.

What lockdown forever prediciton?
I said unless you do lockdown forever it achieves nothing in the long term.
And it kinda looks like I was right.
We could have had this outbreak 2 years ago and skipped all the lockdown BS.

Are you retarded or something?

And if the effectiveness of the vaccine wears off, as is all but admitted by requiring boosters then they also do nothing in the long term if you stop taking them, whether they work 100% in the short term or 50% or not at all.


do nothing in the long term if you stop taking them

For that to be true then someone who is vaccinated must not gain any natural immunity after contracting the virus. CDC have released papers that suggest vaccinated people do in fact gain natural immunity after contracting the virus.

Bearing in mind this is a highly contagious virus that we are ALL likely to end up catching every year like the common cold. I suspect (no proof) that the symptoms will become milder over time due to natural immunity. If that eventuates then the benefits of the vaccine will also reduce over time.


You do understand that just like the flu and common cold the natural immunity is short lived. That’s why you get them every year.
The symptoms almost certainly will become overall milder in the WHOLE population over time.
Care to guess why?(hint: Charles darwin)

DC have released papers that suggest vaccinated people do in fact gain natural immunity after contracting the virus.

Either that or they die. People who have previously contracted Covid is a group far more heavily skewed than the age stuff you whinge about.


Flu is a different story because it is not that contagious and you can go an extended period without contracting.

You need to be wary of research that implies becoming infected means you have lost your immunity. It is one thing they learnt with Omicron that antibodies in vaccinated people do not provide much protection against infection. However, the T-cells still provide protection against severe illness, and that protection is longer lasting.

The point being, just because you can become infected with common cold regularly it does not mean you lose all your immunity in quick time.


Flu is a different story because it is not that contagious and you can go an extended period without contracting.

Currently flu is outdoing covid here in NSW from what I can tell.

I also notice you completely ignore the massive skew in data that supports your viewpoint while screaming from the rooftops about those against…


For that to be true then someone who is vaccinated must not gain any natural immunity after contracting the virus. CDC have released papers that suggest vaccinated people do in fact gain natural immunity after contracting the virus

There is a lot of commentary out there (at least in conspiracy-theory-land) about the jabbed having a significantly modified/impaired natural immune reaction…

like this https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/aids-like-chronic-covid-is-taking

Reus's Large MEMBER

The current theory is that in spite of the jabbed getting natural immunity the effects of the jabs on the immune system are such that the immune system is compromised to such a extent that the jabbed are more likely to catch covid again and again, as well as be more seriously affected by previously benign things like colds and flu, or monkey pox etc. So the more jabbed you are the more the immune system is fcuked as well as the greater the chance of side effects. Note also that the jabs effect your DNA, as found by a recent study in Sweden.


Nah, it’s all due to isolating for 2 years and not being exposed to the flu in that time…Trust us.
Funny how I never once heard that argument be used as a justification not to lock down though, kinda like they made it up post covid.


I think there’s two separate theories in there.

First one is that the Vaccine lowers the immune response through VAIDS. Whereby the constant stimulation of the system via the spike proteins being produced long after the injection, and the resulting low levels of inflammation, basically wears your immune system out/runs it down, making you more likely to catch the flu, colds, covid, shingles, ect (technically shingles is activation of the Chicken pox virus, but it occurs more frequently in immune compromised people).

The second one is specifically in regards to covid, in that the vacinne causes your immune system to focus on the protein spike and you end up with ADE or Antibody Dependent Enhancement, which is sort of like a Trojan horse. Where the partial immune response focused on the protein spike, that ignores other attributes of the virus, means that future variations of COVID can actually more easily access the cells.

From what I understand the chance of both can increase with repeated vacinne exposure, and also diminish the longer you go without further vaccinations.

These concerns are entirely separate to other concerns about reverse transcription, evidence the mRNA accumulates in gonads and ovaries, and the possible impacts on fertility.


Freddy never wrestle a pig

you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it


lol, much like freddy you never have any reasonable arguments either, just blind faith assertions that things are true. Nothing to back it up.


