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I’m over here stewie…………..

Did I wreck you so hard you want to get yourself banned like your alter ego chad?


Ah – so you admit it, you did ban Chad.

I’m really not that sure Chad is back – a lot of his supposed posts since his miraculous return after you banned him look a lot like copy and pastes from previous insults he hurled at you.

The only thing that is holding me back from believing it is that you lack Chad’s imagination to come up with anything colourful or creative in terms of naming a sock puppet account.


No, peachy probably did, cause she doesn’t like pointless bullshit.

See this article.

Keep it up and whoever banned him will ban you too.


No, peachy probably did, cause she doesn’t like pointless bullshit.


Keep it up and whoever banned him will ban you too.

But Chadlette is back now – his return suspiciously coinciding with me calling you out for banning him.

As for banning me, IDGAF it will just show everyone that you really are a bigger hypocrite than DLS.


Well, well, well…. guess what – I’ve just gone back and had a look at some posts that were supposedly from my favorite little Troll and do you know what? They were posted from the same IP address as Blow Job aka bjw

I thought Chadlette’s insults were somewhat reputative – you copied them! Blah ha ha ha hah!

You pathetic toss pot – you banned Chad, then you actually set up fake accounts to pretend that you didn’t.

You are a joke fuck face!

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Before he deletes his post


Peachy asked me to create a new account, so I thought I’d make it fun.
Wanta go check chads ips?
If I look are they yours?


Peachy asked me to create a new account, so I thought I’d make it fun.

Yeah sure.


What twigged you that it was chad?

The coherent argument, or the lack of offensive language?


And lol, you thought THAT was written by chad.
Mr faggit gay bitchboy kunt


I deleted blow job’s alt account post because I could and because I knew it would piss him off because he’s such a gay little control freak – a lot like you but probably marginally smarter.


That projection thing, you should see a psychiatrist.
Combined with multiple twitter accounts and harassing yourself as chad for sympathy. Maybe we should arrange an involuntary assessment.


See a psychiatrist? Why? There is nothing more soothing than mocking dumb fucks like yourself. I find it refreshing – like going for a coffee and a smoke.


The only thing is being mocked by a 5 year old really doesn’t bother anyone other than other 5 year olds.


Do you really think that the purile mocking is what I’m trying to get under skin with? You are dumber than I thought.


No you are trying to delfect from your lack of knowledge with the purile mocking.


I reckon by next week the article will be top google hit the way we are going.


Nah – I’m confident with what I’ve written and the knowledge that I’ve attained in order to competently write them and reference them…. something that would be novel to you, referencing to your opinion which is basically everything you’ve produced, doesn’t carry much weight.

Try again.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Why aren’t you spamming the other articles any more?

Submission much?


Boredom – at least Chad was colourful and inventive with his retorts. As I said, I’m gunna do you slow.

Shouldn’t you be busying yourself making more sock puppet accounts?

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Sill fantasizing about my wife killing herself – fuck me, and ya reckon I’m the one who needs therapy.

Bring back Chad!

His perverted fantasies about me or my wife being reamed by BBC seem mildy weak in comparison to some sicko fuck wishing my wife dead.

Take a gander EZFKArites.

This weak cunt couldn’t even best the real Chad, so he had him banned. Then tried to sock puppet Chad’s identity and now calling down death on my wife…. and my crime? Writing some article on crypto that happen to conflict with crypto bro’s opinion.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

attained in order to competently write them and reference them….

The only reference you made in your last article is that a single third tier game makes up almost half of all the activity on your wonderchain.

That sounds like something I wouldn’t personally be proud of, but hey, you do you.


You dumb moon boy fuck – everyone of my articles and most of my comments contain links back to independent resources…. you know the thing you accused me of being a cry baby over for referring too.

BSV is carrying over 100mg per block, its done 3 blocks in the past 3 weeks carrying a gig of transactions, they’ve just updated the limit on what each block can carry. My next post is gunna be on how that changes the economics of mining on double SHA-256 networks.

Write us story on where BTC’s value actually resides Mr Big Brain. I dare ya.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

How about you do onee about how a database running on 40 year old hardware can, and did, do the same thing.
Not a miner in sight. The one thing mining allows is proof of work or similiar which is the foundation of trustless, the one innovation crytpo brought with it.
It’s on the FIRST PAGE of the whitepaper you love to reference endlessly.

