Australia can’t vote it’s way out of it’s predicament, so get over it

I’ve seen a lot of the predictable whinging over the election result (mainly from ‘conservative’ types) about why we’re now facing Bolshevism on steroids in EZFKA.

They’re right, that’s exactly what is happening. Inner city wealthy greens and billionaire funded wealthy teals (good billionaire Simon, not bad billionaire Clive) who pretty much hate the country they inherited from their self-loathing boomer parents, are going to finish off what’s left of it.

People are blaming Scomo for shifting to the left and generally being a WEF stooge and they’re right too. That left wing shift has come from somewhere else though (you can start with his chief advisor Yaron Finkelstein). We also haven’t had a genuine conservative party in this country in years and most conservatives now are cucked, milquetoast pussies trying to appease everyone and protect their own wealth – this is a global phenomenon. More on that in a separate post.

Albo was always going to win (see previous post on that). If the result is to be believed then only a third of the country wanted him and team red in, so that’s hardly an endorsement. He’s a fucking retarded Biden-lite, and I’d expect Plibersek or Wong to be PM by year’s end. He won’t see out his term, if we even get to the next election in one piece.

What surprised me is the Victorian and WA contingent voting for more of the same ‘govern me harder daddy’ type stuff of the last two years. I’ve come to the same conclusion as David Hiscox at XYZ News has that Victorians are largely self-loathing dummies as are Western Australians, who both deserve their fate. Ironic, as Melbourne was the centre of protests during COVID (it’s also the globalist testing ground for a lot of stuff).

Was there electoral fraud? Probably in some booths I would guess, yes. Can’t prove it but the claims and behaviour of the AEC during this whole cycle leads me to believe there was some and this meme that ‘Australia is different’ and above all that is nonsense. The Victorian ALP shamelessly rigged the Moreland council election last year, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they’ve done the same elsewhere on a larger scaler.

There’s also the demographic-immigration element. The Dai Le vs Keneally showdown showed that multiculturalism is nothing more than an ethnic head count and voting bloc and that globalists are trying to change demographics in Australia via mass immigration – aka the Great Replacement. They’re doing the same in every western country, Australia is no different. The protests during COVID were 99% white Australians (save for a few tokens they rolled out for the cameras to show how ‘not racist’ the protestors were – total cringe) and not Indians or Chinese or Muslims. That said it all to me about who really still cares about the country – the descendants of those who founded it.

Anyways, more to the point – voting isn’t going to do anything about our predicament so get over it.

No-one is coming to save us and putting your faith in corruptible, oligarch-owned public officials to do for you what you won’t do for yourself is cope. The only people saving the country is us, if you really want to.

To put this simply, turning up to a polling booth once every three years to avoid economic penalty and marking a slip of paper is not going to change anything. Do you really think for a second that the oligarchs who own Australia are going to sit back and go:

 ‘Well we were planning the loot and plunder of what was left of your freedoms and wealth and have spent billions over the years to achieve this aim, but I see they’ve put some marked sheets of paper in a box saying they don’t want it so I guess we won’t do that. Sorry guys, we’ll just go home now.’

The ruling class are prepared to use violence against you to achieve their aim, they’ve shown that hand multiple times since 2020 – it’s just a continuation of human history but the average western normie is so shielded from violence these days they forget it’s been the story of human evolution. Their most egregious form of violence was by forcing most people to inject an untested poison without proper consent or starve to death through unemployment. They set the cops and ‘authorised officers’ to beat the shit of anyone who objected in public or private and have strong armed businesses into closing. If you need any more proof of what governance model they want for Australia, look at China.

So what’s the solution other than rants?

Not to sound like a hypocrite, but I agree with what Gab founder Andrew Torba is saying that localism is the new nationalism. You have to build new communities locally – get on school committees, councils, clubs, charities, organisational committees etc and build from there. Nationalism straight up is easily co-opted, by feds or NGO’s, and its’ far more effective to do it street by street (but a much longer term intensive project). Considering the globohomo alternative, it’s the best option we have in my opinion.