I like to think of him as more of a comment stalking fly that needs to be swatted away. Perhaps this site needs and ignore function to operate like an insect repellant.


Sportsbet has the pig odds-on favourite.


But more importantly secondly.

How many booster shots before you stop getting them as an old person?

It’s like the lockdown. If you aren’t going to continue doing it forever not doing it at all seems the next best option. Otherwise you end up with all the risks of taking it but none of the protection

to me, this seems very persuasive.



just the other day I asked a diabetic child : why do you bother to take insulin

you’re just going to have to keep doing it forever

he started crying and his mother complained


Freddy clearly stated he isn’t taking it forever.

Or are you suggesting that we didn’t stop doing lockdowns? Or that the kid should stop taking insulin?

What point are you actually trying to make, if any?

Aussie Soy Boy

The child will almost certainly die young and have a horrible quality of life up until that point if they don’t take insulin everyday.

I’m a 0.02% chance of dying from or with COVID and that’s not taking into account no doubt all the asymptomatic cases out there, and takes into account all the fat pigs and people with chronic disease (most Australians).

If you are healthy your chances of dying are much, much lower than 0.02% if you catch COVID. Basically doesn’t happen if you’re under 50 and in good health.

Still yet to catch COVID despite 2.5 years into this pandemic, so absolute risk even lower again.


Isn’t that exactly the point ?

the question posed was : “if you are an ELDERLY person, how many shots are you going to take “

in which case the scenario is much closer to the insulin one

Maybe here’s a better one you could relate to more :

a rampant homosexual bottom like to have unprotected anal intercourse with black strangers – how long is he expected to continue taking HIV prophylaxis

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

in which case the scenario is much closer to the insulin one

It really isn’t.

A fly in your ointment

just the other day I asked a diabetic child why do you bother to take insulin

Wow, how does this compare to jabbadabba in any real world?

Not taking insulin is a path to a certain horrible agonising death. Plus Insulin intake is certain NOT to kill the patient.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Are you going to tell me that an 80yo who is 200 times more likely to die from covid than a young person should not get vaccinated because the risk of dying from the vaccine is higher than the risk of covid? Are you really that dumb that you need it constantly explained to you why any generalised covid statistical analysis is misleading?

By what metric is risk from wax lower than from C19 for aged people?

I understand that as a rule of thumb it can be assumed so but to measure it and compare it to another something which lacks any untainted data (risks and benefits from jabbadabba wax) can only produce a speculation.

In mu personal experience and anectdata, the risk from c19 for 80yo with severe immunodeficiency in late stage of cancer is nill – if they take vit D, C, K, and Zn, Mg, elements plus usual Mediterranean antiviral stuff (e.g. lemon juice with Sod.Bicarb, etc).
Would my father die from jabbadabba? No one will ever know.


If I did that, they’d find me and sack me!

Basil Thistlethwaite

What’s the stock swami asx pumper dumper story?


LUNATIC ABS Announces Unemployment Rate Falling to 3.5%


If you didn’t count their employment status properly, are they real people?

Plus the current methodology has the advantage of people with second jobs being potentially counted twice, which is clearly an optics win.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Plus those not reported as job seekers bc not interested in dole.
Need this for support the excessive imports of labour…


Don’t think that’s how it works.
It is a survey of random people. If you are actively looking for work you are counted as unemployed if you haven’t worked dole or not. Someone on dole could be either unemployed, employed or not participating depending.

A fly in your ointment

That is sort of what I meant when mentioning dole.


Lowest in 48 years

unironically may need to open the gates

but what does that do to rents

should only allow workers in for construction purposes



was Shinzo Abe hooked up to Hollywood/prosthetic blood bag ?

the “footage” of the shooting looked sketchy too


I really don’t get you.
You fully believe people with clear motivation either financial or reputational to lie about covid but then think they are lying about something like this?


Won’t catch this aggro establishment shill questioning anything of actual importance to the establishment


I still haven’t received my cheque from Mr Soros


the “footage” of the shooting looked sketchy too

Care to tell us what exactly looked sketchy?

was Shinzo Abe hooked up to Hollywood/prosthetic blood bag ?