You overblow it and centralise it and it’s just a really inefficient version of the status quo.


How about YOU write the article Mr Big Brain, tell us all how shit BSV and why – here’s your big chance.

Meanwhile the operators of that equivalent to a ’40 yr old database’ have increased the block size limit to 2gig…

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Since you like references so much

And when you exceed the 8,589 PB limit, you can delete the old records that don’t matter, like some trivial game from a couple of years ago that is now not even running.
Or simply start a new one.

Of course, a “block” isn’t actually a thing in a database, so is irrelevant to the discussion anyway.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Gee – maybe if you actually read and considered some of what I write and link to instead of skimming over it looking for nickle and dimes to attack me over (“That’s not a database!”), then maybe you might have been able to answer this question yourself.

BSV is attempting to deal with this issue in the Terranode project:


Shadders has explained it before and I included a link in the first BSV post I made. You can run along and find the rest out for yourself.


Attempting to deal with the issue already solved.

Good move.


Horizontal scaling – that is what BSV is all about. You should read up on the Terranode instead of dismissing it simply over my imprecise language.

But you won’t cause you are an arrogant shit head.



I thought you wrote expert articles?
Who done learned you about it?
Are they selling anything?
Might they have vested interests?


I thought you wrote expert articles?

The only one who claims to be an expert around here is you. An X is an unknown quantity and spurt is a drip under pressure, which really sounds like you.

I’ve been very clear with everything I’ve written that these are just things that I’ve taken an interest in and explained the best I could…. but instead tiny testicled fuckwits like yourself get hung up on calling a DTL a database.

Ya drip.


You are the KING of OBFUSCATION.

What was that company you linked as an example of success?
It did nothing, but had lots of partners.
the stink of scam was strong with it.

At leas t I know what a peer2peer network is.
Which is a good first step to understanding peer2peer transaction systems.
That was the emperor has no clothes moment for me.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

What was that company you linked as an example of success?

Don’t know – maybe you should get off your fat ass and go find out. All that masturbating you do has obviously effected your short term memory.

At leas t I know what a peer2peer network is.

Dued – this is your big moment. Explain how P2P works on BSV and how I got it wrong?

That was the emperor has no clothes moment for me.

“Fiat has value because the Govt has guns” was that moment for me

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

So why do bsv tokens have value? Why does anyone want them? because you can store transactions with them?


Tell you want fuck face, I’ll stop flooding EZFKA with posts if you delete your “Stewie” post or you can just go down the DLS route that you’re always crying about… 

Thing is, I can’t do that, or delete your posts under other peoples articles.
That’s up to site admins and other article authors.

Why do you care about an article that does nothing other than post screenshots of your post, a tactic I got directly from you?

You just ignore it for a week or 2 and it fades into history, or you keep bringing it up and no one ever forgets it.


Good little boy – posting replies over here instead of under the comment that they were written.

Roll over and let Peachy tickle your tummy.


OR you can spam every article for the next 6 months so people keep looking for it. Up to you.
Tell you what, everytime you shitpost on someone elses article I will post a link directly to that one after it.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Tell you what, everytime you shitpost on someone elses article I will post a link directly to that one after it.

Blah ha ha ha ha hah – go for it. Bring it on, IDGAF about your little cry baby post – you can write one every day of the week for all the fucks I give.



Tell you want fuck face, I’ll stop flooding EZFKA with posts if you delete your “Stewie” post or you can just go down the DLS route that you’re always crying about… 

You can’t even go 3 posts without contradicting yourself.


May I interrupt to throw some poop at the bullshit vaccine pushers? Even the rabidly lefty media outlets like the Guardian are having to admit defeat:


So the “rare” blood clotting from AZ that everybody was saying affected 1 in 1,000,000 people is really affecting 1 in 50,000. And that it is affecting young, healthy people.

So we have at least 6 or 7 young healthy people dying in Australia from the AZ vaccine (really It’s probably much higher than this most would be covered up). And still no deaths of young healthy people from Covid. And yet the sheeple are begging for this poison so they can virtue signal on their socials.


Not really keeping up with the whole jab thing so excuse my amateur jargon but wasn’t the theory that it could have to do with how mRNA vaccines ‘programme’ cells to produce spike-T but then they never stop and this could be a reason for the clotting?

Maybe Coming could comment .


It’s almost as though there might have been valid reasons they failed the accreditation process previously, whocouldanode.