I do realise in globalist multicultural shithole Australia, that’s going to prove tough and that was exactly what multiculturalism was designed to do – dilute resistance to globalism. Doesn’t mean it can’t be done, just means there are more lines for conflict and the mountain to climb is far higher.

The best chance for this is in regional Australia where community spirit is still alive in many places. Sydney and Melbourne are largely a lost cause and need to be razed to the ground – a lot of those clowns are going to get burnt by interest rates in the next few months anyway, so fuck them. From a regional Queenslander perspective, Brisbane looks like it’s turning Green and I’m not surprised if it’s all those fag transplants from Victoria that moved during COVID that have pushed it over the edge. Still voting how they did in Victoria and now bringing they’re retarded viewpoints north – California to Texas syndrome down under.

Also, start having more children if you can. If country shoppers in western sydney can have 9 kids while rorting Family Tax Benefits, what’s your excuse? Very idealistic, I know but it’s the future of the country you’re investing in and the demographic decline has to be reversed somehow.

Despite all the nihilistic doomer predictions, we are going to have massive economic chaos the next few months, at a minimum stagflation is baked in, causing all kinds of shit to unwind. Kitchen sinks will fly from Big Australia dumb shit Jim Chalmers and Albo but will be largely in vain. Happy to be wrong, but a lot of what’s ahead in the economic realm isn’t nice but I think it will negate a lot of the country destroying noise we will see in Canberra from the Greens and co. Borders are something to watch.

Either way, we are going to get violence either on a global scale or at home as supply chains continue to go south, the currency cycle of the US Dollar ends and inflation or interest rate rises bite. We are better placed than some other countries due to our remoteness, food supply and lower population but still not great. This thing is global and there’s nowhere to go.

TL;DR – massive economic disruption already underway yet to reach it’s crescendo. Prepare accordingly, there is still time to shield yourself somewhat.

Australian democracy is just a fake and gay charade. – if you’re just arriving at this viewpoint then welcome to the party, pal. The Collapsitarian has more on this.

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it’s the first day, and WEF lackey Chalmers is already getting ready to open the gates

Skill shortages a big priority
With businesses warning skills shortages were putting a speed limit on the economy, boosting participation and matching skills with employer needs would be “a big priority” for the Albanese government.

With 84 per cent of businesses reporting labour constraints, groups such as the Business Council of Australia and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry have been calling for a temporary two-year increase in the permanent migration intake to help address the domestic skills crisis.
“Migration obviously has to be part of the story, but it can never be a substitute for training people,” Dr Chalmers said, citing increased investment in skills development and boosting participation.
“Too many businesses have told me over the course of the last little while that if they could find the skills that they needed domestically, then they could grow faster and employ even more people,” he said.
“We want to help them on that journey.”


I fucken warned you about that deadshit Chalmers. Many times. Including yesterday (

and three-years-ago yesterday (


the fact that you have these so readily to hand 3 years later tells me that you are probably a paid operative

perhaps intelligence agency, perhaps soros/other sinister NGO

A normal lunatic/extremist would NOT have such comprehensive records


Maybe just an idiot savant?

Joachim Peiper

the fact that you have these so readily to hand 3 years later tells me that you are probably a paid operative

Yep, it’s a small world and it smells funny.


peachy would. she is just hilarious and unique.


I think she’s sus as fuck

middle aged ?
female ?
logs every single one of her countless forum shitposts that she can cite at a moments notice ?

owns and operates a fringe website for a handful of alt-right extremists


I have a very large organised collection of bookmarks so that if anyone challenges me on claims I make, I can produce evidence quickly. I haven’t kept track of my predictions, but perhaps I should. It could be a good check on my thinking, and could give insight into the tradability of my thoughts. Perhaps that’s what Peachy is doing.