I’ll counter that with:
If you had the resources to get someone declared dead who wasn’t is a fake shooting in public the method you would use to do that?


EZFKAFL players no longer need to be vaxxed to play.

A bit unfortunate for all those players coerced to get the jab or give up a huge amount of earning potential in the small window they have to do so.


XXX no longer need to be vaxxed to Y.

A bit unfortunate for everyone.
Virtually all the mandates gone at this point.


Except the pro hodlers.

The hodler blokes certainly know how to hodl the line!


Last week I made my first macroeconomic related trade in 5 years. I sold all my gold and silver near enough to the recent highs in AUD terms. My reasoning is:
1) USD is continuing to rise and AUDUSD is nearing the GFC lows where I know RBA went out of their way to support it. That means if USD continues to rise commodities will also fall in AUD terms.
2) I have always known that as real interest rates rise precious metal prices start to approach the their mining cost. When I saw the chart below it freaked me out a little.

FXD5v9LXgAE_I19 (739×484) (twimg.com)

Of course now that I have said that I fully expect all the central banks to announce gold-backed currency and precious metal prices will go to the moon.


Freddy, I’m not sure that I understand this element:

That means if USD continues to rise commodities will also fall in AUD terms.


Gold has been behaving like a currency in that if USD (DXY) rises gold price falls by an equivalent amount, and similarly if USD falls gold prices rises by similar amount in USD terms. Net effect is the gold price has been fairly static in AUD terms.

What I am expecting to happen though is if USD continues to rise the RBA will support the AUD. Possibly faster rate rises and/or buy AUD directly in the FX market as it did during GFC and Covid crashes. That means AUD will in a way be pegged to USD, and if USD continues to rise the gold price will also fall in AUD terms.


Ok, I see what you’re saying now.

I’ll need to think about it.

(context is that my existing exposure to gold/silver is minimal, but this could be a good set up to try to trade)


Just to make it a nice even 100 comments:

The last time we saw prices like this, the regulator, Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), suspended all bids and capped prices at $300MWh. Yet here we are above double that and that sound you can hear is nothing but crickets…

There is no media reporting of it, either. Nor have Albo’s cowards mentioned it. It’s as if there’s been some mighty explosion as they all toured the facility for a photo-op and they are missing, presumed dead.


Honestly did ever expect it to be any different in EZFKA?

The EZ is economically Administered “Governed” solely through hand outs and whatever can be harvested from the tax donkeys. The rest of the “Governing” is on social policy diversity quotas, environmental laws, mass migration, and pussy footing around China.

Consequently, no matter who is in power under the current political framework, the end result is Australia is being strip mined of both its social capital and its resource base.

I use to believe DLS was an optimist, but I now believe like I said the other day, he fights tooth and nail to stay firmly within the manufactured narrative. Why? Because to admit that we are in EZFKA, means admitting that he is wrong – democracy doesn’t work in a duopoly, all our institutions have been corrupted from the top down, and our nation is being stolen from us.

That is the simplest truth based on all the evidence around us.


your diagnosis of Davo is probably right.

He would much rather be an insider, but on the fringes criticising the main herd of insiders and challenging small aspects of their orthodoxy at the margin … all the time hoping to -one day- be proven right about something and to then have the herd embrace him and move towards him and envelop him in its warm coddling fold.

… rather than an outsider, living beyond the herd, rejecting the herd, assuming a position which can never be accepted or adopted by the herd.


He would much rather be an insider,

but is neither good enough nor enough of a sell out to actually get there.

A fly in your ointment

… rather than an outsider, living beyond the herd, rejecting the herd, assuming a position which can never be accepted or adopted by the herd.

That takes a visionary, a philosopher, a person able to think abstractly, a humanist, a person of principles and NOT a narcissists.

A fly in your ointment


i like the Unimog
These were historically used for snow ploughing with 100% success, second only to ZIL in terms of permafrost performance.
not sure about the soup van business, if customers don’t have money what good is a business? the camo, otoh, is perfect to hide in the bush for the time when self-sustaining is outlawed.