Chinese Astroturfer

I’ve been sceptical of their numbers the whole time because I’ve never heard anecdotally of the number of previously healthy people dropping dead from strokes and heart attacks soon after having a vaccine.

They say 1 in 10,000 chance of getting clots from taking the pill, but I have never heard of a news story about a young woman dying from a clot after taking a pill.

It would be front page news a vibrant 18 year old woman with her life at her feet dying from a clot after taking the pill now her family want answers. Front page news especially if white and from the right school.

If I had a job where I deal with the public or at an age where I’m in a nightclub Friday and Saturday nights (do kids these days even do that?), maybe I just take a vaccine. It’s very difficult to justify for me I’m almost no risk of catching anything, and then almost no chance of dying.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chinese Astroturfer

but I have never heard of a news story about a young woman dying from a clot after taking a pill.

It would be front page news a vibrant 18 year old woman with her life at her feet dying from a clot after taking the pill now her family want answers. 

The thing is it really wouldn’t and wasn’t.
People are ridiculously bad at comparing existing risk with novel risk.




Good rebuttal.
are you wanking to that pic?
What does the text even say?

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Click on it and find out…. lol – can’t believe Mr Big Brained IT hasn’t worked that out yet.


I’m sure if it was something clever you would have used it by now.


Nah, I just used dumb in those memes. The best kind of dumb, Dunning-Kruger dumb – your kind of dumb .




Chillax dued – deep breaths!




W@f did it first,
And he did it better.




lol, maybe stewie is a former boxer?


Turd Throwing Thursday 🙂

Innovation the EZFKA way!


Some people seem to have missed the point though /\

How is stewie gonna know where to look if actual content is in here?


Have you met the internet?


Fucking lol you got me


But it was a good video.


That’s hilarious.

Good find!


He’s up to number 3 now


still less times than you’ve posted the image from your onlyfans though.


Such a big brain.



Finding that image must be your proudest achievement, you’ve posted it a dozen times at least today.
Why don’t you go suck sacha for some more approval to deal with your daddy issues.

Clearly no one other than him gives a fuck at all.
Had any bites for “fake chad”? Maybe you should do an investigative article through the logs, and let us all know all about it.


Why don’t you go suck sacha for some more approval to deal with your daddy issues.

As Chad thundercock said:

So unoriginal u pathetic old kunt. Think of your own insults instead of stealing from that pedo stewie. you silly old incel

I used that ‘daddy issues’ on Mig until even Gunnamatta felt sorry for the idiot.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Well I must just ignore most of your useless bullshit then…

You still haven’t posted the link.


Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Ignore my bullshit ROFLMGDAO – you twerp, you reply to my every comment and your dumb as opinon has been embedded on every post I’ve made…. AS IF YOU COULD IGNORE ME.


AS if I would want to when I’ve got nothing better to do.
You worked out how to get to gosford station yet?

Unlike Waf I would beat the shit out of you.


Lick my bag.


Ok, gosford station, you know the details.


That’s not how it works, you wanna punch me in the face come to Queens park.

Then post a picture of yourself standing at the corner hoping on one leg holding todays paper and a sign saying “I’m fat low T incel” then I will know you are serious.


I don’t give that much of a fuck about you.. You aren’t worth a trip to sydney, Whats that, maybe 5 bucks?
you aren’t worth thinking of anything more creative than “wife dead” ( chaddles would disagree)
you just aren’t worth much of anything.

You can’t even post more than 1 insulting picture. At least chad was slightly creative.

Does anyone care about stewies bitch yet?


You’re losing it bro – chillax, this is just been some gentle ribbing. Don’t want you to have a heart attack or anything.

Can’t really make out what you are getting to with that post, there’s so many messages and issues all getting mixed up together there.

Take a deep breath and think about what you want to say, then it might come out clear than the world salads you’ve been posting.… chillax.


find a new pic dude.


Such a big brain


Nah, can’t even use google image search.


W@F did it better!


Criticism I can take – but all you offer is your unsubstantiated, unreferenced bloviated opinion as a central coast fuckwit.

You’re entire dialectic is based on the fallacy of dismissal, because its easier to do that than get off your fat arse and find out that you are wrong.