It wouldn’t matter who won, the gates would be wide open. They only differ in the who and what visa.


It wouldn’t matter who won, the gates would be wide open. They only differ in the who and what visa.

awww, common, let me have my gloat!


You can gloat all you like as it seems EmBee has realised that Chalmers is a Big Australia supporter.


3 years too late, as always.


2 times 18 months. LOL


dead right mate…voting as we have is the root cause of the ezfka malaise…
fmd we reinforced the fk up last saturday

Aussie Soy Boy

Sounds about right.

I think we’ll be largely insulated from the 20%+ inflation in Europe. Push comes to shove we hold some grain back, we’re largely self sufficient with food, we’ll get more for our commodities, most Australians could do with skipping a few meals anyway.

Life will get hard in the sense that people that the overextended will have to trim the luxuries and take financial pain, but no-one going out with essentials.


Great article. These are some thoughts I had, most of which support your premise too:

  1. It cost Simon Holmes Court what to do this? Clive spent $100m in 3 months. Every rich family in the country just watched this, so any future elections are likely to be way more expensive, as the oligarch class gets directly involved. Niceties like Mining Council, Tech Council or Banking Council are going to get left behind in terms of actual power going forward (i think). Soros money was also definitely behind some of the Teals.
  2. We all saw WA and Vic doing whatever they wanted during Covid. Scomo did sfa apart from send some sternly worded letters. Why? Practically, I think it was because all he could do. Which means, every power outside gov is going to start to understand that they can have their own part of Australia.
  3. Corruption is going to become the norm (more than usual). As Albo said, he wants to change the country. The left is going to use the 30% ‘mandate’ to hit everyone not their lackeys. Why? Because this is what they do elsewhere.

I think medium term, unless Albo/Chalmers pull off a miracle and unify the country, we are looking at pretty serious economic stresses and the nation starting to slowly come apart.

On the plus side:

  1. Everyone who can is starting to batten down the hatches. Worldwide. The problem might be stagflation, but I think there is a decent chance we have deep deflation. Practically, fewer people are affected by the stupidity of government going forward, as more folks exit the system. This is clearly a win.
  2. The oligarch class (non-western) is getting the hell out of dodge. So Chinese money is going back, and my suspicion is asian money in Oz is going to start drying up too. Apparently Li Ka-Shing family have all but pulled out of London already. This means, as we are a capital importer, the lack of easy money should enforce discipline.
  3. The fact that the left had to silence the misandrists/climate cult/globo homo in its ranks is very telling. They ran a super disciplined campaign. We may have already passed the high water mark of the progressive cult.
  4. The american-ization of our culture proceeds. This is shite, but on the plus side, gun, homeschooling and abortion policy from the US is likely to also make the trip down under. The US appears to be very quickly returning to Trump, and this will impact the stupidity of the Green/Left.
  5. Globohomo and its WEF minions have taken a massive beating in Ukraine. The is a major geopolitical event. The de-dollarisation which is going to happen at scale, should trigger higher rates if you are not in the golden circle. So everyone other than the banks.

Lets see how it plays out. May you live in interesting times 🙂


It took a grand total of one day post-election to start up hysterical talk about pandemics, now the good old flu is back because nobody gives a shit about wuflu anymore.

Let Labor open the gates, stagflation is here and importing hordes of unwashed is simply going to accelerate the crushing of living standards. Grab the popcorn and watch the show unfold. Who (WHO?) rises from the ashes in three years time?


now the good old flu is back because nobody gives a shit about wuflu anymore.

I was going to do a short post on this. Thanks for reminding me!

Reus's Large MEMBER

The flu never went away, it was just counted as covid … PCR can’t differentiate between flu and covid

Also why people with “covid” don’t show up as positive on RAT but do with PCR, RAT test can differentiate between the two.

A fly in your ointment

…or covid is counted for what it is: a flu

A fly in your ointment

I like the pessimistic tone, it is fully warranted.
As much as I agree with the text tone, a few things are not quite where they should be.