The EZFKA government will do nothing. A colder than normal winter will be blamed for the price spikes and power demand will reduce in spring. Problem solved until summer.


I’ve had this argument with the dunderhead over there many times.
You can’t both have
suspended all bids and capped prices at $300MWh.
a free market using private investment that is actually going to work(if it ever actually was)

For the free market to actually generate new capacity you need a long term price explosion ala mining to get the massive capital to invest in new capacity.
If you want centrally controlled prices then you need no market and a government controlled network of long term fixed price contracts to the gov.
Trying to fix prices while also expecting people to invest with no guarantees of selling any power at all is ridiculous.
You’d think an economist would be able to get their head around that concept but nope…

The only solution to the existential power crisis is price hikes to the moon or renationalisation. Plant closures are getting close enough now that albo may think that kicking the can won’t get it far enough into the future t o be out of his responsibility.


When did this argument take place? DLS has been warning about the gas cartel for many years and is not averse to nationalisation.

Here’s a gas “quick fix”: nationalise Santos – MacroBusiness


Every time he had a whinge about the darwin solar project connecting to singapore instead of the east coast energy market for one.

But he deleted any and all evidence of it and banned me any time i pointed it out. so don’t expect to find any evidence there.

Such is his idiocy though. Electricity market fine, it’s all the gas cartels fault.

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678
A fly in your ointment

You may be able to find some correlation between articles and investment patterns.
It makes sense if one is writing an influential column with 100s or even 10s of 1000 of readers.


What about his chicken little spiel for Simandou:

“Ah the sky is falling in. RIO will cause the price of Iron Ore to crash and destroy Australia’s one single export of any value!”

What has happened? RIO and its Chinese partner are squabbling. The 800km railway through tropical jungle and mountain ranges is running behind schedule and the natives are restless:


I called him out repeatedly telling him it was unlikely it would be built let alone reach nameplate capacity:



Gruppenführer Mark

At the risk of starting another flame war on all things vaccine, I have a genuine question, as I tried to research it on my own but no cigar so far.

In Australia, we had the AZ and Pfizer vaccines. Both are mRNA-type, which, arguably, causes VAIDS, or not, depending on your interpretation of whatever limited data is available.

Then we got Novovax, which is a protein-based vaccine. It is advertised as having 90% efficacy, with mild side effects. Recently, the EU added some severe side effects associated with vaccine, because of people being allergic to it or its components. From memory, the EU had ~950 cases of severe side effects reported with zero fatal outcomes from ~250,000 doses administered (can’t find the damn link!).

“Unlike the relatively new technologies that the mRNA and viral-vector COVID-19 shots are based on, protein vaccines have been used for decades to protect people from hepatitis, shingles and other viral infections. To elicit a protective immune response, these shots deliver proteins, along with immunity-stimulating adjuvants, directly to a person’s cells, rather than a fragment of genetic code that the cells must read to synthesize the proteins themselves.”


Question: does Novavax affect one’s immune system in the same way (or has potential to do so) as AZ/Pfizer? I understand that protein base is a fairly old technology, but just want to get you’se opinions.


AZ is not mrna vaccine

it’s virus vector


Novavax is a protein based vaccine – it is the only ‘traditional’ vaccine for COVID in any sense, in that the protein spike is manufactured externally and injected into your body to provide an immune response.

AZ is a DNA therapy, using a Chimpanzee Adenovirus as the vector to infiltrate the body. This isn’t a new treatment as the use of adenoviruses have been around for a long time. The theory is that the adenovirus won’t replicate within the body because it has evolved to survive in Chimps, thus while it finds us similar enough to a chimp to survive in us for a short while, someone who is infected with the virus as a result of being vaccinated isn’t going to pass their infection on to anyone else as it never becomes contagious in the way other virus do that have evolved to use us.

That is not to say that it may not mutate and eventually become contagious, certainly being injected into billions of people with trillions of opportunities to reproduce moderately within a human body, does increase the chance of this occurring.