So please, share your wisdom.
Explain how bsv is more trustless than bitcoin. A claim you make repeatedly without any justification at all. ie BSV is more true to the whitepaper than btc
Given you have gone all in investing in this you should have no problem getting a few words together.
Beyond that I am done interacting with your articles.
I made the mistake of thinking I might learn something from you but as soon as you get a hard question, out comes the poo flinging and while sometimes it’s fun, you get repetitive after a while.

You gonna post your onlyfans pic again? You know if you don’t paste a link as well you don’t get any traffic to it.


Go back and read my articles and comments fuck face.


I did, and I destroyed them in a single comment.

The problem with believing and repeating people who are selling you something without understanding it yourself is eventually someone who does understand it will eventually discuss it with you.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Is this single comment

Wherever you got that idea from, it’s complete BS.

Well that seals it as a convincing argument – I bow and admit defeat in reference to your opinion. Not.

Basically you did your usual lame little dance, dismissal then some attempted bait and switch over how the blockchain would become too expensive and no one would support it in business because commercial miners wouldn’t be able to afford…. [looks up notes]… $3k a year.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie


What idea was it?
I bet it was undisputed BS if i wrote it

Probably like a peertopeer network doesn’t involve knowing other parties.
It is a foundation principle of computer science.
I simply cannot and will not argue things at that level with you.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

…and there is the fallacy of dismissal once again.

You know perfectly well the context that I made that comment was correct, because I had previously explained what my view on P2P payments on BSV entailed (“those aren’t your words, you copied and pasted them!”), but instead you focus on the semantics of P2P in the same petty way that you focused on the semantics of what is a database.

You are just a big boob – cry louder.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Semantics matter.
It is really easy to deceive fools with generalisations…


The generalisations were all appropriate within the context that they were uttered, just not good enough for an anally retentive fuckwit looking to nickle and dime attack someone cause he’s got NOTHING else.


no one is believing you if you can’t be bothered making the argument here.
Your time is done peddling your own book.
Just give it up and find another website.


What – you’re not going to read my next post?

Your loss, my gain I suppose.


You begged me to comment on your post,

and then this

Thanks for the interaction

Do you think you are an influencer or something…..



But ok, lets look at THE comment you picked to defend your position.

The CB’s wouldn’t be running their own blockchain – they’d be issuing a electronic token onto a public blockchain and the token would be carried on that service along with all the other data, just like CB use HTTP protocol when they encode their websites and put them on the internet.

Didn’t you tell me that wasn’t a valid comparison? Do the CB’s run their own webservers? Why wouldn’t they run therir own chain servers? How could they possibly want to depend on things outside their control?

The mining costs or hashing done in order to secure BTC are exaggerated – mainly because the limitations with a 1mb block size fail to filter out smaller nodes that could attack the chain, consequently miners splurge more on hash processing to compensate. Hashing was particularly important in the bootstrapping phase of starting the network up – as it evolves other filters emerge that help mitigate the issues under the Byzantine general’s problem.

Lol, we don’t need trustless anymore because paypal and the banks already do this but we will do it more inneficiently and people will want to pay us more to do it.

Buying hash is relatively easy compared to processing transactions, you just need to buy a more expensive Ant miner. Processing gigabyte transactions requires far more hardware and specialized software. This also acts as a filter in terms of protecting the network, and reducing the potential for maleficent generals in the Byzantine General’s problem. If you are invested $100m in a mining and transaction processing data farm, you will be less likely to allow your infrastructure to be rented out for a 51% attack, then if you simply have rows of Ant miners that will depreciate by 50% over the year.


Buying hash is relatively easy compared to processing transactions, 

The whole point of hashing is it is massively harder than processing the transactions…or the transactions would be the security

And we trust them because…

Finally there is the issue of legality – while crypto appears to be the wild West and it is in the interests of the BTC moon boys to promote that narrative, the fact is the miners live in the real world and are subject to legal enforcement. If authorities want a transaction reversed or data removed, already some BTC miners are refusing to process transactions that are coming from blacklisted addresses – there will be much more of this in the future, including imho, cases where coins will be forcibly moved by court order, and the miners will through consensus, move those coins irrespective of whether they have the key to move them or not. They will simply hardfork the code, as they are being legally required to do, and continue on, and there will be nothing any cyber punk will be able to do about it.

lol, you should use our chain because it is legally enforceable.
This is my whole point, if it’s legally protected you don’t need to waste resources mining and all the existing systems do it cheaper. MUCH CHEAPER.