The protests during COVID were 99% white Australians (save for a few tokens they rolled out for the cameras to show how ‘not racist’ the protestors were – total cringe) and not Indians or Chinese or Muslims. That said it all to me about who really still cares about the country – the descendants of those who founded it

it all depends how you classify whities. If it includes wogs, lebos and good Americans (of the south) then yes, it was 99% white. But then this concluded that Asian cnuts did not participate ergo do not care. This is inaccurate. Asian culture is dominantly subservient to powers of the state and generally do not rebel.

Also, start having more children if you can. If country shoppers in western sydney can have 9 kids while rorting Family Tax Benefits, what’s your excuse?

this is putting the cart before the horse. The whole FTB system is designed to play the cultural traits of the particular demographic of later decades immigrants and they simply dance to the tune that is composed for them.
And thus we come to the point I am trying to make. Immigrants of later decades did not decide to crank the immigration intake 10fold. Neither they could decide to begin the sale of everything and anything to the highest bidders. It was the mob you consider to have founded this country. Their decisions made you/us in a sheety place through a long game and the only direction to look for the culprit is there, not the recent decades immigrants whom are just useful tools.
Descendants of wardens did a good job selling the convicts idea of one nation where in fact it was always the Mutton Mince Factory sheppards and sheep. Another good sale is for sheep of older breed to turn on sheep that was recently brought in… to divert the focus from abattoirs.

Australia was fucked by those who were in power on the last 100 years.

Another meme is that people come here to exploit the system set by the predecesors and have no loyalty. Economic immigration IS the history of this country, apart from wardens, all the immigration was 100% economical beginning with Cook and even Wardens had incentives to migrate to colonies.

there’s more but it is a bitch to comment long on the phone.

one last thought, the only thing that can save the humanity and any action is “The Family” as a basic unit of mankind. And I am not talking of the remnants of the western family in the form of the parent and kids until kids are old enough and kicked out. Family as an extensive group of relatives sharing and enjoying the common wealth. This is what made humans survive over ages, nothing else. The WEF elite never gave up on that for themselves.


People in power (latter day aristocrats) get there with the support of their families. Their goal is to ensure their family’s continued success. Breeding is a competitive game. Hobbling your offspring’s potential opponents before they are even born by promulgating subversive ideology is a smart move.


they simply dance to the tune that is composed for them. 

And thus we come to the point I am trying to make. Immigrants of later decades did not decide to crank the immigration intake 10fold. Neither they could decide to begin the sale of everything and anything to the highest bidders. It was the mob you consider to have founded this country. Their decisions made you/us in a sheety place through a long game and the only direction to look for the culprit is there, not the recent decades immigrants whom are just useful tools.

this is an interesting and good perspective.

I think you are right to point the finger at the traditional power structures and the people involved in them.

it is easy for many to be seduced by the theory of evil infiltrators that have subverted the noble power structures for their own bad purposes. But this is the same phenomenon we saw for centuries in monarchies when it was not socially permissible to accuse the monarch (who was bad/selfish/incompetent/aloof/hateful/stupid), so the standard phraseology involved blaming the king’s “corrupt advisors”.

the Occam’s razor approach is, of course, to point directly at the power structure, like you have.

as the corruption of that navy guy’s report states “We have met the enemy and he is us”

Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy
A fly in your ointment

is that a quote from Catch-22?
that is one hard movie to get. I have it on VHS, a genuine copy (a copyright paradox, eh?), must get that VCR fixed.

yes, that is my point exactly. one more bit to it is that the said narrative of blaming the immigrants of later decades for everything – is planted, watered and fertilised hence it flourished. It is a play on natural subliminal propensities of all humans.


No, it’s not Catch 22 (although it could fit into that setting!)