Once in the body it then injects its DNA into a cell, infecting it, where the DNA results in mRNA codices being produced, which the cells ribosome factories the use as a template to manufacture the protein spike. These protein spikes are then extruded from the cell producing an immune response.

Pfizer and Moderna are both mRNA vaccines. These skip the middle step of using an adenovirus and have the mRNA directly injected into the body, where it floats through the cell membrane, enters the cells and interacts with the ribosomes directly.

The production of the protein spike within the cells causes an issue. Firstly it results in long term inflammation as the bodies immune system combats the protein spike for as long as it is being produced. The second factor is that as the protein spike is extruded onto the surface of the cell membrane, the body will start attacking those problem cells causing apoptosis, or cell death.

The biggest issue between the AZ and the mRNA vaccines is the size of the particles being injected. Both get injected into the muscle matter of your arm, the difference is the AZ is a relatively large molecule in the form of a virus. This means it can’t easily cross either the blood brain barrier or disperse as widely throughout the body (note some dispersal still occurs).

Thus the eventual apoptosis that the infection and resulting inflammation occurs remains fairly localised in the area in which it was injected – i.e. muscle, which is often replaced through injury and of not as great a consequence.

The mRNA vaccines however are tiny molecules. They also don’t remain localised in the muscle but have been found to disperse widely throughout the body, in fact the studies appear to show that the two areas where it most heavily accumulates is the liver (probably due to the lipid solution that it is suspended in when it is injected) and the gonads and ovaries.

Consequently the biggest criticism of the mRNA vaccines is their potential to cause inflammation throughout the body, including nerve cells – indeed nerve disorders are the second highest malady reported from the vaccines. Some dispersal still occurs with the AZ, but not to the extent of the mRNA vaccines.

There is also the potential for the mRNA vaccines to be reverse transcribed into your genome, which is particularly concerning given its potential for accumulating in the ovaries. Since all women are born with all the eggs they will ever have, these could potentially also become infected (theoretically the AZ can be reverse transcribed as it produce mRNA too, however as it is more likely to be encoded into DNA in your muscle rather than your sperms of ovaries, it is less of an issue).

Two issues here. Firstly basic fertility, if the eggs also start producing protein spikes then a low grade inflammation around them will make it much harder for the resulting embryo to implant, as the mother’s body will continue to respond against the protein spike on the surface of the gamete.

The other issue is with the reverse transcription. If it makes its reverse transcribes its way into the genome of the gamete, then EVERY cell of the resulting embryo will potentially be able to produce that protein spike, complicating that individuals immune system for life.

These are the biggest differences between the vaccines and gene therapies, and the main criticisms of the mRNA vaccines.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie
Gruppenführer Mark


Much appreciated. It was a wealth of information. I think if I have to get jabbed (absolutely have to), Novavax is the only option out there.


Yes, thanks for the correction.


I think that’s sensible, but better just to get covid. It’s not that bad.


Novavax still uses spike proteins(bad) and lipid nanoparticles for delivery (worse) so can cross the blood brain barrier and cause nasties like mad cow and other neurological problems, and is still not clinically indicated for 99.9% of the population like the rest anyway.



It’s not protien based by the way

Last edited 2 years ago by HD
Gruppenführer Mark

Damn it!

How do I embed the pictures?

Last edited 2 years ago by Gruppenführer Mark
A fly in your ointment


Not sure if above will work as it is kt a link to a file per-se

A fly in your ointment

Twatter prevents direct link so you can screen grab and upload direct


Yeah, that’s the thing, though… I can’t seem to grasp the upload direct concept. Copy/paste image doesn’t work, comes up with metadata, not the actual image. Unless there is a button I’m oblivious to.



Gruppenführer Mark

I knew it! Don’t have that button 🙁


Don’t have that button https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f641.svg

it’s a bit of an EZFKA mystery – some people seems to lose the ability to post images.

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy

That’s pretty neat!


Yes. I don’t know how long the image will last on the proxy server but it should be good enough for the comment chats.

A fly in your ointment

I just paste the link and it comes automatically

comment image