Didn’t you tell me that wasn’t a valid comparison? Do the CB’s run their own webservers? Why wouldn’t they run therir own chain servers? How could they possibly want to depend on things outside their control?

Go ask them – there are several looking at doing so. I’ve provided a list previously (you probably didn’t read it because you reject any reference that doesn’t agree with your opinion).

Lol, we don’t need trustless anymore because paypal and the banks already do this but we will do it more inneficiently and people will want to pay us more to do it.

So what is the use case for BTC again?

The whole point of hashing is it is massively harder than processing the transactions…or the transactions would be the security

Then I’m sure there must be plenty of blockchains that are capable of processing far more transactions than BSV per second if that were the case. Hashing is as hard as picking up the phone and ordering some.

lol, you should use our chain because it is legally enforceable.

This is my whole point, if it’s legally protected you don’t need to waste resources mining and all the existing systems do it cheaper. MUCH CHEAPER.

In your opinion, which is built upon your confusion over the concept of distributed vs decentralised.

If there is no demand for BSV, then it will die…. yet they keep raising the blocksize limit further entrenching its economic security.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Go ask them – there are several looking at doing so. I’ve provided a list previously (you probably didn’t read it because you reject any reference that doesn’t agree with your opinion).

See, again you are making arguments you don’t understand.
Look, they are doing it. Well guess what, everything you claim bsv can do many people are doing without it. Why are they?
You should ask them.

Then I’m sure there must be plenty of blockchains that are capable of processing far more transactions than BSV per second if that were the case. Hashing is as hard as picking up the phone and ordering some.

This is an IDIOTIC statement. It is like saying there are no shovels that can dig any faster. YOU USE AN EXCAVATOR.

If there is no demand for BSV, then it will die…. yet they keep raising the blocksize limit further entrenching its economic security.

If a single shitty indonesian game dies it loses almost half or its usefulness. I don’t think they need to increase the block size.
And like I pointed out above, traditional solutions already far exceed it’s usefulness.

In your opinion, which is built upon your confusion over the concept of distributed vs decentralised.

I know you are but what am i?

Write an article, explain the difference.

And my favourite,

Lol, we don’t need trustless anymore because paypal and the banks already do this but we will do it more inneficiently and people will want to pay us more to do it.

So what is the use case for BTC again?

BTC ACTUALLY does it trustlessly. That is the only use case for crypto. You make the blocks and therefore chain bigger, it no longer does trustless, so it merely is an inefficient version of any other transaction engine.

We’ve been over this ground many times.
At some point it ends up with you flinging poo.


Fuck face – I’ve provided lists and I’ve provided examples of CBDC some of which are simply big boring all databases that you get excited about.

Hashing can be bought by picking up the phone and ordering it. Do you know anything about the hash wars? Obviously note – spend too much time peering up your own asshole.

If a single shitty indonesian game dies it loses almost half or its usefulness. I don’t think they need to increase the block size.

ROFL – and there we have it “I don’t think they need to increase the block size” your opinion as a rebuttal once again.

BSV is about scaling idiot – soon there will be half a dozen shitty indonesian games, and the rest….

Write an article, explain the difference.

Why don’t you write an article you slowly leaking bag of gas.

BTC ACTUALLY does it trustlessly. That is the only use case for crypto. You make the blocks and therefore chain bigger, it no longer does trustless, so it merely is an inefficient version of any other transaction engine.

But it isn’t trustless – it can’t scale. Once the block reward subsidy is gone no one will be able to transact on it, and all the solutions offered e.g. Lightening AREN’T trustless, that is why the entire crypto industry is sprouting tears over the latest Tax Amendment – which you would know about if you occasionally pulled your head out of your ass.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

But it isn’t trustless – it can’t scale. 

It is trustless. It can’t scale. Correct.

trustless doesn’t scale is the fundamental problem.

so either you limit transactions or you don’t do trustless.
If you use blockchain to not do trustless, you are retarded, or a scammer. FULL STOP.
THAT is undisputed.


Trustless systems can scale – BSV is a great example – you will have to read my posts and find all the reasons I’ve provided.

Jog on


How is BSV trustless?

Oh that’s right, because the miners are so big that it would be such a loss for them to do something bad that you could trust them.

A fool and his money and all that.

You see how the semantics matter?


Let’s be honest,
the reason you never put all these arguments in a single post is because then all the contradictions become apparent.