Im not sure that I ever understood Catch 22 in its entirety. Although it was much more accessible than Gravity’s Rainbow, with which I feel it share a certain sort of kinship of similarity – if for no other reason than the military setting and recurrent absurdities which do so well to highlight idiosyncrasies of individual humans and also of society

A fly in your ointment

I’ve seen it looooong time ago and I remember only bits and pieces.
check Wiki on Catch-22 (logic) which is a different article from the movie and novel.

“Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can’t stop them from doing.”

I will fix my vcr for this movie. perhaps only for nostalgic reasons. loved those snowy bars when fast forwarding


Haven’t seen the movie, only did the book.

googling it, seems like there is now a modern miniseries too.

if I recall correctly, the original catch 22 had to do with medical discharge for insanity….
Pilots could be grounded/sent home, instead of flying more dangerous mission, if they were insane. But if they told the squad doctor that they wanted to be grounded/sent home, rather than flying dangerous mission, because they were insane – this aversion to danger was a conclusive demonstration of sanity. Therefore they were fit to fly.


Sir, this is a fringe website for a handful of alt-right extremists.


And you are most welcome!

A fly in your ointment

what’s “alt-right” ?
I struggle to get my head to absorb the meaning

Maybe it is something on the keyboard when you type ….

A fly in your ointment

my keyboard has only ALT on the left hand side. is that the ALT-LEFT?


It means blaming anyone except immigrants, foreigners, women and jews isn’t really on the menu.

A fly in your ointment

I am not worried about being insulted, ofended or converting someone to my religions or vantage points.
I just wanna be a fly in someone’s ointment… Alt-up and Alt-down, Alt-left and alt-right… they are all good customers


Then your in a gold mine. Goodluck and godspeed.


I do hope you stick around. You sound leftist. I need some leftists to sharpen my wits against. So far your rhetoric is disappointing in that it’s so predictable: apply labels and leftist stereotypes in order to get your opponents to debate in your terms while offering zero acknowledgement of or interest in the others’ concerns. You’ll have to present something with a bit more substance if you want to change any minds here. Alternatively, you could recruit a bunch of mates and completely take over the comments and the posts, swamping those that disagree with the sheer volume of verbiage.


I need some leftists to sharpen my wits against. 

Anyone using alt-right as an argument has no wits and merely parrots what he has read/heard elsewhere…


That’s actually pretty funny. Are you a bot?


Negative. I am a meat popsicle.




Is this your idea of argument of substance? I’m getting more and more convinced that you’re a bot.

Last edited 2 years ago by robert2013

Dude, a paragraph of the pot calling the kettle black hardly warrants an argument of substance.


Progress! You put your conclusion in words. Now start with your premise and set out your argument.

I’ll start. You said “It means blaming anyone except immigrants, foreigners, women and jews isn’t really on the menu.”

I think you misunderstand what we are about. This is a site for free speech and debate. Most people here are social conservatives. Some have views that leftists typically characterise as “right” or as they tend to say about anyone who disagrees with them,”far right extremist”. I have no idea what you mean by “blaming” since I don’t know what you think anyone here is blaming on those classes you listed. If you hang around long enough you’ll see that different people get blamed by different commenters and posters for different things. We are not a unity here. Anyone can post an article. Anyone can comment. We don’t share the same views. If you set out an argument, you will get a response, often thoughtful, but not always. I’m quite genuine in wanting you to hang around. We need diversity of opinon here, but if you don’t want to set out an argument, then please go away. I won’t waste any more time on you until you do.


I’d read enough of this site over a few hours to know exactly what its about before posting. Its hardly needed to go past the “satire” shorts into the actual comments to figure it out.

2 of the first 10 frontpage posts are well worn conspiracies about the jews. ‘Don’t know what you think anyone here is blaming on those classes’ ? ROFL.

Your not surrounded by ‘social conservatives’ bro, your surrounded by bigots, reactionaries, fashies and probably even some genuine neo-nazies. Dude’s comment I linked above nailed it.


I’m not going to deny there is anti jewish sentiment expressed here. There absolutely is. I’ll repeat my previous words, which you quoted and appear to have failed to comprehend.

