Albanese says LNP’s 160,000 annual migration target unacceptably high, commits to 159,999 instead

Anthony Albanese has lashed out at EZFKA PM Scott Morrison intention to increase migration to 160,000 post-COVID as ‘unacceptably high.’

Albanese says that the number would disproportionately hurt Australian workers they haven’t represented in over 40 years, and said that 159,999 was a far more politically palatable number.

“We’ll still be pulling the old bait and switch of less temporary and more permanent migration, which means faster access to public services migrants haven’t paid for and making these people harder to get rid of,” Albanese said.

“All the naive dickheads over at Macrobusiness will eat it up as actual commitment and claim the ALP of their grandfather is back. Anything Scomo can announce and not commit to, we can do the same.”

Albanese said the only commitment he was prepared to follow through on was unlimited Indian grandmothers via the parental visa scheme, to be announced at a later date.

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Agent 47

Nailed it. This is exactly what will happen.

Can imagine Gunna, Ermo and the rest of the MB retards still believing there’s hope for the ALP.


No need to imagine, their comments are implying there is hope for the ALP


Oh, do share a selection of comments for everyone’s entertainment!


There were some people cynical, but here are some from the weekend post:

Display NameMEMBER
December 12, 2021 at 3:20 pm
If they committed to reducing migration to the historical average and went into bat for that position, I might vote for them as well. I would not let perfect get in the way of at least one good policy.

December 12, 2021 at 3:58 pm
I heard Albo when he was saying all this & I was taken aback, quite surpirsed. But was partly impressed.
But the suspicious mind is trying top work out where the spin is? I still think he’s talking a talk & suspect there’s more to come.
But I remain hopeful. Certainly sounded better than Frydenburger.

working class hamMEMBER
December 12, 2021 at 5:01 pm
First a federal ICAC, now this? Labor has now firmed up the spot directly before the LNP.
Last position is reserved for any Palmer/Kelly candidate.

December 12, 2021 at 5:41 pm
If the ALP draws a line in the sand on immigration, and manages not to stuff it all up, then a WA wipeout will be in the cards for the Libs. Scummo will have wedged himself. What a muppet.
On the other side of the equation, they will face a full frontal barrage from Australia’s corporate media if they do…
The real question is whether they have the balls? I think it is there for the taking but they will still need to run the gauntlet of the corrupt media response if they do


Haha, thanks Ramjet. They are so, so naive!


Many of them are naive, but a few were not convinced. If they aren’t announcing a number, then it is all smoke and mirrors.


That’s right – Minister Sinister is absolutely bang on with this.

The masses will fall all over themselves to embrace the fake immigration reform!


ermo is deluded, which is sad.
alp are fkt. totally owned totally useless


ermo is EXACTLY what the system is designed to do, direct the efforts of those seeking change into useless activities unlikely to achieve it.
One of the reasons westminster democracy has been so “successful” in my opinion.
Giving people the belief they have a choice and that it matters being another big one.

Then you have MR labor must die vote independent, who is the battered wife of democracy but insist that he really is a good guy and it’s all that dirty labors fault.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

absolutely right…*representative democracy* isn’t anything of the sort.
both words are demonstrably false.


Best post you’ve written all year. Hear hear.


Plus death starin’ grannies!


As I have previously commented in other posts, the only difference between the parties is the who and the visa type. If Labor commits to a lower number of skilled, they will make up the numbers with parental visas as you have already noted. Just like international students are off books, so are death staring grannies. The outcomes are practically the same as it is a volume game for GDP.


Bingo. Just a GDP economic model input.


how’s this gem…give up on a housing correction bois, it aint happenin’
super will be utilised for housing


Who would subscribe to a blog about economics and investments if every call is a bubble and they always get their calls wrong?
All they have left are people willing to pay $200 per year for group think that aligns to their own bear porn.


Who would subscribe to a blog about economics and investments if every call is a bubble and they always get their calls wrong?

Maybe that’s the whole trick – it’s self selection.

kind of how you wonder about the Nigerian scam emails, which are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors…. Why don’t they write a better, more legit looking letter? But no, the letters are written that way deliberately, to filter out switched-on people, to ensure that most responders are sufficiently inattentive, sufficiently ignorant or so very desperate to believe the story that they will engage, rather than ignore.



Interesting theory.
The most plausible explanation I ever heard.

Footscray Coder

Just spoke to an IT recruiter trying to pressure me into taking a contract with a so-so rate because clients were telling him that rates would be dropping substantially in 2022. And why are they predicting that, I asked? Because immigrants will be returning to Australia in large numbers by then he said. The kid was an idiot so eventually I just hung up on him.

It’s funny that pre-pandemic, according to all the politicians and “expert” economists, migrants have no impact on Australian wages and we are desperately short of “skilled” workers. But turn the immigration tap off and suddenly domestic wages surge. Almost like supply and demand actually affect prices.


It’s funny that pre-pandemic, according to all the politicians and “expert” economists, migrants have no impact on Australian wages and we are desperately short of “skilled” workers. 

its a good illustration of how most people will say whatever is convenient for them (political, economically, strategically, whatever). That is, people will lie whenever they thing they can get away with it, or if there will be plausible deniability. Without blinking.

clients were telling him that rates would be dropping substantially in 2022. And why are they predicting that, I asked? Because immigrants will be returning to Australia 

here, the kid could well be right… Or even if he’s not, the lie would be useful (if you take the crap rate) and plausibly deniable, if need be! 😘

Chinese Astroturfer

Bouncy castle deaths (5) now higher in Australia for children than COVID deaths in people 0-19 (3) in the 22 months since the pandemic started in Australia.


We better vaccinate against it, pronto!


unfortunately they haven’t invented a vaccine to fix stupid and/or lazy, even a marginally effective one.


Yes, but… too soon!


Maybe if they had stuck a needle into the bouncy castle it would have deflated and not blown away ….

Seriously though, this is not the first time that this has happened, one would think that there would be a requirement to strap it down if it was windy, it is not like you don’t peg a tent down.


one would think that there would be a requirement to strap it down if it was windy, it is not like you don’t peg a tent down

maybe there are safety rules…

…but maybe they are routinely ignored by jimmy jumping castle contractors?

I wouldn’t be surprised if this were factor here and the jumping castle company had imported foreign trained inflatable installation technicians, due to the dire local skills shortage.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

The problem with an over regulated nanny state is people start ignoring the sensible rules since they have been conditioned to ignore rules by the ridiculous ones.
Or people are just lazy and 999,999 times in a million it’s fine.

Reus's Large MEMBER

I am going to assume lazy and illogical jimmy’s