I’m done arguing crypto with you, if you want to keep posting your porn, i’ll laugh at you, if you want to spam other articles, i’ll link bomb you.
I will beat your face in if you aren’t a chickenshit.


Queens part you great turd stabbing nancy boy.


lol, and there it is.
poo flinging has started.
Are you such a softcock you won’t even break the lockdown rules, shoulda known.
You are probably a private school failure, it all makes sense now.


lol – try harder pooh stabber.


W@F did it better,

Gosford station, post a pic here.


I was thinking about free speech at EZFKA and if there should be any rules, which then of course no longer makes it free.

I can’t post an article asking for opinions as I haven’t got the (+) icon at home page nor at ezfka.com/wp-admin.

But then I thought this issue must’ve surfaced before, and as a relative newbie I don’t know what the outcome was. Going quickly through old articles I couldn’t find anything.

Has this been discussed before and if so what was the outcome?

Last edited 3 years ago by BING!

Thanks for the link!

Doesn’t matter regarding posting Peachy, I don’t have that much to say anyway. So if can’t post no hurt being done.


Starting to see why the mb software is still the same piece of shit it was 10 years ago? 🙂
It doesn’t do much, but seems to do it without too many issues, although you can occasionally read all the content of a subscriber only article, but not the comments. (Don’t tell em)


From you Peachy:

– I don’t want anyone to sit down and write a rule book or a policy (that’s no fun – refer #1)

– I don’t want anyone to play moderator (that’s no fun – refer #1)

– I don’t want anyone to deal with legal issues (that’s no fun – refer #1)

– I want people to come and post interesting, thoughtful or funny comments (refer #2)

– I don’t want to have to wade through inane shit (#2)

That’s all well balanced and fair enough.

But how do you deal with this other than in a physical pub:

bloke who wants to act like a total dickhead or a complete cunt is not going to be welcomed by the blokes at the bar. 

I guess to ignore is the only way then?


I was pro an ignore button personally for this reason, but tech issues prevented it from what was said.

A virtual punch in the face may work but it is ugly for everyone, and sometimes it’s hard to work out how to do it.


After thinking about it and how EZFKA is set up without being moderated (which is a good thing because who checks the moderators);

I think by entering in any discussion on EZFKA you have to realise you are entering a free speech zone with no holds barred, and you could end up being covered in poop for any or no reason at all.

It’s then up to the individual to decide if they feel the need for returning the favour, ignore, or leave the venue.

I can live with those options.


Pretty much everyone agrees with that but then you have stewie editing and deleting posts and hence the last few thousand shit posts.

cunt is a whinging hypocrite who cries havoc when he is censored and then turns around and censors others. Absolute faggit.


Agree, deleting or altering comments is not in
the True Spirit Of EZFKA™.


/\ This.

What Sacha described seems to be the vibe everyone is happy with.
I am happy to wear stewies bullshit.
I walk into it knowingly.
But don’t start flinging it if you can’t take it flung back.

Given no one seems to have blasted me for my “article” despite the essential uselessness of it I’m assuming the consensus is we don’t want that sort of censorship.
Personally I was actually surprised when stewie did it.


I am happy to wear stewies bullshit.

I walk into it knowingly.

Cry louder bubba. Geeze you make out as though you are some Marta instead of just some cock head mouthing off from the sidelines.

Dumb fuck, write an post dummy.




Why have my photos been deleted from my comments?


Meh – if you wanna assume the form of DLS then its fine by me.


Pot kettle chortle

Seriously cunt, you’re an unhinged hypocrite. Get help


Meh – if you wanna assume the form of DLS then its fine by me.

How many comments have you edited today?



Because there is a too far, and you went there,

and then you started spamming your stupid pic.

It’s a little late to complain about authors deleting pics…



Ooohhhh poor diddums feelings got hurt of picture.

Boo hoo


W@F still did it better


Suck a fat one faggit


Yah, excuse my ignorance Peachy.

As I have never been involved with social media or gaming and only started posting a few years back at MB I am still learning about the rules of engagement regarding interactions of the virtual kind.

I didn’t even know what a troll was until MB 😂

Screen Shot 2021-08-12 at 15.24.26.png

EZFKA is a little different than social media.

I personally like that and it’s why I’m here.

It doesn’t suit everyone and that’s ok.

I hope you enjoy your time here.