I don’t know what you think anyone here is blaming on those classes you listed”.

This was not an attempt at metaphor, a joke. I literally don’t know because you haven’t actually said what you’re referring to, and you still haven’t.

2 of the first 10 frontpage posts are well worn conspiracies about the jews.”

OK, which ones? And so what? I’m not going to deny the hostilities expressed here. However, just because it’s posted that doesn’t mean everyone agrees…that’s how freedom works here. Anyone can post, anyone can comment whatever they like (except advertising). Even you. Also, just because someone posted something taboo, that doesn’t mean they don’t have useful or even merely interesting things to say.

Your not surrounded by ‘social conservatives’ bro, your surrounded by bigots, reactionaries, fashies and probably even some genuine neo-nazies.”

There you go again: applying a bunch of labels and over generalising in order to avoid getting specific. Specific is hard work. I don’t give damn what the labels are. I’m interested in being made to think. Some of the people you might be referring to in your labels present a lot of detailed and specific information to back up what they say. Sometimes I do the work to verify it for myself. Not all the time, not every day. Frequently enough to find this place useful and thought provoking. And also fun.

So again, and for the last time, I urge you to get specific. Make a post about something. You might change a mind or even make a friend. You might even like to ask a question. At least stick around long enough to check that your assumptions about people here are correct, and that I am wrong.

You have given me nothing to think about and nothing to verify. I won’t be checking this thread again, but thank you for persisting this far. Hope to see you on another thread. With something specific to say.


posting. Its hardly needed to go past the “satire” shorts into the actual comments to figure it out.

2 of the first 10 frontpage posts are well worn conspiracies about the jews. ‘Don’t know what you think anyone here is blaming on those classes’ ? ROFL.

Your not surrounded by ‘social conservatives’ bro, your surrounded by bigots, reactionaries, fashies and probably even some genuine neo-nazies

I also find some of the stuff that I read here here rather distasteful at times. But I remind myself that I don’t get to pretend that it doesn’t exist or turn my pretty nose up at it as unworthy.

not only does it exist, it exists in real people and for reasons and that makes it interesting.

and so just to say “I don’t like it” is a cop out. I have to consider:

  • why I don’t like it
  • is it actually wrong (and how di I know)

these are the interesting and tricky bits.


How many times do you need to ask yourself these things ?

Its not like theres much variety in the core content once you ignore the excessive verbiage.

(And maybe dont insult people by assuming they havent already done that just because they won’t write an essay about it every time.)

Last edited 2 years ago by tamixek134

How many times do you need to ask yourself these things ?

Its not like theres much variety in the core content once you ignore the excessive verbiage.

well, maybe I’m not as smart as you, so that’s why I see variety where you see it all as one and the same.

just like little kids look at a page of maths problems and see 50 different problems. Whereas older people look and see that it’s “all just addition”

(And maybe dont insult people by assuming they havent already done that just because they won’t write an essay about it every time.)

I don’t know what you’re taking about. Are you saying I insulted you? Where?


I apologize. I interpreted “and so just to say “I don’t like it” is a cop out” wrongly.


It means blaming anyone except immigrants, foreigners, women and jews isn’t really on the menu

that sounds unnecessarily limiting.




Code for other bots.

A fly in your ointment!po=79.0909

I know this is yesterday’s news, nonetheless this is a very good TLDR summary of the Covidiotism years.
it touches everyone and everything and takes no prisoners.
Important but is that it exposes the medical industry, from pharma to hospitals and complacent medical professionals (majority of them) as an industry hell bent on profit maximising above anything else at at no holds barred.
one of the conclusions from this article is that C19 was used for toe dipping to probe the waters of how far they can go. Shucks, they learned that they can go much further then anticipated if correct measures are applied to suppress or upease the dissenters. The (re)search into developing a disease which will require everyone to take life saving medicine daily/montly/annually has just begun.