You’re hear because you are such a boob that you threw a complete hissy fit over DLS deleting your comment – just like we’ve witnessed for the past two days.



So why are YOU here?


What do you say Stewie?

You think you could refrain from altering or deleting comments?


see below.
no he can’t.


Cunt face – don’t mention my wife.


did she actually do it?
Is that what sent you over the edge?

If so that’s on you, not me.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

No fucking way – mention my wife and you get edited or deleted.

That’s it – they are the rules and they’ve always been the rules.

Although I do amend them now, and I do solemnly swear to delete or amend EVERY post that that spergy central coast shit stabber ever comments under one of my posts again.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

That seems definitive.


Feel better?


have you deleted all my posts from under your articles yet?


Go ahead and delete them yourself – I’d prefer to leave them there as timeless witnesses to your stupidity.


your wife.

Edit by Stewie: Yes, I have one and I don’t have to blow her up before we have sex either.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

didn’t see any mention of her on your social media.


Oh she’s there – obviously you haven’t dug deep enough into my profile yet.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Why do you make the rules? Are you DLS?

Lol faggit


Yes. Yes I am DLS. He is just one of my many alter egos. When I’m not sock puppeting Chad as my personal troll, I’m alternating between my Leith and DLS personas.

Keep soaking up some Stewie time ya sexually frustrated cane toad.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

We are at an impasse then.

Since there are no set rules at EZFKA there are no set solutions either, other than one of you has to give up.

And since both of you are very tenacious that could take a while.

As they used to say on Street Fighter:


Screen Shot 2021-08-12 at 20.58.56.png

It’s a threeway now…

You seem to be onto the EZFKA way though.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie


You are a complete ‘sperg!


This HAS to be you.

with an interest in AI & Machine learning!

I am committed to the disruption of industries & a fan of emerging technologies.

Can’t code…I’ll leave that to the professionals

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Blah ha ha ha ha hah – I’ve gotten so far under your skin that you’ve gone looking for me. Hilarious – you lame arse, floppy dick Tranny.


How long did it take you to edit all the posts?


This is the one you edited.

I reckon we have a winner…


So you’ve found me in real life – give me a call pussy lips.


So bjw found you and you edit and dump this Kaplan cunt in as a decoy?!

Fuckin weak sauce bro


That’s the thing, he didn’t actually change it.
All i found was a restaurant phone number, otherwise I woulda called it.
I think the lockdowns might be causing him some hardship…


So did I accept your LinkedIn request?


No, but that also tell me something


Well fucking durrrrrr…… You fucking idiot, you’ve sent an invite and have been harassing some other poor shmuck, YOU DUMB FUCK.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Post your phone number faggit, I’ll call lol


0497 646 933


It ‘s a quality journalistic organisation…

learn tocode

Can we just take away stewies admin rights.


Eventually he is going to trash the whole site out of spite.

Edit, and stewie, you can’t edit my articles…

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Eventually he is going to trash the whole site out of spite.

Whaaaaaah!! Stewie threatens my sole social outlet and user experience, because I’m a big fat spergy gay central coast incel with no mates.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Hey – big fat gay incel. Stop mentioning my wife!


the big fat gay incel?


You’ve been so busy shit posting my burn on your wife has gone untouched for ages lol, fuckin idiot

Edit Stewie: I’m sure you’ll get over the shock and trauma of your wife deflating when you were on top of her.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Everyone has been laughing at it, at you, at your wife….

How does that make you feel stewie? A little bit triggered perhaps? Lololololololol

I’m doing you slow bitch. How.you like them apples lolololol


He’s been frothing at the mouth so much he probably gave up his precious anonymity.


While we agree on this I would still like to punch you in the face lol


knock yourself out, but i would go out of my way to punch stewie.
You on the other hand would merely be if the opportunity arose.


Excellent – you don’t know how happy you have made me. Honestly this is one of the triumphs of my trolling life, threatened with physical violence and even better…. a doxing attempt!

Chad – I hope you are taking notes, this is how it is done!

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Dued – reach out. You think I’m scared of some impotent old cunt stewing up there in the Central coast whose highlight of the day has been reduced down to interacting 24/7 with some fuckwit? Blah ha ha ha ha hah!


You are relishing in it.
What does that say about you.
Keep telling yourself you are a winner…


Of course I’m relishing it – you are like sunlight falling on my leaves, replenishing my energy reserves.


accepted my linkedin request?


Fuck me dead – I’m starting to think Chad was the relative genius in terms of my online nemesis.


Who has “an online nemesis” besides pompous self centered arsehole?


…and yet you come circling back.

A fly in your ointment

Are those Davo’s pieces as well?

Davo could never have thiese ‘pieces’.
Who’s Davo, btw?

Anyway, those that claim she’s with him for money… well… he’s loaded like a church mouse.

If Andy Murray could win 3x Wimbledon maybe him mum would let him have a chick like this.

I always wonder what’s with krauts and pigmented chicks, Jamaica was laced with kraut expats. for BB this is the 3rd one in the row.


Hey stewie, when you finish to fighting bjw at the park you might want to celebrate by having your cock sucked.

I’m good at sucking cock, some of my mother’s boyfriends taught me all the tricks I know today.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Stewie is a triggered bitch lol


…and yet here you are, once again totally engrossed in Stewie drama.

Fuck dued there’s dozens of members of EZFKA who completely ignore me, good on em, I don’t live rent free in their heads.

Same time tomorrow or would you like some more Stewie time this evening?


I just think it’s hilarious you’ve been so busy going after bjw you missed that burn lol. And people liked it, and laughed. What did that do to your ego? Lol

The second I pointed it out you rushed off to edit it, who is dominating who? Lol


Good, good – keep replying! Winfield’s aren’t half as addictive as your impotent mewing’s.


Shit man, how many tabs you got open? You sure you can catch all the burns on your wife if people start posting them on all articles?

Are you sure you found all the ones I’ve been dropping in really old articles?! Ooooh where have I hidden them??? Can your ego handle my domination of you and your princess?!?! Lolololololol


Howe am I doing in your head?


I live a very compartmentalized life – you are just another gimp I keep in a box.


alongside your wifes?


Dued – we get up to some freaky shit. But that is just between me and her.


Found wafs comments yet?
Some of them were actually good.


W@ffle, dumb fuck that he is, reminded me.


Gotta get em all….


Why can you say stuff about my mum but your wife is a protected species?!

Seems a bit hypocritical….


Because unlike you, I make some contributions around here.

Why don’t you team up with Blow Job and write an article about the pain you feel not being able to completely dominate someone.

Must make you real mad. :)))


Contributions?! Pretty sure everyone here is sick of your contributions, the tide is turning faggit. Neck up


Neck up

Is that where you shoot up your speed?


Dominate someone?
My offer is still open.


My offer is still open.

…just like your asshole.


if that’s what you are into…


Why would I want your asshole? I’m not in bitch titted sissy boys. See if you can dox Chad as he seems to have some fantasies that lie in that direction.


Don’t you just talk about what interests you?

I’m sure you said that.


Listen you ‘spergy floppy dick, I’m not telling you anything about what we get up to, no matter how jealous it would make you, some things are just personal.


LOL! I’ve greatly enjoyed scrolling past all the liquid poo, looking for the true nuggets this week. Thanks to all!


Football head’s bitch is a fat whore


Just remember football head is Arnold. Definitely not talking about anyone else…..


You defnitely do it better than it.


Neither of you two losers have any talent – maybe you could like form a gang with Chad? Perhaps the three of you could get together and use your combined brain power to get inside my head. Who knows you could all get it on and lose your virginity together?




Hmmm can’t like people’s comments but can still post comments……


Yup, might be that I was deep in the archives reading bjw and stewie calmly discussing btc etc. and liking old comments.
Looking back bjw has been schooling stewie hard the whole time and I just didn’t see it due to knowing fuck all about tech, it’s so obvious stewie is out of his depth.

P.S. I still think you’re a piece of shit and this place is fucked but the lols, ohhhhh the lols


I really don’t know anything about all the new coins, and made the mistake of assuming he actually might know something of value.
Plus sometimes it’s just fun.

I think he probably does have a fair point about me and him being fairly similar in some ways…
It took both of us to make the shitstorm.


Looking back bjw has been schooling stewie hard the whole time and I just didn’t see it due to knowing fuck all about tech, it’s so obvious stewie is out of his depth.

Loz – Keep trying to pop the bonnet W@ffle, one day you may even succeed.


You probably broke your like button like you broke your groinal socket on your VR love doll, through over use – in this case liking everyone of Blow Job’s comments.